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1stCB (First Convenience Bank)

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Reviews Finance, Banking 1stCB (First Convenience Bank)

30 customer reviews of

Stay away from this ripoff "bank"
My wife got stopped in the grocery store and was talked in to opening up a savings account with this "bank". She deposited $100 to open the account. 'Upon reading the fine print of paperwork, I noticed there was $12 monthly fee if you didn't deposit $100 each month, and a $5 fee for paper statements. The following month she deposited $100. When the monthly statement came, sure enough, there was the $12 fee. I called the *******490 number to question the charge and was on hold for 45 minutes listening to a recording tell me over and over again that my hold time would be greater that 10 minutes. Forget that, I hung up and we went to the local branch the next day. We were told because my wife had made purchases on the card that month, that purchase amount was subtracted from the $100 deposit, so the deposit did not total $100. Thereby we were charged $12. I told them to cancel the account. We were told that there would be a "new account closing fee" of $25 in order for us to close the account. WTH?

So riddle me this? We deposit $100, 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) take $12 of it, plus the $5 statement fee. We then close the account and get charged a $25 closing fee. That's $42 in fees... to get our money back. That's one hell of a savings account.


Pending Charges Cause Overdraft Fees
Went to bed with over 100 in the account. Woke up with over a grand in the account and a overdraft fee of 34 dollars. Ummmm okay? So I called and got a person right away. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) said a 41 dollar check was trying to clear but I didn't have the funds? Most banks the deposits hit first to avoid overdraft for customers and 2 I had over 100 in there so that was incorrect. She then goes over the account with me naming off 3 different restaurants that "I went to the day before". No, I went to all of those throughout the past week. She then tells me she cant help when they come out but they had already posted so made no sense to me. She refused to refund me because they had refunded me back in December 2019! Well the check went through and the NSF charge was refunded some how. Watch your account close. They try to get those fees, They try hard!

Great bank if you love to wait in line!
Not knowing I screwed up and opened a commercial account here for my small business. Biggest mistake ever. No branch has a commercial window and majority of this bank's customers are crackheads who get their checks deposited into their account on the first of the month and then you have to wait in line for an hour because 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) are all their to withdrawa all their money to go get high. At the same time I also opened a personal checking account and the girl only put my last name on the account so when I went to do a mobile deposit it was declined saying that the wrong name was on the check. I then called customer service to explain the problem and they tell me there is nothing they can do while she sits there and looks at a copy of my driver's license on her computer screen with my full name on it. She told me that the person will have to rewrite the check to me with only my last name on it because that is how it is on my account? Are you serious I will be going there tomorrow to close all accounts

Go somewhere else
The app is a basic. "Check what COULD be your balance" I was overdraft for $1 and the next day I had my last direct deposit (due to the storm, I lost my car and now my job)... well I was overdraft $68 even tho the app only showed $1. Apparently one of my auto payment was done the day before, and the app didn't show it until the next day when I GOT charged the $68. Called CC and all 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) said was. "The charge is right"... I'm closing my account. BOA Paid back fees in Houston and they are not even local. I'm so disappointed. Also if you like to use cash app. This bank holds the money and doesn't accept insta payments. No zelle available. Lots of problems with authorizing credentials. Long waits to talk to a representative and lots of fees.

I do not understand how this bank does their adding and subtracting. I have received more overdraft fees from this bank than I have ever received in my life! Trying to follow your balance through the mobile app,,, don't do it. Its not accurate. It will have you upside down and paying hundreds in overdraft fees. And those are $34 each time! Also, if at any time someone tries to charge your account, say an automatic payment, and you are a penny shy? BAM you get charged $34. EVERY TIME IT HAPPENS. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) have my checking account so screwed up right now I didn't even get to spend my stimulus money bcz of all the overdraft fees. They got my entire check! I don't understand how they do their figuring. I just don't get it. I'm sick to my stomach. I hate this bank. And will be closing my account once I get some things settled and figured out. So I guess I have to DISPUTE my issue. Just one more inconvenient thing I have to do on top of not having any money. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS BANK TO ANYONE. EVER. THEY HAVE GOTTEN TO KEEP MORE OF MY MONEY THAN I HAVE. IT SUCKS. If I were a betting kind of person I'd bet I won't see one penny of my money returned to me. I'm sure it will be that difficult. Take your hard earned money somewhere else. Don't throw it away like I did.

