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Bob's Discount Furniture

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Reviews Home & Garden, Home Shopping, Furniture Bob's Discount Furniture

50 customer reviews of

Deceit and false advertising
I went onto the Bob's website and located the Greyson sofa and loveseat set that I wanted to purchase. I checked the details (color, size, etc.) provided and noticed that the color was gray, but the picture shown was more on the beige/cream side. I proceeded to check the customer reviews and the pictures Bob's Discount Furniture provided showed gray. For absolute certainty, I asked a representative via chat to confirm the color and they did confirm that is was gray. The set was delivered on 25 April 2020 and due to COVID restrictions I was not provided the white glove service I paid for (set up and take away of trash), which is fine because I received a refund on the difference.

Once the delivery men left, I unwrapped the furniture and was immediately flabbergasted. The gray furniture I was expecting was brown in color. So, I automatically thought well they dropped off the wrong set, so I called customer service. As I'm on hold with customer service I check the description (and sku number) on the wrapping and it says "Sequin/Morsely-Pewter" so I was more certain I was delivered the wrong item. The representative eventually took my call and I explained the situation. He first told me there's no way I was delivered the wrong item and I kindly asked him not to insult my intelligence. From there he requested the sku # which I provided as the only number on the wrapping, but which did not correspond with the sku number on the site. This was also confirmed by the representative and he then asked me to hold to escalate it. A supervisor of his took over and seemingly being informed of the complaint told me that it was a lighting issue (depending on colors in the home, floors, etc.) and they do not accept returns based on "lighting, preference or size concern". I further explained to her that I am completely aware of lighting as it pertains to colors and that this was more than lighting. From no angle did the set appear gray. It is always showing as brown, which I understand Pewter to be. Nevertheless, she reiterated that it's a lighting issue and their policy is to not accept returns on that basis. I informed her that it was nonsense and unacceptable because had the item been advertised as Pewter, I would not have purchased it.

Furthermore, I did my due diligence to confirm that the furniture was as described on their site. The manager simply restated her original stance and their policy. I went even further to bring up the point of the sku # number not matching and the color description is not the same; she responded that the number on the wrapping is not a sku number but rather an item number and as regards the color written on the wrapping, that is just how they described it. Extremely frustrated at this point, I said thank you and hung up the call. I find this ridiculous as they have return policies on mattresses, which would be returned due to comfort or other personal preferences but would not accept a return on my set based on the fact that the item is not the color as described and confirmed.

I then filed a complaint with the BBB and their response was 1) exchange it for something, however, during the pandemic and stores being closed, I wouldn't trust purchasing online from them again and also, they have nothing else to match our taste; 2) nothing they can do given the policy. Even in responding to the complaint, they took two weeks prolonging the process. To this day I still have a brown living room set that doesn't match the rest of my decor and no refund. First and last time I buy from them or any store online that do not have swatches.

Would Never Recommend to Even Worst Enemy
I cannot find the words strong enough to tell you how disappointed I am with my experience dealing with Bob's Discount Furniture. My expectations were so much higher. About a year ago, I delivered a keynote speech to about 200 of your managers and leaders who were attending a Bob's Discount Furniture conference. I was hired by Roger Dunlap, Erica Bishop and Debbie Brown. At that time, I was very impressed with the entire groups passion, commitment and loyalty to Bob's. Wow, how that has changed.

Based upon my experience at that conference event, I was excited to fill my son's apartment with furniture from Bob's. That excitement quickly turned to dismay, frustration and disillusionment. Bob's ‘Brand' is forever tarnished in my mind.

I am currently working on my next book, "The Experience Economy." I just finished a chapter highlighting an off the charts, blew me away, amazing experience with an automobile dealership chain. The chapter I am working on now is the antithesis. It will focus on what horrible experience I had with Bob's Discount Furniture - from start to finish, it has all been horrendous.

Some of what will be included in the book in detail…

After working with my sales associate, I found that he included warranty coverage in my order/invoice that I never asked for and was never told about.

Once I chose my 10-12 items, I learned days later that most of it would be delivered sporadically over a period of 5 months. Nobody shared that with me during the buying process.

On the initial delivery date that was scheduled and confirmed, I waited around during my indicated window of time (7-10 AM) and nobody showed up or called. I made several calls and was assured Bob's Discount Furniture would arrive at some point on that date. They never did. I wasted an entire day waiting for a delivery that never happened.

I made numerous calls trying to reach the actual store where I purchased the furniture. It was unbelievably difficult trying to actually speak with a live human being at the store. I had to make at least 15 calls to finally find someone to connect me to the store. The store phone number connects to other locations. Bob's system prevents customers from calling the actual store - Just crazy!

When I did connect, I spoke with Dave. Not sure what his role is, but he said he would do what he could to have the furniture delivered the following day - Saturday. He never called to let me know one way or the other if it would happen.

On Saturday morning I received an automated email stating the furniture would arrive later in the day. I was scheduled as stop #11.

I tracked the delivery truck throughout the day. I was to receive my delivery mid-afternoon.

As my delivery number approached, I was finally feeling a bit better that my purchases were going to be delivered. But, astonishingly, the delivery sequence went from stop #10 to stops 12,13 and 14. They SKIPPED me!

Again, trying to phone someone at Bob's to find out what was going on was nearly impossible. There were 4-6 numbers to call, but nobody could help. I finally got in touch with the North Hills store after trying for hours. They assured me they would call the truck and make sure I received my delivery. But, they never called back. Never.

Sitting in the apartment stunned and disappointed for some time, I finally got a call from the driver of the truck saying the would arrive around 5-6 PM. Much later than expected, and yet another entire day of my time lost.

The driver had plenty of excuses why they missed me and why they were late. However, as I wrote in my book, "Achieve With Accountability," playing the blamegame produces zero desired results. These drivers tarnished Bob's ‘brand' even more deeply than Bob's own staff had done up to this point.

