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Reviews Relationships, Dating

50 customer reviews of

The Company says that their goal is global relations which for me is something amazing. But for brazilians like myself is totally beyond expensive. I find someone nice there and I wish I could talk more to him and it's so unfair that If you find someone nice and if the person is real, because are always confirm that everything is real in this site. So why do I have to pay the same amount of my rent here in Brazil just because I want to give It a chance? I spent money that I don't have just to give it a chance. At the end I don't think your goal is global relations I think the goal here is money. I understand that charging can provide a better offer. But you have to think it over specially now in this pandemia we are living. Every Company is giving discounts and low prices. And your site is something people are looking for this time at home. But I don't know why you don't realize that the biggest relationships apps are most part free. And I repeat I understand charging is important but whatbyou are charging is beyond normal.

Complete scam
I should have read all the negative opinions before signing up, as as all turned out to be true! I suggest that anyone that reads this opinion and that is tempted to sign up, learn from someone who already tested it - you will save yourself a LOT of money and frustration! The site is a COMPLETE SCAM: interestingly, the majority of men are doctors (mostly plastic surgeons!), lawyers or architects. This I could even believe, but then the profiles just started falling apart. I found one man especially interesting (wish I had listened to my initial gut feeling - "too good to be true") - we had a 9hr time difference (California and Europe) and the guy would write in the middle of the night, and when asked about this - tried to convince me that he had a "night project" and that's why he was not sleeping (BTW, he was the owner of the company and apparently had offices across the world, and yet had to do the night shifts - yeah, right!). After a while I started to "worry" that the poor guy wasn't sleeping at all! Then he "got Covid" and said he was in-and-out of hospital, that's why he would be offline for extended periods of time - as far as I know, when you have Covid, you need to stay in isolation and not change your whereabouts each day. And when I asked about direct communication, he came up with half-a-dozen excuses why it was not possible. And I confirm that their accounts are handled by 2-3 different people. One day he would quote poetry, the next would write as if English was not even his native language (he is supposed to be American).
I also went to the trouble to read "positive" reviews about this site and guess what: at least a few of them were identical, although supposedly written by different "satisfied" customers.
By the way, chances are that if anyone has a free membership sponsored by this site (please note the small print under the profiles), they are most likely hired by the website to con people feeling lonely and vulnerable, and extort money by encouraging you to buy additional credits - in order to read their "love letters". Isn't that considered as fraud and illegal?
STAY AWAY! is a big massive structured well organized scammer company, has more than 22 similar site
This website is a big massive structured well organized scammer company, this company has not only one dating site but also have more than twenty two similar scammer dating website such as
4. Cherry blossom (
6. Anastasiadate
8. Yourtravelmate
9. Amolatina
10. Arabiandate
13. Thaicupid
14. Internationalcupid
16. Christiandating
17. Eurodate
18. Datemyage
21. Asia friend finder,
22., etc.
Those website are run the same way, big scammer. I have friend who have worked for this site for long and she told me the truth. Her real job is translator and this site hire so many translator to talk in the dating site to rob your money. Mostly the woman in the dating site is fake, the site pay the woman to take picture as model then use photoshop to edit the face become so beautiful woman picture to get attention. My friend remind me that if the woman in the dating site is really rich, use ur logic, a rich woman will not have time to chatting online, they must be so busy and have no time to chat online. There are still some woman who is real there but it must be so hard to find which woman is real and the woman must be old woman. If u see beautiful woman, it is photoshop. Even if there are few number of real woman over there, their profile must be managed by the local agencies because again and again, rich woman will not have time to chat online. The agency will use their profile to talk with the man and if the agency find a good man for them, they can talk out of the site. But most men are unfit so talking there is the only way for the website to take the money from the man. The woman get paid from the company if she can talk with u more than ten minutes. Maybe she can get more if u send her virtual gift there or send real gift. I extremely recommend to u all who read this to leave this site before u loss ur money and ur mental health. There are two ways to know which woman is real woman. First ways is ask the woman to have videocall and check if the face is same like the picture, it is real woman. This is the only easy way. Second way is u must brainstorm to make easy common word as wechat id which will not be blocked by the system like "big cute panda" and ask them to add ur wechat. If they can not add ur wechat with any reason like "not exist" or "i can not find u" or "i found but it is not u" or "i added u" but u never get invitation, it means u must wake up that the woman is not real and stop talking with her is the best way u must accept the reality that the woman is not real
Tip for consumers: 1. Wake up and forget to find woman in this group of dating website, if they are real, they have no time to chat online with u
2. Ask the woman videocall to make sure her face exactly same with picture, if she dont want videocall with any reason, it is just excuse, leave her directly
3. Make easy common word to be wechat id to tell them like big fish, big bag etc, if they can not add u directly with any reason, whatever the reason is, they are fake
4. Wake up, u can not get easy money by marry rich woman here
5. Dont be greedy, greedy people will just lose money

Is anyone really here?
What a absolute croc. Before you have even finished setting up your profile and doing a photo you have very pretty ladies diving on you you like seagulls on a chip. All want to try and get you to video chat, but guess what you have to buy credits to video chat and alot of them. Same to message email or normal chat, you get one free email and then yep you guessed it you have to buy credits.
Incredible that alot of the girls that do contact you supposedly from your area all have names and spelling that certainly are not from my area. I have no problem with that but when everyone seems to have Russian type names but live in your area that gets a bit strange. The women contacting you have lots of awesome photos, almost as if have proper portfolios made up. Strangely enough all the women seem to have a very similar style photo portfolio as well in its setup.
In a nut shell when you have many many gorgeous women that are 10 years younger than you falling over themselves to talk to you, all with similar made up professional photo portfolios something starts to smell very quickly.
My experience, while I had man many girls contact me and chat to me, I did not have the feeling of even one of them being genuine.
Don't be fooled by the reviews that are posted near the site either these are done by the same Web designers that do the site.
Have a look for entertainment, but don't be a fool and pay any money, it will get you no where.