The decline of First Convenience Bank
I was with First Convenience from the beginning when 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) created a small branch in the local Kroger. It was a friendly, caring bank, and was, as the name said, a "convenience" to work with.

First Convenience was my "local" bank. I had other, larger assets in online banks, but often kept 6 figures in my local account. They were so convenient I opened another account for other business, then two more accounts for my kids.

But things changed, and not for the better. The local branch manager was moved, people were shuffled around, the bank started adding predatory fees and rules were established that eroded the "convenience" part. I remember waiting 2 weeks for them to release an annual bonus check from my employer... an annual event that usually cleared in 3 days. They advertised cheap auto loans. I was going to buy a truck, applied for a loan, and was turned down as not "qualifying"... so I just paid cash for the truck.

The final straw was a call on a Saturday afternoon. Some security agent froze my sons account because he transferred money into my account. These "transfers" had been a common thing for years, as I transferred money to him and he later repaid it. As I spoke to the agent, she seemed intent on "getting me" and by the end of the call she had frozen my accounts as well. I was in a rage... and her final words didn't help... "Have a nice day".

My son, who was working, had to leave early and we both rushed to the local branch before it closed. The local branch said "They do this all the time". A few phone calls and it was fixed, but my son was short working hours and my Saturday was ruined.

I complained... got a sympathetic call from some corporate shill, but nothing better than "She was just doing her job". So I pulled my money, closed the accounts, and vowed never to do business with First Convenience Bank and to share my story of how very "inconvenient" this bank is to everyone looking for a local bank.

Y'all are the worst bank with the worst service
Vist Bank close my account without my permission. I told them this is my secondary account and I wouldn't use it very often but I did transactions and cash checks all the time. I've never been overdrawn or caused any NSF fees. Every time I'm on the phone with them it takes over an hour and their system is screwed up I don't get direct deposit anymore so I wanted to close my account and 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) want to charge me a lot of money to do that. I didn't think it's fair because they closed my account without my permission. I had a free account that turned into an account I had to pay for. I strongly recommend you close your account and go to a credit union where they have brains good customer service, common sense and they are not jerks. Also they have better incentives and loans. The reason that bank is in business is because they take all your money. My son is going to cancel his account there as well, so they lost to customers. I'm going to blast them everywhere I can to save other people from dealing with holding on the phone for an hour, getting hung up on, and if you don't read print the size of a bed bug then you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. So warning you now. They don't get one star from me

Garbage Bank
I used to work for this pathetic company years ago. I hated working at one of the San Antonio Locations. I was an assistant manager and the things that this bank did to their customers were sad. I would leave the bank at times just feeling bad because the bank location didn't want to help the customer with their account needs. This is truly a rookie bank in which only newbies into the banking field should take the job. Next time you walk into a location ask them about their "Catch 22" book. Can you believe that 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) actually have a book updated every month called catch22? This book is used for the Asst Manger and Branch Manger to call the customer to ask why they closed their account... I have never heard of thing like this in previous larger well known banks and I have been a banker going on 10 years now. Hey think about it like this and ask yourself "How good is a bank that needs to follow me through an each aisle in the grocery store to try and get my business?". This bank lives off fees and deception, this is why the employees never last... swinging door style. They change their employees as they do they lies to their customers, if an employee last at least a year and a half that would be amazing. Complete Garbage Bank... but hey you can open an account for just 1 dollar lol lol what a joke of a bank I'm glad I quit.

Is there a way to give a -5
Is there a way to give a -5. I am not going to even waste my time trying to explain how this bank is the bank from hell. All I'm going to tell you is that if you are reading this take heed to everything That you are reading Please and I repeat please please please do not ever ever in your entire life open up a bank account with first National bank of Texas any bank that has to send their people into barbershops send people into grocery stores send people up to your car where are you are pumping your gas to get accounts is not that bank for you and I finally see why you don't have to have any money to open an account I see why there's no certain limit because this bank sucks ass because this bank has other ways of stealing your money from your accounts please don't ever get your bank hacked or please don't Ever get your card stolen they're not going to believe you they're not going to help you they're not going to do anything 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) don't have your back at all it doesn't matter how long you have been with them it doesn't matter how much money you have in your account so I repeat your Better off putting your money on the cash app card or a Chime or a Walmart card anything just do not open an account with these people please you'll be like I am writing comments everywhere online

