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Reviews Society, Seniors, Wheelchairs

30 customer reviews of

Dishonest CS Reps. Absolutely Horrible! Do not use!
We ordered a time-sensitive rollator/ wheelchair combo two weeks ago. On their website, said that it will ship in about 3-5 business day, yet the product was shipped AFTER ten business days/ two weeks, and will still take a few more days to arrive. I'm bringing it to a relative overseas, so I really did need to have it arrive at the latest in two weeks, but they still couldn't make it.

What's worse, I've called them twice- once about 3 days after the order was placed, and another time once later, because the order status remained as "order received" after so long. Both times, the CS reps said that for some reason they couldn't get its tracking information and will need to call us back the later. Both times they did not.

A day later( Wednesday of the second week; the order was placed on a Sunday the week before) I called them again. The CS Rep called the warehouse, and told me that the order will not be shipped until Friday of this week. I requested that the order be expedited, as I need to leave early Monday morning for my flight. She called the warehouse again, and this time told me that the order has already been shipped the day before and thus cannot be expedited. I doubted her right on the spot, because 1) the online status has not updated 2) changing your answer part-way through a call is highly suspicious. But, she refused to admit lying.

I kept on checking the online status, and alas the order didn't ship until Friday! They lied about the shipping status to avoid expedite service fees even when it was their delay!

It was absolutely a horrible experience. We ordered the item from this site because of its claimed short shipping time. We would've have ordered this from Costco if we knew it would be like this.

Do not use!


I will never deal with this company again!
I will never deal with this company again! The WORST customer service I have ever had. I ordered a transport chair on a Saturday, needing it the following Friday when we left for vacation. Come Monday there was no word so I sent a message through their contact form. 24 hours later, no reply, so I sent another. Again 24 hours and no reply. We are now at Wednesday and no ship notice and no response to either emails so I called.

I have no idea who I spoke with, their accent was so thick and she spoke so quickly, all I got out of her was that my chair was in shipping or on the truck. I told her I needed it in 2 days or could cancel the whole thing. She said she needed to check into it and would call me back. She never called back that day.

I did receive an email the next day telling me that my chair was backordered. I was furious and replied to THAT email to cancel the transaction and refund my money. I never heard back from them. I finally filed a paypal dispute and did get my money back, but I never did get a chair for my vacation.

Thankfully I was able to rent one from a medical supply company nearby where we were staying but I still would like to purchase one to have. No way will I even consider this place again, even if they gave it to me for free.


Be Very Aware
I bought a EW52 Scooter for $3,000, dealt with Lisa Stapley. Also a cover for $110.00. Received Scooter on a Wednesday, was very dusty. Called Thursday to tell Lisa, it was just to big for my Son, Then it starts, she said will not take it back if it has dirty wheels, underneath. I told her we just got it, he took one run in it in front of our garage. It will go back cleaner than when we got it. Her attitude was so different when I said we needed to return it, I am sure it was about her commission. I told her he needed to try it out, she was saying oh he used it. I knew there would be a restocking fee. She sends me the number to Central Freight Lines to call them. It is going to cost me $423.00 to ship back, plus restocking fee $303.50 and they might not accept it she said. I will never buy anything online this big ever again, they make it impossible for you to return it. Also I called Fed-X before the cover got delivered and told them to send back. I told her that and she said Oh, you didn't get it delivered, that might be a problem also she said. I know she wanted me to get it and then pay to have it returned. Also, I told her we didn't even get a manual with this expensive scooter, we got Xerox papers stapled together to read, which doesn't have everything you need. I am a single Mother and it was hard enough for me to charge this on a credit card to pay out, now he will end up with no Scooter and costing me $750.00. I would have liked to exchange it for a smaller Scooter, but she didn't even offer me that. Like I will send you a COD label to send this back and we will send you a Suitable Scooter in return. Just be very aware when you buy something from here and have it shipped, they try their best to make it impossible for you to return. This was my first and last time I will ever do this, a very expensive mistake on my part. I was trying to do something good for my handicapped Son. Would not recommend this place.


Strongback is the best transport chair
I ordered the chair with the larger 12" wheels in part to gain smoother ride and the ability to have the locking and unlocking hand brakes. Ordering online for a device that was hundreds of dollars more than economy chairs was helped by the ease of return. The delivery was much faster than 1-800 had told me. said two business days for my location and I worried it would take longer but wow, I ordered it one evening and it was here the day after that. Thank you 1800wheelchair.
I have now experienced the difference. It's very well worth the extra money.
I have borrowed cheaper versions of transport chairs at hospitals and airports. Access to be able to borrow a chair was unreliable. I decided to own a transport chair for my wife. The Strongback is more comfortable for my wife and much much easier for me. It opens up and folds up faster and easier. The footrests are ten times easier to swing in and out of place than the cheaper competition. I like that they are gravity locked in place or out of place instantaneous without wandering in between.

The side arms are at a much nicer and lower height for my wife vs the lesser competition.

I got the handbrakes that allow me to quickly lock and unlock the back wheels without leaning over and searching for a lever. When underway I feel more in control. The other reviews emphasize the person in the chair will be more comfortable. That's obvious. What I didn't anticipate is how much in transporting her that I would appreciate the upgrade. Hey, I even got it with the drink holder. I will now always use this in airports and doctor visits versus the potluck I have experienced with much lesser chairs.


