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CBSN Review
In this time of Coronavirus lockdowns, it is really important for US citizens to have access to updates relating to spread, vaccine progress, equipment distribution and state mandates. I do not subscribe to cable TV, therefore, do not have access to multiple cable or network news programs. I do have access to ABC, NBC, and CBS News streaming. I have preferred CBS streaming, especially the ability to watch daily white house briefings. However, it seems like CBSN has dropped showing the graphs and visuals while the speakers are explaining them. Viewers can't see what is being explained. Please get a split camera view, or at least focus on the graphs that are being discussed! Up until a few days ago, this review would have been much better!

Boot Gayle King
Anthony and Tony are great. King is awful. Doesn't keep quiet and listen, is terribly biased and is hurting this network. I don't care what she believes as uninformed as she is. I am tired of being accused of being the reason for every minorities' problems. Her coverage of the past election was despicable and I say this as a fierce critic of Pres. Trump. CBS has a history of great journalism and some of it still exists I. E., Face the Nation, Nora O' Donnell and the evening news, etc. King's performance detracts from the overall good of the network's news department. If she was Caucasian she would have been shown the door years ago.

This morning's coverage of what racism means to white people was interesting. There are many who think of people of color as "them" who are less intelligent. This is not only a racist thought but unfair. I worked with and for many black men in a major corporation who I admired for their intelligence and fairness. Given the same opportunities for education and corporate advancement, I believe all people can achieve success.
Having written these words, I would like to see a segment that represents how people of color describe racism and their feelings toward Caucasians. Generally, when someone mentions racism, it is assumed it is only "white" people showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against people of other races.

Love the changes, but...
Why does Gayle King feel the need to offer her personal opinion or make comments when the stories aren't even hers and it is clear that either Anthony or Tony is trying to move on to the next story? She detracts and interrupts them and for what? Just report the news. I don't want to know what you think. There is a lot of unfair feedback here that either Anthony or Tony talks over Gayle... are we watching the same program? Gayle has some great points, and I've watched CBS this morning because CBS News tend to be more balanced but her side commentaries and constant taking the lead are off-putting to the point that I am starting to watch other channels. Otherwise I think there is great chemistry between the 3.

Black people
Ok cbs i know you love black people but what their going threw is ther fault. The $#*! you see on the news now is bc black people arr animals and you permote this for them. Black people have more than white people by far. You cant see a white person on food stamps and free homes and free phones. This is not our fault that CBS News are so lazy that they dont want to work. When a person wants food stamps theres rules no car is one so how do black people get food stamps when they do own 2 to 4 cars. Then football alot more black people in the NFL and basketball is the same way. Baseball thr same way. The white on black people should go to war so we can get read of some of these people. All lives matter and black lives matter is a $#*!ing joke. Lol $#*! black lives matter

You Just Lost a Long Time Faithful Viewer
Through all the changes you have made... some positive and some negative... my family has faithfully watched CBS Evening News since the days of Walter Cronkite. Now, Nora O'Donnell is NOT reporting news but slanting news to lead the listener to a conclusion by her comments or the inflection in those comments. The past two nights as the President of the United States has been hospitalized her comments have been so biased that I can NO longer watch your evening news program. What was the best news program has become very biased and grates on the nerves of thinking and caring citizens. Very sad and disappointing!

Watched this news program every am as well as the nightly with Jeff. The new partners producing the news is lacking in chemistry as well as CBS News talk all over each other during the process while yukking it up. Just the other morning the fill in reporter introduced a reporter as his "sista from another mister". Why would he say that? I miss the calmness and completeness in presentation of Charlie Rose and I enjoyed Gayle's ability to question and listen completely to what he would report. I believe Gayle is a thorough reporter and she is being dummed down by these two men on that stage table. The reporters studder as well as forget words and laugh and lose their
Places looking unprofessional. I am having a difficult time supporting as well as continuing to watch this mess.

Interview with Michelle Obama and Gayle King
Ok... I read your guidines... especially the following paragraph; "We ask that you refrain from profanity (kids need to read online reviews too!) and personal attacks such as hate speech, bigotry, and lewdness."

My review is NOT a personal attack, hate speech OR bigotry. It is just stating REAL FACTS.

When I watched Michelle Obama saying how afraid CBS News are to live in OUR country and how afraid she is to see her daughters get in a car, I was quite amazed.

