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Reviews Finance, Credit Cards CareCredit

50 customer reviews of

Care Credit Sucks!
It is not zero interest! It is only for the promotional period and then CareCredit hit you big if not paid off completely. I got hit with a $95 interest charge after the promotion ended. I had been paying them $100/mo during the promotion period and then dropped it to $75 when it ended. I got the next statement and saw a $95/interest charge. I called and said my payment was worthless! And my balance went up! The customer service women was a total joke and told me she would disconnect the call if I used profanity. I had to think for a moment and said what profanity? Then I said do you mean "damn"? She said yes and I said "Boy your ears must be so delicate! DAMN is not profanity. Then as I kept explaining the statement and I couldn't understand where they would get a $95 interest charge from a $837 balance and that the statement shows they charged me interest separately on each charge (I had three). I said this will never get paid by doing this and why did you apply the payments to the entire total in the beginning and now that the promotion is up I am being charged interest on each charge separately! She wouldn't even speak and I had thought she hung up and I said "Are you still there?" or have you gone mute all of a sudden? She said "you are not asking me questions, you are just talking about the statement. I finally said "Get me a supervisor because you don't know your job".

They got me an accts manager and she explained that at the end of the promotion you get hit with a huge amount of interest on the first statement and then it will be extremely lower on the next statements after and will be interest on the entire total not separately.

We will see if that happens on the next statement. She also snickered that the customer service said that Damn was profanity. I explained I still don't like the way Care Credit screws you and doesn't fully explain the huge interest thing in the end, at least she did explain it and didn't leave me hanging like that DAMN cust. Service idiot and made me think that the interest would cont. That high on each statement.

I hope this accts manager is correct what she said because that is against the law if they keep charging the interest separatey for each charge. The whole thing is a total joke because you are actually paying for interest in the end if you can't pay the entire balance before the promotion ends. So they get you any which way!

Once I pay the balance off that is it for me with Care Credit! The card has already been cut up and thrown out!

Please do the research!
When care credit was recomended to me for dental work due to me not having insurance it seemed like a good Idea, specially since there was no interest if you payed the balance off within a year. Unfortunately I used this credit a couple of months before the pandemic hit and if work would have been steady throughout the year I would have easaly been able to pay it off within that year but it wasn't. I still kept making payments on a timely basis (i was late once and got hit with a $40 fee for 1 day) but I was not able to pay it off within that year and I got hit with $585.59 of finance charges, the next month the finance charge was $42.91. So I was able to come up with some money and hopping that if I paid the balance in full I would be able to get some type of help or discount, I called and CareCredit shut me down right away even after I tried to explain the situation to them hopping because so many people aren't doing well and are struggling to make ends meed they didn't care one bit that I had to pay it in full or keep paying monthly payments which from what I'm seeingm, it's very difficult. I'm not blaming them, it's a bussiness and obviously all they care about is the money, I just wish I would have done more reseach and didn't expect more from them. I hope this helps someone make their decision and look for other options if it's not really necessary for them to take a loan from care credit.

I got this card for vet visits. HUGE mistake. Everything you read in the other reviews is true. 6 months no interest? LOL!
1) Suppose you make 3 charges in 3 different months. When you make a payment do CareCredit apply it to the next expiring promo balance? NO! They apply it to something expiring in a future month. Example: Have a promo balance of $250 due Sept 20. Make a payment of $250 on Sept 14. So, you think your promo will be paid off. BUT, they apply it to a promo not due until November. So, your promo due Sept 20 is NOT paid off within the 6 month period and they charge you 26% interest, back to the original purchase date.
2) Then there's the unexplained promo amount due which is not what you charged. Example: You charge $200. They correctly show the date charged and the amount. BUT, the promo amount due shows $240.? Why the difference? No explanation. AND, if you pay off the $200 original charge within the 6 month promo period, but NOT the unexplained extra $40, they consider the promo balance NOT PAID and charge you interest on the whole thing.
3) Customer Service? PATHETIC! They will email you acknowledgement of your inquiry/complaint. EVENTUALLY they will send another email. It won't make much sense. They won't explain anything. They won't answer any questions.
4) They give you no warning about the above. You need to check your account constantly to see what fancy footwork they have pulled to charge you exorbitant interest.