Recent view - INDEED
1. I was thinking. Keep thinking how in the world are all high maintenance looking guy. Isnt there like normal guys in there. And how in the world they know im looking into their profiles. There will be messages coming mentioning thank you for looking into my profile. I think the support cannot answer most refund request due to busy responding or managing the potential profiles to be scammed.and the message tune are almost the same; desperate asking you to message them to charge you more.
2. When you tried to delete pics that are wrongly uploaded, its totally not possible. They are all controlled by the admin and no wonder they have all good pics from all over the world to make fake profiles. The terms also mentioning that they can use any info or pix uploaded to the site. Well done!
3. When you tried to delete your account, there is 2 button "continue using or delete profiles". They will ask you to enter password. Then when you click "delete profiles", it is not even functioning. THERE YOU GO! ANOTHER SCAM to record your password if you signed in using email.
4. Some profiles claimed they will come on business trips next weekend, some will say have visited my country and put nice photoshop pix of background. These are all to make you instantly dry up your caching$$$$ to attend to the whatever messages and emails sent from support/adminsthat manage at the backend.
Good job guys. You must be paid well as support/admins/developers of

Not even deserve a star is a scam
Never fall into the trap of I am saying this with my own experience. fish peoples money with a bunch of handsome models. I have already spent nearly $400 when I realized this. I had a relationship with handsome guy on nearly 3months with person said to be a popular member badge. I feel ashamed of saying this a relationship now. When I asked his personal contact after all the conversation he said that he is on a model contract and cannot use any social media and he can only talk on this platform. He just wanted me to spend my money on the If you are a user on just check you get too romantic messages from guys but the messages are unrelated to each other. This person also mispresented his age. When I complained about this to they avoided this saying that he has true age according to his passport, so that they do not have to reimburse my money according to the conditions. Who knows I did not check his passport. They did not reimburse the credits spent on that member even though I requested. This site should be banned for doing this to people. You will never get a chance to marry a guy from as they are models.


Best and informative post about insurance. Really very helpful blog post we came to know many infor
"I finally exposed the website to..."
It was my first dating experience after a long time being married. And such a disgusting. Terrible. Immediately after registration I was contacted by a crowd of pretty good looking men, all nonsmoking, not drinking, never been married and without kids. Advocates, doctors, models, businessmen of every kind. Actually, all of them had very - astonishing - poor English, even for my non-native approach, the same lexicon, same syntax, and pretty same manner to set smiles and other icons. Same! I chatted with one businessman from Denmark, with two (advocate and lawyer) from the USA and one worker (cannot remember exactly of his metier) from Venezuela. Absolutely the same dialog manner in every case. refused to switch to another messenger or even to email, and all of them had the same behavioral pattern: they send me one message per day at the late evening with a new photo ($10 for reading email and $60 for opening the photo). I stopped the dialogs after blowing up the first $140. Slowly I got the idea:(
Please remember the one: even though the "customer support" claims they are fighting against scams the website is the ONLY instance who gets the profit from all these payments, and users are supposed to pay for each received and sent email, each chat, each received and sent photo - so that the business model' of the source is pretty plausible.
As I decided to delete my profile I couldn't reach out to the support for a while, so I made an expose to the German police (the only option I had as a German citizen) and turned with this info to the support. My profile was deleted within seconds!

Guys, if you are in the USA, please do the same - the source is a cybercrime without any doubts. Even the people from Dating commenting here like Daria and Alexander do not truly exist - and even they write the same style as profiles on Dating.
Totally fake and scam! Be aware!

Best and informative post about insurance. Really very helpful blog post we came to know much information!

There are many fake lawyer, doctor, business owner profiles
I joined to 3 days ago. Sytem is sending too many messages from different profiles. I have looked to "Work as" field of these profiles. There was writing lawyer, doctor, business owner. But their ages were 20 or 22 yo.
- Also, I have seen girl profiles who wrote to me from Prague. These girls were different girls and have different profiles, but their photo's background were same. I mean bed, carpet, sofa, light and other decorations were all same.
- All first messages were excellent and about love. I mean different profiles can't be write same type love messages. It can be automated messaging system.
- Girls seem very beatiful and sexy. Also photos are very professional. It requires professional photographer to take these shoots.
- All foreign girls was writing messages to me in English with excellent grammar. This was impossible...:)
- Some chinese black hair girls profile are showing "blonde" in about me's hair field.
- There are interesting many Chinese women profiles. Their profiles say that are very rich and have their own business, they have many villas, more then 500 employees. When I checked a Chinese women's profile, they were business owner and very very rich... :) ( website is working with same software and same database as

Website software was good.. =, fakes 100%
It was the first time in my life to get online on a dating network, and although it I am quite experienced in using the Internet and Internet security, I didn't check the site properly and the interface seems quite sophisticates, somehow implies correctness. I registered to find out that in order to be able to send or read messages or emails you have to pay credits which cost 80 cents for 20 credits, and 1 minute life chat is 1 credit, one offline email is also 1 credit! This was the first shock, just unreasonably expensive! Fine I said, I pay it and there is something which you get later, it is impossible that you have to pay this much. Then I got a contact by a very attractive gentleman with great photos, but, as I am a linguist by profession, the langue he used didn't quite match his profile. I spoke to him in his language, serbian, which is not my mother tongue, but I perfectly understand and speak, then i asked him if he had ever visited my country and city, he said no but if he had a reason he would. Then i gave my skype and mail and asked him to contact me if he ever decides to come, I'll take him in a restaurant which is truly nice (related to the previous conversion). The profile is FILIP Belgrade. And all of a sudden the conversant became upset and said, o you can find mine number in a public directory, to which I commented the it is impossible that a gentleman who is a plastic surgeon reacts in this uneducated way! I sent him a message that he must be fake, after which he disappears. Another person is Predrag from Podgorica, to whom I did the same, in his language, saying if you really are this person on this site full of fakes please give me your skype or whatever contact and his reply was: "why don't you say it simple, you don't have money" to which I replied, I have but I won't give it to you. Otherwise, the fist 2-3 messages you get for free, so you can text in the beginning and get you hooked. SCAMMERS!