Cheats and frauds - terrible customer service, still waiting for refund.
I ordered a wheelchair blanket for my mother. Website said it was in stock. 2 weeks later the order hadn't shipped. I was told it would ship shortly. A week later I called again, the order still hadn't shipped. I cancelled the order. 2 weeks later no refund, despite me talking several times to Rio, and I also left a message for Yidi Hesrchkowitz, the CFO. Yidi never called me back.
I disputed the charge with my bank, are refunding me.

Here is Yidi's linked in page:


I am sorry you had a problem with your return, please call me directly at *******140 ext 9201 and I will do my best to relsove your return - Joseph

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------... /> Hi Joseph,
Thanks for responding.
I don't want to waste any more of my time dealing with

Why don't you just make sure all pending refunds are completed?

Note that of Feb 10,2018 I still have not received my refund.

Update Feb 13,2018

I was refunded the full amount after disputing the charge with my bank who refunded me after 1800wheelchair never responded to them.


More than I imagined
I purchased the Bariatric Rollator w/Flame Finish in Blue, item #46283, SKU #1033MAR for my husband for Christmas. I ordered it on Christmas Day and just received it. I am speechless. First, because I ordered this on 12/25/2015 and received it 12/30/2015! I honestly thought we would get it some time next week! Secondly, I'm very pleased with the construction. Again, I will be honest, I thought this was going to be a piece of junk for $125.00. My husband is a larger man and he felt very safe trying to sit on this for the first time. Third, I was a little concerned about the 20 inch seat width. And the weight limit. But those have passed. I believe this has a 400# weight limit and again, Rich felt comfortable sitting on it. The brakes work great and it's very easy for Rich to get off of.

I cannot thank you enough for the great price, construction and value of this product! If it were the original price, Rich would still be hobbling around with his old walker. I will definitely recommend your sight to all.

Thank you.



Terrible service- never told me wheelchair was on backorder
I called to order a wheelchair and the agent assured me it would arrive 3 business days later (Wednesday). I got a confirmation email with an order number. When I didn't get the chair Wednesday I decided to call Thursday. The agent tried calling the warehouse to see where the wheelchair was and said the warehouse was closed and to call the next day. I asked HER and HER manager to call ME since it was their mistake. did not. So, I called again Friday and they said the wheelchair was on back order. I was in an accident Friday a week earlier, called and was assured to get a wheelchair by Wednesday, never contacted to say it was on backorder and I needed to return a borrowed chair by Friday. ( which I also had mentioned to the first agent I dealt with). Most people needing a wheelchair need it ASAP and if it's on backorder wouldn't it be considerate to contact the buyer to let them know or check from the start that it's available!? I told them I want them to cancel the order- what's the point of getting it indefinitely when I need one now. To top it off, they told me they wouldn't refund my 216$ until I returned the footplates. What a poorly run business! I will NEVER order from them.


Company dealing in Bad Faith!
It's not like we are buying something fun like a new motorcycle or TV-usually a wheelchair is purchased because something bad has happened. That is our case when our mother had a stroke on Mother's Day. She was in rehab and we were given little to no notice she was to be done, got to love Medicaid! We ordered a wheelchair and it didn't fit her so had to order another one and return the first one. Well let me tell you that was September 18th, 2017 and we still have not received the refund! The excuses are pathetic. I am waiting to hear the dog ate our return slip! And beware do not have return shipping of any kind. That is all on you! They also do not have a Refund policy in place that protects the customer. To have a business that solely deals with people in need-there lack of compassion and doing business in good faith fails in comparison. Shame on you! My energy needs to go to my mother who is recovering. I shouldn't have to spend that time getting the run around from you.


Been waiting on Wheelchair for Cancer Patient For Almost A Month
August 12,2015

Re: Waiting on Wheelchair For Almost a Month From July 19,2015 and still waiting today is August 12,2015 for wheelchair from

On July 19,2015 I purchased a 22" inch wide wheelchair for my mom. The wheelchair came within a few days and is of "very good quality."

However, the 22"inch wheelchair is to wide for my interior doors and cannot be maneuved through the doors with out scratching the paint off the door frames. So, in and effort to correct the matter I called 1800wheelchair on July 22,2015 to have the 22" chair exchanged for a 20" inch wheelchair of the exact brand.

On July 23,2015 after being transfer to several people on the phone and listening to music for hours a representative of ( Ms. Rose Tollentino) informed me she would exchange the 22" inch for a 20" inch wheelchair in about a week.

On July 28,2015 UPS picked up the 22" inch wheelchair and placed the return sticker on the package- with the return informaton got from Ms Tolentino. Some how UPS lost the 22" wheelchair then UPS found the big packaged wheelchair in the mail about a week later. Than Fed Ex deliverd the exact same package that was suppose to be going to warehouse back to my home on August 6,2015.

After receiving the same wheelchair I immediately called 1800wheelchair and got no positive responses- just waiting on the phone line, music, tranfers, and a request that I wait until after the weekend.

