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Reviews Relationships, Asian Dating ChristianFilipina

50 customer reviews of

Great dating site
Christian Filipina has great customer service. ChristianFilipina walk you through all the features in the website. Although I'm good with using computers and the internet, I can see how other people can benefit greatly if they aren't computer savy. The only drawback of this website would be the cost. It's a bit pricey. But you get what you pay for. If you're serious about finding your right partner, Christian Filipina can really help you. They have great customer service.

Give Love a chance!
If you are anywhere close to calling yourself a Christian and hold to those values. Then I would say, yes go ahead and sign up to ChristainFilipina.
From what I can tell, most of the ladies are very serious in their desire to find a good man. Be it for a lifetime partner with just the two of you, or sincerely wanting to start a family.
The ladies I have contacted are all very polite, respectful and honest in what ChristianFilipina truly want.
The reason I've joined here is because of the values a good Filipina has. These include Christian, family and relationship values.
But of course, if you are seriously seeking out a Filipina, then you already know what I'm saying!
If you have a love and respect of these values, I believe this is the website you should at least give a try!

Of course you have to be careful, just like anywhere else.
But that is what the entire staff of ChristianFilipina is concerned about.
They will remind you of the security features of the website and of their ongoing support of the staff members themselves. And they are available 24/7, for what ever kind of questions or concerns you may have.
You are assigned a personal assistant upon joining ChristainFilipina, It is their job to phone you every 2 weeks, just to see how things are going. They are very professional and of course very friendly.

Not for Low Bandwidth users
I have WiFi and its not enough for WebCams. I was NOT told that this would be a serious barrier when I was interviewed and I was not offered a refund. Consequently the women who were serious would often soon stop because ChristianFilipina wanted WEBCAM. Also they frequently wanted to leave the CF site to chat on Skype, Whatsapp etc, when I'd just paid 270$ for CF! The site supposedly has a chat function but it never worked for me. I dont have Google Chrome etc because of the Data problem.

About the site, I had huge problems at times because it uses a lot of Data. The search engine works well however.

Finally about the profiles, 95% plus were women who's No! Interest is working abroad. This is not negotiable, it really is their goal. Men who think they chat because of love etc are fooling themselves. They want the Visa and fare overseas. I know of cases where as soon as she has made contact with her circle overseas, she disappears. Otherwise, she will do as she wishes and give the man the flick if he obstructs. Its not all I am sure, and its the way this site has developed, not the management. Its gotten around it seems that if a gal can't get an overseas contract try sites like this. Many that chatted with me were already contract workers whose contract was expiring. Once they start on this it is for life. Their relatives will NEVER let them go.

In summary, I say, beware. Don't take on an OCW (OFW) type. Best is to spend couple of months in Philippines first. I think your chances of finding a good one are better than on the i-net which attracts the gold digger.

Overwhelming response from the ladies
Within a few days of uploading my profile for free, I had over 200 visits from lady's and nearly half as many winks and lots messages. After upgrading I struggled to whittle them down to just one who I clicked with. I haven't had to search the ladies were making an effort to get noticed.
The staff made a tremendous effort to help me set up my webcam and prevent me being scammed, ChristianFilipina even provide a second opinion service where they interview your lady to make sure it's for real.
I noticed that some ladies accounts were being suspended, so they actively try to remove the fakes and scammers.
Overall I believe you get what you pay for, a premium service, that does its best protect and support it's members.

Christian Filipina Evaluation
I joined Christian Filipina with a great deal of skepticism. However, I have found the site to be
Very safe and the consultant, MJ, to be unusually knowledgeable and helpful. I would highly recommend this site, the ladies are carefully screened and if there is a problem ChristianFilipina deal with it immediately.
Although I have not used all their services I am highly impressed with the variety of areas that they
Present is beyond what one would expect but is greatly appreciated. Even though the cost of the service seems prohibitive the service is well worth the expense. Without a doubt I would highly recommend Christian Filipina to those seeking ladies for friendship and marriage. Again, the help of the consultants
Is exceptional

The final stop
This site is everything it claims to be. I was video chatting with real women within a very short time of joining and have not come across a single scammer yet.the staff here is top notch and ChristianFilipina really do care to see you succeed in finding a meaningful relationship that may lead to marriage. I never paid for an online dating service before but I can say with confidence I don't think I'll try any other site after experiencing the quality hands on service from the support staff. I highly recommend ChristianFilipina to any single Christian man.