Ripped off
Today I went to the bank to cash in all the quarters that I have accumulated over that last 6 months. I was giving this extra money to my son. Anyway last night he got excited so we counted them. 69.00 was the total. Today I went to cash them in and added the ones in my car. Total now is 74.00. When I arrived the teller took them and dumped them into the coin counter. As she was doing this it got stuck. So she messed with it even taking it apart. There were two coin stuck together she handed back to me. She finished and came back and told me it was 48.00. I told her no way I knew what I had. I think it reset when she took it apart. Anyway she said there was nothing she could so I had 48.00. After I complained again she talked to the branch manager whom said the same thing. No resolution. Even after I left and a temper to speak to costumer service which was terrible at the best to get though. There is no resolution. I am so pissed 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) have been my bank for over 3 years. But won't be much longer. Hate to think I deposit 7k at a time. And they don't care. It's not allot of money. However it's enough to make me switch. Very disappointed. Don't use them.

It's too bad
It was one thing after another with them. From not giving me my money out of my account to turning my card off without notice(on several occasions); 1 time leaving me stranded 2 hours away from home with no gas and no way to access my account that had money in it; when my daughter was at church (2 hours away) waiting to be picked up (at night). ***Horrible*** management at the NRH location. This lady was very rude every time I had any interactions with or around her. I would drive across town just to avoid her. And when I asked why 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) turned my card off the girl at the branch said she would find out and call me Monday because the card dept was already closed... it's been over a month and she hasn't called... I still don't have answers.
Needless to say, after 8+ years of using 1st convenience, I had enough. I no longer bank there and wouldn't recommend them to anyone.

This Bank is an absolute JOKE in every which way... their online so called security tells you every other time 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) are applying an extra layer of security and would have to send you a code to enter via text they tell you it may take up to a few minutes but YOU NEVER GET IT... you call the banker lol... and go thru hell answering the SAME QUESTIONS over and over before you can even state the nature of your business. I closed my account via phone and waiting for my balance to be mailed to me, well THEY send the check for my balance to the wrong address when I finally got in contact with them they admitted to sending it to wrong address and tell me I have to wait 90 days for new one to be issued,,,, you believe that crap 90 days... that is such a big LOL... I am so glad i closed my account with them... AVOID this place like a plague beleive me you dont want to do business with these people... locations are extremely limited... customer service is a joke and trying to get anything resolved is an act of congress...

Holding my check
This is absolutely ridiculous. This bank is holding my check even though I've been banking with them for almost 3 years cashing my check there I never had a problem. Now I have to wait 10 days as if I can afford to wait for MY MONEY. I've been helping people out to get to this covey situation and I'm broke as a joke now. I don't mind because it's the right thing to do. I'm a truck driver and I recently got stuck in Louisiana because I wasn't an accident and now I have no money to eat. Thankfully my place of employment was able to put me up in a place to stay. I am very PISSED OFF. I WOULD THINK TWICE ABOUT GOING TO THIS BANK. AS A MATTER OF FACT WHEN I GET MY MONEY I'M PRETTY SURE I'M GOING TO END UP CANCELING MY ACCOUNT WITH THEM. I don't have time for silliness. I've never had a problem with any of my checks there's absolutely no reason for them to hold my check this time at the worst time possible. I would give them zero stars but that's not an option now.

No more convenience/ lack of Covid time period fee leniency/ watch out for fees
Since this bank rolled out the new app, customer service has plummeted. This bank will not put your account on hold even if you are going through medical emergencies, and the fees are expensive and constant without any flexibility. In only two months I've been charged around $1200 in OD/NSF fees while being on a medical leave from work. The teller I saw had me create a new account and said she would have my original account on hold until my paycheck came in, not only was that not the case (was charged around $200 in fees since that day) but on my new account, that I had opened on their recommendation to be able to deposit a very small check to be able to survive until my paycheck after returning to work and pay off the other account at the time of my paycheck, 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) pulled the check from my new account without notice to ‘overdraft collection'. I finally received the reduced hour paycheck from my work and due to the additional fees they have added, it won't even cover the full balance. Would not recommend this bank anymore, personally going to even out of my accounts and close as soon as possible.

