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Reviews Home & Garden, Home Improvement, Solar EnergyBillCruncher

50 customer reviews of

It's ok, just don't know if this is real or not
It's ok, just don't know if this is real or not. Plus I've had one company call me about it and EnergyBillCruncher said you have to have good credit and mine is a little lower than good so she said we didn't qualify because my credit score wasn't a 650 or higher. So I think I maybe wasting my time, I don't know but we're desperate for help. Me and my husband are on disability and are low income and I have life saving equipment in my home that I need at all times. I just wish someone would give us a break and have a heart to help those who really need the help.

My experience so far?
My experience so far? I have provided my information and you have refereed me to installers. You claim savings on the electrical bill but have not addressed the costs not covered by the program, like the cost and maintenance of the panels, financing cost of panels. What are the savings AFTER all the costs are covered. This is just a Sales pitch. If Duke Energy will buy the electricity produced in excess of usage, I will continue to pay Duke for electricity service when solar does not produce all that is needed due to lack of Sun (or size of panels)

Sounds good so far
Sounds good so far.
Please, if you aren't working in Nebraska already, don't call me up and waste my time, like three other companies already have done. You have my zip code. Figure it out.
I'd like to convert to solar heat. My furnace gas bill for January is already $240 and we haven't hit the coldest part of winter. And my electric bill is separate from that!

I keep getting emails that my quotes are great but...
I keep getting emails that my quotes are great but there seems to no way to see these quotes or find more information.
Each time I put in my same information and end up in the same place. No one ever leaves a message or emails me with a time for them to come out and give me a quote. I wanted to have this done while the weather was nice if I felt I could afford it. I have no idea of the cost of solar panels and a battery to power my home when the power goes out.

I just wanted a quote like it said, i did not get that...
I just wanted a quote like it said, i did not get that instead im going to get a call for a sales person, stop $#*!ing lying and say that instead of letting people think EnergyBillCruncher can get a quote without talking to a sales person, i actually wasnt even expecting a full quote just wanted to see what kind of rebates were offered in my area

Experience has been fine but I'm concerned about climate...
Experience has been fine but I'm concerned about climate change. I can't put solar on the roof here because it would void our warranty on a flat membrane style membrane. The roof is the only place with enough sun for solar. I'm just curious to see whether if we get onto membership with City of Tallahassee's solar project how much of the savings they'll pass on to us. And how much we forfeit by not having our own solar panels.

Great! Now, if Zip can get Solar with next to nothing and cut my energy bill, it would really be GREAT and allow me to do some fix up that needs done to my house, my self and my property! I could see it making me VERY happy! Just don't tell me I have to have a $40+k income in my house hold per year! If I had that kind of money, I wouldn't need help with my electric bill!

Your site has a very simple way to understand Gide...
Your site has a very simple way to understand Gide to get ur quotes in just seconds@ to help u learn more about how to save ur money@ stop having to pay all these high Electric bills cause all the money I have is just a small monthly disability check to live on so thanks so much for letting me@ showing@ using ur site to help me understand how ur solar system can really help everyone to try@ save on our electric bills

I am pleased with how user friendly the questionnaire...
I am pleased with how user friendly the questionnaire has been and unfortunately no longer live at my address any longer and was only renting
But if u would have known that this could have been an option for my landlord to get solar panels put on the house, it probably would have saved me from not being able to lay the bill which ultimately obligated me and my. Bf to leave for good. I lost my job due to covid and nearly lost my life In the hospital 8 months ago. I now wish I could have some how payed my $5000 energy bill because I wasn't able to pay it due to being in the hospital and losing my job. I lost custody of my kids, my home, and ultimately anymore hope for the futur. I hope you can help others with the TV power bill as u might be able to prevent this sort of thing to happen to more Americans during this pandemic. Thanks for your time

I have owned a 14,600 watt grid tied unit for over...
I have owned a 14,600 watt grid tied unit for over 10 years. We were N0et Zero. We have sold that home and now own a home on 2.5 acres in Palm Beach Gardens. We are motivated for a great value on a system placed on a new barn north of our home. I need someone knowledgeable to work fairly with us thru the process.

If any provider wants to meet me outside, at my home,...
If any provider wants to meet me outside, at my home, EnergyBillCruncher must come prepared with information, brochures, and must be knowledgeable about the products being sold. This includes battery back ups, effect of reselling energy back to my current energy provider, and effect of installing panels on my roof where the roof has its own 50 year warranty, that could be voided with what most solar panel companies would only replace with an inferior warranty. Do not come to my house if the representative is clueless about these things. He/she must be knowledgeable! We have turned other companies away who were unknowledgeable about their company's products and other issues that present themselves with solar energy installation. We will not waste our time, if the rep is not knowledgeable.

I already have 33 solar panels 22 facing south and...
I already have 33 solar panels 22 facing south and 11 facing west. My bill is reduced approximately 40-45 percent.
SunPro from OKC last November through to February 2021, since then I haven't paid a bill, because I had $1,000.00 credit with OG&E... and still have a balance with them and still have a tax break balance with the IRS.
David L. Fackrell
MSgt USMC Retired 1968-1990

It just said get a quote not wanting to get them just...
It just said get a quote not wanting to get them just wanted to see if I would qualify. Thank you but don't want to get calls or emails I see this is how EnergyBillCruncher get you trapped in and try to sell you something I'm not able to do this now. To see if I qualified is all I need.

