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50 customer reviews of

Worst customer service EVER!
Comcast started service(and billing me) before I even authorized the service to start. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. After requsting to speak with a supervisor for the last 6 months, I was finally able to speak with Carmen(a supervisor) who said that she would not pull previous calls and it was not her fault or problem if the employee's I spoke with before her lied to me. I asked for her supervisor and she hung up on me.
Bottom line, it should not take 6 months of repeated calls to speak with a supervisor. And the supervisor should be willing to help. Not tell me it's not her fault every employee I have talked to lied, then hang up on me because I asked for her supervisor.
Xfinity/Comcast has the WORST customer service(if that's what you call that)team and they need some serious training on customer service immediately!
Needless to say, I switched my provider. The $4 more I pay every month is well worth it knowing I will NEVER have to deal with a comcast employee ever again.
Get it together Xfinity/Comcast... you guys SUCK!

If anything can go wrong it will go wrong from service,...
If anything can go wrong it will go wrong from service, to billing, to equipment, to repairs and their Customer Service is THE WORST I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED IN MY 40 YEARS OF ADULTHOOD. We tried to combine our home account with our rental's account, Comcast couldn't figure out how to bill us so they terminated our service at the rental. We have never missed a payment in five years. I called Customer (dis)service to try to make a payment and the guy said, "It's not my fault you don't want to pay your bill"! At that point I lost my cool and said, "I'VE BEEN TRYING TO PAY MY BILL FOR THREE DAYS, TALKED TO 3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE WHO ASSURED ME THEY HAD TAKEN MY PAYMENT AND I STILL DO NOT HAVE INTERNET!" It took 3 days to get that straightened out. After complaining to the Better Business Bureau, they only gave me 1 month free service. About 2 mos. Later, our neighbor complained about static on their internet. Their fix? To climb up the pole and DISCONNECT OUR INTERNET! It took them 2 weeks to get out here and figure out what the problem was. Will I get another month free due to their incompetency? Stay tuned and Run, run as fast as you can away from this company. No one there knows what they are doing. You call five times about the same problem, you get five different answers and none of them fix your problem.

Worst support EVER~
This is by far the WORST customer service that I have ever received! We received our self-install kit. I tried to set up our user name and password. Had big-time issues. Kept getting the information did not match their system please call for help. So we called waited 15 mins for a rep. The rep gets on the line hardly speaks English. Talks to us for over 30 mins having us trying to log in. ACTING like she is setting up the accoutn for us. Finally says oh well I need you to speak with one of our technicians to finish. You wont have to hardly talk to him I will explain it all. He gets on the line and has no clue who I am or what is going on. We tried to explain to him. He started asking questions about is this an old address. Not making any sense at all. We finally had to just hang up as we had wasted over an hour on the phone to get no where. So then I think Ill go on and chat with someone. OH NO you have to use a user name and pass work to chat with someone. WTF why? So if we are having issues with user name and password you are SOL. This has been by far the worst! I work customer support and your support is what gives customer service a bad name!

Absolutely unforgiving
I'd been a customer of Comcast's for over 8 years. Never missed a bill or even made a late payment.
At first it seemed that Comcast had made an effort to improve their customer service, but that all went out the window for me when there was a fire in my apartment building. Our unit wasn't affected but the utilities were knocked out so we couldn't live there and my husband and I were made homeless for an unknown length of time. It could be two weeks... it could be a year. We didn't know.
I called Comcast to see what to do and all Comcast could do was put a "vacation hold" on my account... for the low, low cost of $8 per service plus tax per month. I explained to them that I wasn't on vacation; I was homeless! I offered to extend my contract by however many months we were out of the apartment, which actually would've been a better deal for them in hindsight, but they wouldn't work with me. I ended up paying over $80 to them for no service whatsoever. I begged over and over for MONTHS to speak to a supervisor and was told again and again that one would call me when they were available. I never heard from anybody. On my third call, I complained about this fee, only to be told that I should be "grateful" that it's so low! She also said the fee covered "rental" for the equipment even though I owned my own modem and router, yet I was still being charged a "vacation hold" for my internet.
Then, one day, my bill jumped from the $18/mo I was paying for the "vacation hold" to $127! I called in (and had to explain my situation for the umpteenth time because no one put ANY ******* notes on my account) and was told my hold had "expired". I told the woman that I didn't even want this account anymore, but that I'd been trying to speak to a supervisor about this for months and no one would call me. She then put me on hold for 20 minutes, and I had to hang up because I was running out of minutes. Suddenly I get a text message saying that my account has been cancelled and I needed to return the box now! Slight problem... and the reason I had been asking for a supervisor... the box was in the apartment, which was boarded up and inaccessible!
So I go to the "Xfinity store" to see if maybe talking to someone face-to-face would do anything. The guy was really sympathetic and seemed to genuinely want to help but he said there's nothing he could do. He couldn't reopen the account, he couldn't open a new one and link the box to the new account... my choices were 1) return the box, 2) pay $250 for the box, or 3) be placed for collections. Luckily, my husband was able to bribe the maintenance guy to let him into the building (something he could've gotten fired for) so he could retrieve the box, but that took two weeks and I was bombarded by phone calls and text messages multiple times a day, every day, until that happened.

