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50 customer reviews of

CNN bought and paid for
CNN has gotten to be the worst news reporting agency there is, I don't even call them journalists, CNN have become so biased. In my opinion, the ESTABLISHMENT has them bought and paid for. They are so anti-Trump it makes me sick. They repeatedly show the same videos and scenes over and over again, trying to make one think Trump is responsible for all the whole mess. CNN should be held accountable for all the protestors and violence. They promote it by repeatedly showing the same film and making comments about expecting protestors to show up at rallies. They not only fuel the fire, but are constantly fanning it, urging people to violence. Anderson is the only one I would give any credit to, the rest of them stink with their own biased opinions. They are the ones who prosper from all the negative reporting, probably the only thing that keeps them from going belly up. They are as dishonest as the Establishment and the Clintons, who it seems, most apparently, keep them funded. Can't blame Trump for quitting the debates with these mongers running the show. I've never heard the same questions repeatedly asked over and over again. Talk about beating a dead horse, they have that down pat.

Lying mindless idiots
These people lie, slander and will say or do anything that CNN can to destroy anybody that isn't a democrat. All you hear is their biased opinion. They never give the truth. They should have been blocked from the public a long time ago. The only reason to ever watch this is to find out what the enemy is up to now. Only the mindless dumb- o-crats believe this garbage. I just saw them trying to destroy a young lady who posted an add for a roommate who wanted a person of color to reply. They don't even know this person and tried to make her out to be racist and destroy her at the college she attends. It's. None of their business. She can choose whoever she thinks she'll be comfortable with. Why are these people so hell bent on controlling other peoples lives and pretending like it's for morality reasons? They with their politically correct BS are some of the most immoral people on the planet. CNN stay out other peoples business, you are not the morality police. You are low down and disgusting. If it weren't for the mindless you wouldn't even have an audience. You insult peoples intelligence with your mindless jargon. How do you even support life with those tiny little brains Your not qualified to judge others. You talk about bullies causing people to commit suicide and look what your doing. Your no different. Your numbers are dropping every day cause people are smarter and it won't be too much longer and you'll be gone. Thank God. Oh yea, you people don't believe in God. Stay out of peoples personal business MORONS!

CNN is terrible for America!
I would give them a "0". I hate watching any "so called news" from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and many others because it is completely biased. CNN have no respect for others opinion. They cry out foul when they feel harassed, oppressed and bullied... yet that's exactly what they are doing. They have no respect for any authority, like wayward children they have gone astray and what is so terrible is that their actions cause a divide in our country. They don't care for truth or what's right. They just want to push what they interpret as truth and use this media pedestal to preach their nasty hateful speech against anything they don't agree with. What I see is that those involved in the riots and boycotts, want to be heard but they are incensed with hatred towards any opposing view, which they feel justified in damaging things and hurting people. This is truly selfish and they want things to be rectified no matter the cost but these same people say that it's under the banner of freedom. As far as the ban is concerned, if it came down to it... would these same people give up their spot in America to give others a chance to live here... because then you really would believe in the safety of others over your own and therefore it would bring merit to your protest. I just feel they are all hypocrites and as for me and my house, we won't listen to their "fake News" anymore.

CNN helped to elect Trump!
I used to watch CNN daily, and love it, but now I only watched it when I felt curious to know what "story" CNN might produce today for their only purpose - hurting Trump! I truly believed that CNN has helped to elect Trump. Why? If CNN had only reported the true stories many people might not felt the sympathy or "love" for Trump - Trump might have many weakness as a person but at least he speaks out of his heart. CNN's daily-overreacted reports has greatly harmed the Democratic Party - sorry, CNN made you look like a liar! If CNN only reported the true stories and reported less "comments", "hearsay" or "opinions" - people might not be sick of your same-tone reports, but better use their own judgement to figure out the truths from your real news - the result might better than you hoped.

So what can be the CNN's news today? - I don't have to turn on the tv; it must be same as yesterday - more new stories in headline - using an event rewrote/edited the news in a tone which can only hurt Trump! Can you just report the events/news without any of hearsay!

Now I have a new habit - watching FOXNEWS! Between CNN and FOXNEWS I try to find out the real news. However, FOXNEWS seems to be the better one!