DON'T use this site if you value your hard earned money.
First and foremost, most, if not all female profiles on this site are fake. I've studied it and used it almost daily for 8 months. This is not a dating site as profess it to be, but an extremely expensive entertainment site.

Secondly, go look at yourself in the mirror and ask why you need to be on a dating site and why you think you might be successful. Then ask why you were not successful on other dating sites. If you haven't already, use two of the top 10 dating sites along with this one, which is never listed in any top 10 or top 20 listing. On this site your going to get hundreds of letters and chat requests every time you log in. Does that happen to you on any Top 10 site? Are all the people that do respond to your profile on Top 10 sites totally gorgeous? Do they call you honey, my love, sweetie, etc in their first through third message to you? Do they profess their love to you in 2-5 weeks even though you've never met, seen each other on cam or spoken over the phone? This only happens on and their sister sites. I understand they own a few. Why is this? Is it because suddenly you've become gorgeous yourself? Are you wealthy and they know this? The latter is what they hope for, at least that you have enough money to throw away on this site. You simply can't believe that this site is real, that the love letters are genuine and that you will meet the love of your life. Stick with the Top 10 or stay away from online dating altogether. BTW, the Top 10 aren't so great either but you will get a better dose of reality on those sites.

Many reviewers note that the site is quite expensive and you really don't get much for your money. But nobody says why it's so expensive. Note that they charge you by the minute for chat and the chat time runs while you wait for the other party to translate your message then write you back. You could spend $15 just writing one note and waiting for the response. If you want to send an emoji from the bottom of the chat window, know that they too are costly. Some might cost you $30 each time you send one and some cost upwards of $2,000 - $4,000, depending upon how you buy credits. The more you buy at once the less they are per credit. And if you want to send your special lady one of their gifts, it will cost you about $300 for a $55 gift basket or you can spend much more on a phone or tablet for your special person/fembot. And they charge you 49 credits to deliver! DON'T DO IT! If you try to get your lady or man to chat off site, forget it; they won't do it and your stuck there because they get paid to keep you there.
The women come up with all sorts of reasons why they can't be on cam, can't exchange personal info, etc. But they will tell you hundreds of times that they love you. Don't believe it for one second. I recommend that you don't chat with anyone that refuses to exchange personal e-mail and phone number within one month. If you don't see them on video they are likely fake. If they refuse to go off site after you've spent thousands chatting on site, they confessed their love for you then dump them, they're fake. Do it before you spend $5000 or more. I wish I'd have do so after spending $100 because I suspected this was a scam at that point. But I needed more facts so I continued. Learn from my mistake.

Note that this site pays most women and some men to chat and write to you. Many dating sites do this but not to the extent that does. They insist that they don't pay the women. But they do pay the agencies that the women belong to and their agencies in turn will compensate certain women to keep men in chat as long as possible and to push you to buy the expensive emoji's for them. Note what they tell you in the "About" section of their help files: Under paragraph 6, "How are free members motivated" it says at bullet statement 5, " Members are not paid to be on our site. It is strictly prohibited for our partners to pay free members to use our site in any way." But then look above to bullet statement 3 where it says the following: "Free members can receive virtual gifts from paid members which they can use to promote their profile or exchange for money." So you see, even their customer service people lie to you. Nobody gets paid using this site they say but then they tell you that in fact they do get paid. Can you imagine how much money one of their paid employees can make getting just a few people a day to chat and click to send empjis? Thousands of dollars a day per person are possible. Proof that this is NOT a dating site. None of those beautiful men or women want to me you or me, they want our money only. Don't allow yourself to be fooled.

Note that this site has an anti scam policy but having a policy means nothing if you don't enforce the policy. Their policy allows for a full refund when people try to get gifts or money from you, which most do. But even when you show them the letters or chat proving that these people professing love to you are trying to get you to send them the outrageously expensive emojis, gifts, etc, they still won't refund you. They say, "we don't see enough evidence" even when there are up to 15 points of proof. So don't be fooled by their empty promises or a refund, it's not going to happen.

This site is for people that have more money than they know what to do with. If all you want to do is spend your money to chat with someone you will never meet, then go ahead and waste your money here. Once you're broke you can join rest of us in a class action lawsuit against these people.

NOTE: I have filed a formal written complaint with the FBI's Internet Crimes Division as I know others have done. I'd like to encourage all of you that know you've been scammed by to file your own complaint. They aren't going to act for 3-5 complaints. But if everyone that wrote a negative complaint here would file a formal complaint as I've done, the feds will likely act against this company.

Expensive & Fake Profiles
I'm trying to help everyone trying to make a decision on whether or not to sign up for this site. Please hear me out: DO NOT DO IT.

I have been on other dating websites, including & okcupid. are by far better and cheaper. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS SITE?

