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America's Best

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Reviews Health, Vision, Contact Lenses America's Best

50 customer reviews of

Very poor service
I bought two pair of glasses at the same time. One pair had a lens fall out in the store as America's Best fitted them to me. They fixed the lens and I was on my way. It was over a year when the first pair were showing signs of wear and I pulled out my second pair. The pair that had the lens fall out and they fixed. Had the same lens fell out again as I tried to wear them. I took them back and a man tried to fix them but didn't have the equipment to finish the repair. He told me to take them home and finish the job myself. I did what I could and I started wearing them The very first day I bumped the glasses on my face and the lens fell out. I took them back to the store where I bought them and they told me they were fine and didn't need repair. I called the head office and they told me that because I had them over a year they would not fix them, even though They were bad from the day I paid for them. I can't think of any eyeglass company that ever refused to fix a problem with their product.

Left Complaint, Still No Solution
America's Best of Mentor owes me six boxes of contacts from December of 2019. I left a negative review on their site four months ago, and received a response from the "owner" Nancy. I emailed all of my information, as instructed. It has been five days, and still no answer. This place is a joke and a ripoff. Why is it okay for them to steal from me? America's Best used Covid as an excuse for the delay of my contacts, and then told me it had been so long that I'd have to pay for another exam in order to get them. It was THEIR fault I never received them! Meanwhile, I've paid out of pocket for a contact exam and contacts. I also ordered glasses, which aren't that great either. My insurance would have paid for a glasses exam. My out of pocket costs were very high, nowhere near the two for $69 offer they advertised. I will be leaving a complaint with the BBB next. What they did was thievery, plain and simple.

Got you shot tooo bad!
Followed all the rules. Filled out all the forms and talked to an associate on the phone. Asked what their policy was and was required to wear a mask. All good.
Walked in and more paperwork was required but it was all about Covid. I have had covid. I have my shots. But I was honest and said I was outside at a function with my mask on and there were people who said America's Best were testing positive. She said 2 weeks I was good. Went to sit down and they told me I had to leave.
Why wasn't this told to me.
No apology. Wasted my whole day said I could come in for another week.
Lost my business.
They claim your time is important to them.
They do not care about you time.
Going to LensCrafters

Disrespectul, offensive and discriminative Manager
This is for Lincoln Village store in Chicago. I paid over US$ 500 for my transition glasses almost 2 months ago. When I went to pick them up the first time, America's Best kept us waiting for what felt eternity since they weren't finding them, although the system said they have arrived. After looking through every drawer, they found them. In the minute the lady got them out of the package I knew something was wrong! They have ordered tinted instead of transition. This was Saturday before Labor Day, so she explained that first thing Tuesday they would escalate and send request so that I could received the correct ones less than the usual 2 weeks. I patiently waited for three weeks. I called them first and they confirmed they have arrived. The minute I saw them, again, looking frantically through the drawers, I said to them, this is the same thing that happended last time, and they found them in the wrong drawer. By this moment three of them were looking around. Alma Isirov, manager of the store, was this whole time there, not even looking at us (we were speaking in Spanish). By one point, one of them was wispering something to her ear... After that, they were running from one side of the store to the other, going twice through all the drawers... She kept ignoring us. It is necessary to say that we never once complained about the, once again, long wait, never once neither did she offered an appology for the wait. After waiting patiently for almost 45 minutes, she was called into her office, came back, not even looking at us and continue as if we were invisible. Minutes later, the lady who was looking for them came, sat in front, took them out of the bag, and... it was the same exact wrong tinted glasses. We explained to her the whole previous messed up, asking how could it be possible that nothing was done in three weeks. She asked if I had a receipt for the return... and I said, no, I didn't get one, because I never took them. She said, well my coworker should have, and now I will give you one. By now we really got frustrated, my son asked her if there was no accountability for the messed up, and that they were just bouncing the ball. Suddently, this so called manager that was ignoring us all the time, just pushed the girl aside and said let me talk to them. Merlene, who was always very courteous to us said, I've got this, but she ignored her. I thought... finally, she is going to give us an appology. Oh, no, not at all! She just went ahead and told my son that she felt aggressivenes by our side and was not appreciative of that and asked what was the problem. Of course she knew what was going on... The girl told her you know that I just speak loud (she also was a latina) let me continue with them, but she ignored her and began discussing with my son. Then I asked her in Spanish, who is she? And she said softly, she is the manager of the store. So I told her that I was in awe how rude she was, and how could she not have any sense of customer service being that she should have appologize and not get at us like that. My son then, also began speaking to the girl in Spanish asking how things could get resolved. Alma the manager, turned to her and ask to translate. Since nobody paid more attention to her, she just said, I don't understand anything and turned away. So I asked the girl, could you please escalate it and put a rush? She said, I can't do that, it is the manager who has to do it. OMG, so all this time, it was the manager's fault, she was the one that didn't care and left for those three weeks the glasses sitting on her desk, not even caring... I couldn't ask for a return, since I had paid half and my insurance the other half, so she explained that for them to get back the money would take really a long process. Then Marlene, said, what the manager should have said... what can I do so that you feel comfortable staying with us? I told her that, first of all I didn't want anything to do with that rude manager, second I requested her to follow up this time and to keep me informed.

