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Reviews Relationships, Dating eHarmony

51 customer reviews of

A terrible online dating site
I am a male and this review is directly targeted at men contemplating using as an online dating service. When you first visit the site, without being a member, you answer a few questions and the site tells you how many potential matches you have. The faces of these women are blurred and that should have been my first clue but I proceeded. Trust me, the faces beyond those blurry photos should stay blurred. Interesting to note that the age demographics of these women are overwhelmingly well over 50. If that's what you want this site is full of ugly and tired looking old ladies. If you're looking for anyone even slightly good looking you're at the wrong address.

11 states have realized that eHarmony is a rip off and now allow you to cancel your membership within 3 days. I live in Nevada and eHarmony has proudly let me know cancellation is not possible for me. The fact that eleven states found it necessary to regulate eHarmony for deceptive business practices leads me to believe eHarmony are crooked at best and predatory at worst. The 11 states where a refund is mandated are Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.

What about the cost? When you first inquire about a membership the full price is over $400. If you do not sign up you will receive several emails with additional discounts. In my case I only paid 50% of the initial price after waiting just a few days. So, even if you don't believe me about the inventory of ugly women you're still going to save yourself $200 if you just wait. I find it interesting that even eHarmony thinks their service isn't good enough for full price, again that should've clued me in to how bad their service is. On top of all the other crappy parts of their service, there are a significant number of profiles with no picture. I would remind eHarmony that they are not in the business of setting up a blind dates so including so many women without a picture is completely antithetical to the entire online dating structure. I've only had the membership for a few days but I won't be using this service! I'll try to sue to get my money back not because I care about the $200 but because I can then approach the proper government officials to codify the refund so as not to rip off the consumer going forward. If this review was helpful I would appreciate if you could click on the helpful box.


E-Harmony is like watching a train crash in slow ultra-motion; each second, 1,000,000 frames of film! Achingly frustrating and insanely annoying. Aside of their overly-priced membership fees and excruciatingly tedious questionnaire before you even get to square one, what follows is a downward spiral of utter frustration and disappointment.

As many have stated here, e-Harmony's slick marketing and advertising campaigns lead one to believe finding your dream partner is just a click away, and find him/her is going to be a wonderful idyllic lazy stroll in the park. Alas their glossy presentation could not be more far removed from the truth.

I signed up for a three month membership, thankfully offered at a reduced promotional price. Following the tedious process of filling out the questionnaire, I was sent my very first six matches – yes, there is no typo ― just six. And then depression set in!

You see, e-Harmony hold this view eHarmony are professionally qualified in the art of perfect match-making. Erroneously, they hold a view their system is infallible and hence believe, they and ONLY they are qualified to make a judgement on who is best suited to each of their members.

And thus commences their dictatorial right to choose the ‘perfect' match for you. Indeed their contemptuous arrogance extends to every aspect of the selection process, to such a point, all control is completely withdrawn from their members, treating them as nothing more than a mono-cellular life form.

Herewith, some of the incredibly restrictive aspects from e-Harmony:

1. They send you approximately half a dozen names a day - That is it. So in the event you do not like any of their offerings, you must wait 24 hours to receive the next batch!

2. They have a secondary option called "What if" which are purportedly close (but not perfect) matches – which one can browse through, but even these are incredibly restricted, and so if nothing suitable is found there, they end the list with a message telling you must wait until tomorrow to view more members. What the hell is that?

3. Through their overly-zealous control, E-Harmony has completely ignored one of the most basic elements in match-making: chemistry. No, they firmly believe everything revolves around their stupid psychometric questionnaire.

4. However, E-Harmony allows you some control, (very small though it is) such as distance and ethnicity, albeit, in truth even though one expresses specifics, I often received ‘suggestions' which fell outside my criteria, so basically the filters do not work. Indeed, as an agnostic, I specified I was not interested in members who held strong religious faiths, yet often received proposals of these type of individuals.

As such, the whole system is flawed and fails to hit the grade by a long shot. Furthermore, the restrictive daily offerings are incredibly annoying, since many of the suggestions were not to my liking, simply because I felt zero attraction to the women they offered.

Finally, I have to say, of the members I wrote to, 90% never replied. So when I wanted to send a follow-up message to encourage a response, once again e-Harmony came in with the obsessive control factor, denying me such an option. When I called their customer service, they told me there was nothing I could do about it and just would have to wait patiently (an –eternity) for said member to reply.

Regardless of these aspects, worst of all is that their match-making skills are in reality grossly inadequate, since often I was sent ‘perfect matches' which were clearly nothing of the sort. Allow me to elucidate, I am not referring to physical appearance here, rather more, their lifestyle, hobbies and interests.

In conclusion I can say e-Harmony is a rubbish dating site, for in their zeal, they have completely removed the delight of finding a perfect partner. Through their overly-confident control of all aspects of the selection process, they steam-roll their members into a state of complete submission, ultimately leading to apathy, thus e-Harmony is not only incredibly annoying but a most boring affair.

Through their bigoted mind-set, E-Harmony has completely lost focus of the essential elements in finding true love, by treating their members like kindergarten children; as though only e-H is qualified to make a sound judgement as to what their members seek (require), ultimately treating adults as incompetent Neanderthals; incapable of making a rational decision about what they deem a good match and who they wish to date.