Bad experience
Up until now, I had used CareCredit card several times through my dentist office. However, I moved last year, and had been looking for a dentist for sometime. I recently settled on one in my new town. CareCredit told me what it would cost for xrays and cleaning, and suggested I call CareCredit to ensure my card was still good. So I called this month. Got a man. I told him the situation, and gave him my info. He said my card was still valid. I gave him my new address also.

So, I go to the dentist, the 13th of this month. When the person at the office put my CareCredit through for the $349 payment, it came back DENIED. I called right then and asked why. The lady told me I had closed my account. I told her I never closed the account. She said I had to apply for a new card. Pretty crazy when I had a card for a number of years, and as they could see, always paid on time and never longer than 12 months. I told her I had been told the card was valid, and now, did this not only leave me very embarrassed at a new doctor's office, but as a senior, having to dish out $349 was even more difficult. She made no effort to help me, every thing was very matter of fact and yes I did close my account, pretty much saying I was not told what I was by the other rep, a man.

I find it hard to recommend this company to anyone after being treated as such. Especially, when you have been a very good customer.

Beth T Browne
25502 Camino Los Padres, 02-327
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

I applied for Care Credit for an orthodontic procedure that would cost about $3700. I have excellent credit, however I was drawn to the idea of Care Credit because their pamphlet mentioned a promotional period of 0% interest for 12 months. After applying, I was approved for $4600. First of all, I didn't like the idea of being approved for MORE than the cost of the procedure because I felt the doctor could drag out the procedure or find a way to take advantage of the extra money I was approved for. Second, and most importantly, there was NO mention of a promotional period after I was approved. I called Care Credit customer support and was told that the doctor's office would be able to see the promotional rates and periods I was eligible for after CareCredit scanned the card. The representative stated she didn't have access to any information regarding the promotional periods. I was very uncomfortable with this response. I called the doctor's office and informed them of the response given to me by Care Credit. The employee at the doctor's office told me that Care Credit is the one that would tell me the promotional rates and periods because they are the ones extending the credit to me. These conflicting responses have led me to decide not to use Care Credit. I'm putting the full amount of the procedure on one of my credit cards. I have several credit cards that offer 0% interest on balance transfers so I'll transfer the balance from the card I'll use to make the payment over to one of these promotional cards with the 0% interest for a year.

Thank You, One-Star Reviewers, For the Interest-Free $$$
Almost all of the reviews I have read about CareCredit are complaints from people who do not understand how promotional rates work and never bothered to read the information mailed to them.

I first heard of CareCredit through Synchrony Bank when my dog needed surgery. I applied for and received the credit within minutes, right there in the vet's office. When the card came, I read over the information and made sure I paid it off within the time frame we had agreed upon. The payment amount on your bill is the MINIMUM payment required. How someone cannot figure out for themselves how much to pay is beyond me. If you have a 12 month promotional rate, divide the total balance by 12 and pay that amount each month. It's really very simple. People don't want to put any effort into understanding their personal responsibility in matters, and want to blame others for their own laziness.

Last Christmas, I also applied for an Amazon Store Card through Synchrony Bank. I got a promotional rate that worked just like CareCredit. I received an email today warning me that my promotional period would expire next month, so I know I need to pay it off. You see, if you pay online, you can go into your account and allocate how much of your payment goes to the promotional rate and how much goes to other balances. You can set up alerts to remind you when promotional rates expire - lots of things.

So, thank you, Synchrony Bank, for all the interest-free loans! Or perhaps I should be thanking all the one-star reviewers who end up paying all the interest because CareCredit couldn't be bothered to take care of their own business. Without people like you paying all that interest, the bank would be out of business!

