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50 customer reviews of

I was contacted by a representative of That Awful Company, one weekend to return to DirectTV. Since I was such a valued customer over 12+ yrs AT&T would give us visa gift card, discounts, etc to leave Dish and come back to their Services. After comparing what we had and the offers we decided to return. However we did let the representative know upfront that we did Not have internet in our home, he stated that would Not be an issue. After installation the DirectTv did not work 100%. We contacted the representative, he was unavailable. Talked with his manager, he told us to call DirectTv. Apparently the wireless boxes needed internet to record shows.
After contacting the 800 number the lady stated she could get us a $30 plan fir wireless internet. No hidden fees, etc. Since we have been through so much. So we accepted.
After a month, we received our 1st bill...$158.37... Due to $30 monthly fee, taxes, equipment fees, etc. I contacted AT&T and explained that was not the agreement and I only want to pay for the amout agrreed on. After several times getting transferred, I was told someone would call me back within a week. (No call) I tried calling back after the week was up, I was transferred multiple times and finally placed in a que where i hung up after 10+ mins. I tried calling to pay the bill which was unrecognizable due to a 12 digit account number, it asks for a 9 digit account number. I received an email a couple weeks last stating the inter had been turned off due to lack of payment.
When I tried contacting AT&T to resolve the issue once again I was transferred multiple times. I was told by Meisha, Tyler, and/or Ely at some point that there is nothing that could be done and/or it was going to be escalated and someone was going to return my call.
Ok, 1 we haven't had internet, 2 didn't want internet, and 3 having to pay more for the internet we had to get to make the tv work tgat we switched to.
After spending hours out of my day getting transferred from department to department no one was willing to help me, or I got sent to tge department that was only open Mon-Fri. 9---6. On March 21,2019 I spoke with Ben in the Loyalty Department, explained everything to him. He mentioned that my bill was so high because we went over our usage by $90. I was confused since its only hookup to the TV, however he mentioned this internet was not one for a home. Ben was confused as to why we were sold a cellphone/hotspot for the home. I asked him since all calls were recorded to please pull the call. After over 2 hours on the phone nothing was taken care of. They did cancel the service, however I still have to pay more than what I was quoted and some. Then Ben proceeded to tell me that I would get another bill.

I trust this is not the way That this Awful Company wishes to conduct business with valued customersI have been with AT&T for many years. I would think AT&T would like to rectify this issue. But was told nope I owes the bill and would get another, RUN DO NOT GET ANY SERVICE OF ANY KIND FROM THIS COMPANY. THEY ARE HORRIBLE!

Yours faithfully,
One Unhappy Client

At&t worst customer service ever!
Earlier in the week I had called to cancel the home phone portion of my bill. The customer service person advised I could save additional money by changing my internet to fiber. He explained the install would be free and it would reduce my bill by $5 per month but a tech would need to come to the house and someone would need to be home. I agreed, and we set the appointment for yesterday. The tech did arrive a few minutes late but had called to let us know he was running late. Him & another tech did the install of fiber, checked to make sure everything was working. He even called me later to make sure I did not have any additional questions.
So far so good right? Unfortunately, when I went to set our alarm system that night I found it not working. This morning I called at&t to have someone come out & see what the tech accidentally disconnected. I was transferred through 5 departments & on hold for over 2 hours before I finally spoke with a supervisor. When I did finally get to the correct department, Mel the tech support rep told me the soonest a tech could come out would be on Monday, but she would try to expedite the ticket & would let me know something within an hour. I told her that was unacceptable & requested to speak with a supervisor. She put me on hold twice for about 2-5 min each time and came back telling me a supervisor was unavailable. I told her I would hold but she needed to start the ticket while I was waiting. She put me on hold again and after about 1-2 min a supervisor came on the line. Kim (supervisor) told me first that he would work to solve the problem but could not promise anything because other departments were involved & he did not control the other departments. After checking with the other department, he informed me the best AT&T could do was have someone out on Monday. I dont remember the exact order of each argument, but he went on to tell me they were not responsible for damage caused by their technician. Then he said we could file a claim with their liability department (risk), but they could not touch the other system even if they had done the damage. I countered each of his arguments by explaining that I know companies are responsible if their people cause damage, also that we owned the system and it would not be "illegal" for them to touch it. I also explained that the tech should have the equipment to fix the problem since it is an old system and the wiring is old telephone wire! After he spent 45 minutes trying every argument he could come up with he said there was nothing he could do & the earliest a tech could come out was on Monday! I told him his solutions were unacceptable and that at&t once again was proving to do everything to screw over their customers. When I said thank you for nothing, he actually said you are welcome! Once again at&t has only made surface changes to try to improve everyone's opinion of them. They used to tie with Comcast as the worst customer service company. Now they are dead last all by themselves! Comcast has made true changes to their company and now offer a wonderful customer service experience. At&t still does not train their people to listen and think. I had to repeat my story over 5 times & only 1 of the reps listened to what I had to say & responded appropriately. Unfortunately, she was not in the department I needed to speak with. If you vary from their stupid script, their reps cannot handle it! If their reps cannot think for themselves, what is the point of having live humans answer the phone! A computer could do better!

