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50 customer reviews of

Everyone has their own reasons for disliking Facebook

Anyone who's submitted a negative review on a website probably knows something about this...(maybe), but facebook gives page owners the ability to shadow-remove the review feature. Ie... the person who submitted the 1-star review, will STILL BE ABLE TO SEE their review. To notice that reviews have been disabled, you need to log in as a different user. Reddit/twitter calls this shadow-banning/censoring.

Internet tip: always log out and check your content is still visible.

I'll update this. Facebook is not at an immature stage. It's developed, and is now a data collection website. That's why it "encourages" you (ie, closes your account) to use your real name. So it has your data.

You still can't contact them, and still want to start a crypto-currency. "lol". Riiight...

"the reason" Facebook exists, is because there is no competition.


Social networking, good or bad, privacy or no privacy, is still at an immature stage. This includes facebook, twitter, maybe others. Maybe because they are run by silicon valley teenagers who are still stunned that they can make money from this s##t.

They are victims of their own success, and cannot provide customer service for their users. They mostly use software robots (bots) and AI to detect when you are doing "something wrong".

They all allow criticism of other platforms (facebook will allow criticism of twitter, and vise versa), so if you have a gripe, take to other platforms. This applies to other things as well - criticise the BBC from the dailymail's website, and so on.


It isn't about providing you with a useful website. It's about clicks and page visits, and keeping you there.

My issue comes with the "customer support", or lack of. Most companies have *some way* of letting you contact them. Most companies wouldn't exist without some sort of customer support option. Facebook has absolutely no way of letting you contact them if you have a problem. Their customer support is you asking the facebook community a question.

This means if your profile gets deleted, you have absolutely no way of getting any human assistance. There is an 'appeal' page. Which doesn't work.

Our house, our rules. No human customer support. Facebook is a typical modern silicon valley muppet company. As an article has said, facebook is "insecure". Arrogant, but insecure. 2 billion users makes you arrogant, knowing all they have to do is close a window makes them insecure.

Facebook seemed to go downhill when they started enforcing usernames. People often want to use initials, or nicknames, which Facebook doesn't allow. There are any number of reasons why you don't want to use your real name. Like half the purpose of the internet. You want to express yourself, without revealing your identity. Be it a less-than-positive review of a service, or otherwise.

The reason facebook wants you to use your real name, is exactly the same reason you don't want to. Facebook wants to profile you, and sell you things. The less facebook knows about you, the less it knows about you.

As I said, this wouldn't be QUITE so bad if there was a way of getting in contact with a human being. Or perhaps it would. "Facebook's policy is no aliases" is the same coming from a person as coming from an automated script.

Facebook gets worse all the time... "Facebook live" - a non reliable way of streaming live video, with regular pauses. Perfectly suited to playing music, where reliability isn't particularly important. Unfortunately, facebook bots detect the music, and delete the video if the DJ/author doesn't hold the music's copyright. Despite the fact they have often paid for the records, and are not making money from the streaming.

Facebook continues to find new ways to lose friends and alienate people (when you have 2 billion monthly users, you DON'T CARE about individual accounts. Things only become problems when they affect millions of users). Automated facebook has many ways of locking people out of profiles. You'll sometimes be asked to confirm your identity by identifying photo's of people on your friends list. Many people play facebook based games, and have added in contacts for that purpose, so can't identify people by face.

Officially, facebook only allows you to have a single account. There are MANY reasons why you might want to have more than one facebook account (you want to post certain things under an alias, you want to join a group but want to avoid certain people knowing about it), and one very good reason why facebook only wants you to have one. The less you do with an account (eg, a speciality account), the less facebook can profile you and sell your information. If you do everything in your life using one account, facebook gets a very good idea about who you are.


This article is about a Facebook group called UK Bands, Promoters, Labels Advice/Blacklist which claims to be a non-judgemental, impartial forum for anyone who is or wants to be involved in the music business, to share information on bad experiences have had with what they call 'shysters' (which the wrong term, it's actually US slang for an unethical lawyer) in the music business. Although it is understandable that musicians would have their concerns about such matters and want to find any way they can to safeguard themselves, this closed group is not actually the independent watchdog that it claims to be, and is therefore damaging the interests not only of the companies they are attacking, but also of the musicians who are put off genuine opportunities to launch or further their careers.
In actual fact the group is motivated by the self- interest of a number of music management small business owners who have clubbed together to knobble their competition in an effort to grow their businesses, at the expense of established professionals in the field. The group is actively engaged in spreading vicious rumours, in the form of deliberately negative interpretations of events, and totally false accounts of conversations and meetings which never took place, with no qualms whatsoever about the damage they are doing to the businesses they are targeting.

It was set up by a malicious teenage musician of dubious talents, and even more dubious morals or ethics, called Tom Monks [see and listen to the lyrics to understand what kind of person he is] with Lisa Dawn Nash as Admin.

She touts herself as a music manager, but is not registered, and has a Wix website page that is non-functional and devoid of any information whatsoever. Other small businesses who are behind this group, and whose interests are being supported at the expense of others, are as follows:

Dan Benson [business email: *******]
Rebecca Dilg [business email: *******]
Leighton Jarratt [business email: *******]
Michael Worsley [business email: *******]
Frank Clow[the end of salvation band no email or number says it all]
Chrissy Mullen[business email: *******]
Phillip Oldroyd [business address] *******
Sas Stewart [business address] *******

These are all unregistered businesses (non- tax payers), acting as music managers, using dirty tricks campaigns in order to boycott professional businesses, to poach potential clients from them. To date there is no information as to whether these people are operating honestly, on behalf of any clients that they may have managed to convince into subscribing to them, under the dont pay to play banner.