Let me start by stating that I've been banking for...
Let me start by stating that I've been banking for 23

Years. I've had more trouble with this bank than any

Other bank I've been with in 23 years. Every payday I

Have to call them. It all started when I first opened

My Acct. I cashed a check and deposited half of it. I

Used my card the next day to make an online payment

Which 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) charged me a fee of 34.95 for overdraft

Because they had failed to post it to my acct. I had to

Call and have them remove the charge which they did.

Then I'm supposed to have a $200 overdraft, when I

Went over the amount available by $86 they called me

All day long from an unavailable #, never left a

Message and continued to call all day for several days

Until I finally called the number back. When returning

The call I sat on hold for 25 min waiting, not knowing

Who it was I called because the number doesn't tell

You. This has happened twice in the 3 mo. I've been

With them. Finally I get to talk to someone and they

Inform me that I'm over-drafted, I asked why they

Couldn't just leave a message and they told me

Because it done by computer and they have no control

Of it. Then I get charged an acct. Handling fee of $11

Something because I've not used the ATM card I have

Not received yet 5 times in that month. THE LAST

STRAW- I use my debit card to make a $200 payment

On my cell bill, keep in mind I have a $200 overdraft. I

Get a letter in the mail stating they have charged me

$69.94 in handling fees for paying a $41.75 ATM

Withdrawal on 09/30/09, my current balance is $183

Something. Then another 34.95 for the $200 payment

Made to my cell phone which didn't go through until

10/02/09. Now they tell me the fees are because the

$200 was pending and not available. Now my

Question is if the $200 was pending and not available

Why did the ATM say my available balance was $183

And let me withdraw the $41.75? Not to mention the

$200 overdraft which my acct is currently over $124

Which would truly only be over drafted $57 if they had

Only charged me for what was truly NSF which was

The $200 that went through on 10/02/09. This

Banking institution SUCKS and I have since closed my

Account and moved my funds to a much more

Pleasant bank, NATIONAL BANK. If you're considering

This bank for any reason, I RECOMMEND YOU DON'T,

You'll just be having your money stolen from you.

1. This bank is using early 20th Century ATM and banking systems in 21 Century.

There's no way to deposit checks or cash@ "YE OLD" ATM, saith thou?
Most systems are not touch screen, if you can read the cloudy, dim screen.
2. "OH, 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) GET THEY HUSTLE ON, THEY GET THEY HUSTLE ON!" OH, NO THEY DIDN'T... OH, YEAH THEY DID! THEY the "SPIRIT AIRLINES" of banks. THEY charge you for: money orders, using different ATMs, double up overdraft fees, and have additional return deposit fees ( on top of the overdraft fees). And maybe other fees, I don't know, because I've only had this acct for under 3 months.
3. Trying to get the bank to return money for unauthorized payment... that you can prove was unauthorized, is like pulling "TEETH" not just the bad teeth, but the good and healthy teeth with the bad teeth, without novocaine while using an industrial power drill!
4. They Drive thru services, THEY DRIVE THRU SERVICES... OMG! OMG! Why it take so long, when "YOU THE ONLY ONE THERE!" The "drive thru" should be "drive bye"... "BOY BYE... BYE FELICIA, BYE FELICIA!"
5. NEEDLESS TO SAY, I'm closing the account.
I could use "proper grammar," however, I think "proper Ebonics" better amplifies and express my emotions, in this case.

Customer Service Sucks and this bank is a joke!
The customer service at this bank, especially via telephone, is horrible! I have NEVER banked with any other bank as ridiculous as this one. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) give you an over draft fee even if you have over draft protection and once they put your account into the negative because of the fees they give you, they add a negative fee charge on top of that! Tried to reason with them on these fees and they refused to help or wave fees. I bank with BB&T and Wells Fargo and anytime there is a problem with my account, they are willing to help. I only opened this account because of my son but we will be closing it. I would NOT recommended this bank even if you need a second chance account, I would first seek a real bank with the means to accommodate their customers.