Again, how can one expect not to be screw up in a store in which the manager is disrespectul, offensive and just felt very discriminative toward us?

After picking up my correct glasses, I hope, will not ever go back to that store!

America's Best canceled my order the same day. It didn't match my prescription (Update 9/26 & 9/22)
America's Best is a California eye care chain with subsidiaries all over the country. Their 'online' prescription software is not amenable to jettisoning or ignoring the prescription form. You HAVE to complete everything to submit an order. But note that America's Best does NOT address the issues in the 2nd response that I raised but simply replies to things I hadn't objected to. Here's my additional response to 'AB':

Oh please!.

You don't have a user friendly system period. There's no logical selection process. Either one jumps through all the silly hoops or one one gets bum-pus.

I didn't have any funds committed as your website indicates funds aren't charged until the lenses are shipped. At least that part of your order form seems to work. Get this straight: I DIDN'T CHANGE MY PRESCRIPTION that's simply your unwarranted conclusion based on a misconception, as I told you that your computer would NOT let me just check the prescription verification box and submit. What's the point of the 'I don't know what my prescription is statement " box other than to DENOTE that a "CHOICE" can be made. (NOT TRUE) Why is it necessary to fill out the prescription on line and then submit it (later) in written form. Don't tell me, let me guess. I'm the first one who ever complained about it. This is simply incongruous and irrational. Obviously you people have never heard of quality control.

You can forward anything you like to your computer people as I have to site jabber but I serious doubt any body at 'America's Best would do anything about it. My guess is you didn't even structure your own website it's 3rd party trash. However, I'm certain that your optometrists enjoy the nebulous nature of the beast otherwise it wouldn't exist to begin with.

A. Williams

(I wound up buying the lenses at Walmart where I simply placed the order and America's Best found my prescription from the reference I gave. Simple Huh?) Here's 'AB's second response:

Incident Information:
[2nd] 9/26 Message:
Dear Allen Williams,

I am sorry for the confusion. However, the reason the order was cancelled after notifying you was that we were unable to process the order, therefore the order was cancelled so your funds could be released from your card. We also have no control on what the doctor has prescribed you. We always check with the doctor to see if a patient is able to wear another brand then prescribed, however the doctor stated you are not approved and you will need to be presented with a trial pair to try out and make sure they are comfortable before purchasing contacts that may not work correctly for your eyes. This is why patients are not able to be dispensed a different brand then prescribed as we do not want them spending their money on contacts that may not work correctly for them. Contact lenses are considered a medical device and much like any medical prescription it is policy to go by what the doctor prescribes for the sake of your eye and vision health. If you are having trouble with the store and doctor where you had your exam, you may reach out to our Store Customer Relations department so that a representative can work with the store to get what you need for your prescription. We at the online store do not have control over changing prescriptions. They can be reached at *******162 or If you like I can forward this message to the department so they contact you. Thank you for letting us know about your concerns with the web site as we are always looking to improve it for better customer navigation. I have forwarded your message to my supervisor so that he is aware of the problems you have been having with the web site and as well as the issues you've experienced with the prescription verification process. We are currently working on revamping the web site in hopes of better navigation for our consumers. Please feel free to let us know of any other concerns and we will do our best to assist you.

