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Reviews Shopping, Marketplace ArtFire

50 customer reviews of

Very very disappointed in this site.
Just become a seller on the Pay for $20/month for a selling plan with additional 9% of combination fee. That's all I see on the plan. Listed over 900 items in the month of July/2015. Sold only 2 items. And last week I got a bills for the commission selling, and I was very surprised because ArtFire added more 3% on each items sell. So I end up paying 12%. Email them ask why I got the additional 3%. They email me back saying that is the Hidden fee for commercial top-level category. And I still don't know what's it. If you want to because a seller, just stick with Etsy. This site is totally not worth a try. Many hidden fee and not many traffics. Listed over 900 items in 30days and got 2 items sold. Lost money, wasted time.

Should have looked here before wasting 2 weeks and $35.85
Don't bother trying to sell there. ArtFire don't need your business. That's the attitude you will get once you have paid them to sell there.
They lured me in with their promo of $35.85 for 3 months. No contract, blah blah blah. They immediately take out $35.85 plus $5. I found their platform is crap (very illogical, very confusing, pictures take FOREVER to upload onto their website, even using a. Csv file as they have listed on their site doesn't integrate properly, you will still have to go in and manually fix every single listing before it can even become live). If you ask for help, they are short as if it's a bother.
If you are dissatisfied and cancel. Don't bother trying to get your money back or trying to speak with someone. They are useless. Had to file a dispute with Paypal to get my $5 plus the additional $18 they took back)-no refund for the $35.85 for services they half a**ed provided. Had to have Paypal cancel the contract w/them so they could no longer take money from my account.
They will not prorate a refund for you even if you have only used 2 weeks of their 3 months. The "No Contract" is a scam. Once you pay for 3 months, that is your contract--even though it is not stated on their promo, which they should.
Yeah, learn from my mistake. There is no traffic there either so not only will you waste money, you'll also waste time.

Legit website BUT now chockful of scammers
ArtFire used to be the "Etsy" of its hay day back in the early 2010's. Back then, you actually got what you paid for.

But now, in 2021. It's a barren wasteland. Absolutely no regulations at all and so scammers run amok. I tried to purchase a water dispenser on here. The good news? It was a steal. The bad news? The product never came.

I tried contacting the seller but absolutely zero response just like many victims here. I filed a dispute with Paypal. The seller then, cleverly provided Paypal a very convincing fake tracking number 1Z9X263Y*******955. Everything looked correct but the weight was wrong. The water dispenser I ordered weighs at 32 pounds. But the tracking number says 75 pounds. It took me alot of time to point this out to Paypal and got a refund.

I have two shops on ArtFire, and I love it there
I have two shops on ArtFire, and I love it there. The customer service provided by the AF staff can't be beat. ArtFire clearly understand that without their sellers, they have no business, so they cater to our needs better than any other venue I sell on, including Etsy. The tools they provide for us (the sellers) are plentiful, and I find the site to be easy to navigate and work on. The forums are full of helpful information, and helpful sellers who enjoy helping newbies (and confused oldies) with their shops.

I also shop on AF a lot, and have never been disappointed with a product or the way I was treated by a seller. I've purchased supplies, handmade bags, scarves, bath and body products, crocheted gloves, fine art, jewelry, wood work, and countless other items. It's not very often that I can't find exactly what I'm looking for on ArtFire when it comes to something unique and handmade.

For people to blame ArtFire when they get burned by a specific seller isn't really fair. ArtFire has nothing to do with that, but they will try to contact sellers when there's a problem, and if the problems persist, they close the shop. They don't want our shoppers to be ripped off! There isn't anything they can really do if something like this happens because ArtFire doesn't have the money, the seller does. That's why it's very important to file a dispute with PayPal or your credit card company within the 45 day window when there's a problem, whether it happens on ArtFire, Etsy, Zibbet, eBay, or anywhere else.

Do not try to buy items from this platform unless you want to waste your time and money! Artfire is a third party site provider only and will do nothing to assist you. Company I tried to purchase from never shipped my item or responded to any of my 10 emails for 4 weeks! Artfire would not refund me saying it's between myself and the company who refuses to respond. You will have to file a complaint with Paypal to get your money back and that can take up to 30 days. Artfire will temporarily remove the vendor from their platform if you complain enough but the second the dispute runs its course ArtFire put this shady vendor back on their site knowing they are fraudulent and do not respond to customers. Artfire wants to be like amazon but has none of the customer service or reliability of amazon. Terrible experience all the way around and you can't even leave a review on their site to warn other potential buyers! Beware!