Who is worse? McCollum Family Chiropractic who set this up or Synchrony Bank who offers it? My 88 year old dad was taken to a chiropractor by mu sister against my warnings. He has spinal stenosis - an INTERNAL nerve passageway issue. He was desperate and was denied surgery. He wanted to try this. Well, the efficient chiropractor's insurance gal set him up with a $3900. 00 CARE CREDIT that would go directly into the pockets of the chirpractor that day. The office visits were $45.00 each! Simple math says he would have 86 treatments at 3 x a week for 28 weeks. Over 6 months! Are you kidding me? Why couldn't he just pay $45/visit and see how it went? In the meantime nobody mentioned that the promotional offer had to be paid off within a year or else he'd be hid with a 27% interests rate for the entire amount. He'd been paying almost 4 times the minimum payment and with two payments left he considered just paying it all off at once, but decided to make the final payment the following month. Well, that bill came with a $1200. 00 interest fee. He called me and I tried to handle it over the phone, figuring if you get right on it 3 weeks after the promotion ended and only $210.00 left on the bill they'd just waive it. OH NO! NOT SYNCHRONY BANK! The gal in the account escalation department was such a $#*! refusing to discuss anything. I made an online payment that day and gave them $210 in interest, figuring that much was more than fair. I got power of attorney for my dad and am dealing with them on this issue now as he is in no shape mentally or emotionally to be hounded by bill collectors. He is living hand to mouth. Any money he has is going t living expenses or medical expensis. Screw Care Credit! That is completely unethical. Hes s90 years old. Let them wreck his credit. As for McCollum Family Chiropractic, CareCredit lied about his treatment helping him. Every time he got worse but they charted he felt better. He even quit going with a $500 credit they refused to return to him.

If I could give a zero I would!
I have had CareCredit for many years not using it for promotional medical bills to have 0% financing etc. But in March 2018 CareCredit automatically signed me up for a MasterCard WITHOUT MY approval! :( I have contacted them multiple times, been hung up on many times (during transfers from department to department etc). I have been polite with them but they refuse to give me what I am asking for is to close the NEW MasterCard account that I never gave them the OK to. Per one of the reps it's because I have done such good business with them & was approved for a MasterCard. Well I don't want them checking my credit, nor opening a credit card that I don't want or need. This is FRAUD! I am very unhappy with the service I have received trying to get this closed out. I will NEVER recommend them & can't wait till I can pay off what I do owe them & close if for good! Synchrony bank is part of this scam & I will refuse to do any business with them due to the services they are providing.
This is sad as for people whom need to use this type of credit to pay medical bills just to live & we get treated like this. I am a responsible person, I pay my bills on time & pay them off as quick as possible.

Please think twice before opening any type of account with Carecredit or Synchrony bank! (Synchrony bank is used for various types of credit, furniture, medical, retail stores etc... watch out so you don't get scammed too!

When Using Credit Feels Like a Scam
I applied for Care Credit at my local vet, who recommended it to help aid in the dental surgery of my dog. So I activate my card and used it for the examination fee. I called Care Credit a couple weeks later and let them know that my dog was getting surgery. There seemed to be no issue. The representative said my bill wasn't due until next week, even though I somehow accrued a $38 late fee, which he said would be taken off on my next billing cycle. So I thought, okay - I'll get my dog's teeth cleaned and pay the bill next week.

The day of surgery comes along. I got to my vet to pay with my Care Credit card. It gets declined. CareCredit call Care Credit. A representative requests to speak with me. They tell me I have to pay my bill first before using my card again. I started to argue but because time was of the essence I said -fine - I'll give you the minimum payment early and swipe my card for the dental surgery after we get off the phone.

He says - no you'll have to wait at least 48 hours so the payment can process. Then he started talking about needing to pay for the late fee as well. I told him the late fee was taken off and this isn't the time for my card not to work. I have a sleepy pup who needs to go home and a vet that is looking at me like I'm dining and dashing.

He kept saying, "Yes, ma'am I completely understand" then goes into the - this is an attempt to collect a debt spill. I was so embarrassed, not to mention stressed from my dog having to be put under. The vet let me take my pup home and said I could pay at the end of the week. I thought I wasn't going to be able to take my dog home. It was needlessly upsetting.

I went home and made a payment. I called two days later and it still had not posted to my account. I am still waiting. Each time I call I have to talk to someone I can barely understand. I feel bad because I don't want to be rude but I have to keep asking them to slow down and speak up.

