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50 customer reviews of

I've been a member of a chat / dating site for over...
I've been a member of a chat / dating site for over 10 years.
I've only seen or two women there that weren't fakes that look beautiful.
I got hooked on their forums and was really only there to discuss politic or have fun.
But, I did receive a lot of emails from Russian dating scammers.
All of the listed on
We used to take them for rides. With wind up emails, just to see what AmoLatina would write and when they would drop the dime on needing some money.
All of these "women" shared a common thread... they would hint that they were not well off or Their parents had died
They would eventually write that they didn't have money to keep writing.
Usually after a few emails, those of us who were bored enough to be amused by corresponding with these women, would report them to the webmaster and have them removed.

Well, like many of you, I received an ad for
I kept seeing these women and they all looked amazing.
I read their rules and that you had to have 5 emails between you and the other person, before you could get an introduction.
That didn't bother meI found one person that interested me and wrote to her.
We've exchanged two emails and today I received the third from her. The one with the hint about not being so well off and not having enough money:

"i don´t have the education i need to take my daughter to a better level of life and live my life much better than now. I am so sorry that today i am so short with this but i am at the internet cafe and i am running out of credit sorry my dear".

I have 10 credits left (I spent $60.00) and after reading what many of you have written, I'm going to write to her and tell her that I'm going to be in South America and offer to meet her and her translator (you have to hire an translator to go out with you on the first daytime meeting).
I'll see if this is a real person of if I get the same response as many of you, claiming that she met someone and the corresponding "cya".

I challenge future reviewers to include links to sites...
I challenge future reviewers to include links to sites AmoLatina consider more legitimate than, links to actual sites showing the ladies' side of the equation and in general more actual information to substantiate their negative reviews.

I'd also like to read about other men's experiences with women with children versus those with no children. Is the information about kids just as phony as other information? I'd be happy to accept a foreign born child if it meant the marriage was more "real".

Instead, what I have found are long rants, IDs that don't or no longer exist at and vague references to "prize sites showing girls winning money for keeping guys on chat" without links. I've also seen one YouTube link to a video that turned out to be private.

I did find one ID from a negative reviewer that does exist. Silly man, thinking that a model in lingerie was a real person needing a website to find husbands! Also, one review with a link DID show a girl in front of three monitors (oops! I don't think you wanted to show that one at!)

Here are my experiences with and my experience with an actual foreign wife:
1) Responses from one "lady" were so disjoint, like badly translated phrases from some book of poetry, that I complained and had my credits returned (nothing lost there).
2) In my experience, contrary to the most negative reviews, some profiles (I won't say "ladies") do leave the site, and the ages shown do get older.
3) my first wife is 16 years younger and from Thailand. She did give me a wonderful son, though our marriage on paper lasted much longer than our marriage in fact. Point is, several of HER friends HAVE married older men and did not immediately (or ever) jump ship after the immigration limitation expired. I don't know if Thai women are "better" than latinas, but yes, it is possible to meet a younger woman and get married.
Therefore, the question is: can you find one of these "real" women at
It seems that the general consensus is "the women aren't the ones corresponding with you" and "the tours are okay", and I long ago started ignoring profiles with the big red "amolatina" bus as a backdrop.

But I think it's possible that there are "some" actual women from some countries. Can every listing be a fake? Every local agency in every country scammers only?

That's why I challenge future reviewers to include more "useful" information, not the IDs of profiles, but links to other review sites and to "better" sites for actually finding a wife.

Yes the pictures of these women seem to be the most...
Yes the pictures of these women seem to be the most beautiful women of Latin America. The problem with this website is that none of the women's stories match. If you open a free account, then pay the unregulated prices to add credit to open each email, and talk on the live chats you might as well add your bank account to this webpage. If you then have enough credits to review 30 of the women's accounts, you will notice that 95% of the women have college degrees.

Now this would mean that this website was just picking the best of the best to be on their website. The problem with that is that out of the 30 women reviewed, 5% will be 18 or 19 years old but AmoLatina state that they currently hold college degrees. That is a stretch in most countries.

This website is an all around SCAM! Those men that are really seeking a wife will have to jump another hurdle just to find out which one of these people are actually the women matching the pictures they clicked on. If that man were to then find the woman of his dreams, he would then have to roll out up to $3,000.00 or more, before he actually gets to know if the person (Since you don't know if it is a woman or not) is the right one for him!

This company cheats its clients, and then rapes them afterwards. This is a horrible way to run a business! These people will have to face what they have done soon!

This lying will not continue forever. Please guys run away from this website as fast as you can! If you believe anything that is told to you on this website you have believed a lie! Protect yourself and stay away there are plenty of credible websites out there to find the Latin women of your dreams.

This site is trash with allot of pretty pictures!

