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30 customer reviews of

They did a great job and greatly improved our rankings
As anybody who has tried to improve their site rankings knows, it is a slow process and it's hard to know if the money you're throwing at companies like 180Fusion is worth it. Initially 180fusion weren't as transparent as to what they were doing with their time (I took my monthly charge and divided by $50 / hr and expected the amount of effort and results to match this rule of thumb). After I requested more accountability as to where they were plugging our site (articles, pictures, blogs, etc.) they were more than happy to show me all they have done, what they are doing, and what they were planning on doing in the coming weeks and months.

I felt like I got the value I paid for and our site rankings improved tremendously. There are hundreds if not thousands of companies doing the same thing and it is dizzying to try to choose one that will work for you and give you value for the service you are paying for. I trust this company and would use them again. Stay on them though - ask to be involved or at the very least be updated with the work they've done - it will make you feel better when the results are slow and give them a chance to do what they are doing very well.

Briton was my project manager. He did a great job. You'll be lucky if you're assigned to him!

Good but could be better
Had signed up with them and 180fusion are not cheap but had my account rep heidi who worked and worked hard and got my account working well, she left the company before my time was up, they put someone else in charge who never had a answer to my questions always had to get back to me, just seemed like i was a file thrown on his desk, when my origional acct rep was in charge she had a reply for every question, with my new acct rep, he did not know what passwords were used on the account by 180fusion, we had to go direct to google and ask them in a joint call. I enjoyed the first 4 months but the last two were just not good, as the new rep did not know me nor my business, and it seemed that we were going to start from the begining. So it cost me a lot of money and in the end i just seemed to be a file thrown on someone desk who was given my old acct reps accts i would have enjoyed working with origional rep, or even a rep who knew my business but that is not what i got andrew netusil

180fusion has grown my business with strong service and sales results
I have been with 180Fusion for coming up on 2 years to run my SEO and Pay per click on google adwords and am happy to full recommend 180fusion. I was referred to them by a friend of mine that had been a client in a different industry. While i was new to Pay per click i had been doing SEO in house for some time with mixed results as the google updates evolved. 180fusion have taken this worry off my plate and have handled all aspects of SEO and Pay per click for my business to help me grow new sales at a faster rate than I projected. The service by the account management team sharing reports and taking the time to support special promotions and the seasonality changes in my business from quarter to quarter has made me feel they are an extension of my company for online marketing.

Beware of what you are told versus what you get
This is a YOUNG, GEEK group. I signed up because I was promised results. I live in a small city (1 square mile) and when the geek told me that things were moving fast and that I was #1 in my city, I was appalled. Idiot. I am the ONLY one business of this kind in the city. I was not impressed. When I complained to the Pres Scott Cohen 6 months later after seeing no results, he gave me some things to do that should have been told to me from day one. I ended up closing my business and wasted good advertising dollars on this company. This is a group of young kids playing at being men and earning free money from someone. BEWARE of this company. BIG WASTE OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY

12 months and still getting great results
I was very happy with 180fusion right out of the gate in terms of the analysts that first assessed the damages of my PPC campaign and more impressed with my account manager's business acumen and forcing me to figure out my metrics (cost per acquisition, cost per lead, etc). At about 45 days I started seeing real fruit from their labor and have been much more profitable from the hands-on management of my Facebook and Google ads. Though I'm always approached by everyone claiming that 180fusion are the best in the world, I know 180 continues to put in the work and my business has more business as a direct result.

These guys are the real deal
With so many options out there (I was told there are over 8,000 SEO companies) I suffered from analysis paralysis for close to a year when selecting a service provider. Happy to say that I'm actually glad I took my time and did my homework. Very knowledgeable staff from my experience with the initial consultant through the fulfillment team. Happy that 180fusion stick to their word in turn-around of deliverables and push real results. My advice to anyone here is that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint but with real budget and goals, the results are also very real.

Marketing Leaders
I am always pretty apprehensive with any new partners for my business but I really feel comfortable where this is going. I signed up with 180fusion 7 months ago and 180fusion were able to apply the expertise lacking from my previous providers. 14 of my top 20 keywords are in the top 5 positions (incredibly important for ecommerce) and we are in a great position going into the busiest time of the year. On top of that, my previous company never figured out Google shopping and these guys handled that in the first 3 weeks of getting started.

Great Team and Results
I was insanely skeptical about hiring another SEO company but have been very happy with the overall experience. These guys are definitely forward thinkers and are on top of all of the ongoing chant changes with Google. I appreciate my account manager's responsiveness and am confident I will be with these guys for the coming years. Over the last 3 months 9 out of my 15 most competitive keywords are on the first page and the lead volume has gone up over 3X. Keep it coming Guys!

Great Book
I am extremely happy with my team and service. It is very refreshing to work with a company that says what 180fusion are going to do. In an industry that has a lot of fences and challenges, my analysts and account manager have made their mark in helping us understand our key metrics and working every month to hit our objectives. Honestly I didn't know what KPI meant until our meetings and my team was very intelligent at realizing leading indicators early on. I couldn't be happier.

Increased our Conversion Rate over 100%
As a company that survives from our leads online, we have really found that getting traffic to the site is only half of the battle. Before launching our campaign, 180 walked us through a list of suggestions to improve how well that traffic converts. Now 180fusion are digging into lead quality and pushing us to the next level. We are seeing steady improvement across our SEM campaigns and their management fee easily pays for itself a few times over each month.

Facebook Advertising
We partnered w/ 180 initially for a consulting gig to help revive our struggling facebook advertising campaigns. We had previously spent up to $3,000 per day but our results completely fell flat after some time. Needless to say that these guys came in and took the reins to help us understand how facebook looks at things and we actually got immediate results (rare in digital advertising). I like that 180fusion dont miss a beat and gave us a great education.

