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Amazon Fresh

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Reviews Food & Drink, Grocery Delivery Amazon Fresh

50 customer reviews of

Produce not good
I usually shop for produce myself but I injured my back several weeks ago and my wife broke her toe two days ago so we decided to try Amazon Fresh. We ordered green leaf lettuce but receive collard greens. We ordered blueberries but several were over ripe and mushy. One container was half empty. Some of the grape tomatoes that we ordered had mold on them.

Also, delivery guy left before we could tip him.

Amazon refunded those items but we ordered them because we wanted them.

Worth It (If It Isn't Right, They Fix It)

- Service is on time, most of the time (within a 2-hour window that I select). Delivery has exceeded the 2-hour window only once by 15 minutes.

- Cold and frozen items are wrapped in absorbable padding (and frozen gel packs are used with frozen items). The cold/frozen food care taken with packaging is much better than I could do myself while grocery shopping.

- Delivery drivers are courteous, professional, and polite. Most have gone above and beyond (even helping to bring bags inside for me).

- Amazon Fresh doorstep delivery has been infinitely helpful during the pandemic. It's a Godsend for those with mobility issues - seniors, disabled folks, those with small children at home that can't run to the grocery store may be helped considerably with Amazon Fresh.

- Anyone with an EBT card (in my case, a Cal Fresh card) can pay for food with EBT (not so with other food delivery services). And anyone with a valid EBT card has a discounted Amazon Prime rate of $5.99 (vs. Full price of $12.99 monthly) - which includes Prime video, Prime 2-day shipping, and Prime food delivery.

- Yes, Amazon Fresh do sell out of certain items but most of the time this is noted prior to placing the order. I've noticed more sold-out items when ordering later in the day – early morning is best.


- There have been a few occasions when the driver has neglected to ring the bell when leaving groceries at the door, which may result in spoiled perishables and/or thawed frozen foods (but they will replace the item(s) and redeliver or process a refund).

- As with all food delivery services, you can't select your own produce which may translate into woody asparagus, over-ripe bananas, bruised tomatoes, etc. Had I been shopping myself, I would have passed on some of the produce that was delivered. You also can't peruse the expiration dates (but Fresh doesn't sell expired food).

- The price for 3 large bananas via Fresh is the same as a bunch of bananas at Ralph's, Costco, or Vons markets. The cost of a small bit of fresh chives (or any fresh herbs) via Fresh is the same as a larger bunch at other grocery stores.

- Family sizes are few and far between in my experience in the Amazon Fresh world. Most items are smaller sizes (ketchup, mayo, cereal, tortilla chips, butter, cans of beans or soup, etc.) but the prices are the same as a regular grocery store. 4 sticks of butter at Ralph's costs the same as 2 sticks of lesser-quality butter via Amazon Fresh. 1/2 gallon of milk costs the same as a full gallon at Ralph's. If you have ever been to a Dollar store (99¢, Dollar Tree, etc.) you will get the idea - most items are smaller than what one would see in a "regular" grocery store. I did find some "family size" frozen foods (e.g. Lasagne, Banquet turkey, Bertolli pasta, etc.)

- Many items are smaller than what I would have purchased, had I been grocery shopping myself. I prefer to buy jumbo/"family" sizes because they are always more economical. And the cost per item via Fresh is the same as its larger counterpart at Ralph's/Kroger – in that sense, the Amazon Fresh cost is higher than Ralph's grocery store. But this is the norm for all delivery services in my experience.

- Living in Southern California, I have found that a later evening delivery (8 pm-midnight) works best for keeping cold and frozen foods frozen.


- Amazon Fresh is a great service for those who need home delivery. The nominal cost per month is worth it. I personally don't rely 100% on Fresh delivery for all of my staples because the prices and deals at regular local grocery stores are often better than Fresh prices. But Fresh doorstep delivery has worked out well for me and I highly recommend.

Those reviewers that have mentioned issues with Fresh - I don't get why you aren't phoning support and simply telling them. They will provide a refund and/or replace items (it's their policy).

Protect your family
My wife and I have been using Amazon Fresh because there's a large Covid-19 outbreak in our area. We have been ordering several times a week in the past month or so. Wearing a mask is mandatory in our city. When we order we asked for no contact. On several occasions we have been given orders by people that are not wearing masks to protect us. We have complained about this, and we have continued to recieve orders from their employees who are not wearing masks. We are going to find other alternatives to recieve our online orders. I would not order from Amazon fresh if you are trying to avoid Covid-19. Amazon Fresh do not enforce their employees to protect others from covid-19.

