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B&H Photo Video

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Reviews Art & Design, Photography, Camera B&H Photo Video

50 customer reviews of

Never trust the store's employee...
I have been to New York on April 2019. As I stayed to a friend's house, I order from B&H via internet some equipment and then I visited the store (the last day of my staying to USA), in order to see some other items and decided there, which ones to buy. The total amount of my shopping was 550 USD.
One thing that I wanted to buy from the store, was a tripod for my DSLR. So I went to this department and I met a Chinese man (I suppose), middle age. I saw him two tripods printed from their site, the first one costs 24.95 USD and the other one 34.95 USD. Both were (and are until now) in stock. I explained him that I wanted the taller and lighter tripod B&H Photo Video had, in order to saw me and other tripods. The guy probably was too bored to listen to me. So he gave me a ticket receipt and told me "this is the best for you and cheaper (something that never asked for)". As I had a lot of things to buy and the store closed at 7:00 pm (we thought that it closed at 9:00 pm our mistake), I took the ticket and finally I went to the cashier to pay.
When I return to Greece (as we are leaving USA the next morning) I realize that the tripod was too short, heavier than the higher ones that I saw to that employee and costs 21.54 USD, i. E almost 3 USD less than the one that I had choose via internet.
My fault was that I didn't check the tripod went I was to N. Y. On the other hand, it was unacceptable to my mind that in a so big and famous store, an employee I don't know the reasons why can deceive the customers, like the shop belongs to crooks. And all this for an amount of 21.54 USD, when I totally pay to this shops 546,77 USD!
So I decided to communicate with the customer service of the store (via e-mail). I informed them about this mess (with every detail of my orders and the receipt from the shop). As now the tripod is with me, in Greece and the cost of the international shipping is very high, I asked them if they could sent to my American friend's house in USA (who had made the e-orders for me) the correct tripod, as she will be travelling to Greece for her holidays this summer and to send them back the useless tripod for me, by the begging of September with her (after her returning to the US).
They refuse to me this solution, by writing to me, that they cannot accept returns after "4-5 months(!)". They probably didn't recognize that it wasn't my fault, but their employee fault! And I wonder, this tripod costs to me 21.54 USD. For sure, they bought it much cheaper. So for this amount of money, they prefer to "risk" their fame
I really didn't expect this answer from them! Probably it was my fault that I trusted them! I will never do it again, as I travel often to USA. For sure, there are more stores like B&H and I hope they are more reliable!

No technical service no after sales service
I am a professional photographer from Spain based in the amazing skies of Chile. Keen on astronomy since I was a child I decided to go ahead with a new technology and buy an H Alpha Telescope. After some reviews I decided to go ahead with the Solarmax III 70mm and it nice new two-speed rack & pinion focuser that makes the difference from the old version.

The product was sent to Chile by DHL Express and it came in a nice timeline.

Since I was new on this tech I begin to do my tests with the telescope. During the first month I tried to make it work but it was impossible to have any detail in the inside of the sun disk and I have a reflection on one side of the sun, is like having two suns. I decided to buy a monochrome camera thinking it was because of using a RGB one, after acquiring my camera I did some tests but as well no detail on the disk and the same reflections.

After making some contacts with B&H Photo B&H Photo Video put me in contact with Meade, my 30 day period for refunding passed so B&H Photo at the end didn't help and pass me to Meade in order to go through the warranty process.

Now I am handling with Meade technical people in order to solve my problem, B&H does not want any responsibility since the 30 day period has passed.

The problem in case anyone have it:

One of the etalons come from the factory decontacted or during the transportation. Now I have to pay the transport to Meade in US and as well to bring it here again to Chile, it will be around 1000USD and around 8 weeks to have it repaired since arrival and this for a new product that I am going to pay by my own since nobody feels responsible of selling a bad product.