The Moment of Truth
I hired 180fusion after migrating my website to magento and having a huge drop off in traffic, problems with Google shopping, you name it! It was very nice to use these guys who really took the time to get it right. I have experience with SEO but all this web dev talk is pretty over my head. These guys put together a road map for me and executed it to the T. Our footprint has GROWN and I'll continue to use them for SEO in the coming year. Thanks!

Stay away
Wish I would have read reviews before being signed up. I have never experienced customer service this poor in any Bussiness transaction in my 30 year work history. Very quick to take your money and than no follow up to my numerous attempts to reach them to discuss my concerns. You can leave a message for customer service staff but 180fusion never call back. My bank account was charged 30 days after account was closed. I feel scammed.

Smart and Impressive Team!
We have been working with 180 now for about 3-4 months. So far 180fusion have literally broken through the ceiling of what our previous agency was able to do. Our previous agency did not use landing pages for PPC and this was a low hanging fruit that really started driving much more qualified leads. The placements they achieved for us for offsite SEO were also very impressive and of substantially higher quality.

Great results for our Non-Profit!
Being a non-profit our business qualifies for the Google Grant giving us $10,000 of spend each month to drive awareness. Before signing up with 180fusion, we were only able to spend about 15% of that amount. Now we are on track for the Google Pro grant with 4 times the monthly spend. Our marketing team is very impressed with the results after 5 months and Im happy to recommend them.

A+ at Making our phone Ring
Weve been working with 180fusion since February and it has made a substantial difference in the number of calls our shop gets. 180fusion set us up with a new site that converts and ranks well organically and the reporting platform is much more cleaner and user friendly than the competitors I was previously using. Good team of people that Im working with. Highly recommended.

Took the time to get it right
Over the last 2 years I had spent close to $30,000 on online marketing with very limited results. 4 months into my engagement with 180 my numbers have never been better. 180fusion understand my buying process start to finish, helped me create the right landing pages for my PPC campaigns, started tracking conversions and my results are scaling. I REALLY appreciate my team.

Local SEO Experts
I'm no beginner to online marketing. I used to work with an agency many moons ago and now I sit on the other side of the table. I am impressed at how well these guys have it together. 180fusion have a great process and dont overload our discussions with acronyms but help my team keep up to date with all the changes to local search and how it affects our business.

20X ROI in 2 months
Pretty impressed that these guys have done so well for us just a couple of months in. We are in the SaaS space and we dont have an insanely huge search volume. These guys have really focused on getting us quality leads through PPC and our organic search already has a few locations indexed on the first page. I didnt think results would ever come this quick.

SEO Gamechanger
180 Fusion was a gamechanger for me. 180fusion explained everything to me in detail about SEM and SEO, even though I knew the basics, I found out there was so much I was missing. I worked with Mike and Thomas- both great and very attentive. Our site visits have skyrocketed, so the results are starting to show and we are very happy. I highly recommend them!

Very Happy
Ive been using 180fusion for our companies SEM and SEO program over the last year. 180fusion are a good group (and I might be a little impatient) so very happy to recommend them. Kudos to you guys for standing behind your work and improving my campaigns. I know they are working to improve reporting, thats the only thing between this and a five star.

Smart Team
My company met with several companies (12) and went through a insanely comprehensive vetting process for our sem/seo provider. Admittedly we are high maintenance and 180fusion has delivered month after month for the last year and a half. We are happy to report that we just signed up for another 12 months. Keep it coming please!

180fusion has taken our very lack luster Adwords Account and were able to add a LOT of efficiencies in the first 2 months. We were able to see our cost per conversion go down by over 60% and our number of conversions go up by 143%. After going over my last report with my account manager I am overly impressed with these guys.

"Results Driven"
These guys definitely know their stuff! After working with 2 different agencies I was reluctant to work with another PPC / SEO company. Happy to report that I made the right call. Admittedly I have a seasonal business but have had my best off-season to date. Scaling up in 2016 and 180fusion will be a big part of that.

Extremely satisfied!
I am extremely satisfied with how well this team turned around our company's facebook advertising campaign. As a marketing director it's generally challenging working with someone across the country. However, happy to say that the results speak for themselves and the ROI makes continuing our services a no-brainer.

Outstanding experience
I have been working with 180 for the past 9 months and we have a great relationship. I realize that I am not the only client 180fusion have, but some times it feels that way. My project leader really knows her stuff, the results are up and so is our business (17% YoY). Thanks for all the hard work!

Great Agency!
Happy to report that after 4 months of work, these guys have been on task and stuck to their projected time frames. I projected 6 months + for ROI on my marketing campaigns and 180fusion hit projections 3 months early. Thats pretty huge and although not overnight, they exceeded my expectations.

Strong Performers
180fusion was able to take ahold of my local SEO / FB Ad campaign and drive us results right out of the gate. SEO took slightly longer than we were hoping but we are solid. We were trying our hand in-house but have learned that our headaches are eliminated by using the Pros.

New Website Launched Successfully!
We hired 180fusion about 5 weeks prior to our new site launch. 180fusion were able to handle a lot of the technical work that was over our heads and am happy to say that when the new version of our site went up, we actually gained traffic. Thanks guys!

Great team to work with
Working with 180 has been a breath of fresh air. 180fusion have helped increase our sales by driving more qualified traffic at a lesser cost than we are able to do ourselves. I can tell they know their stuff and have a great solution to offer.

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180fusion Rating

Based on 30 reviews from 180fusion customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: 180fusion is recognized as one of the most innovative Digital Marketing agencies providing elite SEO, PPC, Social Media and Content Marketing services.

Address: 11620 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 820, Los Angeles, California, United States, 90025


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