Do not waste your money on e-Harmony. They will drive you to despair!

Not worth it even at $5 a month! Mind the 3-DAY cancellation policy!
My friend asked my to help her with online dating, and I've been hearing about eHarmony and I thought eHarmony were a cut above the rest, especially free websites.

The fact that they charge like $60 a month or $240 a year is ridiculous for what they offer.

The good news is that you should find coupons (over 70% off) which in combination with cash back sites (some offering 65% off) can reduce your total to something like $60 a year (at least in theory)

The bad news is (1) they didn't trace my 65% cash back so I had to submit a claim manually which hasn't been paid after a month yet (2) even if you get all cash back and coupon savings, it still may not be worth for what you get.

Supposedly they use this fancy algorithm to come up with their matches, the only problem is:

(1) There's a lack of "compatible" men and no one else can see you

(2) Even if their claim of "scientific" match is not a complete bs, especially men, don't fill out hundreds of questions necessary to form an accurate "scientific" match. So my friend filled like 500 questions and most of her "matches" never bother to fill any questions or filled only a few beyond the initial survey which is rather basic.

Since my friend is very good looking, had all users seen her at on most other dating sites that allow members to browse anyone, she would probably have gotten many great matches. Here, almost all matches didn't match her on both physical and non-physical basis.

Also they are very sneaky in their billing. I've asked beforehand what is their product satisfaction policy and they wouldn't clearly tell it. Afterwards, they will tell you that somewhere in their 100-page term and conditions ( that everybody reads?) it is buried a clause allowing for only a 3-day cancellation and they won't budge on it no matter how much their services suck!

Avoid eharmony
I will start by saying that I've never completed a review or complaint against any product or service I've ever used. Generally, even if customer service doesn't give me a satisfactory answer, eHarmony do it in an acceptable way and I've never been pushed to the point of needing to warn others against something. Until eharmony.
First, the website is difficult and cumbersome to navigate. Not user friendly at all.
Second, they force you to choose an impossible geographic distance. It's simply not practical to meet people who are outside of your community, unless you have the ability to relocate. I don't believe that's an option for most people, yet they encourage, and I'd even say force you to choose impossible distances. The customer service rep told me that, at a minimum, I should be looking for matches 120 miles away. Ludicrous!
Third, I've never experienced such outright rude customer service. I believe they've scripted messages because they know people will be unhappy with the service and want to cancel. The customer service agent actually told me "tough luck!" And he seemed to enjoy being able to do so. He was humiliating, condescending, and it was shocking to be spoken to that way.
Fourth, The subscription policy is a trap. You have three days to cancel your subscription or you are accountable for the full amount. You can't cancel or change after three days. However, you can't fully set up your account and get to know the site within 3 days, because they put you through endless questions. You'll be trapped in the "contract" before you've even had a chance to see that you're not satisfied. I believe they've set the system up purposely. Even if you are successful in meeting someone, you can't cancel your subscription.
Lastly, after reading the other reviews, I'm now afraid they will continue to charge me even after my subscription is up. This is a disreputable company in ever sense of the word. They know they've got you, and I honestly believe they're happy to have ripped you off.
Please avoid this company and tell all your single friends to do the same.

Expired or No longer subscribed Matches
Imagine this. You are new to online dating. You've heard a lot of good things about Eharmony. You are a Christian and you trust Eharmony because of its founder, not realizing that the business has been bought and sold several times over the years. You get your first set of matches and you fall head over heals in love with a picture and great profile. You send out a smile, first point if contact (or so you think) and you hope for a reciprocal smile. After all, if she doesn't smile back, she's probably not interested, right? You wait a few days and no smile, so you think, she wants a message from you and not just a smile, she wants to know you're serious, so you send her a cute message trying to get her attention, but nothing, no smile back, no reply, no nothing, but maybe she's playing hard to get, so you keep trying week after week. Can't get her out of your head. Of course there are others, and you move on, but you don't block her, because just maybe she will eventually respond. AND THEN, AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS, you discover by, sheer accident, that if a person subscribes to Eharmony and then doesn't renew, EHARMONY CONTINUES TO PUT THEM OUT AS A POTENTIAL MATCH, and the unsuspecting PAID SUBSCRIBER, HAS NO CLUE, THAT THE PERSON EHarmony HAVE BEEN TRYING TO COURT, HAS NO IDEA THAT YOU EVEN EXIST!... THIS IS TOTAL CRAP!
I know this for a FACT. I was matched to another person, who had quit using Eharmony over a year previously, but was clever enough to word in their profile a riddle that revealed a email address that I figured out and used to make contact with them outside of Eharmony. Putting 2 and 2 together, I figured out that my heartthrob, I had been seeking out, was in the same no longer subscribed situation. TALK ABOUT FRUSTRATION. I am so pissed with Eharmony, and they admit they continue to promote non subscribers. TALK ABOUT BAIT AND SWITCH!

I joined eHarmony with the hope of meeting the love...
I joined eHarmony with the hope of meeting the love of my life. I was told I had a 3 day free trial & I could cancel within 3 days and receive a full refund. I called on the 3rd day & was told I could have 14 extra days for free to see if I would start liking eHarmony. I happened to ask what the end date would be and was told Oct. 4,2013. But 14 extra days would actually be Oct. 9. I called back to find out that it was 14 days from the original start date. If I had listened to the girl who told me I had 14 days from the date of the call I would not have been able to get a refund. Sneaky eHarmony.