Combine Billing Discount - How long does it last?
I signed up to combine my wireless bill with my Directv bill around March 2016. The reason I combined my bill was because of the $10 off my bill each month promotion. When I called to combine the bills, I asked how long the promotion would last and I was told I would receive the $10 off as long as I maintain both service. Well this past January the $10 disappear from my bill. I call customer service and explain that my bill had change. The customer service representative issued me a $10 credit and he made me think it was fixed. When I got my February bill the $10 combine bill discount still was not on my bill. So I called customer service. The first call I was on hold for at least an half an hour before I talked to someone. When I finally talked to someone I explained what was going on. I had to be put on hold few times. After 56 minutes, I was disconnected. So I called back. After another 20 minutes or more on hold, I finally got to talk to someone. I explained that I got disconnected and had to go through explaining why I called to begin with. After 39 minutes into the call I was disconnected. America's most reliable network at it's best! Totally flustered and frustrated, I called a third time. This time I got a recorded message that said 'my approximate wait time was 1 minute'. Wrong! It was another 20 minutes or more. When I finally got to talk to someone, I told them I wanted to talk to a supervisor. After being on the phone for 25 minutes, I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. The AT&T Protect app said the call was from a telemarketer. I ignored it the first time. But I got a another call a minute later. I was on hold with the customer service representative, so I answered the incoming call. It was an AT&T supervisor calling me back from one of my previous calls. I told him I was on hold with a customer service representative and ask if he could hold so I could end my call with her. So I ended the call with the call with the customer rep and continued my discussion with the supervisor.
Here is a summary of what I was told over all the calls I had made. First, I was told that because I enrolled in April of 2018, the offer was only good for 12 months. Well that was wrong in two ways. First, I enrolled in or around March of 2016. Fortunately for me, I still get paper statement, so I had proof. Second, If I did enroll in April of 2018 and had 12 months then I should still be getting the discount through April of 2019. After I got them to admit that I did sign up in 2016, then I was told it was a 24 month promotion. Once again that had to be wrong, because then the $10 discount should have ended in March 2018. After all of that I was not able to get the $10 combine bill reinstated. I did get another $10 credit.
There is really no reason to keep my bills combined anymore. I'm just afraid that I might create another nightmare if I try to uncombined them. I'm posting this in hopes of seeing if anyone else has had a similar problem with combine billing or maybe give others a warning if AT&T are looking to combine their bill.
After hearing from someone from AT&T, this issue has never been resolved. No one knows why this happened. There is speculation that the offer wasn't the correct offer that I applied for. I mention that I had moved and wondered if that had caused me to lose the offer but I haven't been giving an answer to that either. It is really amazing that AT&T, as big as it is, can't solve a simple billing issue. If the offer had expired, then I should have been given that answer. If the offer didn't expire and the problem was a glitch, then it should have been as simple as reinstating the $10 a month credit. The last I heard anything was April 9.

Terrible service, overpriced, abusive reps
My family has been with AT&T for a decade. The service to the neighborhood where my family home is located has been getting steadily worse for years. It's an older neighborhood and AT&T has informed us that they're not going to "waste" money on improving service to it. (Never mind that it's a popular choice for young families and business people who want to live near the city. AT&T can't be bothered to DO anything but insult their customers.) Most recently, my parents got an Apple TV, happily expecting a new world of entertainment to open before them. But that didn't happen. The internet service can't support streaming movies. Not just 4K movies. ANYTHING made after 1974. A week ago, my mother couldn't even get the old Magnum PI show to stream. My brother and I did everything we could. Turned off all other electronics on the network. Rebooted the Apple TV. But the service for this neighborhood is just useless - well below the National average. (Upload 1.7 Mbps and Download 23 Mbps - for a wired connection with nothing else in the house connected to the wifi.) AT&T, going the extra mile as always, ALSO charges TWICE their competitor's rates for their record-breakingly poor service. My mother, after much encouragement from my brother and myself, decided to call the customer service number. I wish she remembered the name of the creep she talked to - at least SHE talked - he bullied, intimidated and insulted her. She called me upset that there was nothing she could do do improve the service and if she tried to cancel the U-Verse (the television package) the "man" on the phone said they'd take away MOST the Internet as well, and my parent would get charge for any overage. The irony in his threat (as if the internet service could get worse!) was lost in my overwhelming rancor at his abusive language. Decisions have been made. My parents are switching to Spectrum, and my brother is going to handle the switch for them. As for me, I'll see it snow in Texas in July before I EVER do business with AT&T, or let a friend, relative, or passing acquaintance do the same. Bottom line: The. Worst. Customer. Service. Ever. If there is ANY other provider in your area, go with them. Avoid AT&T like the plague AT&T are, until/if they get their act together and decide to treat their customers with respect, instead of trying to rob them blind.

The worst!
On July 31st I called the customer service line and was told the contact center was closed via the IVR. So I had help and went on to the My AT&T app and pressed the CHAT LIVE: I first spoke with a Martin Levine and he stated he was putting me on hold to look what he could do. I then waited for over 30-35 minutes said Hello and then put a "?" Nothing happened and I closed it out and refreshed, the automated asked again help I wrote "representative help" Then waited 10 minutes for Agent Ryan who entered the chat he asked me my name I gave it to him, my passcode I gave it to him, he then stated what did I need help with: I let him know that I was waiting for my replacement debit card and it wouldn't come until Tuesday August 6th however I knew I had a payment that was due July 31st by midnight and stated that because of not having my debit card the payment couldn't be made in turn he told me he'd be happy to help and wait a moment I stated ok and when he came back he stated he saw I spoke to Martin and he would be able to take over. He came back to the chat and stated that he would make the arrangement for me and I didn't have "no worries" my service would not be interrupted. I said thank you and he then stated what's my email and asked was there anything else he could help me with. I stated no and then he said have a great day. Come August 1st around 12:00 in the afternoon my service was shut off. I called and spoke with someone from customer service and AT&T stated they saw nothing about me speaking to someone in the chat and then asked for a manager the manager was a guy and he stated that he can't do anything and doesn't see where I spoke to someone. Then somehow
Hung up and I called 611 and of course since my phone is off it leads me to a rep and I spoke with a Lucas I believe and explained that I was talking to a manager and then tried to explain wanting to talk to another he told me I couldn't because someone told me I needed to pay 388.87 (odd number) when I had already spoken in the chat to a Ryan and he reassured me my payment for 214.23 was set for August 6th. Trying to figure out why That is not on the account and why you all system is broken where no one can see when you logged in on the chat and spoke to a representative and nothing is showing up. I even have an email sent to me to confirm 214.23 is to be paid on August 6 and my service wouldn't be interrupted. The manager Audra stated she wish she could see that but can't and then I hung up because I got frustrated as to how come someone lied to me using your chat live service and reassured me. I would never be this upset if I had another phone or wifi. When I called back I explained to the guy if I had wifi I would be able to get a lyft to a near store to prove I spoke with a Ryan in the chat through ip and last login since you all via phone. But the only phone and service I have is AT&T wireless and at&T hotspot through my phone. I then was transferred to a manager who did not realize that she didn't have her phone on mute and stated "they better get the hell off my phone." Then I said, " is this how you talk to disabled people?" She (Betty or Carolyn) then proceeded to mute her phone then either played hold music and after 10-12 minutes someone got on the phone by the name of Pedro and he stated he was not a manager but worked regular customer service I then asked him what was the name of the manager who last touched my account because she said foul language and should be fired for treating or even saying something like that. How can you allow people to be managers and they don't mute their phone when they're saying nasty things. I just want my service on so I can call my mom and let her know I'm ok. Let my job know I'm ok and know for sure I can pay 214.23. I have disability checks that come to me and my whole life changed drastically last year May. The reason why I got AT&T was because I was being abused and in a domestic violence situation and needed to remove myself off of my abusers plan and then in July 2018 I had to leave my job because I could no longer work there because he knew I worked there and was afraid so I left my job and had to move to where I am now in a whole new state with a shielded address so I can't be found and my dog who helps me. I finally got a new April 2019. So it goes to show with little money I still paid my bill to you all. Then tried my best to make sure you all are paid and my other bills are paid to live in the community and have money for my public transportation since I can't drive. Again I would not be this upset or even call so much if I had a back up phone or wifi service but I literally have nothing. I fight every day to try to be a normal citizen and treat people with respect and then this happens. I spoke to another manager and she stated she sent feedback so they could get the chat live transcript that will prove RYAN told me my service would not be interrupted and he set my date to August 6. Then they would restore my service for me. Transferred by the manager to a customer loyalty rep Lawrence and he doesn't know why I was transferred to him and he stated he would transfer me to someone in collections because all of the reps plus managers who I spoke with did not come from collections but customer service. Lawrence in turn transferred me to U-verse home phone collections and she in turn transferred me to cellphone collections at this point someone is not doing their job and I have had enough. No clear answers, no true help and no one willing to take ownership that I have an AT&T POST CALL NOTIFICATION EMAIL & AT&T CHAT TRANSCRIPT! I've been treated like crap by this company