The two delivery men, seemed upset that they had to be here, were tired,, moaning, moving slowly, did not have any moving equipment (dolly, etc.), had to borrow equipment from the apartment manager, and created an experience for me that made we want to simply tell them to take everything back to Bob's

From my window, I was able to watch the two of them unload the furniture from the truck. They were careless and sloppy with how the unloaded the furniture. My guess is that the three pieces that are damaged were damaged by the manner in which these two handled the furniture.

The two of them moved most everything up to the second floor where the apartment is located. One of them then called me from the truck to tell me there was no way they would be able to get the couch up to my apartment. They said it would not fit. My guess is that the couch was broken because of the way they attempted to shove it into the elevator.

Knowing there is always a solution, I went to the apartment manager and asked what she thought. She shared with me that very large pieces of furniture have been able to be moved into all apartments in the complex. She shared alternate entries and routes we could try.

I shared the ideas with the two movers and they did not seem to wat to even try. They already had taken photos they were going to share with their boss as to why they could not move it. This was prior to even exploring options.

Finally, exasperated, I wanted the damn couch moved in. The only way to get it done was to offer these two movers $100 cash to do so. That finally provided the kick in the ass they needed. And of course they found a way to get the couch into the apartment. As I stated, there is always a solution if you look for one. These two had no interest in looking.

So, in addition to paying for a delivery that did not happen on day one, and was skipped on day two, I had to pay an additional $100 cash to entice the movers to do their job.

Once the movers were finished, they did remove the boxes from the hallway outside of my apartment. However, they left a huge mess of Styrofoam and pieces of cardboard throughout the hallway. It was ridiculously messy. Is that the experience you provide for all customers?

Again, not being able to phone and connect with anyone at Bob's, and my sales person not answering my texts, I drove to the store a few days later to complain about the damaged furniture, the charge for the ‘warranty' I never asked for, and the mover experience. I spoke with the office folks and a gentleman named Dave at the store that day.

I was told that both the delivery charges and the warranty fees that were applied would be credited to my credit card. To date, neither has been.

I was also told that the damaged furniture would be swapped for new pieces. I was given no date or timeframe. The woman at the North Hills store office counter seemed quite indifferent to my situation and experience and did not express much concern or interest.

I left the store expecting to see credits within a few days for the delivery fees and for the warranty fees I never asked for. I also expected to be contacted to arrange for delivery of the new pieces to replace the damaged pieces. None of that happened.

Then, today, you emailed me. Asking about the damaged pieces. I would have thought you would have all the details on what has transpired to this point.

I am ready to have Bob's pick up every piece that has been delivered and give me my money back. And I want to cancel every piece that is on backorder.

Of course when I write this chapter in my book, it will be much more detailed and flowery with full descriptions to create vivid mental pictures for the readers.

Thanks to Bob's for inspiring this chapter in my book

Stay far far away!
How this pathetic company is still in business is beyond me. My experience with bobs discount furniture could only be compared to what it would be like to live in the depths of HELL. WE purchased a Jennings couch and loveseat in September of 2018. The couch has been fine but the sectional has been an absolute nightmare. Time after time we got the run around with them "fixing" it when in reality it just needed to be replaced. The first 3 times Bob's Discount Furniture attempted to come to my house they had the wrong address. We updated it all 3 times (not our fault to begin with) and they finally got the right place on the 4th time after telling us every other time that they couldn't come because they were being sent 3 towns over from us.

The frame of the seat was binding when you would put the recliner up. The first several times they came all they would do is bend the frame back and it would work for maybe 3-4 days then we would be on the phone again. After the 5th or 6th time of them fixing the binding, the entire right side of the loveseat lost power so the recliner was stuck in the up position. Both my gf and I work during the week so we have to wait until the weekends to get anything done with them. So the recliner was up for an entire week. The tech comes in and says that he will order another loveseat for us and we have to set up a time to get it delivered.

The following weekend comes around and we get a new loveseat. Everything seems to work fine on it but then we notice a 8 inch tear down the middle of the fabric. At this point I'm just so disgusted i have to laugh at the situation. We call bobs again and they said they will send another tech out the following weekend to repair the tear. Tech comes the following weekend and says he can't fix it because of where the tear is. So he is going to order us ANOTHER love seat.

Next weekend comes and here's our now third loveseat in 3 weeks. Deliver guys bring it up and everything seems good. Puts it all together then tells me to sit on it and make sure it works. I sit on it and go to recline the footrest and you guessed... the entire right side of the loveseat is binding so badly that you can't sit on it to recline. My blood was boiling at this point. He told me he's very sorry and that he will put a note in the system and they will call me back within an hour. The second he walked out the door I was on the phone.

At this point I just wanted to set the couches on fire and start over but we spent $1500 dollars on this set and i wasn't going to just forget about it. After an hour on the phone with them they said that the would give us a credit for the loveseat only and we could get something different. This is not the answer I was going to accept. We bought a set and it's going as a set. They are 6 inches away from each other. I wasn't going to have to mismatched piece of furniture in the same room that close to each other. After 3 days of arguing with these idiots on the phone giving me their scripted answers, they finally agreed on giving us a credit for both the loveseat and sofa.

We went to the store and picked out a sectional so we didn't have to deal with the subpar garbage electric recliners anymore. We set a day of December 28th (the day I am writing this review) to have the sectional delivered and the couches taken away. Today comes and the delivery guys bring up the sectional pieces. I am at work today so only my gf is home to accept the delivery. They drop the pieces off and my gf says they they are supposed to take the couches. They said that have no record of them needing to take the couches. She is a very nice person but at this point even she got to her breaking point. They pretty much said too bad and left. She was on the phone with customer service all morning trying to figure this out to just get told that there is nothing that they can do. So now we have a couch, loveseat and a 4 piece sectional still in the packaging sitting in an 840 square foot apt until next weekend when they can pick up the old furniture.