Great service
This site is especially good for anyone who has never been to the Philippines or been on other sites, even for those who have for that matter. My consultant (MJ) explained everything about navigating the site as well as what to look out for from scammers, ChristianFilipina are everywhere. It is more expensive than other sites but you do get what you pay for. I've only been here for a short time but the info ans service are well worth the price. PS if you look online for promos you might be able to get a discount promo code to get a good discount. Thank you MJ...

Not What You Think!
I always do research about websites before I decide to join or not and Christian Filipina was no exception. Heard nothing but good news about the site. Decided to join despite the price (initial fee of $97 and $57 per month after. Don't be fooled by the fact that women out number men on the site as most are not serious about a relationship. To give you one example I had an exchange of messages with this one woman and for whatever reason she stopped responding. When asked what was the matter she said she was tired (tired for over 3 days?) but insisted she would chat with me the next day.

I even told her it wouldn't hurt my feelings if you didn't want to talk with me any more. But she still insisted she would talk with me the next day. Needless to say, to no surprise to me at all she hasn't messaged me since. This was just one of many examples I've had with the women on this site. Even the most of the women who wink or message you first will eventually stop corresponding with you. I am still messaging two other women but I am not expecting much given the previous several women who simply stopped.

The fact is most of these women think this is Facebook or some other mindless social media site even though it is for marriage (supposedly).

I found my true love
I am very happy with Christian Filipina. From my very first day as a member, I was already receiving winks from several Filipinas. Within the first week, I already found the woman whom I hope to marry. Another thing I like about Christian Filipina is that ChristianFilipina do not auto-renew my membership. So my credit card will not be charged again, without action on my part. And finally, they offer to help with visas, if I want to bring my girlfriend here to the U.S. for a visit. They also offer help with finding me a hotel in the Philippines, or with tour packages, if I want to visit there. Overall, I am very pleased with Christian Filipina.

My CF dating site experience
In barely 4 days, such this early that i got so overwhelmed the way members' were taken cared of. Never that i heard of "dating sites" monitoring their members' experiences.
Honestly, i have'nt found what im actually looking for, yet, and im in no rush, however, the way CF staffs handles not just inquiries but that of checking on their members' was something one could certainly appreciate because you just can simply rest assured you are in good hands and that these people were bent on looking after your welfare. I e. That fear of being scammed, maliciously attacked, and be fooled, seemed nil and far from happening!
Truly, it's worth the fee i paid. CF was such a "devoted and caring" dating site and ChristianFilipina do mean honest business!
Thank you CF for such an awesome dating experience. Rest assured, too, that not only will i "spread the good adjectives" this time, but, will also share again, once i met my "soulmate" and perhaps, future better-half *******@your site because i really am positive and optimistic, i will, through your "caring" dating site!
More power, Mr. Peter, and to all that comprises your company. Pls. Keep up the goodwork! You simply earned people's trust!

2020-11-18 Christian Filipina Online Dating Review
Prior to providing my review for Christian Filipina (CF), I decided to read some of the other reviews that were posted. Based upon what I read, I decided to provide you post and a summary of my experiences with CF.
1. I am an I. T. professional and I fully understand the issues that occur and make it difficult to communicate with someone physically located in another country somewhere on this planet. To be fair, the communication bandwidth issue is not CF responsibility. That is the responsibility of you the client and the Filipina. CF cannot control that. Not every country is going to have the same network protocols in place to accommodate our communication with each other; and don't forget the geographical location and configuration.