100% unhappy but also 100% stuck
I never go out of my way to leave reviews but with at&t I feel like I'm stuck in an abusive relationship and can't get out.
Here is my most recent text to one of at&t managers.
Hello Lorenzo! We have not spoke in awhile but you are the only at&t manager I have been able to speak with and mentioned before if I need anything to contact you directly. To begin with everytime I call at&t I need to devote half my day to being on the phone and usually nothing gets solved. Last we spoke you did correct some things for that month but ultimately the issue continued. I finally gave up on going back and forth over these issues. However now I'm extremely upset because yesterday I called to pay off my note 10+ and pre order the s22 ultra in burgundy. I was charged but for some reason unable to sign the terms and conditions. I recieved 3 different emails saying thank you for your order click here to see your summary and when I do there is nothing there. Now neither I or the at&t employee I spoke with knows if I will receive the phone or not. So am I screwed out of 66 dollars? Not to mention the mistake at&t made by mixing up my sons phone number and mine and in the billing records our numbers appear to be attached to each other's phones. So for a year and a half when I wanted to cancel his phone line due to the pandemic and being homeschooled he no longer needed a phone. But because of at&t mix up it shows that line cannot be canceled cause there still is monthly installments which is wrong HIS PHONE WAS PAID OFF MINE WAS NOT IT IS NOT MY FAULT AT&T MADE A MISTAKE AND I HAD TO PAY FOR IT. On top of that in the past when I called trying to sort things out I was told 4 lines is cheaper than 3. So I listened. For a few months everytime I called i heard the same thing. Then one day who ever I talked to from at&t said no 4 lines is not cheaper you are paying for service of 4 lines. So not only was I forced to pay for a phone I wanted turned off for a year and a half I also got tricked into buying a second phone for my son and having 4 lines instead of 3. Also last time you and I spoke you did your best to help with issues at hand and even convinced me to order 2 samsung watches as it was a bogo and with mine and my own dad's health issues and you sharing yours with me I agreed but suddenly our order was cancelled with no explanation. In the long run I'm happy it was cancelled because my frustration with at&t grows with every passing month of every passing year. I've contemplated changing cell phone providers but need phones to be paid off before doing so. Now my note ten plus is paid off and if I do not receive the phone I paid to pre order I will take my business elsewhere leaving my dad and my son left with at&t till their phones are paid off and AT&T are able to leave as well. I do not mean to come off harsh but I have literally been going back and forth with at&t for years! I have worked in customer service and know it's not fun dealing with upset customers and truly try to be respectful and understanding but at this point I am constantly paying for things I do not want and now paid for something I may not even recieve. I'm a single mother who cannot work due to health issues and battling cancer 3 times in a row. Paying an extra 40-45 a month for a phone line I do not want may not sound like a big deal to many but to me it's a lot. To pay taxes on pre-ordering a new phone and finding out on your guys end it appears no order was made seriously upsets me.
My sincerest apologies for texting and ranting to you about this but you did tell me before to come to you directly if I am not satisfied. I feel lied to, tricked, and quite possibly now even stolen by taking my money and then being told it shows no purchase was made (according yesterday to the at&t records Mike L seen and tried to help me with)
I'd also like to add that passing customers around from one person to the next and no one has answers or how to help and just push selling more things rather then really fixing the issues already at hand is very unprofessional. When I have to spend 3 to 6 hours being bounced around from one person to the other that is RIDICULOUS. Not only is my money being taken i'm also putting in an insane amount of my time and 90% of the time it's a waste and nothing gets solved.
Once again I'm sorry for my rant. Hope you still work for at&t and get this text. I have asked to speak with you on the phone since we last spoke but never get transferred to you.
If you do recieve this message here is what I want to know.
1.) Did i pay 66 dollars yesterday morning in taxes for a phone I will not receive?
2.) What can be done about the fact I was forced to pay for a phone line for a year and a half that I did not want and could not cancel because of at&t mix up between phones and phone numbers

At&t get your crap together! This is a fkn joke! This is nothing against those in customer service as they are just doing what they are told but this has everything to with AT&T as a whole. Lying manipulative thieves.
My advice for anyone who sees this review is to run for the hills. At&t cannot be trusted. They will continuously trap in in long term contracts and even when your stuff is paid off they "accidently' mix things up and never correct it and hold you responsible for their fkn mistakes. Not to mention their service sucks. I only use my phone to talk to doctors and to contact or pay bills and shoot a few texts between family but my phone constantly loses connection during calls and I can't hear anything and no one can hear me.
Before selling your soul to at&t maybe check other providers in your area.