Democrat Central
I've been coming home and turning over to Cnn after work for about 5 months. It is ungodly how much time you guys spend on Donald Trump while ignoring all new on Clinton that could have a huge affect on potential voters. I've also noticed when polls started showing that Clinton is way up you guys make it a damn priority to mention that it's still important for everyone to vote. I agree that Trump does things that makes headlines but you guys are so in left field it makes me sick. You report on Trump saying things at rallies like he's winning when polls show him down. Your setting up a conversation for a group of idiotic Democrat anchors and guests to bash him yet I bet you can't name 10 reasons Clinton has swayed you to vote for her because you don't pay any attention you just support her because you guys are owned by guess who. It's sad to see news going this way. We're leaning into dangerous territory where Democrats (the ones who talk about how dangerous republicans are to democracy) are trying to make everything: Congress, the courts, media etc. are trying to hijack this country in a f'd up kinda way toward socialism. F CNN I would give you a 0.1 but there wasn't an option.

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just want to tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just want to tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you CNN SUCKS

Chris Cuomo looked like a fool.
I thought that Chris's show was fair but after tonight and alot of the comments he has said recently have really opened my eyes of the unfairness to our President. The two ladies that he had on tonight were so right. I expect that type of reporting from the Lemon guy but, I never expected Chris to look like a fool. Those ladies that were on his show tonight were right I also feel that if you are a reporter you should report the facts but, you should also report the good facts and not just concentrate on all the bad. All that CNN reports is negative toward our President. The Amercan people voted President Trump into office and now we should just unite and support our leader. I don't think that by accusing him or making assumptions about what we really dont have any evidence just yet we should report anything bad just yet let's just wait till all the facts are revealed. As for the lies that he has said I ask everyone one question especially Chris " he who has not sinned cast the first stone". If President Trump is so bad for America then go out and vote him out in 2020. As for now can we all just try to be honest with ourselves and stop making America look worse than what we really are. Dont forget we are the best country in the world. God Bless America.

With life being so busy over the years, I never spent much time watching the news, most of my free time was spent watching Christian programming. Once the election season began, I was trying to learn and understand each candidates positives and negative's and therefore began to watch the news channels once again. Immediately, it became apparent that I didn't have many options to choose from. As I scanned through the channels attempting to educate myself on the candidates, with the assistance of our trusting news anchors, it became apparent rather quickly that the narrative of this respect, negativity, immature and childish interviewing and conversations completely disturbed me. But none more then the CNN team. Chris Cuomo, who I loved and adored and trusted completely broke my heart with his behavior along with the lady that he does the morning news with. I always thought of him as a man full of integrity and goodness but after watching his behavior morning after morning hoping it would change, I realized Chris apparently became a change man. It was quite disappointing. After so many years of not watching the news, then jumping in expecting that nothing had changed, that CNN would remain fair and biased, it was quite disturbing to find out what very little option I had to choose from. In conclusion, I still continue to watch my Christian programming, all of which remain non-biased and truthful in the reporting, which is what I was looking for. Between the big programmers such as CNN and FOXNews, I prefer Fox, due to the discomfort I constantly feel when I watch CNN.

Pro-establishment, Pro-War Propaganda station
CNN has devolved over a period of many years into yet another press release agency for the government. With very little in the way of critical dissent and alternate views.

Sure CNN will have talking heads on the supposed "left" and the "right" but CNN rarely if ever challenges the fundamental assumptions of the system. It almost never addresses massive corruption in Washington. And how the government is bought and paid for by monied interests, corporations and oligarchs.

The nauseating TV commercials on CNN tell it all. Big Finance, Big Pharma, Big Defence etc etc. These powerful lobbies and the damage they cause America and the world and the distorting effects on what is left of American "democracy" are never seriously questioned.

All wars are given a free pass etc. The latest saga involves nearly 24/7 coverage lambasting Donald Trump, who while worthy of criticism (like any other President) can't even dare meet with other world leaders or withdraw troops.

The 24/7 coverage of "Russia gate" is also nauseating with rarely an alternate view expressed. What Russia is accused of doing (meddling etc) is no worse than what the US does across the globe 24/7/365 on a MUCH greater scale.

But because it involves Trump CNN is all over it in a completely irrational way. Sad that this once venerable institution has turned into nothing more than a televised National Enquirer. No serious journalism to be had.