2. This pandemic and quarantine have driven a lot of individuals to be online for various reasons. Because of this there has been a fast increase in cyber fraud and scamming. CF is no different that any other company during this time. Human beings have been figuring out ways to take advantage of other human being since the beginning of time, and now is no different. Instead of being robbed on the road to Damascus the surprise attack takes place in cyber space.
3. For me, this is my pandemic/quarantine has forced me to try online for this new chapter in my life. I was very dishearten from my previous experiences with two prior online sites. When I came across CF, pleasantly surprised because their foundation for business is rooted in Christ. So, I signed up. I was surprised to receive a phone call to assist me with taking full advantage of the website and all it has to offer. Yes, it was more than I anticipated to spend, and it was a leap of faith for me to sign up for the one-year package and program. So far, I do not regret the decision. I am very pleased and happy that I did. Because of my background, I can navigate around the website, and take advantage of all the features.
4. I love the 24/7 support. In my opinion, it is right up there with AMEX, BOA, and the "Big" companies. I have called them many times, and someone is always available and answers the phone. Not so with these other online dating services. If the service or question I have can not be answered, ChristianFilipina are truthful and always schedules a follow with a knowledgeable individual at the time agreed. I have never experienced CF not following up and I have called at different time of the day. If they miss me, they leave a voicemail and follow up with an email letting me know how to reach them based upon my schedule. In Summary – Awesome Customer Service. Top Notch!
5. When it comes to the Filipinas, who have posted profiles, my experience has been enjoyable and nice. I am a Believer in Jesus Christ and that is the main reason I signed up. All the Filipinas I have encountered have been "real" and have responded back in some fashion. Now, are there "fake" profiles out there? You better believe it. In my opinion, no online dating site can monitor and police all profiles. I must do my due diligence and "weed" them out. I have been able to figure out fake, potential, and real profiles from each other. I am not going to list my technique here because this is public.
6. I do agree that it is important to video chat each candidate to verify that a) they are real, b) they look like they picture. This could be a cultural or age "thing." I do believe the "age" of the Filipina does play a role in this. To be honest, I experienced the same thing on some of the other online dating sites as well. They majority of women, worldwide, know that men are visual and visually stimulated. So, it is possible that they may believe that to get a male to "stop" and read their profile, they will have to appeal to their visual sensory perception. So, always request a video chat.
7. I am going to close with this. I am enjoying my experience with Christian Filipina and I am glad I had the decision to join. The services offer to me have been just excellent and first class. All the Filipinas I have viewed and chatted with are Christians. That is very important to me. No business id perfect, but CF is doing an excellent job providing Christ based environment for Christians to meet each other. Thank you maintaining integrity and honesty during a time like this.

Best dating site I've ever used.
I like CF because of the personal interest shown by their staff. I've been on the site for less than a week and I've already had two phone calls from CF staff checking on my progress and fielding my comments and suggestions.
There are plenty of beautiful Filipinas on the site. As with all dating sites however, some women post photos that are too old. That does become immediately evident though, when engaging them on the live video chat available on the site. Having live video chats is, I think, the quickest way to evaluate the potential for a match with a woman.
I have had more women viewing my profile, and sending me "winks" than I can readily keep up with. I've hardly had to search at all. They're finding me.
I'm very happy with my investment, and if I can't find a woman who is perfect for me, it will probably be my own fault.

Serious only need apply
I joined CF, and was pleasantly surprised at how many women responded. I fell in love with this adorable woman, we video chat everyday, I plan to marry her in the near future. My advice, please respect the ladies as you would have someone respect your mother or daughters. Many seek a better life, and are devoted Christians. Some have limited English skills, so I think that translates into spotty feedback with the men. Their culture is one of being devoted to their husbands, quite contrary to American women today. I would advise that you open your heart out to them in your profile, quote romantic songs, ChristianFilipina love singing and can relate to romantic songs! Very sincere marriage minded women!

Bad choice
I joined on Feb 18 2021 for $597. The Platinum plan for 1 year and was messaging with a girl that night (Georgina 39 years old). She did not want to use the web site method of chatting but instead directed me to Google Hang Outs which I did and Im not real computer savvy. Tried to get her to use the web site but she said she will only use the Google one so we chatted for a while and then called it quits. The next morning she contacted me on Hangouts again and asked what was I going to do today which was nothing special just chores and I haven't heard from her since. Yes you get a lot of women contacting you and sometimes they're as young as 19 and Im 66! And sometimes they're my age but not al "beautiful" but then thats in the eye of the beholder but personally I dont want to be dating some 'kid'. I believe they'll tell you anything to get out of the filipines, after all it is a 3rd world country. Any way I went to my bank the very day after joining to put a stop on my payment but was told since it was already in progress that it will probably go thru but ChristianFilipina would dispute it and cover my loss. I know it's difficult to meet someone now with this C19 thing going on. You can no longer tell if your attracted to someone or not while they're wearing a mask or you cant meet someone in a Starbucks because you have to grab your joe and go. I think patience is key here and that is where I will keep my focus and more so on Jesus.