The fact that this Facebook group is being operated on behalf of these people's self- interest, by damaging or threatening to damage others' financial security and career prospects, is very serious and they should be stopped, as they represent a malicious way of doing business in the twenty-first century, and what they are perpetrating amounts to no less than serious fraud.
We have included the relevant authorities in our emails, to look into their affairs closely, as a result I guess most of them will be shortly taking down business websites and possibly disappearing. We have noticed that they have managed to call for solidarity under the dont pay to play phrase, however many of their promoters are pay to play, the admin themselves have businesses where they are charging the musicians for services. We are going to do all we can to expose this group on a daily basis and all associated with it, and we will publicly send their names to the record labels, venues, PR and management companies that they have been slandering for their own profit, in hope that the young bands can grow without their negative interference; thus supplying better bands from the North and more understanding companies from the South that will take care of these young artists, so that our music industry future grows steadily here in Great Britain. These groups have been very calculating and manipulative, trying to pit the North of England against the South, suggesting that there are no good companies in London or the UK for that matter, except for themselves, but under scrutiny they have nothing but gossip to offer musicians and various dubious unregistered companies.

The Musketeers Veterinary Practice
I wish I had done this research before ever stepping foot inside "The Musketeers Veterinary Practice." It would have saved me a lot of money and aggravation. Note that this is information you can find online or is my own personal experience. First I want to state that when it comes to my fur-babies medical care I expect the best from the best. Online and when signing her name Gina Y represents herself as a CVT (Certified Veterinary Technician). I don't know what she is or what qualifies her to take care of animals but come to find out she is not a CVT. I contacted the Colorado Association of Certified Veterinary Technicians ( who verified that she is NOT a CVT and has been blacklisted due to her misrepresentation and can NEVER be a CVT in the state of Colorado. Second, she posted on their Facebook page that have an A+ rating with the BBB, based on the BBB their rating is an A- since they have only been in business 1 year. Does she not think people can't go in and see that what she posted isn't the truth. Again misrepresentation. They did surgery on my dogs knee and a lump developed. When I pointed it out to Gina she said that was where they did a bone graft. I was told nothing of this prior to then so I sent his records and x-rays to a specialist along with pictures of the lump and was told there was NO bone graft done. They removed my dogs spleen "due to a growth-probably cancer". The biopsy came back showing NO cancer but Gina continues to go against the experts and state he has cancer. When we went back to get his staples out this was supposed to be a post-op visit(free). I had a credit on my account and they talked to me about the medication I was getting that day coming out of that credit which was fine. I later find out Gina decided I took up too much of the veterinarian's time by going over the biopsy report and my questions that she went in and took out additional money for that office visit without discussing it with me first. In fact she wouldn't return my calls and I had to make a trip to the clinic to get this information days later. Now I can't stop wondering if his spleen really needed to be removed.

Not even worthy of 1 star
Facebook is immature and awful when it comes to business. Firstly, I can understand having to pay to have your page advertised. But you also have to pay if you want your post to be seen by every page member who has liked it. The more you pay the bigger the audience. It's insane. People like the pages so that can see the posts, and half of the time they can't even do that unless the page owner has the money to shell out.

2. Then, they don't even give you accurate stats and when you make a report they never get back to you. I've been trying to get this one nice woman to be an admin on one of my pages for months now. She said the last time we spoke a few days ago that she likes, then unlike, the re-likes the page, and she even said she's left some comments on some posts that I've never even seen. It even says in insights that I haven't had a page view in 5 months. Both myself and she verified that the page she was looking at was the right one, and it still isn't working. I sent in a report over 4 months ago, and I haven't heard anything back. I sent in another report a month ago, and she sent in a report as well. Neither of us have received a response. Not a "We're looking into this for you" or "The issue is being dealt with", and heaven forbid no "This issue has been resolved". Nothing. And yet a personal friend posted a slightly revealing bikini pic and was told to take it down.

2. They are discriminatory. I have seen extremely inappropriate, sexist, racist, or downright cruel personal and page names allowed to stay on. Now in certain faiths, it is common to take another name that you feel fits you. For example, there is a popular Witchcraft author named Silver Ravenwolf. Within hours of her posting and creating her pages (both personal and business) she was locked out until she provided her I.D. as proof that Silver Ravenwolf was her legal name. First of all, why are they blocking people at all simply because the name is "fake"? Second of all, this can be very upsetting for those who follow faiths in which choosing another name is important. I have know many people who have had far worse than Silver or Harmony as their name who never get banned.

3. Finally, following up on the earlier complaint about reporting. They do not take things seriously. There is a page ( a paying page) that is very insulting not only sexist but downright offensive to most who read it. I'm not going to name it or mention its content. However, EVERY single report that has been made about that page has gone ignored. The story about the page even made news in California, across the country from me. It was pretty far seen and very much complained about, but it still to this day operates and continues to degrade people. Why is there such a bias towards particular people (mostly non-paying) when others are allowed free reign. The whole operational team of this site is puerile. I very rarely get on anymore. It's not worth it. Whatever you do, if you're a page owner or thinking about becoming one, don't waste your money lining these children's pockets.