The account is run through Synchrony Bank and it is obvious from the consumer reviews, all over the Internet, that this company is a scam under the guise of medical credit. It should not be widely offered and I completely regret signing up for it.

Beware! Do not have a $0 balance for more than 6 months or your score will decrease 40-50 points
Gave it 2 stars ONLY because it helped save my cats life last July. Other than that, I would give it 0 for the way CareCredit screwed me.
Had an $800 limit. Used it for an emergency vet situation for our poor kitty. Paid off the almost $700 in the 6 month interest free period. Didn't use for 6 months and I look at my credit score the other day and it went down 40 & 50 points because they closed the account! How dare them! On time payments. Credit was being built. I was saving that card for my cat because he has bladder issues & I was also waiting for my dentist office to open in order to get my painful tooth fixed. How can I have 100% on time payments on all credit cards, and especially cards through their company and because I didn't use it for 6 months(I thought having a low or no balance was a good thing for credit scores) they close my oldest account and now my credit score is so bad I can't even get the loan I was about to get for a new vehicle. This can't be legal to do to someone! They don't take into consideration my good income: debt ratio? Or my 100% on time payments on all cards and loans? I'm so upset about it and I have no idea what to do because there's no way my score will go up that many points anytime soon just making my payments as usual. They are scammers. They are probably mad that they didn't get to make the money from the high interest they would have charged me because I paid my whole balance off within that 6 month promotional period. Any suggestions or if anyone has any experience with this, I would love to hear from you. Thank you! Not sure if I can leave this but I'll try. Email- *******

Shut CareCredit Down! Big Scam!
In April of 2018 I signed with CareCredit to help cover the cost of dental work. The cost came to a little over $7,000.00. Supposedly, I was put into a promotional program that waved the interest for 12 months. However, I do not recall signing up for this program.

On October 31,2018 it was stated that if I paid the balance of $1,258.88 for the deferred interest per the Promotional Balance my account would not be charged that amount. However, this promotional program is a scam and should be investigated and shut down! Out of the $7,000.00 owed I have paid $3,632.00 toward that balance and as of today the balance owed is at $7,039.73. (This past June I canceled my card.) I can understand having to pay some interest on this account but nonetheless a portion of these payments should have gone toward the principal to pay down the balance. As it stands today, this account may never be paid off during my lifetime. After seeing CareCredit advertise on FaceBook I became upset and called them to voice my concern. CareCredit responded and sent me the contract I signed. However, I did not see the promotion program attached to this contract. I believe they are a fraudulent company, misleading consumers with false advertising. What me upset is that I check my credit report every week to stay on top of my accounts. I saw where I was charged interest on this account which caused me to be over the limit thus affecting my credit scores. I immediately called CareCredit again this morning and was told the promotional program is automatically renewed and even though I canceled my Care Credit Card with them, I'm still charged monthly interest on this account even though it's closed! What other company does this? I have paid my payments on time every month and have never been late! I had no inkling that I signed with CareCredit, a company who scams its consumers. The BBB, and Government agency's need to get involved and shut them down and reimburse every consumer the interest they paid to CareCredit!
Leonard B.

Whatever you do, please do not apply for or get a Care Credit card, they are worthless.
Whatever you do, please do not apply for or get a Care Credit card. It is essentially worthless, especially when you need it most. I made a $700 payment on my account last week. The payment cleared my bank account and shows that Care Credit received it on 9-13-19. Last night my dog was viciously attacked by another dog and we had to rush him to an after-hours veterinarian clinic for treatment. Imagine my distress when my card was declined because Care Credit posted my payment to my account but did not increase my credit limit to reflect it. I called a customer service representative today for assistance and I was told it would be another 5 days until my $700 payment is reflected in my credit limit. The payment has cleared my bank account already and yet there will not be an available credit limit change until 10 days after Care Credit received it. I was told that the credit limit would not be adjusted sooner because I had made a large payment. So, I am being penalized because I made a larger payment that is more than the minimum. Also, my dog may need additional surgery this week and I will still not have access to my card or my available credit in time. Instead of helping me with this problem the customer service representative from Care Credit suggested that I increase my credit limit so that I could then use my card. I just want access to the credit limit that I currently have and the payment that I already made. Like I first indicated, this card is useless and a waste of time and money.

