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51 customer reviews of

Do not repeat my mistake by trusting this so called total system care!
Recently my computer experienced some blue screens so I tried this total system care software, because when I google the "dead_pool_header" message that showed up on my computer's blue screen failure, somehow this company's ad. Showed up high. That was a huge mistake at my part to trust could actually solve that problem.
To put it short, I downloaded the free trial version, it scanned once and scared me with some "900 issues detected" and asked for money in order to get full license to "fix" those issues. Well, shame on me that I paid! What happened next was after it claimed that all issues had been fixed, my computer ran right in to bigger trouble of random reboot, sudden shut down... Even worse thing happened when I tried to uninstall this total system care program, my Norton anti-virus software gave red alert that the uninstall module of that program was a malware! And it can not be uninstalled.
Luckily I had a system image saved before all of this bad stuff happened, so I signed off the subscription of the total system care (yes, you have to do this manually, or the default setting will be automatically charged your credit card for renewal of the license. Keep this in mind if you have been fool enough jus like me to pay them once), and completely re-imaged my hard disc.
The take home message: Don't trust this company and its product. I had made a huge mistake, hopefully you won't do it again after reading me experience. I gave it one star only because there is no zero star rating.

I just ordered your productPC Cleaner Pro, because...
I just ordered your productPC Cleaner Pro, because I am having problems with my PC and my first impression of their customer service was the worst experience of my life. I waited more than 15 minutes to have a representative answer and never apologize for the hold time. I quickly told her I was having trouble with the software key not registering properly, where your agent replied " you obviously didn't enter it correctly" with out asking exactly what I had done. She was very unprofessional and condesending when speaking to me. She spoke to me as if I was a child giving me orders, instead of requesting me to follow specific steps. This person obviously does not value her job or the customers. I cancelled the service and requested a refund. I want nothing to do with this company. Its down the the basics common ettiquette and customer service goes a long way. responded regarding my refund request and not once did anyone apologize for the rude behavior I experienced. All I can say is Karma, you will get it back!

I fell victim to Technical Support Today
I fell victim to Technical Support Today - and the service was billed through SafeCart Payments in the amount of $99.99USD. I contacted TST and asked for a refund, (for many reasons) which (actually it was a Kevin - if that is his real name) told me I would receive, but they never put in for the refund. I contact SafeCart (had to wait five minutes for someone to pick up the phone...) and spoke to Mark who was courteous, smart, friendly and very helpful. Within minutes he issued me a credit, sent me verification via email and that was it. If this was in fact a true credit transaction, and I have no reason, yet, to believe otherwise, then I strongly recommend SafeCart as being a reliable, trustworthy and accommodating company to deal with. Technical Support Today might be a SCAM - depending on your definition - but this company, SafeCart Payments, which processes payments for many companies IS NOT!

It wasn't enough to be just Now, this profitable search engine has to own YouTube and Google Review and Google Mapping, change its name to Alphabet (meaning more to the world than even Amazon) and find new ways to screw consumers. Is it any wonder that people are becoming so frustrated with Google in its many forms that will show up at YouTube and start shooting? Why would anyone think that once YouTube sold out to Google that Google would continue to pay you what YouTube used to pay you? Immediately after buying YouTube, Google terminated all customer service positions for Gmail, YouTube and Google. What a blinking mess that has created. About a year ago I started making reviews on Google, and I found that even though Google refuses to speak to or communicate with any reviewer, Google will take down your review if some powerful company threatens it. So, what is the point of a review that is not just another superficial, meaningless review? Google is the perfect example of a company too big for its britches.

Crooked. Unethical. Scammers
Was having system issues and decide to give Advanced System Repair a try. Gentleman on the phone was overly solicitous and kept trying to sell me a "better" program from them for over $100. Told him NO a few times no matter how much he was going to get his "manager/supervisor" to drop the price. Tried it out. System got worse. Cancelled and removed program after a couple months and yet 6 months later bill me 29.95. An email WAS sent notifying me of the charge about to be made the day before. But as I am not online every single day of my life. I only noticed the money missing when I checked my account balance at the bank. Told them it was an unauthorized payment. They opened a dispute. I contacted Paypal. They opened dispute. And now I get an email from the folks at Safecart telling me that because I opened a dispute with my bank instead of talking to them first. Their financial institution has removed the option for them to issue a refund which they say they would have gladly done if only I spoke to them first. CROOKS. CON JOB. SCAMMERS. And DISGUSTINGLY BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE. STAY CLEAR AND NEVER ENGAGE THIS CROOKED ENTERPRISE