Thank you,
ECommerce Department

Yesterday I finally got a belated response from America's Best although they claimed an earlier one. I have no record of it but I did get two not very cogent voice messages on my phone. Here's their response:

[1st] (9/21) message
Dear Allen Williams,

Thank you for contacting America's Best. I am re sending this email since you stated you did not receive a response from us. Unfortunately, we unable to reinstate a cancelled order. Also, we are unable to process an order for a prescription that is not prescribed by the doctor. The Sofmed Breathables Monthly was not prescribed from the doctor, which is why we could not go forward with the order. Different brands do have different measurements and lens material. The doctor would need to give you a trial pair of the Sofmed Breathables Monthly and would need to make sure they are the correct fit for your eyes. We are unable to fill an order for a different brand then prescribed as we do not want to risk damaging a patients eyes with an incorrect size are material that their eyes could react badly too. We were also unable to edit the order with the correct prescribed brand as we cannot alter an order where Paypal was used and we cannot alter it until a patient has approved for the order to be altered. If you have any other questions or concerns please let me know and I will be happy to address them for you.

Thank you,

I believe I addressed America's Best concerns adequately but all I received completely ignored the unprecedented action of cancelling my order on THE SAME DAY!. I didn't get an apology either that didn't come until the two voice mails. Here is my rebuttal:


Don't give me that nonsense. You have a current prescription for me performed by YOUR own state line road optometrist. I shouldn't have to tell you that MUST take precedence.on any order conflict. Your system WOULDN'T allow me to proceed unless I completed that worthless on-line 'prescription' form. Which brings me to the question as to why it even exists. Without a hard copy to support any 'alleged' prescription change it should have been rejected by the system.

You didn't need to ALTER my order. If you had any common sense, you'd realize that the programming should have included a DEFAULT for America's best prescription of record. I've never heard or experienced anyone canceling an order a few hours later in the same day. I didn't get to my email as I reported on site jabber until TWO days later. Other companies give a day or two to resolve a dispute apparently you weren't concerned (or smart) enough to consider that option. You could have sent me an email as you managed to do at this point citing your concerns that didn't EXPIRE a few hours later.

I mentioned to the optometrist during the exam that I wasn't completely satisfied with Accuvue II because they weren't easy to put in but he never offered a suggestion and considering the office congestion and Covid restrictions leading to assembly line examination, I'm not surprised. I'm also well aware that different brands have different characteristics but contact lenses are virtually all 14 mm in diameter and offer the same diopter powers. The only difference was I couldn't select the correct BC parameter. My eyes wouldn't have been damaged; the different curvature would have just impaired my vision. The point is your system should have let me ignore the online form. It should have been academic because your system clearly states that "Don't know your prescription? No worries.we will collect your doctor's information during checkout..." so checking the box next to this statement alone should have made you ignore anything else but the prescription of record if you weren't using a substandard system.

I doubt you could alter an order even if it didn't involve Paypal given that monstrosity you call an order form. Allowing me a two hour window in which to respond doesn't indicate you were particularly concerned about garnering my approval but rather maintaining assembly line output. There's not much point in having lens manufacturers popup independent of the prescription, only lenses that meet the prescription specifications. Should appear on the screen giving the customer the freedom to try other products. The way your system is configured now is confusing and not very amenable to customer preferences. I don't think that's a coincidence. Obviously you people know nothing about how to present product selection according to manufacturer data to maximize consumer choice.