AT&T customer service nightmare
AT&T customer service nightmare. I have been trying for the last week and 1/2 to unlock our phones so we can move to another carrier. After being given incorrect information by multiple representatives and basically hung up on, I think I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. My first call to AT&T was 3 days after I submitted the request to unlock my 4 phones. I spent about an hours on the phone with the first representative who disconnected my wife phone service while we were taking. I explained to her that we wanted the phones unlocked first and will disconnect service once we have the service up and going with the new carrier. She reconnected my wife's phone service after an hour and she assured me that the phones will be unlocked and she just needed to transfer me to another department to do that. I was put on hold for over 20 minutes and finally hung up and tried to call back. When I called back, everything was closed. I called back the next day and spoke with another representative and he told me he would escalate the case and send another request in to unlock the phone and we should received emails letting us know regarding the disconnection. I received several emails but the emails instructed us to log into AT&T website and resubmit the unlocked request which we did. Waited again until the next day and called AT&T again. Spoke with another representative and told her I had spoken to a representative the day before and the representative told me that he submitted our unlock request but I have not received additional information about unlocking our phones. At that point, she told me that the reason we were not able to unlock the phone was because of our contract. There is a fee to disconnect. I paid the disconnection fee and was told I had to go online again to submit the unlock request. Again, I followed the instructions to submit the request. After a few hours, I received a notification that we had submitted too many unlock request. Again, I called customer service and spoke to another representative. She assured me that she will take care of the issues and submit the unlock request on our behalf and it takes up to 72 hours but we should received some type of confirmation before that. I waited but got nothing. With my frustration mounting, I called today and asked to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor sent another escalated ticket to hopefully resolved the issues. I received 3 emails from AT&T saying that 2 out of the 3 remaining phones will be unlocked within the next 24 hours. The 3rd phones had issues because the information provided is incorrect. I am now on the phone again for about 35 minutes now trying to get AT&T to resolve this issue.
I guess that AT&T have many customers and therefore have many employees working for AT&T. That's a good thing that AT&T are employing so many people. My issue is that no one was able to take charge and take care of my issues after I have called in a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time. In this day and age of technology, sending an issues ticket to someone else to resolve an issues is the norm but I think that is a big problem. There is no follow-up with the customers to make sure that the problems have been solved. It should not take over a week to have my phones unlocked. It should take but minutes if the right information is provided to the customers. I know this sounds crazy but, why can't I be connected to a person that can actually resolved my issues and make sure that the issues is resolved while I am having a conversation with that person on the phone?

Do their service reps have the ability to LISTEN?
With working from home, I had started noticing issues with my Zoom meetings were I would receive messages about my internet connection. ATT had hard wired my laptop years ago so I knew it had to be their line. I called for service and pleasantly surprised their rep could come out the following day. I scheduled an appt for 4pm to allow me to complete my work day. The rep showed up at 12:45 - I had to turn him away. He came back at 4 and tried to fix it indicating that he was not able to do so and it would be escalated.
Next day a rep calls before 10am and asks when could come. I advise I will stop working at 1, so anytime after that. I wait and wait and call and leave a message for him at 2pm. No response. I had plans to run errands and sat there for 2 1/2 hour waiting for him. I finally call and speak to Mohammed - who does nothing except futher upset me by telling me the ticket was closed and the tech fixed the problem. Since I was home all day waiting, he had not been here to the best of my knowledge -he did not knock on the door, call me or leave a note that the problem was fixed. Mohammed just kept repeating himself and not listening so I asked to speak to his manager - Andrew. I had to go through the whole thing again and received the same repetitive responses. Andrew then sent me to Chris in the Customer group that tries to keep customers - or where you terminate your coverage. I tried to explain the situation to him and his response was do not want to terminate your coverage. When I said not at this time, he sent me back to service to another Mohamed in Dallas. This call was a cold call without Chris providing any of my information to Mohamed 2. By this time, I am in tears, AT&T won't listen. They tell me my service is fixed yet no tech ever came out and repeated I'm sorry a million times. I asked for the head of customer service and was told I could speak to Andrew the poor listener. I finally hung up. Disgusting service. Each of those reps spoke over me, refused to listen and forced me to repeat my questions/concerns at least a dozen times and was provided no help. Where is there customer service? A once great company falling to pieces by customer service reps that infuriate customers instead of de-escalate them. I have starting shopping for a new internet provider... although I am afraid customer service is a thing of the past for these companies.

Too Much to Believe!
This experience with AT&T has lasted for 7 months and I have put in over 20 hours of hold time as well as major running around only to get BLOWN OFF by AT&T Customer service. I will spare you the long drawn-out details But here's the STORY:
We upgraded to to some new equipment (iPhone & Apple Watch) We then requested a RETURN AUTHORIZATION. We were well within the 14 Day return period, so we printed the labels and returned the gear to the Post Office on 6-22-2020. After waiting for more then 2 weeks to hear back from AT&T I went out and purchased a New phone for my wife and we went to an AT&T Store (in person) to get the number working. After all the SIM card was locked up in the returned phone. AT&T basically lost not only our equipment but our loyalty & Trust. We were customers for more than 20 years. Fast forward to November when I received a Balance for $775 and a notice of COLLECTIONS. (from their affiliate Sequiem Credit) Throughout this I had spent Many MANY hours on hold with Customer service but Now I had to run out to the post office and get an INTERNAL tracking report. Which showed that the (Tracked Package) was "PICKED UP BY AGENT" So at that point CS said no worries and AT&T filed an updated dispute. FLASH to March This has now been reported to my credit (in the midst of a financial crisis) so, again I get them on the phone March 16th and with a CS Agent who listens to my entire plight of disappointment & run around, tells me that "YES" they did receive the gear back (ON AUG 11) Great! "we will adjust this for you". WELL, No such luck!

Now TODAY March 30 2021, I spent 1-1/2 hours on hold, Disconnected and then told since they didn't get the phone back within 40 days My claim is invalid! SERIOUSLY, I Printed AT&TS label, Shipped it Within the 14 day return period (WITH PO RECEIPT for PROOF) AT&T continuously billed me throughout & NEVER Acknowledged the return. They then took me to collections & when they admitted that in-fact they DID receive the returned equipment that "I" was at fault and still owed them $775! THATS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. They are a full on SCAM company who charges a premium for adequate service and beats down the customer with LIES & run around tactics, when there are any issues. I could write a book on this whole event with lots of names, AT&T Employee badge numbers, pictures of ALL Labels & Receipts as well as more then 3 hours of RECORDED C. S. Conversations (Mostly HOLD MUSIC!)

