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Best Version Media

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50 customer reviews of

Small business killers 0 Stars!
To start signing up with this company was the worst decision I've made as a small business owner. I own and operate a one man plumbing business in northwest Arkansas. I met with the sales rep for the area and was guaranteed lots of new customers, job leads, and a fantastic return on my investment if I advertised in their publication Bentonville Living. I even broke down the numbers for him letting him know how many leads I would need a month for this advertisement to work for me and was guaranteed not only would I get what I was asking for but much much more. I agreed to a 1 year deal but was talked into a 2 year deal at a discounted rate. First Best Version Media charged me a full month before the publication was put out with my ad in it then I got a copy of my contract and saw it was for 3 years not 2. This is straight up fraud and thievery! Not sure how they did this but they did. After a couple months of 0 leads whatsoever I contacted them with my concerns and was filled with a bunch of branding BS, it takes time, people are seeing it, blah blah blah. They will not provide any proof that they are even distributing these publications especially to the number of people they promised. I am now at this point out over $4000 with no return on my investments. Don't be fooled into thinking they care about you, your business, your wellbeing, or your families wellbeing just lining there pockets while they hurt small businesses. Of course I do not expect any response from these people other than you signed a contract and so on. Trust me when I tell you they are accustomed to ripping off poor hardworking business owners with no regret. I literally cannot buy groceries sometimes due to having to pay these scam artists every month with no return. They could care less whether they literally put you out of business, cant feed your children, lose your home ect. As long as they get their money. And even at that point will threaten to sue you for your remaining balance on your contract. FYI the business I am in is in huge demand in this area. I'm not going to say how I know but I am not the only one that is being severely hurt in my area due to all the false guarantees that comes along with the sales pitch. You make a deal with these people you are selling your soul and absolutely will be throwing your money away. And for any of you reading this that are in my situation I have a question for you. Have they put copies of the publication in your mailbox without paid postage? If so this is a federal crime punishable up to a $10,000 fine and I recommend you do as I am and file federal charges against them. They are liars, thieves, con artists, and belong in prison with the rest of them. I was born and raised here, know a lot of people, and will be sharing my experience with everyone I know in the hope they don't get hurt as we are. I've worked hard for 17 years to reach the point of being a business owner and may lose it all due to this scam. Also please recognize as far as these reviews go if they are positive and mention branding be assured this is them leaving their own reviews as this is always their excuse for no leads, others are just happy to be on the cover. Don't be fooled. Sincerely, Sick To My Stomach Daily

If you are an advertiser, RUN AWAY
Unless you are dying to give away a substantial amount of money each and every month with zero advertising performance, stay away from this company. While the concept of a neighbourhood publication is a good one, advertising in this book will yield very very low results. I've been advertising in 3 zones for well over 6 months and have received 2 calls. TERRIBLE. I requested to cancel and their legal deptartment called rather than the sales rep. Best Version Media do not stand behind the performance of their magazine.

I have been with the company for over six years and...
I have been with the company for over six years and it is the best place I have ever worked. I love it here. It isn't a scam anymore than this posting is a "review." I'm also a Christian and the other review below about "bowing before the 1 percenters and not serving God's children" is repulsive to me. I don't know if everyone in the company is a Christian or not, but Best Version Media are all wonderful people to work with. They care so much about helping their collegeus and community.

Great Concept
BVM is a great concept and I have heard many positives about them. I work with a similar company called N2 and have had a great experience. This type of job is not for everyone, but if you have the right attitude you can really do great things and have an enjoyable experience. I would defiantly check out both of these companies if you are interested in this industry.

My link to Cane Bay
We look forward each month to receiving this magazine. It is truly a link to one of the fastest growing developments in the tri county area. It provides good links to local businesses and a heads up to all the new issues and growth impacting our community. We read it cover to cover and enjoy the personal profiles of all those who call Cane Bay home. Bravo.

Bringing back VALUES & community.
I love the care that is put into the neighborhood magazines in the fact that Best Version Media have a local family who lives here and shares their story which month. Its all about bringing the community back together thank you to the businesses that allow the magazines to show up in the homes every month

Don't get into any contracts with these people. Advertising over the last year has been a disaster, Best Version Media promise the world but fail to deliver. We have had 3 customers in the last year from paying $460.00 per month. I wish I had done more due diligence before I signed up.

Awesome Community Resource!
When we opened our new outpatient physical therapy private practice, we had quite a few options for marketing to get the word out about who we are and what we do. Most were typical business ad sources without much of an opportunity to engage the community. West Summerville Neighbors magazine, in contrast, allowed us not only to place an informative and attractive ad about our practice, it also allowed us to do what we know is critical as a provider of PT services -- educate our local neighborhoods about various aspects of physical therapy emphasizing wellness/prevention, identification of common orthopedic, neurological and balance related conditions, including vestibular dysfunction, and options for optimal management. We've gotten an excellent return on our investment and we'd recommend WSN to help businesses get their unique brand conveyed to their local neighbors!