This review gets one star because it is the lowest rating allowed on this site
This bank is misleading. Do not trust this bank to tell you everything when getting your account. First off their convenient online mobile app is a sham. The mobile deposit is only good for up to $200 and if you deposit more then then the $200 weather from the same check book or not and expect to have your money when your account sends you a message that the check is good and your balance shows the deposit it will not be in your account. You will have to wait one week to get your money while the bank racks up the overdraft fees. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) have done this to me before which at the time I took it as an error on my part. Now that it has happened again I see it is the bank. I even have a $600 deposit insurance with this f$%cking bank and they still hold my money. I repeat do not use First convenience bank for any reason. It is not convenient. Unfortunately I have two accounts with this bank in which I will be closing in the near future. I would give them negetive stars if I could. This is the worst bank to ever exist in the modern world of banking. Not only are they holding my money they are costing me money by me being stranded with no funds for fuel and normal daily expenses. Putting Customers First is the last thing this bank does. Putting Customers Out should become the new slogan of First Convenience Bank.

What the F*$!
Soooo usually i have enough in my account to not over draft. And 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) charge an nsf of 35. Every week you dont put money in this account they keep doing so.
I had 12. In my account and 9.99 was pulled out for my son's abc mouse thingy. I havent used my card since sunday. And now im over drawn. And everytime i call they say its my fault well not this time because, i know for a fact that i didnt do it. Because its saying im over drawn 34. Yall are theives and liars. Always rude whenever i go up to the tellers and always rude on the phone. Also there is no such thing as maintenance fees. Yall loose money and take it out of ther peoples accounts. I havent overdrafted at all since maybe august of 2018, and now im over drafted. Seriously. I even got the overdraft protection ass*****

Excellent Customer Service!
I have been banking with First Convenience Bank for about 7 years now. I have always had excellent customer service there, accept for one new guy that did not last very long there. I have been a customer since the old Kroger in Porter, TX and now at the new one in the new Kroger at Valley Ranch. I have been in customer service all my life and as sad as it is to say people will always call in on the bad service but not take time to call in for the good service. The Branch is always clean and decorated for what ever holiday it is which puts you in the spirit for the holidays. I also want to recognize these people, Manger: Jessica Sauer always welcomes me by saying hello Mr Allwright how are you doing today and before I leave she always ask me if there is anything else she can do for me. She shares about all the things that are being offered by the bank such as refinancing a used vehicle which I applied for. I am a person that acknowledges things and when one of her employee's is having a problem she is there front and center to help them. So Thank you Jessica Sauer for always treating with respect and kindness and always making me feel like family. I would also like to acknowledge these names, Maria Gonzales, Jesse Aniimas, Lucia Gomez, Dais Perez, George Hernandez all 5 of these people have excellent customer service and always welcome me into the bank by saying Good morning Mr. Allwright or Good evening Mr. Allwright. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) handle my transactions in a timely manner and always ask me if there is anything else they can do for me. All this starts from the Manager of the location, as she teaches her team on excellent customer service and also cares about all her customers and her team that works together to make the customers happy at First Convenience Bank at Valley Ranch. I want to once again, Thank you all at the Valley Ranch Branch for the Awesome Customer Service.

One Happy Customer!:)

Tony Allwright

God Bless

We closed our account
We open an account on this bank thinking that local or small banks may have a better services to it's customers but I was wrong. Okay, their supervisor and manager dont have the power to do much to help the customer. Here's what happened, I linked my bank to my paypal account to automatically charge my purchases via paypal. I tried to recover my ebay account by paying them fees to be able to use it again, since i didn't pay too much attention to the payment method/settings on paypal. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) end up charging me 2 weeks later but during that time, my account didn't have enough money to pay for the transaction that I thought I already paid 2 weeks ago. First and 2nd attempt I got charged $34 followed by another $34 and another $34. Total of $102 NFS charges by 1 transactions! In other bank that i thought was worst, as a first time customers, they normally waived that and they also pay that transaction on your behalf and then they charge you for overdraft only 1 time!. But first convenience bank dont do that and their manager can't help you either. They are not considerate, and they want your previous transactions to keep on coming back so that they'll keep charging you a NFS fees for every attempt. Bad! Dont go for this bank because other than they cant help you that much, they also dont have 24 hrs for depositing cash. They open late 10am to 6pm with very few locations.