It's fine, not sure I'm interested though
It's fine, not sure I'm interested though. I had solar panels on my roof before that were 60% subsidized by the government. Worked great until maintenance fees and equipment failure came along. Granted, it was hot water heating not electrical. However, I have a new $32,000 roof installed last year

You said free solar panels and battery
You said free solar panels and battery. But and the Goverment would it them on with no charge to me. And now you say it depends on my roof. What kind of scam is this. You have all my Information now you can text me. And send a phone number So y'all can explain why it's not being paid by the government. That is why you got a bad review.

It was less then one minute after I filled out your...
It was less then one minute after I filled out your form when I received a call from your company. I'll give you 5 stars for that. My issue is this. I was unable to get any information from the person I spoke to. I'll start building a new home in January. I'm trying to get everything set up prior to starting. The home is 40 feet deep by 60 feet long, and two stories tall. I would like a bid to see what this will cost, and at what point do you need to be here for the wiring process. She was unwilling to give me any of this information. All she sad was she'll call back in January. I would like that information now so I know what needs to be done before we start. My email is ******* My phone is, *******976
Thank you for your time in this matter.

Im not available until 6pm
Im not available until 6pm.
Just on a break no time right now to discuss the program.

Once I know the plan and the cost I will have a better Idea.

Please email me who you are and what your program offers.
After I have a chance to check it out I will be in touch.

Haven't done anything yet but excited to find out I've...
Haven't done anything yet but excited to find out I've always wanted to learn more about solar energy but unfortunately installation costs have been astronomical and our battery technology and power storage technology has a ways to go but love the base idea wish I could get into the field

So far, so good
So far, so good. I would like to have solar power, but I am 88 years old I doubt I would ever reach the point of recovering the difference in time to profit very much from the expense of installing solar power. I am all for solar power but may not be good client considering my age.

Not sure what there trying to sell me
If I was still working and paying taxes over 5,000 a year, EnergyBillCruncher could help me, seeing that I'm not. I'm out, I can understand why, so I'll do it my self and install it to, with my own money and not owe any one of you. I've always paid cash, so it's your lost not mine, thank you, bye

I was expecting to be told an indicative price but...
I was expecting to be told an indicative price but what you have done is falsely gather my information to pass on to sales companies. I never said I wanted that I just wanted a rough idea of the cost. I am very disappointed and will now have to field call from sales

You trick people to give up their information
You trick people to give up their information. Then you give out the information or sell it. I then get a ton of emails and phone calls that don't even pertain to what I was looking for. All I wanted was an estimate on what solar was going to cost me. I did not get that information.

I've already set a time and date with another solar...
I've already set a time and date with another solar comp. But EnergyBillCruncher never came out or called after getting our info they did come back and do that seal thing in the AC/heat vents but that was it and it's been like 2 months and haven't heard nothing from them at all time for me to get another solar comp

Your info says that I can be told if I'm eligible with...
Your info says that I can be told if I'm eligible with just my zip code. Well I enter a lot more than just my ZIP code and I'm still am not sure if I'm eligible. I have to receive sales calls to find that out. That's very disappointing I will not answer the phone calls.

I find your on top of furnishing me with the top of...
I find your on top of furnishing me with the top of the line solar power. Your professionals. I have all the time for a company of your professionalism. Look. I will spread the word during this experience of installation & I will be the model unit. There are over 100. Units in just this Trailer Park.He owns 2 or more just on Dorchester Rd. Hey maybe I will go to work for you! I am 6'0 ft 185lbs good looking. Good Salesmanship. And professional business man. Worked for over 50 yrs. I love work & the satisfaction it gives you when a job is. Complete. Goodday to you Sir! Sincerely Ron. D
Mclean (*******

Fast response with info, and I am looking forward to...
Fast response with info, and I am looking forward to finding out the details, as well as how I can best benefit from this change in tyrannical Utilities Companies who have rarely, if eve, been required to give back to long-standing customers, anything more than lip-service, and how much new equipment and prices are always getting them their profits, while at the same time, the residents in each location have to pay lifetime to death, any and all bills sent to them, with zero effort on the part of the local level taking those payments, and probably getting their own money just because EnergyBillCruncher can! T

OK. Only available choice. I sold my system to Sun Run. EnergyBillCruncher seem to do little or nothing to maintain it. That's not what they promised!

If I could, I'd enlarge the SunRun system to charge my electric car to avoid being charged by So Cal Ed. I'd also like a larger system to pay for energy outages.

Calls came within seconds of submitting the inquiry
Calls came within seconds of submitting the inquiry. We just want to find out information about the feasibility of solar for our home. We ar not really trying to lower our electic costs, but we want to do what we can to support the turn around of climate change.

Your site indicated i would be able t get a quote on...
Your site indicated i would be able t get a quote on this site... it indicted if i submitted info it could tell me how much rebate and fed funding i would get- relative to the cost of the solar power set up... now all i have are promised more phone calls... please dont bug me - if you have something to email me then that would be fine... im busy enough i dont need more people to talk to...

Simple and when I see someone here installing them...
Simple and when I see someone here installing them I'll cry! I use space heaters because my furnace isn't working and I can't afford elec person right now bills reach 500+ in cold Winters here and I'm still cold and dealing with cancer past 10 yrs has been rough. Ty and I have plenty of sun and sky! Summers are so hot and use again $$$$$$ elec with window units. I've wanted dolor since I was 20 yrs old in my first home! Dolor was young but I knew I wanted them!

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EnergyBillCruncher Rating

Based on 50 reviews from EnergyBillCruncher customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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