What happened to CNN?
For many years I was a frequent viewer of CNN and HLN. I didn't question anything, actually trusted what CNN reported and sadly accepted it as correct and true.
About two years ago I realized there is another side to the news. And a bias side of that! I actually felt betrayed and stunned to see the difference in how and what news was being reported. I am so thankful for a real "NEWS" channel FOX NEWS.
I have learned that CNN can be extremely bias, misleading and reports just what CNN want you to hear. Many times you may not even hear some important news because it didn't fit their way of thinking. What about us the average person?
What about the truth? What about the news! All the news! Not just part of it or have news weighted one way or another. All I expected from CNN was news, real news. Not have it twisted to fit your own political agenda. I don't need your opinion, I need to know what's really going on in the world. CNN is a STRONG left political tool. It's so obvious it's ridiculous. I left CNN two years ago but have checked in a couple times just in case. No change yet. Don't waist your time here. You could be disappointed...

The unpopular message
CNN is a news station that chases the tide of culture & then sets out to side with it. Truth transcends time and culture something CNN is definitely opposed to. CNN continues to prop up and help in the plummet of moral degradation. I think its safe to say their Father is the father of lies. If catabolism became socially acceptiple CNN would join their cannibalistic constituents and fight for their rights to eat your neighbors children. Their already standing with the LGBTQ community and continue to add letters. The Next letter to add is "B" for beastiality.The Q already includes pedofiles so why not. CNN is a front runner for supporters in moral degradation. A supporter of smeer campaigns because they love being morally destitute. A meer tabloid that you can buy full of fantasy and fake news just before you check out in the supermarket. A progressive liberal and Democratic slime pit where they all grope along the slippery slopes they try to propagate. I say give them their own island so we can sit back and watch it become a great treachourus nothing in just a few generations. The interesting part is the morality of the moral people in this Nation keeps these devils afloat. If we did away with morality they would kill and undermine each other and they wouldn't have a national stage at all. Jeremiah 29:11

Extremeist news network
How CNN considers themselves honest, fair and unbiased is sickening. Only a daily basis CNN push news stories that are total lies or heavily skewed to push a political narrative. They do not care one bit about give the public new but instead are determined to devide this country making it full of hate. Regardless of political affiliation we should all stand up against racebaiting, liars and hate mongers. If CNN wasn't backed by George Soros and the deepstate they wouldn't even be a network anymore. Seeing Don lemon up there calling blacks traitors to there own race because they are trump supporters or blaming white people for the countries issue is absolutely appalling. Skin color does not reflect character. People like him and Jim Acosta are the real racist bigots they accuse everyone that supports trump of being. There's a reason CNN has worse ratings then Nickelodeon at night has. People are no longer buying into the hate mongering, race baiting, brainwashing, lying, bigoted, anti Semitic, facist propaganda they push each and everyday. It should be illegal to deliberately lie to the public in order to push a political agenda when in a position of power. But because there "Democratic socialists" they can do whatever they want with no repercussion.

Just pathetic
I can barely even stand to right the initials CNN because CNN have become such garbage its disgusting. Let me make one point, the story about the photo about the kid in cage who was separated from his family by ICE at the border is a total wash and then they try to back pedal all of it and say finally reveal the truth... on the internet, not tv... and say oh yea that photo is from a protest in Texas. The kid was just depicting... Get your head out of your ass CNN. Oh and then make the comment of more than 2,000 children have been separated from their families since the law has been implemented... HEY! CNN! Did you forget something? Let me remind you then, you best butt buddy Bill Clinton created the law that separated the children from the parents and YOURE other Un-American best bud Barack Obama RE-ENFORCED that law and now President Donald Trump is getting rid of that law and you are STILL giving President Trump $#*!? About what? Please someone tell me... record low unemployment. Record low unemployments for blacks. Record lows on welfare. Record highs in the stock market... not that Im a huge fan of Wall Street... record GDP growth... OH YEA, I almost forgot... no I didnt... PRESIDENT TRUMP DENUCLEARIZED THE KOREAN PENINSULA AND AVOID A VERY POTENTIAL NUCLEAR WAR AND ACTUALLY MADE PEACE WITH NORTH KOREA! But no, you all are still going to give him $#*!. For what exactly? You have nothing CNN. You are nothing. And lastly... seriously, get the chick/dude Rachel Madow off of peoples TV screens. No one wants to see bull$#*! acting like hers and everyone hates the sound of her voice... at least I do. Oh and shes just full of $#*!. Seriously, full of $#*!. Dont waste yours time with CNN. Just stop watching them. Stop even mentioning their name because just us mentioning their name is the only reason theyre staying afloat... anti-American network