I would like to advise anybody to review the product during the 30 days period, in case is a new tech like this and you do not feel confident of having the technical skills to make it work you have to make the consideration of the issue I have had and the increase of money and time that can impact on you.

If I could I would not buy this again internationally thinking in the lack of help from the seller and the money spent for a warranty claim.

This is not the service I am looking, the seller should be responsible at least for a year in case of any defect. And not having any help from an after sales department after buying a new product is not what I am looking for, much more if I think all the money spent in this shop.

Kind regards,

Francisco Javier Ramos *******@abriendomundo

Camera order
Spoke to another unconcern ignorant customer service agent today about an order placed on July 21. He then sent me to a manager with a wait time of 51 minutes. Joke of a store. I ordered the Canon R5 back on July 21 and after lies and numerous phone calls telling me I would get it on four different dates, I find out three of my friends ordered it a week and a half ago and received the camera last week. I called BH again and the guy had not a clue and that is when I asked for a manager. My order number was *******503 and one of my friends order number is 882121195. She got the camera less than a week upon ordering on Oct 4. You are the worst BH Photo. I shall never purchase from u again. Seriously. I would be waiting until who knows when I would get this camera. B&H Photo Video told me so many times these people would not get their camera before me and they did. This company is so messed up. I will shop at Adorama or Best ZBuy or evening Amazon. Done with these ignorants. I am sure there are many of u who realize this incompetence or don't realize your R5 body is never coming to you. BH system is recalled screwed up and they don't even know it and when I prove it to them, they don't even care. I am done with this nonsense. I wish I could sue them for lying and ignorance, but not worth my time. Thanks for the stick up my u know what!

They sent a defective monitor and expect you to wait 10 days to fix it
I ordered a new 4K monitor and it arrived defective. The menu would not even come up on the screen when you press the hardeward buttons. I called Dell customer support and got a third world country (one of many reasons why I despise Dell). B&H Photo Video confirmed the monitor is defective. I call B&H and they tell me to ship it back and then they'll send me a new one. I say that will take 10 days and AMAZON and other retailers would ship a new one immediately and then send you a prepaid label that would start a credit immediately at drop off at a UPS location. B&H said in order for me to get a new monitor that is not broken more quickly, I would need to purchase a second one. I did that. Two day shipping was included. They had to adjust the price because the monitor had already gone up in price. Monday (the third day after the order) the unit had not even shipped. I emailed B&H they said that I had ordered too late on Friday. But I had ordered before noon (pac time). Regarding returns: I looked at my RMA and label. They had issues a label that said I had to pay for return shipping. Aggravated I emailed them. Two days later they changed it to a prepaid UPS label. I dropped it off withing a few hours to Staples (a UPS location) and send photos of the proof of drop off to them. I still must wait for it to be returned by ground delivery to them for a refund. Compared to the flawless service of AMAZON, I would recommend them over and over and over again compared to B&H audio. All I got B&H was I'm sorry 10 times. Finally they threw in one day overnight shipping but at this point that is little consolation to me given the aggravation with this order

Horrible customer service.
This site has fair prices on items that are sold at MSRP price. I only shop on this site because I don't have to pay tax. However, their daily sale items kept me coming back. For that reason, it's a great place to shop if you're looking for a particular item on sale.

However, B&H Photo Video have horrible customer service. If you shop on Amazon, you'll get your item on time or they give you compensation for items that arrive late or if something goes wrong with your order. BHphotovideo only apologizes for delays or problems with your order. You will only get frustration as your order arrives late or your "sales" item order cancelled at your request. For example, two weeks ago, I ordered a $300 item that was only sale for $155. I paid $20 shipping because apparently "everything ships free" except for that item that I ordered. UPS screwed up my shipment and damaged it in the process. They never deliver or attempt to deliver the item. They just returned to sender without my consent. I contacted BHphotovideo to send replacement for "damaged" product and they said that they will not send me a new one. They will attempt to resend the shipment that UPS said had been damaged once they receive the shipment back from UPS. I asked them to just contact the manufacturer to send me a new one. They said that the item is discontinued and they will not be able to order another one for me. I sent them a link to the manufacturer's website for the exact item that they said is discontinued. The item is actually still available from the manufacturer and ready to be added to cart and shipped. The representative with whom I chat said that he was unable to open the link I sent (I copied and pasted directly from my browser). So all in all, I will not receive my order and they refused to send me a replacement because they ran out of stock and refused to contact the manufacturer to send me a replacement. You can shop with them at your own risk. They have great deals on some very specific products but you may or may not get your order if someone goes wrong.