I am so beyond disgusted with the way in which this company operates. After all is said and done (god willing) we will have 12 visits from bobs and countless hours on the phone and waiting for delivery guys and technicians in less than a years time trying to get this situation resolved. Your company should be absolutely ashamed at the way you treat your customers. This is the most pathetic thing I have seen in my entire life. If you got this far down in my review I hope you can take away from this to NEVER and I mean NEVER buy anything from this terrible company. You have been warned

Spent way too much money on a reclining sectional. The furniture is so uncomfortable to begin with, but we've lived with it because we spent so much on it. The reclining chair broke within the one-year manufacturer warranty (and in the midst of the corona virus outbreak). I called every day, waited on hold for upwards of two-hours at least twice a day, only to have the call disconnected before reaching an agent. I FINALLY get through (two days post warranty), however, Bob's Discount Furniture put the claim through anyway and have a technician come out. The technician snaps a few pictures, sits on the chair and then calls customer service and puts me on the phone with them to order a replacement part for the mechanism. The agent says she'll send a tracking number for the part - one week later still no tracking number. I call customer service AGAIN, wait on hold for hours AGAIN, only to finally connect with an agent who says the part is on back order until August 30th and will be delivered within 7 business days of that date (September!). I rant about how that is unacceptable, unreasonable, not good business and the agent tells me they're doing it as a courtesy to me because I'm out of warranty! I'M OUT OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THEY REFUSED TO ANSWER THE PHONE! I ask to speak with a supervisor. After 30 minutes of pleading with the supervisor that waiting until September is unreasonable, the best he can do is submit a complaint to the claims department (so he says). The policy is that they will only replace parts and if the parts don't work then they will replace the piece. Well, what if the parts are unavailable -- doesn't that warrant replacing the piece? And what happens in the next 3 months without the furniture being fixed, (a) it is unusable -- so we spent a ridiculous amount of money to sit on the floor?; (b) we use it and it breaks more (haha out of warranty so Bob's doesn't need to fix it); (c) the part finally comes in and it doesn't fix the issue (haha again out of warranty). Just don't do it. Spend the money. I had furniture from Raymour and Flannigan that lasted 15 years! It's worth it. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!

First experience with Bob's. Last experience with Bob's
I would just like to give a heads up to anyone who might want to spend their hard earned money on Bob's Discount Furniture. My suggestion, unfortunately, is to go somewhere else. I recently found a great apartment and decided I wanted to get all new furniture. I walked into Bob's and the sales rep that helped me out was knowledgeable and pointed me in the right direction. Everything was smooth sailing until Bob's received my money. Upon the day of delivery the 2 gentleman informed me that my order was missing all the hardware required for assembly. Ok no big deal these things happen. You'd assume this would be taken care of right away right? Afraid not. I knew it had nothing to do with the delivery guys Bob's Discount Furniture were very apologetic and I know they dont pack up the boxes, they are just given a list of jobs to do. When I got on the phone with the representative I was told that nothing could be done until the following Thursday, POSSIBLY Wednesday. I asked if I could just take a ride somewhere and retrieve the hardware myself and I'll put it together since they dropped the ball. I was informed that it would be a lot easier for Bob's if they just continued the delivery and assembly next week. I placed my order with Bob's a week ahead of time and after a long week of working nights I was literally dreaming about the bed that I had spent almost $2500 on. If i hadn't already donated my previous bed the day before I would have denied the service all together as this was one of the worst customer services experiences I've ever encountered. Not the delivery men, not the representative, their hands were tied and I understand that. It was evident that Bob's policy is to fix their screw ups when it fits their schedule. Well my $2500 mattress is still wrapped in plastic on the floor of my bedroom and will stay that way until Bob's can fit me into their schedule. I already paid so I imagine I am not the top priority at the moment. I'm hardly ever one to complain because I understand mistakes happen. But when mistakes happen a professional business will do everything they can to make sure a paying customer is accommodated as quickly as possible. For Bob's, the answer is sleep on the floor until we get to you. I heard great things about this company but first impressions last forever and my business will be directed elsewhere in the future.

The Definition of Great Customer Service
On April 8,2017 My Wife and I went shopping for a Sofa, after entering the North Plainfield NJ store located on US Highway 22 East we were greeted by Ms. Patricia Semple who simply gave us her name and stated that if we needed any assistance to let her know. We immediately noticed that compared to another Bobs Discount Furniture store not to mention Car Dealerships, Ms. Semple did not follow us too closely or even attempt to push and or guide us to any particular Sofa. We were given all the space we needed to feel no pressure. My Wife and I looked at least 5 different Sofas and were finding each of them beautiful and comfortable, however we only needed one. Every time we had a question about one of the Sofas, Ms. Patricia Semple without hesitation had the answer immediately and in a manner we both understood (no fast sales talk here) Basically we had to narrow it down from 5 Sofas to one. My wife and I truly spent at least one hour and a half in this store. We narrowed it down to 2 different Sofas and again at no point did Ms. Patricia Semple attempt to push or guide or pressure us in any way to purchase any furniture. Well we decided to leave the store since we could not come to a decision, so we took Ms. Patricia Semple Business card with us than we thanked her and left. Now I must mention that we have a Bobs Discount Furniture store much much closer to our residence, however after we narrowed it down to 2 Sofas we returned back to the same Bobs store located in Plainfield NJ on the following Saturday exactly one week later on April 15,2017. Because of the level of professionalism, patience and out of respect we felt an obligation and a strong desire to deal with no one other than Ms. Patricia Semple we both knew in our heart Ms. Patricia Semple deserved to earn what ever commission she would be entitled to so prior to traveling to this store I called to ensure Ms, Patricia Semple was available. So after arriving for the second time again without any pushing or guiding or pressure we both took our time in chosing which of the 2 Sofas was THE ONE for us. We had some concerns with each sofa fitting in and up into a new apartment, and again Ms. Patricia Semple displayed her extensive knowledge, experience, professionalism and PATIENCE along with the assistance of 2 managers Eddie and Jim. We decided to purchase the Black Discovery Reclining Sofa in addition to a Montibello Pearl Granite top finish computer desk. This purchase would have never been possible without the extensive level of exceptional customer service skills displayed by Ms. Patricia Semple ( A variety of businesses could learn alot in a short time spent with Ms. Patricia Semple) Keep up the great work! Sincerely, Anthony & Rosemarie Vespucci

If you want to be lied to, have delays AND damage, shop at Bob's!
I have been having problems with my delivery of my furniture since the moment I scheduled delivery of the first pieces.