Being a born optimist as well as foolish I persisted with my experimentation with both Amolatina and Anastasiadate despite my previous negative reviews
I thought that i had found a genuine connection with a lovely looking woman aged 40 and another aged 30.
First the 40 year old. We exchanged several letters and she suddenly said she did not want to write but would i use the chat service. Before I knew it I had run up several hundred bucks. I soon realised I was not talking to the same person each time. In order to verify the woman's identity I asked on the chat line that she write me a letter. No letters arived and eventually she said she did not like letters! As to a meeting the reply was always - later my love do not rush me!. So I wrote her two more letters. The reply I received from Amolatina was that the lady in question [if she exists] did not feel she was suited to me. Yet the same profile continued chatting costing another $100. Work it out. FRAUD! I post her photo and her ID is Mariely 183988. AVOID
The next one was a lovely looking girl theoretically in Lisbon. I still am innocent enough to hope that she may actually exist... but she probably does not because although Spanish and Latin she says she suddenly also appeared on Anastasia the Russian site and despite corresponding with me on Amolatina also tried to correspond under that profile on Anastasia! SCAM... I the tried to chat with her. She had told me preciously that she was born in Valencia. Why she should now be in lisbon is anyone's guess. When chatting I asked the 'operator' where 'she' called Ada was born. She said Ukraine. When i challenged this she became confused. SCAM Her ID is Ada 1199199. I could give you the details of a dozen more. Just maybe there are some genuine girls maybe even on the chat side, but I doubt it.
One tip. Clearly a genuine 30 year old is not going to be interested in a 65-70 year old. It s against the laws of nature. However sometimes a girl will initiate contact with you. Wait to see if she continues to write without you responding. I have had one girl write to me from Colombia 11 times. She is not the most ravishing but still attractive. She might be genuine.

Anstasiadate s much the same. Be careful. Ukrainian and Russian women have a reputation for looking for $$$. Nevertheless i have been in correspondence with an attractive 40 year old from Georgia. She has written me 35 letters and I have replied 20 times. We aim to meet next month. I will report on the reality of this date

Finally Amolatina's contact number does not work and if you have serious complaints AmoLatina do not respond. They also illicitly used by credit card for repeat billing without warning each time when the prepaid was due to expire and this can cost you/me serious bucks

Biggest dating scam i have ever seen
This is the biggest dating scam i have ever seen. AmoLatina post pictures of these beautiful women saying that they are looking for foreign men to date but most of these girls would not even know that they are on this site. There are so many red flags here that it is not funny. First they dont allow you to post personal information so you have to spend a lot of money chatting with them on the site. Another red flag is instead of just charging a monthly fee like most dating sites they charge you for everything. Each time you chat, each time you send or receive letters, everytime you send or receive photos which means if you want to chat to talk with a few girls y6ou will spend atleast 500 dollars a month. They say that you can call them and give your personal information there but they charge you 50 dollars for every 10 minutes and you are not speaking to the girl from the profile so she will use any exuse why she cant give you her phone number or email. Another red flag is some of these women have been on this site for years and will be online for 18 hours a day and i agree with alot of the other reviewers that every time a negative review gets posted amolatina will post 3 fake 5 star reviews that suprisingly will all be written on the same day. Guys dont be so stupid and gullable to believe this fantasy world and dont believe anything that amolatina rep maria says she is a liar. Stay away from this fraudelant site

First - GO on a tour. The Tours are legit and you will NOT be disappointed if you have any reasonable expectations at all. I just got back from the Medellin Tour (March 2014) and it is now my opinion that there is only one reason any man would come back from a tour and think AmoLatina wasted their money and that is because they are total douchebags lacking any personality whatsoever.

Second - DO NOT waste your time or money on the website. As other posters who actually went on the tour stated, you are most likely not communicating with the lady you think you are. As one stated, you can communicate with a woman on the site until your bank account runs dry and odds are highly in favor that when you meet her in person that she will admit to having never directly communicated with you at all. Most likely it was her "Agency Manager" doing the communicating on the lady's behalf and if you are extremely lucky, that manager will keep the lady you think you are communicating with in the loop for each e-mail but more than likely what will happen is the manger will simply brief the lady, while on the way to the tour social, that there was communications between the lady (actually her agency manager) and you - or in other words, the lady gets the "Cliff's Notes" only minutes before actually meeting you. When I discovered this I was so turned off that I could not keep talking to the lady even though it was not her fault at all and she was truly a very nice lady and exceptionally attractive.

There are more than a few reasons for this but chief amongst them is I suspect the local agency gets their income by getting a commission on the money brought in by the lady who is on the website that the agency represents. What feeds this is the fact that most of these ladies do not have the means to own a computer and have internet access themselves.

Next, in the reviews on this site that I read before posting my own review I noted that the reviewers that actually went on the tours had good things to say about their experience with the tour. Those that did not go on a tour are simply talking from a position of not having enough perspective. So read the ones from those that went on the tour and ignore the whiners that haven't the means and/or sufficient desire to go on a tour. These international dating sites are no magic bullet to finding that lady you do not want to live without - relationships take work and commitment and too many who are posting negative reviews of this site are looking for the easy way out and did not go on a tour to round out their experience - ignore them. Oh, and no, I am not at all getting any compensation for posting this - and as you will read, not all of my comments reflect favorably on this web-site. Absolutely they are in it for the money, but there are real ladies behind this site that you will meet if you go on a tour.