Worst customer service I have ever experienced
Do NOT buy anything from B&H unless you are 100% certain that the item you've selected won't need to be returned or exchanged. I purchased a battery pack for my daughter's camera for Christmas but selected the wrong item. I returned it via FedEx and despite the fact that FedEx shows delivery of the item and B&H acknowledged receipt of the package, I am still waiting for a refund. B&H somehow lost the item in their shipping department (might have happened during the two weeks between receipt and when I finally asked for a status?) and has chosen to make that my problem. B&H Photo Video signed for a package weighing 2.3 lbs but now maintain the box was received empty. They are now suggesting I check with FedEx... for what, I'm not sure. Maybe someone at FedEx stole it and delivered an empty package? Come on. B&H lost my return and have chosen to make it my problem instead of providing a simple resolution.

The B&H model for customer service appears to be to route each of my questions to a new individual, each of whom places the blame back on me by rewording the same accusatory update. They also love to tout the fact that they videotape everything in the returns department, but have denied my repeated requests to share this video evidence with me.

NEVER AGAIN. Buyer beware.

I will tell you my honest story and I will let you decide if you want to to take the risk with buying anything from B & H Photo & Electronics.

I ordered a $3000 MacbookPro from them shipped to my office with Fedex. The computer was supposed to be delivered on a Monday so I was waiting for fo it and I was monitoring the tracking number. Finally, the tracking said it was delivered, so I went down to my doorman and asked for the box, he couldn't find it and said nobody came. I was right away scared like you can imagine... EVEN WORSE the Fedex guy SIGNED MY NAME ON MY BEHALF! I started freaking out and asked the doorman to ask the Fede guy the day after if maybe he forgot or wtvr but NOTHING. I called B & H the morning to explain the situation and after 38 minutes of wait, a representative took some notes and said B&H Photo Video will open an investigation and try to trace the package. 3 HOURS LATER (yes 3) they sent me an email claiming that the investigation is now closed and they wouldn't be able to help, file a claim with FEDEX or do anything at this point. I was SHOCKED. $3000 I had to forget with no help from their end. I called up Fedex directly and was transferred to a manager of manager who told me that B & H Photo & Electronics didn't even open a claim, in fact they have no record of them even calling on this tracking number, but they said that I should check another address in a building few blocks away since it was very similar to my address and they saw that few times packages were left there because of the driver's confusion (WTH)... He was right, luckily the package was there. In the meantime, i decided to return it and not awarding B & H Photo & Electronics my $$$ - instead of buying it at Adorama or even better AMAZON. GUESS WHAT, after requesting a return they said they will deduct the $$ amount from my order - is that for real? STAY AWAY IF YOU DONT WANT TO GET RIPPED OFF FROM B & H Photo & Electronics. Hope i can help other people saving money

4.5 - My New Favorite Store

As a newbie photographer, I had always heard great things about B&H. After hours of research, I finally purchased my first mirrorless camera here (Canon EOS M50). I was thrilled when it arrived OVERNIGHT for free (as the warehouse is only one state away). Incredible!

Next, during the shopping process, I had several questions to ask, which all received great answers quickly from the awesome community here. I also had to work with their support, and the experience was quick and painless.