Waiting on a refund for 4 weeks
I ordered food and spirits from Amazon on may 14th and was told Amazon Fresh issued me a refund because no one was home and with spirits you need to be there. I was told I would have a refund in 5 to 7 business days. Then the 28th of May I still had not received my refund to my debt card or my ebt card. So I called again and was transferred back and forth just to be told they had to start and ticket and get over to someone else to look at. Here it is June 8th I called again still no refund and nothing has been done. I was told they see my ticket but nothing was done so they will make another ticket. I can't believe this is how Amazon handles customers and their money. When I paid for my products the money came off right away there is no way or reason I should not have my refund back by now. I'm disappointed and feel like I have been robbed.

Over It!
I've used Amazon Fresh quite a bit over the last 12 months. Some shipments were good, others not so much. But at this point, I don't trust them to provide FRESH food.

It started when I received a new package of shredded cheese, that had mold in it.
A few shipments later, I received another packaged of shredded cheese that was also moldy.
Apples are always bruised and soft.
I had a bottle of almond milk, that still had 6 months left until it expired, have black mold scattered all over the inside.
I've had frozen foods placed in bags without any ice packs, so that food is at risk of being old.
I've had bags of carrots that were ripped open somehow, and scattered in the bag.
Amazon Fresh will cancel your order without notice if even 1 item has a price change, isn't available, or unknown reasons?
Amazon Fresh will remove items from your order, without notifying you or letting you choose replacement... the list goes on.

After I noticed my almond milk go bad a few days ago, I've officially had it with them and just don't trust any of their products. I'll stop being lazy and go to the grocery store to make sure I'm picking up good quality products. And no, the grocery won't be Whole Foods, because they've severely decreased in quality (I've had the same moldy cheese problem with an item I purchased in Whole Foods). I think it's just an Amazon issue - since Amazon Fresh took over Whole Foods.

The only PRO about Amazon Fresh, is they are good about allowing you to return and get a refund for these mistakes they make. But it's VERY inconvenient.

Bad service
I was the first person in line on July 22nd at Amazon Fresh in Login Circle. I explained that I was not tech inclined when Amazon Fresh gave me the 100.00 in gift cards. The associate showed me how to put it on my app and I did but when I bought groceries it was still pulling money from my debit account. I called customer service and they disconnected from me the first time and the second time was absolutely no help. I went to the store for the second time and just like the first, was pretty much dismissed by the worker. The manger after the worker told me there was nothing they would do and that I would have to just take a lose. The manager then came over pulled to the side and asked what the problem was. I explained it to him and he said" the gift cards can only be used for online orders" I explained that that was not explained to me when they gave them to me and he said sorry there is nothing we can do about that. I definitely am disappointed in the way I was treated, I am disappointed in the way both the store and customer service handled this and I definitely believed that hade I been a different person, I would have been treated differently. I will NEVER go back into Amazon fresh.

Love the scheduling
I am a single woman that has bone issues so to push a heavy cart with cases of water and things like that is very hard for me to do not that I can't do it but it's a struggle it's a challenge. Amazon Fresh is such a Time saver I get to pick out my heavy items as well as my all-time favorites. The best delivery slot is between 5:00 and 7:00am especially if you're off that day. You can get your delivery and go back to bed for a few hours! I love it! Items are packed with care I think it's great because I'm using my snap not that I haven't used my debit card before because I have but for the most part I use my snap and there's no delivery fee. Just be mindful when you're ready to order when it would ultimately be delivered. So I was looking on a Thursday particularly for Saturday morning delivery it always works out perfectly never never a fail and I think I've been ordering about a solid year already. I usually have two deliveries a month from them.

Thawed groceries
My Whole Foods Market is 10 minutes away but my Amazon Fresh orders arrived completely thawed 4 times. I don't drive and I thought this service would be more affordable than taking a Lyft or Uber. But I end up having to make trips to the grocery store anyway. I feel guilty throwing food out but Amazon can't provide information about when the food was packed or how long it was sitting out. Amazon Fresh just refund it. Amazon also stopped using insulation and switched over to brown bags because they are recyclable. I respect that but the current packaging is not suitable for the delivery of frozen and refrigerated items. So in the future I will only use this service for the rare occasions I only need nonperishables.

