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123 Homework

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Reviews Education, Homework 123 Homework

13 customer reviews of

Not so lucky
I used this site multiple times their customer service is outstanding. However, their writers not so much, out of 6-7 times I used the service I was able to get good quality work from "ONLY" one writer. The rest of the writers did a mediocre job at an elementary level. For my last assignment, I was extremely dissatisfied with the work the writer had done and I filed a dispute for a reimbursement; knowing my instructor that would have landed me a straight "F". The job was poorly executed. I don't feel 123 Homework handled my dispute fairly. It would have been a waste of time dealing with that writer he/she failed to follow clear cut instructions as provided. I gave them a second chance to find another writer with a short deadline that needed to be met (48 hrs); no luck with it either. 123homework lost a customer and I will make sure I put the word out to the rest of my peers to whom I had recommended the site.

Good feedback, customer care
My writers were good except one who made my history assignment. That which was barely accepted by my prof and I got 48/100 for it, I filed a complaint. 123 Homework offered me a 80% refund and I asked to never work with the writer again. They actually listened to me and my next history paper was great! So this service actially cares for what you think if you're keepin it civil ppl. Show respect and it will pay off.

Test C
I can tell you for sure that that test I made you take for me was hard as s**t. And my teacher is also said that I have received a C- which was my ultimate goal. My grades are mostly like that, but this test was just to difficult to solve by myself. Anyway, thanks a lot guys!

Help for moms
I was literally saw my daughter crying over her textbook of Spanish. It is hard for her to learn foreign languages, and course needs to be done. I asked friends, and 123 Homework told I shoukld either order online or find soeone to come and do homework for my Betty. I chose to order online. Betty is making progress at school, her grades improve, and you are of super use for me. There's nothing more terrifying then to see your child cry over the textbooks. God bless oyu from all moms.

Free time guaranteed
I've been working hard to get into college. But who could have guessed that I'll have to spend all of my off class in the library or on the campus grounds studying. My friends could go off and party, and I was so overloaded with homework and projects. 123 Homework pittied me and recommended this service they've all used to have some free time to themselves. I gave it a try and I will definetely order more! Never thought it is so easy! Guys, you did everything super fine!

So fast!
Im very impressed by the speed of this service, once I had a paper written in LESS THAN AN HOUR! It sure costed me a fortune but its OK for such a tricky request I guess. So, I see no point in looking for anything else cause this site has everything I need.

Making teachers happy
Care for your assignment to be ready in time? Have better things to do than reading those 50 pages of ancient literature you'll probably never need? Save your time with these guys! Their not cheap but their gonna make your teacher happy.

Works for me
I had this tricky assignment where I had to gather qualitative data and make questionnaires and all that kind of stuff, and I totally suck at this. Not that I never tried to. I did! Showed my results to my prof and 123 Homework said I got it all wrong. After three goes I gave up and paid to have it done for me. The prof looked at my data and said I finally got it just right. That's my experience, yours may differ.

A perfect time saver
I used this service when I had to write a one page paper that discusses a documentary on ecology. The video was so long I didn't want to spend half of my weekend watching it instead of going out with my friends. I just ordered this response to be done for me. The writer watched the documentary and did everything excellent. Thanks. I saved my time.

Real heroes here
You're real heroes my dudes, 5/5 papers you wrote for me got grades no lower than B-, which says something cause my professor is very serious about grading written assignments. It's a very impressive result, few people in may class manage to get such good grades so consistently. It must be the writer you found for me, an excellent dude who seems to know a lot about the Middle East and its economic systems. With an assistant like this, I'm very optimistic about completing this course with a good overall score.

The writer won my heart
This writer just won my heart. He was so polite, always answered all the messages on time, always cleared all the ambiguous things and statements, and delivered a brilliant work. May I have him/her as my preferred writer, please?)

Improved my writing
I always loved writing and was proud of my writing skills, but then I got into college, and now I struggle a lot. The writing standards for college students are very different, and I no longer get the best grades in my class. I tried going to our writing center but 123 Homework could not do much. I was desperate and decided to ask someone for help with my assignments. Asked a writer to edit my essay and explain what is wrong with it. Thanks to their advice, my writing has improved dramatically, and I feel good about myself again.

Helped me out
I had a lot of things to do at work, and I decided to deal with my homework on my day off. I woke up with a sore throat and fever and just was incapable to do anything, which was a great disappointment because I had a lot of assignments to do. Gladly, this service helped me out. I had a whole day to rest and get better while their writers were taking care of my papers. I ordered three 2-page essays and three little ones up to 450 words. Cant tell you the topics for the anonymity issues, but 123 Homework were good, trust me :)

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123 Homework Rating

Based on 13 reviews from 123 Homework customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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