I'm so glad there is now a second provider in my area, because when the repairs are finished and we can move back, there is NO WAY ON EARTH I would give Comcast another dime!

Disgusting customer service
My wife and I have been customer *******@xfinity for the last 3 years. During this time we have not gone 6months w/o having problems of one nature or another; billing issues (applying payment to wrong accounts, miss charging, changing bills w/o notice, etc.), we have had our property damaged (by company's contracted to install underground lines), we have had more service related issues than I can count from faulty equipment or improperly installed equipment or "unidentifiable problems out side of out property", and most recently have been lied to- scammed- and stolen from by this company. (Short version of the story is Comcast applied a payment back in June to a non-active closed account causing us to be charged late fees and have service interruptions, after 12 days, 14 phone calls, over 4 hours of time on the phone with there "CSR" reps finally got the issue corrected and was promised that the full next months bill (July) would be credited to our account in the amount of $227.58- done one July 2nd. They infact applied this credit to my account, and now today July 18th I log on to my account to see the credit has been removed. Called in and was told "accounts revenue department" had removed the credit saying it was incorrect and not owed to us. They did this with out any notice and now say I owe 400 for July and aug bills, and the late fee for July. After a 50 min phone call with a CSR manager I get put on hold (after requesting there boss) for 61min and than get hung up on. I am not back on hold as I type this review (32min and counting). This company is full of scammers, liars, thefts, and cons. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM! They will steal your money scam you lie to you and at the end of it all tell you it's your fault they suck.

These guys are a WHOLE RIDE!
I'm trying not to cuss... I gotta pray or something! These jerkoffs are a whole great deal. If you can't tell already, I'm hella pissed. I was in a car accident, and I couldn't work for months. Found a job where I can work online, but Comcast cut the internet off. I called to make arrangements, which I can't make the full past due balance yet, and they agreed and cut my internet on. EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY I've called at least twice a day to turn it back on so that I can work.

The person I spoke to today was telling me there's nothing they can do. So I said "are you serious? So you're telling me that you can't cut the internet back on, for me to work so that I can pay you guys?" She clearly dodged the questions and me telling her off. This woman had THEE AUDACITY to put her work phone down and ignore me for literally about 5 minutes, and I bet she thought I was going to hang up. I DID NOT HANG UP! Then I told her to let me speak with someone higher than her, someone who gets paid more than her. She said she's is the higher up person. I told her I ain't dumb. Someone get paid more than you to do this job. Then this woman turns around and gives me the number to speak with someone higher than her. Then she turns around and says "I know how important needing the internet is, seeing that I need it for work too..." which I cut her off and said she would never understand. Her name is MJ and her employee ID number is *******020 take note. Count your days MJ.