I don't need or want an optometrist to select a lens manufacturer for me if I know the lens specifications. Doing so suggests you're collecting gratuities for your recommendations. I don't need an auto manufacturer to select a car for me, get the point?

A. Williams

Original review ***

I was down to my last right eye contact lens in August and so scheduled an eye appointment with America's Best at their state line Branch in Kansas City. There was a two week backlog because of Covid-19 so the earliest i could get in was Sept 1st. My right eye experienced some vision changes and I needed to update my prescription before I ordered. The exam went reasonably well despite the asinine Covid-19 procedures which include taking your temperature. I placed my order on the 6th of September and received this response.

Hi allen Williams,

Thank you for your order! Once your order is shipped, we'll email additional details. If you don't have an account, you can create an account now.

Order Information
Your Order - September 06,2020
Order Number: 32438148
Status: processing
Total: $38.99
Shipping: Free
Tax: $0.00"

Then on September 8th, I received an email notice that a hold had been placed on my order that stated the following:

"Hi allen Williams,

Action Required: Contact us to update your prescription ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
We're unable to process your recent order because the item(s) ordered don't match the prescription we have on file. We've placed the correct product that matches your prescription in your cart.

Complete Order Now!

Have an updated prescription? Reply to this email with a copy of your valid prescription, or with a doctor's name and phone number so that we can validate the new prescription. You may also fax it toll-free to *******362."


America's Best Contacts and Eyeglasses eCommerce Customer Care

I didn't actually complete the online prescription, just indicated the power and one other parameter because of their statement "Don't know your prescription? No worries. We will collect your doctor's information during checkout and obtain your prescription for you" stated at the bottom of the online form.

Since they had just performed the eye exam 5 days ago I felt that this was reasonable. So this sudden hold was bizarre because they had the prescription in their system.

Since I'm not in the habit of checking my email every day, I didn't see the two emails from America's Best until two days later on Sept 10th at which time I discovered that my order had been cancelled the same day that I received the hold notice:

Hi allen Williams,

Your order #32438148 has been cancelled.

If there was an authorization hold on your payment method, the release or refund may take up to 3-5 business days for your bank to process.

Still need contacts, eyeglasses or to schedule an eye exam?

That lit me off because of their statement to not worry about the prescription which clearly inferred that it took preference over anything written in their online form. So I sent the following email to their customer service group:

Exactly what the hell are you trying to pull? The first message I got from America's BEST was "We're unable to process your recent order because the item(s) ordered don't match the prescription we have on file. We've placed the correct product that matches your prescription in your cart. "

If you've placed the correct product based on your 'prescription' in my cart. THEN THAT SHOULD TAKE PRECEDENCE AND THE ORDER COMPLETED, anything else is nonsense. What reason exists for completing the online prescription form if not to select lens manufacturers offering the specified options because you don't process orders WITHOUT a written prescription?

Why would your online system ask a user to check a box indicating a copy of the prescription is available and then say the order doesn't match? It's YOUR fault that it doesn't match. The power specified and the lens diameter was correct. The ONLY DIFFERENCE in my online prescription order is that your system didn't offer the option of BC = 8.3 under the lens I selected. I could only select BC = 8.6.
What is the point of specifying a prescription if the system DOESN'T USE IT to select lens manufacturers providing the specified options for display to the customer? If 'Acuvue II' is the only company offering BC=8.3 (which in itself is hard to believe) THEN that is the only choice that should be displayed when the system processes the prescription. Customers shouldn't require an optometrist to tell him which lens manufacturers he may select because the patient is getting one person's opinion. There's a phrase for this it's called graft.

The next message from America's BEST was "Your order #32438148 has been cancelled. If there was an authorization hold on your payment method, the release or refund may take up to 3-5 business days for your bank to process. Still need contacts, eyeglasses or to schedule an eye exam? " I've read some classic moronic responses in my time but this takes the cake.

To date I have not gotten a response or an apology or even a phone call for their online system not behaving in the way their documentation indicated.