STAY AWAY FROM RYAN K! THE WORST SALES PERSON EVER! ONE STAR IS WAY TO GENEROUS. On August 10,2018, I made the unfortunate mistake of stopping into the At&t store located at 20825 Hall Rd Macomb, MI 48044. There I met a salesman by the name of Ryan K. I simply stopped in to get a new cable for my iPhone charger. I bought the charger and Ryan engaged me in conversation, asking me about my current wireless and cable provider. I was with Sprint for wireless services and Direct tv for cable. I told Ryan my bill was about $400 a month. He replied "we can do better then that". He told me about a promotion that allowed me to get one cell phone line free. He said he could combine cell services, internet, cable, and a landline for $317 per month plus taxes. I was also told that our devices would be insured. I was told that even though my husband was at the time paying the Direct tv bill and that bill was in his name, everything could be under one bill due to us having the same address. I of course accepted the offer and have been disappointed ever since. I was told it would take a few billing cycles before the bill would be "auto corrected". In September 2018 the bill came and it was incorrect but we knew this would happen. What I didn't know was the quote would go up to $327 monthly plus tax because of an iPhone X on the account. Now I have a new quote from Ryan for $337 monthly plus tax that was sent via my email after I had asked him for a written breakdown of my services. However, I have a recording of Ryan saying the bill is supposed to be $327 monthly plus tax and because I have this evidence I am considering legal counsel. Also none of our devices are insured anymore and this was not authorized by me. I believe we are the victims of a bait and switch. I think this guy was a used car salesmen in his past life as these are the tactics he uses to get you to sign by the dotted line. Pulling numbers out of his rear end but no clout to make them stick. He would have us pay our bills late every month so he could go in and "fix the bill". He was putting in credits for "customer dissatisfaction". Instead of him truly "fixing the bill", he was essentially blaming me and putting a bandaid on the problem every month. I have to believe this is happening more then reported. Maybe everyone who has had to deal with this foolishness should connect and get this guy the job he really deserves... making license plates.

I guess what with ATT having such a generally poor...
I guess what with ATT having such a generally poor reputation, most reviews are going to be about the company, rather than their website. Which is good, because I can have a whinge about the company too.

I was originally an SBC Global customer with DSL via Yahoo, and now that's ATT and the DSL is still via Yahoo but ATT prefer to call it ATT High Speed Internet. When I started with this service about 5 years ago I had a month of awfulness but then it settled and for the rest of the years, I've had no problems with it at all other than the usual drops in DSL speed which you expect. I'm on a 6Mbit line and I get about 5.5, which is OK. So much for the DSL service, except that I found one reviewer talking about the free wi-fi that comes with it, which ATT **never** bothered to tell me about. So that's my first whinge, though judging from the other review, I'm not missing much.

My real annoyances with this company concern their repeated attempts to sign me up for one of their U-Verse all-in-one packages, which I do not want. AT&T send reps round knocking on doors once every two months like clockwork, even if you've repeatedly told them to go away. They were phoning me up all the time until I turned nasty, which was so loud that a clerk right over there in Mumbai got the drift.

But the door-knocking, that's the worst. The last rep that came round was particularly sneaky, or so she thought. I started by telling her (a) that I have been telling ATT reps for as long as I can recall that I don't want a U-Verse package, (b) that yes, I am aware that they installed fiber optic cable last year because they've been telling me about it ever since, and (c) that I'm happy with the DSL connection which I have been paying them for, for 5 years, making me the sort of loyal customer that you don't want to piss off.

This all had no effect. I was (again) shown the brochure and serenaded with a song and dance about the other parts of the U-Verse package, including the fantastic cable package which was going to be way better and cheaper than the satellite service I already have. So, OK, I said let's see how much I can save with the cable service, and she got out her pen and started doing sums on the back of a form, until she came to a figure that was about identical to what I was already paying, for about the same channels. So, no difference and no reason to change to U-Verse, then. Well I could see a struggle going on in her mind between having to admit the truth, versus not wanting to lose a sale. Eventually the latter, as it turned out, was the winner.

She suggested that she write down all the details of the package anyway, and I said, OK, you can do that and leave it with me, that'll be fine, I can think it over. So she started to work out the prices and write them down, and as she was doing so she said that someone else would be by a couple of days later, and I said OK, if you like, and then noticed that she was actually writing the figures on an application form for a new service. I waited for her to finish this, and then she asked me to just sign the bottom while she held it out for me. Well I've got to tell you, this was no longer amusing, this was a direct, deliberate con trick. So I asked her why I should sign anything, and she then had to say that it was so they could come around and install the new service in a couple of days. But hang on, I didn't say I wanted a new service, absolutely not. And you know, she didn't like me saying that. She pouted. And I believe I may have expressed an opinion about the attempted con trick, at some length and possibly using some words that I can't quite recall here at present. But no, I'm too nice a guy, I probably didn't. Probably.

But you know, even then, and not discouraged by being caught trying to fool me into buying something I didn't want, she then offered me a business card and suggested that if I were interested in doing business with her, I could give her a call. I believe the conversation ended with me saying "oh, and why would I want to do that?"

Unbelievable, but I guarantee this story is true. The upside is that I haven't seen another ATT rep again. I can't imagine why.

The deception of AT&T
I signed up with AT&T back in May of 2019. I purchased the higher speed internet (for gaming) and U-Verse bundle and set up for automatic payments. Since then I have had to call every couple of months to make a payment because my payments were not being take from my bank account and no one could explain why the auto payments were not working. But with each phone call lasted a minimum of an hour and a half to 4 hours being switched to different departments, representatives or ones I couldn't understand their dialect (and each time I documented who I spoke with, the complication and resolution) I was always reassured that the auto payments were set up and I wouldn't have this problem again. Only to find out two months later the cycle repeated itself. I did speak with supervisors (who were reassuring that everything was set up as it should) but hesitantly apologized for the hours and several phone calls I had to make to get this figured out. I transferred my services to my new address in November and when it was being installed I increased the number of boxes in my home for an additional ten dollars a month with the cost of move anywhere service. In the beginning of 2020 on another phone call dealing with the same situation again (no auto payment taken) I made a comment that I can wait until my year was up in June so I could cancel without early cancellation fees. Then I was told by the representative that in November I signed up for another year and my contract was up in November of 2020. I told her "that wasn't accurate, I didn't sign up for anything. I only added the additional box in my home. She asked me if I was authorizing to make the changes for the account to be under contract until November. I said no, make sure you are recording me as I am not authorizing any changes to my account as I am looking forward to canceling my service in May/June!" She reassured me that no changes were made and that my contract would end in May/June. Since then I have had to deal with the auto payment issue (in March and in May). Today when I called I was told that I had to pay a re-connection fee (that I should have had a credit for, I was told that I did receive it but am being charged for it. I of course I expressed if all my payments have been made and I am current than there isn't any additional charges that should be showing. When I mentioned about canceling my service... you guessed it I was told that my account shows my contract is until November. Which we all know that I expressed the very long story that goes along with this experience. Pete said he could switch me to the billing department and AT&T can give me assistance and answers. I supported that action then was on hold for 30 minutes and hung up after.
This has been going on for almost a year with hours of phone call and as a consumer I still deal with the same situation. It is mind boggling how a company such as this that advertise their focus on their customers and their needs and how they want to help have sooooo many representatives that either aren't trained well, don't care or are instructed to say what the customer wants to hear and do the minimalist amount.
Several months I made a complaint on AT&T's website but I haven't been contacted regarding it other than a confirmation email stating thank you for contacting them, etc.