Finally, I have their Payboo card, and the savings is HUGE! Even if B&H Photo Video don't have the best price on an item, saving on the sales is a benefit that absolutely can't be beat ANYWHERE for me (NYS resident). As such, this makes their prices the best ANYWHERE on virtually everything I need (computers, PC components, and now camera gear).


TO BE FAIR, my ONE complaint with B&H is stocking. I do feel like they are constantly dealing with "Backordered" items, and in several cases now I have had to shop at other retailers as a result. I know we live in turbulent times, and I'm sure this plays a role, as I only started shopping here in 2020. My camera purchase was indeed backordered, but it did ship within their estimated time frame (7-10) days, and the lightning fast delivery helped make up for the delay. I don't think this warranted docking a full star, but definitely a half of a star. If I could make my review a "4.5" I would have *hint hint nudge nudge*.

As someone with Amazon-fatigue, I'm tired of buying from the faceless giant, where support is non-existent and everything is a Chinese knock-off. I'm so happy to have found B&H, and even more excited about the speed of shipping, the quality customer support, and the great store interface. B&H is now my GO-TO site, where I will always check here first for all of my online shopping needs.

BHPhotovideo is reliable and has fair prices
BHPhotovideo is reliable and has fair prices - I have been using B&H for years and have purchased everything from betacams from them to professional DSLRs. Here has been my experience with them.

B&H Photo Video are extremely reliable in their shipping and they always have US warranties. They never sell grey market goods and you always get brand new products. Their customer service is excellent and I have been able to both exchange and return products to them without any problem at all. I bought a JVD HD cam from them and noticed a single dead pixel and they exchanged it for me without any problem at all. I have purchases lenses which I thought were soft focus, and those were also exchanged without a problem. They do wait until they receive their old product before they give you a credit, but that isn't much of an issue.

Their prices are fair, but they are never the lowest around. You always pay for shipping and they never have special deals or coupons. If you shop around you can almost definitely find whatever you are looking for cheaper elsewhere. They offer no return incentives or email coupons for good customers. Even other mainstream stores such as Dell or Amazon may carry the same item for less because of shipping and special coupons available online. I typically check around a little bit before buying from B&H, and if the price difference is great, I may sacrifice the B&H excellent customer service for a better price.

Easy Shopping
I only shop at B & H for my photography gear needs. Buying something is really easy.

I only have three things that I don't like:
1. The photos posted for professional gear are abysmal; no quality control seems to be applied, and the reason this is a problem is that other people looking to buy that gear will be taught that bad photos are great. That's bad for photography.
2. Shipping. Takes too long to get an order unless one forks over a ridiculous amount of money. We already spent a ton on the gear, so we sort of need a break in shipping since there are no local stores anymore.
3. I get charged extra money for returning something. That's just predatory and unnecessary. If something isn't marked clearly, and it turns out to be the wrong item for what I need, I shouldn't be charged for sending the item back in its original packaging unharmed. I would understand being charged if there's damage to the product but when no damage was done, it is not cool to be charged extra.

The best.
Seriously - look at my Yelp and Google reviews of this - or... - I suppose I could cut/paste here:

This updated review isn't for B&H at large, but for the embodiment of B&H customer service in particular. This is a customer's accolade of Henry Posner himself - the B&H guy tasked with dealing with all the nonsense social media commentary that is directed towards B&H.

At the time of this update, there are 1009 Yelp reviews. Expectedly, most are accurately positive. Naturally, with a target as big as B&H, you're going to read a lot of hater commentary as well. Henry Posner is respectful and artful in dealing with legitimate AND clearly illegitimate reviews alike.

B&H - companies in 2016 ought to study your model and adopt many of your practices. You've NAILED customer service & satisfaction - whether online, on the phone or in person.

I recently bought a used Canon 2x ii teleconverter. It arrived as expected. B&H is the ONLY online vendor from whom I purchase new AND used equipment (85mm 1.2,24-70 2.8,70-200 2.8 - and that's just a few). I feel foolish even complimenting this purchase at risk of folks assuming that the dozens of my purchases before this were any different.