I called back on October 1st and got an eHarmony rep by the name of David C. I asked him to please cancel my membership and refund my money. He argued with me for about 15 minutes telling me what I'm doing wrong and why I should keep my eHarmony account open and active. I literally repeated myself a dozen more times that I just wanted to cancel my account and receive a refund. He continued to argue with me until I became so frustrated I started crying. He then became very rude with me telling me that I'm outside my cancelation window. I told him that I was offered a 14 day extension. He then put me on hold.

When he finally came back he scolded me saying I was not allowed to have a 14 day extension of my free trial period. He told me like it was my fault eHarmony gave me the extension & like I have no right to be asking for that extension to be honored.

At one point during the call I asked him for his name. He told me David C. Then abruptly yelled "I'm not giving YOU my last name!" I told him I didn't need or want his last name.

At another point in the conversation he scolded me telling me to not use foul language. I don't curse so I repeated exactly what I had said back to him to show him I wasn't using foul language. He finally fell silent. This guy has some serious issues.

David C. With eHarmony was an arguementative, rude, distasteful representative that should seriously not be working with the public. Especially not with a company that is supposed to be supportive and helpful.

I will never join eHarmony again. Shame on them for treating customers this way.

I didnt know what I agreed to!
Like many of you here, I created a profile and didn't pay at first, I went to my profile and attempted to post my email for matches to message me without me having to pay, of course the didn't let me scam them, too bad I thought to myself.

So I went on and went to the purchasing page, I saw one for 11.95 a month and got super exited and didn't even bother to see that eHarmony give you a higher discount for the longer time you subscribe, I ACCIDENTALLY put in my credit card (which should NOT count as me purchasing it!) and clicked submit and didn't read anything else and purchased a plan.

So I started using it and I wanted to search ALL of the profiles on the site to just pick out the supermodels and ignore everyone else (I am the best looking man alive, weighing 160 and being 5' 2" and it makes me puke to have to look at anyone who weights over 110 pounds) but they didn't let me do it. Very upset I called them to complain, they explained the process and that the main reason for people not finding someone is because they do that. I got upset and hung up on the rep, what does his 35 year old research of relationships have to do with anything!

I kept using the site and googled getting a refund from them, on another site called it said that I had 14 days to use it, find someone and get my money back. I did so and messaged all my matches and told them I was getting my money back and to message me somewhere else like in my email, they all blocked me for some reason. Am sure it was eharmony telling all my matches to conspire against me! I called at the end of the 14 date and expected them to give me a refund, they denied my request saying that they only have a 3 day cancellation period and that they can't agree to anything other web pages show, its not fair for them not to honor a request give by other webpages who post anything that may not be true. I then requested to speak to a supervisor and then his supervisor thinking I could break their policies like I do with all other businesses but they didn't let met speak to another supervisor because they could only be contacted through email.

I am now upset, NO ONE should be made to agree to some terms and conditions when I didn't even read them! I dislike eharmony for having rules and not letting me do whatever I want which is why I posted this review, that outta teach them a lesson and get them out of business!

Update on eHarmony
I had spoken about my account being summarily closed. EHarmony then admitted it was in error and gave me a complimentary extension until 11/12/2015. I was so impressed as I judged this was well over a month. But when I was told my account had to be "fixed", I then realized that eHarmony was an American concern. 11/12/2015 was in fact 12 November! Their "generosity" was very shallow. One would think messages would be given an Australian format but apparently the company assumes everyone thinks like Americans.
Despite my requesting my account to be closed as eHarmony has no value to me, I continue to get plaintive emails saying I am at risk of losing access to my account. I need to "fix" my account – code for paying up. Despite such threats, I can still access the account. But I will not pay for a dud service.
The most recent email suggested someone who was a new highly compatible match. She did have a degree and may have matched me there but had answered just one of the questions supposedly designed to draw similarities. We both preferred to be cold. It did not say how we could restore warmth which would have been more insightful.
I was also informed that she was passionate about people who do not indicate when driving. Now does that impress anyone?
Four of the previous five "matches" had a high school level of education. I have friends who are not well educated. I do not want to be snobbish but I am only interested in someone as a partner who has had the determination to excel in some sphere and can be stimulating and inspiring. So much for the highly advertised matching capability of the site.
As I have not paid a cent for my account, I can't vouch for the number of "matches" provided for those who are lured into paying. Very few matches have come my way and most of these have no attraction for me anyway. Why would I waste money when there is every indication of a poor outcome?
The number of recently televised advertisements and offers of "free" trials suggests articles like this one will make people think twice. The fact that ReviewFeeder states that this company is not yet responding to reviews is further evidence that there are enough trusting people who are lured by their advertisements so it must be profitable. A properly run business would be quick to address complaints about its service and so would earn respect.
No so eHarmony!
Update: After eight requests to upgrade my account which I refused, I finally found a Chat link where I have been assured that the account has been closed. Asked for feedback and reasons, I gave them what eHarmony wanted. Now I will be interested to see if this has been actioned. I may even have another look to see if my feedback has been acted upon. I would not count on it.