I will never order lenses from this company.

Poor treatment
I have gone to America's Best for over 5 years. I have been to multiple locations and loved my original doctor and experience. She was patient and kind. The support staff there was also courteous and professional. Today I was greeted by someone who was incompetent and referred to me by my last name. Then I was was pointed down a long hallway and told to have a seat. (Too much trouble to at a minimum stand, offer a pleasant greeting and direct I suppose). Met next by the technician who does the pre-doctor tests. She was wearing flip flops over socks, would make ZERO eye contact, did not offer a greeting (she did get my name right though), I am a survivor so those stupid air tests are almost impossible. I apologized and said I couldn't do it. She seemed mostly annoyed the entire time and treated me like I was an animal she despised or was forced to care for. For contrast the doctor was lovely. She answered my questions, was kind and we even shared a laugh or too. She was also professional and knowledgeable. However I will NEVER come to America's best ever again. I will also make sure to tell everyone I know who wears contacts and glasses to never come here

America's Best is a DANGEROUS place to do business. I have problems every time I or my family have gone. This time ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The doctor gave my daughter the wrong prescription. My daughter is a -6.50 and was told her eyesight has not changed and the doctor gave her a prescription for -6.00. I had to call because she was busy in school and told them what happened. She told me when my daughter goes there, the prescription would be changed and ready to be picked up. She went up there almost a day later and no one knew about anything. She talked to someone else and he said he would have to talk to a doctor and get back to her, My daughter called the next day, since we never received a phone call back and a lady said it had been fixed and she could pick it up. I ordered her contacts on Friday and her contact order was canceled today. The doctor gave her ALMOST the right prescription, she gave her a -6.50, but an 8.4 BC instead of an 8.6 BC. The contact she wrote for her, you can not even get an 8.6. My daughter uses SofLens Daily Disposable, but the doctor prescribed SofLens 38, which is NOT a daily.

Go Anywhere Else!
Do not even bother! I understand America's Best sell cheap glasses, but I've had nothing but bad experiences with this place.
The staff are always friendly and as helpful as they can be but the Company as a whole is a disgrace.
We bought 2 pairs each. I very quickly had the lens pop out of a rimless pair. Brought them back, they were repaired, and I was told that I had just used up my 'Warranty'. It is really just 1 prepaid repair!
My wife's lens keeps popping out of her rimless. I can put it back in, but brought them in for repair. The put it back in. I said I've done that 3 times, I need them fixed properly so it doesn't keep happening. I was told they're fixed now, that's all they can do!
The arms came off on my other pair Was told that they're broken and can't be fixed-need to buy new rims. These are my 'back-ups' that have been worn maybe a dozen times.
So the "2 Pairs for $69"-Which cost over $200-plus "Warranty" (which can be used ONCE!) is a complete scam! The rims are cheaper than anything I've seen, including the big box stores!
You'll end up saving in the long run (money and aggravation)if you go anywhere else!

No longer a deal worth chasing
We've used the same office for years. This last time we went in America's Best had no record of my last 2 visits. I explained to them i wanted a pair of glasses that matched the pair i brought with me. 2 Different people agreed and said ok. I payed over $350 for that pair. My wife got 3 pairs. We go back to pick up and the pair they gave me were the new prescription. When i said i was guaranteed that i would receive a new pair based off my current glasses they said that was impossible, I could only get a pair based on the new one. There's a lose of $350. Then 2 of the 3 pairs for my wife were incorrect and had to be sent back. To top this all off, about 2 weeks after paying on our credit card, which we never used anywhere else before, Somehow we started getting fraud charges on that card. Stay away, they are no longer worth the deal they say they provide.

