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50 customer reviews of

Stay as far away from this company
My 1st mistake was not reviewing this companys reviews. Placed an order with this company and i had issues with getting my parts 2 weeks late and then like idiot i placed a 2nd order months later, i called the next day to find out the lead time for shipping and was told by peter it takes them 3-5 days to process the order and mine has not been processed yet. I told him to cancel the order his comment was " whatever if that's what you want" told me he cancelled my order i then followed up with rma and email within the hour. Then i get email few minutes later saying my order shipped called back again the customer service dept is closed got hold of sales joey who is very good said order was NOT cancelled and shipping label was created by not picked up yet. In the a. M get email saying CorvetteMods can not cancel the order because it has shipped (BS) called fed ex with tracking # emailed and they said it has NOT been picked up yet so i call peter again and get jerked around and told he has to email the cancelation dept. And find out what is going on and lied about cancelling this order the day before. So i have now filed dispute with paypal, BBB and leaving this review. And then find out they have been kicked off couple of forums as vendors because of so many complaints and have red flag warning on BBB site Bottom line i should have READ BBB AND REVIEWS BEFORE ORDERING ANYTHING FROM THIS BS COMPANY... BUYER BEWARE DO NOT ORDER FROM CORVETTE MODS IN MY OPINION

I was a long time customer. I ordered a mild to wild switch for my C7 corvette. I was sent the wrong part. I never used the part. I called and told them. I was told to get a RMA number. I filled out the form on the website. Waited for authorisation. 2 days later i was asked to send pics of the part, i did. 2 more days go buy and then i was told to send pics of the box. WTF? I did as i was told, sent pics of the box. 2 more days and 20 emails later i am told no returns on electrical parts. I explain CorvetteMods sent the wrong part and they know it, i sent pics. Then they tell me nothing they can do for me. Folks, this is a $55 part, not a $1000 part. I told them the correct responce should have been"we are sorry we sent the wrong part, we will refund your $ they say no. I contact my cc company to dispute the charge and then they say return it for a refund. This was a terribe way to treat a long time customer for a small amount of money on a mistake on there part.if they have to try to screw you on a $55 part, what would happen if you had a $1000 part.

Terrible Customer Service - Fake Positive Reviews?
I continue to try to resolve a problem. CorvetteMods shipped me another customer's order and said they would send me a replacement. They told me to let them know if I had not received it 5 days ago. I have called them numerous time and sent numerous emails with not response. When I did get Ginger in customer service, I was disconnected 3 out of 3 times. They have a history of treating customers like this.

* They were removed as a vendor listing on several years ago. Check out the feedback you will read on this site.

* There is a pattern in their reviews. It is interesting that there are multiple bad reviews in a row, spaced out over maybe a month's time. Then all of a sudden, there are 4 or 5 new outstanding reviews all on the same day to help these reviews slide to the front of the line. Each of these positive reviews since the last of a series of negatives, were done in 1 day, all by first time reviewers that just joined this month. Coincidental? I think not. I do believe they are padding there problems with positive reviews they create themselves. It is just too obvious.

Do not do business with Corvette Mods. You will regret it.

Never purchase anything from them!
Hello cyber world. Hopefully this will keep you all from buying from this company!
I recently purchased a set of headers for one of my C3 Corvettes.
And asked many questions before purchasing.
And was told that there has never been an issue with this product.
I received them. CorvetteMods looked great. They seemed a little long and low. When I placed them on my workbench. So I call there tec support and question them again.
And they reassured me that I should have no problem at all.
So I installed their product. To my surprise they were not only sitting way to low. One inch from the ground. They also will not except the z bar for my cluch. Witch makes them useless!
So I call back and explained my issue.
And all they can say is sorry. Now that you have installed them we will not take them back...
And told me to sell them on eBay. They
Would not put me in contact with there manager. Saying they were to busy and that the manager would be telling me the same thing.
How on earth does a business run this way?
I'm so disappointed with this outcome.
I will be contacting the better business bureau.
Please be advised to NEVER spend your hard earned money with this bull$#*! company.
I will continue to exploit there unprofessional ways.
Anyway I can.
As I asked them. If you were me and purchased something for your car. And then talked with there tec support team before installing To Make Sure there shouldn't be any issues. And then when there was and issue. And are useless.
Then was told sorry sell them on eBay. Would you be fine with that.
And there response was sure I'd just resell them. This company has no business being in business!