The tour itself was fantastic. I had a total blast and while it was kind of expensive for what you got I still feel it was totally worth it. The socials I went to had a ratio in excess of 10 ladies for every guy and probably closer to 15 or 20 for every guy. There were some "dogs" there but the vast majority were at least very attractive and at least half were in the stunningly beautiful category in my opinion.

Since these are real people you can expect the typical range of real personalities/intent amongst the ladies. If you are looking to go and get bedded down for the night and then forget the lady about the time you step on the plane to leave there are ladies that will not disappoint your objectives. If you are looking for that special lady to stay with you to your dying day there are ladies for you there too - in fact most of them are anywhere from open to the idea all the way up to single mindedly focused on that result. But there are also ladies there who will land in the "Gold Digger - marry me and spend all your money on me and I will do whatever you want in exchange" category and those not quite that bad who just like to have a "rich American" spend money on them while the gent is in town to break up their otherwise fairly simple lives which for many of the ladies almost certainly would qualify as living well below what we Americans would consider the poverty level.

One guy in the tour I was on had been on several previous tours and had a different gorgeous lady on his arm for each meal and then on one night I observed he started the after dinner night out with one lady and halfway through the night I saw him load her into a cab and five minutes latter another even more stunning beauty showed up in another cab and stayed with him for the rest of the time I observed that evening.

Another guy on the tour met someone at the social on the first night and by the end of the second social, despite having met dozens of ladies more than willing to have him focus his energies on them, decided to stick with that one lady from the first night for the rest of his time in town. Can't say I blame him because she seemed like a truly sincere, sweet, humble, unpretentious, and otherwise gorgeous lady.

I experienced much of the same things other posters on this site have experienced as far as the web-site goes. It is my impression, from talking to those involved with the tours (they are contracted by the parent company and not employed by the parent company) as well as talking to the ladies I have met, that the ladies themselves aren't making any money by being on the site. Those ladies "belong" to individual local agencies and it is these local agencies and their employees that are perpetrating the activities that will consume your cash on sending/reading messages as well as the chats and in most cases the ladies themselves have, at best, a second hand knowledge of "their" communications with you and in other cases they have no knowledge at all because it is employees of the agencies they belong to that appear to have a "mill" of computers and employees trying to engage youevery hour of every day. In some instances it is actually the ladies themselves you are communicating with through an interpreter but that is, in my experience, more the rare exception rather than the rule.

Once you go on a tour through this site you will attend the social(s). While there, have pen and paper readily handy and write down every lady's name, phone number, and e-mail that you are interested in or have the interpreter assigned to you acquire this information for you. Once you have that you do not need to pay the agency (this website) money to arrange a date because you can do that on your own.

If, while on a date with a lady, you decide she is not for you, tell her you have a friend that is looking to meet someone and as her for any suggestions. Most will happily help out their friends by referring them to you.

If you want to make the most of your time "on tour" do yourself a favor and arrange to have a cell phone, preferably a smart phone, with a number local to the tour city. By having a phone with an internet data plan you can use the phone not only for calls but for both text and data which means you can easily translate text messages back and forth by leveraging Google Translate or some other program. I bought a "disposable" phone with cellular and text only and then had to manually copy the texts over to my Nexus 7 (which had Google Translate installed with the downloaded 'offline' Spanish data installed) and manually transferring the texts back and forth was a pain. Of course better would be to learn Spanish if you don't know it already.

IF you go on a tour there is no reason, after the first night's social is over, you can't have a different beauty at your side for each of the three meals of each day and then yet another lady for the evening. I saw several guys who I perceived as being very socially deficient (and I'm no suave sweet-talker myself) when it come to their self-image and confidence level have date after date during their stay. Several others decided to stay on for various numbers of days after the tour period was over and had dates lined up throughout the duration.

As an aside, the handful of people you meet who represent the tour/web site are not directly employed by the web site owners. They are contracted to act as tour reps. Of course they like the money they are getting paid to do the job so they are going to be diplomatic in how they share their feelings about what they know but even so the handful I met during my tour seemed very genuine and sincere and two of those I expect to maintain some degree of friendship with going forward.

Short of paying for a date through the website (which I believe is a $75 cost AFTER you have exchanged at least five messages with the lady which is a minimum of 100 'credit') and then traveling to the lady's home city and the costs associated with that to meet just that one lady the only way you are likely going to get personal contact information for any of the ladies on the website is by going on a tour and hoping that the lady will make herself available by either going to the socials or being willing to have a date arranged with you by the Agency while you are there.

You MIGHT be able to figure out some sort of code with the lady so you can exchange personal contact information but that is assuming the translator is accurate in translating your messages (good luck with that as some of the messages I got were so badly translated that they were effectively unreadable - I complained and was refunded my credits in those cases). But even if you are successful with this you will have spent a lot of credits getting to that point and that is also only in the rare cases where you are more or less directly communicating with the lady instead of her local manager/agency on her behalf (who is, I presume, in the business of making money from the site so they'll not be inclined to willingly let you be able to exchange personal contact information).