My account was given to someone else, NO QUESTIONS ASKED
MY ACCOUNT number was handed over to someone else, NO QUESTIONS ASKED

My "roommate" had MY ACCOUNT number switched on and put in his name despite the fact that he has never had credit nor was he required to provide proof of address or any other identifying documentation (which every customer service agent insisted to me was required). I spent 2+ hours on each of approximately five or six phone calls to rectify the situation, was given multiple "ticket" numbers and "escalation case" numbers, transfered to multiple different departmemts, and was told on 3 seperate occasions that I would be contacted by supervisors, etc.etc. Etc. Yet every subsequent phone call or transfer was treated as if it was the first time Comcast had ever encountered this situation and the notes were minimal on the account if not altogether absent! I was told numerous times they "will get a supervisor on it right away" yet almost FOUR WEEKS later nothing has been rectified. My well established account now has SOMEONE ELSE'S NAME on it and inexplicably shows that they've had the account in their name since the account was established. They are utterly incompetent and worst of all, THEY DON'T CARE because they know that they're going to get customers regardless because they are a monopoly. I would honestly rather not have internet than to allow these imbeciles to have my money. WHICH THEY STILL OWE ME BECAUSE THEY GAVE MY CREDIT TO THE NEW ACCOUNT HOLDER!

This is only a tip of the iceberg on this legal cartell, thiefs Comcast are.As soon as I get the bill to 0 it comes back at 325.00 for basic tv and internet only! This is like the 15th time for this, always some reason why. Plus you have to pay them to be able to pay a month ahead, did u know that? Which is bull too. Also of course I got lots of added on goodies I never asked for nor gave my permission for to be added to my bill. Must have pi--ed them off when I switched my phone to century link. It supposedly broke up the bundle, but they had other bundles, so 320 dollars a month for 2 things? Cmon, How can a company get away with all of this crap. 8+ years worth of nothing but crap. Every month I have to call about something for years and years straight. Never-ending lies and scams and thievery. In my area they were the only ones available for quite some time without going to sat. So Ive had to deal with them. Im up for a lawsuit if anyones with me on this I have so much on these people now they need to just admit their sins and pay us all back and for all this stress and time wasted ++. I could really write a book on this company if your a lawyer get ahold of me, these people need to be sued!

Internet Service Provider Blinded by Greed
Those that know me know that I am not a fan of Comcast or its business practices. As an ISP, I would expect Comcast to have high standards for internet connectivity and customer service, but in practice Comcast are a company that are focused almost entirely on maximizing their profits at the expense of positive interactions with their customers across all fronts. Even outside of being an Internet Service Provider, Comcast has a tendency to acquire different businesses and media and turn them into profits for a short period of time before taking away the benefits that consumers find in those different businesses.

Their online services leave a lot to be desired since online resources may not be entirely factual. For example, those looking to sign up for Internet service in their area may see speeds that are claimed to be available to them only to find that they have to settle for a lesser speed since the infrastructure in their area is not able to support those faster speeds. I've personally had to deal with a number of negative interactions with their staff and the contractors they send out to fix issues with their service. Comcast, in some markets, outsources the people that are sent out to their clients to fix or connect service. This essentially becomes a guessing game on whether or not the individual will be respectful and friendly.

I cancelled Comcast to go to AT&T for $50 less per month because as their service got worse, their prices went up. I went to swap out a modem and Comcast removed 2 channels. When I called back about it, they said to put it back on would cost $10 more a month. The last time they told me about a promotion, I told them that they could change it and they never mentioned a contract at that time. They sent me a text to confirm and told me I had to confirm it because the offer expired within a certain amount of time. I found out that this text was a 12 month contract and I didn't find out until I cancelled. They then waited until I made the last payment to make an adjustment, which left me with a $70 credit balance. Ironically, the early termination fee was $70. I have filed a dispute with my bank for the fee and I have reported this to the FCC. They are a rip off and I would strongly advise anyone against confirming anything via text. They will not do the decent thing and tell you verbally that you are agreeing to a contract, they do it in a sneaky way, knowing that the average person doesn't have time to read a contract in tiny font via text while on the phone. Dirty dogs! I will never do business with them again. The best thing that came out of this was I am loving AT&T. Good channel line up and internet at a very reasonable price. I wish I had changed it sooner.

Stop your greed for money
I would like to explain the problem to you that I'm having with Comcast and DIRECTV. Every since we moved to this location. I have been having a problem with them over charging me and charging me what Comcast want to charge me. They all work together in these little small towns and all of them are doing the same thing and that's robbing people of their hard earned money. It's hard to believe that in a small little town like this would be this way.