Fake News
Fake News. Do not believe a word these people say. CNN censor the right, while validating anything and everything the left has to say. Look at who they employ; it's no wonder the people no longer trust CNN. People like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are a complete and utter disgrace. How can you possibly label yourself the free press when constantly restricting the flow of free thoughts and ideas? Does CNN truly believe it fairly covers the ideas of the conservative right the same way it coves the liberal left? How about CNN's reporting of Tara Reade, Obamagate, "Russiagate", and the like? I thought women were to be believed. Why was that only good enough for Brett Kavanaugh? Did Obama really have a scandal free administration, or did CNN and other media outlets simply choose to overlook the facts (fast and furious, billions left on an Iranian Tarmac, Biden's Quid Pro Quo in Ukraine, the unmasking of General Flynn, and the illegal wiretapping of President Trump (then presidential candidate), the caging of children that actually started with Obama, Michele Obama's constant racist/hateful remarks towards white Americans). The Obama's widened the racial cleavage in this country (Ferguson, constant racial remarks about White Americans).

The Obama presidency was a clown show. CNN frequently talks about President Trump's gaffs, but what about Obama saying that there are 57 states, or how about when he said he was a big fan of the Miami Heats (he was such a big basketball fan after all)? Obama claimed to be a huge sports fan; yet, he didn't even know the name of Comiskey Park located in his own home town. He called it Comiskey Field. Seriously. And CNN consistently failed to report this kind of stuff, while having no reservations about its flawed reporting of President Trump. These are the reasons CNN is considered fake news. Look at how CNN White House correspondents act at press briefings. Completely disrespectful. If anyone acted towards Obama the way CNN does towards President Trump, then it'd be considered outright racism.

These people are simply unprofessional. They completely lack any modicum of integrity. Shut down and go home.

As bad as Anderson Cooper is, Don Lemon is the worst. Before the presidential debates for the past year, I used to respect both of them. Now their true colors have come out.
Always trying to find ways to attack Donald Trump. Athough I'm not a fan of him either.
Instead of micros cropping Donald, I wish you spend only half the time on Hillary.
She's a compulsive liar. She should never been forgiven for Bangazi, Destroying emails, Crushing phones with hammers. Lying to the public and the families of the Bangazi attack.
Servers in her basement? And on and on and on with her lies? Taking money from Saudi Arabia were CNN demonize women, gays, Christians and Jews.
It's sickening how low profile CNN is keeping these real issues about Hillary. These issues are a lot e important than Trumps' taxes or among other things he is saying. Ask yourself a question, If Trump did all of these things that Clinton did? You will be bashing him and criticizing him like there is no tomorrow
CNN(Clinton news wetwork)making me sick. You have lost me and all my family and won't never watch you again. Mr. Lemon is a joke and a disgrace.
CNN, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

CNN has disdain for our constitution, our president, conservatives and the rule of law. CNN push false narratives in an effort to perpetuate fake news. CNN is a parody site as they don't actually report news, they report their convoluted opinions as fact and only use tautological talking points - in an effort indoctrinate the feeble minded, regressives who believe everything they see on television. They openly calls our POTUS racist, despite ZERO facts or evidence to substantiate said slander. They constantly talk about Russia-Trump collusion despite ZERO tangible anything, yet ignoring MOUNDS of evidence the DNC and Hillary actually colluded with Russia. They ignore actual news, like the Uranium One testimony yesterday and the story regarding FISA abuse, instead CNN had a disgruntled former reality star as their main headline. CNN is nothing more than regressive, liberal, one-sides propaganda meant to echo through their ALL liberal staff. If you word at CNN, you're not a journalist, you're propaganda pushers. TURN OFF CNN!