I was initially told that until the products came in, I couldn't even schedule deliveries, which makes sense. Here is where most of the problems arose.

I scheduled my first delivery for 12/09/20 for:

Bed frame furniture
Power Bed frame
Complete dining set (6 chairs and table)
Coffee Table
Area Rug

Somewhere around 12-07-20, I got a call saying that the Table top was delayed and Bob's Discount Furniture would schedule delivery for 12-24-20. Didn't make much sense but it would still arrive before I was set to host a Christmas gathering so I didn't mind too much.

Around this time, I was also able to schedule my entire 6-piece Sectional for 12-29-20. More on that later. Somewhere around 12-13-20, I got a call saying that 1 piece of the 6 piece sectional was delayed and it would have to be delivered on 01-06-20.

Anyhow, 12-23-20 comes along and I didn't get any text about my dining table. Figured its busy and around Christmas so they might not have sent the text. 12-24-20 rolls around and nothing so I call the store. Called the store and they said that on 12-13-20, someone messed up and re-scheduled all three future deliveries for 01-06-21. Now I was quite mad at this point. I was hosting Christmas the following day without a dining table that was scheduled to be there the day before.

Now on 12-09-20, they left the boxes for the rest of the dining set to clutter my sunroom. This wasn't a big deal, because it was to be assembled and done by Christmas.

Today is 01-06-21 and I had a delivery. That delivery consisted of 4-pieces of the sectional and NOTHING else. I was never notified that the table top OR the other 2 pieces were not going to be delivered. The delivery guys just kind of shoved the 4-pieces next to eachother and said they would set them all up when the rest was delivered. Well, it was supposed to be today.

If anyone knows what a sectional is like, unless it is bolted together, you can't use it without it falling over or being un-stable.

So now, I am a bit livid. I now have had my sunroom full of big chair boxes and table legs for almost a month. The table top has been scheduled for 12-09-20,12-24-20 and 01-06-21. The kicker is, it gets worse to follow. I now have part of my sectional, that I cannot use that was originally supposed to be fully delivered by 12-29-20.

I spent my night moving my old couches to the basement and now I can't use the couches in my living room at all.

So I call Customer service, asking for answers. After a long hold time and a tough conversation, I am told 'sorry about the delays but you must have been told wrong, etc' I asked for some sort of compensation and was told they only compensated for damages (which I have) and not delays. At the end of the call, I was assured that I would get a follow-up email with the delivery date of 01-19-21 for the remaining three pieces (table top, console and recliner) to complete my order.

Much to my dismay, I got an email showing delivery of the sectional items but the table top with a DELAY to the middle of February.

Here is where much of my problem and complaint arise. I was told at the VERY beginning of my first scheduled delivery that they CANNOT schedule delivery until the items are READY to be delivered.

I've scheduled MULTIPLE deliveries now for items that 'still aren't available'. The dining room Table was scheduled for 12-09-20,12-24-20 (until 'someone' messed it up) 01-06-20, told on the phone TODAY 01-19-21 and now its showing 'Middle of February', completely contradictory to the phone call I just had, 10 minutes ago.

The entire sectional was originally scheduled for 12-29-20, then ONE piece was 'delayed' until 01-06-21. Today, 4 (not even 5) pieces were delivered.

To me, that is FLAT OUT lying to the customer about how things are done. On top of that, why would I want to store boxes in my house until the rest is delivered? That makes absolutely no sense at all. The entire item should be delivered at the same time, at the very least.

Now I've had to buy a plastic table and card chairs to eat at for almost a month now as well as just lost my seating in my living room because I was told the entire sectional would have been there today.

I have paperwork DIRECTLY from Bob's reflecting all of the of the above mentioned dates as well.

Don't shop from a place that is not responsible for its products.
My Bob's Discount Adventure started on August 11th.
Store Experience: My wife and I had been looking to purchase a few pieces of furniture for a while. We had checked all the main stream chain stores, and chosen Bob's. My wife liked how the furniture looked, and I liked the prices. On August 11th, we walked to a branch to have a final look, and place our order. It was a nice experience; we were not bothered by the sale associates when we looked around the store, which is a big plus. We purchased 7 pieces, and were informed that all were available and in stock.
First Delivery: Adventure started on the first delivery. A different type of coffee table was delivered, the delivery team realized it on the spot, and took it back right away. One of the end tables had a damaged drawer knob, and the drawer in the other one was stuck and could not be pulled out. Finally, the server had a cracked stone top. To me, it looked like it was damaged before, and an effort to repair it was done poorly. I contacted the customer service, reported the issues, and a second delivery was scheduled for next week.
Second Delivery: Correct coffee table was delivered. It had two broken door rollers, but I figured I can replace them myself. One of the end tables was replaced, and the other one was repaired. Another server was also delivered, but this one had a broken leg. Again, a poor effort had been made to fix it. Bob's Discount Furniture had tried to use a new screw to attach it, but the new screw had broken the leg in the middle, and damaged the bottom of the server so bad that we found the leg and several wood pieces on the floor. I called customer service again, and third delivery was scheduled for the following week.
Third Delivery: Third time's a charm? Not with Bob's! Adventure continues. Instead of a server, they delivered an end table. I called customer service again, and fourth deliver was scheduled for the following week.
Fourth Delivery: I have not had the pleasure of receiving the fourth delivery yet. Customer service called me, and postponed my delivery for two weeks. It's out of stock.
Reasoning: Bob's has informed me that the problem lies with their vendors. You see, you pay Bob's, but it's their vendors that make the furniture and deliver. And Bob's has no control over them. Bob's is not responsible if vendors deliver damaged items, wrong items, or item is out of stock. I guess Bob's is only responsible to take the money.
Customer Service: It's not too bad. On average, it takes about 30 minutes every time you call them. They are mostly nice (except the last one, who called me to say the delivery is postponed, and basically told me to shut up and not complain, this is the way it's going to be). And online customer service is useless, after you spend half an hour with them, they tell you that you need to call them, they cannot do anything over the chat.
Side Effects: There is the normal feeling of aggravation and helplessness. Our kitchen is a mess, everything scattered around tables, countertops, and chairs. My wife has missed 3 days of work to receive the deliveries, and I had to pay $50 delivery fee to my building every time, because they lay mats in the hallway and put covers in the elevator. It's about $600 worth of financial damage so far.
Conclusion: Don't shop from a place that is not responsible for its products.