Artfire host foreign scammers and takes no responsibility
I ordered from there site from a scammer. The scammer failed to respond and rolled up shop with everyone's money. Artfire takes no responsibility for their vendors or consumer purchases. Below is their position on their vendors: ArtFire Customer Service Team (
Jun 29,2021, 10:01 AM MST


ArtFire provides a listing service similar to a classified ad. Anyone is welcome to list and sell on ArtFire as along as ArtFire comply with our Terms of Service. Those terms include a requirement to ship products in a timely fashion and communicate with buyers. If Sellers fail to comply with our TOS they are removed from the platform and their shops are closed. We do remove sellers on a regular basis who have not fully complied with our TOS. All purchases are made between buyer and seller. ArtFire does not process payment or have access to any funds. This means that a buyer can always dispute or initiate a chargeback directly with their payment provider.

ArtFire Customer Service

Beware offers no buyer protection and allows fraudulent sellers on their website.
I have had a terrible experience with this company. I purchased sneakers through a seller on and I never received my order. I contacted both the seller and about a week after my order was placed and gave me a generic email response asking me to wait 48 hours for a response from the seller. After I read this email I searched for the seller online and found multiple items listed through but the links brought you to a web page on that says the seller's account was not active. I emailed asking why I was not informed that this seller's account was not active/suspended and ArtFire gave me another generic email response asking me to wait 48 hours without answering my question. It was obvious to me that this seller had already been suspended for scamming others but did not confirm this nor express any sympathy for this situation. Other companies would admit the seller was fraudulent and at the least apologized for the issue. I never received a response from the seller after the 48 hours and I learned that will do nothing to help you besides emailing the seller and when they don't receive a response, they tell you to contact your financial institution to dispute the charge. So basically they tell you it's your problem to get your money back. Read the terms on and you will see that they take no responsibility for problems between the seller and buyer. It's also obvious that allows fraudulent sellers on their website and when their customers get scammed, they do not offer any buyer protection. Do yourself a favor by believing all the negative reviews and avoid this website.

Horrible! Don't order from Butterfly Bowtique or Artfire
On May 13,2015 I made an order with Butterfly Bowtique. I paid $55 for a bubble guppies tutu outfit for my daughters 2nd birthday to wear on her birthday. She said her turn around time was 3-4 weeks from payment to shipment. Well I emailed her the first time & she replied back saying every item is made to order so it will take 3-4 weeks from payment to shipment & said once its finished I would get a confirmation with my tracking numberoonce the label was printed. Well I emailed her 3 times and no response. I even went on her actual website and sent a message through there as well and still nothing. It is now going on what 6 weeks? And still nothing. No refund and no package. Pisses me off that someone could be so cold hearted to rip me off $55 and also do this to a 2 year old for her birthday. I had wanted it by June 12 but of course that didn't happen. I don't know what to do or who to report this person to. I will never order from this site to just be on the safe side. Yeah everyone on here may not be bad sellers but sorry I'm not going to take that chance.

Thieves and Liars
Gold's Gym

I ordered a Gold's Home Gym on Artfire from one of their "stores", kakashopsale, which is nothing but a front for a bunch of thieves and liars. I paid $141.00 and was supposed to get free shipping but all I got was silence or excuses so i had to file a complaint with Paypal, the BBB and my credit card company. Kakashopsale tried to scam Paypal with a phony invoice claiming that ArtFire shipped the gym that weighed 90+ lbs via the USPS in a package that weighed 6.4 lbs! They could not or would not provide an invoice or any follow up paperwork which proved to me that they are just a bunch of thieves! I got my money back but I had to work for it.
Kakashopsale has since moved to another online store front,, so avoid these [censored] at all cost!

Ordered a pair of earrings from Art Fire, wore them...
Ordered a pair of earrings from Art Fire, wore them once, ArtFire broke (not my fault), wrote to them, they didn't respond for awhile, then they said send them back, I did (AND paid for the return postage), never heard from them again even after a gazillion emails, wrote them AGAIN, asked for a refund or a replacement pair of my choice, felt they were flaky and sort of scammy from their very first email communication (apologizing for not getting back to me saying they were so busy they had over 600 orders... yeah right). Sooooo should have checked this site before buying from the cuz I see others have had the same experience. I have had such good luck with online purchasing, up until now 100% of my purchases have been wonderful, very accommodating sellers, friendly, communicative and willing to preserve their relationship with their customers. Not so with Art Fire. Stay away.