So again, on August 11,2015 I kindly call 1800wheelchair and after being tranfered to several people and listening too music for a period of time I finally got to talk to Ms. Tolentino on the phone. Ms. Tolentino than informed me that she had to ask her supervisor if she could make the exchange after she wasted $32.90 of my money on a package that was lost in the mail. Ms. Tolentino is now not responding to my calls after failing to make a simple exchanged in a timely manner.

Today is August 12,2015 and I still don't have the exchanged 20" wheelchair.

At 3:30p.m. Today August 12,2015 I recieved a call from Ms. Tolentino Informing me that UPS will pick up the 22" inch wheelchair on August 13,2015 and deliver the 20" inch wheelchair on Friday August 14 2015. I will be patiently waiting hoping it will come.

It's imperative that I receive the exchanged chair immediately so I can transport my mom who is 87 years old, was recently diagnosed with cancer and has other ailments- so I can take her to her hospital apointments.

Joseph D.


This company failed to post a negative review of a useless product. After a rep called me to say the coccyx seat cushion I'd already been charged for was discontinued, I got this one at her suggestion: The cushion is made of cheap foam that went completely flat the moment I sat on it, defeating the purpose of a coccyx cushion. The company does not accept returns on wheelchair cushions. While it's on me for not noticing that fine print, it sure would have been decent if the rep who called me had mentioned this policy. Wanting to help others avoid throwing away $39, I wrote a product review. wrote to me to verify the review. I verified it more than two weeks ago. "Somehow," the review still hasn't been posted. Companies that aren't awful, at a minimum, promote honest customer evaluation of their products. Everything about this process was anywhere from frustrating to sleazy. Terrible product, terrible customer service--stay away! 5/20/19 ETA: A rep just left a message offering to refund half of what I paid if I edited this review. I'm assuming this wasn't the kind of edit had in mind.:-) But if anyone was wondering why there aren't exclusively bad reviews of, there you go. And yet they still haven't posted the customer review I submitted on their site. So shady!


Returns possible but take some work
Update: Darren, who responded to me, and his colleague Evelyn were able to provide a return number and I did receive my refund. Thank you, Darren and Evelyn. I have ordered from this firm before and was very satisfied. However, when I needed to return an item I ordered in mid-November I had a very poor experience. I first attempted the return before Thanksgiving. After being disconnected twice when I selected the return option from the phone menu, I selected the order option instead, which seemed to be the only way to get connected to a person. The person told me he could not process the return because the system was down and suggested I call back in a few hours. I've been calling off and on now for about a week and this same experience is repeated each time. No one can tell me when the system will be available for returns, though it certainly seems to be available for new orders. When I repeatedly asked to speak to a supervisor I was told none were available and that if were available they wouldn't be able to give me a different answer.


On 11/16/15, I placed an order [No. 100207876] for a wheelchair for my father with Eunice Galicia at 1800wheelchair. The order was specifically for a wheelchair with pneumatic (air) tires and I was assured by Ms. Galica that the Karman Extra Wide Lightweight Heavy Duty Wheelchair [sku KM-8520F-20W-HA] was equipped with pneumatic tires. On 11/19/15, the package was delivered and upon opening the box, discovered that the wheelchair did not have pneumatic tires but instead was equipped with solid polyurethane tires (non-air). Additionally, the seat-to-floor length of the wheelchair was too tall for my 90-year-old father which prevented his feet from touching the ground.

I immediately (same day) contacted Airen Dagahuya at customer service for "1800wheelchair" who confirmed that Eunice Galicia had been misinformed and that the Karman wheelchair indeed came equipped with polyurethane tires and not pneumatic tires. She stated that the wheelchair could be returned for a full refund due to their error; however, their computer system was down fro maintenance and she was unable to issue a Return Authorization (RA]. She requested that I contact her the following day in order to obtain an RA but the system was still not functioning properly so she ask that I contact the company on Monday. On 11/23/15, I telephoned "1800wheelchair" and was again told that the system was still undergoing maintenance. I was assured that I would be receiving an RA the following day, but again the system was down. Called on multiple occasions [11/26/15,11/27/15 and 11/30/15] and was told that the computer system was not operating.

On 12/2/15, I was finally able to reach a supervisor, Evelyn Gonzalez, who assured me that steps would be taken to have the wheelchair picked up and returned, and a full refund issued. Despite the product being returned weeks ago, a full refund has yet to be issued. On the contrary, in an e-mail, dated 12/9/15, a restocking fee was assessed even though it was 1800wheelchair's mistake in shipping the wrong wheelchair. To date, I have been unable to reach Ms. Gonzalez or anyone in customer service to resolve this issue. Numerous calls have gone unresponsive and attempts to contact the Brooklyn office has resulted in being held on hold for over 25 minutes. It appears to be standard operating procedure for the workers in the Philippines office to leave calls on hold until the caller gives up. An e-mail sent to Joseph Piekarski, the CEO/President of Home Medical Supply Center, Inc., D. B. A. 1800Wheelchair, has also gone without response.

I am quite concerned with the continued delay as my father has been without a wheelchair for almost 4 weeks. It appears that, at this point, I will be left with no alternative but to commence legal action to recover my money.