1.) site is VERY EXPENSIVE. They use the concept of credits and you have to buy those credits. Once you read first email from the person you're talking to, subsequent emails cost $15.99 EACH. Imagine that ripoff? Imagine paying to communicate and paying per message. This is a money making scheme, they aren't here to help people meet each other. They also use concept of sending each other "gifts". These gifts are ridiculously expensive and can cost over $50 (ridiculous).

2.) THE GUYS SEEM FAKE. Profiles are obviously of MODELS. I was bombarded with many emails as soon as I signed up. I mean many. From profiles of very good looking guys, very obvious to the eye that these are fake. Their messages seemed fake also. They keep on trying to send you a picture or video. Why you may ask. Because to open it you need to pay $15.99. This is why I'm convinced the fake profiles are made by the site itself, otherwise what is the motivation for the "guys" needing the money if it's not going to them.

3.) I COULD NOT LOG IN BACK. I'm sure what my log in details were, but system could not allow me to log in. I tried to reset password, nothing happened, no email to my inbox. I finally emailed them to cancel it, not sure if they will. Also told my bank not to pay anything after I send them the email.

GO TO OTHER DATING SITES., and others. shares fake accounts shares fake accounts with 80% corrupt asiandate. I was burned by two girls on asiandate, the bottom rated asian site. I paid for $100 gift and card to send my uncensored contact information. After the girls talked me into spending for contact, flaked and relationships stopped. They are still on asiandate site but would never give me their information. Then, surprise! They both end up on with nearly same profiles and same names. They are proven fake. I quit them and went to shabby, non-slick site called trulyasian because they don't censor and personal information is freely exchanged. Beware of all dating sites that don't elucidate exact policy about connecting in real world. Beware of the ones that charge expensively, because it is indication that they are milking your presence by making success impossible. Take care to notice when some women are great chatters, but sometimes they are not lucid and don't answer specific questions. This means the shift has changed and the new replacement (male of female) has no memory of past words. Sentiments make easy disguise and so does cheap sex talk. Beware especially of all who claim wealth. is no exception; if you read their disclaimer they tell you that "validated" girls come packaged by other local companies. They all take a cut and like all businesses care only about maximizing profits, no loyalty for customers, male of female.

This is the biggest scam site ever!
I am convinced that the people writing the 5 stars reviews must be paid to do so. How is it possible that the site is so sketchy for some and perfect for others? I do understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but even a blind man can see how fake this site is. Even if we don't have the actual proof that it's fake, the mere fact that 90% of the profiles are foreigners and the address is based in New York! Red flag # 1. Most of the men on the site claim to be a doctor or a business owner in fancy suits. Where did all the regular blue-collar go? Red flag # 2. I signed up two days ago and within 2 minutes I had over 10 messages ( all scripted). The messages were all the same, scripted differently but pretty much the same messages. Red flag # 3. I did not upload a photo, did not write anything about me: no information about work, likes, dislikes, hobbies, what I am looking for, or anything at all. The only thing I had on my profile was my username, my age, and possibly my location, nevertheless all the men who reached out were foreigners telling me how love my profile and are very interested in getting to know me. What profile!? Red flag # 4, 5, 6 etc. Here is my last and probably the biggest red flag! I signed up for another site recently it's called ( date my age) and had the same experiences. I was immediately flooded with responses the same scripted messages, the same doctors and businessmen etc, but this was prior to finding When I joined they somehow got the two sites mixed up and the old messages I had on " date my age" were in my inbox! I quickly did the math and research and found out the same company, the same address, and the same fake profiles!

I never take the time to write reviews but I felt this was necessary. I don't think it's right to take people's money to sell fake products. These are fake profiles and will not lead to anything but disappointments. I spent $19.99 on this site expecting to meet a real person but instead, all I received were robots. I will be asking for my money back and disputing it to the end. I believe I am entitled to my money because of their false advertising.

Where do I begin? I agree with everyone who says this site is a scam. For those looking for a partner, please find a more credible site where you can actually meet someone. is a site designed to keep paying members PAYING MORE. As a paying member, I eventually noticed that the guys I was talking to all had these things in common, 1. are using the website for free, 2. They send you a ton of messages, emails, videos and photos, 3. They are always online (which makes you wonder when do they work since they are all doctors and businessmen?) and 4. They claim to like you but they cant get off the site and talk on social media (where you can talk to them at a reasonable cost to you or sometimes for free if you have access to free wifi). They even encourage you to read their emails and view their photos and videos (this is because you pay more to do so). That is when I realized something stinks. I don't usually write reviews even when I am dissatisfied with a service but I felt compelled to write this one and warn all unsuspecting singles with good intentions to avoid this site. They aren't selling you a genuine opportunity to meet someone (which is what a dating site is supposed to do), they're simply taking your money and giving you nothing in return. I am disgusted by this site and all its "free members". It should really be shut down.