Say goodbye to privacy
I won't beat around the bush - google has the best browsing service and probably will have the best one for all of eternity. However, while the company as a whole may look cute, it isn't that great. Anyone who uses safari on their iThing can look at the trackers that are blocked. You will find more than 50 from google alone. Google has zero regard for your privacy, and when you think about it, knows more about you than facebook, the government, and your friends and family combined. Do you see those screenshots? Almost all of those trackers/ads blocked are from google. Just look at all of their services! Google Ads, Google AdSense, Google DoubleClick. Advertisers use them because know the most about you, and they know what you do. They track your mouse movement, clicks, scrolling time, relinks, everything. They even track your profiles because more than likely you use your google account to log into everything! Until something is done about user privacy, Google will always be on the bottom of my list. Not because bing or yahoo is better - it's not. Google just has zero respect for its users or really the entire internet userbase. Until this is fixed they will always be worse than Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Apple, anything. Because they are the best at their service, may it be finding what you are looking for, or stealing all your data and ignoring your privacy.

Who am I? An informed and concerned user of the internet. I talk about digital rights, the possibilities of technology, and online security.

My husband fell for this scam too
My husband fell for this scam too. I couldn't believe it when he told me he paid $599.99 to have them clean Maleware off his computer and then protect it for the future! I told him he could have bought a new computer for less than that! I knew that what did could have been done with a free program so I told him he had to call them and cancel and try to get his money back. He was sure they wouldn't give him the $299 he paid to have his computer cleaned off but we were hoping to get the other $300 back. He called and they did the same high pressure pitch they did the first time and convinced him to keep it. I wouldn't settle for that so I took matters into my own hands and called them myself. I told them I wanted to cancel the order and get my money back. He asked for the email address. Then he confirmed that my husband paid $599.99 and said they would credit my account within 3 to 5 business days and that we would get an email to confirm the credit. About an hour later, he received an email showing that they had done a $599.99 credit. I couldn't believe it was that easy!

US Toluna cheap poeple look to take you time and avoid giving credet for work/
US Toluna sucks 6-9-2019 by Ralph
Toluna US is a bunch of dishonest crooks when want to make you feel good but take as much advantage as can and deny any responsibility for their misconduct.
I had a number of complaints with crooked US Toluna. They give irrational excuses for performing badly or failing to keep t heir agreements. Even reasonably answering my questions. Bunch of crooks. I hope that their clients buying their surveys read this a nod reconsider that the accuracy of the surveys may also be of low quality.
To survey companies, I would add another company along with Toluna and compare the results. At least do a rotation of surveys to ensure you Toluna are getting a reasonable average of the survey results.
When I threatened Toluna with a lawsuit they cut me off, took away all the credit I earned.
The value is so small and I am so busy, Toluna deserve a class action lawsuit. How much Toluna pay in damages is not as significant as the legal fees Toluna will pay to avoid paying damages and avoid bad publicity. Generally, Class action settlements include a clause keeping the entire litigations secret. You are not allowed to tell anyone unless you pay them back damages. Therefore, the public never knows when a crooked company like Toluna makes as settlement. As trials are very expensive, your attorney will encourage you to take the settlement.
From my experience having several successful class actions and never losing any, Toluna will both be so blatant in their misdeeds, just more careful how conceal and hide and confuse you with the tricks to rip you off. One court ordered all the clients be sent a letter that I had been wronged and how much the wrongdoer had to pay for their wrongdoing.
Suing people won't teach Toluna honesty, it teaches Toluna how to better hide their dishonesty.
Toluna is a waste of time unless you enjoy spending the time with them Sometimes I feel my input is valuable. When it comes straight marketing, I expect to be compensated for my knowledge, experience and opinions. Otherwise, Toluna steals my intellectual property and experience, and it should be a crime. At least Toluna is cheaper than gambling or buying prostitutes, bet realize engage with Toluna you are yourself a prostitution victim, even if you like it.
If you want to earn money, there are better ways. If you want a massage from US Toluna, expect your generals to be exploited. If you like that that is up to you, but it is still illegal. Toluna sucks ovaries and balls.

Google Chrome is slower than Firefox 3
Google Chrome is slower than Firefox 3 - I was excited to try Google's new browser, Chrome.

Chrome has some neat ideas - each browser tab runs like a new window, keeping each webpage siloed such that if one tab crashes, it doesn't bring down your entire browser. Also, supposedly Chrome is more memory efficient (Firefox suffers from RAM creep and used over several hours and dozens of webpages and tabs, often needs to be restarted). Also the URL bar does double duty as a search bar.

However, when loading websites, I found Chrome to be noticeably slower than Firefox 3. For me, nothing is more important than the speed of the browser and Chrome feels slow (almost as slow as IE7!). Also, Chrome lacks the ability to bookmark sites, directly email webpages. Walt Mossberg wrote a good review on this in the Wall Street Journal:*******28891285.html?mod=hpp_us_inside_today

My conclusion: Chrome is a nice idea, but I won't be switching anytime soon unless it becomes faster than Firefox 3.