I paid the company $660.00 ON 2/27/18. On 4/23/18,

I sent the company an email requesting that my unfilled order be cancelled.

On 4/23/18, the company replied that my refund was pending. It is now 5/5/18 and the company has refused to issue my refund, return my calls, or answer my emails. Whenever I call, I am told that the person who answers the phone cannot help me. tell me they are sending a message to accounting and that accounting will contact me.

Of course, accounting never contacts me and I can never reach accounting because no one is ever in accounting when I call during regular business hours. I will now have to file a lawsuit in small claims court to get my $660.00.

I am very sorry I did business with this company. Given my experience with this company, it is my personal belief that I was very stupid to try to do business with this company.

In my personal, subjective opinion, I personally believe I was ripped off by this company. Therefore, in my personal, subjective opinion, I personally believe that the company is dishonest and unethical or that the company is extraordinarily dishonest. Regardless, the company has my money, and I have nothing--no product and no refund.

The foregoing review solely provides my personal, subjective opinions.


Worst Return Policy on the Internet! Shop Elsewhere! has the worst return policy ever! The majority of their items are either non-returnable or incur a restocking fee. I purchased 2 Drive lumbar cushions as a caregiver for 2 elderly men. The cushions are uncomfortable and I am unsure why anyone made them in the first place. I wanted to either return them or exchange them for a product that might work better. Anyway the 1-800Wheelchair "customer service" representative agreed to the return of "non-returnable" items because were unused. She was unable or unwilling to suggest a replacement product. I agreed to pay the return costs, but then she decided to slap a 15% restocking fee. I find this unacceptable. My advice to purchase accessibility items - either find a site that has a liberal exchange/return policy or try to buy locally! It is impossible to determine what will or will not work without seeing the item and returns and exchanges are everyday occurrences. I do not recommend either for their products or service!


AVOID them at ALL COSTS! They just LIE & STEAL your money!
I'm paralyzed from the waist down. My wheelchair cushion was old since I don't have health insurance and I was starting to get a pressure sore. I called 1-800-wheelchair because had the cheapest price on a very expensive cushion, the J2 Deep Contour cushion. So I called and asked if they had it in stock because like I said I was already getting a sore. They assured me that not only was it in stock but that they would mail it priority so I had it as quickly as possible bc I told them I was having to get out of my chair every hour for a 1/2 hour bc of the old cushion. They said not to worry I would have it by Monday (I ordered on a Thursday). So Monday arrived, NO cushion. Tuesday, NO cushion, Wednesday, NO CUSHION. Finally, I called. I got a different lady on the phone. I asked why my cushion hadn't arrived. She told me that my cushion was on back order and it wouldn't be here for 2 weeks! I told her that I was told it was "in the warehouse" and that I would have it by Monday. She again told me that was NOT the case, it would be 2 weeks. I told her to cancel and refund my money and I'll order from another company. She told me she couldn't do it, call back tomorrow. I wanted this to be documented so I went through their website and asked for a full refund and to cancel my order. I got a reply telling me that by the time the refund was processed that I'd have my refund. I told them I'd be calling the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the government agency that busts companies over this crap) and guess what? My cushion was at my door 2 days later, shipped directly from the company that makes the cushion. What does that mean? THEY NEVER HAD MY CUSHION IN STOCK, AND THEY LIED TO ME! It was NEVER in stock, they NEVER EVEN HANDLED THE CUSHION! All they did was take my money, make a profit and buy the cushion from the company that makes the cushion. They're just laughing at us! Every week I get an email from them telling me they are having a sale, or "please review our service". HA! I kept deleting them but I figured it would be better if people knew what type of company this is. Overpriced (obviously since they just ordered it from the cushion company themselves) and they LIE. NEVER TRUST A LIAR! I will NEVER buy from them again, EVER! From now on I'll pay more to an honest company and won't give a dishonest company a dime! Avoid them at all costs! Oh, and in the end, I still need a new cushion, this one is bottoming out already, after only 2 months. Read the other reviews, I wish I had before I bought from them. The BBB even took them off the accreditation list for their practices of FRAUD!


Product didn't work, refund took three months.
We ordered the Model X 35 lbs. Travel Power Chair from When we got it, there was no instruction manual. We had to figure out how to put it together ourselves. We did, but once it was assembled, it wouldn't hold a charge. I worked with a customer service rep for *weeks* via email to figure out a solution, but nothing worked. Eventually, I requested a refund. We returned it, and because the product didn't work, gave us a 100% refund instead of charging us the 15% restocking fee. I shipped the chair back to them on November 22,2019, and I only today got the refund (January 28,2020). This was after NUMEROUS emails back and forth with the customer service rep. I'm sure that if I didn't keep pursuing the refund myself, I would have never seen that $2000 returned to me.

I would advise any customer to NOT purchase anything from this company. Please go somewhere else, preferably an in-person store, where there is some accountability on their end.

The only reason I am not giving them one star is because they did decide to waive the restocking fee and because the customer service rep, Dannah, was very helpful to me along the process. I knew she was just the messenger, and she did work hard to help me. In the end, I knew I only got the refund because of her.