Has SHE and CBS News not SEEN the BLM and the black protestors attacking SENIOR Citizens, some in wheel chairs!

I am a white senior citizen. I think that OUR lives matter too. I am afraid to go into our Walmart in Whitehall, and Allentown PA. I am afraid of getting my head bashed in, by people of color, because of ALL of the violent videos that I have seen online.

TIME and TIME again, I have seen incidents where black people are seen beating on white seniors, and Chinese people. Yet, YOUR News station doesn't seem to show the violence that these people are putting out across the ENTIRE United States.

All we hear from Biden and Harris is white supremacists, SERIOUSLY? I believe that the tables have turned!

One story in particular, an older defenseless white woman in a handicapped shopping cart comes out of a grocery store, a young obese black woman proceeds to pummel her in her head, numerous times, from behind!

IS THIS NOT VIOLENCE against white people?

A black man walking past an older small Chinese woman beats the crap out of HER, while a man in the store watches and shuts the door?!?!?

A black man beats an oriental man, senseless, in the doorway of a bus... does your station report these blacks on other races attacks? Or don't THESE lives matter?

Where is the coverage about THESE BLACKS beating the crap out of white defenseless seniors, and Oriental people, for NO REASON?

Your News seems Bigoted. Michelle Obama seems totally oblivious of the black attacks against other races, which is what your guidelines for writing review says you disagree with?!?!?

What kind of signal is this putting out to DIVIDE our United States even MORE than we are already divided!

IS THIS NOT biased reporting? I am totally tired of the double standard!

Michelle Obama, once again playing the race card to DIVIDE and Conquer OUR United States of America!

In ALL HONESTY Gayle King, if YOU were an unbiased reporter. You would NOT be reporting such one-sided News Stories, since this violence goes BOTH WAYS.

There is violence on BOTH sides. In ALL honesty the black people can be seen CONSTANTLY killing their own, especially gangs, who do drive by shootings and kill innocent, little black children.

The latest story of the little 8 year old black girl, at a McDonald's, in the car with her drug dealing father. She ends up with 8 or 9 bullets in her, from a rival gang shooting, yet her father lived!

What a shame... it should have been the other way around! That little girl should still be alive!

Yet... NO MENTION of this violence. Blacks on blacks, blacks on old defenseless white seniors, and Orientals... YES Michelle... we are afraid TOO!

SERIOUSLY MICHELLE OBAMA and Gayle King open your biased eyes to the REAL TRUTH in our country, and PLEASE STOP PLAYING the race card to divide OUR Country!

Michelle, why don't you, your husband, and children move to a Country where you will feel safe? Your family will NOT be missed, here in the United States of America.

My suggestion, maybe your family could move over to George Soro's country and take the Clintons, and Nancy Pelosi with you. Maybe Gayle King would like to go too!

Now let's see if "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" applies to MY post.

Report the news keep bias out of it
I watch this station because I really like the local news show that scheduled before it. I believe it is so bias and lately I can't watch an entire show without changing it. Report the news, I don't care about your opinion. I am a woman and I am embarrassed by Selena Williams' fit. If she was a man I guarantee Gail would not laugh it off. I don't care about race or sex. Grow up and apologize for your actions.
Also all these sex allegations are terrible. I myself was in situations when I was younger. I feel for all the victims of sexual misconduct ( as I am one) but there are 2 sides to every story and what happened to Innocent until Proved Guilty! Glad I'm not a man at this time!
What about other religions other than Catholic? There are just as many in other churches.
Anyway just report. Keep views, comments etc to yourself.
My break point was Gail who jumped to JFK defense when the photo of him and Marilyn Monroe was up for auction. If he was president today he would be shamed.
Anyway get new anchors!
Bring back Charley!

Completely one sided politically based news
I am extremely disappointed in CBS morning news. It seems to have become the Gayle King show. I have watched this show for years, but now it turns my stomach. Everyone and I mean everyone agrees that the officer that killed George Floyd was in the wrong. The officers have been charged, but she continues to say police are not being held accountable. Also, we all know that there are some protests that are peaceful, but there are also riots going on. The CBS morning news only wants to talk about the peaceful protests and how the police are doing bad things at those, CBS News never talk about the riots where the "protesters" are killing people and burning down the businesses. CBS morning news also continues to drag out every incident between African Americans and the police, but they only mention what they think the policeman did wrong but they downplay things like the suspect physically fighting the police or taking their taser. The news should tell the good and bad on both sides. It should not be one woman's personal and obviously biased opinion. If Gayle King wants to be a reporter she needs to report the whole story without personal commentary, or she needs to go back to her talk show and allow someone who can report the news have her job at CBS.