Avoid This Company. Unauthorized Subscription Charged to My Paypal Account
Safecart apparently engages in nefarious - if not outright fraudulent - billing practices. I discovered today that I, too, have been misled (scammed, really) by Safecart as a result of registering a Wordpress plugin - free version - for which the invoice showed Total USD: $0.00 but my Paypal account was charged $97.00. Upon examination of the emailed receipt, the total still showed $0.00, but there was a reference to a "subscription" for $97.00 at the bottom.
Outcome of a refund request is pending, but in the meantime, I reported the transaction to the FCC and encourage those of you who've also been scammed to also report the company to the FCC so that (hopefully) something will be done about Safecart and its nefarious practices. The FCC form is at:

With just a quick Google search regarding Safecart, I found the following links to forums, threads, reviewing sites, etc. relevant to Safecart and its practices: /> /> /> />
Why hasn't Paypal blocked Safecart?

My mom got scammed by, What they are doing...
My mom got scammed by, What are doing is making you think you have a virus by confusing you, and instead they just defragment your drive for $300, plus convincing you to get on a monthly subscription plan. Defragmentation has nothing at all to do with viruses. Your computer will run faster after defragmentation, but you can launch it yourself from within Windows. It is a scam, because although Safecart is selling a valid service, they are misrepresenting the service they provide and also charging an exuberant fee for something you can do yourself within Windows. What is scary, is that during this process, they take full control of your computer (after you call them) and who knows what other intention they or their associate may have, as they have access to all information on your computer during this time. My mom was able to get her credit card charge reversed as a fraudulent charge, but others here say that PayPal refuses to do so. I had my mom declare her charge card as compromised, place an alert on her records with credit card reporting services, change all passwords, and lock down all of her investments and banking accounts (by notifying institutions) after being scammed by safecart. Shame on Safecart. I hope the US Attorney steps in and shuts Safecart down.!forum/apps!forum/apps

Please use this to post for help.

Update: After about two weeks of posting on Google's forum for their products (I forget which one but if you need help, feel free to message me) and requesting domain privacy one of their advisers kindly helped me. Be aware you have to know how to confirm that you own the domain through advanced settings (it's not hard but for people not familiar with that, it might be confusing). I had to nag them a few times but I think that being don't officially offer customer service, I appreciate the adviser who did help me. I noticed that some of the people who request help on the forum do not receive replies from official google advisers - I'm not sure if it's because of time constraints or something else but I would advise this is the only way to get help and that the advisers really do try, despite google's own shoddy lack of customer service.

This is a review for one of google's side services: DOMAIN registration/hosting. It is absolutely horrible and I recommend you stay far away unless you want to SIGN UP for a free trial JUST to get customer service. It just shows that no matter how much money a company has, they go far above and beyond and EVEN FURTHER in this case than my worst expectations to screw you over.
I think google services hands down have the worst, most clunky user interfaces ever.
I registered two domains with google in 2011ish. I paid using google wallet and everything seemed easy. The domains were managed via google wallet. They had google apps for free to manage your domain and domain related services. Fast forward to now when I realized I needed to alter something - I cannot for the life of me login to Google Admin for domain services.
Every email account I have with google does not work, when signing for google apps business because here's the catch... IF YOU'RE HAVING ISSUES migrating from the old system to the new one, THEY OFFER ZERO CUSTOMER SERVICE to free google apps users. That's right, there's a pin you need to call them only offered to business, non profit and other clients. You cannot email them about your issue. Well when I go on google apps business for the free 30 day trial just so I can get customer support ON HOW TO LOGIN to GOOGLE ADMIN I get re-directed in these horrible loops to the same screen where my account cannot login to google admin and thereby I cannot upgrade to google apps business.
I almost went crazy trying this for two hours I posted in their support forums (no longer manned by google reps mind you, but kind people) and with a sinking heart I realized that THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU. I rarely get worked up and I rarely give such negative reviews, but this is the first time I've come across this. The thing is, they've renewed my domains for $50 up until now. It's not like I'm a FREELOADER. I think regardless of whether a user is a google apps business user or not, as long as they've PAID MONEY registering a domain with google they deserve a basic level of customer service.
Eventually I figured out that I had to set up an admin account from the original email with the domain registration. But another disparaging remark about google admin - it's as poorly organized as google sites (another horrible feature of google services). Not only is the non renewal feature NOT WHAT THE EMAIL instructions are - it's through clicking this weird greyed out sign (since when is clicking random symbols an adequate method for important stuff like not getting charged?). At least I have the safeguard that my credit card info has expired with google so that even if they tried to they can't renew my domain. I was almost wanting to cancel my credit card because for a few hours there, I had no way to access control of basic things.