Lying, Decpective and Unethical
E Harmony is very deceptive. This is a money making venture which is aimed at trapping unsuspecting customers. E Harmony tried very hard to conceal how you may contact them if you have a problem. EHarmony have a feedback icon that is not prominently displayed in the site but they have a disclaimer that says they cannot respond to all feedback. They lie about the process for cancelling one's subscription, One is not able to do so on the website as they say (with some obscure exception or condition)! After spending a long time trying to reach them by phone about a matter, the agent said she had just sent me an email to address it (while we were talking) but I never received it. I thought it was a waste of time to follow up, so I decided to continue since I would have had to pay everything anyway even if I cancelled the subscription. Since then, E Harmony have been sending me only matches that have not been on for over a month. If they send one active match at all, there is no photo. I find it very weird. Something else I found very weird was the moment I asked E Harmony to cancel my subscription, I got a message from a "match" with no picture with a strange message about him not posting his picture because of fear of scammers stealing his picture, then "he" provided a link for his photo with e harmony in the link. The link was not "clickable". Immediately E Harmony smartly sent me a message to say that this person's account has to be closed because it was compromised. E Harmony, do you think the customers are stupid?! I find it rather interesting with the unethical business practices of E Harmony that they are allowed to continue operating. There are many more problems simply do not have more time to spend on this. My advice - it looks great in the ad, but spare yourself the trouble and headache- STAY AWAY FROM E HARMONY.!

Thousands of dollars gone I was stupid
I joined eHarmony to find someone and what I got was hurt used and thousands of dollars taken.
I met a man by the name Roberto Fabio Mussi. Date of birth 9/9/1960. He said he was Italian.
He claimed he was a computer programmer he lived in campbellspot Wisconsin.
He said he was going to Africa to put in computers for the schools and that's where the story got crazy while he was there suddenly he didn't have the money to get back to the United States well $7,000 later my computer system had been hacked into it from supposedly his son was killed in a car accident he was diagnosed with leukemia he left Africa got half way back to the United States ended up in Turkey which is where someone else came into play in the police officer by the name of Joseph Fawaz. At this point supposedly dear old Roberto was terminally ill and out of the hospital desperately needed to when you come back to the United States to die in my arms because supposedly he was so deeply in love well after he hacked into my computer system with the help with some woman by the name of Mrs Peterson I got the police involved and started raising all kinds of cane he suddenly got the airline tickets to return to the United States tell me he would be at the Atlanta International Airport on September 7th 2017.
After I went to the airport there was no Roberto which I'm sure you already know well by this point I'm getting emails saying that Roberto died in the his way to Atlanta Georgia.
He died in Europe.
Now granted there is absolutely positively no proof of this anywhere but the officer Fawaz stood by the story. When he EHarmony heard the story all eHarmony said was gee I'm sorry to hear about that. Save your money you're never going to find your true love or anybody else on these websites what will happen is you heart your heart will be broken your checking account will be scammed you will be left with absolutely nothing but a mess full of bills and a whole lot of lies.
The website will not allow you to get your money back. And there's no way to recover from what you've been through so by this point is 5 months later your heart is broken your banking account has been scammed the local police department laugh at you the international police think you're a sterical and nobody in Istanbul Turkey is going to give a damn so I'm telling you run run the opposite direction and pretend like you never heard from these people because I'm telling you now no matter what you do or how you do it you will be scammed and none of them care I personally will have to work two jobs and pray to God that I can find a way to save my apartment and never to get into this type of situation again please read this review understand this review and listen to this review cuz I was just like you all I wanted was somebody to share my life with and have fun and enjoy it and what I got for it was broken I'm losing everything I've worked so hard for I found out that I can be just as gullible as you can imagine I got used I got mistreated and I got Left. I'm ashamed of what I've done I'm shamed what I'm doing and I'm asking you to read this and walk away from this before you end up just like me and just like two out of four people every single day.

I just want to let people know what a scam Eharmony is
I joined Eharmony at the tune of $91.90 for what I thought was a 6 month period... I was a previous member in 2008 and again in 2010 and had a great experience with Eharmony... so now in 2017 I thought why not lets join again...
Oh what a scam it has become... after joining for $91.90 I wasnt getting any matches... 2-4 per week... and everyone was outside of my setting... what that means is eHarmony werent a good match and not what I was looking for... so I called customer service and talked to them about my issue and they told me that I should broaden my settings and they guided me to what I should do and I would get more matches within my settings... another week goes by and I am still getting the same type of matches... I call back to cancel my account as I do not want to pay for something that isnt working for me... and to my surprise they told me I could not cancel my account because I have not made all of the payments... I asked what they meant by that and they told me I had 2 more payments of $91.90 and then I was able to cancel... I argued that I was paid until Sept 2017 and they said that there were 2 more payment during that period... I asked them to please cancel that I didnt want to make any further payments because they arent giving me what I asked for and the matches werent enough and were still out of my settings... and they again told me I wasnt allowed to cancel and that I would have to send an email to they special department... I asked that I speak with someone... and they dont allow you to do that. I said sending an email was just going to get denied by them and the agent said that was the only way to cancel your acct and say someone would get back with me in 5-7 days... I waited and waited and 2 weeks later I finally got a response and to no surprise they did not allow me to cancel my account... SO I simply called my Credit Card company and told them not to accept anymore payment from Eharmony... and even they were surprised as to what they had said about paying the 2 further payments...
Long story short Eharmony has become a money grab... and what went for a great dating site where you were perfectly matched with someone to getting horrible matches to everything that you arent looking for>>BUYER BEWARE

Quality and Integrity have gone way downhill. Stay away!
I'll start by stating that I'm a notoriously positive person who usually leaves 5-star reviews when a business or service warrants it, but very rarely say anything negative online. In the case of eHarmony however, you should heed some advice from a formerly satisfied account holder of many years who can't get away fast enough. In the past, it seemed the quality of my matches were higher (used to get tons of quality eHarmony dates), the site was much more efficient to navigate, and you could easily identify and archive out those who hadn't logged in for weeks or months or simply didn't appeal to you.