Just the facts, ma'am!
I have given up on networks reporting true facts and without bias or opinion, of which CBS is the most egregious, but I had held out and continued to watch CBS Sunday Morning, as the majority of the content is entertaining and informing. However, bias agendas of management and talent just haven't been able to help themselves and sneak in one-sided opinions via their guest speaker's opinion pieces and without offering opinions of those with different perspectives. So no give-and-take, which I hope would open the minds of their viewers. Sadly, CBS's mind's are closed and agenda driven. And sadly, I need to search for a new Sunday morning entertainment, forgoing the good content the morning show usually airs. (And no, I am not a Trump supporter. Just a viewer seeking an unbiased, non agenda driven News outlet.)

You deserve a rating of 0 starts... you all at CBS should be charged with Treason for your lies!
CBS new you are not journalists, you are left wing democrats who don't give a rats behind about the American people. I will slam your station along with CNN and NBC every chance I get by the time we are all done with your bias political news station you will have no one watching or listening to you. You all need to be put on a boat with Pelosi, CNN, NBC and the rest of the left wing democrats and a one way ticket to china to be fed only wet market food and live over there since you don't seem to care about the American people or the immigrants who came to this country legally and became citizens. You care so much about the illegal immigrants and China go live with them. You should all be charged with Treason for the lies you are telling about President Trump. Your not journalists you a bunch of terrorists. I hope God punishes all of you for your lies and your judgement day comes soon. You are horrible people and I am one American that is going to see to it that I slam you every way I can through social media and friends and family. You all should be ashamed of yourselves but you're not because you only care about fattening your pockets and helping those who only want to take everything away from the American people.

Better than abc and nbc
Norah is growing on me. Her sensitivity shows night in and out. She tries to be somewhat objective. Obviously she can't be totally objective since she is part of the overall media that hates Trump and REFUSES to give him credit for anything and BLAME him for everything. That said, she does sometimes offer the Republican position. The other two networks just spew one side of whatever story CBS News are talking about. They are so biased it is pathetic. Unfortunately this leads to people no longer believing in the credibility of the news, the newspapers, news magazines etc. Please be more balanced.
The best thing about CBS news remains Steve Hartman's stories. Please keep them going,
Thank you.
Vincent A Renzi, Jr.

CBS Morning News with Gayle King
CBS Morning News
As I watched Vanessa Bryant give a tribute to her late husband, the great, caring man, husband, father and mentor to young people, I was reminded why we all dislike Gayle King, and have such contempt for her.
Gayle interviewed Lisa Leslie, and while Vanessa Bryant was arranging the memorials for her husband and child, this poor excuse for an interviewer, tarnished the memory of a legacy by her insensitivity. Not only has Gayle lost credibility by showing just how low she will go for attention to herself, but it has also made the people who are circulating petitions to have her off the air, question Oprah's humanity by coming forth to say how "Gayle" is suffering from the backlash.
Gayle is a disgrace to all those who held Kobe as a great icon. Gagle is a disgrace to civil decency.
Gayle is a disgrace to our people... and we will not forget it, we will not forgive it. She is a social climber who is treacherous. You can place Drew Barrymore on the morning show every day, but not even that lovely woman can undo the damage.
Vanessa Bryant could not soften the blow of how Gayle has disrespected her own people.
We plan to disassociate ourselves from her, her reports, her interviews. She is the worst!