Very good service, very quick, and professional
I ordered and received the Hover Model H. It arrived in two days but with a broken metal frame xbar under the seat. I called and was sent a replacement xbar frame with screws, bolts, and washers... but the bar would not line up with the holes. I also wasn't able to lock the right brake (manual mode).

I called to report this problem. had me send the Model H back where they would repair and check it out. They will repair it or replace it. Unfortunately, I had removed the box that it came. They mailed me a replacement box in a day with a return mailer to put on the box.

Happy with the service. I like the product. I think the Hover Model H is so unique. I will use it as a manual wheelchair in the Assisted Living home but when I have outside appointments I plan to use the powered capability.

I have learned to expect some flaws do exist especially with new technology. But, I feel good when I share a problem that is fixable. And it gets fixed. I had been waiting for this technology to be introduced in the US.


Good Travel Wheelchair & Great Customer Service
Overall, the travel wheelchair met our needs and I am very satisfied. I would definitely recommend to friends if need an affordable travel wheelchair but will inform them of its limitations. We bought the model with slightly larger back wheels for better stability (front wheels may not smoothly go over large uneven gaps/bumps in sidewalks and needs an extra gentle push with your foot on the bottom, but not so much that the person sitting in the chair is ejected, which is what the seat belt is for) and like that one can sit at a table with the slanted armrests. Although, brand new, there was one problem with one of the collapsible handles not locking into place which we didn't discover until later during our vacation. This made it a little challenging to push my teenage daughter with her broken ankle down ramps. However, the wheelchair was light weight and easy to fold up. The free travel bag came in handy to keep the chair from getting scratched. I removed the footrests before checking at the gate & stored in the overhead storage of the airplane because someone had recommendation to do that. The wheelchair was delivered within 2 business days as promised which was very much appreciated since we were going on vacation soon. Once we returned, I contacted the company. Sylvia handled my case, asked that a picture be sent to evaluate the broken handle, & a week later, a brand new wheelchair was delivered to my front door. I sent back the first chair by dropping off at the nearest FedEx which was simple & at no cost. A followup email by Sylvia the next day confirmed that the chair was shipped. Thank you Sylvia for your professional and efficient handling of my case :) !


Ordered Super Heavy Duty Luggie Scooter for shipment to Canada
I purchased a Luggie Super mobility scooter through Evelyn, the Operations Manager at 1800wheelchair. Exceptional service from Evelyn and great product. The Super model is not yet available in Canada and 1800 wheelchair was one of only two companies that would ship to Canada so I could put it through my Canadian insurance carrier. Evelyn gave me her direct line to place a special order as it was not listed on their website their price was significantly better than the other company. I needed it for air travel within 4 weeks. Evelyn told me it could take up to 2 to 3 weeks to ship internationally and offered to expedite it by having it shipped directly from the manufacturer's warehouse. It arrived in under 2 weeks, but unfortunately, even though 1800wheelchair's attention to detail and invoice was correct, the manufacturer sent the Elite model instead. I immediately called Evelyn. She apologized for the shipping error, she and 1800wheelchair stood behind and guaranteed to follow-through quickly to make everything right included all extra shipping return fees and brokerage border charges. Upon return of the incorrect scooter I received a complete refund on my incorrect order and Evelyn expedited the correct scooter being shipped internationally she personally triple-checked the new order with the manufacturer before shipment and also went the extra mile to obtain some accessories I had inquired about that were not on their website and had them shipped with the new order at a great price - it ALL arrived in time for my trip which was within 4 weeks of my original order! I am a retired manager of a top 100 company, and I know and appreciate what great customer service looks like. EVELYN AND 1800WHEELCHAIR ARE TOP NOTCH she exceeded all expectations. Evelyn is customer-focused, professional, pleasant, she acted with a sense of urgency fully addressing my timeline concern, was flexible, efficient, kind, compassionate. She REALLY stood behind the product. If there was a 6 STAR rating I would give it! I plan on being a repeat customer and have already highly recommended 1800wheelchair to many Canadians. We travel in the US frequently l and I will show off my scooter to my US friends and contacts and recommend 1800wheelchair. WELL DONE!


Deceptive Return Policy - Stay away!
On August 21,2019, after a month of consideration, I purchased the Model H Hybrid manual Power Chair in One from after speaking to one of their Sales representatives, Lisa Stapley.

Here is a link to the item: />
I had asked Lisa the following:

Mike: what is the return policy if it turns out that it's not for me?
Lisa Stapley: It's on the quote, and here is the link:
Lisa Stapley:

If you follow the link, you will see the following: "If you are not 100% satisfied with your product, we offer a 30-day refund with a 10% -15% restocking fee for most items (see below). "

After consideration, I thought the product was interesting enough to order and evaluate and if I was unhappy with it, I would eat the 10-15% stocking fee, which would have amounted to about $200. I understood the need for this policy and was willing to take the chance on this wheelchair since it looked like a great fit for me.

Sadly, the only thing I was 100% satisfied with was the quickness of the shipping. The item arrived two days later, on August 17. The box, however, was scraped up and pretty badly damaged. However, after opening the box, the chair itself seemed to be fine.