Eharmony has now removed the "last login" identifier so you have no idea if your matches are current or not. Over time, 50-75% of your matches may have been outdated, so the ability to note and filter by this fact was paramount. Now you're lulled into a false sense of hope by having a hundred or more matches and no idea who is really currently active. Secondly, the archiving function does not work reliably so what happens is you have tons of matches keep piling up to where you can't navigate through them. And to my point before, how do you know which of them are current?

So today, you might spend 30 minutes archiving 50 different matches, then log in two days from now and eHarmony all appear in your queue once again! This has gone on consistently for well over a year, so not just a short-term glitch. I now have hundreds of dud matches in my queue because I gave up on trying to archive them.

Lastly, the site with it's "upgraded site design" has become very sluggish and slow to navigate, and will not accept your login information half the time you attempt to log in. And I wonder why more and more frequenty when writing a "quality match" you get an error message AFTER you send that user an email stating that the user is no longer active (this user has "left the building.")? If the user account is gone, then REMOVE IT! Don't leave it out there as bait! I think eHarmony realizes that the quantity of quality subscribers has gone down so they do everything possible to trick you into believing otherwise.

Bottom line, eHarmony was once my favorite dating site, and is now nothing but a huge disappointment. I used to get 1-2 quality eHarmony dates per month and now I'd be lucky to score that many per year. Mind you, I'm having consistent luck meeting candidates on PlentyOfFish, OKcupid, and ChristianMingle, so I'd be hard pressed to say "it's just me." I'm a normal, fun, decent looking, Christian guy with alot to offer, and who does not want to waste hours trying to manage potential candidates in the queue who may or may not be current or even exist! And not to mention... pay the hefty monthly fee eHarmony charges.

My recommendation, find other, more practical dating sites to use because going forward, you'll waste hours on eHarmony without results.

Only interested in money Got to give their ad guy Kudos for slinging BS
I tried to cancel a two year subscription deal within 10 days but eHarmony will not return any part of the money although they will gladly stop the account and keep all your money.
This site is ridiculous. I get matches and have even communicate with a couple but this is nothing but a money making scheme where they are MUCH more concerned with revenue than finding matches for people.

This is just my opinion and experience and please take my advice make the initial trial as short as possible, use AMEX and instruct them not to accept any addional charges from e-harmony to insure they do not just keep billing you

BTW I tried to get AMEX to intervene but they said the charge was legit and the rep told me she had personally work several complaints about e-harmony charging without authorization

To further show what they are all about and HW they rip you off, they have this thing called "IVD Verified" which will cost an additional $5.95 a month. Here is the thing. See what you have to do t cancel the monthly bill for THAT:

Notice of Rights to Cancel
You, the buyer, may cancel this agreement, without any penalty or obligation, at any time prior to midnight of the original contract seller's third business day following the date of this contract, excluding Sundays and holidays. To cancel this agreement, mail or deliver a signed and dated notice, or send a telegram which states the you, the buyer, are canceling this agreement, or words of similar effect. This notice shall be sent to eHarmony, Inc., Attn: Cancellations, P. O. Box 241810, Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA.
You will receive an acknowledgement of your order by an email, which includes your automatically renewing Membership Agreement Plan Terms and eHarmony cancellation policy applicable to your Membership Agreement


Yes deliver a mail notice or a telegraph. Now correct me if I am wrong but this is an online dating service that takes money online but makes you use snail mail or telegraph to cancel this.
Please take my advice and avoid these guys. They are thieves

Don't be taken in! It's horrible!
EHarmony barely sends me matches (none for an entire week, even though I live close to one of the biggest cities in America), doesn't match me appropriately, and makes it impossible to get a refund even though eHarmony don't keep up their end.
I signed up for eHarmony based on their promise to match me with compatible matches. They have not done so. I have a doctorate, and I have settings saying education is very important. They consistently match me with people who have only a high school or BA degree. I have my location settings at 150 miles, yet most of my matches are farther away. Many of the matches I get are not active on the site. I believe they have deleted their profiles (my brother did so 2 years ago, yet his profile showed up as a match on my site.) It should not count as sending me matches if those people aren't even available. I also indicate that Christianity is very important to me, but many of those i'm matched with do not share this.

I sent in feedback once, but never got a response. I have tried to do so again, but now the feedback button doesn't work on any of my devices. There is no other way to contact them by phone or online. I've submitted a complaint to the Better Business Bureau, but of course they say they make no guarantees of matching me. I suppose they could send me no matches for the entire time, and just say they couldn't find any.