Couch broke the day after we got it
The frame of this couch broke the day after we got it. We called customer service and Bob's Discount Furniture agreed to send out a new one. The second delivery was scheduled for today (it is snowing-maybe 1 inch accumulation) So after taking time off work for a SECOND time, they called us and told us our driveway wasn't plowed enough to make it down because the delivery team does not have medical through Bob's and they were afraid they were going to slip. We had just plowed the night before and when I told him it is plowed it's just the accumulation from this morning he said well it looks white so we can't go down it! We use a tractor to plow our driveway so it is always going to be "white". But there was absolutely no chance of them getting stuck in the driveway. The street we live off of was worse than our driveway. My husband and I both made it down the driveway with zero issues in our cars. We bought this couch because it was a reasonable price and we loved the color. But DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! For this couch to break the day after we received it after very very minor wear and tear- it is a joke! I know Art Van and other stores may be a bit more expensive but if you want a couch that's going to last more than a day DO NOT GO TO BOB'S! It is cheap and poor quality. I spoke to a supervisor because I do not want to take work off for a third time and she said they DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS JUST STORE CREDIT. BEWARE. Do not waste your money they will not offer you any reimbursements! They wouldn't even refund my delivery fee! This store is a joke! Even after all this nightmare they wouldn't deliver on a Saturday to convenience us. If I could give this whole store and customer service zero stars I would. I am so disappointed in Bob's and will not be returning nor will I recommend it to anyone.

Disrespected by Delivery men no action taken
I purchased over 3,000 dollars in furniture from Bob's furniture store and there is nothing discount about this company when my furniture was delivered the vanity was put together wrong and the glass holder fell off and the light would not come on and the coffee table started to deteriorate, cracks developed and it started peeling after I had paid over 200.00 dollars for delivery. There was a service man that came out and he determined that the furniture needed replacing and Bob's Discount Furniture sent out the replacement furniture but the problems began. The deliver men they came in taking pictures of the furniture and inspecting the furniture but there was a serviceman who has already done this they were just to exchange the furniture but instead they gave me a hard time with a lot of questions about the furniture that was none of there business and they had the nerve to become baligerant and rude to me in my own house when I inquired as to why they were investigation the furniture when the company sent them out simply to exchange the furniture I was told by one of the deliver men to just let him do his job when he was not doing his job of just delivering the furniture he would not answer any of my questions about what was going on and began to speak to each other in Spanish and totally ignored my questions I called the office and they confirmed that they were only suppose to deliver the furniture and nothing else but these delivery men had other ideas they became angry with my questions and left with out exchanging my furniture they, Bob furniture made another deliver date for the furniture to be exchanged and the new deliver men did the exact same thing when they came in they wanted to take pictures of the damage and inspect the furniture which would have been fine if the original service man had not alread done this all they too was suppose to do was exchange the furniture also but they acted as service men instead questioning me about it instead of exchanging the furniture I again call the company to inquire why they were also taking pictures and inspecting the furniture instead of exchanging it out and again I was told that was all they were suppose to do not take picture or question me about the furniture just exchange it I once again filed a complaint form on these delivery men who were also rude and disrespected me in my home when I asked them question as to why they were only exchanging two pieces of furniture instead of all of it like I was told they got upset and one could not speak english well this was the older one in charge and could not ever commucate with the customer and the younger man would not bother to explaine what they were doing and why they were not just exchanging my furniture they left my house just like like the first delivery men with out doing the even exchange and did not say a word to me and I was on the phone with the dispatch manager who was taking down my complaint as it was happening they also put a heavy box on my new Sod that was still very weak and put trash all over the yard and left heavey foot prints in the new Sod when they had lots of room to put their boxes on the drive way or my side walk but they just had no regard for my property or me or my home the problem with this is that Bob furniture company hire delivery people like these and do not hold them accountable for their rude and unprofessional behavior towards their customers who act like they own the company and can behave and say what every and not answer the questions of the customer I am still waiting for the supervisor to call me about the first delivery men that were rude and unprofessional to me and my furniture but so far they have not even bothered to contact me about what happen with their delivery men I will tell everyone how these people operate and their blantant disrespect for their customers after I have spent almost 4,000 dollars with this company I at least deserved a little care and respect.

Horrible Service/Delivery/Quality
If I could give a ZERO, I would. Worst store ever. First, I went into their store two weeks ago to order a twin bed, specifically telling my salesperson that I only had a mattress... no box spring. I assumed, incorrectly, that he would only sell me a bed that met my description, so I bought one that was not set up, rather the headboard colors merely displayed on the wall. Needless to say, it arrived and was set up... we paid $59 for the service... and it was obvious then that this bed needed a box spring. Oh... and thank goodness my long son and I were sitting in the room watching the assembly guys because I had to point out two times Bob's Discount Furniture were screwing it in wrong. They just laughed as they corrected themselves. I should have been smart enough then to just send it back, but I didn't. So I ordered a box spring the next day. I was told would arrive in three days. Then they changed the delivery date to a week later. Fine. I waited patiently, starting at 8:30 am, the first hour of their three hour window. At about 10:00 I saw their truck pull up. Excited, I ran to grab my toddler so we could watch them out the window. Sixty seconds later, the truck drove away. I was confused to say the least but figured maybe they wanted to turn around to get a better angle into the driveway. I was wrong. Nobody ever got out of the truck to knock on the door. Apparently they called my cell, but it was in the other room... so they just drove away. I am sooooo furious.And let me also mention their phone/call system! It sends you in a perpetual, never-ending loop. I am so frustrated by this store, their salespeople, their assemblers, and their delivery system. Needless to say, I am cancelling my order and NEVER shopping there again. And I am making sure I tell everyone I know not to shop there either.