CNN's Government, Trump and Raging Bias's
I used to think CNN was great when it was 24 hour news. Now it is the absolute worst. CNN no longer report, they comment and are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government and the liberal left. They are EXTREMELY biased. I was a life long liberal democrat until mid way through Obama's first term. His failures and arrogance and CNN bowing to him turned me into a Libertarian and then a Republican. And by the way I'm voting for Trump because if you actually listen to him he's very smart, committed and extremely capable, an outsider with means who won't owe special interests anything. I can see why the establishment and mainstream media and politicians are afraid of Trump and dis him every chance they get. Because he will fire them all if. I've bet on him winning and was convinced since he first announced. America get ready, because he will win. Gloria Borger and Donna Brazil are so wrong on Trump (constantly railing against him) it's almost comical. Just look at the polls, and take them for what they are... accurate. Trump has led since he announced and he will win the nomination and decimate Hilllary Ben Ghazi Sever Worst Sec. Of State ever Clinton in the general election CNN get back to basics of 24 hour in the field non biased REPORTING of the news. You are certainly not going to influence this election. The liberal out of touch left will be losing everywhere so just accept it. I can't imagine how disappointed Ted Turner is in the current CNN. I often wonder how CNN in good conscious can put spokespeople from the administration on their broadcasts to spout their brainwashing pablum. I also wonder how many of their Pudits like Fran Townsend are nothing more shills for and the CIA FBI NSA etc. Are they on the payroll? If so they should have to say that up front. And Jeb... stop spending millions, drop out you have noooooo chance. Can't everyone else just see that from the first debate? Hello, someone tell him please. Ok I feel better now... lol got it off my chest. Ok Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper are pretty good, I'll give them that.

Thanks CNN for standing up to Trump/administration and having the guts to call a spade a spade.
Don't be a puppet like Fox News, CNN are bias. They slammed President Obama every chance they could get but allow Trump to fabricate the truth and support his shananigans. Fake news is what's coming out of the White House and I will not believe a word they say (alternative facts)... embarrassing! CNN keep up the great work and continue free speech and press. In fact, don't shut up and tip toe around this president sensitivities like they want you to. I and lots more will continue to watch a fact checking news channel vs. what inexperience bullies from White House/administration want one to believe. For years every president took the heat of the Media... now this one can't take the heat so instead make the News media enemies when they should be focusing on keeping America safe (not helping) all this crap is peddy and irrelevant coming from White House/Bannon/administration (inexperience and true colors coming out; shouldn't been confirmed by Senate). All this inexperience don't know how to govern this country. Other countries are watching... shameful! Embarrassing! Shout out to CNN. Do you!

The most biased reporting- anti Indian channel
I used to be a regular follower of CNN. I used to love listening to Sanjay Gupta and Anderson Cooper. However as an Indian American I have been dismayed at the incredibly biased reporting by the news channel not once but recurring on every news piece. The channel seems to be anti India and pro Islam terrorism. The coverage on Indian Kashmir where the President Modi was able to bring the original people of Kashmir(Pandits) back to their homeland was lost. The amazing step forward where he was able to promise equal rights, jobs, schooling to the Kashmiris was lost in the news reporting. The piece about Howdy Modi also painted a very biased picture covering the 20 protestors instead of the 50000 patriotic Indian American community that showed up. These Indian Americans contribute billions of dollars to the US Economy and love both America and India. CNN has been ridiculing and taking the Indian American community for granted. You do not need to be pro Islamic terrorism and anti India to appeal to the general US population. You have become a disgrace to journalism.

CNN Holding Americans Hostage From Knowing REALITY
Most American's are now hostages of a CORRUPT Government starring Barrack Insane Obama and his leading Lady Schizophrenic Hillary Rodham Clinton both are clearly sociopaths. CNN are fighting for "OPEN BOARDERS" and "COMPLETE GUN CONTROL" they are demoralizing their pets: average everyday Americans particularly the police and boarder patrol including Ice agents. They have destroyed their country from the inside out via the common-core educational system, illegal immigration, medical care, DIS-information via Main Stream Media and news outlets, etc.

Now that the country is "waking up" to what damage has been done they are in panic mode! So they start blaming random things for this mess they caused often using "left-winged conspiracy theories" like "The Russians" are hacking all our systems, The Russians are fixing our elections, Global warming is causing Storms and Hurricanes, Donald Trumps language is causing ISIS to hate us, The sky is falling, the sky is falling... you get the idea.

Then they create FAKE/Hoax stories to back their conspiracies and plaster them across our TV screens. Quite disgusting and we NEED regimen change fast! If American's come November 8th don't vote for this change (ei: Donald Trump) then we are such idiots we deserve to be blown to smithereens by any and all countries we have meddled with and in. There won't be ANY "Safe Spaces" around. Free speech is a thing of the past and PC culture destroyed our rights to our U.S. Constitution and "Free Thought"

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Based on 50 reviews from CNN customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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