Overall, I believe eHarmony is engaging in fraudulent business practices by not abiding by their commitment to sending quality MATCHES. Those they send are either not available or not matches. I wanted my money back when I realized this within the first few days, but they make it impossible to get one since I don't live in LA (to walk a cancellation in), and it would cost as much to send a telegraph as the subscription.

Dishonest, Dying and Gasping for air
Anyone who complains about the inactivity of matches will get the canned response that is all over these reviews as well... people may take a while... its not really that long... cant control who logs in... That is just talking circles around the problem. EHarmony REMOVED the ability to determine activity for a reason. We all know why.

I had signed up 2 years ago with a free account for a day just to see what it was like. I decided to focus on other things though and forgot about dating. Fast forward two years and i figured it might be worth a shot so i bought a 6-mo premium membership. I already had an account established so i just filled out the profile for real, added pictures etc. Well, apparently i had been getting matches for 2 years and had over 1,000 waiting for me. I asked anything pre-2018 be removed but was told it wasnt possible and to spend a few minutes a day looking at them and blocking them. Really? So i got rid of anything further than a year, any no photos, any i wasnt interested in with a quick look and narrowed it down to about 300. I requested eHarmony remove any not active within 3mo and they referred me to the "Active Within" feature. Are you serious?!? YOU REMOVED IT 2 YEARS AGO!

So i concentrate on very recent match date matches. I was matched with someone that I thought really clicked and sent a note. If i didnt get a response thats fine, its part of the process. But I was cautious and curious about the inactivity i was seeing everywhere and wondered if this was just another dead profile. The profile had all the information needed to take a quick look on FB and a public page popped right up. Lo and behold - the person has been in a wonderful relationship FOR YEARS! But this wasn't one i was matched up with 2 years ago - this was matched to me a week ago. We get 4 or 5 a day drip fed. 2 or 3 always get eliminated right away so of the 2 or 3 left, there is a 95%+ chance they don't exist and could even be married already? Do you know what they call a person who spends their day talking to people who don't exist?

It is NOT the users responsibility to notify you eHarmony of them closing their accounts when you push free accounts on the masses. You know full well that this is just to build numbers and shame on you for using dead profiles as peoples limited matches. Don't say you do not know if they are inactive - you specifically HID that function for a reason. Don't pretend they might log-on 3 months from now - if its already been 3 months no one is interested in waiting another 3 and they clearly are not looking for a date. Let US decide if we want to wait or go for someone obviously more interested in dating in the here and now. Advising us to hold out hope for months that that one person might actually check their account is completely contrary to the point of online dating.

Now that there is a shift to app dating, you are trying to hide the reduction in active users instead of being honest and evolving to meet it. Whoever is making these calls internally is not too bright - if you evolved you could survive. But holding tight to an outdated model and lying to your remaining customers is a guaranteed end game. Maybe you need to lower the budgets for a while until you get the hang of the new scene or bring something unique (and useful) back to the table. Even if i do find "that person", that is no excuse for purposefully wasting my time. I would rather have 2 active profiles a day instead of 10 roll the dice profiles. Or maybe its time to open the gates and allow more searching? Instead, you will end up just having another user go inactive - regardless of having paid time left on the subscription. That's not good for the future of your business.

Complete waste of money!
I have two friends who met and married their husbands on eHarmony and another friend who got a lot of dates off the site but not a relationship. So I do believe it was a good online dating site-about 5 to 10 years ago. The first time I tried it, in 2009 or 2010, I was rejected. Not one of their millions of users was a match for me.

A couple of years later, I tried again. This is how I learned online dating companies use fake profiles when I received nearly identical profiles with English and Spanish versions of the same name three days apart. Then as soon as I cancelled, I received a match who was too good to be true, who quickly went through the steps to get to open communication, (but ignored my request for a picture), and then disappeared when I didn't renew my subscription.

EHarmony was having a "free communication" weekend last year at Easter so I signed up again, but this time didn't pay. I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to see any of my matches pictures during the weekend unless I paid, so all the profiles read pretty much the same. Again, two almost identical profiles were sent my way; this time, the only difference was the suburb eHarmony live in.

I kept my account active (but unpaid for) for 6 months. In that time, I had 9 profile views but no one attempted to contact me. The majority of the matches I received came with the banner they were "just outside" my settings. The few that didn't have that banner, who were supposed to be great matches, should have had it.

Unlike others, the one time I did pay, I didn't have a hard time cancelling my subscription, but that was also about 5 years ago.

Do not waste your money with EHarmony.
I used their services for 6 months and I was very disappointed. EHarmony say the pros are 1) Large user base 2) Optimum privacy with secure dating options 3) reliable compatibility matching 4) Suggested matches help users comb through millions of options and their cons are 1) Limited Free communication 2) Timely process to complete a profile 3) Cannot search for your own matches 4) Not for singles looking for causal dating 5) Membership packages are more costly.