I took out a care credit loan amount of $700 for dental work. I ended up loosing my job and was unable to pay it back on time. Now fast forward a year later and had called them about my account. I had explained to the guy on the other end that I couldn't do anything until I got tax money back.

Apparently I now owe $930 from $700. The CS guy kept trying to get me to pay $50. I had to tell him over and over that I could not pay that amount at that time and that I would pay the balance when I got my taxes back. I could barely even understand the person on the other end. I got no help whatsoever and their CS reps are horrible! CareCredit are rude and nasty and I don't even know how they are even still in business.

Also, I received a letter stating something like I had to pay $25 by the due date or my account would be charged off! So I ended up calling a week later to see if my account had in fact been charged off. To my dismay my they still have my account and have not charged it off which they lied about. When I asked the CS rep where my account was going next, if it was going to a collection agency the CS rep told me he could not tell me that information and that he wasn't able to tell me anything?!?!

What he did end up telling me was that they could give my past due account over to their attorney!?! I asked him why I didn't get anything in the mail to resolve this past due balance and get offered a settlement pay off amount to pay. He said oh you haven't been offered a settlement amount yet? I explained to him that no I hadn't that the only thing I received was about a $25 payment that needed to be made by the due date or my account would be charged off! I also told him how that letter said they would take action against me and could try and sue me. I also have not received any statements but maybe 2 that they had mailed out. Also, their promotional period they supposedly had on one statement I have is a JOKE. My promotional period to pay back the credit line is supposed to end in May 2016. It is only February and somehow I don't get it from what it said on one statement I have!

If you are thinking about getting a Care Credit card credit line, I would advise against this. They will charge you way extra for the actual amount that you take out. Their customer service representatives are very RUDE and do not know their jobs at all! If you have trouble paying off your balance for whatever reason they will threaten to send your account to their attorney.


Stay Away! No Interest Claims are False
We applied for and received a large line of credit, but did not charge anything with them. We applied simply because CareCredit advertised "No Interest If Paid In Full" over a period of time ranging from 6-18 month, so we applied and received enough to cover braces for 2 kids. When we presented the card at the orthodontist, they laughed and said, "you know it will still be 17% interest, right?" And they gave us 14 mos at zero percent on their own! I called to cancel the CareCredit account, at which point I was told they won't cancel accounts withing 72 hours of opening them. So, they ran our credit and I now have another open account on my credit report, both of which lower my credit rating, all because of deceptive marketing practices.

If you are thinking of getting CareCredit, check with your Dr first before you apply. It's likely not as good of a deal as they purport it to be. It also appears to me that they are trying to get lower income folks signed up so they can hit them with high interest rates over the duration of the promotional period and then slam them with higher rates when the period ends and they haven't been able to pay. Reminds me of the credit card companies camped out at college campuses. As an aside, their customer service reps treat you like collection folks do - mine were rude and were talking to me like dirt before they even looked up my account. Really unfortunate.

Thankful for Care Credit
I have been using care credit for 11 yrs, everything is stated as in terms of this credit card. Have used uncountable times for vet and dentist. I have read several of these reviews and appalled that these users "don't get it" it's honestly not hard to understand. Where ever you use your card ( dentist, pharmacy, vet, etc. Determines what your interest free period is going to be usually based on the amount you spend. Example vet $200, CareCredit ask do you want that on 6mos. Or 12mos. "You answer" My dentist won't do over 12 mos. Even when after insurance I owed $2,000. Not care credits fault, they do have up to 24 mos. If where ever you use chooses to offer that to you. They set up your deferred interest time frame. Very simply if it's for 12 mos. Divide what you owe by 12 mos. Pay that amount (It will be payed off before you acquire the interest. Minimum payments are nice, if you don't have the "200."to pay from your calculations of what you needed that month and just catch up when you can. I pay usually every week online. Divide monthly payment by four, easier than taking it out of a week, anyway on every statement by mail and online it tells you when that deferred interest payment is due. If you need to use card again say vet on 6 mos. Payments then go to what is going to be due first so the deferred interest doesn't get charged. Make adjustments for that so your next payment do your 12 month with your 6 month divided and added to it so everything gets payed very simple and nice that there is a company that will loan you thousands interest free up to the alloted time... No scam... Minium due by monthly date is not to have it payed off in allotted time, it's minimum due each month to keep account open and not past due and goes toward what you owe. Home depot, Lowes, Best Buy... All the same if not paid by special purchase date 12 or 18 mos. You aquire INTEREST... AND about the same around 24% of coarse you can't use them incase of emergency at several different places. Your dentist or vet gets their payment right then, you just have to pay cc back... Wonderful to have... period