Don't Order ANYTHING From CorvetteMods
I have placed two orders with CorvetteMods and both orders were a disaster. The first order consists of "Under-the-Hood LED Red Lights." Instead of CorvetteMods sending the "Red LED Lights," the order arrived with "Soft White LED Lights." I immediately notified CorvetteMods of their mistake. I spoke to Julia. CorvetteMods replaced that mistake by sending me two "LED Interior Lights" that I do not need. To this date CorvetteMods have not corrected their mistake. My second order was placed with Walmart, whom placed my order with CorvetteMods. The second order consists of a "Chrome Billet License Plate Frame." Instead of CorvetteMods securing the item with bubble wrap and placing in a box, CorvetteMods used two yellow 8 X 11 envelop by cutting and taping the envelopes together causing the "License Plate" to become damage (bent) during shipment to me. The license are not flat as it should be. When I contact CorvetteMods, there was no answer so I contact customer service. I spoke to Sheila at and she stated that she would help me to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

This place, CORVETTE MODS, somewhere in Texas, is the worse business EVER!
I placed an order about a month ago then another one two weeks after that (BIG MISTAKE). Immediately, on both orders, the money was posted from my account, placing my order in PROCESSING aka "Waiting". Two weeks in I call to check on my first order, some car seats... some southern dude transfers my call to some dude with the heaviest foreign accent, aka "Customer Service".
Long story, short this mofo says, "Just keep waiting and accept it"... so I lose it on this clown! He says to "not talk in that language" which my response was F*** YOU, THAT'S MY MONEY Y'ALL HOLDING ON TO! It gets better.
After the call, I repeatedly call back and the line to BUY PARTS always answers, but as some as I mention I'm having a problem getting parts, money back, or even an answer to my questions, CorvetteMods quickly send you back to the foreign guy.
So, I call back inquiring about the same product availability, it's there, and how long to get it the my door, worse case scenario, 9 days. I had already waited over two dam weeks with no clue where my s*** is and my money taken! So I lose it on this clown too!

Then I searched them... found out this was a common story with these mofos! People ordering items, not receiving it, and basically giving up... but they had the wrong one this time. I checked with the to BBB, which had a book on these con artists, then called my bank about potential fraud against my money. They said they'd replace the money and go after Corvette Mods themselves. I emailed these scammers, "I want my mother****ing money, this ain't a f***in game, run my s***! You won't be keeping my f***in money"! A day later, a month into this annoyance, this scam of a company FINALLY sends me an email saying my product is now shipped along with a tracking number. I can't even write the whole book of what bull***t I went through with these clowns!

TERRIBLE Customer Service. Order somewhere else unless you want a headache! I placed an order on Dec 14th 2016. All items were available when I placed the order. Then CorvetteMods wrote me that one item was discontinued in size XL and if I want an XXL. Emmmm, nooooooo. If I wanted an XXL, I wouldve ORDERED an XXL. Then I get an invoice telling me the item was shipped! Okay, that works (so I thought), sometimes that happens. All items arrived, except that one. So I told them to send me the XXL. Then I get an email telling me that NOW the XXL is no longer available either. I called and emailed several times. I was either ignored or was told different things each time. So I requested a refund for the shirt I never received ($32.99). After yet more emails and TWO phone calls I received a credit (almost a month later!) for $16 and was told that, since the shirt was no longer available my order total has now dropped below the free shipping threshold! The NERVE! I called again and explained that I wanted the full refund, since this was a mistake on THEIR end. Their order system shouldve never let me add that item to the cart if it wasnt available (thats what other online stores do). I asked to speak to a supervisor, but the person on the other end said I am a supervisor. Hmmmm, since WHEN do supervisors actually answer the phone? I told her that they couldve at least made me aware of this cause I wouldve ordered something else to stay above that threshold. She blew me off and told me its in the terms and conditions. Then I asked to speak to HER supervisor and was told theyre all busy. WHAT? Seriously? So, for me, its not even about the $16.99 anymore. Its their customer service or better yet, lack thereof. So, save yourself a HUGE headache and order your stuff somewhere else!