The Most Leagal Way Of Stealing Available/Accessible TO & From Your Account!
The most legal stealing available/ Accessible To & from Your Account. You Think your Safe & Secure When you open a checking or savings account Right?!
You would Think 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) Owe you the amount of security & Promise they swear & vow to stand by but they don't.
I've Banked with this Bank for more than 2 years & it's been nothing but a disappointment & a loss I will forever carry. THEY STOLE SO MUCH $ from me & caused me to loose my house, Business & ended up homeless with my 2 kids. I screwed up & put my big income tax check in & they wiped me out in 2 days from 27 different locations all over the United States. I was in the process of moving & ended up stuck, homeless & lived in a tent for a week with my 2 children alone. I had to scrap the funds up just to be able to drive back to the same place I first moved away from. It was horrible for me & my kids. I never got a penny back & argued day & night with the dispute center, waist of time. They don't give a CRAP & I hope this Bank looses everything & there customers. BEWARE WHEN OPENING AN ACCOUNT. YOU WILL REGREAT IT!

Horrible bank... DO NOT BANK HERE
I have been banking with this bank since June 2010. It was easy to open account so I decided to give it a try while in Walmart. I was told that after 4 months I would be able to deposit checks via the app( job wasn't offering direct deposit at the time). Well 4 days before I reached my 4 month mark my account had been breached causing my to close that account and open another one. At this point your membership starts over! Here I am 6 months later and I've had issue after issue after issue. Just recently I called I. And let them know I would be making a payment for my tuition but I wanted the electronic check to clear on Friday when my direct deposit went through. I was assured this was ok. On Thursday my account became overdrawn because 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) did not honor my request after all. I was charged 2 NSF charges in 10 hours. I plan on switching back to Wells Fargo. I have a list of issues that often occur with them. IF you don't have money to waste or time to sit on the phone with customer service please DO NOT BANK HERE.

They treat their customers like criminals!
This is the most unprofessionally run bank in the country. You just couldn't find a more screwed up facility than this one. Try and make a simple deposit and they'll treat you like your passing bad checks. Every single time it's been a big friggin hassle. Convenience bank? Oh my god that's funny. The lady named Shelly at the bullhead city branch has a real big chip on her shoulder and treats CERTAIN PEOPLE like dirt. If you dare question her she'll shut your account down for NO reason. Obviously she has some very serious anger issues and shouldn't be in a fiduciary responsible position. Totally unfit to deal with the public. I guarantee you She's chased out more business than she'll ever get in. After she shut my account down I walked next door to the money center and 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) cashed my check in three minutes. Seriously three minutes. This is after being at my own bank for twenty minutes and the only thing I managed to accomplish was having this woman shut my account down with checks out. It's like they try really hard to make your banking experience as miserable as possible. And they do a very good job at that. Stay away and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

Don't care about customers!
This bank is the worst customer service bank I have ever dealt with. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) don't get to know their customers at all. They find any way they can to charge you fees - ATMs are only in the stores, but they charge you fees if you have to drive thru another bank, they process debit payments from highest to lowest amounts so if you happen to overdraft they can charge fees on as many as possible. After years and no issues with depositing checks, they decide to hold a check from a retirement company for 10 days - I got no notice it was being held, actually received an email that it had been approved, it shows it's in my account balance, yet they're charging fees for the items I had already set to process. I was told I'd have to fax in a letter from the company that they sent me the check - what? Obviously they sent me the check! Apply for a loan - they will look at your credit report from years ago, not at the type of customer you have been for years - your consistent direct deposit, account status, same job for years - stuff like that. Would not recommend this bank to anyone unless you want them to screw you out of your money.

Horrible the worst banking ever
I would not bank at this Bank it is one of the worst Banks you could possibly Bank at from the branch manager all the way to the workers don't ever get anything notarized from this Bank either the branch manager doesn't even know what she's doing one moment the paper is right the next moment it's wrong then takes up the wrong paper and the right paper and covers up the work and the notary that was already on the paper as we were waiting for this paper to be notarized she is in her office talking on the cell phone while we are waiting this bank is a joke a hole in the wall from Walmart I rate this Bank a zero then at the same time trying to get you to open up an account when all you're trying to do is take care of a loved one like really this place is a joke I'm just telling the others don't ever Bank here it is horrible the worst experience I've ever had to endure I would not recommend this bank to anybody not even the dog walking down the street if you're looking for a bank go to a real Bank not one that's a hole in the wall in Walmart you would get better results stay away from the banks in Walmart it is horrible this bank is located in Walmart off of tascosa Road and Gem Lake in Amarillo Texas do not bank at this Bank