Bottom line. I absolutely most definitely recommend that you GO on a tour but DO NOT spend a dime on messaging or chatting with anyone on the website because the return on that investment is virtually nil.

I am going to start from last year March timeframe. I had been a member since 2013 but for about a year I very rarely logged into the website. Last year In February early March time frame I came across an letter from a woman in Colombia she was a nurse. Now I am going to point good and bad things out here.
The lady I was corresponding with I think may have been a real nurse at first. My x-wife is a RN so I know a bit of the nurse protocols. So between March and end of April things looked good or at least I thought AmoLatina were.
In chat she talked about her work at the hospital and the shifts. This was all done on chat. She was not exactly the best for writing letters and never really kept her word when it came to sending pictures of herself. I was given the excuse camera broken.
Then I send her flowers. Now In Amo Latina's defense They did send a picture of her with the flowers and a sheet with my message on it. And in her nurse outfit.
Now I went out of town for work I had a smart phone so we chatted briefly for a few minutes a day. Then one day she had an emergency and I did not hear from her for over three weeks I kept writing to her no luck
Finally I wrote to the agency they said her profile was still active. Then in late May it was her birthday so again I sent her a small present.
Now they did take a picture of her with the gift I sent
Now this is where things started to go turn. I am not sure what happened but in chat I noticed her tone was much different and this person was not as sharp as the first one was.
Later in June I traveled to NYC and San Antonio sent her pictures of my trip.
It was about this time I came across sitejammer as I was looking up Amo Latina.
I read all of the reviews. I even did research on the claims with Ladies IDs and found all of them to be true.
So I wanted to see if this was real or fake. I asked if she had a webcam. She said no and that they were very expensive but she could use a friends. So we set a date. The date comes no webcam she claims she fell down the steps and injured herself. Now again I sent a small gift they take a picture. No cast or band aids for the type of injury described.
A few weeks later we tried a phone call. Again that fell through as well. Then I brought up the fact my old roommate from college was pretty high up at the FBI and she wants to try another webcam. That too fell through.
SO time went on we exchanged a few letters and kept noticing a real change in tone. Like
When I brought up things we talked about before it was like talking to a different person again.
But she kept telling me how much she loved me and even help me practice Spanish lessons. So we talked about meeting in person. Ok I though maybe this will go some where. But that fell through when I tried to nail down some dates. I was given the reason she could not meet or commit was because of nurse care in the back country.
So a few weeks back I get letter from this same gal. Who wanted to know if it was okay to call me rob short for Robert. I told her I thought I told you that over a year ago...
Her birthday came up I sent her another small gift but this time I included my email address. This is when she told me she was quitting the website because her mom was really ill and that she would write to me now that she has my e-mail address.
Well it has been two months... Not even an e-mail
Now during all of this I let a few women friends of mine read the letters and chat. Now if you go by what they tell you in a letter or chat. The woman should be begging you to come down for a visit to see if you were compatible...
Now when I was researching this website the best reviews were not by people who had short statements but long ones with actual facts or something I could at least believe. Like the tours I looked them up on You Tube and when I looked at some of the women I did see on the website. One of the reviews I read had three stars said to stay away form chat and e-mail that he felt it was a fraud. But he did do one of the tours. And went into decent detail about what you could expect. Even to the point he was talking to a gal he supposedly was exchanging letters with. She had no knowledge about their correspondence.
Now they Amo Latina answered my questions about the tours.
When I brought up some of the items I spoke about I was told they were sorry sometimes things don't work out.
Also there is a picture posted #15 woman's name is Marie the picture was posted by PatM
That same Marie writes me in chat tells me I am the luv of her life. I mention it was only the other day you told me you found someone. I got the ohh I broke up with him!
There was one gal named Jessica I though maybe this might be a real one until she asked for money the warning flag went up.
Then there was a gal who was from Medellin she was listed as a model. My buddy I mentioned earlier found out she was a prostitute. He gave me a website called Escorts of Medellin. There was a picture of her. The age was different as well as her name. Nice to have friends in high places.
Now I did point things like this out to Amo Latina but they claimed the girls were real.
So after that response and the scenarios I pointed out I decided to cancel my membership. I also contacted some people who wrote good and bad things about this website. The good ones never responded. But I noticed a few new good post posted the day after all of my post. One four star stated that if these girls were who we claim they are why no Facebook.
Well I responded to him by providing her full name with her Amo Latina id Roccy #1169007 her full name is Rocio Morales Giraldo. She also has a few you video's as well.
Now I was told by my friend at the FBI to report a website fraud you have to go to the Secret Service website. They handle this
I feel really bad for what happened on Amo Latina. In all the research I have read about Colombia they have a gold mine for women a 4:1 ratio... I had real solid intentions with that nurse. She was not one of the featured gals but I she was fine by me. Just very sad for what happened. Wish I had found this website earlier. Maybe I could have avoided all of this.