No stars, but that isn't an option. is a rip off and a scam
I was on the site for 2yrs as I started to do online dating again, after giving up on love and taking a break from dating before that. I find it hard to trust people and I had a bad experience. I thought this was a genuine site, but it's not. All the members that talk to you, that you see in the search bar are all fake profiles and use models photo's and some change thier names or photos and change thier photo's to a different guy. I talked to a few people for the 1st few months, then got to know a guy that I really liked. He pretended that he liked me to keep me talking to spend money on the site, like the other guys did in the months before. I talked to the guy I liked for the whole two yrs and I talked to just him for the last 7 months. I left the site. He pretended that he was told to leave the site, but I checked with customer support and they said that wasn't true. The guy makes you think that he has feelings for you and talks to you every day, he pretends that he will meet you after the lockdown. He talked about travelling together and being together in person, to date and have a future together. He got my hope up for a future with him, talked about dates together in person that we could have, about meeting in person and visiting each others home towns. Don't fall for it. Whenever he made it seem to good to be true, he convinced me that he had feelings for me and really wanted to chat with me and missed me, as we got on so well and had things in common, or so I thought, they were all lies. All their sites are linked, they all have fake free profiles that chat to you but you have to pay. I was on the site, as I need to date a Christian. In the last months on the site I got messages from women, even though my preferences were to be with a man. So that was another red flag. Every action on the site costs credits, chatting, seeing photo's sending photos, yet they don't pay for any of that. Credits run out so fast, it's impossible to have a normal conversation as you have to top up again. The monthly credits only last an hr or less than that. So the credit's are worthless, and add up too fast. The free profiles are all fake and are the only ones to chat to and they all make you keep talking to spend more on there. I cancelled my profile and want a full refund for the full 2yrs of money I wasted on there, thinking it was a legit site which it is NOT! They manipulate you into thinking that they want to talk to you to get to know you but you will never meet your date in person ever, as the site has rules to stop you from swapping info to meet up. All the people in the ads are models or actors and are not really on the site. The scammers run the fake profiles and use the peoples photos. A Chinese guy who is in one of the ads is on Instagram and is gay and in a relationship. Avoid all their sites, they are all fake. One of the guys (Stefan) that I talked to from the start until I stopped talking to anyone else but one guy in the last 7 months. The original Stefan was the guy in the 1st photo with dark curly hair and tanned skin. In the last 3 months I saw Stefan deleted all his original photos and he changed his job to Dj and a entertainment manager or something, His profile used to say he was a fitness instructor and a musician. All his new photos were of a completely different person who was slimmer, a white guy who is taller with straight bleached hair with shaved eyebrows and he had a scruffy look not like the previous guys photos on the same profile who had a clean cut look. The original guy had great clothes style and the second guy had a grungy look which I don't like. I called him out on it and said the photos are of a new different person and he said that he had "a chemical hair treatment". Hair dye can't change your face shape, body type, skin colour and height as well though. So he lied to me about who he was the whole time and then pretended to be someone else using the same profile but with different photos. He was the only Stefan profile that I ever talked to before I met the guy that I liked. Who was also a fake, they all were. only protects their free member scammers
" curates members, that look like models, to seek conversation with you. These curated members don't pay anything. will send you many costly texts, emails, pictures, and videos to make you spend the money, AND THE MONEY GOES FAST. You could spend $100 in 15 min. You are their customer and they are getting a type of incentive to entertain you, for you to have the privilege to talk to a good looking person like them that makes you believe they truly are falling in love with you. THIS IS CLEARLY AN ORGANIZED WAY TO SCAM YOU. THEY WON'T ASK YOU FOR MONEY, BUT THEY ARE MAKING YOU SPEND IT AT THIS SITE. THIS IS HOW THEIR ROMANCE SCAM WORKS!

They'll tell you over and over again that you are the most important person in their lives after their family to create a fictitious bond so you keep spending more money. THIS THE MOST CRUEL AND DANGEROUS THING THEY DO FOR MONEY. They don't want to get off the platform to talk to you for free via phone, WhatsApp, or any other free medium. They will tell you (and the other members they are dating) that it is because they have legal restrictions that don't allow them to get off the site for a few months. After a few months, when you press for your situatioship to be defined, they will create stupid arguments, and convince you that you're creating them. Very politely, they start disengaging, and ultimately will tell you the relashionship is not working for them.

Don't trust that you're talking to the one person in the profile picture because, in my experience, I noticed that I was talking to two or three different personalities and English skill levels, under one single profile. They think they can outsmart you, but they make lots of mistakes no thinking that you will catch them. Take notes of the red flags you notice! They work in groups to not develop a bond with you, and you'll see them connected 24/7. Their excuse for being connected all the time is that they are there available just for you. "No, I don't talk with anyone else in this site but you, darling." Right?!

Do an in depth image search and you'll see that many of them work for the same modeling agency in whatever city your person is writing you from. It will be difficult to find their pictures or the name they give you on the internet so,, that's a red flag right there. They are dating other people off the platform. They have a busy love and social life, they just don't publish much of it on social media because they are required to be single to keep working for They are friends among themselves and cover each other's back, AND will protect them and ignore your complaints no matter how many you have. They are struggling models trying to make money on the side. While you might be working hard for your money, stressing to pay your rent or cover your children's needs, they (or operators) are working from home, chatting with many members. Remember, your money helps them pay for their lifestyle. They travel a lot, and must look good. We are the fools who are regular people who believe their lies and polite, loving words... THEY ARE MASTERS AT MANIPULATION, STORY TELLERS, SALESMEN! MANY OF THEM HAVE BEEN ON DATING.COM FOR A LONG TIME ALREADY. They don't have any consideration for how vulnerable we all are under this pandemic, or your financial problems, or the efforts you are making to be able to go on the site to spend the money talking to them and that's BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU AND THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN STABLISHING A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. They won't see you again in their lives after they get your money!

Also, doesn't do a pre-screening of all members but for the ones that want to work for them (curated). Paying members don't get screened, but you almost never will get a message from a paying member, only curated members will be after you, overwhelming you with text, pictures, and video messages.

They don't pre-screen the pictures that members post so, sometime you'll see very explicit, offensive pictures. Keep an eye and report them.

I feel sorry for some of the models as they might not be able to get as many jobs because of the current pandemic, but I also think that they could get a decent and honest part time job somewhere else instead of helping scamm people SO TO ME THEY ARE CRUEL PEOPLE PLAYING WITH OUR FEELINGS. See pictures attached to this review of some of the ones I recognized on Instagram. I discovered that one of them is married and just celebrated his anniversary. The others have girlfriends. Many have bought expensive cars, motorcycles, and even homes. They all are friends among themselves, and are models. The ones in the picture live in Mexico City and many work for two modeling agencies.