BEWARE: Oklahoma business Oliver and Olivia Apparel / Jill Snow-Ford and Trent Ford. are now using the name "Buffalo Shirt Company" on ETSY under false names. Jill Ford and Trent Ford previously owned Oliver and Olivia Apparel which they filed bankruptcy on March 17,2021.
I never leave bad reviews, but I'm coming here to warn every individual I know about a company I've been with for the last few years and the couple who "operate" it.
On March 2nd at 9PM Jill sent her team of 35+ a text message to tell us we were all out of our jobs with no prior warning. We are now unsure if we'll get our final checks for the last 2+ weeks of work - her track record of blatant lies and deceit, and her mind-blowing financial oversights which caused the company's downfall precede this worry.
Leading up to this, she's been fraudulently listing products on Etsy, Amazon and Jane that she knew we could not deliver on. If we even had inventory of the items in the listings, they were advertised for production times that were drastically shorter than what we were able to accommodate. A few days after she let the employees go; Jill Ford and Trent re-branded "Oliver and Olivia Apparel" on Jane to "Printed Tees Shirt Company." Jane has closed the shop but it is still visible to the public. I attached a link below.
Real example: you see a Christmas stocking on Amazon that says "2-day shipping", when in reality you will not see the item for 90 days at least. Our shop then prints the shipping label without having the item ready, which makes it ineligible for a refund and allows her to blame mail carriers.
It doesn't make sense, right? It is more than accidental bad book keeping, and more than a crazy "holiday rush". She's been doing intentionally deceitful business for a long, long time. This is just the surface of it. There is SO much more to this story, and I will invite others to share their experiences in comments. The thing that made all of this tolerable is the team I worked with - in case you're wondering why we all stuck around.
At the time of operations closing, we were still catching up on pre-Christmas orders because she had refused to take the listings down in November, when we were desperately trying to tell her we were at production capacity for the Christmas season. Around the same time we were all watching her spend company money frivolously, having just closed on a million dollar estate for herself.
I have watched this woman use her managers as scapegoats for her own poor decision making, throw an absolute fit like a child in front of her entire team to try and garner sympathy, and threaten to fire staff if they did not come in for overtime during Christmas weekend. She is not fit to run a business.
TLDR: Several of us are in contact with the labor commission over fear of not receiving pay, and we're all struggling to find new jobs or file for unemployment (painstakingly). Hundreds, maybe thousands of customers will never receive items they paid for nor will they see refunds from O&O. Be sure to share so that both employees and customers alike can save their time from an untrustworthy company.

Here are some links:
OLD ETSY SHOP (can only be viewed on a computer or laptop)
AMAZON SHOP /> NEWS REPORT /> REDDIT POST /> NEW ETSY SHOP (can only be viewed on a computer or laptop) /> SHOPIFY STORE
Https :// www.facebook. Com/marketplace/item/*******158420/? Ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=br...

Huge scam and data collection website. People post false info all the time.
I'm not a big fan of Facebook. All my friends are addicted to it and conned me into it. I only created a web page with my name to keep my friends from illegally against my will creating one for me. The content control is almost too heavily monitored and it's impossible to control it all. There are several fake accounts and those that want to create an account have a hella hard time doing it. You use to be able to verify your facebook page without a phone number and now you can't. You use to be able to verify your face book page without a picture now you can't. Wake up people this is data collection and you're freely giving the government your data.

God gave me a real name and Facebook is reporting it as a "fake" name. Thanks. I can't even use the name I was born with. I hate how have to verify a picture now. They literally lock you account if it's not a "real" picture. Thanks a s s holes for locking me out of my account. Facebook literally locked me out of my account because they didn't like the real picture of me that I posted.

It's ashamed that my friends can't post real information about them selves. I worked with one guy and he's lying up a storm about this and that. Bragging about how he scammed his prior employer with stealing time and stuff. How he learned to work the system and scam the employer. Learned to work the system and scam the customers. Later loss prevention fired him for stealing a lot of product slowly over a year. They were working on trying to fire him with many other layers but apparently a mild physical disability will make them turn a blind eye. I have a disability worse than his. I know the difference between right and wrong but apparently doesn't and has been taught the difference between right and wrong over the years. I've worked and work with many honorable individuals with disabilities and I'm sorry but this guy is a thief and a scammer. He got fired from two prior jobs for thievery and continues to get caught by the cops and lies to them. Guess there is favoritism in my employer. People will believe any thing someone posts even if it's an individual who isn't honest and scams the system.

Royal Story and Other Games
Everyone knows how flakey Facebook is and that their gaming system blows chunks more often than not. Anything on FB these days is questionable, but the games tend to be just downright annoying. However, the game I will review here is not the fault of FB, unless one faults them for greed... which is a valid fault of Mark Z's, but that is another story for a different time, my friends.


After another fruitless appeal to the game designers to fix yet another bug in their system, I've decided to give the review that I've been threatening said designers with. I regret that it has come to this, but I warned them... repeatedly.

The game I speak of now is called Royal Story. It has nice graphics and the original premise of a "free" game always draws players, so there are always some active gamers playing it. It's a world-building scenario (I guess) where you start with a couple of buildings and learn the game as you go along. Not so bad so far, right? Yeah, I thought so, too.

The game is loaded with bugs, glitches, and suffers from serious lag issues. Although the designers claim to be "working on these issues", there hasn't been any significant change in over a month apart from "events", which screw with things even more.

Players post on the fan page, but it seems to be the consensus that those posts, if read at all, are largely ignored. If there is a problem with features of the game that result in either the replacement of purchased but not received items or a refund, the designers demand endless screenshots of payments made, account numbers, etc. For some of the game's glitches, the game conveniently "forgets" that a player received a reward prior to a page freeze requiring a screen refresh. The player comes back to the game and all evidence is gone... now how does one take a screenshot of that kind of mess?