Henry Posner - since I'm confident you're going to read this - please know that this B&H enthusiast is a big fan of yours and recommends any outfit wanting to upgrade their own social media management staff to watch and learn from you.

Folks - if you're unfamiliar with B&H, suffice it to know that there is no better.

B&H - THE Online Shop for Photographers and Videographers
I love visiting and shopping at B&H for most of my photography and videography needs. Their prices are kind of the gauge one can make in the market these days, almost a standard for purchasing something brand new. Some items may be able to be purchased elsewhere for cheaper, but I have a sense of confidence when purchasing through B&H that I am getting a quality product, and if it's not up to par B&H Photo Video will do what they can to fix it (although I have only ever returned one product because I purchased the wrong item, I have read comments that have talked about their exchange policy for damaged items and it seems to be a fair process). I would recommend using B&H if you're looking to purchase brand new gear because you know you will be getting it from a company that works directly with the manufacturers. Having visited the store in NY in person as well, it just seems like B&H truly knows what they're doing in this ever developing modern world. They offer a very easy to use and browse website, items usually have ample descriptions and offer all details and are very specific so it is easy to find the exact item you are looking for, prices are fair for purchasing something brand new and they offer deals very often on brand new items that are very tempting, and they offer very fast and prompt shipping. I've never had an issue with any of my orders that I have made through them. I have to say, I truly love B&H.

Great place to buy monitors!
I've purchased several monitors for our office from B&H Photo when B&H Photo Video have them on sale. Saved a lot of money on some very high quality monitors over the years. If you're on an Apple MacBook Air (2013 or later) you can run the LG 34" ultra-wide at it's native resolution (almost 4k)! The LG Ultra-wide is an amazing 21:9 aspect ratio monitor and it works great for office work laptops! Get the correct model with Thunderbolt 2 connectors: 'LG 34UC98-W 34" 21:9 Curved IPS Monitor'. There's also a newer USB C model, but that's only going to work well with later model Apple computers with USB C connectors. The model listed herein is the best model for owners of slightly older Apple laptops. Anyway, just wanted to slip that bit into this review about how much I've enjoyed purchasing from B&H over the years. I think they are a great place to buy stuff online. When they're having sales, they can even undercut Amazon!

B&H Used To Be The Best
In one word B&H can be described as: greedy. I've been buying from B&H for 40 years dating back to the days of paper catalogs, mail order and any delivery time under a month being good. B&H Photo Video used to be the very best both in terms of price, service and delivery speed. Lately they seem to have forgotten the cardinal rule of business, that the customer is always right and not the CEO. Their heydays are gone and eventually they will drive themselves out of business because of their arrogance and greed. For the past 6 months I've been watching a $300 electronics item waiting for the best price before I buy with the intention of buying several more in the near future. I hoped the Christmas sales or the post-Christmas inventory reduction sales would drop prices to my desired level but B&H's price drops were pathetic. After Christmas they jacked the price up to $350 making a mockery of their $299 regular price for the previous year. And now they charge tax too, making their bottom line prices outrageous. Instead I took a look at EBay, rejected one $250 seller for too many buyer complaints then an hour ago finally bought it from a $280 seller in the next state... all for the exact same item for which B&H now charges $350+. Five years ago I had to deal with their customer service and as a few others here reported, I also found them to be highly arrogant and patronizing. Now I think twice before ordering from B&H.