ULTIMATELY, if they don't want to talk to you off the platform after a few days of chatting, cut them off, block them. Don't help them aid scamm you or other people. IF YOU'RE AN AMERICAN, you can report with the FBI at their Internet Crime Complaint Center: In other countries, go to the authorities, go to the press, the TV. LAWS NEED TO CHANGE REGARDING THESE TYPES OF SCAMMING COMPANIES. THIS IS HUMAN CRUELTY!

It's a scam - doesn't even deserve 1 star.
I realized after 30 minutes of being bombarded with messages and chatting and paying around 1$ for a message written (and received), that this is a scam. Guys seem to be intent on keeping you on this site for as long as possible to keep you messaging and emailing as you have to pay for it ( never seemed concerned about the financial implication of their chatting) by saying the most flattering and romantic things (even though my profile had no picture for them to see who they are talking to). It has been impossible for me to delete my profile and account and out of desperation I have removed every single detail about myself, changed my age to 85, and changed my location to the orient. However, the messages are still streaming in every time I check to see if my profile has been deleted and young guys are still trying to get me to join a video chat - I'm assuming that I would have to pay for that as well. On the emails that come from, a company SOL Networks is listed. I found this company's website and have tried calling the numbers and emailing them as well, but guess what? I have had no response. All I want is for my profile to be deleted. customer support eventually emailed me twice to confirm that I want to delete my profile but it is still there and I feel that they are just drawing this out and perhaps hoping that I will give up.

Totally wasting your money
Stay away from and Amolatina, unless you have too much money and no where to spend, or you just bored want spend tons of money to chat someone at the site, because won't let you exchange contact easily, you can only spend money talk to people at the site. The costumer service is terrible, they either not respond to you or lie to you, same question you will get different answers from different people, if you question them, they would say the other person made mistake. The service is so expensive, but that's not important, the most important thing is you can't exchange contact with the members you are interested, only the members you are not interested can send their private contact to you. I stayed Amolatina over two months, I don't want to tell how much money I spent, because makes me sick, I met few interesting people and wanted to exchange contact, but they gave me all kinds of excuses to stop me exchange contact, so I canceled my account and sighed up a account at, but after I sighed up, I found out that Amolatina and are together, they are same company and sharing member's profile, so I having exactly same problem with Amolatina again here at, I contacted customer support, they told me that video chat and present delivery are only two ways to exchange contact for all the members, but some how I can't do video chat with the members I really want to, the members I am not interested they can invite me video chat anytime they want, so I decided to do present delivery, so I contact customer support, they told me that my area doesn't have the service yet(I am living in US) then I called back later on, they told me that my area has the service and asked me email my address to them, after I emailed my address, they told me that other members can send me present to exchange contact now, but they didn't put the option in my profile, so I called again, they told that I am not qualify for the service, because I am not free membership or popular membership, are you kidding me? Why didn't tell me from beginning? Then I found a regular member like me that he has the option in his profile and sent the screenshot to customer support, they said they couldn't find the member so couldn't proveth it, it looks like their rules only against to me, same thing other members can do but not allow me to do, some members put their contact in their profile so I tried too, but the site deleted my contact, some people can send their contact to me in the regular chat message, but I am not allow to do that, I sent the screen shot of the member who sent me contact but I am not interested in him, so I asked customer, they told me because he is regular member, so do I? I am regular member too, why can't I? I asked customer support, they didn't answer my question just told me to do the video chat,
Again, then back to being again, then I have to tell them that I tried three months couldn't do video chat, then they told me to record a video put my private contact on the piece paper and send to the member, I did but the members couldn't see my contact, also the member sent his contact to me, when I open the photo, the contact area blocked, obviously they don't want me to exchange contact, one person told me to send video but the site blocked my video, so I called back again, then they told me to request present delivery for me which is already tried so many times just have to start over again, I called customer support everyday, so I have to explain what's going everyday, in this two days, they hanged up my phone three time. It's over three months, I contacted customer support over three months too just for exchange contact, but my problem still didn't solve, I didn't get one person's contact, so do you think the site can't solve my problem or they don't want solve my problem? In the past over three months, all I did was over and over contact customer support and explained what's going on over and over. I am not the person like to write reviews on the internet, this is my first time, I want to share my true experiences with everyone. I just want to exchange contact with members, but in this three months they tried everything they could and all kinds of excuses to stop me exchange contact with other members, I am super disappointed about the customer service and the site.

Lovely ladies, beautiful photos, but is it really HER you're communicating with?
My profile has been up for quite a while despite email and phone requests to remove it. I blanked my entire profile and still received letters and messages. I suspect that the letters and messages may already exist as phrases in a computer, and when a new one is needed someone simply pushes a button. I went through several weeks when every communication said that the lady was coming to the US "next month" and want to make plans reservations right away. Others are more than merely suggestive, promising wild sex with the lady and one or more of her friends and/or family members. In every case say they've fallen in love with me through my profile and only want to give me a happy life and lots of children. I began to use it as a source of amusement. The cost of communication is actually rather high when you do the arithmetic.

I've received quite a lot of communications from stunning ladies with absolutely incredible figures and long black hair, but there are so many similarities between them that they could all be the same woman or a generated composite. Recently I've begun to received mail from other sites that are identical to, and when I read the contact information I discover that they all share a single location on Malta.

Save your money. There are better dating sites.

Nickels and dimes you... horribly.
Once someone sends a text, it costs 1 credit/minute to converse. To read an e-mail there is 10 credits. A photo sent to you? 10 more credits. On and on. $93 US gets you 160 credits, which is at a 25% discount, and it may last a day or two. $400 US gives you 1000 credits.