When I set it up, I found only 1 battery had been included. However, on page 2 of the questions section on this wheelchair, a potential customer asked:

Q: If you order the model with the extended range battery, do you get 2 batteries?

And can you order replacement batteries separately? I don't see them listed on the Accessories battery page.

Product Team
A: If you order the upgraded battery, you will receive the standard and upgarded.(sic)

When I asked Lisa why I only got the upgraded battery, even sending her a screenshot of the question as it appeared on their website, she responded with the following: "When you choose to upgrade to the HD battery, you just get the HD battery. Additional batteries run around $550-600."

This was strike 1, as I feel that I was deceived by their question and answer section of the product's website. I was, however, willing to let it slide. Although the question and answer are still on the website as of this writing despite the fact that I pointed it out to them and felt it deceived me.

Due to some prior commitments, I was unable to evaluate the chair immediately. So I charged it up and let it sit till the evening of August 21, when I decided that I wanted to try the chair out. I was going to take it to the park, but found that it wouldn't fit in my car, which was a bit disconcerting but not a deal breaker. However, after the battery discussion, this was strike 2 against this chair.

My roommate and I took it out around the block for about a mile as I wanted to see how the chair would take hills, since I would be taking it with me to Atlanta in a coupe of weeks and know the downtown area is very very hilly. That's when strike 3 happened. When attempting to climb a very small incline (approximately 2 degrees) the chair slowed to a crawl and struggled up the hill.

Needless to say, I was very frustrated as I was very much excited to receive this chair and had hoped to take it with me for many adventures, only to be very disappointed in it. I was not 100% satisfied with this purchase. I wasn't even 50% satisfied.

After much thought, I wrote to Lisa, explaining my dissatisfaction with the wheelchair and asked to return it. I woke up the next morning to find the following in my email:

"Unfortunately, won't take a return for a used chair. Since it's been used outdoors on hills and such, it's not going to be approved for a return. You can feel free to contact our tech, Evelyn, x9202 if you have questions regarding the power of the unit. NOTE: The max incline rating is only 8 degrees."

I was made quite angry by this email. I was given 30 days to return it if I was not "100% Satisfied" with it, only to have it for 4 days, tested it for 30 minutes, and get told it was now used and could not be returned. I immediately contacted my bank and explained what happened and they advised I file a dispute on the charge, which I did.

I informed Lisa that the charge had been disputed and that I would be filing complaints with the BBB and posting reviews about how I was treated. She responded with the following:

"It says the item must be in new, unused condition. It doesn't say anything about a test drive or trial period. It allows 30 days for the shipping to you, and the shipping back to the vendor."

At this point, they had exhausted every bit of good faith I had left in me, so here we are. Apparently, according to Lisa, the 100% satisfaction guarantee only applies to the box the product is shipped in and once you open it, it's no longer new and cannot be returned. I guess I'm supposed to determine my satisfaction without actually looking at and evaluating the product in any way shape or form.

At this point, this matter is in the hands of my bank. I, however, wanted to make potential disabled customers or caretakers aware of this companies practices. Lots of disabled people are on fixed incomes and might save up for months or even years to get a power chair that's right for them. If you suffer from limited mobility, I cannot, in any way shape or form, recommend you even consider doing business with this company.

In my opinion, are not interested in the satisfaction or welfare of their customers. They don't stand by their products and their "Return Policy" is intentionally badly worded to confuse the people who read it. I believe they are a drop shipping company who don't understand the products they sell and their website purposely disseminates false information and product descriptions just to get the sale.

All I can say is, if you are looking for mobility equipment, please look somewhere else. Any difference in cost will save you loads of aggravation and possibly money in the end.

We ordered a transport chair. The website stated 2 days to leave the warehouse, we figured it would take about 12 to 14 days. At day 12 I called just to make sure it was close, it had not even left the warehouse. I asked why had not contacted us, letting us know. I talked to the supervisor, she was the worst. Told the manager I would call back on Monday and see where our shipment is. I called back on Monday to find out they sold us a chair they didn't have. Told them we wanted our money back and to cancel the chair. I was told money would by back it the account in 3-4 days. On the 5th day I called back and was told they were requesting it now. I was beyond angry. Called back the very next day, they did the transfer then. I think only because I threaten them with fraud. I customer service was horrible. If this was a luxury item it would not have been so important but this was a wheelchair. The people that worked there could not have cared less. Why should they; their supervisor cared not.