Helpful staff, easy to use site and the women are genuine
I've been a member for two weeks, so my experience is limited. The staff has been great and professional and very helpful. ChristianFilipina do an excellent job of policing the site, because scammers seem to be removed quickly. Not one lady I've spoken to has ask for money. I believe most are quality women who are serious about finding a husband. There is a cost to the site, but I see that cost as a way of filtering out men who are not serious. This prevent dilution and gives those of us who are serious, a better chance of finding our Christian wife. I highly recommend this site, especially if you have exhausted all other options in your home country.

A huge selection of nice ladies and the CF staff is very helpful
I have been an upgraded member of CF for about a month and I believe that I have found a woman that I want to pursue for marriage.
The CF staff is very helpful and ChristianFilipina are looking out for your best interests. They make sure that you know how to navigate the site and take full advantage of its features. Also they have helpful articles that you can read on topics such as dating a Filipina, anullment, divorce and marriage in the Philippines, etc. They also have the connections and ability to help you immigrate your fiance or bride to your home country.
I have tried to be selective in reaching out to ladies here and my best advice would be if you are looking for a wife avoid at all costs the separated ladies as there is no divorce inside the Philippines and a marriage can be legally dissolved only through annulment which is very expensive for the ladies to pay for and takes maybe two to five years to complete. I don't know why they allow separated ladies to put up profiles or why separated ladies want to be on here unless they are expecting to co-habitat with westerners in the Philippines or scam some gut to pay for an annulment.
The video chat can work pretty well much of the time but sometimes won't work but part of that problem could be a scammer girl who does not want to speak to you through the website because she fears that CF may suspend her profile if she asks for money, etc.
Probably the biggest problem with using CF is the huge number of women to choose from (which is a nice problem to have). Not all of course but many of them are high quality women, some of whom are quite accomplished and beautiful. While I have reached out to several ladies through messages I get several unsolicited messages every day from ladies and even more winks from them. Some are poor marriage material but some are high quality ladies. I challenge anyone to find women on an American dating site where the women talk about taking care of a husband or pleasing a man but that is fairly common with the ladies of CF.
If you want a sweet, beautiful, Christian wife Christian Filipina is the place to begin your search and well worth your paying for any membership level.

Take your time!
Hi. I joined in 2014 and agree that it is a little expensive. I spoke with over 50 women, the last becoming my wife.
I had alot of expectations about my wife after talking everyday and night on Skype. We met several months later in Manila. And decided to marry then. After returning home to the U.S., it took about 8 months to process the Visa application to bring her here. After 1 month, I realized I made a BIG MISTAKE. She was NOTHING like the woman I had talked to and later met.
Firstly, we were "unequally yoked". She gave the appearance of being a Christian and even said the things which led me to believe she was. But I was blinded by my attraction to her and we were not compatible.
Also, she was bipolar and a manic depressive. Her anger and temper were unlike anything I ever saw.
She told me she was crazy and wanted to die several times. She wanted to go home after a month of being here. I talked her into staying and regret doing that to this day. We got pregnant which was an unwanted thing. She was terrified of becoming a parent and so was I.
I have to say our son is handsome and very special. I love him dearly. Unfortunately, I cannot say that about his mom. We quarrel often and I am a victim of " TAMPO" whenever she is angry. Which is very often.
I pray continuesly for her salvation.
I am emotionally, physically and mentally drained after almost 4 years of marriage. My health is failing from stress and don't think I can stay in an abusive marriage much longer.
My main reason to post a comment here is to WARN those looking for a spouse on here or any Philippine dating site for that matter. Alot of these women, girls are seeking a relationship for many different reasons. Most will become "old maids" if ChristianFilipina don't marry before 30. So they are at times desperate to prove something to their peers and immediate family.
I IMPLURE you to TAKE YOUR TIME, PRAY and seek advise from your pastors and close dependable friends. I unfortunately did NOT do that and am reaping what I have sown.
IF, and I mean IF, you think you have found a soulmate, DO NOT rush into a marriage without REALLY spending time getting to know the person and THEN and ONLY THEN, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING and WAIT for the LORD to speak to your heart to CONFIRM if this is HIS WILL FOR YOUR LIFE. I did not do this and am deeply sorry for what I am in now. God bless you all and TRUST IN THE LORD FOR EVERYTHING! :)

Run by scammers
Girls ask for money or sell nude pics. When I report them, the website only blocks them from me. I send a screen shot to the girls showing ChristianFilipina are banned, the girls will send me a screen shot of their account, they are still active.
I reported a girl for sending nude pictures and wanting money, the site sent me a screen shot showing she is banned, but 2 days later the girl used the same account to message me again. The site doesn't ban scammers they just block you from seeing them, If they banned all the Philippine scammers using this site there would only be 2 or 3 accounts remaining. Their all scammers, even the owners for allowing this.