Here is my take on it as a former user. I think they have tons of improvements they could take action on to make it a pretty good site. However, after speaking to customer service on several occasions I think they are in it for the money. I have heard that from other people as well. First pro Large user base that might be however they choose who they are going to match you up with. The experts use their algorithm and have claimed success and most matches that lead to marriage. I am female and met more jerks off of eHarmony than any other site I have used in my life. Guys who were more in it for the high quality girl, but just wanted sex. I will refer you to the Con number 5Not for singles looking for causal dating. Pro 2 Optimum privacy with secure dating options. To me it conflicts with con #1 Limited Free Communication. They say free communication weekends.
Yes, it is limited when you are trying it out. Even as a paying member it is limited. You have to through their con #2 Timely process to complete a profile. After you pay for their membership they give you 3 days to try it out. Well it took me a week or more to complete the communications with most of my matches. It all depends on you and the other person. If you are eager to communicate with someone you can technically skip the back and forth crap, but it makes you look a little too eager which could be a little unnerving to the other person. I had issues with my matches locally. I wanted to keep my matches fairly local. Well when I did that it gave me way less matches and you had to wait for more people to sign up in your area. Where are these supposed millions they are combing through.

I called the customer service number they told me to widen my search. Well if I did I would have been opening the door to a long distance relationship which I think most people avoid. And why am I paying to meet someone to start a long distance relationship. Most people fail because of a long distance relationship. Props to those who are successful! They should have local meetings where you can meet in a selected location and invite people to meet in person to see if they connect. Not too difficult. does it. A friend of mine said they enjoyed their meeting. Bottom line EHarmony is not a site I would recommend at all! I used them once and did not feel like my money was worth it. I really wanted to cancel and try, but eHarmony would not refund my money. I was under the impression I had a week to try it. Nope it is 3 days. I heard somewhere it is a week internationally, but I am unsure of that.

Waste of Money
I fell for the commercials claiming "eHarmony is great!" "No questions to fill out!" "cheap!". Well, if you've seen those, don't make the same mistake I did! Before you can even join, you have to fill out 40 questions! Then you are directed to choose a username, etc., and the payment page. It seemed simple, choosing a 3-, 6-, or 12-month payment plan. I joined the 3-month program figuring if it didn't work out, I wouldn't have to pay all of it.


Within five days I knew the site wasn't for me. The "matches" I received were outside of the age bracket I selected (some as many as 10 years either way), lived on the other side of the country or even outside of it, and eHarmony paid no attention to my strict "No smokers" option. Using their "search" was equally disappointing. Entering a search for "single men, 32-38, in Rhode Island or Massachusetts" yielded exactly ZERO results. Disappointed and angry, I looked up the policy for returns and found you had to ask for a refund within three days.

I contacted customer service anyway, figuring that since I had only been a member for a week, I could at least get two of my months refunded. I was told that no, if you are on a payment plan, you must pay all three months before you can disable your profile! The representative I communicated with offered to cancel my subscription, but ONLY if I paid the remaining balance first, for two months IN THE FUTURE that I wasn't planning on using! Nowhere did eHarmony mention that when signing up, or else I never would have joined. According to the representative, that clause is buried somewhere in the "Terms of Service". Yes, I suppose it's my fault for not reading them closely enough, but there should be some sort of warning before you pay. Now I'm still paying for a service I don't even use, a total of about $75, which is a lot for someone with a low income. If I had known any of this, I'd never have signed up.

TL; DR: Matches are bad, site is expensive, refunds are extremely difficult if not impossible to get. Save your money!

Eharmony is by far the Worst Dating Site
This dating site is just terrible. EHarmony say the questionnaire that you fill out will ensure a perfect match. I am very fit and healthy and put that it was a must that my match would have the same interests. I said I would NOT at all be interested in any other matches.
I actually started crying the first day that I was sent matches. The matches they sent me were disgusting, fat old men who were balding or already bald. These men had probably never seen a gym in their lives, let alone had anything else in common with me. I talked to a girlfriend and she said maybe I just had to give it at least a week.
After a week of utter disappointment at the fact that I had actually paid a site to send me about sixty matches that I would absolutely NEVER go out with. Not even 1 match that I would consider or even had the same interests as me. It is absolutely pathetic.
I tried at this point to cancel my account. The customer service agent was not helpful at all. They actually told me I had signed up for the 6 months and not the one month trial I believed I was signing up for. They would NOT let me cancel my account, even though the matches they sent me I would never in my life date. They didn't even care that I thought I signed up for 1 month not 6, they said...
I'm sorry mam, you will have 2 more payment of $80. This company is clearly just out to get people's money and has no compassion on whether they even help you find love. They could honestly care less.
I then gave the account to my mother, Hoping that she would have more luck on there as all of the men who sign up are obviously older. I had already at this time paid the $250 for the 6 months of use that hadn't been used at all. I had one month left so she may as well make the best of it. After a few days of changing the personal info and uploading her photo as I had never uploaded one of my own EHARMONY actually just CLOSED the account. I immediately called there as I was so mad. The customer service rep was no help. I was passed on to about 3 different agents who said they were not sure what happened to the account and that I would be sent an email to get the account working in the next few days. I NEVER received that email.
Eharmony DOES NOT care about the questionnaire you fill out to find your perfect match, they will send you a million matches of people you have nothing in common with or would never even be attracted to. They could care less if you find love, all they care about is getting your money. They don't even care if you don't use the sight, they basically say too bad.
If you are young (35 or younger) and at all descent looking DO NOT USE EHARMONY. It is an absolute NIGHTMARE!

MISLEADING and POORLY DESIGNED WEBSITE, BAD customer service policies, they don't care about you!
I call it E-Disharmony.