I am a private investigator here in the U. S
I am a private investigator here in the U.S. and I worked with local authorities in solving some major cases. I had a friend contact me about two websites that are listed on the web. and I called him at 1oclock A.M. to let him know that these sites are not legitimate at all. I use some of my technology and found that one of the young ladies works on a porn site and she also works at a private escort service. I contacted a resource of mines in Bogota to check on one young lady and provided him with pictures and I was able to capture her entire name. Needless to say she was not from Colombia she lived in Brasil and also worked for escort agency. The woman that are on these sites are not real please trust me when I tell you this. Some of the reviews here are not legitimate as well because the trips to Colombia are all staged to entice Americans with pipe dreams to find their wives. I have contacted a private investigator for FBI to inform them of what is going on. Also, AmoLatina is ran out of Russia for many of you that are not aware. This means there is no jurisdiction. None of these Latin sites are legitimate. I found most of the same pictures on different sites that are owned by same people. Please people for the love of God! Stay away from 98% of these dating sites and trips to these country's, because AmoLatina are there to take your money. I am working diligent with the authorities to try and get these sites shutdown because they are bogus! Stay away from 98% of these sites not legit!

Since my experience with AmoLatina is a bit off the...
Since my experience with AmoLatina is a bit off the beaten track to Colombia, I'll mention it here. I am a fluent Spanish speaking international student, 60-something who has lived years in Mexico, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The dating sites are fascinating and AmoLatina has an excellent ploy by not charging a membership and then cashing in later. After receiving a nice letter in English that was just too good, error-free, from a 26-year-old in Havana, I looked at her video, for what, $8 I guess. Just so lovely! Since I had planned to go to Cuba this summer to take some classes, I responded with a couple of letters and some pretty specific small talk in Spanish about what's happening in her life and in Cuba. I also searched the site to discover that she is one of only two gals from Cuba and that both of their videos were shot on the same balcony. There are no AmoLatina tours to Cuba, right, and for an American to get in there is only now getting a little easier and then only 30 days at a time within an academic year. Yes, I did get letters back from whoever responds, some very long, but with no relevance to anything I had mentioned, such as my class dates and monumental meeting places around the University of Havana, which she would have known. Now, if my emails were censored or not, I have no idea, but her last letter regrettably explained that even within the AmoLatina routine, there is no way she will be able to meet with me, since, all of a sudden, she has a way to escape Cuba and go to Canada to work for an aunt, who she never mentioned. She does hope however, that we can continue to communicate through the web site. Well, amigo, figure the odds! The positive reviews of the site do come from guys who have made the Colombian and other tours to meet gals in pretty controlled visits, which strike me as very expensive, since for the same money I can get a full semester anywhere in Latin America, meet some real intelligent gals, do some interesting stuff, and have a 6-month student visa which allows me to drive a US-plated car down to where ever without too much paper work. The chat-video-email aspect of these sites has to be viewed as entertainment and little else. People in the US do pay hundreds of dollars to go to a football game and are equally disappointed when their team doesn't win.

I believe this site is like many other sites out there...
I believe this site is like many other sites out there... out for your buck.

Do you have the possiblilty to meet a beautiful woman from South America? Absolutely! But... Read the fine print.

I tried to chat, the response times were so slow. I could have sent messages by pigeon... I asked the girl for a YM... She sent a unhappy face... WTF?

Oh. By the way... did you read the fine print... AmoLatina are not responsible for Internet connection speed, dropped messages, etc

I have used YM, and video chat with others... Amolatina must have servers from 20 years ago. They are making millions of dollars. Why don't they have the best PC systems? Did you notice they are located in Cyprus? That is not South America folks... I believe they are part of the Anastasia International Company... and worth millions.

They can pay the women to take professional photos, and I would not doubt, pay them a percentage of your spent cash. There are women on that site that have been there for years... Beautiful, sexy, single ladies. Why are they still there years later?

I am sure a guy might meet a beautiful latina through their website eventually... of course he could have probably made a down payment on a Vette or a house for what he spent with them.

I have concluded it's nice to go look at some pictures off beautiful women that are sincere in their search. Hopefully she will post a profile with another website as well and you can finde her. They do not post last names on Amolatina.

They say all this is to preserve the quality of the women and their website. Oh really? I think A Foreign Affair is a better website and making millions legitimately, and honestly.

I have read all the other reviews here and would like...
I have read all the other reviews here and would like to say that you are not alone. I too have been scammed by this site and people in there. There may be leggit Girls on there but good luck finding them and hope you have a huge budget. I will warn anyone to stay away from San ID: 1164021 and a few others that have already been mentioned and so many more that its just not worth writing about. I had been Writing to this for a while and rang up to speak with her and all good or so I thought. We managed to exchange emails and thought all was going great. Then, when we started to write outside Amolatina was when I started to get all the problems she was having. AmoLatina all led to Money!

I have had my suspicions about the site for a while but really had no way of putting all together. I was chatting with Girls one day then the next day I conversed about our previous conversation and they just did not add up. Nothing they said added up. As I said this was not only with one woman it has been with various. I have had one girl that has been very good but after a while she still does not want to meet and gets pretty pissed off when I say I am ending chat.