People doesn't try to learn anything behind their wrong doings. Instead, they get worse and worse. The way that things are going wrong in this world today. Look like somebody would learn some sense. It seems as though they would try to straighten up and try to do what's right or, the least they could do is be half way right. God is warning us and trying to show us the way back to him. People are living to evil and wicked. All they can see is money floating around in their heads and this is all that matters to them.

Take a good look at what happened in Las Vegas. Those people had no idea of knowing what was going to happen to them. They was in the right place at the wrong time. This could have happened to anybody. And those people were anybody you or me. Now, those people loved money too. They are gone and they can't take money with them and you can't buy any of there lives back.

The point is why be so greedy for money. That is what you call total selfishness. The first thing a person would think about those people that lost their lives is Oh! Well it wasn't me too bad. The wrong attitude. Those people was from all around the country but, you wasn't there at the time it happened. Think about if you went to a grocery store and somebody opened fire. Then you would have something to think about besides money. You would be thanking god for saving your life. You would be thinking that it could have been you. Then you will learn how to seek for god and thanking god because he saved your life.

You will not be sitting behind a desk anymore trying to figure out how to skin a poor man's hide. You will be thanking god for saving your life. What people doesn't realize is that when you are trying to hurt someone else. You are only hurting yourselves because everything that you do wrong. There is a charge and that charge is made out to god and paying god for the wrong that you have done.

There is no love for each other anymore and god is about love. Pretending you love someone isn't good enough for me. People has put all their love into money and don't care about anybody else. All in their eyes is money and running a race trying to get more than anybody else. God told you that money is evil. And it is, because people will do anything for money. Comcast and DIRECTV. I want you too know that robbing people isn't cool and any other of those companies that's doing these things to people. There is a lot of hungry children(s) out there and you are taking the bread off their table.

God doesn't like for you to take from his children. He said help the poor and needy not to rob them. This is one of the prices that you'll have too pay to god. These people has been playing games with my account every since we been here. They keep upping the payments and every time I talk to someone they tell a different lie. Something needs to be done about this issue. They wouldn't want anybody doing this to them. What make them any better than anybody else. When you call them up they will give you figures to try and make themselves look good in case anything comes up they can stick to a lie and I know that they are wrong.

Whoever, you are speaking to they claim that they are adjusting the price and when you get the bill it's a hundred and something dollars. I have watched them over and over play this game. We never missed a payment since we been here and they are telling us that we are not paying the full amount and we are paying what they tell us to pay. They are all about money in this place. We are not behind in any payments it's them doing this.

I'd rate them higher if they were not a monoply
I only contract with them because it's them or satellite. I can't afford satellite tv/cable. Or I'd be out of Comcast like that. Comcast varies in customer service from professional to rude. Most of the time I have a decent customer service experience. Some times I don't. Our local Comcast store is horrible for customer service. Everyone is miserable and obviously hates third job. I didn't use to take the satisfaction survey after words but now I do. Comcast need to know. If a rep is good I rate well. If they so much display snootiness or attitude I rate low. I didn't use to do them but companies need to know. I work in retail too but know how not to give bad customer service. If you want repeat customers you treat them well.

Everything is pretty much done online. Some of the reps give you a hard time for having to do things for you when the customer could easily do it online them selves. Well that's not why I'm calling. I have trouble understanding stuff like this. Maybe I'm not in an area where I have access to my computer... I sort of wish trump didn't undo everything obama did. I did like that oboma stated that internet was a utility now and made it so internet providers don't over charge their customers. Since this happened I'm slowly seeing my internet bill creep up. 15 years ago when I moved out I was only paying $25 for internet + cable. Now I end up paying like $60 for just a low grade internet option.