So, naturally, after the cost of paying for the 'privilege' of conversing equals the cost of a round-trip ticket from Bogota to NY and back, you would like to correspond outside of this money pit. You know, like normal people would. Is it easy? Think again. make it impossible for two consenting adults to exchange contact information without e-mailing their support service, which will send you a Marriage Broker disclosure form you must fill out, submit, etc... then MAYBE you may get a real person contacting you.

If this site were legitimate, and if the *female members* were legitimate, I would have expected a less punitive form of charge for the privilege of contacting someone. Furthermore, the women would act more interested in corresponding directly with the men. Seriously, if it costs $100 for a conversation with someone and they're still taking it like you're on a free chat messaging service, either they don't care about you being forced to spend your money OR they're getting paid to talk to you. Someone is getting a cut. The women may be real but it's obvious--even with the ones professing their love--that they get paid for keeping you on the hook.

Somewhere out there is a better way of doing this. The right person will come along and build a site which protects a person's privacy, provides a safe means to communicate, but allows an easy way to lift the veil, so to speak, so that consenting adults may speak freely like normal people in real life do. is not the model to emulate.

BTW, all the nice reviews about being able to flirt, etc.?... Hello? Aside from the first e-mail sent, it ALL COSTS YOU. Either you're a shill or your wallet's bigger than the rest of us.

P. S/Update: I've heard from several women since regarding They have the same experiences--getting bombarded with icebreakers from so-called regular people with full-on professional portfolios, rich people who use their full names (who in their right mind would use their real names?), etc. Don't fall for it. On the off-chance you do find someone real enough to get to know better, there are ways to get around the filters. Guaranteed workarounds. Through trail-and-error you''ll figure them out. Anyhow, test them on the one(s) you're interested in. If they claim they don't understand what you're trying to say, or that it's "blurry", sorry. They're shills. Cut and run.

This site is a scam
This site is a scam. I joined last night and was immediately loaded with automatic messages from fake profiles of guys who look like models. When you reply to them, the answers you get back are clearly sent automatically, and sometimes don't even make any sense. also charge you for viewing photos, or sending or receiving messages after a little while, at ridiculous prices. This morning I sent a message asking them to cancel my membership as soon as possible. They have not replied yet, despite having viewed my messages on Whatsapp (because by now I have sent them various messages).
Edit (after a week): After that initial day, which was already bad enough, I found out they had charged me for messages I had exchanged with their fake profiles. And they "explained" that I had probably turned on the credit autopurchase by mistake! I had not even been informed chat messages were charged to start with! It is very easy to identify the fake profiles, they all have photoshoot pictures and a long profile description saying how they are looking for a long-term commitment and how they value women not for their looks, but rather for their generosity, spirituality, etc. They send you chat up lines that never start with "hi, how are you?", but things like "let's have a travel addiction together", "Would you find time for me?", and similar things. And they carry on with scam messages that anyone with more than 2 neurons in the brain can identify as such. I was charged over 100 euros for a few messages, I don't think I spent more than 1 hour on the website. Fortunately my credit card company refunded me when I made a complaint. What they commit is a serious crime. is scam website do two different ways to scam you, first they send you messages from fake people, they try to keep you in chat to finish your credit, they just asking questions so that you write more and more, and if you ask a question they don't answer, many of them are robot to chat to you, they are using nice photos for the profile and sending many messages to you, from the beginning even your profile is not complete they send messages to chat to you to encorage you to pay more for fake people, and the seconed scam is they cut money from your card without your permission and when I wrote for their online support over the WhatsApp, they read messages but didn't answer and didn't take any action about my question, I just ask them why you cut 100 EUR from my card while I didn't purchase anything more.
I highly recommend you keep far away from this website they will take your money and they will waste your time with fake profile, I think this is the worst scam in the world, because people who visit these websites looking for better life and love but they cannot find it and they will loose time, energy, money and love

Was joined on the of june to this side. All men are models with a academic background. There are just scams. I received automatically messengers without any sense and tried to keep me on this side. Men who told there were born and raised in Germany who are not able to talk german. It was obviously that they were lying and using Google Translator After asking for talking in German. This side charges a lot of money! I requested on the 23th of june many times for deleting my membership and also account! It is not possible to delete your account by yourself you have to ask for it. It Took weeks. I got a message from the support that i haven't turn on the automatically purchase button and although I have the confirmation they charged me 130 euros without permission or authorization! I asked many times for explanation but did not get any answeres! I contacted the bank complained about the purchases because they charged on one day 8times each 18,99 euros!
I cancelled my credit card and took a new one so there are not longer able to charge?!
It was interesting because out of sudden I hade a new account with the same nickname from on the Plattform without signing in?! So they took my information and created a new account on another Plattform. It is the same style, the same people and got many bad reviews in the past. is the new created almolatina. And i received the same messages from the same guys like That is for sure not legal! I asked them to cancel my account but still did not get any answeres!

DON'T use this site. I used it for a couple of hours and realized how OFF it is. To interact and try it out you must pay to read messages. And then, when you do, you have all these model looking guys reaching out to a woman who has no picture on her profile and little information (me), completely in love and wanting to have kids in like minutes of conversation! I mean, come one. Then, straight away my email box flooded with emails from these so-called "real" men with letters about how I am the woman of their dreams. FAKE FAKE FAKE. Another clear GAVE AWAY was that on purpose I answered wrong information about me (from the one I had on my profile, like my age, where I live), and NOBODY called me on that! Isn't that just really weird? Contacted support and of course, because I "used the service" that I paid - which I had to in order to interact - even if for an hour or 2, then won't refund. SO BE AWARE. I wish I had read these reviews before. SCAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM! Don't fall for it. They have adverts on Facebook and Instagram so you think is legit and then you realise that's how they get your money. DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING!