Uncharacteristic practice and no customer service when they're not getting all your services
To bad cant give no stars. America's Best are horrible. I took my family to purchase glasses including my mom. They pull my benefits but informed us that we only had a $120 allowance. Since my mom had no insurance and liked her glasses I paid about $440 for her pair. My wife and kids decided to go across the street to another company where they gave us a $300 allowance on frame selections. This is where this company sucks they would not release the lock on our insurance benefits and told me I had to wait 24 hrs. Making us unable to select glasses at the next store. Since my insurance allows us to get new glasses every 12 months, I knew this was not the norm. I've gone to Visionworks where they have pulled our insurance benefits and the same day went to Kent Eye wear and picked up a frame that suited us better. VisionWorks had no issues in release the insurance benefits. To make a long story short. After going back to the store no one would assist me after 15 min. I had to get upset and get loud in order to get attention. They threaten to call the cops on me cause they were unwilling to release my benefits. An off duty officer was also at the store that day intervene and got them to refund my mom's glass I paid for and proceed on releasing my benefits. STAY AWAY UNPROFESSIONAL PRACTICE!

Poor customer service and poor quality glasses
In 2019 I bought perscritpion sunglasses and regular glasses. When I picked them up I complained that the sunglasses were to dark and was told their sunglasses America's Best are suppose to be dark. I went back 2 times to complain I could not wear them they were to dark and again was told they were sunglasses.
I went back in Oct 2019 and again bought sunglasses and regular glasses. I should them the previous sunglasses and the rep looked at them and called the manager and they said they were way to dark they were blocking 95% of light. Of course they made no effort to correct the problem nor offer a discount on the new ones. I bought the new sunglasses and the regular glasses and have had to go back 10 times in 10 months to get something repaired that fell off life nose pieces or screws holding the lens in. I complained to the store manager who gave me their corporate customer service and I called them 2 times was on hold for over 45 minutes. The second call I left a message and it has been 4 weeks and no call back. I was told by the manager that glasses were like a car and needed routine maintenance. I have worn glasses for 45 years and never had go back 10 times for repairs. I will never buy from them again. Buyer beware. Price sounds good but no customer service and no fixing problems.

3 Tries to Get an Accurate Contact Lens RX - I still don't have it.
I went to the Gemini Place location in Columbus, OH for a contact lens RX. I told her I was allergic to the contact lens solution and I wanted to try dailies. When America's Best came in, I couldn't see distance or close up. Everything was blurry. When I called they said the doctor had taken the astigmatism out of my RX. What? So they said they would order new ones with astigmatism. I got the second set, but they were monthlies. I still couldn't see out of them even with the toric lenses. So they ordered a 3rd set. They came as daily toric lenses but I STILL couldn't see out of them. The RX she had written was obviously wrong. I called again to just ask for an $89 refund because I live an hour away round trip and I had lost confidence in the ability of the doctor. They refused because they said I had gotten an eye exam. I said I paid for a contact lens RX and a month later I still don't have an accurate one. They said it didn't matter. I got an exam. What good is the exam if the RX is not accurate. I didn't get what I came in for. I won't ever use America's Best again for anyone in my family.

I regret I didn't run away
My all order was from Ato Z at Americas Best. So no way to wiggle out of it.
1) mishandled eye exam - dismissal of my concern - ended up with wrong prescription.
2) that prescription fir glasses is wrong is easy to prove. Just look at contact lenses prescription - which is correct - and see 1/3rd difference discrepancy.
3) America's Best refused to email the prescription to me regardless explanation im in Puerto Rico gor next x months.
4) Americas Best online - doesn't work anyway - but ordered over phone.
5) glasses received promptly. But are wrong... Back to Americas best ophthalmologist/optometrist office - got attitude thst order is correct as its what md wrote. Ok. Then can you look at lenses - why those are different? Duuuuh.
6) to resolve the problem with wrong prescription - they offered to fax you the wrong prescription ‍. And again. And again. How kind. (Except of fact that 99% of american households own fax number, why would i want wrong prescription? A mystery!).
7) stuck in Puerto Rico with useless glasses I paid fir and can use them only as decoration on top of bookshelf, blind as if I never bought glasses.
8) Tried to call the Americas Best... After 25 min on hold, I gave in. I will leave message.
9) can't even leave message :) machine cuts you off right after name. Who would want the phone number to actually call you hack when there is a problem anyway, right?