Comcast will rob you & there's nothing you can do about it
When I first purchased Comcast I chose the internet and basic cable package with 2-year agreement. My first bill was for $129.99 which included all equipment and fees. After 6 months and no changes made to my service the monthly bill increased to $149.99 after a year to $172.93 and so on. Mind you this is supposed to be a fixed 2 year contract but Comcast makes up and alters the contact as Comcast go without your approval. After 2 I got a call from Comcast offering the x1 platform and was told the bill wouldn't change at all. That lasted 1 month then all of a sudden jumped $40 to $232.35/mo. This is an insane amount of money for 1 person to have basic cable and internet. I then realized they added HBO and starz to my account without my knowledge so I went on and removed those channels decreasing my bill to around $200/mo. I called to complain but just got thrown around to different departments which was a total waste of time. They then figured out I lowered my bill and then decided to hit me with broadcast and regional sports fees (which were never stated on my bill until now) on top of increasing the equipment rental fees from $6.99 to $12.99 so my bill was back at $230/mo. I called to complain again and they told me there's nothing they could do then told me I could cancel but would cost me $330 early termination fee. This company flat out robs its customers and does not abide by any contract but will punish you if you break there rules, try to decrease your bill, or even leave. I'm surprised some of there business practices are legal. You can't even get out of it you become a slave to the cable company. Do not get involved with Comcast once your in you cannot get out without paying them a ridiculous fee to leave or get sent to collections because you angered a rep. Even if you try to cancel they won't let you. They'll say they canceled your account then continue to bill you and then send you to collections screwing up your credit. That all happens behind your back because you'll never see another bill but will owe them thousands. STAY AWAY FROM COMCAST!

COMCAST REVIEW I recently moved to Sterling Heights, MI and received a promotion letter from Comcast in mail for 30.00 internet per month. After a conversation with their agent, Comcast made it clear that I can keep this service/promotion for 12 months with no change in service. In a month, I received a call and they offered me to increase the speed of internet to 100 Mb/s with only increase of $2.0 in or monthly payment ((promotion deal which was not true). A month later our bill changed to 43.83. When I called them back, they told us that you changed your plan, and when I explained to them that what happened, told me you cannot switch back and that deal does not exist anymore. On their survey, I explained and next bill charged me 26.32. Now again on January, 2020 bill they charged me 39.20. When I call edback again they told me they cannot do anything. Their customer service told me you have basic channels and internet as package which is a good deal. Again I explained I did not ask for change. I did not want basic channel. Again, told me they CANNOT help. I DON'T RECOMMEND COMCAST. Their customer service doesn't help just want to sell you something and convince you that you are getting the best service. They call you offer a promotion which does not exist. AVOID THEM IF YOU CAN.

Bad Customer Representative/s
Comcast/xfinity has gotten from bad to WORST!
I called comcast the other day to complain about an increase on my billing (Netflix premium upgrade which I did not make). Called their customer service who was extremely polite (as expected) and suggested to lower my bill. Since I used my smartphone to call them, the rep told me to just confirm the adjustment through my phone, of course, without reading the "fine print." Not surprisingly, a series of unfortunate events happened.

Immediately the following day Netflix (which the bill is originally incorporated into my Comcast/xfinity billing) charged a separate bill into my credit card. When I called Netflix Comcast told me that Comcast altered my subscription and removed Netflix. I immediately called Comcast after three (3) representatives and was put on hold for more than an hour only to tell me that I have agreed to a new 2 year contract with a new subscription increase of more that $30. When I told them about "misunderstanding" that was actually brought about by the first "customer service representative," I was told that my old subscription is no longer available and that I am now committed to the new subscription that I have agreed to with a much higher monthly bill. To top it all, they told me that I am now bound by a new 2 year contract with them. I am planning to CANCEL my contract immediately and will pay whatever penalty they will impose but will NEVER avail of their services EVER AGAIN!


Comcast should change the "o" to a "u" and "cast" into "blast" in their name.
This company represents ALL anti-consumer and anti-users business practices AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Comcast don't want happy consumers, they want money, they want china-styled internet, they want copyright to have more power for liability. They say f*ck you for cancelling their service, and also mail you a bad name.

The actual problems are:
-Crippled internet:
--Supported the unholy SOPA bill. SOPA stands for "Stop Online Piracy Act", one of the worst copyright bill that luckily didn't pass. It basically gives big corporations power to demand ISP to block sites regardless if legal or not.

--Anti-net neutrality. If you thought web filtering was bad, how about the ISP's turn to do the blocking? They are basically trying to completely block sites that they don't want. Even if you take that out, they wanted to slow certain loading sites to force you to pay more, that's greedy and much worse than software companies using crippleware to encourage users to pay the full version (such as a watermark on video editing programs). I know they are trying to prevent piracy, but those sites are not always used for that reason, some of them are used legally, such as a backup, review, etc.

-Lawsuits. I can't count how many they have, but they even violate a law that enforces net neutrality: Hart v. Comcast Corp. (and also false advertising), overcharging users, etc.