All reasonable requests... the first time. Apparently, it takes them about a week before responding and don't pay attention until you bombard them with multiple emails and start posting their lack of cooperation on their page. Then comes the back and forth. I've never experienced such poor customer service skills. It took me over two weeks to get them to straighten out just one issue they caused.

I don't recommend this game. If you have limited patience for this kind of service or the lag issues, avoid it, it isn't worth the aggravation. If it was just once, it wouldn't be so bad, but it happens regularly. The game itself rolls out so many animated parts, that it adds to the lag. In addition to the game itself, it has side games, events, and 'offers' until the whole thing is a snarled mess.

Let's discuss costs. The game itself is free... sort of. There's an option for a subscription to the tune of $15/mo. The currency for the "good stuff" is rubies and they are expensive for what little you get. By estimation, at least one-third to one-half of the options and quests in the game require rubies... go figure. You can play a less entertaining game without them, but it can be a little frustrating.

I have decided to give up on it since the designers and mods are oblivious to the concept of keeping their players happy through excellent customer service. We're not asking for much, just asking for what is due when it comes to good faith purchases and refunds, that the game works well, and no one is cheated out of a great time. I have patience and I will tolerate a certain amount of sluggishness out of a popular game, but not when it comes to having my money taken and getting nothing in return. I have NO patience with businesses that make customers jump through unnecessary hoops to get what they purchased. That's just bad business practice.

Too much to ask for? I think not. So, my friends, caveat emptor--let the buyer beware. If you can hang with all the nonsense, it's an okay game. If not, if these same instances bother you as they did me, avoid this game like the plague. Your blood pressure will thank you for it.

Fire and Brimstone
I have a Whirlpool refrigerator that I purchased an extended warranty on. Lowes Warranty department sent our Wright Appliance to repair it. Right before the first tech came out, I called the company and told them the ice maker started working again, but the filter wouldn't come out. Patty told me would send the tech out anyway. Just in Case. The first gentlemen (who I now know was the owner) said I needed a part, he said he didnt want to take a chance of breaking the existing filter housing. They would call me when the part came in and schedule another appointment. About a week later they called and on 2/7/2017 a different tech came out. He boasted that Whirlpools were his specialty. He installed the new part and said I should be good to go. That night I noticed the ice maker was not making ice at all. I called the next morning and was told I needed to call Lowe's because the ticket was already closed, they closed it prior to coming out, on Monday according to Patty, note this is now Wednesday. So I did, I called Lowes. I had to wait another week to get a tech out again. Highly frustrating. Highly Frustrated. 2/14/17 They came out again, he took it apart, and was reading a manual while pressing a lot of buttons on the front panel. Then after awhile, he called Whirlpool and had them run him thru some scenarios, after that he put a ohm meter on it and said it was shorted out. I was done. 2/16/17 I posted a Google review and the business responsed accussing me of cursing out the tech, which is a lie. I told them I recorded everything that day, and I posted it on facebook. You never see me chatting with the repair man, only at the beginning and the end of the video. Never did I cuss him out. I think it is sad that they have to lie. I also made an error, and thought the lady I spoke to was Peggy not Patty. They posted that they had no Peggy working for them. But they knew that. It was just another way of evading the truth. Not a company that I would trust. Read the other reviews and their responses to their clients. They come off as a little odd and they company never takes responsibility for their own actions. As far as being fired from them, as a customer, I told Lowes that they were not coming back in my home. The tech did not do his job, he made it worse and the company took their time responding., he shorted out the icemaker on his last visit. Also if doing his job is reading a manual online and then calling Whirlpool tech support because he doesn't know what he is doing... By all means call that working. I can google videos to repair something. However it was under warranty. I didn't need to. But maybe I should have and I would have saved myself taking off 5 days while waiting for this to be fixed. It is also odd that after each visit from them, I found a cockroach in my home. I am clean and spray for insects regularly. That and Cockroaches are nocturnal, they dont come out during the day. But yet they did, I killed ironically 4. One after each visit. I did file a complaint with the BBB and States Attorney Generals Office. My review is honest and I have the video saved and backed up. Oh and now they accused me of editing part of the video. It is TIME STAMPED and the clock never skips a beat. This company has no morals, ethics. Shameful. Truth is on my side. Also, they have removed all of their previous comments on Google to make it seem like I am attacking them. I just replied to their lies. I have all their posts snipped on my computer. You have to answer to your maker.

Body products that actually works
I've been using oversea products and it's the best ever. I'm from SA and currently a distributor for them. First as a client and with the results I got I couldn't say no to become a distributor. When I started my journey with them I always first test the products as I felt my review and experiences should be a validation system for me. I'm still testing products, sell loads of them because of my before and after pictures and reviews of people who had bought by me. If you interested in buying or just become a distributor feel free to contact me. As a distributor you earn 5% commission on every sale you make. I were in the beginning just looking for an ointment for my baby's eczema and that's how I came into contact with them. asked me to be a distributor as I would make some extra money and the levels you can achieve by selling products that actually works on for eg, stretch marks, schirosis, uneven skin colour, achne and I'm telling you some people who had bad achne can't thank me enough for helping them. And if you a green tea lover, well we have green tea tablets that not only cleanse your body but is a suppress your appetite as well and that's a bonus. The products can be used by people who have all kind of chronicle illnesses as one of my diabetic client says the green tea capsules actually stabilised her blood sugar levels and that was astonishing. We also have a spa gadget that helps uplift the skin. We actually have one for the face of which you can use for your face, hair treatments and a small clip on that you can use it for flabby arms and tummy but there's one specifically designed for the body so so you can reach more skin and the best is that you can make your money back with that by doing it to friends and family. Beauty Salon owners that is a must have and you can attract load of customers because of hear say of the finishing results. That's all I want the whole world to know about it. You can contact me via email at ******* if you have any skin conditions or just want to iron that rinkles away. But sometimes it may take a while to get through all the request as I try to keep up with all the people wanting to buy. So that's it from me and have a beautilicous day.