I started with this company over a year ago with a small 1/8 page ad. I didn't realize the magazine wasn't being distributed to the entire town. Also, there is no target marketing. It just goes to everyone in a certain geographic area or zip code so if you are looking to advertise to a specific group of people DO NOT ADVERTISE in this magazine. Best Version Media will not let you out of your contract either. They threaten you with law suits and collection agencies. They are a terrible company to do business with!

Effective Branding
As a new business owner I was overwhelmed with so many marketing/advertising options out there. I have found my neighborhood magazine to be the most effective. I'm thankful for the knowledge the sales rep had in explaining branding. Best Version Media magazines are quality, and community driven.

Refreshing and engaging
Our local BVM magazine is about as refreshing as it gets - each month we all get a free magazine highlighting only what's GOOD in the community. It's honestly the only thing we receive in the mail that we actually read. It's beautifully designed, engaging, and free.

A waste of money
What can I say beyond the title. Don't bother advertising with these guys. It's overpriced and a waste of money. Unfortunately, you may think that you are advertising with a local publication but then find out its actually best version media.

This is an excellent opportunity
This is an excellent opportunity. Training was professional l and in my first month i was in profit with zero money out of pocket. There was no money to invest however this is not everyone. Great concept easy sale to the correct prospect,

Sounds good but nobody reads it
-The only reason I gave two stars is because the sales women was very nice and explained things very well, and even explained how to stop the recurring billing<< -Good looking magazine
- Kind of targeted-to a few nicer areas where I live... but is mailed to a lot of apartment dwellers and not specifically homeowners.
-Nobody in my community reads it, I have asked dozens of neighbors and friends
-Bland content that the advertisers write, who wants to look at that? It's junk mail
-Best Version Media seem to accept any business regardless of reputation and after my one year advertising with BVM, I have seen countless sketchy businesses including a landscaper that was sued last year for completing half the job the contract specified... and a cleaning company that was caught stealing.
-Not many pages and is full of ads / articles about businesses
-Sales presentation was good but leads you to believe it will change the scope of your business, and nothing can do that.
-It is affordable but in one year have only had two people say that they saw my ad... those are friends.
-Every customer that stops by or calls is asked how they heard about us... not one has mentioned the Best Version Media magazine.
- I feel like a fool because a fellow business owner (realtor) is doing very well with a community building program+newsletter in my very own area... but I made the mistake of going with BVM because they had a broader reach.

Fraudulent copmany! RUN FAST, VERY FAST!
I was conned into placing an add with this company for a 1 year subscription. I have yet to get any proof that my add was run. I have received 0 referrals/calls for service from the add that has supposedly run for the 1 year duration at this point. If is nearly impossible to talk to the right person in the right department in attempts to get proof that add is being run. Any other type of local advertising would be more beneficial than this... or just don't advertise at all!

Amazing opportunity to grow a business
I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur and own my own business but I wanted help doing it. Best Version Media is an amazing company to work with, their support is unmatched. Advertising sales is a lot of fun, and I can make as much money doing it as I want. I am helping connecting businesses to local readers, and helping to drive revenue and the economy locally.

Waste of Money
I have had an ad with this company for 2 years now and have not received a single call from it (I ask every customer how Best Version Media heard about me). I called to see if they offer early termination and was told I would be held to the terms of the contract. So if you just want to throw some money away, this is the place to do it!

Company dedicated to community
Its so nice to see a magazine dedicaed to community. The engagement is wonderful and has such positive content. As a business owner that advertises and support this magazine I am pleased with te results I am getting. So many people in my community didnt know I was here, now Best Version Media do. Keep up the great work!

Best Version Mafia more like it
I was the victim of a high pressure salesman and got locked into a 3 year contract. Tried to get out of it to no avail. The publication is in my community where I live. It may as well be junk mail. No calls... no nothing. Such a waste. I am looking at legal options to get out of it. STAY AWAY!

Brilliant Branding!
A wonderful positive platform for advertisers. The articles are lovely, Best Version Media spotlight our local charities, have a kids corner and pets Corner. The community engagement is really delightful. I'm proud to be a part of the magazine.

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Best Version Media Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Best Version Media customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Best Version Media (BVM) is a media company that connects businesses to local residents with positive, family-friendly community publications. BVM is one of the fastest-growing companies in the print media industry.

Our award-winning company culture has been recognized by organizations such as Great Place to Work, Top Workplaces USA, Best in Biz, Stevie Awards for Great Employers, CEO World Awards and many more.

Address: Best Version Media, PO Box 505, 53008


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