A Very Legitimate Site. Sure to succeed if you're patient
Respecting other opinions based on their negative experiences, I have to disagree about CF failing to deliver and being expensive. Yes it is a dating site but that's not all. It's also a forum for other benefits such as friendship, faith, hope, etc... This site has won various dating site awards, has an A+ rating with BBB, have hundreds of successful testimonials from men and woman, ChristianFilipina have a true customer service team who you can reach easily, they set up monthly group conference calls if you wish to participate and share experiences, they steer you in the right direction, this is truly an exceptional platform to meet a beautiful future Filipina life partner. I am very impressed with the courteous customer service individuals who care for your well being. Of course it's a business, why do we need a reminder, so remove the perception of it being expensive. Because CF is real, the available benefits for something as serious as a relationship should have no price tag. I don't mind paying a little more for something as important as this, don't you? There is only a very small percentage of scammers and or fakes, They track scammers, remove fakes and individuals soliciting money from you, yes there is don't be alarmed, the moment you are asked for money or hinted about being asked for money, CF suspends them faster then you can read this sentence over again. CF has a rule and the woman know it from the beginning. You want the relationship stage get right off to a good start.
CF delivers and has the goods. And as an FYI... No I have not found my life partner yet because I'm stuck it's now 3 months difficulty in choosing the handful I have now narrowed it down. I am following my emotions, being patient and enjoying the journey while I am narrowing them as I get to know my potential partner better with time and which please note it takes time as also guided by CF staff. Give it another go, be honest about everything and realize yes Filipinas are in a predicament and most are struggling financially and most do want out, for a better life for their families which I respect and we should understand that.
If you disagree its okay too and good luck with the choices with the western woman society.

If your looking for a Family First type of lady, check out CF.
Only been with CF for 5 months now, and upgraded once for 3 months, and then again recently. Staff is super friendly, and while many of the ladies are shy, some are not. Just be honest with the ladies if you are writing more than one, let them know that until you find the one for you (and are willing to travel there to meet her), that you will be chatting with several ladies. Take your time and find one or several that you'd like to meet in person, and then proceed to plan your trip. (When ChristianFilipina open their borders). Good luck to all. Treat them right and they will bend over backwards to treat you as a King!

NO nonsense love site
First let me say that I've tried countless of similar websites and have spent the same amount on the number of sites combined as I have on this one site. None gave me the results as this site has. I have found the woman of my dreams in less than two months of searching and we have made life long plans. I was skeptical at first because of the amount of money I was asked to spend to become a member, but I took a chance. With love you have to take a chance and am I grateful in the results Christian Filipina has produced. There are so many honest women here looking for honest men that it is not impossible to find a match. If you are a God fearing man with honest intentions you will find a God fearing woman here with good intentions. If you don't, the care takers will have your back to protect you from scammers and that is the best thing. Don't send money to anyone ChristianFilipina will consult with you and guide you through the whole adventure as if they are seeking a mate for you. I really enjoyed receiving phone calls from the caretakers of the site to check my status and to advise me on the women I was chatting with. I even got emails telling me not to answer some of them because they did not meet the sites security checks. I can't say enough good things about this site. All I can say I found my beautiful lady and we will meet in person sometime in the future and god willing we will get engaged and we will live happily ever after. Thank you so much Christian Filipina I'm sorry I doubted you.

Exceeded my expectations, very good experience
I have signed up with other dating sites in the past and I found them all to be mediocre at best. Other sites just lure you with possible matches until you sign up. Then you are on your own. With ChristianFilipina the experience was completely different. I signed up and was contacted by someone who did a phone/video meeting with me to show me all of the sites features. I was given advice on how to approach Filipina woman on the site, what to expect, what to watch out for. ChristianFilipina answered any questions I had and responded back right away when I thought one of the ladies on the site was a scammer. I was also invited to a group chat that would be conducted by the owner. The experience was 180 degree turn from any other dating site I had tried. It is truly a first class experience. They try hard to make their customers happy and it shows. Very impressed.