Bad Seller Platform but some great individual shops, Check the tips below.
I have been selling on Artfire for years and am a legacy seller. It was once a great site selling nice handmade and designed items from a great variety of artisans. There are still great shop owners who care about their craft and clients. I am one of those. I have kept my shop open and have sales but ETSY (sexy2wear) and my own site do much better. I work hard on providing great customer service and custom body jewelry designs. I have purchased from several vendors on Artfire and have had good experiences. It is very disconcerting to read all the negative reviews on here. I do believe ArtFire need to have a better resolution process for unsatisfied clients if the shop does not resolve the issue. Since Artfire is a conglomerate of many shops it's hard to rate the individual shops except based on each purchase. Therefore I'm rating my shop based on my own feedback. Lol

It's always disappointing to hear when a customer has...
It's always disappointing to hear when a customer has a bad experience with an online seller. However, ArtFire is not directly responsible for those issues and supports over 10,000 vendors from around the world. One critic misstated the cost of using ArtFire as a web host, citing ArtFire charge up to $60.00. This is not true. ArtFire has charged $12.95 per month and will be raising their fee to $20.00, but this is absolutely in line with other web hosts. Plus, ArtFire never charges their sellers a listing fee or commission, which is common with other web hosts. The site changes were implemented October 28,2014 and, as with any upgrade, there have been some glitches. But ArtFire management has been very responsive to its sellers in dealing with all issues. I posted a problem I was having with my site (very new, and received a reply and a fix less than 24 hours later. Some folks are just not happy with the new look. That is a subjective evaluation which anyone is entitled to make. Keep in mind that the changes made were, in part, to accommodate the appearance of sellers' shops on multiple platforms, a change which is necessary and welcomed.

While I personally am in only the handmade section of ArtFire, there are many wonderful sellers on this site. I certainly hope people reading bad reviews on ReviewFeeder will keep in mind that one terrible experience with one seller reflects only on that seller, and not everyone else.


I opened a seller account with them and selected the $11 a month option. ArtFire billed me $35 for 3 months and another $5, later I found out that they take an additional $5 each month in addition to the $35 dollars you pay quarterly.

After creating a shop and putting some items on I noticed that I had 0 traffic (even on bonanza I got traffic on the 1st day), so I decided to close my account and get refunded.

It was easy to close the account but a refound nop. They won't refund me because I put something on the store for a couple of days. So I asked them if they could refund me the months that I didn't use which is $22 for the remaining 2 months and they can keep the rest.

The answer is no of course and they copy-pasted me they're damn TOU which says screw you dumbass we just legally scammed you with our TOU. Even amazon refunds you for prime for the months you didn't use almost every company does only the scammy ones like ARTFIRE doesn't.


I saw the red flag warning with ARTFIRE
I was impressed with what I had read about AF and thought that I would take a chance in selling my jewelry. AF stated that ArtFire would not be able to respond to any questions UNTIL i was a paying seller. Sounded fair enough - MY plan was $12.95 mo. T took 3 months to set up my shop ( worked 40 hrs a week) In any event, around month 3 I was stuck so decided to send an email -- I receievd an immediate reply advising that t a customer service rep would get back to me w/in 48 hrs. Sounded reasonable to me. Well guess what? NEVER heard one word back from them. By this time I had invested SO much time and money - I will spare you the detail. I stayed w/ them 7 months -never made one sale - never receievd one comment - Ironically I would easily sell my pieces right off of my body SIMPLE!---- It would be easy for me to blame AF but I have to say I only have myself to blame - Should have EXITED 48 hrs after no reply from customer service. They promised to reply and they did not. Shame on you AF for not having the decency to honor your word to your sellers. A few other red flags but I think its best that I keep them private. Thanks ARTFIRE for a NIGHTMARE experience.

I signed in as a guest...
I ordered a pair of zebra Yeezy's and it has been about 2 weeks from today and I have still not gotten them. I was shocked but I also am I patient person so I will keep waiting for them. I signed in as a guest because I was tired of making accounts and signing up for things because I had been looking all day on websites for these shoes and I didnt know if the website was legit yet so i didnt even make an account and checked out. I have NO CLUE when IF or If I got them ordered. I got no tracking number and the website is clean because it was done as a guest. SO PLEASE, MAKE AN ACCOUNT AND REMEMBER TO DOUBLE CHECK THE EMAIL YOU GIVE.