DO not buy anything from this company.
This is the worst company I have dealt with in a long time. I ordered a part for my corvette and I verified with the pictures and the part number that it was the one i needed. The shipping took forever and after I finally got it the part was the wrong one and it had the wrong part number. When I tried getting a hold of them, CorvetteMods never answer the phone or call you back after you leave a message. They finally started answering my emails and said that their distributor told them that the part would work. The part that they sent me was not even close. It had way more hose connections than the one I needed and was way oversized. Then when I tried to get a refund they said it had been to long to do a refund and they could only give store credit minus a restocking fee and I had to pay return shipping. It is amazing that a company would lose a customer over $50 when it was their fault the transaction didn't go smoothly. I should have read the online reviews before I bought the item. Most people have the same experience with them. Go somewhere else with your business

Incompetent Shipping & Customer Service
Ive bought dozens of items online over the years with great results, but this has been and is a absolutely horrible experience. I Am out $300 for products CorvetteMods claim shipped, but were not in the package that I am now having to order from a different supplier even though Corvette Mods has been paid for them.

I Made 2 separate orders 2 days apart. Second order shipped and delivered no issues. From first order received one package with one of the six items ordered. There were two tracking numbers, but they turned out to be identical numbers. After being told different stories by customer service over 2 weeks, Customer service now says entire order was in one package, so if I got the $30 item, I got the entire $300 order. So basically they are saying Im too stupid to open a package or a liar. Two weeks ago they told me order was in multiple packages. A week ago it changed to certain parts needed to be custom made so order would ship that day or next day. A sad combination of dishonesty, arrogance, and ineptitude. Do yourself a favor and choose another supplier.

Worst customer service EVER
Not yet resolved. Ordered a part on Oct 4, CorvetteMods sent the wrong part (older style smaller shaft pump pulley, would work up to about 1974, but my car is a 1978 their online catalog listed through 1982 and they sent me the old style) It literally took me until October 29 to get an RMA number (they refused to believe that they had the wrong part drop shipped to me, even though weeks earlier I sent them pictures of the wrong part, including the packing list from their "manufacturer" showing application was for the earlier year part (pic attached). With RMA in hand, I then sent back the part AT MY EXPENSE and have not heard from them since. UPS confirms the receipt TWO WEEKS AGO. Customer service won't respond to my e-mails any more, and they don't answer their phones. The second picture shows my part (bent pulley on left) and the part that was sent with too small shaft hole. So it's 42 days after this debacle started and I'm out the $40 for their advertised part and original shipping charge plus another $12 return shipping, with no communication or possible end in sight.

Poor customer service
I just purchased my 2019 corvette & was excited to order some custom parts. I picked out the parts I wanted, called them up & placed my order with the salesmen who was great but that's were it all goes bad. Fed-X was horrible it took 5 days to get my first 2 parts because I wasn't home when CorvetteMods tried delivering them. My rear spoiler came with no templete & no nuts to but it on & there are runs in the clear coat. Second delivery was supposed to be 3 more parts per the tracking # but only got 1 so I called customer service & left a message no response, sent an email the next day with no response so I called again & the lady told me my front splitter won't be here for at least 3 more weeks & there's nothing on the web site that it would take that long. So see told me I should have read the terms & conditions & there's nothing they can do. So I want to order a different splitter "No" the parts not even made yet so why can't I switch them again "No" so my response is cancel my order & I will spend my $$$$ some where else. Worst company I've ever dealt with Ed W.