My dog has kidney failure I went to a very good hospital in NJ to care for her. Good but expensive. The day before I acquired a care-credit card, ( I can't even say it, I want to vomit I'm so upset.) CareCredit gave me a credit line of $3000, the down payment for the hospital bill was $2700. Very nice, I had the money to pay. With care credit you have 6 months to pay so I took money out of my savings to pay off the balance $ 2700. About 5 hrs later I check my CC account to see if the payment went through and saw that it didn't. So I called CC AND WAITED 38 MINUTES FOR A PERSON TO ANSWER THE PHONE.! I proceeded to ask her why the payment didn't go through and she said it takes 24 hrs. Fine. That was two day ago. Picked up my dog today and the remaining balance on the bill was $1100. When I gave the lady my CC info she said the payment was rejected. The initial payment I made ( in full $ 2700) did not go through yet. Two days later mind you. I called CC and they said the payment I made $2700 WAS SUSPICIOUS. It will take 8 days to investigate. I paid off my balance so I could pay the rest of the bill today and it was SUSPICIOUS. Needless to say after that embarrassing time at the cashiers desk left me seething. I said all this so that someone else doesn't get a watermelon shoved up the u no what if they make a payment like that in good faith.

Highway robbery! They do not CARE about your CREDIT!
It is amazing to me that doctors offices refer their patients to this company, just so CareCredit can get paid. I think very little of doctors offices that offer this company. Great Southern Smiles in Germantown, TN offered me this option because they were not willing to take low monthly payments over a 12 month period. If I could not afford to pay you without interest, what made you think I could afford an interest bearing loan?
They say I was late one month so, I decided to set up an e-bill payment plan through my bank to pay each month. I was paying $5 more every month to avoid interest and to pay it off sooner. Three months later, I get calls back to back about my account. When I actually talk to synchrony, they tell me that I owe $80 for my bill and late fees. My bill is only $25. That means, I have a $55 late fee?! I did not realize that my $25 required payment would charge $9 for being a day late, so I paid $30. The $4 that I did not realize was not paid made every months payment after that considered late with interest added. Now if I am paying $5 more every month, why do I now owe $55 in late fees?

This company and the doctors' offices that use them are only looking out for their own best interest, not yours. DO NOT DO IT!
The least the doctor's office could do is tell you beforehand how much your insurance will cover. No, they do the work then tell you what they did not cover. Then they sale this rip-off company to you.

I wish I had checked the reviews first. I know better now.

Seriously wish I saw the reviews first.
If you're paying for two different promotional balances, steer clear of this company or pay them off early. They're in complete control of where CareCredit allocate funds and will do it in such as way that benefits them and gets you left over with massive interest charges.

In 2018, I had two promotional balances. One for 12 months and the other 24 months - which I was under the impression was a 12 month one for next year. This is my first time dealing with credit card payments. I thought that would give me plenty of time to pay one off and then the other. But as it turns out they were splitting the payments.
Understandable, my fault.

Now 2020, I got two promotional balances again. The 24 month one ending this year and a 6 month one made in February. The only way to allocate payments according to them, is having to contact a Customer Service representative. So I set up the payment online and called them to let them now how I wanted to divide the money between the two promotional balances.