First and last time I will use artfire
This is going back 2 years ago but couldn't find a place to put in my review until now, I bought some eyeshadows from a store that was Called hi fi cosmetics, after two weeks nothing came so I contacted the seller via email and she said ArtFire are on their way, another week went and still nothing so I contacted her again this time she didn't reply to my email, the eyeshadows never came and I found out that hi fi cosmetics shut down, it was my first purchase on artfire and because of the experience I had I haven't used the site at all since, I have had a much better experience with etsy than I had with artfire and I reccomend to stay away from artfire and you will find better stuff at etsy and as it was the first and last purchase I would ever make on artfire.

Great site to order from, with many great creative...
Great site to order from, with many great creative handmade artists!
I love buying my gifts there! I can always find unique handmade gifts.
Its like any site buyers should do their research, check seller reviews and if sellers are checking in regularly with their store, which the site clearly shows... so you CAN tell. I have had only great very personal service there:)

Also it is easier to find true handmade things on Artfire these days, I used to do most of my shopping on a bigger site which I will not not name... but it seems to be harder now to find true handmade artists with so much cheap imported junk... claiming to be handmade but from huge manufacturers.
So YES I love shopping on Artfire!

5 stars for sure!...

I used to sell on this site, it has changed a lot! I had a so called life time set fee, ArtFire took away all our tools that made it a great site so that they could force us all to pay higher fees. I didn't like the way it was done.
The site looks very generic now. I used to love my 2 stores I had there, they were beautiful and we had our own branding. But things have changed.

I have since moved on to my own websites and also sell on etsy. To be fair there are still some great sellers there. And I occasionally still order there. But not a site I recommend to sell on any longer. It's sad but true.
I can be found at &

I wish I could have given them 0 stars. I ordered a soccer jersey in a women's small. I had no idea it was coming from China. The shirt came and it was a youth size. It fit my 5 year old. The tag on the shirt said Mens small. I contacted both Artfire and the seller. The China seller told me the shirt was the correct size and it had just been mismarked. After the 10th email the seller told me that he would not accept an exchange or a return. Instead, he told me to BUY a larger shirt and would give me a 30% discount. Absolutely ridiculous. I disputed the charge with Pay Pal which then I was able to get a refund only after I returned the shirt to China. The postage to China was more than the actual jersey. I never heard from Artfire. I am out only $35 but hope that this is a good warning for others to stay away! I will NEVER order from this website again and hope that all these reviews will keep people away from every ordering from them either.

I am a seller on ArtFire
I am a seller on ArtFire. I have ordered several gift items from other sellers on ArtFire which have been excellent experiences and products. Only one did I find to be really slow in shipping, but I did place an additional order a few months later with that seller and the shipping that time was excellent and fast. I love ArtFire. It's a great place. I would say if someone had a bad experience with customer service of ArtFire itself likely didn't use the proper channels to contact or be persistent. I understand ArtFire is a small business with well over 10,000 shop owners. With that many folks, do you think you're so special that you can't wait your turn for a response? The forums are filled with other sellers who offer genuine great advice to mentor newbies. ArtFire has posted a ton of information to help with shop setup. It's right there in the help center to read. Or, you can ask for help in the forums. Sellers on ArtFire are the most generous with help I've seen. Business itself is hard to survive and not for the faint of heart. It is very disappointing that some folks had bad experiences with some sellers on ArtFire. Let's face it, there are cheaters the world over, on every street and in every ally; not just on ArtFire. It's not ArtFire; its the shop owner who rents his/her space from ArtFire!

DONT BUY ANYTHING FROM ANTFIRE! This company is a fraud and scam! I ordered a pair of headphone from this company. I was suspicious about the price. I was advertised less then half the cost of what ArtFire normality go for. I figured maybe it was a closeout sale that I stumbled on. I paid and waited, and waited and waited…over a month Emailed them and they said USPS lost in the mail. They told me they sent out another pair. Then I waited and waited again…nothing? The tracking reports indicated that it was still around but never got delivered. They told me they they were crediting my money back and if the headphone show up I can just keep them. Then I waited for the credit…nothing. Then suddenly the headphone showed up. This is where it really gets suspicious. The return address was from ISRAEL. They were the right brand but not the right model or color. The worse part is they had been clearly used and the packing was all beat up. It was missing a bunch of stuff. I contacted them and they refused to issue me a refund without me sending the item back to them first. Then I contacted Paypal the check of the email address for the original transaction. Them email address was connected to a company in HONDURAS. Don't buy from the company!