Claim the site responsible to me
Re: Fwd: Edward 46.*******542. This is the worst site. I have given a lot of evidence, proving him to be Fake, but the website is still stubborn, don't distinguish right or wrong, they don't check in a clear and transparent way. I hope people here please look at me, is he fake or real. Edward Fake in Shenzhen China and jewelry designer. But I found information that his real name is Yuminghuang, English name is Morris Huang is a doctor in Taiwan, L'exellecen hospital, he has Instagram, there are many pictures of him working in the hospital. Institute, there has never been a picture of him working as a jewelry designer and there has never been a photo of him in Shenzhen China. So I hope with your all-seeing, intelligent and understanding eyes, please help me, and give me a fair answer. This is one of the pictures and messages. Photo from Edward Fake's profile in Shenzhen and works as a jewelry designer. The photos are of a doctor in Taiwan Yuminghuang, whose English name is Moris Huang. If you are an honest, conscientious. Let's see if the pictures are true or false. Member Fake Edward uses Yuminghuang's image or to cover up scammers.

There are so many scammers
Unfortunately i wasted some money before i realised i was corresponding to a scammer, fraud. STERLING T, 41. He is a popular member. Nearly 24/7 online. Always insisting only to chat or send e-mails on this dating platform.He is chatting two different woman at the same time. Maybe more! I have attached the correspondences. He hasn't recognised me and talking to me thinking i was a different woman. Never accepted to talk on social media. No where else is possible even if it is free! I talked to him from a new user account and the compliments were fix. Same sentences but different advertising of himself. Playing with people's feelings. For money? Is he working there as a chat provider or for what reason he is forcing women to subscribe and buy more and more credit... I ALREADY wrote a lot of complaint e-mails about it but his profile is still available on but my account is deleted right away. So disappointed. When i wanted to face him, started to talk about God and said i was scammer for testing him. He hasn't even felt ashamed. Please be very careful. ANTONY 40, PARIS is fake too. Be careful precious women...

STAY AWAY FROM THIS SITE! AND IF DONT, DO_NOT_ GIVE THEM YOUR CARD NUMBER OR PAYPALL! Omg, where to begin - When I signed up, even before I put a picture on, instantly my inbox was just popping with new messages. From AMAZINGLY handsome men. And all of them were (surprise surprise!) either doctors, lawyers or models. (Also 'doctors and lawyers' looked like a models.) ALL of them: Non smokers, no drinking, no divorced, no kids. Like, WHO IS THAT STUPID?! FOR REAL? I was lucky, I didn't spend any penny there and started to read reviews. But you know what; I'm really lonely and wanna find love; I can imagine, if the scam hasn't been that obvious - eventhough I'm kinda poor student, I would pay for love and spend my last money on it. Luckily I didn't, but I know there are people who have not much money and makes that mistake. I wanna BURN your site down, you piece of $#*! -pathetic frauds. You're playing with real, lonely hearts here. Hope you, who are responsible of this $#*!, roll with your scam money for a couple years and burn in hell for eternity. You should go to jail. You're just pathetic, pathetic thief. Nothing more, I just wanna spit on you. I'm gonna make sure, everybody knows and spread the word about this.

You guys are shameless! Scamming people who are looking for love. NOT OK! Most profiles on this site are fake. How do I know? Well, unless some of these people aren't human there is no way on earth are connected 24/7. These people don't eat, sleep, or work. And don't tell me they are logged in on their phone because both of the guys I talked to said they had no phone or email LOL! Plus it shows a little phone icon if you are logged in on your phone. Their pictures did not show this icon. They will also ask you the same thing several times. It's like you're not even talking to the same person. Oh, wait! That's because you aren't. They will keep putting off a meeting just so you feel the need to buy more credits to keep talking to them. And since you're not really allowed to share personal information there is no way to communicate outside this app. You just need to spend endless money. How convenient for them! I just want to cancel my membership and want my money back. STOP RIPPING PEOPLE OFF!

P.S. Their emails trying to justify their illegal practices are also very ridiculous.

Fellows, we specialize in traking fake and scam websites... THIS ONE IS A BIG SCAM! Stay way from this site. I wasted $ 100+ USD just with 2 chats in 10 minutes by looking at their pictures and videos sent me thru the chat... as someone here said, I have tried many times to ask them to continue the chat via skype and Whatsapp and email and eventhough I was getting invited to fly to their countries to meet they would not once reply to the simple offer of meeting on another system that is not legally steeling our money. Its sad that these companies can get away with this and even have the balls to answer each reviews here always with a good excuse and answer... Guys, if it looks like it is too good to be true IT IS! All those profiles were paid models photographed by proffessionels and Photoshop for their profiles... the hot women you think you're chating with is in fact someone in Nigeria or Columbia ( most likely a dude) and yes that person is getting paid for every dollars you are spending... Don't you find that weird that 99% of profiles are in their 20s and many don't look their ages and that their is hardly any huggly women? Have you seen any other sites that are ligit that don't have overweight and huggly women profiles! Use your head and go take a walk before you burn your money with this scam site... we will make it our priority to make as much publicity to expose this website and will not stop here... please join us in this fight and spred the word everywhere you can to help guys who fall for these scams. Thanks

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Based on 50 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: is the place to meet people from around the world for exciting communication and online companionship.
It increases members chances of meeting someone new, discovering unique places as well as doing things that they never knew they would have an opportunity to do before. It represents a fun and easy way for people to communicate across the globe. now covers more than 32 countries and offers the technology that enables members takes communication further than ever.

Address: 589 8th Avenue


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