Anyway, getting back to San, I wrote to amolatina about my concerns and asked them several questions about their process of accepting the women to the site, and after some correspondance back and forward I got "We believe that the best measure to settle this is to ring the lady and ask her" Well F. K ME. It is because I dont trust what these ladies are saying that I wanted their help.

I did some digging around myself and found out that San or Sandra as her real mane, is a profesional model, her birthday was false on amolatina, her place of residence is false on amolatina and she is MARRIED.

I am Australian of a Spanish background. I had been around South America for a while and living in Colombia for 4 years up until Christmas this year. I have seen plenty. Plenty of scams, Plenty of robberies, Plenty of broken hearts. THESE WOMEN are belivable, and when you least expect it they take the lot. Alot have boyfriends that are in the scams and you know what, if you have what they want, they are the cunning, manipulative, liers, thieves and most of all patient until the right time. Been there done that and have seen it happen to not only fellow Australians but blokes all over the world. Not saying that there are no honest ones but they have a complete different mentality to ours.

Also for anyone travelling because their lady has decided to meet you please be ware. When I got to an agengy to meet a girl I was corresponding with, I was surprised to find that they tried to get me to meet everyone but the girl I thought I was going to meet.

As far as is concerned, I will be taking a kind Gentlemans advice on some reviews here and report it to the FBI as fraud. Maybe they can do something because local police in respective countries dont want to know anything. They are as corrupt as the people running the show.

Good luck people and hope this has helped. I dont talk $#*!, I talk from experience.

For anyone that does not believe me about the lady in my story go to the site look her up and then go watch this.

She appears at about 2.53

This is an expensive, expensive site to be involved...
This is an expensive, expensive site to be involved with.
Here is what I learned from actually meeting a girl from AmoLatina.
Amolatina is an umbrella site. AmoLatina are based in Cypress.
Amolatina hooks up with a network of local agencies, who "represent" Amolatina when you finally arrive in the town of the girl you are to meet. The local agency tried to sign me away from Amolatina. I think they think they could help me cheaper and better than Amolatina, but you can decide for yourself. You have to send and receive 5 letters (pay for a total of 10 x $7 each) before you can date a girl from the site. Then you have to pay for the date (they say administration and translation services). In my experience the local agency arrange the first meeting. They did not facilitate direct contact until the actual meeting. When I met the girl the agency rep introduced us and said we were entitled to one hour of translation service, which we declined. We were both eager to get away from the Amolatina control. Once you meet the local rep and Amolatina have no way to charge any other fee, unless you request it. My lady explained that the ladies are harrassed to write letters to men once the agree to participate with Amolatina. They sign sign some form of agreement that they have to conform to. I am not sure how that part works. My lady looked like her photos and her profile was accurate. She was beautiful, intelligent, educated and unsure of what she wanted in a relationship. After it was clear that she wasn't sure what she wanted I cut her off. She continued to try to contact me for a while after. I think if she could prove she had a relationship she could get out of her agreement with Amolatina.

I would not say the site is a scam, though I am not saying that it is not. The "agency" is overly expensive and I am not aware of anyone who was "sucessful" in developing a relationship.

Guys is it s a big scam..
Guys is it s a big scam. Just compare these profiles to the ones on Facebook. Notice the different cities, the ones that are in a relationship, etc. Besides do you really think attractive young ladies are sitting home on their computer 121-18 hours a day to talk to old men instead of out partying unless AmoLatina were benefiting financially from it.

Maria 1176219, real name Carolina Camacho, profile says Buga, FB says Cali and Lesbian.

Day 1172772 (I am sure she is online right now), real name Liedy Orozco Toro, profile says Cucuta, FB says Cali... if you look at here timeline compared to the hours she is online to chat no way it could be her. Nor based on what seems to be success do you really think it would be her.!/leidyorozcotoro?fref=ts

Liedy Johanna 1179798. She's actually a Colombian Porn Star, says it right on her FB timeline. Profile says one city FB says another.!/johanna.gonzalez.58323?fref=ts

Jennifer 1173378. Does this girls timeline look like she is looking for a man, yet she is online most nights.!/jennifer.castilloospina?fref=ts

I have 100s like this from this site. Plus it is obvious that there are "groups" that are online at the same time, thus it is actually the agent chatting with you for multiple girls not the girls.

Total scam. Please do not waste your $$$ on this site or any of their family of sites.

Hey guys, I was doing some digging
Hey guys, I was doing some digging. I was googling a young lady I was chatting with on
What pops up, her picture several times. I click on a pic of her I haven't seen before, and the website the ladies use pops up. It was the amolatina ladies news.
In the news AmoLatina had pictures of the girls that won the weekly prizes for the most chat time. One girl one an Iphone and others won spa trips and etc.
So the girls have an incentive to keep you chatting and taking your money.
Now, is it a scam? I'm not sure yet. Now I have some fuel to really find out.
I'm going to confront my new friend and see what her response is. I have already told her I will be visiting her town next month. She seemed really excited. We talked in code about getting from under Amo's foot. She left me clues on where she lived. I asked her in a round about way, if she had facebook or not and she said no. I mentioned how expensive it was to chat and she said she understood and was surprised at the cost. Don't know if I believe that or not. I will be going in Sept. On R&R from Afghanistan. Now I'm not some old perv looking for some young piece of ass. I have no problem with dating attractive women, I have had many. But i am tired of american women trying to play men for their money.
I'm pretty set in the money department and i'm looking for a humble woman that knows the worth of a dollar.
Anyhoo i will let you guys know what happens in the next few days and on my trip to Colombia.


