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Reviews Jobs, Job Search Glassdoor

10 customer reviews of

Glassdoor is garbage
First of all I have heard that the reviews and the info found on the site are actually not that reliable; many people have come forward and admitted that the company Glassdoor work for ordered them to write fake reviews. I have also noticed that most companies do not even post anything about salaries or benefits... just what they want in a candidate leaving out entirely what you can expect from them.

But my main concern is how the site is now morphing into a website that it is just phishing for information. If you are registered you should be able to use the site, but now they have a feature that after 12 months you have to submit either salary info or post that you have a new job. I am currently still employed but looking so I referred back to this site to see if I could see anything about a potential company I'm looking into but they want this irrelevant info just for me to see these public reviews. They insist on you divulging your personal employment information but in my case the company I work for is a small, privately run company who doesn't even have a website so I am pretty sure they don't want all this info on some random site phishing for information. This never happened before either, I was able to search these reviews without any issue as it used to be public domain and all you needed to do was sign in. Still the reviews validity were likely in question but at least they weren't trying to phish for info you don't want to give.

Honestly with all the info out now about this site I wonder why it is still around? If companies can remove negative reviews and manipulate this info what good is it for job seekers? I won't be bothering with them in the future, unfortunately it seems like although as a society we are advancing technologically none of this is becoming helpful for searching out decent jobs. It's like companies all just lie and omit info, post fake reviews and in the end the worker who is just trying to get a decent job that suits them for long term employment is the one that gets shafted. This is a sad reality

Zero transparency at Glassdoor
Glassdoor does not vet people who claim to be employees and leave reviews. That is the biggest issue. After never checking for years, we were surprised to see strange reviews on Glassdoor about our company. Some were just written badly and didn't even reflect positions that were in the company. Being naive, we spoke to consultants who aimed to improve these reviews or remove bad reviews for a fee, and guess what - the reviews got worse. Then these consultants would email us about how bad our rating was, presumably to prompt us to hire them to improve our rating. Glassdoor has no transparency and no means of addressing these issues. It's a vicious circle and cycle. Avoid and ignore.

Not a strong job board
NOT TRUSTWORTHY! I have been using for about 6 months. I am a national Award-winning marketing professional and I have not seen good results with this job board. Also, Glassdoor do not want people to post negative reviews about employers or interviews even when written in a factual and respectful manner. I posted 2 reviews about recent interviews with all the facts and they did not want to approve them. Both companies were unprofessional. The managers were not prepared for the interviews. One was late and had not even read my resume for the 2nd interview. Do not trust They are trying to protect employers, not job seekers. They are not a reputable company.

Glassdoor is a SCAM site... it misrepresents itself and then extorts candidates and employers is a total FRAUD site. Do not enter information about yourself or your company. That information is being farmed and you are potentially going to be scammed. Beware!

Shameless fake review platform
This website is awfull and it´s full of hatefull and misleading informations.
Several companies are affected by bad reviews by anonymous users that are sometimes their competitors.
Don´t trust on this big pile of web trash!

Glassdoor is bull$#*!.
Glassdoor publishes reviews of so called employees without any proof.
How any site can publish review about any company without understanding both sides?
This is just a fake and cheap $#*!,

They are very good at preventing people from finding out any useful employment-related information
Issues with glassdoor:
- Clogs up google results when it is literally useless, to the point it is spam
- You go on it because it's pushed all the other results off, but it hides the information and asks you to make an account
- You make an account, it still hides the information and asks you to provide data (in the form of salaries etc...)
- You provide the data; at this point you've spent way too much time when all you wanted was to see the bloody salary results Glassdoor advertised on google
- You still can't access any of the information. Why? Because these unimaginable geniuses decided to forbid you from switching the site region you search in. In other words, if you live in some small European country, all the information which you worked so hard to obtain is gibberish in a language that you don't understand. There is no option to change the language. If you try to switch to, it immediately redirects you back to the local copy of their website.
- The information that's on there, at least the numbers, is complete and utter rubbish. The salaries for the company I work for are wrong, plain and simple. Some jobs' salaries are way too high, others' are missing a several-hundred-thousand-euro bonus. There is probably not a single drop of useful information on this website. If you manage to jump all the hurdles and see some "data", you will come away older, more irritated, and much less informed than you were 15 minutes ago.

Glassdoor should be banned from Google, their IP should be blocked, and their servers should be confiscated and retooled for something more useful, like mining bottom-tier crypto coins. I wonder how these cretins make money, or who is paying them to store so much non-information. I can't imagine any of their investors or shareholders have ever had to visit the website itself. It's a puzzle for sure.

Useless info; Shady business practices
The reviews on this site are mostly disgruntled employees who are often fired for good reasons and fake reviews posted by companies trying to boost their rating. Glassdoor makes it difficult enough to post a review that the only people who will do so are highly motivated -- either because Glassdoor were incentivized by their company to post a good review or because they want to retaliate against their company for firing them. A normal person wouldn't have the time to jump through the hoops.

They offer paid services to combat company's negative reviews. It's basically an extortion racket.

Bad Company
This is a total bull$#*! site which works with lots of bugs, our company reputation is at risk for this nonsense business.

At once, dare i say, glassdoor was a legitimate company reviewing website. I had, (with emphasis on HAD) an account on their going back many, many, many years giving open and completely honest reviews of companies, especially when it came to interviews. My review were in depth with many "help" tagged.
So i login yesterday to yet again, review another company jerking candidates around to find that ALL OF MY REVIEWS HAVE BEEN DELETED.

There is absolutely no EXPLANATION AS TO WHY.


This company should be should down and investigated. And its a damn shame too, as once, Glassdoor were actually providing a positive service.

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Glassdoor Rating

Based on 10 reviews from Glassdoor customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

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