Very Nice Camera
I'm a total amateur, so I'm not going to act like I know what I'm doing with this camera yet. All I know is that it is solid and looks like a toaster before you assemble the lens and battery pack to it. I got the shoulder mount along with it, but not the viewfinder - seems kind of useless to have the shoulder mount without the viewfinder unless you have a remote monitor or something similar.
So as an amateur, the one striking thing about this camera is the focus assist feature. My biggest fear with getting this camera was the lack of auto-focus, but now I'm confident putting on my big boy pants and actually moving the focus wheel by hand. Still playing around with the exposures and ISO settings, but it's nice to have a physical control to use when making those adjustments, versus having to scroll through a menu.
I was originally going to get a standard URSA Mini 4k. After researching it, for someone at my level, it only made sense to me to go with the URSA Mini Pro 4.6k.
As another reviewer said, "Go Pro, Bro!"

Don't expect a fair customer approach from this company!
I ordered a small telescope(USD87) from B&H and arrived to the customs in a reasonably time. I paid USD 46 for the delivery cost which is also nothing to complain about. However the item stuck in the customs because of missing digits in HS Code. It was impossible to clear and get the items with these codes. So I contacted B&H for a return actually a recall as I dont physically have them with myself. B&H Photo Video quoted me some USD 255 for the return! This was rediculous. This means my return right is usurped, this is that simple.
As a customer I don't care about company's third party relations or agreements with logistic partners but what I will definitely expect is a trusty and fair manner in each part of the service; this is selling and returning practices.
In short don't expect this from this company once they sell, they finish the service. This is what they understand from a online customer shopping experience.

I graduated from point and shoot camera to a Canon...
I graduated from point and shoot camera to a Canon Rebel XSi last fall (2008). I was blown away by the huge number of untrustworthy camera/photography websites that offer fabulous prices but have very poor reviews and reputations when one checks on them. Since I spent almost $1300. 00 on the initial purchase, I spent a couple of weeks carefully researching the best place to get a good price that would deliver the product and give great customer service. B & H was my choice and I have never regretted it. Since then I have purchased 2 tripods (one was a gift), a new video camera, camera bags, a camera and accessories for my mother, and accessories. I have referred many people to them. If you have a question, their customer service representatives help you until you are satisfied (I am speaking from personal experience). I have only had to return one item, and it went like clockwork. For all the items I have purchased, I have not found a cheaper price from among the sites I felt safe in considering.

The best part is when you chose an item, B & H's site shows you ALL accessories that are available for that item. For those of us who are new to photography and lacking in patience, it makes shopping a breeze. For instance, when I purchased my camera, the SD cards I needed where right there, as well as filters, etc. When I purchased my video camera, I didn't even know there was a converter that would increase zoom available (and I had carefully researched it), but B & H had it listed right there and I was able to get all I needed in one purchase and pay shipping only once!

Sometimes the cheapest, but not reliable
I used to buy a lot from B&H, and was always pleased with their selection. Recently, though, I have had several experiences that put me off of buying anything from them unless it is absolutely unavoidable. In short, the customer service has gone to hell in a hand-basket and B&H Photo Video could not care less.

My most recent bad experience with B&H was as follows:

I ordered a piece of equipment that I needed on a particular date with plenty of lead time. When it didn't arrive on the delivery date, I emailed B&H who, after multiple uninformative emails (were they even reading my questions?), finally told me that they will not ship a replacement item until a package is 10 business days overdue. Most curiously, in discussing where this "lost" package might be, they did not seem phased that the package's tracking data showed that it had never been mailed.

So, let's review: 1. B&H loses package in their own warehouse. 2. B&H claims they have no clue where it is, but want me to wait the full 7-day shipping period PLUS 10 business days to make sure it's truly lost. (Guys, if you want to make *sure* it's lost, then just go down to your warehouse, find it, and toss it in the East River. Sheesh.)

Eventually, after all the required waiting, B&H agreed to express ship a replacement item. So, OK, that's an obnoxiously long delay in the age of 2-day shipping, but at least they were express shipping it, right?

WRONG. Instead, they told me they were shipping the item, but neglected to mention that, during their required waiting period, they had sold the remainder of their stock and the item was now back-ordered. I only discovered that it was out of stock when I got a series of cryptic automated emails about a back-order and contacted them again to try to make sense out of it.