Poor quality, poor service, and no apologies for their mistakes
Poor quality, poor service, and no apologies for their mistakes is what you can expect from Bob's Discount Furniture. In the showroom Bob's Discount Furniture are used car salesman, trying to up charge for everything and not delivering on any of their promises. They delivered a partial order, much later than promised, only delivered 3 of the 4 pieces ordered, didn't order the mattress for the sleeper sofa like we wanted, and sent us a corner piece with a large metal bracket on the visible front of the couch. I removed the bracket, but we still have two large holes very visible in the front of our new sofa.

Oct 6 – Upselling, messing up order, and making promises that they don't keep. We met with the salesperson, who was helpful and friendly, walking through all the details of what pieces of the sectional sofa we needed. Then we went to order it/pay, and all the upselling began, which we declined. We confirmed the pieces and that we had to have it all delivered by 12/3, which they said, "no problem". Then the manager came to confirm the order, tried all the same upselling again, and then also confirmed delivery by 12/3 would be no problem.

Oct 6 – The receipt we received via email showed all the prices we agreed to, an estimated delivery of mid-Oct for 2 pieces, 1 piece for mid-Nov, and the other piece end-Nov. We called and confirmed with them that we wanted to have the pieces delivered 12/3, to which they said no problem, and that when we got closer to the delivery date, the delivery drivers will reach out to confirm the date and time

Nov 9 – delivery scheduled for Dec 9

Nov 23/24 – Delivery date later than promised. We contact them about the delivery, and they said everything will not be delivered until 12/9. We said that was OK because our company coming to visit was not until 12/17, so the 9th will work.

Dec 4, 6, 7 and 8 – we received texts that our order will be delivered on 12/9, but get an email saying part of our order is delated until Dec 14.

Dec 9 – receive a text about the last delivery scheduled for 12/14

Dec 9 – Sleeper Sofa arrives w/o mattress, connector brackets installed improperly, and holes in the front of our new couch. Our partial order is delivered, and the delivery drivers are very nice and helpful. They asked if we ordered the sleeper sofa without a mattress, which we did not. Come to find out our salesman forgot to include that in the order (why would you order it separately anyway), and now they can order us one but want to charge an additional $200 + $40 delivery. Plus, the metal brackets that connect the pieces together were not installed correctly and do not line up, and there are already strings from the stitching coming out and unraveling.

Dec 9 – we talk to the salesperson about the missing mattress, get that ordered, and of course not only do they not apologize for their error, the delay it causes us, or offer anything to make it right, they just insist we have to pay all their normal charges for it.

Dec 10 – Sudden delay of delivery by a month. We follow up with a manager about the mattress order and disputed paying separate delivery charges since they messed up not including it in the first place. We were basically told "too bad", and that the missing piece of furniture that was already confirmed for 12/14 delivery, will now not be delivered until mid-Jan.

So poor quality, poor service, and no apologies for their mistakes is what you can expect from Bob's Discount Furniture

White glove should be named Brown thugs!
12 years ago I purchased a bob o pedic king with an adjustable base that was actually two twin extra longs. I felt it was time to upgrade so I went to the store and the salesman Daryl Omari sold me a new queen adjustable bob o pedic. I asked him if Bob's Discount Furniture could remove the mattress and base and he informed me that they usually only remove mattresses. He then spoke to the manager a female I did not remember her name, and they both assured me that an e-mail would be sent to the moving company to remove the base. Well on delivery day guess what? They refused to remove the base. The store was not open for another 15 minutes so asked them to wait, they then started to pack up everything put it back on the truck I told them several times that I want the furniture and they ignored me. Finally I had to physically stand behind the truck with my phone in my hand threatening to call the police! The oldest man there said "policia policia" and then started to take my bed in my house. Of this I can only surmise that they knew they were wrong or were undocumented workers who did not want to be involved with the police, you be the judge! After they were finished I called the moving company Pazmino Transportation LLC. from east haven Ct. And the woman confirmed that bob's did send an e-mail to remove the base however, I would have to contact bobs and have them "srt up as a pick up" when I finally got a hold of bob's the next day they told me there was no e-mail and that they called me on the 16th to tell me that they could not remove the base, LIE! My phone records will prove they never called! He also said that it is noted twice that they told me it could not be removed! LIE! And if all this wasn't bad enough the rep told me that the delivery guys stated that I brandished a pistol! LIE! It is obvious they knew I would be complaining about the service so they made up this story, if true why wouldn't they have called the police? (see above) This was the worst experience I have ever had in my life ( I am 57 yo) between bobs lies and being bullied by thugs, and I am in fear that they may return to harm me, I will never buy from Bobs again and I implore you to do the same!

Dont shop BOB's... WARNING... Don't shop at Bob's... WARNING
On February 29th, 2020, my wife and I went to Bob's furniture looking for a new love seat and couch. We found a set we liked and paid in full and awaited its delivery. It came in and we thought we had made a good choice.

About 2 days later the couch quit working correctly and I called Bob's. Bob's Discount Furniture told me due to the corona virus things will take a couple months. I had no problem with that. A couple months later I called Bobs and they sent a man out to check the couch out. He decided it needed a new mechanical assembly and they would order it to be delivered at my home.

The assembly came in and they sent another man out. He finished and said the couch still needs replacing. I told him that's what I had said from the beginning. He ordered a new left couch section and said they will come back to make the exchange and reinstall a new left couch in November. Till mid-November and called to see what was up with my order and when can I expect it.

I waited till mid-November and called again to see where my order was. I was told it would be late November now.

I called in early December and was told it would be late December now.

I called in late December and was told it would now be in January.

I called again on January 21st and was now told it would be February.

I called and talked with customer service one last time before submitting my complaint to the state Attorney General's office.