No customer service
We switched from Verizon, huge mistake. As soon as this contract is done I'm done with them. AT&T claim their reception is better, its no different from anyone else's. No worse but certainly no better. I had a problem with my new phone not switching over. Went to three different stores with three different solutions. One store even require a readable bar code on my driver's license. It was damaged so it was an issue because they couldn't scan my driver's license. Neither of the three stores resolved the problem which eventually resolved itself two weeks later. That's how long it took for my number to fully switch over. When we started the new service with at&t we were in the store for nearly three hours. Verizon we bought new phones and the phones were fully functional 30 min later. Now as part of our at&t package we subscribed to direct tv and direct tv now. We didn't really want satellite but the salesman showed us how we could save money by simply using the Hotspot on our phones and get rid of our wifi. It was horrible didn't work which actually cost us more money to re install our wifi. As for direct TV now on my phone I have never been able to log onto the app. We've had the phones going on three months now and I have conservatively spent hours, no less than 15 to 20 hours on hold only to get a robot that you hope sends you to the right person. Well I found out that at at&t there is no right person. Or robot. After spending sometimes two or three hours on hold i would get the wrong person and have to start all over again at the back of the line. This happened multiple times. I stayed home from work one day and spent a total of 8 hrs on the phone and to this day still no resolution. Next, I had at&t already installed on my phone but tried to cancel it because I thought i had direct tv now with my new plan. Just to cancel a service you will spend hours on the phone only to reach people who haven't got a clue. Three months later I'm still paying for a service I don't want and can't get a service i do want. And there are NO 1-800 numbers on there website so you can cancel. I had to Google the number which did me no good because the staff are not adequately trained. And now for a new low in customer service, the robot actually said, I'm sorry and hung up on me. Iv had customer service reps that I had to hang up on because between the accent and the poor reception I could not under stand a word. Summery they sell you a broken product and then can't fix it. All this in three months. To be honest, between a bad heart and ptsd I don't know if I'm going to make it through a two year contract.

On 01/31/22, I spoke with a rep named, Summer. I explained my service has been suspended for non payment and that I won't have any funds till 02/11/22. Therefore we did a payment arrangement for the $250 on 2/11/22. She then stated to ignore the 1st text message and that my phone would be restored just give it time to cut on... after waiting I called back to see why our phones were still not on and spoke with a Jordon who was AMAZING. He explained everything,? He said the rep summer did an arrangement for me to pay $300 that same day and $250 on 2/11/22. So I said well that's not what I asked for and it didn't make since. Jordan then tells me that summer did a 2 part payment cause that probably the only way it would allowed her. And then he turned my family service back on and he did mention that he didn't know how long it would stay on. So I cashed back to make ANOTHER arrangement and I was DENIED EACH TIME. Therefore I asked to speak to a manager. Manager Mark came to phone and as soon as he heard my voice his attitude changed. But I proceeded to explained everything I even added that times are hard now a days and I just paid $500 last month can you please just give me to the 11th. Then I said AT&T records all their calls and for him to listen to the call with summer and me to see that I did NOT make that arrangement that was giving. I said Mark God can take my life right now if I'm lying, I swear I didn't do that... I pay my Bill but I'm in a tight spot can you please help. He then said let me review your account. He came back and said, and I quote, "THE ONLY MISTAKE WE MADE WAS TURNING YOUR PHONE BACK ON" I was so shocked. I didn't know what to say besides, "REALLY! That's it?" And mark said, YEP. I was so mad & hurt that I almost cried. Just by how he was talking to me & not treating me like A REAL CUSTOMER, I knew he didn't want to help me.
How can one be so rude. The call ended there the worst service ever and I enjoyed TT&T or I could have spent that $500 getting new service but I didn't, I wish I could play the call so EVERYONE CAN HEAR HOW MANAGER MARK FROM AT&T treated... my family and I are without phones until the 11th which 7 days away and AT&T couldn't work with that? This work is said. Had I changed my voice my phone would have been on

Horrific experience
Review should be a NEGATIVE 100. This has become the most horrific company I've ever had to deal with. They're nothing but a corporate monster that really doesn't care about customers. We've had Direct TV and Internet from them for years. The end of January our Internet went out, a tech came out and was at our house for 8-1/2 hours, checked all the lines from the box 3 blocks away to the pole to our house, etc., and also replaced the modem, still nothing. The next day, we were on the phone with the same tech for almost 2 hours troubleshooting further with no change. It was determined that AT & T messed up the software connected to our account, the resolution, PER THE TECH, was for us to call and cancel the service, then reinstate. Long story short, I have been on over 15 phone calls and chats, spoken with over 20 people, been told 3 times that I would receive a call back-HA, one was from the "Loyalty" department, AT&T never called back either. A tech was scheduled to come back on Thursday (to check the lines and equipment that WAS ALREADY DONE), I received 3 text messages confirming the appointment; took yet another day off without pay, no one showed up. Last attempt, 3 days ago I called (AND EVERY TIME I CALL, I have to go through this whole story AGAIN about the crap I've been through-this was THEIR screwup, yet it's become my problem-not ONE of them takes the time to read back through the details on all of the contacts I've had with them. Also, they were going to give me a "deal" and not only charge me $10 more a month for Internet, but also had to do a credit check first-we've had our monthly payment automatically debited from our checking account for decades, and THEY WANT TO DO A CREDIT CHECK? Asinine), was assured that it was "her job to fix this for us", said would get a tech out on Saturday, and would call me back, of course she never did. I am just weary, defeated, past the point of extreme anger. Working up the energy to call and cancel everything, Direct TV and Internet, but know I have to go through the BS with talking to probably 6 more people. They hold you emotionally hostage, (and I'm sick of talking to people in the Phillipines, I want to speak with someone in the US and when I ask, I just get another person overseas). For this I pay over $200 a month, and it's been over a month since I've had internet at home. So DONE with AT & T. I would LOVE for the CEO and corporate executives at AT & T to make some phone calls to their service department and see what kind of horror they are put through. But they won't, because no one cares...

Can't get your money back...
Late August/early September 2019, AT&T sold me a wireless internet system after I explained to the woman that I have a landline because I live in a rural area with very little to no reception on my cell service. She convinced me this box, which is plugged into an outlet for the internet, would work differently than the cell. It was $189.99 for equipment.