At this point, I didn't even care if I got the specific item I ordered, I just needed something comparable. Anything! And I needed it pretty fast. So I asked if they would express ship me a comparable item, rather than waiting on their supplier for the specific product. Ha! Not a snowball's chance! I even escalated to a director in the company who sent a very polite email informing me that it's not B&H's fault when items go out of stock. (I can only imagine that he didn't read the part of the story where they sold out of the item during the 10 days that they made me wait while I repeatedly asked them to replace the item and emphasized how time-sensitive it was.)

Final tally: Did I get the product? Yeah, it showed up... eventually. Did I get it within the 7-day shipping window? Nope. Or the 2-week shipping window? Nope. Did I have to spend a few hours reading and writing a chain of 15 or 16 emails just to get the product at all? Yeah, that happened. Would I do it all again? Heck no.

Bottom line: If you need something in a timely fashion, or you might need to return the item (or might need to ask customer service for anything besides a canned response explaining why you're SOL), then take your business elsewhere. Patronize your local small camera shop or other independent business and ask them to special-order the product for you. They'll be happy for the business and you'll get great, personalized service from people who care about helping you get what you need when you need it. That's what I've started doing, and my blood pressure is lower already!

BH falls back on return policy, even in case of their own mistake
As a beginning photographer, I contacted BH for advice on a softbox umbrella I can only buy in the US.
There was a lot of doubt which out of two models you need when using it on Elinchrom ELB 400s.
So I chatted with their sales support, asking for advice for the specific goal. He took his time and came back with a clear answer, stating the 8mm model was what I needed.
So I ordered it, paid shipping to Europe, extra taxes etc.
Now I was ready, but a few weeks later when I could finally test it on the elinchrom flash set I noticed the 8mm was too thick.

This week, I contacted BH and B&H Photo Video said I couldnt rely on return, because their 30d return was past.
Seriously, the modifier had been in the box, it is up until today unused, since I dont have any device to fit it on, and they hide behind a return policy.
In all honesty, I tried to explain that the thing was still new, but it was like I was talking to a robot 30 days, can I help you with something else.
As if I wouldnt have done this earlier if I could!

BH, should know better: instead of each time steering the conversation towards some document rules, they should really try to focus on the real problem, they were the ones who gave bad advice in the first place.

They choose policy rules above reason even when the mistake is theirs. So in contrast to praising them like I did years before, with the same persistence, I will tell my story to warn other customers. Its sad to see that today, customer satisfaction is hardly to be found anymore.

To me its simple. If this outcome doesnt change, I will think of other places to invest for my profession and repost this story for as long as I like.

Refused to honor what was offered with lies
I purchased a Pelican case with a free $50 gift card. I clearly made sure the gift card showed up during checkout - it was in the same line as the product. However, B&H Photo Video did not send the gift card when the case was delivered. I contacted them and they refused to honor the full amount of the gift saying the price was higher and said they would send the gift minus the difference. I sent them the screenshots showing the price was still the same with the gift card with the current time. But they ignored them and keep saying the price was different. A week later when I reviewed my cart, the price was still the same and the free $50 showed as 2nd line. So it looked like they had a glitch in my order. But I still haven't received the gift in any amount after the last contact with them 2 weeks ago. It's so crazy that they love to lie and argue with a loyal customer for just $11 difference. They lied to BBB that it did not come with the gift card when I made the purchase. I WOULDN'T HAVE MADE THE PURCHASE IF IT HAD NOT INCLUDED THE GIFT CARD.

Check fields!

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B&H Photo Video Rating

Based on 50 reviews from B&H Photo Video customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Shop Digital Cameras, 35MM Camera Equipment, Photography, Photo Printers, Computers, Home Theater, Authorized Dealer Canon, Sony, Nikon, Apple, Olympus, Panasonic, Kodak, JBL

Address: 420 9th Ave., 10001


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