Stay Away! Scam
First off I ordered some parts and after weeks of wondering where there heck CorvetteMods are I contacted them. You call and talk to a Pakistani sounding dude that says he's just an answering service. It's a big joke you can hardly understand the guy. So he says I will get an email within 24-48 hours, I thought ok great. I receive a vague email a day or two later with my order number but not saying much more than that. Just some invoice numbers and saying I see your parts will all ship together? Then I email back asking how long this is going to take, maybe I'll just cancel. A day or two later I get an emailing stating let's figure out how long the parts will take before you cancel. Days go by... nothing.

Finally I begin the painstaking cancel process of yelling at Pakistani answering service dude and emailing. I get emails back randomly every few days assuring me that everything will be ok and that the cancellation process has begun.

After a few days I got one requesting more money for shipping? Saying that they outsourced the parts. That's the thing this company has no parts they order it from other Corvette outfits.

So I freak out and they say oh sorry for the miss understanding and that they will get my money back to me in 3/5 days. That was a week ago. So I've waisted about a month and that's where I'm at now.

Sometimes they will get back to you sometimes they don't but it's all BS every time!

Update: fast forward 5 months! They never sent the parts or gave me a refund!
So I had to go to my bank and get their help. I received the temporary refund while the case was investigated. I thought that was the end of it. No... not even close.
So I could have won this ridiculous case months ago but this super shady company had the balls to use another tracking number for a small item they actually did ship to me around the same time. They sent my bank this tracking number in their defense even though it was for a completely different order@$&!?

Well because I was out of town working I missed the letter that came in the mail that my case will be closed If I didn't respond in 15 days. So I was out over 700 dollars! So then began waiting on hold with my bank and yelling at them, anyone would listen. Luckily I had a few larger items and I saw that on the tracking info they submitted it was delivered to a "parcel box" and after a visit to my post office I had the proof I needed! I felt great when I read the item they used the fake tracking info was only two pounds. Which would have been impossible for my order of suspension parts one being 4 feet long- so I had to submit this information along with all their phony emails about how my order is going to be canceled and I'll receive my refund in 3 to 5 days. Which never happened!

This company caused me so much stress, I can't stress enough how if you use them you will mostly likely get burnt eventually.

If i could rate them negative I would. Do NOT buy from this Company.
Ordered new T Tops my my show condition 1979 Corvette I received the T tops via Fed Ex in a timely manner. The tops do not fit the car. The alignment pin on the driver side is over an inch off. No shim is going to correct this issue. The passenger top has over a 1/2 gap between the top and roof afer making maximum adjustments. The company's customer service is basically non existent. After telling me to repackage the tops and telling me to wiat for return shipping instructions CorvetteMods sent a email wanting to know year make and model of my car? Its a Corvette they only sell Corvette parts! They have since become non reachable and have not made further contact. I have contacted my credit card company and filed a formal complaint. Capital One has started an investigation against them. I also belong to two local Corvette clubs and the National Corvette Club and plan to make it plain that this site be avoided. If you for whatever reason go to their site I strongly suggest you don't walk away you run. Based upon numerous reviews you will save yourself unnecessary wasted time and many headaches.
Paul Norfolk VA

Originally purchased an item online which was never properly delivered. USPS lost my package in the mail. Corvette Mods instructed me to open an investigation to prove the item had been lost since the tracking stated it was delivered to my mailbox. I obliged and forwarded the case investigation report from USPS. Corvette Mods proceeded to tell me I am a liar and had actually received the package ignoring the case report from USPS stating the package had indeed been lost. I warned them I will be disputing the charge on my credit card if CorvetteMods did not refund my money or send another item in the mail. The charge was later disputed only to find Corvette Mods had saved my credit card information and fraudulently charged my credit card for an even larger amount than the previously placed order without my authorization. I was also notified via email from Corvette Mods the next day that I was accused of cyber theft and fraud. They threatened to take me to collections if I did not return the item they claim is in my possession (it's not) or pay them the money "I owe them". I refused. I sent them all the correspondence I had with USPS and even went as far as having a representative from USPS draft an email which specifically stated the package had been deemed lost. They have not responded to me and are currently under investigation by my credit card company for criminally charging my account without authorization. I had to cancel my credit cards and start over since they stole my personal information. These people deserve to be fined/arrested. Don't EVER purchase from this company. I beg you.