Incompetent, lacks decency and ethics, blames everything on manufacturer, despicable
I purchased a PVC Hi-Back Foldable Shower/Commode Chair from the site on February 22,2015 at 4:18am CST for $360.00. I called the next day and was told it would be shipped around 3-5 days from order date. I called again a few days later and was told it would be shipped soon. Then on February 27, I called for the third time and also contacted the company by chat. The phone call was useless as the first two were. During the chat, I was told the manufacturer, Columbia Medical, had a problem with their system and that my order had been delayed. I was informed of this delay only because I initiated the communication which upset me, and 1800wheelchair, unsurprisingly at this point, said again that were unable to verify when it would be shipped. I called again the next business day, March 2, and this time was told Columbia Medical had a problem with their system for a whole week and the problem conveniently started the day I placed my order, February 22, and conveniently was solved today, March 2. So not only did I have to initiate communication again to obtain this information, 1800wheelchair failed to perform due diligence to call the manufacturer themselves during my first three calls, and failed to ensure my order was placed and the product was built any time after three phone calls prior to March 2. What happened to being able to process an order by pen and paper despite a system glitch, and backentering orders when the glitch is resolved? I fail to believe both companies as big as they are, 1800wheelchair and Columbia, cannot operate due to a system glitch. I fail to believe what I'm told about Columbia completely shutting down their warehouse in Los Angeles that processes orders for the product I purchase because of the glitch. Now despite all of this, and after hours of communication with Evelyn Gonzales, her subordinate Janice, and her supervisor Yidi, on March 2 and hearing them place blame on their manufacturer, not accepting any responsibility with speeding up the 5 days lead time Columbia claimed they needed to put together a handful of PVC tubes to build a shower chair, not offering to compensate their customer without my ask and persistence of being treated adequately in this situation, and despite finally settling on a $100 credit for the trouble and overnight shipping and delivery on March 4, what happens? That's right. I called on March 4 because I received no tracking number, and no product by the end of the day. What was I told? The manufacturer was not picking up, some lady named Christina was out eating lunch (at 2pm Los Angeles time at that point). Guess what? I received my product on March 5 but based on the tracking number, the manufacturer did indeed ship it out on March 3 as promised but someone did not use overnight shipping. Exhausting to deal with such an incompetent company.

I want my full $360 returned to me and a written apology detailing what occurred so I can post it on review sites to warn future customers of this retailer. Unlike some of their competitors, they have no decency to take down products they can not fulfill or at least place announcements of delayed shipping on product pages. They lack the competency to keep in communication with their suppliers and abreast of what is in inventory and what is not, and relay that to their potential customers which is unacceptable. I find 1800wheelchair incompetent at dealing with delayed shipment of items which I find hard to believe occurs only in a blue moon as stated by Yidi, the supervisor I dealt with who promised overnight shipping. A company that doesn't have the intelligence to know that in a situation like this, they must push their manufacturer to process an order faster than usual without the prodding of the customer, and to compensate the customer with not credit for a future purchase and more than a 10% refund for a 100% delay in delivery date... a company that doesn't have the compassion to respond in a situation like this especially when it's a shower chair for my mom who I informed them had not showered in over a week, has diarrhea, is washed by towel and water by my siblings and I while we wait for this chair... Despicable.

I reported this to the Better Business Bureau. File a complaint with them here:

I think most of these good reviews must be written by ghostwriters if my experience is typical which a wheel chair repair shop tells me is more common than people think. Received my folding wheelchair in two separate mailings which was inconvenient. When I tried it out for the first time could not enjoy it as it would not drive straight. Contacted the company and was told a technician would contact me. Took many calls and e-mails before someone contacted me three weeks later. By that time I had taken it to a repair shop. told me it was a problem with the joy stick and needed to be replaced. 1800wheelchair said it just needed to be reset and e-mailed the instructions to me that I forwarded to repair shop. Still didn't work. We waited for company to send a replacement joy stick and then found out after calling/e-mailing again that they wanted us to mail the joy stick back to be worked on and then if they couldn't fix it they would send a new one. Wouldn't a reasonable company replace the defective joy stick? We are going on six months since this all began and I am losing hope that it will be resolved. So much for a $2,000 chair. Don't waste your time with this company. Buy from a local source where you know you will get service.

Update --- Exactly same to me!
Update: After it became clear that could not give me tracking information (4/18-5/18), I canceled the order. But they didn't give me any cancellation number or email. For the order and refund process, I have called 6 or 7 times during last 45 days, but I've got only their lip services. Today, they sent me an email saying I got their store credit, which I didn't accept or agree. Huh! It means they don't want to refund my money. I paid $1600. They got me the store credit $1554.90 after deducting $45.10 for adjustment fee, which I have never heard from them. Of course, I refused it and opened a dispute on PayPal. Be careful this seller!
For the same product, the folding travel shower chair, I paid on 4/18 and have got no note regarding my order for two weeks. The first week, I called and heard it would be shipped in a week, Nothing happened. Two weeks later, I have called two days and heard they got no tracking information for the order. It's unbelievable!

Horrible in all areas!
I ordered a $1000. 00 lift for my father with ALS. There was no wait for them to take my money out of my account however I've waited 30 min on hold every time I called before their slow computer system could even pull up my information. I placed an order over a month ago and have yet to receive it. I was told it was in the warehouse ready to ship multiple times, then I was told it was on back order, then I was told it would be shipped today and when I called back a week later after never receiving it I was told it shipped yesterday. I have asked to speak to a manager multiple times and always told "there is no manager here, you must talk to me". Today when I called and expressed my frustration on my service, I was hung up on. This company is the most unprofessional, poor servicing, with the slowest technology and rude people. It appears there is no body running this company just a bunch of people with language barriers who have no idea what are doing and you can't believe anything they tell you because it's never been true since I've been dealing with them for a month. At this point I'll be surprised if I ever receive my order or my money back. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!