Has Gone Downhill
I cook a lot in general and also just started a cooking vlog channel so I order from Amazon Fresh multiple X's/wk. Had a REALLY horrible experience a month ago where Amazon Fresh actually had to refund me the ENTIRE dollar amount for my entire order $230+. Everything was melting, crushed, smashed, overturned broken &/or almost spoiled. The WHOLE order. But lately nothing's as fresh. And the new thing they're doing now is sending me the message that ALL my items were available then I get the delivery and there are MULTIPLE MISSING OR OUT OF STOCK ITEMS YET THEY HAVE PUT A COUPLE OF UNASKED FOR "EXTRA" ITEMS IN MY BAGS TO MAKE UP FOR THE MISSING OR OUT OF STOCK ITEMS WHICH I NEEDED. FOR EXAMPLE, MY LAST ORDER IS MISSING 4 OR 5 ITEMS AND THERE'S EXTRA PACKAGES OF LITTLE DEBBIE SNACKS + STOUFFER'S FROZEN LASAGNA. At first, when this started happening, I thought I had some1 else's stuff BUT it's been occuring with all of my deliveries now. Like: OKIE DOKIE LETS JUST PUT THESE EXTRA ITEMS IN HERE BUT SAY NOTHING WAS OUT OF STOCK & THIS WILL MAKE UP FOR ALL THOSE MISSING ITEMS. THIS IS NOT COOL & DECEPTIVE PRACTICE. AND I DONT LIKE IT. TRY CALLING CS YOU WILL BE ON THERE WITH SOME REMOTE AGENT IN INDIA FOR NEARLY AN HR LIKE I WAS.

Constantly missing items or wrong groceries
My last 3 deliveries were either missing half of my order or I just received someone else's groceries. What irritates me to no end is Amazon's customer service! All Amazon Fresh will do is issue a refund (which takes 3-5 buiness days) and blurt out the same old, "this won't happen again". There's no way to complain to the local warehouse or even the driver. So this crap keeps happening over and over. I'm done! How they keep screwing up this badly is beyond me.

Spoiled food, no insulated bags!
The last time I ordered groceries from Fresh there was no problem. Amazon Fresh had all the perishable items in those insulated bags to keep them from spoiling. Imagine my stunned surprise this time when I found everything in regular paper bags. After a 2+ hour car trip, my ice cream was melted, the pizza was defrosted and bent, the sour cream was warm, and I don't dare take a chance on the raw chicken for fear of food poisoning. Who puts perishable food in regular bags for a car trip of several hours in the summer?! Amazon, apparently. I will never order groceries from them again. I never would have imagined that they would not pack the refrigerated things appropriately.

After I called them and complained they said they would give me a refund, but of course I'm out the time spent waiting for delivery, and I now have to go to the store and re-buy these things. It's a good thing I'm not quarantining. C'mon Amazon, get your act together.

Cancelled at the last minute
I placed an order with amazon fresh this morning and received several emails from them regarding my order with the last one stating, "my order was ready for pick-up and delivery". After receiving multiple text messages from them about my order and being able to add to it if needed, I received one telling me my order was on the way and due to be delivered shortly, that's now what happened. Instead of receiving what I paid for, I was sent a text message, "the driver is unable to deliver your order, it has been cancelled and your money refunded. No decent explanation was given for the cancellation except for "your order was not ready when the driver went to pick it up from the store" REALLY! I received an email this evening way before my nighttime delivery, (which I fail to understand, 2 delivery times available only at night), telling me my order was ready but the driver said differently. What I got was an I'm sorry and $10 to be used at another time. WHAT I NEEDED, were the groceries I purchased and the time back that I wasted placing an order with a company that is becoming more and more unreliable. I AM DONE WITH AMAZON!

Completely unreliable
I never know when I place an order what will happen. Sometimes I actually get everything I ordered and in good condition. But many times items are missing. Last night 2 bags were missing! I get items I didn't order, the wrong quantity or produce in poor condition. You have to interact with a driver and show ID if you order alcohol. The last driver wasn't wearing a mask. And if you reorder missing items, Amazon Fresh may screw that up too! I'm done with Amazon Fresh!