--changing customers' name to a bad name, like Ricardo Brown changed to a curse word.
--The bomb that exploded on "Hurricane Ike", basically comcast didn't care if disasters like this happens, you are still required to return their equipment of renting.
--Trying to terminate the service is also bad, just look at other reviews. There are too many issues.
-Overbilling. I mean really.

And more. This company features every possible thing they did that consumer hates

Comcast/xfinity routinely misrepresents their service to poor people
Internet service in poor neighborhoods in America is often only available from Comcast/Xfinity, Comcast knows that these people are poor and often people of color so Comcast take advantage of their virtual monopoly. They overcharge, lie, cheat, constantly trying to pressure the poor, the elderly, disabled, or disadvantaged people to upgrade when they cannot afford the package that they already have. I am an elderly (69), disabled Vietnam Veteran living on a fixed income. I will summarize my experience in the last 6 months I tried repeatedly to reduce my Intenet/TV/Voice package. A representative convinced me using direct lies and lies of omission to sign up for a package that I could not afford. I have tried many times to downgrade to just the Internet (my contract requires me to keep 1 service of 3) until July of 2021. However, several Comcast/Xfinity customer service representatives have told me that it was not possible for me to downgrade at this time (lies). Comcast has long waiting times for their help-line. It is my opinion that the reason that any company that has customer help-lines that typically have 10+ people waiting is not providing an acceptable level of service. Have a nice day

Comcast, Comcast...
Comcast, Comcast... you GAUGE consumers (I was paying $85 a month for Internet ONLY, and got tired of it and cancelled.). When I called to cancel, the "customer service" rep offered me a lower rate:

ME: No thanks. You could've offered me that rate much sooner, and you chose not to. Now I'm mad, and going to another ISP.

HIM: Are you saying you EXPECT US to call you, and OFFER YOU the lower rate? The deals are all over the internet!

ME: Yes, that's what I'm saying.

HIM: Companies don't do that: call you, offer you the lower rate. You gotta call US.

ME: Comcast do, actually. My mortgage is with Quicken Loans, and when I can get a better rate... THEY call ME.

HIM: So what if I can give you a lower rate?

ME: Nope. Still mad.

Comcast, in other words, is happy to exploit customers until their custmoers wise up. It's so sad, to see a company do this. Their technicians are pretty good... just, overall, not worth the money whatsoever. Wish I had left sooner.

Comcast is probably the best choice in Savannah where...
Comcast is probably the best choice in Savannah where I live because there are really no choices. So when you pit bad against the bad, it's coming out on top. Comcast offer more speed than AT&T's highest tier so if you need to do anything internet related that's more than surfing and watching shows on one device only, this is the only option. If it I was in the Northeast, I'd probably drop it a star. Their xfinitywifi service has never worked in any place I've gone to, and I travel along the east coast at least three to four times a year making several stops along several places. I'm able to sign in for a few minutes before it kicks me off or the hotspot name disappears. Oh and watch out for that 300G per month usage. I near that usage every month with work and about 2 hours of internet TV everyday so watch out heavy users. On the bright side, I was able to download WatchESPN app and watch the World Cup on ESPN even as a regular internet subscriber (although I don't watch any other sports so it's only a small perk).

Dropped the ball online, picked it up over the phone and in person
I moved into a new home that was technically at the same address as my landlady but a separate house. When I contacted chat support for help in ordering internet service for my rental house I was told flat that it was impossible to have two accounts at one address and Comcast could not help me. After such lack of initiative in the agent or even probing questions to determine if there was a way around it, I turned elsewhere, only to find that in my neighborhood Comcast was the only game. Out of desperation I called their customer service and ran my situation by a very friendly phone agent. He informed me that they could definitely help me and as he knew I needed internet for my home business, he arranged to have a tech come immediately the next morning and for a discounted price in apology for the previous treatment. The tech that arrived was extremely pleasant, efficient, and knowledgeable. The end result made up for the initial failure completely.

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Comcast Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Comcast customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Save on XFINITY Digital Cable TV, High Speed Internet and Home Phone Services. Enjoy entertainment your way with great deals on XFINITY by Comcast.

Address: One Comcast Center, 19103


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