Horrible on multiple levels
I ordered an item that showed it would be delivered in 4-5 days. Several problems have occurred:
1. The proactive chat person gets my credit card number which is not masked and emailed back to me in transcripts. 2. She then says it been declined which makes no sense as I have a limit of $10k and only have $500 on it. I give her a new card which she charged twice and I notice 2 days later. I get suspicious and check my previous card. Sure enough she charged me 3 times!
3. The tracking number is on the email. I call the shipping company and say that's not one of their tracking numbers. Theirs is different. Bottom line they say they don't ship for this company.
4. I call 1800wc and they say it is being delivered and they are trying to call me. I wait 2 days, no call. I call Friday and he says no it's in a totally different state waiting to be picked up for shipping.
5. Day 16 and still no delivery.
So I have a person in desperate need of medical equipment and we are totally screwed!

Too Tall / too short
I ordered 2,8.00 X 2.00 tires for a fellow Marine. The ones on his walker had the threads showing, could ALMOST see the air in the tires. Response time was wonderful, I got them much sooner than I expected. Instead of 8 X 2 tires the warehouse sent 24X1 wheelchair tires... OOPS! So I called Sylvia; she looked at my order and confirmed it was correct. She said she would get the CORRECT tires to me... 2 days later I had them, Installed them and my brother Marine is on the move again.
Fed Ex driver said he COULDN'T take the other tires that I had to call for a return tag. Sylvia set up the pick-up by FED EX for the following week. No fed Ex. I called Sylvia... NO Fed Ex I called Sylvia. After about a week I asked if she would just "Write them off, forget Fed Ex and their charges and I would find a deserving person to give the tires to. Someone who NEEDS them. We had a few laughs and she agreed to my sudjestion. A few days later I received a name of a DAV member who did repairs of chairs, walkers and other medical equipment. When I called him and told him I had 2 wheelchair tires he was ecstatic. You would have thought I had given him a $1000.
Thank you Sylvia and 1 800 WHEELCHAIR a veteran has a new set of
24.00 X 1.00 tires and Jim can't see the air in his 8 X 2 on his walker

I ordered a pair of crutches online on June 18 and called to confirm that would arrive in time for a trip I was taking on July 3. So far so good.

When they hadn't arrived by 6/29 I called to see what was happening. At that point I had not received any confirmation of my purchase except for the note from PayPal. The lovely woman I spoke with apologized up and down and assured me that she would make sure they were sent out 2nd day air, no extra charge, and that I would receive them by the end of Wed 7/1. OK.

Thursday morning I called again. I was going on my trip Fri. I was not happy. The woman I spoke with gave me no fewer than three different reasons that they had not arrived. I kept challenging her misinformation until she finally admitted that they were out of stock and had never been shipped. Are you serious? I was completely irritated by her, essentially, making up reasons (or reading them from a card?) and beyond irritated that I'd been lied to on Mon. If they'd been honest I would've been able to cancel the order and get the crutches from Amazon.

My guess is that they are not honest because it seems that they do not have access to computers. No one had any records of anything and twice they had to physically call the warehouse and call me back.

I will never do business with this company again and would advise you to do the same.

Awesome experience
I bought a wheelchair for my mother who is in a personal care home. Her old wheelchair was getting worn out and we were told she needed a new one. The company's that work in there were trying to sell a wheelchair to her for $5000. 00 because she is a large woman and had to have one custom made. I found 1-800-wheelchair and I custom ordered her a wheelchair with a gel cushion which she loves for $510.00. The wheelchair arrived before it was suppose to leave the warehouse the cushion arrived a week later. I spent $179.00 on a cushion for her old wheelchair which when she was sitting on it you couldn't see it the one I ordered from 1-800-wheelchair doesn't even look like it sinks at all under her 350 pound body. She says it is very comfortable and seems to conform to her body. When I told the nurse the difference in prices she took down 1-800-wheelchair and will be giving the information to other residents. say the wheelchair is amazing so much easier to push and maneuver. Any other health care products she needs will be purchased through 1-800-wheelchair when possible!

Too bad I can't give zero stars
Returned an UNOPENED wheelchair because the person to use it died before she had the chance. Received RMA number and where to ship it and was told that I needed to check the tracking number to see when it was delivered and let them know (seriously?). So, I did. A week later I notified them again. Another week and I call and get a useless person on the phone who "checked with the manufacturer" and said only one of the two boxes was received. Total lie as I have the tracking delivery notice indicating a 2-piece shipment was delivered. Oh, let me talk to the manufacturer again. Finally comes back and says she'll forward to her supervisor to process the credit and I'll see it next week. I ask when next week. I don't know, but it will be next week. I ask to speak to the supervisor and am told (no surprise) she is unavailable. I'm not holding my breath to ever see my money. Now I'm out the price of the wheelchair and the $70 shipping charge to send it back. Do not do business with this dishonest company.

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Based on 30 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Wheelchair Store Sale | Free shipping on all wheelchairs. Wheelchairs from $99. Electric Wheelchairs from $999. Mobility Scooters from $699. We'll match our competition's prices.

Address: 320 Roebling Street, Suite 515, Brooklyn, New York, United States, 11211


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