Until recently my morning started with Gayle, Norah and John $#*!erson. Combined with a nice strong cup of coffee or two it was all I needed to start my morning. Of course I had the option of watching the news on my cell. Old habits, however, when CBS News work, do not beg for change.
It was all I needed... news news and more news delivered not at breakneck speed by bullying male anchors vying for position as top dog on the network.
Gayle King of old shone, she put a human face to the hard delivery of Norah and John. But it was news. News delivered with precision, authority and compassion. Nora and John kept Gayle in check and Gayle challenged them. Now we have a bunch of rogue males rushing to deliver "news" so that they have time to share uninteresting facts with me.
I have moved on

Biased and Tainted
I am a registered independent voter and like to watch a variety of news/opinions but it is glaringly clear each time I watch CBS morning news with Gayle King that she and the entire program is anti Trump, anti Republican, anti conservative, and blatantly support bleeding heart liberals. I never hear anything that is negative about democrats or democratic candidates, only bashing and trashing of the current president. Just to let you know I have banned CBS programming in my home which includes the morning news, evening news (Nora McDonald is just as bad as Gayle King), and all other shows. It seems like NBC and ABC are getting to be just as biased as CBS so as a registered independent it appears the only place to find truly fair and balanced reporting is Fox News. At least CBS News invite guests and opinions from both sides of the aisle and give viewers the opportunity to make up their own mind instead of trying to brainwash. Shame on you CBS.

Shame on you, CBS!
Shame on you, CBS!
If I could you would not receive a single star!
Tonight, Thursday, November 5,2020, was the last straw! Election night was simply pathetic reporting! So, I turned them off!

I am appalled by the unscrupulously biased news reporting! I am tired of the self-righteous attitudes and superiority complexes of the CBS execs. And their News reporters, moderators, and anchors!
For far too many years, CBS news anchors have purposefully presented biased news in such a caustic, hateful manner so as to create, and perpetuate, the great divide in this Country. Further, the unprofessional, unethical, and disrespectful harrassment of the President, as well as, Law Enforcement Officers, and Conservatives, is unconscionable! Shame on them!

**I want IMPARTIAL news; NOT their opinion or attitudes!**

Why are we subjected to "Vlad" reporting from his apartment?
I've watched CBS Morning News for years and I always enjoyed the reporters providing good reports and a "few" personal comments. Then obviously CBS felt the need for change and the $#%& began to hit the fan. When Gail King appeared I was skeptical. I think she did well at first. Then came the personal opinions, her loud voice fighting over the two other voices and the GRAMMY NOMINATIONS...? Really? Is this a news show or what! This morning I hit the final straw when "Vlad", reporting from his apartment, brought us a video of some male singer washing his hands in a bathroom while singing and looking in the mirror... to show us how to wash our hands! Vlad is enough to take in studio, please don't make us go to his apartment to see his stupid, no-news content bits.

This morning is the first time I actually just turned off the TV when this was shown. I discovered that the silence of my kitchen was actually a good thing! I'm now looking for another morning news program and open to suggestions!

Sunday Morning is barely palatable.
I have enjoyed Sunday morning since Charles Kuralt was host. Charles Osgood was a wonderful successor. He continued to bring stories that were thought provoking, interesting and reliably educational on many levels. I never watched an episode without learning something new. Our son even chose to attend Auburn University after watching an episode about their Rural Studio Program. As a family, we looked forward to watching and it was a wonderful start to our Sunday.
Since Jane Pauly has taken the helm, this show has gotten worse every year. 2020 has taken the cake on awful. What happened to the features that were free of political agendas? Now every story has a predictable "twist". Where is Martha Thisner with her insightful art history stories? I don't care about entitled celebrities and their drug rehab and return to their million dollar lives. Please stop the covid trolling with the weekly death toll to the maudlin music. Thank you Steve Hartman. You are the only reason I stay loosely tuned in. Sunday mornings used to be relaxing. Now I find myself mostly muting the TV and feeling irritated. Stop trying to "woke" me. I just want to be entertained. Jane Pauley... you've got to go.

The level of BIAS here on Super Tuesday is SICKENING
I don't usually watch mainstream media, but put on CBS today, because I wanted to get a live blow-by-blow coverage of Super Tues. OH MY GOD!... all the so-called "reporters" are doing is CAMPAIGNING for Biden! They're doing that under the guise of "news," by cherry-picking Biden-positive "voter comments" and by trying to generate buzz about how his S. Carolina win and recent endorsements are gonna be just soooo great for him. It's so desperate and transparent! But I worry that too many people won't be able to see through it. Shame on you, CBS. You are the mouthpiece of the greedy and corrupt establishment, NOT A NEWS OUTLET!

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Based on 50 reviews from CBS News customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: CBS News: dedicated to providing the best in journalism under standards it pioneered at the dawn of radio and television and continue in the digital age

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