My story is simple and terrible
My story is simple and terrible. I place an order, my money was taken, and I received an email confirmation. Then more than 3 weeks past and I emailed 1 of the 2 emails provided in my confirmation email, asking for a status on my order. The response I received: NOTHING! Then, over a month (~ 5 weeks) after my order, I emailed the other email address provided in my confirmation email and my response was: "This seller, EpicEvent, is no longer an active seller on ArtFire. To recoup your monies, please contact your banking institution and initiate a dispute..." It is apparent that ArtFire were perfectly okay with taking my money and leaving me without receiving my order and not telling me! And, frankly, I think it is ridiculous that they will not refund my money. A reliable company wouldn't make their clients to go to their bank for refunds. And, to make matters worse, the items I ordered were for my son's birthday (also obvious to the seller that it was a birthday order) and after 5 weeks of waiting, I have very little time to find replacements. I will never order from this company again! It was my first and last experience.

AWFUL site and customer service is worse!
If I could give negative stars I would. Absolutely by far the worst customer service I've encountered, and the site is terrible. I signed up, posted one item (I think) I don't even know if it posted because the site was so hard to use and so glitchy. It wouldn't let me delete pictures that I accidentally selected, I had to delete the listing for the 3rd time and try again. I got fed up emailed they're "customer service" and asked to cancel. This is within an hour of joining. I get a reply stating it's cancelled and I'll have to wait for 48 hours to get an email back saying ArtFire refunded me $4.50! They charged me $5.00 and then charged me a second time $32.85 I emailed again explained and asked for a FULL REFUND they refused stating that because I posted an item I can't have a full refund. Absolutely ridiculous! Use Etsy, or another site don't use this joke of a site.

If I could give zero stars I would!
I made a purchase with Giote on a LV backpack I realized it was a dupe so I instantly canceled my order. I honestly didn't read the return or cancellation policy until I started speaking to this lady. You have to cancel within 24 hrs which I did. She ended up refunding me. Before she refunded me I did reach out to artfire to figure out how to resolve this issue in 24 hrs. Well the next day I got a email from them and told them we worked it out and she refunded me. Then I get numerous emails from the Sandra Smith cussing me out because ArtFire locked her PayPal. This lady is so unprofessional and rude I'm so glad I ended up getting my refund because it appears to me now I probably would have gotten the item that I purchased for $204 dollars.

I am an artisan and have an Etsy store and a store...
I am an artisan and have an Etsy store and a store on I wanted to expand my sales so I created an account on
After trying to setup my store for about an hour and being frustrated with the site I finally gave up. I was able to create an account, write a bio and upload a photo to use as my profile pic but wasn't able to do anything else. I read the FAQ page and tried to figure out why I am not able to list my products.
The website claims that it is free for sellers to sell their products but I don't believe this is true. I am not saying 100% that this is not so because I may have overlooked something on the site that isn't allowing me to list my items for sale. I DO know that I am pretty good at navigating around on sites like and as I stated, I have an store. Etsy is not free to use and it clearly states that when you create an account to sell. appears to not be free as well and I have yet to find a "contact us" feature on the site. There is a forum and I did post my concerns there.
I don't want to give a negative review because I haven't been able to use it yet. I am just saying that I don't believe it is absolutely free to use.

It doesn't even deserve 1 star, but i have to give one to give a review. The website is very deceiving, says are from "the heart of the Tucson Arts District", United States. I ordered a jersey on Dec 11 for Christmas, was told I'd get a shipping tracking number UPTO 48 hours. It's been 21 DAYS, and still can't track said package that was due on Dec 24th. I have emailed the vendor multiple times, who also has a signature that states ArtFire are from the US... and they won't refund my money, keep telling me to be patient. I have filed a claim with PayPal (BTW the transaction is labeled "Childcare") and next step is contacting Artfire themselves. Was not a happy Christmas, thanks for disappointed a 12 year old kid with a gift she "bought" for a family member. A package from Tuscon to Chicago would not take 21 days! VERY DECEIVING webpage.