Stay clear * deceptive business practice
Precision auto - Ave J Plano & Geico Insurance
Okay so here the story, my Insurance Co estimated hail damage (which apparently is big business) stated over 900 in replacement parts (725 for the trunk cover) the rest was repair. I later discovered the replacement part was not replaced, and the car was sub out to a different shop. They also submitted a supplement estimate, and were paid. Several issues 1)I had no idea a different shop worked on my car. 2) Two checks were made payable to me & shop my address noted on the check. Copies of both checks have completely different endorsements. Deceptive business practice, and Fraud! It took 2 weeks after the storm, and a co-worker to tell me there was a few hits in the back end. I am told the shop has the right to make adjustments. So stay away if you want your car repaired correctly. This is a lease that now will be charged to me when I turn it in "his response was well don't tell them Also that is how I save you the deductible " I never asked you to save me the deductible, it was only 500.00. There is also an issue with Geico, 1) car was inspected at my office, the original check was issued to Toyota & me. Can't get an answer who authorized the reissue. 2) They apparently will write checks willy nilly, to a second shop after I said it was going to shop A. 3) If they had communicated with me that the car was moved & a second inspection was done at a different location it would have stopped right there. I am very disappointed with the insurance company I have had for more than 10 yrs., they assume no responsibility, took all direction from this shop. One would think they would be looking out for my interest the policy holder and their investment. Financially dangerous situation...

It's a great way to stay in touch with family and friends,...
It's a great way to stay in touch with family and friends, but it has a dark side to it. After eight years of consistent use, I finally deleted my account.

I just got tired of the frequent changes to the privacy policy. It's ironic that I was always the one to rationally analyze it, accept it and adapt to the change, rather than complain. The reason for that is that I prefer acting more and complaining less. I can accept an annoyance or two (or even three) because I understand that the stars don't always have to align just for me; however, once an unpleasant identifiable pattern is established, I act accordingly when I can no longer accept it. In this case, I walked out of Facebook. I don't want to be part of a place that pays lip service to "privacy," only to frequently change its definition of it. You may be comfortable with certain privacy settings for a time, but when you least expect are changed unbeknownst to you. I judge by actions, not euphemisms.

One of the changes that annoyed me the most was when they made it possible again for anyone to email one. In the past, one can set it so that only friends can contact one, but then they changed it so that anyone can send messages to anyone. The only thing is that now they would be stored in a practically invisible "Other" folder (as opposed to the visible "Inbox."). This is vexing to EVERYONE, not just those who choose to set their page so that only contacts can email them. For those who didn't mind being contacted by the world, it took a while before they figured out they had a bunch of "Other" messages waiting to be read.

I always witnessed people endlessly complain about the changes; if they acted as much as they complain, Facebook would be catering more to our needs than the NSA's. My advice to you is this-- if you're unhappy with Facebook changes, for the love of Zeus, LEAVE! If you decide that your reasons to stay are stronger than your annoyance, quit complaining! Actions speak louder than words. After an established pattern of this behavior, it is safe to predict Facebook will not listen to users' petitions.

Who stands to benefit from our constant need to share, like and comment? Marketing companies who target intrusive ads at us? The NSA in desperate search for subversive key words? Mark Zuckerberg and all Facebook shareholders? Our stalkers? In turn, what do we get out of it? These are all questions worth analyzing when one plans to either leave or return to Facebook.

Jin Sing Jewelers - Chilliwack, BC
A year ago I purchased a BULOVA alarm clock from Jin Sing Jewelers in Chilliwack, BC.

Recently, an attempt was made to use the ALARM for the first time. However, the setting dial turned as expected but did not move the alarm hand to the desired wake up time.

I contacted Jin Sing for an adjustment/repair of the mechanism. The store does not carry the replacement parts (although a repair tech is on site who regularly would order such parts). I was also told that the warranty was expired.

I accept that the warranty was no longer valid, but thought the store may offer to fix the gears since the malfunctioning part would have been at the factory level. I was then told that I must have turned the dial in the wrong direction and broke it myself. The instructions for doing so are clearly shown on the back of the clock using universal symbols (i. E. directional arrows). That is, as straight forward as setting the hands of the clock which I had no difficulty in accomplishing. I realize that the retailer only has my word and is under no warranty obligation to repair or replace the broken parts.

Lesson learned: If you decide to order or buy anything at Jin Sing, ensure that ALL parts are in proper working order BEFORE paying for it. I took it for granted that a new clock from a reputable company's factory would be fully functioning. The Retailer presumed the same (i. E. I will make the assumption that had not knowingly sold me a broken clock.)

So. BUYER BEWARE. If an unknown problem arises later - outside the warranty period - they will take no responsibility to repair or replace. Presume also that the warranty period is effective from the date of purchase and not when the gift item is given - or used for the first time - in cases where you may buy early for gift giving (e.g. Christmas, anniversary, birthday). With Jin Sing Jewelers, it is not to the customer's advantage to buy early. I will no longer shop at Jin Sing Jewelers. I would rather support those retailers who stand behind their products and who also acknowledge that there may be special circumstances to consider when it comes to customer services and warranty expiration dates.