During this phone call I explained all over again what had happened to me and my wife. I asked them for a complete refund at this point and to come and pick up their furniture as well as fix my hardwood floor their couch had dug a gouge in our hard wood floor. The man on the phone understood my dilemma. He told me he couldn't make that decision and a supervisor lady was put on the phone. I again went through the whole story again for her to bring her up to speed. I said I ordered the furniture set last February and paid for it up front, now after 11 months later, I still have a broken couch and damaged hardwood floor. I explained to her this was not acceptable and 11 months later with no resolve is ridiculous. I didn't think this type of business practice was allowed in Michigan.

She replied that she could not bring furniture back to the store after 9 Months to which I replied I called right away and it's their fault it has been this long. She stated that they wanted pictures from me. I told her I had no request and would have gladly. In fact, the service man that came out took pictures.

She again stated that she could not settle this to my satisfaction. I asked for an e mail address for Bobs Customer Service department and she told me they don't have one but if I go to Bob's Furniture site I could enter my address there and blindly hit a button knowing nothing about where this e mail is going. I was told Bob's had no e mail for me. Hmmmm.

I explained that my call at this point was a courtesy call and if we could not resolve this I would be writing the Attorney General's office and I wanted Bob's e mail to cc them. They still would not admit to having an e mail address.
As I told them multiple times, all I want is to return their furniture, have my floor repaired, and to be given a complete refund in the total amount of $2084. 65.

Bad customer service / collapsed couches
I've purchase 3 time from bobs once in Freeport Long Island and the next a bedroom set and a living room set from the Carla place store in Long Island, however my living room set I purchase in 2015 and it's now 2017 my chair handles have collapsed my seating have collapsed, I called and Bob's Discount Furniture send a technician out to look at my couch while the tech was in my home he use the words collapsed and he wouldn't be able to fix it now in the home, my chair is less than 5 years old he stated he will put his report in and customer service will reach out to me in 24 hr to 48 hr, however no onereach out to me I had to call myself 3 days after to find out what's going on, while on the phone with customer service I'm being told there is nothing they can do for me while on the phone speaking clearly that the report is wrong the tech states that the couch is wear and tear this is not true no one sleep in my couch or sit on the arm rest which has dented in there is no support in the seating, this person told me she was sorry that she can't help me then put me on to someone else which I thought can help me, now I had to explain myself all over again to this person name Jamie in there corporate office which stated that she was the highest person I can speak to and she can not help me also do to my warranty is up within the one year, this is the worst experience I've ever had to know you spend hundreds of dollars with a company and they shut you down and say they can't help you fix your couch or give you a credit to get something else in there store this is a poorly made couch that they don't carry anymore maybe because of this issue other customers had I don't know what to do now I have a living room set that I'm embarrassed to invite company over to sit in

My poor son!
On 4/8/2018 we went to the Bob's Furnature in Atteleboro, MA. We spent quite a lot of time there and ended up ordering new beds for the kids as well as mattresses for the whole family. We spent about $3000 there. When writing up the order the saleswoman said she thought the item number on the esspresso colored bed we were looking at for my son looked wrong ans made a show of making sure it was correct. Delivery was scheudled the following week, so we dismanteled the kids beds to make way for the new ones. Fast forward and we get the items in. His bed is DOVE GRAY. A far cry from esspresso. While my husband was dealing with the delivery and set up people, I called the store. Bob's Discount Furniture at first tried to tell me that the bed we looked at was really gray and I must have been mistaken. I told them exactly where the bed was on the floor that I looked at and there was NO way the whole family had mistaken dove gray for espresso. Because my husband was at home with the delivery guys they wanted him to call their main number for more info. He called and they told him that they initially wanted him to go to the store to reorder the bed, however stated that they would re order over the phone BUT the trundle unit for his bed was backordered and said that they would credit us $100 in delivery fees for the inconvinence once all the pieces were delivered.
They delived some of the esspresso pieces and asked my husband if we were informed that the bed could not be set up without the trundle unit (they hadn't, so everyone is even more upset). This is now 2 weeks later. They tell us that the trundle unit is backordered to 5/22/18 and they will make sure it is delived asap. My husband called 5/23/18 and they hadn't even scheduled the delivery. They came 5/26/18 and immediately the delivery guys told us that they hadn't sent anyone to put the bed together. While they were bringing the unit in my husband looked at the box and noticed that AGAIN they had sent the gray one! He made them just take it and leave. My son had tears in his eyes and my husband was ready to kill somone.
We are currently waiting on a call back from the manager. The customer service center called while my husband was on the phone with the store about "a mix up with our item". Not a mix up but a HUGE screw up. Not just once, but multiple times.
My son has been sleeping on a cheap mattress on the floor for the last 7 weeks because of their incompinance. He is understandably upset because everyone else in the house has a bed but him.

Terrible customer service
We bought a sectional from Bob's Discount Furniture March 13. We enjoyed the process in the store as it was pretty hands off. Bob's doesn't have a warehouse so you have to pick delivery and we were given 2 delivery days due to 1 piece of the 6 piece sectional not being ready. It wasn't a big deal as it happens. We received our first 5 pieces as planned on April 1st besides the goof proof kit. No big. We called them after and agreed to ship it to us via fedex. Our last piece was scheduled to come April 4th. Bob's Discount Furniture called that morning told us they weren't going to be delivering it as it was damaged and therefore sent up another date to deliver it, which was April 10th. April 10th comes and goes with nothing from Bob's. So again we call and get another delivery date this time for April 15th. April 15th comes and goes with no 6th piece. Therefore we can again and get a delivery date of April 18th where the 6th piece finally comes with the good proof. Overall, I don't understand how this company can charge you over 100 dollars for delivery and take over a month with 5 attempts to finally get our whole couch. For a company that seems to value customer service I promise you that is not the case after dealing with them on multiple different occasions as it took 4 different people and 4 different calls to finally have them figure out why our couch hasn't been delivered. They didn't even believe us that this was their 4th attempt delivering this piece as it was in their system despite. Terrible customer service. Before you buy something from here if you can just take it from the store or have it delivered, if you can pick something up from the store I would. If they are going to deliver your product and can sit in around for a month and have someone at the house at all times then it shouldn't be a problem.