A delivery person who could not communicate in English. Nor could understand spoken English.
A delivery person from amazon fresh. To me a person who is isolating because of an autoimmune disease with morbidity of %100 if I get covid. That is why I got o contact delivery. First the man put groceries right against my front door piling it high. My door opens out in this apt building as my neighbors door does also. So groceries against door make it so you can't get out without pushing food off step.
So as he proceeded doing this I asked him to stop and put in front of bush instead. All he could say was Chinese. Chinese. I finally pushed groceries by opening door. He continued to reptile behind me. I tried to communicate with him. He just kept saying Chinese. He then took off mask and proceeded to get real close to my face and said Chinese. Exposing me at close range and talking. So I tried to talk to him again pointed to door showed him how not to put groceries there. I went and got written notice to not put groceries in front door
The only thing he said was Chinese. He could not speak even a little English. Could not read English and could not even understand spoken English. I have been totally isolating so if I come down with covid I will definitely blame amazon fresh. Is there not enough unemployment that amazon has to employ a person who is unable to communicate in English. During isolation a delivery person should be able to understand their customers for problems. So go ahead call me racist. I want and need to not have my life in danger because you hired someone without any knowledge of the English language. Not one word other than Chinese could he say.
What is going on Amazon Fresh?

First and last time ordering
I am a long time Prime member, and I love Amazon in general, but Amazon Fresh is now on my list of "do not to use." I have an issue with my vehicle right now, so I decided to have groceries delivered. Because of my previous experiences with Amazon, I decided to use Amazon Fresh. Big mistake! First, the system changed the delivery time I selected to a later delivery time. Second, my groceries weren't delivered during the changed time frame, and I wasn't notified of that until the time frame had passed. Third, after waiting nearly 8 hours for my groceries to be delivered, I received a notification that my order had been canceled without any explanation as to why it had been canceled. I called customer service, and as usual the representative was very cordial and friendly, but that doesn't change the fact that now I have to figure out something else to eat for dinner and re-order groceries tomorrow because it's too late now to have them delivered. In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor inconvenience, but it's still an inconvenience. And tomorrow when I re-order groceries, I certainly won't be using Amazon Fresh to do so.

FRESH Driver refused to deliver because there were stairs
I had to order a few things in advance of a storm. Fresh, though often unreliable, had delivery times available so I made sure not to order anything that required refrigeration. When he arrived, I was outside to let the driver in. He yelled at me immediately and asked if there was an elevator, when I said no, he refused to deliver or even drop my food. My condo was, "too far from the parking lot"... all 100 feet. He said he doesn't do stairs. I offered to carry the groceries as well. He walked away and said he was rejecting my delivery. Customer service was no help. I could rebook for the middle of a snow/ice storm in two days or cancel.

No way would I have someone try to deliver during a dangerous storm. Fresh didn't care. Not about me or the person they'd be sending out in terrible weather.

Driver left everyone's packages in my building in the rain
I got notified that my delivery arrived, the postman normally leaves it at my door but Amazon Fresh seems to use a different form of delivery than Amazon Prime. Costs $10 extra to pay a random driver to leave broken wet boxes in front of your building and calling customer service to report the driver I was told that Amazon Fresh cannot contact a driver after the delivery is finished. I got my refund but the service was such a disaster I have to let it be known, DO NOT USE AMAZON FRESH, THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY STANDARDS FOR THE DRIVERS THEY HIRE. THEY WILL LEAVE YOUR ORDER OUT IN THE RAIN TO BE STOLEN.

Free Trial Is Not Free
I attempted to sign up for a free trial per the email from them. Instead, Amazon Fresh charged me $300+ for a year service. When I cancelled, they also cancelled my ALAREADY PAID FOR Amazon Prime, and now I have neither my "free" trial of Fresh nor my prime. But don't worry, customer service assures me she'll forward to management how "unfair" I have been treated. In otherwords, even attempting a "free" trial of this service is not worth it.