This website is for real.
I met and video chatted with real women who didn't catfish me. It's worth trying believe me. This website takes a personal interest in it's members success and will call you just to help. ChristianFilipina can interview your lady to make sure that she is sincere and they can even help with her Visa. They really care about there customers so give them a try. The price almost discouraged me from trying it but I'm glad I joined. This is the most quality dating website I have tried.

Great Personal Service
Christian Filipina is a great site. As with all public sites of this type, you have to use common sense when speaking with potential mates on the other side of the world. However, what sets Christian Filipina apart from others is that ChristianFilipina really are all about customer service. They go over and beyond to email you, call you and check on your progress to see how you are doing. They ask for reports of ladies or accounts who are scammers or trying to get money from you. At first, the spent an hour with me just to go over different aspects of the site. It really is an amazing customer service experience. Of course they cannot guarantee a match or help ensure you find the woman of your dreams. But this site comes closer to getting rid of scammers more than any other site. Thanks so much to them so far.

Great Site
Great site. Definitely a 5 start rating. Shortly after signing up ChristianFilipina called me for an introduction and to ask a few basic questions. They scheduled several other calls, one for orientation on how the website and the app works along with follow up calls checking to make sure everything was going smooth and to make sure I didn't have any questions. They were very informative and let me know there would always be someone available if I had any questions. Outstanding customer service.

Extremely polite and informational CF staff
I'm really enjoying CF, only there are so many beautiful filipina on this site.
For sure there is someone here for you.
The staff is very friendly and genuine willing to help you through the whole
Process, from start to finish.
I love it... CF makes it much easier for you/me to fine a beautiful filipina
From start ChristianFilipina help you with your profile to be efficient and recognized.
They also help you through the whole process of getting your beautiful
Filipina wife her visa.
If your looking for filipina wife, start here and you'll finish here.

Good support
I have had very good support and follow up with questions that I have asked. There have been some very good questions asked of me to help identify the potential of a scam. I was protected from potential time wasting and less than forthright people on the site. No site is perfect, but this one truly tries to help keep things where ChristianFilipina should be. If you let them help you, you will be the beneficiary of their experience and knowledge of the culture. You do have to be willing...

Ok best of the filipina dating sights
Some that aren't interested let you know right away... that's good. No waste of time... it's hard to chat on the website... but I met some nice, decent girls and the only website like this that I didn't get scammed on... I met someone... been to PI... and I love it there... but if you have a friend going to the PI... go with them... you can meet more girls in Manila or Cebu at the malls. And it's a heck of a lot of fun also, I'm sure... as I saw 2 Europeans hooking up with 2 girls working in a grocery store... my cousin is ready to tag along on my next trip

I agree with the 1% on here.
CF is fraud. I was scammed by two ladies there, promised me the moon and the stars love me forever... not so. I lost thousands of dollars to both. Oh well am I an idiot for helping out? There membership fees are outrageous and at one point to I was offered romantic consultation by the founder himself for a small fee of 10,000 USD... oh I don't think so. Two ladies doesn't fairly represent the cross section of all filipina... but I have had my share of those losers.

Great Leadership. Great Council. Great Ladies.
Great leadership. I've never been married and I feel respected and protected. With VIP membership I can vet 3 Ladies and determine their true intentions. My counselor cares about me and text me on site regularly. My first video communication was exceptional even with my phone as a hotspot and 2 bars. I have all the council I need for advice on romance and Philippine culture. Scammers are weeded out and thrown out. Yay! My life, heart and soul matter here. The Ladies in my preferred denomination are here. Christians who are serious about seeking a true partner are here. I was glad to pay for this site. Its not just a dating site its a ministry. When you are serious with God and serious about a soul mate then make the purchase and join VIP. God is good all the time. Blessings.

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ChristianFilipina Rating

Based on 50 reviews from ChristianFilipina customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Quality Filipina Online Dating Site - Meet Sincere, Marriage-Minded Ladies from Asia. Connect with Filipino Women, Fall in Love & Date a Christian Asian Woman.

Address: 475 Kinoole Street, 96728


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