High price junk
Bought the switchback lights and paid twice a much as eBay hoping the get better quality. Well first, you have to guess how to plug them in right, next one of the bulbs BOTH white and yellow glowed the same. I email to get a replacement and after a day or two got a reply. By that time the bulb started acting normal until one hot day a few days later as I pulled up behind a car the light was out, then on, then out, then on, but after I got to work and it cooled down worked fine. Dope two days later same thing and WHEN I TOOK THE BULB OUT THE CASE HAD SEPARATED. FROM THE PLUG...
CHEAP ASS BULB. I emailed them again 3 times, NO REPLY, so after a week just drove up there. I WAITED 15minutes in their office by the reception desk before finally someone, a guy asked what I needed. Showed him the light and told him what was happening and I said "I NEED A NEW LIGHT" he went in the back and after a few minutes gave me a light. I got home installed it and today the same thing happened.

I have now realized all CorvetteMods did was re-glue my old light and gave it back.

I am pissed...


I should have stayed with Amazon or EBay.

Would have saved $80 and hours of BS

Ohh one last thing

The resisters will melt your plastic

Worst Company to Buy Corvette Parts from!
Worst Company to Buy Corvette Parts from, don't make my mistake. Bought a part that was defective. CorvetteMods turned down the replacement even with the pictures. Called the number multiple times talking to Richard & Sammy just to have them tell my to send another email to service and they will get back to me. Never happened. Could never talk to anyone past the first person who answers. Refused to let me talk to a manger or have them call me back. This company should be reported to the Better Business Bureau and / or the State attorney Generals office for poor business practices They state Guaranteed Satisfaction. But, they do not deliver. They just take your money. I responded to the survey with the same disappointment as above. Their response from the owner -a canned email - Sorry to hear of your concerns, please contact our service team so we can assist you further. Do they think we are stupid! Call again and get the same run around. They have my phone number, if they cared they would call me. Tell all your Corvette friends and put it in your Corvette Club websites & Newsletters. Beware and Do not buy from this company! All they care about is your MONEY!

Mostly good prices, slow shipping, customer service is non existant
I've spent about $1600 spread over four orders between end of June and mid-July. Shop carefully, the prices are good on some things, way overpriced on others. In 3 out of 4 cases the items shipped in 3-4 days, the other was 6 days. I will say, the first order was a pretty big one and after CorvetteMods charged the card they asked for a copy of ID and front/back of the card that was used -- I could argue that as either positive or negative -- when furnished with that information they wanted MORE information to confirm the validity. Finally, I ordered something and realized I didn't need it, I noticed even though the order had been placed 4 days prior it still hadn't been updated to "shipped" so I called customer service. I asked her to change the order for something else and she said she thought the item had shipped, even though the progress had not been updated. She assured me she'd call back with the information. The call never came, I got an automated email late that day that my item had been marked to "shipped" (a shipping label had been created, the item had not been picked up yet). Now I have deal with the RMA process and pay to ship the item back.

I won't be buying anything further from them because I'm generally in a hurry when I need something. If you're not impatient, you'll save some money and (based on my limited experience) get the correct items.

Were good, now crooks
Their custom made parts are not worthy of putting an your car, all parts will come damaged-which CorvetteMods blame on shipping when it is clearly their fault and lack of quality and know how in working with carbon fiber, they took 3 tries to make sill plate covers until they finally gave up and did refund my money on them. Their overlays dont work or dont fit, thats what lost me as a customer was a set of air bag warning label covers, which took assembly before installation, stingrays had to be applied before the covers were installed, well they were way to big once i went to install them, after spending over an hour making sure the stingrays were perfectly aligned. I contact customer service and am told to take pics, i did, then send them back for a refund, sent back on my dime, they knew the stingrays were installed as that was a major part of our discussion, so they get them back, then deny the refund because the stingrays were installed, which they knew, but for like 5 bucks they could send them back, so i'm out over 50 bucks for maybe 10 bucks worth of plastic and 2 black stickers, they are out a customer. I warn everyone i can away from them, yet i keep hearing horror stories on all the Corvette forums-which they lost being a sponsored vendor due to their lousy business practices