My September bill was $302.20 with a $25.00 credit due to previous issues.

September 13, called AT&T and told the supervisor that we tried to hook the device up and it had zero signal. Supervisor was horrified with the info given and that one of them sold me a wireless system that it was obvious to begin with was not going to work in my area. Should have never been sold this system after hearing the history of cell coverage at this location. Was going to give me a $189.99 credit and was canceling the cost of equipment and told me I do not need to return it and to throw it away or do whatever I wanted to with it. None of what I was told (on the 3+ hour phone call ever happened and I was not credited my money). AT&T told me they would call me back in a few days to confirm everything after they talked to another person and that not did not happen.

On October 25th, had another couple hour call with AT&T and Jesse said he would credit my account $189.99. But told me I MUST RETURN the wireless device first before the bill is credited (damn good thing it was not thrown like I was told I could do the month before).

November 8 at 3:40PM, took the device to FedEx and returned the equipment (Harker Heights A420***********53501). Told would be a credit within 3-10 business days.

On November 11, called AT&T, spoke with Odis, he shows they received the equipment but still no credit and still showing on my bill. Asked for a refund check because now they have well over $200 of my money and he said they can't do refund checks, will get credit to your next bill. Complained and said I wanted to talk to a supervisor.

On December 3, spoke with Erica who again said can't do refund and crediting my bill.

On December 9, Lulu got an OK by her supervisor to send a refund check because I kept insisting as they have now had my money for 3 months. Said would take 4-10 days.

On December 23, called James in Billing dept. (questionable as to his position) I asked where is my refund check I was promised for $238.44. Good news, he found my credit. Once again a credit was applied to my account as they don't issue checks. James believed I should be sent a check as this is wrong. Agreed AT&T has had my money and wasted my time for far too long and check would be issued for $160.25 (keep in mind each month money is being charged and items being deducted out of amount changing what is owed since Sept) and should arrive the Friday after Christmas or Monday at the latest. It takes 3-5 days. Personal apology for the lies I have been told by all other AT&T employees. Here is my employee ID# JA490G if the check doesn't show up and you need to call me.

January 10,2020, asked for James, and they can't find him today. Was promised a check in the mail between Christmas and New Year's. Where is it.? Good news - found the credit it has been applied to your account. That empl # is not available by phone today, will leave your phone number for him to call you (he still hasn't called.)

Like it or not the credit is finally applied to my account after they have had my money for over 4 months and will be another 2 months using it. Biggest bunch of liars. On top of that, they are YES men. Tell you yes, apologize and do whatever they can to get you off the phone because you will never be able to get to that person again. So 5 months and 23 plus phone hours later I am right where I started. Worst customer service in history!

Customer service is virtually non existant.
So... I'm an older person, SEEING texts on my tiny iphone is becoming a pain. Answering one is worse since my fat thumb covers half the keys. I spend more time correcting letters I didn't hit than I do actually communicating. I don't do texts. And I am on auto pay with att specifically so I don't have to be bothered with it. But AT&T will send me a text that my bal is low. THEN they send me a text saying they will withdraw the money, then they send me a text saying my bill is paid. WHY? I tried to call. Oh holy hell the voicemail menus and auto bots that cannot understand anything. Around and around... Until right then I'm so angry... I pitty the poor person who finally gets me. But after a long winded struggle I finally get connected to a human. DIRECTLY TO INDIA! Nice enough but very hard to understand through a thick accent. She assured me she would set texts to off for me, and a few other bits of instruction. I could reply with STOP. OR text back 7726 and that would stop it and I thought we were good. The very next morning, (And I'm a late sleeper, I stay up late, get up late. So 10 AM to me is more like 2 AM to most people.). But I get woken up to a text from ATT. A survey how was my support. I texted back STOP only to get another text saying that was not a valid option, I need to pick 1-5. Fine, I'll take the stupid survey and I gave a 1! There was a text box at the end to leave comments and mine was "the reason for my call was to get you to STOP TEXTING ME! Clearly getting this survey means the task was not done."

The following month? Guess what I got AGAIN. And AGAIN I called, danced through their hoops, sat on hold waiting for a human, listening to commercials FOR ATT no less. WHY do they do that? I'm already a customer so why play ATT commercials? They must really want people to just hang up. But I set the phone down and just waited. And sure enough, INDIA again. Again very nice person, I went through the whole thing, she did say the survey is automated and she can't stop that, but would stop all other texts. I said fine. THEN... she tried to sell me a bigger plan. I said can you look at the data I actually use? It's barely any. So she actually sold me a LOWER plan and saved me some money. I was happy. This time knowing a survey would come in the morning, which I just deleted. And thought I was good to go.

Yesterday I get a text from att AGAIN. This time some government program I might be eligible for... go to this site or that... blah blah. Again, I can barely SEE texts and sure as heck never use my phone to go to websites. So I tried replying with STOP. I tried with that number 7726. BOTH tries only brings me another text saying that mail box is not monitored I need to visit att... No way to block their texts, no way to mute them, so again I got on the voice mail from hell hoop jump. (You guessed it, connected to INDIA.) This poor girl listened, then said she must escalate this would I hold. Sure. FINALLY someone picks up who is NOT in INDIA. (Seems only the low level ranks are in INDIA, management needs to be somewhere that speaks English.). At least now I got an honest answer. They cannot stop texts, it's all automated. So I guess if I don't want to be bothered my only option is to shut the phone OFF. NOT my first choice.
She said she would certainly give my complaint to upper management. (I'm thinking the trash can.) I am ready at this point to switch. Just got off the phone with a wonderful person from T-mobile... unfortunately my little rural techno bubble here does not get good coverage from them. Straight talk already told me my phone is too old. Sprint... is now merged with T-mobile so no point in calling them, one in the same. Verizon we had back when we still had a landline and they were so horrible I will NEVER use them again... ever. And that's that. No choices but to put up with this BS.

My iphone 6 I was told will be good for only a few more years. When I am forced to upgrade, I WILL look into other companies again. Coverage might improve in a few years. So either ATT improves, or I make a move. Just a matter of when.

I just don't understand why a "TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY" cannot answer their own phone! Who ever thought voice mail and long lists of options was a good idea was a total moron. It is NOT. Bad business I don't care what business is using it. Hire a kid, or a senior or a student to just answer the phone. "Hi how may I direct your call." Then have a HUMAN with a real functioning BRAIN actually answer. How hard can that be?