Horrible after-sales customer care and dishonest salesmen
1. Bob's sells good furniture but if you get a product with defects, prepare for a long ride. The store does not know you after Bob's Discount Furniture close the sale.
2. Ask for and read the terms and conditions for the Goof Proof protection IN the store before purchasing it (no matter how long the doc, ask for the FULL LIST OF EXCEPTIONS).
3. You are better off going to a store with better AFTER-SALE customer service.

First time customer at Bob's and I am not going back there. I spent over $1,200 on a dining set plus protection ordered from the Falls Church, VA branch. Pretty decent, solid set which I hope will last. It was delivered without issue but a week after delivery, I noticed that one of the chairs was properly put together and it looked like there was a botched attempt to repair it. The wood was also chipped.

I carried the chair back to the store a week later (this is two weeks after delivery) to show them the issue. "That's a pity", the guys says as he is writing down a number. "Here, call customer service". That was when I learnt the hard way all the stores do is to take your money. Anything beyond the sale needs to be directed to customer care. I will share here two statements from officer and store manager at Falls Church VA to give you a sense of what to expect:

1. Sorry but Bob's is not a mom and pop store. It's an institution so I cannot just walk into the store for support. That is not the company's policy.
2. Sorry, you have your views and I have mine and we are not going to agree on this (this was when I was protesting that they need to do something).

Now I am waiting to see how the drama unfolds but can you imagine if this firm grew as big as Ikea for example? I need to make time to receive a technician to come evaluate the situation. Then I will be told what to do next. All for a $100 chair... I now understand all the negative reviews. I should have done my homework first but I am not buying from them again. You are better off with stores with good after-sales service. Hayneedle was quite good supporting me with my last issue. IKEA has always been very good.

Secondly, the goof protection is over-sold! What the salesman told me was very different from the terms and conditions in the contract. Again, I should have known better. I was talking to a salesman afterall! I bought it because I have kids and, in the words of the salesman, the warranty was for ANY damage except intentional damage. His explanation of "intentional damage" was very different. Please ask for and read the terms and conditions of the policy and I am pretty sure you can find better use for your money.

Worst Purchasing Experience Ever
My fiancee (now wife) and I purchased a bedroom set through Bob's website in early August, shortly after purchasing our home, and also paid the $109 delivery and assembly fee. It took no less than 4 delivery attempts by Bob's in order to completely deliver the entire bedroom set. The first delivery featured missing side rails and a broken dresser. The second delivery featured a broken foot board, and missing side rails once again. The third delivery was supposed to occur on a weekday between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. This delivery did not occur until 9:15 P.M., apparently due to a broken down delivery truck. Bob's did not bother to contact me whatsoever regarding their tardiness. When I called to ask when I should expect my delivery, I was only then notified that there was a delay, and was assured that my delivery would be made no later than 6:45 P.M. that night. Again, the delivery people did not show up until 9:15 P.M., and had no clue that Bob's Discount Furniture were to assemble the bed for us. Once again, the foot board was broken, and the bed could not be set up. They were not able to get another foot board in and deliver it until the following week, which happened to be the week of our wedding. We were not available to be there due to our wedding, so we had to make arrangements with neighbors to be there for the delivery. This time, everything was in good enough condition and was assembled. During this entire process, my wife and I each had to take days off from work in order to be at our house for deliveries that were botched or were much later than anticipated, as well as were inconvenienced on many occasions(I was living an hour away from where we purchased our home and waited for the furniture to be delivered). We were not able to stay in our new home because we did not have a bed to sleep in, and had to worry about all of this when we should have been celebrating our wedding. When I contacted Bob's for compensation, I was offered a $25 gift card, and then finally offered to have the delivery fees refunded. In my opinion, I do not believe this compensation is sufficient for all of the inconveniences that occurred, nor do I believe that customer service did anything to rectify the situation. Customer service was extremely lacking, especially when I spoke with the corporate office, where I was essentially told too bad, deal with it this is the best we can do. I will never purchase another item from Bob's, nor will I recommend others step foot inside of a Bob's store. The whole process was a complete and utter nightmare.

Poor service and furniture is poor too.
Purchased couch, love seat and matching leather chair.
Delivered as promised but love seat was missing four center support legs. Delivery team also left a mess outside my home. I discovered problem minutes after delivery truck left. When a person sat on the love seat the frame bowed downward toward the floor. Store could not communicate with truck and Bob's Discount Furniture mailed two support legs weeks later. Manager of Union store determined love seat should be replaced.
Replacement love seat arrives weeks later. Delivery team # 2 does a good job installs all four support legs and L brackets supplied with love seat. Team # 2 also inspects couch and chair. They advise L brackets are missing on couch and single recliner. This is reported but problem never addressed. Team # 2 leaves.
After sitting on love seat we discover recliner feature on love seat # 2 does not function properly. Store notified. Repairman arrives weeks later. Within a minute it is determined it is "a manufacturer problem" and love seat # 2 needs to be replaced.
Weeks later love seat # 3 arrives. It is discovered in driveway that love seat # 3 damaged. Torn leather. Delivery not accepted.
At this point I ask that Bob's take back entire set and refund my money. Bob's agree to refund but pick up date has to be a week later.
Pick up team arrives: They do not have tools needed to remove legs so furniture can fit
Out the door. I had to supply tools to remove legs.
When they attempted to remove couch legs it was discovered that one leg was cross threaded when it was installed. It was not fully tight and could not be removed.
Removal team scratches hardwood floor and puts a one inch notch in my front door.
Happy day all Bob's furniture returned.
They requested my credit card number the day before pickup and said I would be given a full refund on my credit card as soon as the furniture was on the truck.
When I called the store they now state it will be five business days before the refund is posted. So far two days no refund and credit card company reports no posting of refund.
Merchant ID #*******884, Ref # *******55685

Amount of refund due is $ 3195. 55

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Based on 50 reviews from Bob's Discount Furniture customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Bob's Discount Furniture is a retail furniture chain with locations across the United States. Shop online or find a nearby store at!

Address: 6042


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