The product had poor quality, and their customer service just wanted to get rid of me
Ordered wheels for my Corvette. Received them, cleaned and inspected them. CorvetteMods came in with a imperfections in the powder coating. Contacted Corvette Mods, and they got back to me with labels to send them back, and get me another set sent out. This set came in with three wheels that were ok. Only issue that I saw with them is some spots of light coating on the wheels. The fourth had several issues in the coating. I contacted Corvette Mods again, and I told them rather than spending a lot of money on shipping back and forth, I could have them re-coated locally if they would cover that cost. Instead, they wanted to continue shipping wheels. This time they then sent me another set of wheels while setting up FedEx to pick up the other. I explained that I work all day every day, so them picking it up would not work, unless they wanted to rid me of liability. They told me no, but the only way was for FedEx to pick them up. The second set came in, and this was the worst set of all. Claiming they took pictures ahead of shipping, the pics did not match what I was sent. I now had two sets in my possession with them saying FedEx was the only way to return them. I then offered options, again the best option for them was I could return one set, keep the other but they covered the re-coating. They continued to tell me they just wanted to get the wheels back and would not make it right in any way. I told them inf FedEx pickup was my only option, I would not leave them outside without them releasing me of liability. They said they would not do that. I said why can't I get labels to return them similar to the first set. They told me FedEx had to pick them up. They then threatened me with collections, but wouldn't give me a good option to return the wheels either. Finally, after several weeks, a manager talked with me and finally said they would get me labels to return them.

The product had poor quality, even though the website stated perfect finish, and their customer service just wanted to get rid of me yet wouldn't get a good option to get rid of the wheels. I am glad they finally got them back, as after this, I want to never interact with them again, and they will never get another cent from me. Pathetic quality and customer service when you are spending almost $1,000.

Worst Customer Service I have ever Expierenced
My wife bought me a custom battery cover for my c5 for fathers day. Didn't arrive when she was told it would. This should have been a sign. The item was not the one I wanted, so we sent it back. It has now been a month and we still have not received a refund. Same as other reviewers, I followed their process to get the RMA, and then waited, nothing, so then I started calling. The first person I spoke with, said give it a few more days because CorvetteMods have not heard back from the company that made. Waited, then called back. Got voice mail, left a message, no call back. Waited, called again no call back. Called again finally reach a person, who told me to send her my shipping so they could track the package. We couldn't find it, so I called the company that made the item, got a real person right away who informed me that it was received, and Corvette Mods was notified within a couple of days. Call Corvette Mods, left another message with this information, no call back. I then sent an email, with all of this information. They want to tell me that they called me back several times, I have no missed calls or messages, Hmmmmm. They also want to tell me I didn't follow through with the shipping number, Hmmmmm not listening to voice mail. Lets put the blame back on the customer for our lack of customer service. Seems they have a lot of time to be sending emails, going back and forth now for a couple of hours, but no time to call customers for resolve their problems.

At one point I called the sale line, which they answer, go figure. I explained my issue to this person, who told me all he could do was put me through to customer service. I told him I wanted to talk to his supervisor or the owner of the company, he said he could do that, and he did not have a number for them. Hmmmm. Then he just sent me to customer service again, where I got voice mail, go figure.

I like one of the other reviewers here will tell everyone in my club and other clubs to not do business with Corvette Mods. There are other places that sell the same stuff that have much better service.

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CorvetteMods Rating

Based on 50 reviews from CorvetteMods customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Product Categories include: Apparel Car Care Carbon Fiber Parts Custom Painted Parts Engine Exterior Exhaust Systems Hydrodipping Interior LED & HID Lighting License Plate Frames Logo Items/Gifts Performance Pr...

Address: 110 Aviator Dr, 76179


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