I Don't Like It:
I thought it would be a great way to exchange phone numbers if anybody's phone numbers changed because of a move, or a new phone, or different carrier. And then we would resume our conversations with telephones and emails. Sadly Facebook is not worth it. And guess what. Most people are not either. like to spend much more time on face book instead of actual people. I do not want to hear about every little thing that people do. I do not like the "Like" pages which you CAN'T BLOCK I mean people can create the "Like" page, and select "Use Facebook As" and then they troll away and you can't block them! "News" is bad enough especially these days. And they all have accounts (including their on air staff!) and then they post a news story and all the people troll and flame war away on each and every post. Face Book also has these welfare brats (don't get offended. I know not every body on welfare is a brat. But these people are.) they are "Facebook Famous" and they want people to like comment share, especially SHARE, (I am sick of people SHARING every thing as if it's a VIRUS.) and they are rude bossy people and I want them to go away. But I can't be cause they are "recommended" facebook's policies are just too strict and they are now making people show their ID online?! I have deleted my account and I am never joining Facebook every again. If my "Friends" only want to talk to me on Face Book?! Then I will just not have any friends. I am a telephone and email and post card (especially for your birthday) person, not some person that just wants to be on the Internet all the time. I know I am technically on the Internet right now as I type this, and I still hate being on The Internet LOL.

Facebook Drug Lord of internet
Case #*******288333
What you submitted


Are you a merchant with a shop on Facebook?

Please let us know why you're writing in:
4/22/18 2:11pm Every thing I post that you don't I is copied and Paste from your site. You block me for 24 hours it will Be posted again If I find it on your site. So clean up your own backyard for attacking me. I am also posting this on other site just because you attack me first.

We Removed Something You Posted
It looks like something you posted doesn't follow our Community Standards.
Regan Fleshman
Facebook is the Drug Lord of the internet. Pass this on, Facebook keep deleting my posts. It is not all DOCTORS. March 25.2018 Pain and Anxiety Pills for sale Online 2 hrs · Buy Xanax online, Percocet, Adderall, dihydrocodeine, Zopiclone, oxycodone and other pain pills for sale. Free shipping and no prescription required. Link LinksSee All pain pills for sale online pain pills for sale online, buy pain pills online with credit card, order pain pills online, buy pain medication for sale online, buy hydrocodone pills online, buy pain meds online with credit card, where can i order pain pills online, quality pain pills for sale online, buy oxycodone, enjoy prompt delivery... Michael Williams March 23 at 1:30pm · STIMULANT AND PAIN PILLS FOR SALE Central nervous system (CNS) stimulant are medicine that boast brain activity. increase energy, attention, alertness and elevate heart pressure and repiratory rate. The exact mechanism of this agent or receptors they may effect, its not known. CNS typically are addictive, and they carry a high risk for abuse and dependence withdrawal syndromes of discontinuation are common CNS stimulant are still use to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and weight loss Bellow are some pills available Amphetamine Coffein Methamphetamine Diet pills Ritalin Ephedrine Nicotine PAIN PILLS Tramadol Buprenorphine Methadone Diamorphine Fentanyl Hydromophone Morphine Oxycodon Pethidine Codeine FOR MORE INQUIRY TEXT *******
Your reply
You guys are just to dumb, and hypocrites! LOL

Violation of constitutional rights
It is obvious that Facebook has their favorites. I personally am on Facebook to reach out to the lost people of the world I post only the word of God and the truth aposto politics I post no sports. But yet in the last 4 weeks I have been blocked out five times which say and claim that they suspicious activity going on on my account I'm using the same phone the same phone number and logging in from the same place every time I log in. As far as I'm concerned Facebook is violation of my constitutional rights of free speech. You post too much about the word of God may start blocking me out be at Bella all this nudity and violence and everything on Facebook and when you reported they don't do nothing about it. But yet on my Facebook page I've had messages from Facebook saying that Bible verses I posted goes against their community standards how can a Bible verse go against community standards that's what this country is based on and for y'all but don't know Facebook has 2600 lawsuits pending against them for violation of constitutional rights. Facebook is going to the dogs are cellular information they share your information they violate your privacy they keep asking me to confirm give them another phone number and confirm my account but yet I don't have another number I'm using the same number that I created account with I created my account with my phone number they claim my phone number is associated with another account I reported to Facebook that somebody has stole my phone number but yet they won't do nothing about it. I'll leave a say in this Congress needs to investigate Facebook and its management logout Facebook is getting by with too much John and volume too many constitutional rights of the people of this United States of America.

They don't even deserve ONE star.
We hired Carroll County Construction and Exteriors---NickLaganas---(Ossipee, Wolfeboro NH) to re-side our home on Feb. 1,2017 after came and spent a good amount of time looking at our house and submitted a detailed contract. They finally started the job in July 2017. After only a few days on the job, the owner demanded more money---a substantial amount, that he was not entitled to as per contract.
When we refused, he pulled his workers off the job with no notice at all. He had about 3/4 of the payment in full for the job already. He left us with a 3/4 unfinished house, parts open to the weather. In addition while working his workers damaged other areas on our property that they said they would fix but did not.
This man broke an explicit signed contract and attempted to hold us and our home hostage. He demanded additional payment of close to $4000., or almost half again the contract, and then said that that still might not be enough.He underestimated the job and then refused to honor a legally binding contract.
He also submitted bills for the extra work we agreed to due to unforeseen wood rot, etc., but never would itemize or substantiate the amount, expecting us to pay whatever they told us.We are still determining further action. We hope that people will read this and not get involved with this dishonest company and end up with financial loss and misery. They are completely unethical and dishonest.We contacted our local building inspector, who knew about this guy and was inferred that he was not good. We found another contractor who finished our job with our help. We cannot stress enough that you should NOT EVER hire Nick Laganas/ Carroll Co. Construction and Exteriors.