Is it Intimidation or what?
I received a memo today apparently through Jabber claiming if I did not supply a valid member ID my review would be removed.

It is March 11 and the message was sent Feb 10th.

I have no intention of changing my review. The site is a scam. The girls are mostly not real, and the few who might be... Sorry I did not find one. I offered to have a Chromebook delivered (all fees paid) to several who claimed AmoLatina loved me. All refused or put it off or seemed to misunderstand. The chromebook was real, preloaded with a chat site I manage on the internet.

Whenever I gave a woman a site to look at she was unable to see it, either restricted as a foreign site or not even communicated as in "All I see are dots". Those results were interesting as somethig that was dots to one was a restricted site to the next.

And whenever I wanted to visit... whoops, some crisis happened. I did not send a small gift to check because I can use the GIMP as well as they can, and I can usually detect its use.

But yeah, it is a site with silly games to keep you chatting and spending money. Some of the employees are adroit psychologists while others are just crude, repeating offers of cybersex after I told them it wasn't my primary interest. I thought they might be important as persons, not sex objects.

Ah well, I am free of it, and I will remain that way.

THe following is a letter I sent to AmoLatina this...
THe following is a letter I sent to AmoLatina this evening. I am now convinced I should have done research before getting involved to the amount of $2,000. Stupid me.
To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Glenn Nelson. I have been paying for your services for over 6 months. I probably have spent on this site alone $1000. Tonight I am said to report something that I have found that I will be reporting to the IMBRA-the organization that you are a member of and whose rules you supposedly follow.

Last evening I was contacted by a new lady from Cartagena Colombia. I read her profile and did some instant chat time with her. I learned that she was new. When we finished our conversation I looked for other new ladies from Caragena. I found several. I then began to read their profiles. Each and every one of these ladies used the following statement for the type of man that AmoLatina wish to find. The statement is cut and pasted from one of the ladies.

WITH ANYONE OTHER THAN YOU(preferable age: from 25 to 55).

No doubt beautiful words. No doubt hollow words. The ladies who used this statement include the following member numbers:
(Note all numbers begin with 116)5338, 5408, 5397, 5357, 5356, 5337, 5395, 5387, 5393, 8339, 5388, 5386. In total I found 12. I think that is pretty disgusting, don't you agree.

To add insult to injury, I find three ladies (1165230, 5238, 5202)all using a different statement from the above, but exactly the same in all three cases.

I am saddened by ths, I am appauled by this, and expect compensation from you.


Glenn Nelson

I have written 3 letters to one lady on this site
I have written 3 letters to one lady on this site. I am 55 years old, divorced 11 years and considered reasonably good looking for my age and actually have social skills. I am not looking for a 25 year old and the woman I am "corresponding" with (if you could call it that) is 44 years old and very attractive looking -- and not "just for her age". Her profile caught my eye as did a couple of things she said in letters -- if indeed AmoLatina are really her letters. I have written her detailed, rather lengthy letters, which I have translated into Spanish with an online service -- I do this for her convenience. The letters I have received back (just two, waiting on the third) are short and while she addresses a couple of things I brought up in my letter there is much she has not commented on or answered in a specific way. I told her of the translation I could do online so she sent me a letter in Spanish along with an English version I assume is from a translator -- done on AmoLatina, of course. The English version was quite disjointed and with sections of sentences and also I suspected there were even words missing, I double-checked this by translating her Spanish version into English online with a mostly identical result. I addressed this with customer service and advised them they could look at her letters to me, which a rep supposedly did -- his response to me was the letter is faithfully translated but admitted there were some words missing from the lady's letter -- then he dropped it with no explanation for that. I find this VERY weird -- if the letter is an accurate representation of what the lady wrote, then she has to be semi-illiterate and I do not think that is the case. I think the letters are heavily edited -- hers and probably mine -- and I wonder if they are even hers after reading reviews on this site. In one letter, she told me she travels to Miami to buy children's clothing to sell in Colombia and also she has three brothers and her mother there. I like the idea of meeting her there IF the correspondence piques my interest enough to travel there and meet her. I cannot imagine going on a Colombian tour/mixer. I have viewed the video clips of those on the website as well as on YouTube and virtually every woman I've seen in those videos is much younger than me -- and a high percentage of the men look like the dads at my daughter's soccer games -- how pathetic. I am not looking for a desperate young woman to use me for the purpose of coming to America. Get real guys, woman half your age do not want to be with you because you are all that. I've looked at other Colombian dating sites – more informal, not a dating "service" -- and Colombian women on those are indicating they want a man who is more their age, and not necessarily foreign. Anyway, that is my take on AmoLatina so far -- the jury is out until I receive a response to my third letter and I am not optimistic.