I can say this much, t-mobile had chat, and they said if you would rather call, I said sure, she called right away, was as friendly as could be, looked up my area, showed ME how to find a map on their site, and sure enough, my tiny little town is in the one gray spot on the whole map. But again, few years down the road that will improve. ATT better get their act together by then or I'm out.

They don't deserve a single star
I was offered a promotion for buy one, get one free device. I purchased an LG G6 for my brother, and a free device of the same model. It wasn't free, I was lied to. I bought the phone back in October 2017. I was told that for the first three months i had to pay the "free" device and that after 3 months within the service, I would get credited for the 30 months for the 2nd device. I waited 3 months like I was told, when I noticed I was still getting charged for the second device, I called AT&T on January to notify them. AT&T said to wait yet another month, that it was a delay, and 3 months had to be counted after the first. I called back again on February, they opened a "case" verified and confirmed that I had been offered the promotion and that they would have their team confirm the info and apply the credits. Nothing happened. I kept calling month, after month, after month. Every time I called, the notes to my "case" were deleted and they couldn't find the case, so every time I called they would open a new case, after case. When I finally asked to speak to someone higher, that person told me that even though the offer was given to me, that they could1n't help me. That I had to go to the store in person, because the person that activated my account didn't do it right. I was residing in another state, I told them I couldn't just get on a plane and fly just so I could go talk to the girl in their corporate store. I was offered a promotion and lied to, I wasn't being helped because of a clerical error. Until present day AT&T never credited me for those phones. I had to pay both phones out of pocket and that money was never honored nor returned to me. I haven't been with AT&T since. I'm tired of big companies taking advantage of consumers because they think they can get away with it. Look what they are doing with HBO. Not letting, paying viewers access HBO GO on their phone anymore, just to force us to purchase their HBO Access subscription separately, while already paying for HBO on DTV. This company doesn't care about customers they only care about the money. They lie to customers and offer them free devices like they did to me, just to get them on a 30 month contract, but once you're enrolled they don't give you anything free. They force you to pay and sadly you're stuck on the company for 30 months, before you can leave.

I am writing to complain about AT&T's Internet service. It was sold to us under contract and it is so inferior, that it is almost nonexistent. Dial up service, in its day, was more reliable and dependable than this service that AT&T charges for monthly. We have complained to AT&T, and not only would AT&T not do anything to correct our problems, they took an arrogant and self-serving attitude when we even dared to ask.

We are on a wireless connection and the facts are:
1. We are kicked off of the Internet over and over, 24/7/365 when we try to use it on our laptops, iPhones, iPad, Kindles and television. Even only using one device at a time, we are still constantly kicked off. We have an PC laptop, a Macbook Pro, two iPhones, one iPad, two Kindles and one flat screen Samsung television. It was never disclosed to us that we could never use more than one device at a time. Who lives that way in 2020?
2. Loading speeds are extremely slow. It is seldom that a complete webpage will load. We have webpages without the photos, because they will not load. And when it tries to load, we get an error message that the page has timed out and we need to try at another time.
3. We were told that our speed is 50mbs. When we tested it via Internet methods available to us, it was sometimes as low as 1! When we explained this to AT&T, they said our actual speed would vary and that it was within acceptable limits. We even purchased an Internet signal extender/enhancer on Amazon, but it has failed to make any difference. They actually refused to do anything to try and help us.
4. We have a high quality hp color printer, scanner and fax all-in-one machine. It is constantly malfunctioning because it cannot get a reliable Internet signal. The modem box is less than ten feet from the printer. (Also, the television and other devices are no more than five to ten feet from the modem.)
5. We are not able to stream anything. Everything and I mean everything goes into a buffer mode with the little spinning circle. The sound does not match up with the picture because the picture is lagging behind the audio.

When we complained about these issues, we were told that we had not called in enough times to complain. Are you kidding me? Our service is dependent on how often we call to complain? That is a sad statement of customer service, isn't it? We are paying for a monthly service that we are not getting. Why can AT&T get away with this? Other companies have to supply a service to get paid. AT&T cannot provide adequate service and still get paid. That is not right.

What do I want? I want to get a guaranteed 50mbs, not the minimum allowed under their inadequate policy. If we do not get this specified amount, I want to be credited on my account for what we are NOT getting. OR Allow us to cancel our contract without penalty and move on to another provider, in hopes of being able to enjoy reliable Internet service in this, the 21st Century!

AT&T gives us terrible phone/DSL service and doesn't care
AT&T continually fails to deliver the services for which I am paying. I am writing to demand punitive and corrective regulatory action.

I am an AT&T land line and DSL internet connection customer in east metro Atlanta. In the 33 years I have lived at my current residence, I have often had to endure problems with service. The service interruptions have become worse in recent years and acutely worse in recent months. Every few days I must call the company for repair either because there is static or no connection at all on the land line, the DSL signal fails, or both. I have made four such complaints in the past month.

These problems would be permanently solved if AT&T would replace the obsolete copper cabling system with modern fiber optic technology in our community, but it is not doing so. While we wait in vain for this upgrade, the company refuses even to maintain the existing infrastructure serving us. Frustrated repair technicians have told me that the equipment in a particular box in our neighborhood is worn out, and the company will not spend the money to replace it. On tech noted that it was especially prone to fail during stormy weather.

I recently discussed the problem with Gary Ladd Jr., Manager for Technical Support, Office of the President, AT&T. He told me the company had determined that the equipment was not defective enough to warrant replacing. I asked him how that could be when it was failing every few weeks, with increasing frequency. He had no answer. He promised that I would be contacted by Case Manager Toan Nguyn. Mr. Nguyn never called, and he has not responded to two phone messages I have left for him.

We remain AT&T customers only because in our area there is no alternative except Comcast, which has an even worse reputation for customer service. We depend on our land line because cell phone service is unreliable inside our home. Like most people, we depend on the internet for many purposes. Streaming is routinely problematic for us because the DSL speed AT&T delivers us is slow at best -- when it works. But as of late the signal drops out intermittently or continuously almost every day.

This level of customer service is deplorable and intolerable. I have written the Federal Communications Commission and the Georgia Public Service Commission demanding that AT&T be levied punitive fines and be forced to (1) replace the defective equipment serving our community by the end of May and (2) upgrade our area to fiber optic technology by the end of 2020.

About 40 years ago Saturday Night Live savaged AT&T with a parody commercial featuring Lili Tomlin and ending with the tag line, "The Phone Company. We don't care. We don't have to." After all the decades nothing has changed.

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Based on 50 reviews from AT&T customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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