So let's talk about social page that does nothing but cause drama and was created for that specific purpose, right? If you look at its history and now its present- He(Zuckerberg) has accomplished a legacy that is disturbing. He is a case example now in psychology classes in many ways.

I had a business page against my own personal choice but did it as a suggestion because of my business. Reluctantly- I had one for a couple of years than had to make some changes because of a move out of state. As I changed our business name (by one word)--- I was taken off as Admin by facebook the next minute. Why? I asked why too. Ironically because I was making changes to our new address and name from a move to another state? It is easy to verify the changes since I was connecting not only my instagram and also my website with the same info trying to update my fb- however FB has no recourse except a endless Apple death circle or maybe just someones bad day that has no way you can hold them accountable for it.

This is what I have done 1) logged on my account to do it, 2) was logged on to my website for verification. 3)Next, taken off by facebook as admin see below.

Now as far of finding help? LOL used to have a number but as leaders in the field of customer service know it is "a heck of blogs and FAQs" that NO one wants to be bored to tears with or want to read about senseless things that do not apply. It is meant to just let you give in with your tail between your computer. ;)

There is still a fb phone number however the phone line hangs up on you because NO, they do not have customers service anymore so "goodbye!" is what a recorded voice states.

But NO----- nowhere does it say after several pages "if facebook takes you off as admin" and leaves your page without ONE or a way to be managed-- what do I do? I have heard now that many people have lost pages and just resigned. I am sure if facebook "fact-checked" me - well... probably this review says it.

I would hope they would "HELP" people or have a positive outlook or encouraging site. I am not sure it is in the bylaws and their system except to just do what they do which is "fact check" and do security checks on people's on sites. Good job! Wish I could have a job that I could get things wrong and not be accountable or care enough to help people when I did something to someone's account without regard. So I think we all should move on from the drama and stop making Zuckerberg rich and stop using facebook. Like my teenager says "no one uses facebook anyways, mom". LOL We all have choices. I have made mine.

Ingrid Mahogany, social case worker unprofessional, poor service to clients
My name is Andrew Mcdougal, I am writing to you regarding
My experience at a transitional home called Federal City Recovery located in
SE Washington D. C, under the support of Ms. Ingrid Mahogany The purpose
Of the housing program is to provide temporary (6 months) housing to
Displaced and homeless persons that are working and can save money
Into an escrow account,
I moved into the housing program at FCR in august 2016 at resident
2606 Bowen Road S. E Wash DC, I started paying in to my escrow every 2 weeks,
I work part time at Safeway making less than 20 hours a week And I get
Paid every Friday, when I moved in I asked Ms, Mahogany may I pay my
Escrow every 2 weeks Instead of every Friday because I don't make
Enough in one week to pay escrow plus my other expenses, at first she
Replied "Yes" than a month later she retracted and said "you get paid
By Safeway every Friday so you should pay escrow every Friday, not
Every 2 weeks" I tried to explain to her it would have been very
Difficult for me to pay my escrow every Friday, Im enrolled in school
Full time Monday thrue Friday for construction welding, HVAC (heating
And A. C) and training for building maintenance, plumbing and carpentry
At C. E. T (Center for Employment Training), once a week I attend therapy
Treatments for my PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder) buy groceries
And basic necessities, pay my monthly phone bill, attend mandatory
Meetings 2 times a week with Ms. Mahogany while seeking a second job
And going to work part time at Safeway, but she would cut me off and
Not listen to reason
BY November 2016 a new policy went in effect at FCR that no one can work late
Anymore!, Ms. Mahogany said everyone must make the 12mid nite
Curfew or be discharged from FCR! NO MORE WORKING LATE! I told Ms.
Mahogany im scheduled to work evening at my part time job at Safeway
And sometimes I work late and may not be able to make it in by curfew,
Her only response was
She even told me to tell my employer to let me go home early
To make curfew on time,
This Jeopardize my job and my availability to work, FCR wants me to
Pay my escrow every week but endangers my availability to work in the
Process causing me to make paying my escrow more difficult
On Monday December 5th Ms. Mahogany called me in to her office for a
Mandatory case review, she wanted to know about my discrepancies of
Missing escrow payments, "you get paid every Friday you should pay
Escrow every Friday and not every 2 weeks " she said, I tried to
Explain to her between going to school, attending therapy and looking
For a second job the transportation expenses completely depletes my
Allowance making it difficult for me to pay escrow
I asked Ms. Mahogany may I speak to the director of FCR and
She said No!, I asked why not? I should be able to speak with the
Director, she finally gave in and called the director of FCR And put
Him on 3way speaker phone, but she didn't let me talk to him, Ms.
Mahogany did all the talking and I never got to say one word to the
Director, Ms. Mahogany spoke all bad about me without allowing me to
Defend myself, Ms. Mahogany denied me my right to be heard by the
Director of FCR, I asked to speak to the director and she did all the
Talking after speaking all bad about me I was discharged from the
Program, and I was told I had until 5pm the next day less than 24 hours
To move out, I was frustrated, angry stressed and I went right back
Into depression
The next day Tuesday 6th it rained all day, I went to my place of residence
To check on my things and retrieve some of my items
But i was barred from the premises and could not enter to get any dry clothes
I written a appeal letter to FCR and gave it to Ms. Mahogany,
I asked when do I get my appeal?, Ms. Mahogany replied "when you move out "
But The purpose of an appeal is to stay in!, Not move out.
According to FCR rules, the appeal process takes 5 days where it goes through the
Clinical director and the executive director and goes under review for
5 days, but it did not happened, again I was denied my right to due
Process, No due process Has taken place my appeal went unheard and
Went no where, I was put out school and I missed my therapy treatments
For depression I was left homeless and returned to a state of depression and suicidal tendencies
FCR has misrepresented it self to help those going through recovery,
The organization failed to stick by its name and failed to do what its name
Implies "Recovery" instead i have not recovered, I was going through
Recovery to further my goals and education obtaining certifications
While working part time and FCR put me out while I was getting my life
Together, FCR has lost hindsight of what "Recovery " is pulled
Everything from under him while I was going through recovery, I
Almost got put out school, my homework and studies became extremely
Difficult, I fell back into depression and now to cope with this
My complaints are