Amolatina, Is a total scam.
Yes, i did fall for it! Like many of you who wrote complaints.

Here's what i saw, Some of these girls are models well that's what AmoLatina say on their profile, but when you try to actually look out for them on facebook, twitter or instagram, you cannot find them anywhere, really strange if you want to have exposure for your modeling career don't you think?

I have a question here for you guys if you can answer me or help me with that topic, HOW DO YOU DO TO FIND OUT IF THE GIRL IS FAKE OR LEGIT? I tried TINEYE and GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH for photo reverse search with no results if someone has a solution to that i'm all ears., i imagine that facebook and instagram algoritmh must be pretty tough to break cause none of these appear in the final results.

Back to AMOLATINA, yes i did have some conversations with some ladies and from time to time they were slipping up not remembering or faking that i never said those things, DO NOT USE THE CHAT AND E-MAIL SYSTEM it's a total scam and better stay the hell away from this site.

A better alternative try LATINAMERICANCUPID.COM they have a monthly fee membership but you have unlimited use for your membership, P.S. the girls are sometimes less attractive than AMOLATINA but at least they are real and you can actually find them in facebook, can exchange personal infos and chat on whatsapp or skype, it's up to you... bottom line you have freedom to do what you want at a lower cost.

This is a letter which I wrote to AMOLATINA:
This is a letter which I wrote to AMOLATINA:
I strongly suspect that quite a few of your ladies in Belo Horizonte Brasil are scammimg clients and committing internet fraud! Either with your connivance or not.
Specifically the following ladies:
ID 1152058 Angelica Belo Horizonte
ID 1166250 Nina Vepasiano BH
ID 1154390 Lidiane BH
ID 1164482 Liziane BH

With Angelica I exchanged 17! Letters and she was very keen on seeing me -read her
Last letters!. She was really pleading me to call her, probably afraid she would lose her commission. But after the phone call with her where we exchanged e-mails and tel. Numbers total silence. The phone she gave was a store in a shopping center and false.
I have the distinct impression that the girls on the phone are not the ones one has written to. Also very strange is the operator in Moscow she's the one who gave me the e-mail adresses.
I suspect these are special dead end adresses that nobody looks at.

Nina same thing, about 4 letters exchanged and various expensive chats where a meeting in BH was planned but after the tel again no more contact although she was very eager to meet me. 3 private e-mails unanswered.

Lidiane had less letters but the same scheme- after she gave me her e-mail adress total silence. No more commissions no more letters.

I strongly suspect AmoLatina are being paid by you by way of kickbacks to keep the men 'warm' so that they purchase more letter credits, then incite the men to expensive chats and finally even more expensive tel. Calls. I also suspect they signed contracts with you forbidding them to contact men directly which is difficult as the women give you dummy adresses.

All the 3 ladies had funny voices and were totally without feeling or emotion on the phone and were completely cold. It is not difficult to find a beautiful girl but one that can also act that's a little more dificult. I suspect these are paid operators who have the profiles and the letters in front of them when you call so that they won't make mistakes.

I think the whole Amo Latina scheme is a big fraud!.

I was just congratulated by you on using 1000 credits. $800 down the drain! I am not spending another dime on your very questionnable site. There must be other poor bastards out there spending thousands of $ on your virtual women. The women probably exist but you will never meet them.
Some of them are really beautiful and too good to be true to be looking for men in the internet. All the above are knock outs and beautiful women and are doing this for a little extra money but certainly not to meet men.
I think your scheme is like a ponzi scheme there are always new suckers who fall into the trap.
Anyway you guys are laughing all the way to the bank. But remember Lincoln said you can fool some of the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time.

I spend my free time monitoring several dating sites...
I spend my free time monitoring several dating sites including the AmoLatina/Anastasia/Asian Beauties so called dating sites. I do not spend money on them but watch for characteristics. Today I was on AmoLatina when an alleged 19 year old messaged me on the "free" 3 minute introductory message. I am 62 years old and ID 1172772 allegedly from Caputa, Columbia asked me if I wanted to own her body. I replied that I wasn't spending money on a scam site. She became serious and we talked for about 5 minutes before I pointed out that there was only a 3 minute limit. Immediately the 3 minute block came up. So I'm willing to bet that the person chatting was an agent. No idea whether the profile is related to a real person. I told them I was updating a review of the site. Afterwards I started getting more of the "free" chat requests. I previously noted that two or three people from Asian Beauties were sending me up to ten letters a day to one of my profiles. (I have four) It is possible in the 3 minute chat to provide your email information. But you have to use code and then explain the code. Thus far only one of the 15-20 women I did this with have sent me an email. Direct email info is deleted automatically from the computer and it appears that in some cases a monitor deletes it when you use fairly obvious codes. Several times the "women" promised AmoLatina would write, but never did so.

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Based on 50 reviews from AmoLatina customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Amolatina continually strives to develop innovative communication technologies that inspire global connections and facilitate modern love in the modern world.

Address: 551 5th Ave, 10017


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