No good customer service in store Tucson market. Place n or phone
Do not know how to interact with customers when asking questions and being told back in forth its one another when it's only 1 person's fault being lied to in person by a manager who's walking away laughing at me stating she doesn't work at the company and she couldn't help me and the service is I was therefore 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) don't do in bank only over phone Customer service giving me the run around back in for China me that it is in store don't know hold she believed didn't wanna give me a receipt of the merchant return Stated would get fired if was to give me information that I was asking for to show proof that they sent over was kind of fishy how they were texting boss to let him know that they had to send this over when they should be a company no good customer service at all should retrain phones reps n in bank reps Give them more knowledge to read over n learn would not recommend any one

Awful bank
Awful bank. At first i liked the convenience of being open until 7 and use of their coin changer was pretty ideal (i worked at a job with lots of coins), then i moved and was using this bank from a distance. I know banks are pretty greedy on the whole but JEEZ. The monthly fee went from 2 dollars to 12, and now I'm getting overdrafted 35 dollars when i dont have it in there fast enough. 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) ACTUALLY OVERDRAFT YOU FOR THEIR OWN FEES. They ALSO play with the order of your charges for maximum Screwing You Over. And of course, when you go and talk to someone in person, its Always Your Fault and Never Theirs, and if you talk about their system to them they just give you some bs on why everything is working exactly how it is supposed to.

Financial irresponsibility and lies
Minus a star for over the phone customer service. That being said, Most of the reviews listed here are not truly indicative of how this bank actually operates. It sounds like a bunch of financially irresponsible people having a baby fit. And a lot of it isn't even true. For example, one lady says 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) charged her more than 100 overdraft fees. First convienience caps at 4. They are 34 dollars a piece which is a bit much compared to other banks. But, you can have 9 or 10 different overdraft purchases and they only charge you for FOUR! The rest are fee free. Another lady says that the cap on mobile deposit is 200 resulting in overdrafts. This is not true either. I deposit mine and my husbands checks for many times that amount weekly. They do put a hold on it if it's over like $1500 I believe to ensure that the check clears before it released. But, that isn't bad customer service, it's good business. If you are over drafting it's because you are spending money you don't have, not because the bank is irresponsible. They also have a loan called fresh start that will zero out your negative balance allowing you to get caught up. I could go on and on. But, I digress. This bank has never been anything but amazing to us, and everyone I know that has used or switched to them has never been anything less than satisfied. My ONLY complaint would be phone customer service. You are better off going into the branch and speaking to someone in person if you have a major issue. I seem to go round and round over the phone, but in person it's always handled immediately. The phone service is really only good for reporting lost/stolen, or ordering.

Putting customers first? Yeah right! Very poor customer service
Very bad customer service.
Waited more than two weeks for an answer for a overdraft fee. After dealing with at least four employees and finally presenting my self upset, 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) took care of my issue. Each employee had a different version on what the process for reviewing this issues was. One said that her bosses where in meetings Monday thru Wednesday and could not get an answer, after that I did not received any calls or notications about my situation. After this, another employee said I was put on a list and that when it was my turn then they will look into it. Another two just didn' t returned my call.
Another issue, debit card keeps getting rejected paying home internet services. They have no idea why!
Another issue, my gym made a mistake and charge my account several times, So First "Convinience Bank" charged me 134 total overdraft fees, I explain this to them and they said they will not remove the charges since they had remove one as courtesy that I should deal with the gym in getting th money back from them. I know is not their fault, but it was a mistake and the gym did provide a letter for them stating this, still they don't care. Know I am stuck with a negative balance of four overdrafts fees plus one more of $ 34.00 for a negative balance for more than 7 days. I know its the gym mistake but still this bank is profiting from customer and not who made the mistake. So the manager from th Refund department said not to return the overdrafts fees because it was already done as courtesy one time!
Comparing to other banks; this one does not provide up to date ATM, app services, and most important a reliable customer service.
So I don't know why they state putting customers first in their values.

Check fields!

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1stCB (First Convenience Bank) Rating

Based on 30 reviews from 1stCB (First Convenience Bank) customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Address: 507 North Gray Street, 76540


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