· FCR failure to report (more than 50%) additional money put into escrow

Negligence i was put out on harsh climate conditions

· I was denied the right to be heard by the director

· i was denied my right to due process to go through proper channels

· My appeal went unheard

· job endangerment ( i was instructed to cut my work hours to meet curfews)

· Misrepresentation ( Agency "Did Not" help me to recovery)

· Mental anguish contributed to PTSD

· Medical dependency on medical marijuana and psychiatric therapies

Facebook: suspending accounts based on political ideology
Suspending someone's account for merely responding to a political post on Linkedin is a rather aggressive action from Linkedin admin particularly during this covid19 situation when 40% people loose their jobs such action by linked to suspend users is criminal, rather cruel and should be liable to accountability by the Department of Justice.

Given that linkedin today has become a monopoly and the only source of job market profile carrier acceptable by all companies hence it is become equal to food and water. What you are doing by irresponsible suspension of user IDs denying the users food and water or capability to earn his daily income which is equivalent to food and water. So your suspension of user ID is like denying food and water not just to the individual but to his entire family who is dependent on this person. Linkedin has become a monopoly and by the power it has got due to the monopoly position it is in, it can allow voice only to those whose political ideology Linkedin concurs with. This is why instead of suspending the persons who start such political discussion which get mass reactions, it blocks only those who respond to such posts there by Linkedin makes its position clear that it will suspend only those whose ideology is not same as Linkedin, the user who originated the political post was democrat supporter hence not suspended. Who has authorized Linked to become judge or courtroom. Is linkedin qualified to take sides, hence what linkedin should immediately do ban political posts and at the same time unsuspend all blocked user IDs it has blocked. You are not certified courtroom or judges authorized to make decision whose ideology or political views are right or wrong. I believe like Google, Facebook, Twitter Quora: Linked also should face congress hearing and if found guilty it should be broken into several companies so that big tech does not drive the life of ordinary and normal human beings. It does not force its political ideology and views onto others. My ID was blocked, linkedin does not even provide an option for appeal this to me is a very harsh action by Linkedin. My message to Linkedin with great power comes great responsibility if you cannot handle this stop taking sides or blocking people based on views. Cc: Department of Justice USA,

Exactly same happened on google, twitter, facebook, quora, this is not coincidence that all big techs have joined hands to block those who dont match the ideology of democrats

Already Bigtech has started algorithms to group userID so that those who dont consider supporting Bigtech ideology should become less visible or insignificant even if they are users on the platform. The Big Techs want to control humanity in a way never seen before. Immediate intervention by governments, politicians and courts is becomes necessary. Social media regulatory act needs to be enforced on companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter Quora Linked Amazon Youtube and similar networking sites and also media like New york times, washington post, CNN, CBS, should be allowed to hijack the public view point.

Barely Useful
I keep my Facebook account only for marketing and for potential clients. Other than that, this website breeds nothing but annoyance. In fact, Facebook is like the Tumblr of adults where everyone wants to have a say in social and political issues, but can't express it in a nicer way. When used inappropriately, this website just touches the highest point of bullying, harassment and humiliation.

On top of that, Facebook wants access to everything of yours, so if you're a private person, you should probably post less about yourself. read your private messages, look at your sent photographs, and uses your account to access other websites' social plug-ins in order to target advertisements to you. Is it creepy enough that products I don't ever mention to anyone or anything on Facebook somehow pops up after I use it in real life? Are they using global surveillance on me or something?

Don't even get me started with their iPhone apps. Every week is an unnecessary update that makes the product worse and worse. Facebook also doesn't have a sense of privacy. They notify all my friends publicly about events on I'm interested and what I post into other public group, and they also destroyed the algorithm for the news feed so now I get almost no views of my photography. The Trending panel is also an annoying feature that I despise. I honestly don't care if a celebrity decided to get naked for a magazine or a video went viral because it was so "cute".

Lastly, like another reviewer said, Facebook all of the sudden seems to reject their own policies on pornography. I've reported many porn images and a lot of explicit sexually related content and none of them ever get deleted. They would just tell me "oh, sorry, we looked at this and decided it didn't match what reported, thanks for letting us know anyway". They ignore their own rules about violations.

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