Needs POLICY changes!
Because of Covid and transportation issues, i have ordered weekly from Amazon Fresh for over a year. In theory this service is a good idea. In Reality, however, there are 2 major things wrong with it (in my opinion) that would help a great deal if Amazon Fresh were fixed The Delivery timing is far too long for refrigerated and frozen items. I live 30 minutes from the delivery warehouse and am consistently delivered to at the END of the 2 hour window. After 1 hour max, there should be no delivery of these items for safety sake. So i have to call all the time and the only thing they do is a refund. (Which is only part of the problem). There needs to be some way to get the groceries that need refrigeration delivered within one hour. Secondly, quite often the quality of the vegetables specifically are underripe. And the fruits the same or overripe. Not sure how that would be solved but it doesn't motivate me to want to continue buying there. It's ok for non refrigerated items of course. But i would like to buy all my groceries at once and not have to worry about all this.

It was great until my last 3 orders had missing items and damaged items.
I received most of my items, but around 1-3 bags were missing and I received someone else's order instead. It was great some few months ago but I don't know what happened. I thought maybe because it came so early (5 AM) but today I ordered during the 7PM-9PM period and a handful of items were missing! I think it might because schools are opening and since it's he first day of school in this area Amazon Fresh might have more errors. I hope everything is accurate next time. I thought and was hoping to have a great experience this time but it was ruined. Got a different order, things missing, and cracked eggs.

Not reliable, not on time and refund is complicated.
Not reliable, not on time and refund is complicated. I ordered items that were in stock; of the dozen items I ordered only five arrived and late at that. Amazon Fresh charged me for the items that were not delivered. Why? Then I have to get a refund and it was confusing to say the least. The people I spoke with were helpful and kind and promised to deliver some of the items the next day. Some of the items they did not have. Amazing that they keep limited stock of the items ordered.

The quality of service and customer service is not like it use to be
I placed an order there weren't many delivery windows available so I ended up having to wait for 3 days to get a delivery it was scheduled for 8-10 I never received any updates etc then around 10 it updated online saying delayed I called to see if I could get an update and was told more th as n likely it would be within 2 more hours and i can probably expect it by 12am i asked if it would be possible to send me a text letting me know when it is on the way so that i could look out for it and around 12 it said online that there was no tracking available and for me to contact customer service i called and was informed that Amazon Fresh have no idea when it would be delivered or what happened at this point I was frustrated and asked to have the order cancelled was told that it was cancelled but never received an email cancelling the items so I asked to have someone call me spoke with a rep I explained everything she was very helpful said she would make sure it was cancelled and send an email about the cancellation but still never received that email I asked if she could explain to me what happened with my order because I have been a long time customer and this has me kind of concerned and no one knows what happened she said she would transfer me to fresh store to speak with someone a man answered who was not helpful at all and couldn't answer any question I had I asked if someone else could give me a call in the morning to discuss this matter like another manager, supervisor or something he said no one would be able to call me so I asked if there was a number to his manager or supervisor that I could call he gave me the number but when I asked who should I ask to speak with I was told who ever answers the phone I think that was very unprofessional at this point I'm very dissatisfied and will stop using this service &i just ended the calll

Hit or miss delivery!
I routinely order from Amazon Fresh – the majority of the deliveries have been perfectly acceptable – tonight's missed delivery is the last straw: this is the second time the delivery went to the wrong address!

The driver takes a photo of the bags by the front door – BOTH times, the photo is of the same… and different apartment. [see the photo attached – NOT my apartment!] The labels on the bags have my name and address – someone in that apartment knows they've received the wrong delivery and has been enjoying my food! WTAF.

Dudes, GPS! – How hard can it be to hit the correct address?!

Amazon Customer Service has reordered the same order to be delivered tomorrow. [I can only hope it fking arrives]

I cannot continue to use a service I don't trust. I'm done with Amazon Fresh.

They get worse and worse
I've been using Amazon Fresh for well over a year now. In the beginning it was rare that anything would be missing or substituted. In the case of missing items the typical response after calling them was to send them out immediately I would usually receive them the next day if not the same day. Now it's very common for my items to be missing that I've been charged for. And when I call customer service now they're standard responses to issue a refund which takes 5 to 7 business days. Amazon Fresh have gotten my order wrong now five times in a row. Which has been corrected through refunds while I reorder the groceries that I'm missing after hanging up. Often times items out of that order goes missing. I no longer recommend Amazon Fresh you will regret using them because you're going to end up having to go out and get your missing items or place another order which may end up missing as well. I tip very well it's not required but I usually triple or quadruple the suggested tip. This is not what I expect for paying a premium price.