I paid $20 dollars for monthly fee in order to sell...
I paid $20 dollars for monthly fee in order to sell on Artfire. After two days, my account had been cloesed. I sent many email to Artfire, no response. I have no choice to file the complain with BBB. Firstly, your response is very general, you did not indicate which policy I violate. You provided the websites with thousands of pages which customer can not read them forever. You did not provide the answer. Secondly, your advertisement is misleading customers. Your advertisement did not clearly state that monthly subscription fee will not be refunded if Artfire close sellers's account. Only state as 14 days trial, and money back guarantee. Thirdly, other sellers are still selling as exact same item as I do on Artfire. That means sellers selling same items, some of them will violate the policy, some will not, all depends on Artfire's decision.
Finally, Artfire will not give any warning to sellers regarding for violation. ArtFire can charge sellers' monthly fee and suddenly close the accounts, because of very general reason of violation of policy.
The business model of Artfire seems to lure customer to subscribe the monthly plan, and suddenly close your account and tell you the violation of policy without refund and keep charging credit card.
I spent hours and hours in order to get $20 dollars back.The reason is very simple.The $20 is belonging to me. I get charged without getting the service from Artfire. I want to share the experience with others in order to become as same the victim as me.

Please follow facebook artfirescam*******48340

Why are sites like this allowed to remain up? Complete and total scam. It's mind blowing there aren't protections in place when a site is proven to be fraudulent. I'm grateful ReviewFeeder exists for this very reason, but many people do not know to be skeptical. It's awful and I can understand how people get tricked. Same goes for phone and internet scams. Someone tried to threaten me for money via an email, I notified local and federal authorities, the feds never got back to me and the local authority told me to not forward him the threatening emails as he didn't want his email bugged. When I emailed back to see if he at least logged the threat he didn't bother to respond. My mom knows which organizations to sue at the local and federal level if my body is ever found in a ditch. And no, I am not fearful for my life (the threat didn't even pertain to me), but it'd be nice to know the threats had been logged in case anything ever did happen - it would take authorities 10 seconds to make a note and I would think that given it was an email address, an identity could have easily been pursued.

Artfire functions like any other selling venue in that...
Artfire functions like any other selling venue in that it provides a platform for independent sellers. Artfire's focus is primarily, though not exclusively, handmade items--everything from jewelry to guitar straps. The customer service to sellers who list there is truly excellent--thorough and timely with problems solved quickly. Customer service to buyers is excellent as well, accommodating several different methods of payment rather than just Paypal, and in the event a problem sale arises, the staff will track down an errant seller and see that ArtFire act to resolve any issues. I have sold on Ebay, Etsy, and Artfire, and Artfire is, hands down, the best run, most responsive, most innovative site I have had the pleasure of both selling and buying on.

Stay away from Artfire! You will have your money stolen!
I have been selling on etsy for years, and recently decided to check out other venues. I made an unfortunate mistake of opening a shop on
First of all, there is zero traffic. I even paid them extra for couple of days to have my items promoted, then cancelled it because it was useless. Contacted support team via chat window on their site (do not try their email address, it does not exist). Did get a response from them, which was rude and totally useless.
After about two weeks, I decided it was time to stop wasting my time and resources with this site.
I deleted all my listings and tried to close my account. Guess what?! It is IMPOSSIBLE to close your account once you have signed up. (So ArtFire can keep charging you).
I contacted them again and asked to refund my money and close my account. They responded with another arrogant message. Closed my account but refused to refund my money. Yes, I was charged for 3 months even though I only tried the site for 2 weeks.
This website is a SCAM! They are ripping off artists and small business owners as well as customers. What are they even doing here? Why are they still in business?
I am opening a dispute with PayPal to get my money back and to prevent them from stealing money from me in the future.
If there is a class action finally one day, I am in!

I Signed up to be a seller just to see what is was all about. BIG mistake. First of all you can't even look around at your products before you have to buy. Etsy has a free level service that offers MORE tools that even this location's basic subscription. I purchased a subscription and went through about 3 hours worth of exploring and listen ONE item. ONE. I decided it wasn't for me. Traffic is awful, ArtFire take a larger % in fees than Etsy does and customer service is horrendous. I would NEVER recommend this dumpster fire to anyone. I tried to get a refund, but since I listed ONE item for a grand total of 8 minutes, I'm now out the cost of a subscription I won't even look at for 3 months. This is the WORST setup I've ever seen.

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ArtFire Rating

Based on 50 reviews from ArtFire customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: The ArtFire marketplace is home to artisan goods of all kinds. From handmade jewelry and crafts, to vintage clothing and supplies you'll find what your creative soul craves on ArtFire.

Address: 85701


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ArtFire has F rating on BBB

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ArtFire is not BBB accredited

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There are total 0 complaints of ArtFire registered on BBB

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