I check today, and they've not split the payment at all. The February balance is untouched and all of the payment went into the 24 month one. Suspiciously the one later to expire. At the very least, what happened to making the minimum payment for the other? Will this incur a late fee?

If this isn't a red flag on their customer service I don't know what is! If you're currently paying them, do what you can to pay it off early. Get another credit card with 0% APR, it can't possibly be any worse than this company. Do yourself a favor and GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Everything is intentionally unclear, made difficult, and the site and invoices make it confusing - as if it was never designed to handle more than one balance and display allocated funds. So pay close attention to everything. It's only designed so the customer suffers in the end. There is no support or trust. I wouldn't wish this on my own worst enemy!

Horrible theives
We had the card a few months, paid double payments. Then did some consolidation and paid our almost $900.00 bill off completely... or so we thought. Three months later we received a bill stating we owed $39.90. I called immediately asking get what's this, the response I got was we had an outstanding balance after the big payoff and this was interest for the past three months. When I asked what the balance was all I got was a broken English runaround and this "customer service" representative became nasty stating why didn't you pay your bill for three months. He stated he would take care of it after some nastiness from me. Three months after that I went to use the card for am emergency vet bill, and it was declined. The vets receptionist called, after the representative was rude to her, she spoke to me and told me I was not an authorized card user. I informed yes I am, I have been since the beginning. Still she would not speak to me so I left vet bills in tow. When home my husband called in which he was informed we had a $190.00 outstanding balance, but if paid today he could use the card. My husband has hearing difficulties and could not understand the representative and asked to please speak with someone who spoke clearer english. The representative became only what I can guess was offended and started yelling at my husband, who then hung up and called back. The same representative answered the phone and my husband demanded to speak with someone else. A twenty minute hold later he is connected to another heavily accented rep, who he could understand a bit better. He stated we had not made a payment in six months, my husband completely fed up says fine then if I pay this amount will my card be usable again (with no intention to use it he was going good to close the account after he paid it). This rep, says no the account was closed yesterday. Then my husband states very well, I need a letter stating that sent to me and a final payoff along with detailed charges so this can be resolved. The representative refused stating my husband needed to pay this today over the phone. When my husband said why did the other guy say if I paid today I could use my card the rep hung up on him... crooks, absolutely bullies and crooks. That detailed statement has yet to be received by us. Our losses cut and lesson learned the card is now canceled and paid in full... I hope.

1 star bc 0 stars want possible...
Started out as a grateful customer. I was so relieved to have this credit card as it was a backup for my pets care and any emergency medical bills that I had personally. I received $1,800 in credit and I began using the card. I paid on time and never had any issues. I even got a credit limit increase to $3,000 after about six months of use. All of a sudden, after about 10 months of having and using the card, I get a notification from Credit Karma that my credit utilization went up to 90%. I was immediately terrified that my credit has been stolen or something and I check into it to find out that Care Credit cut my credit limit by 50%, therefore causing my usage to go from 32% to 90% overnight. The crazy part is that CareCredit cut my limit to under what I was originally accepted for and my credit is better now than when I first got the card! I called and asked why in the world this would happen as I used the card but paid every month on time and sometimes paid more than once per month and they said that sometimes they check credit history and it changes. I get that but why would you lower my limit by half when I am using and paying for the card and my credit score is better than it was when you first said I could have it? Nothing made any sense and all of a sudden, THREE dedicated years of working on my credit meant nothing overnight. They literally, with one decision, ruined everything I've been trying to do. I realize it's not just this hoax of a company, but also an antiquated credit system altogether. But I will pay this card off and never use it again. I don't understand why you would penalize me when I'm giving you all this money in interest and I'm giving it to you on time all but once. I paid 15 minutes late one time and I got a $40 charge when it states that late fees are $28. Ever since Synchrony Bank took over, CareCredit has just declined so badly, from the customer service on. Don't bother- crazy enough- even capital one is better than care credit now!

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Based on 50 reviews from CareCredit customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Discover the healthcare financing credit card from CareCredit. Learn about financing for procedures like LASIK, cosmetic surgery, dental, & more.

Address: PO Box 960061, 32896-0061


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