Not long enough dates! Shame on you!
I purchase Innocent Coconut milk all the time from my local Waitrose & whether I shop personally or get it delivered there is always a consistent 6 weeks future date on the product.
Ordering 10 bottles of the milk from Amazon Fresh, along with other organic stuff that Waitrose do not stock, to my dismay the entire 10 bottles had a less than 3 week date on them. This is appalling, as I will be throwing away almost half of the order by the time the date has expired. I cannot order from Amazon Fresh weekly as the range is not comprehensive enough, & this product does not freeze particularly well, so will not be using them again, unless desperate, & certainly wont be ordering any product in bulk.

Keeps you in the dark and blindsides you in the end.
My happiness was immeasurable when I found out that I was able to shop on Amazon Fresh and receive my order in a timely manner... until I found myself sitting in my living room at 1:00 AM wondering where my groceries were. I checked my phone and heard nothing, not even a courtesy notification. I decided to check the app, expecting to see that it was rescheduled - not what I wanted, but that would've been fine - nope. I find that not only were my items marked unavailable, I was prompted to add the items to my cart and try again only to find out that most of my order was suddenly out of stock.

"Out of stock"? Come on now, you really expect me to believe that you wouldn't prioritize those with cash over those on EBT? You ran around and sold the last of your stock to folks with a credit card added and decided to give me the finger. I certainly hope the cash was worth it because you'll never see a cent from me again on Amazon Fresh or otherwise.

In summary: if you're looking for a reliable delivery service, look elsewhere. It is blatantly evident that Amazon Fresh would throw you to the wolves whenever it gets the chance.

Very Disappointed with service
It was the day before Thanksgiving and I ordered my groceries 7am. I chose the two hour window of delivery time 10am - 12pm. I followed the app as Amazon Fresh were packing my order and then sent it out for delivery. I kept watching from my front window for them to show up. At this time it was past 12pm - no driver ever came. I tried to contact the driver and was immediately disconnected. Then I went back to my order on line just to read that my groceries had been delivered at 11:59am. What a joke! I never received anything. When I tried to contact Amazon fresh I was transferred around more than 5 times and had to explain my situation over and over when all they had to do was read the notes. Then I was transferred again. One rep told me that she couldn't see what was wrong but that Amazon Fresh was having technical issues. I was offered my money on a gift card. I paid with my debit card and said if I had to get a refund that I wanted it put back the way I paid for it. I was then told that it would be credited within 10 days to my debit card. I informed them that I needed the product and why no one could tell me where it was? I had to get a Supervisor on the phone to tell me that I needed to wait an additional 6 hours for the delivery that it would be delivered sometime today! If I do not receive it then I would have to call back for a refund. That is a total of 8 hours waiting for a guaranteed 2 hour delivery and possibly still no order. I will never use this service again!

Completely Unreliable
The first time I ever used them was about 9 months ago. The food that came was just left at my front doorstep all over the place. Bread was smashed, bananas nearly rotten, and containers crushed. Given the weather, I decided to give them another try. This time my order was cancelled 6 hours before delivery. When cancelled, Amazon Fresh didn't even give an explanation as to why it was cancelled. Amazon just needs to close up this portion of their shop.

Incompetent workers
If I could give a negative or zero rating I would.
Hire more competent people to work for you when it comes to deliveries.
How hard is it to verify the address on the account to the house you've pulled up and delivered to?

Never received a delivery because Amazon Fresh delivered it to some other random house and all they could do is refund us. I ordered it because I need it and your services are supposed to be convenient.

As they say- if you want it done right, do it yourself.

Never ordering from you again and will be sure to spread the news to everyone I know.

Yellow mustard
I just wanted to order the above from Amazon. The item is 95c but because it's ONLY sold In "Amazon FRESH" (mustard?), I have to pay $10 for delivery. I don't need it immediately so I searched to get it sent at a later date to reduce or omit the fee (Im a prime member), but there's not avoiding the shipping charge bc it's Amazon Fresh. Ridiculous. I had ordered 6 other items from regular Amazon so it could have easily been added to my other items but that wasn't an option. Even baby wipes and hydrogen peroxide is Amazon Fresh now, so the $1.57 peroxide will cost a total of $11.57 with the mandatory shipping fee! Unscrupulous!

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Amazon Fresh Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Amazon Fresh customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Order your groceries at and choose how you want them delivered

Address: 1227 124th Avenue Northeast, 98005


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