Would you like some decorations glasses? Look for closest Americas Worst location

One Manager Appears to Dislike the Disabled and The Company Backs Her Up
Two years ago, I would've written a great review. Americas Best (eyeglasses) had great service, great selection, the offer of an extremely sophisticated collection of eye exams. Things changed. I called and made an appointment (at the Carle Place, NY store) for my husband and myself for 9:20 am and 9:30 am, and informed the woman on the phone that I was disabled/used a walker/had severe mobility issues. No mention, from this representative, that the eye doctor comes in at 10 am. Once I arrived at 9:19 am, I was informed that the doctor wasn't due until 10 am. I stated that I was not physically able to sit there for 40 minutes (and I brought the list of frames I liked by selecting them from the Americas Best Website - so I didn't have to do it at the store). The manager, who identified herself as such, advised me to wait in the car until the doctor came in. In addition, the store lost my husband's (eye exam and purchase) records from 2 years earlier. I was unable to wait for 40 minutes so we left. After a week, I called to make another appointment for both of us. 10 days later, one day before the appointment, the manager (who was abusive to me before) called to state that she canceled both appointments and that I'd have to go elsewhere. I was not welcome at her store.

I immediately called customer service and received a shock. The supervisor I spoke with displayed no empathy, care, or interest in the situation. After I explained what occurred, she informed me that there was a sign - small and not prominently displayed - that the store has a right to refuse service to anyone. Apparently, all stores have a small sign not prominently displayed. I was shocked as I did nothing wrong but be disabled and reject the suggestion to wait in my car for 40 minutes. There was no interest whatsoever - from the supervisor - to iron out the problem, hear both sides of the story, investigate if something could be done. There was no apology for the abuse, rude behavior, apparent disregard of my disability. Nothing. I've never been treated like a piece of garbage before and it was something I won't soon forget.

If it wasn't for the fact that this store had the best prices, best selection, and was able (since 2004) to diagnose my eye problem, I wouldn't feel half as damaged as I do now. It's astounding that America's Best don't care about customers in any way... especially when one is disabled. I can't even go to another America's Best outlet because a disability-phobic manager banned me from her store (and was able to use her clout to ban me from any other outlet) after being so abusive. My husband and I deserved better treatment than this.

"BS" of a company
Total disappointment. I received my eye exam which was the only thing I can say was good about the visit. I have insurance with a co-pay and was told I still had to pay almost $300 for the one pair of glasses that the the young lady told me I could only get that were $69.95. I choose two pair that was the same price of $69.95, she said I could only get one pair. My insurance covers $200.of the glasses. Then she shows me a chart that show only each section of the lens that the prescription is put in and that is the only area of the lens that would be able to see out of which is Bull. The prescription is suppose to be put in the whole lens not just in the very center so reading you would only be able to see the very center of the page and not the whole page. America's Best are getting over ripping people off with that chart that is labeled as different packages. They're false advertising. When I taken my granddaughter there and purchased two pair of glasses with out insurance, I was not presented with no chart nor was I told I had to pay extra hundreds of dollars. I only paid the $69.95 + tax. I hope that the representatives working there aren't ripping people off making money off them on the side, something is not right with this company. Be ware!