1st off eHarmony advertise a deal of $19.99 per month in huge bold letters, but off to the side it says something like $79 for 3 months.

I thought the $79 for 3 months must be a separate option for paying the same price.

After all, why would it say in HUGE BOLD letters $19.99 per month if that option was not made available?

When I got to the payment page, I was so confused and did not realize that my bank account was going to be charged $79 for 3 months.

I really thought it was supposed to be $19.99 per month.

I called into customer service and they told me I can't do payments of $19.99. Per month.

The person was so nice and really believed in how great the company was, so much to the point that I caved, when really in my gut I knew this was a red flag and that I should ask for a refund, especially as I really should not have spent $80 at that time.

When I used the website, buttons were not working.

Info was not getting saved.

I called in for a refund, and again talked to a very "nice" person who convinced me my web browser must have a problem, helped me reset it, and convinced me maybe I just needed to get used to the site and offered me 11 more days to try it before a refund.

A feature he explained to me was about hiding matches that I'm not interested in.

This was good to know since the website was not correctly processing the criteria I set.

I spent lot's of time trying to *** through the many "matches" that did not correspond to the criteria I set, by using their featured "hide" button.

After spending 30 minutes doing this narrowing down process, I was tired and decided to do more searching the next day.

The next day none of the "matches" that I hid were hid any longer, so all that time, energy and effort I spent the night before trying to organize was wasted.

I tried emailing the company about some other problems and NO ONE RESPONDED! (ANOTHER RED FLAG!)

Being an extremely busy person, working a lot and going to school, one week feels like a couple days.

I hardly had a chance to test out the website, but the amount that I did was extremely tedious, time consuming, and aggravating.

I emailed them to cancel and get a refund, but no one responded.

The next day I called.

Despite my legitimate complaints that the site was not working as they claimed, they refused to give me a refund since somehow the 11 days they gave me had expired, and my call came a few days late.

I asked to speak with a manager and that person just repeated the same lines as the rep.

I asked to speak with the manager's manager, but was told that could only happen through email.

The manager's manager never got back to me.

Also, they said if I wanted a refund they would have to send me an email that I would have to respond to.

I did this and no one responded.

In fact, I sent about 4 emails to them expressing various difficulties with the site, and NONE OF MY EMAILS WERE RESPONDED TO!

This company cares more about profits than it's customer's experience or providing a good product.

It makes it's money by misleading, manipulating, and trapping customers rather than offering a good product.




EHarmony: The Jig Is Up
It's about time the whistle gets blown on this dating site that is held in high esteem by so many - according to its advertising, that is. Across the Web, eHarmony is lucky if its reviews reflect anything higher than one star out of five on most review sites.

Yes, their advertising is convincing. But the proof is in the pudding and this dating site does not even live up to any of its competition.

As an online dating site, eHarmony turns members who have a free limited membership into paying premium members by promoting the idea that, as a paid member, the pictures of other members would be visible. During the free membership, I experienced viewing "blurred" pictures of numerous members. These members all had pictures and paying the premium would result in viewing the images (photos) of these members with clarity, according to eHarmony promotions.

Eharmony supposedly prides itself in providing compatible matches via their parameters.

Since becoming a paid premium member, the majority of "matching" profiles that eHarmony has suggested have had NO photos whatsoever (image shown reflects what can be expected with a Premium membership). This never occurred while assuming unpaid status. There was no disclosure that such behavior would occur. In addition, a number of photos that actually appeared were those of deleted profiles.

Upon expressing dissatisfaction with this behavior, eHarmony has not offered a remedy or correction in any form.

I have also contacted eHarmony numerous times regard the dysfunctionality of their website and app. Both have malfunctioned in ways that I expressed to eHarmony. Responses (when received, though not usually) have included "scripted" how-to information without ever admitting any fault of theirs or the website. NO FIXES.

After numerous requests for correction were not properly acknowledged, I stated that a refund was wanted. Given a refund and having my subscription stopped would result in my not contacting them again.

EHarmony have refused a refund, claiming that their 3-day refund policy was state specific. Given the nature of dysfunctionality and their providing suggested matches that are anonymous and without profile images, it appears that eHarmony is reserving the right to provide faulty service for a fee along with website and app dysfunctionality with the confidence that responsibility for such negligence is not something they need to answer to.

EHarmony evidently reserves the right to pull the wool over people's eyes and even avoids having to honor their 3-day right to cancel in certain states regardless of the company's negligence.

"Every 14 minutes, someone gets cheated at eHarmony" would serve as a more fitting slogan.

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eHarmony Rating

Based on 51 reviews from eHarmony customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Los Angeles-based eharmony ( launched in the United States in 2000 with its patented Compatibility Matching System® which allows eharmony members to be matched with compatible persons with whom they are likely to enjoy a long-term relationship. Millions of people of all ages, ethnicities, national origins and religious and political beliefs have used eharmony's Compatibility Matching System to find compatible long-term relationships.

Customer Care Information:

Phone hours: 8am - 5pm, Monday - Saturday
Email: 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week
Refund Policy: Regarding the Singles Service, the buyer, may cancel the Agreement, without any penalty or obligation, at any time prior to midnight of the third business day following the date of the Agreement, excluding Sundays and holidays.

Address: 10900 WILSHIRE BLVD, 90024


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