Unpleasant receptionist and management.
Unpleasant receptionist, Nothing is posted on the door about the special mask you must wear and America's Best will not provide you one. They say you must go buy one then come back. Second experience when no one calls to let you know your glasses are ready. I waited right at 4 weeks, I called the week before, but the receptionist was unhappy I called and said they would call when they came in. No the case, I called a week later and she told me, "Yes, they been ready." BUT NO PHONE CALL OR EMAIL I CHECKED THROUGH BOTH TO BE SURE. I live about 45 minutes away and they were not going to allow me to pick up my glasses unless I went and bought a proper mask. But as I looked around the unsocial distanced room of people, maybe only a couple had what was concerned a proper mask. All the rest were hand made. Not understanding the problem, she finally gave me my glass in a bag, reach at me like I had the plague and told me to leave. I did leave after I made sure I at least had the right glasses. However, I would have been more polite about the whole thing if, she would have been a little nicer, the sign had been on the door before you walk in and if I would have received a call after being told I would have been both when I ordered the glasses and when I called the first time. By the way, the mask guidelines are not right on the website, you have to search for it. I doubt that many people worry if they have the right mask or not, especially since many are making their own. So, for anyone at America's Best who might actually pay attention to this. Hire people who actually like other people, and get your protocols in order, signs should be posted on the door before walking in, if they are I did not see one, update your site to reflect your protocols (because I have yet to see anyone else with special mask and you should provided them, you are making enough money to do this). Oh and learn about social distancing.

What an AWESOME experience Store #5172!
The associates at the Wildwood Centre location in Homewood, AL love what America's Best do! From trying to set the soonest available appointment over the phone to the greetings we received as soon as we opened the door; this place oozed with quality customer service. I felt completely comfortable during our visit because all the associates were following the required COVID protocols. We were immediately checked in and didn't have to wait to be seen. The variety of frames available for my 13yr old to select from made this a very stress less process. This was our first time at America's Best and I was highly impressed. The associates were pleasant and explained each step of the process and treated us like family. We will definitely be back!

Horrible experience, NEVER AGAIN!
My son and I had an appointment yesterday and I can't begin to tell how bad the customer service was at the store on Roswell Rd at East Lake Plaza in Marietta Ga!
First America's Best threaten to cancel our appointment if we didn't arrive 15 minutes prior to time, literally said they would close the door on us.
Then, SURPRISE, found out after 1 1/2 hours that my son has to return for another appointment to get new contacts. Took over an hour for them to input my insurance information and then the power went out. We left but now have to return today to finish the insurance payment process.
NEVER EVER will I return to this store again!

Worst Place ever
I was a customer here for years. I spent lots of money at this store on Contacts. I have diabetes, and unfortunately my sugars sometimes go high, and makes my vision change. I had never had any problems with getting my vision checked when these things happen. I was also an eye club member (waste of money). On may 18th I called, because the contacts that I just bought 2 weeks before no longer worked, cause my vision changed. I had just spent $100 for a 30 day supply of contacts. When I called the first time I was told there were no appointments, I called back and asked to talk to a manger. I spoke with a nasty, nasty lady by the name of Rene Gardner(she is the manager). The way that she spoke to me and treated me was unacceptable. She made me feel like I was trying to get something for nothing. I have never felt so horrible. Spoke to me like I was a child and was not at all empathetic to my situation. She finally scheduled me an appointment that day with 45 minutes. I showed up, one of the docs (female, with long brown hair, looked Indian) did my exam and said that she could not get a prescription on one eye, therefore I was not able to get contacts. The ones that I spent $100 on 2 weeks previous no longer worked. I left and I went to another eye care place where I paid $168 and America's Best were able to take care of me and give me contacts.
The fact that I was pushed out and mistreated and had to go else where to spend more money when I had already spent over $300 2 months prior. I will never go to Americas best again. They lost me as a customer, as well as my entire family!

This company has some major issues, not only is their add false and leading, congress should look into their shady practices. America's Best have a COVID phobia like no other, demanding you suit up, wear mask, wash your hands and wear gloves. Then these same germ phobia people touch your paper work, face, have you rest your face on dirty equipment and they play with your glasses with their dirty filthy hands.
$69.00 glasses do not exist, you need $350 to $500.00 dollars to deal with this company. Don't believe me, go their and get raped. I have visited both, Flower Mound and Lewisville... they are one in the same as they demand you protect them with your mask and gloves and they grab and touch your face with their dirty filthy hands and I never saw them wipe the equipment once. SCUM!

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Based on 50 reviews from America's Best customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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