Bottom line: if you blindly think that registering a domain through google is hassle free, think again. They update their interfaces, where things are located (domain renewal is no longer under domain settings, but under billing) all the time with NO SUPPORT and inadequate documentation, use hieroglyphic symbols to what it seems like me to try to throw you off on purpose and generally take no responsibility for their paying customers, past or present. STAY AWAY --- I'm now thinking twice about using google wallet. Who knows when they'll switch something up two months later and I'll be screwed with no access to customer support.

So I got scammed and robbed by web shop, so I started posting comments and review to let people know
So I got scammed and robbed by web shop, so I started posting comments and review to let people know about the company to avoid more people falling to same trap.

I purchased some items from a website claiming to sell Italian made items. I contacted the website and got written confirmation that the items will be designed, produced and shipped from Italy. So I ordered a few items.


When the time came to get the items I got DHL tracking number and after checking, I noticed my order is coming from HONG KONG. I contacted the company but told me is cheaper to send from Italy to china and back which made no sense. I couldnt do a thing about that and ended up losing over 500euros. The company devised and uses legal loophole marking the item as custom. Therefore no payment protection plan is possible. They also threaten me with a lawsuit if I keep posting reviews of what they did to me.

I did the only thing I could, posting reviews and comments to warn people on the internet to be careful to buy from this site.

But all the reviews and comments that have connection to google such as google maps, youtube etc. even the sites that I logged in through using my google account were censored and removed without even telling me.

The site that I was scammed and robbed by, must be paying google to let their site come higher in the search results. And also they must be paying them for advertising the site. Therefore making them a paying customer of google.

I do not understand that google uses this kind of tactics to protect their paying customers, even if the company is cheating and stealing from people. I have tried to contact google but there is no specific way to get to the correct person to present the documentation and finding that I gathered.

The company that have scammed me is freely posting fake reviews all over the internet without anyone stopping them. I urge google to contact me so I can show them that the money they are being paid with is stolen and they are supporting and promoting scammers and thieves.

The Webshop in question in SPOSAMORE.COM and the related sites vestitidasposaeconomici, vestidosdenovias, matrimoniodafiaba, sposanovia

You don't need another Google review. You need alternative tools so your grandkids don't wind up looking like an AI NWO slave.

Private search -
Open source OS - Linux Mint
Dump Chrome - Use Duckduckgo or maybe Fire Fox
Dump big tech (FB, Twit, Instagram, Google, Windows, Apple, Amazon)
Use blockchain, torrent and open source tech
Everything is going blockchain (the people hold and share the data)

Turn off GPS
Disable all Google background apps
Use a mic block app
Use a No Root permission app - or root with trusted process
Use a permission manager to remove app permissions
Use a clipboard (copy/paste) eraser
Use tape over front camera
Uninstall Facebook type spyware, run away and never look back

Think about freeing yourself from 24 hour connections
Leave the phone home
Get independant from the grid
Stop shopping for your next yard sale
Use and trade used things - it's a lot of fun
Do not support the NWO - stay free - NWO is not about equality or freedom

Watch this ex KGB defector 13 min interview and warning about brainwashed, well intensioned, but very dangerous socialist educated generation of Millennials:

Google Is Just Evil
Over the years, I've seen Google censor/remove many blogs, groups, and videos, and even delist websites for no good reason besides imposing their views on others. I can find no real way to contact Google, while every reputable business provides ways to be reached in case of problems. I don't agree with Google's spying on people all over the web, even those who choose not to use Google's websites. The only way that I know of to stop the spying is to block Google's servers. Google lies about supporting diversity and opposing discrimination when are censoring people who have different views. Google's flagship is their search engine, and most of its search results are not as good as they should be for a business that claims to be a leader in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Maybe if they spent more time working on improving search results instead of censoring everything and spying on everyone, they would have better search results. Google would not index my website, saying there was an error, but they provided no error message to indicate what the problem was, making it impossible to solve the problem - if there even really was one. Other search engines had no such problem. I feel there will be no freedom on the web until something is done about Google, and people who actually give Google their money or click on Google's ads are only feeding a monster.

This man here, me, got hit very hard by Google penguin...
This man here, me, got hit very hard by Google penguin thinggy. My business dropped by 80 percent. I scrambled to get back in at the top. It took me, let's see, April 2012, May, Jun... January 2013, nine months to recoupe about 60 percent of the lost income and business.
It has made my sites better.
I have learned other sources of traffic and income. (it is dangerous to depend too much on one company), DIVERSIFY. It's safer.
I have learned clean, Google sanctioned, tricks.
"I have learned clean, Google sanctioned, tricks.

Most of my sites are a 3 or 4 page rank. But I noticed that is not so important to Google any longer. Here is a little something I wrote to another reader/writer.
"Ramon F. Do not fear, Google is not giving too much thought to PageRank any longer, for the moment anyway. May be it is because of what you said, young site are looking good these days and Google want them to have a chance at the top as well. Just concentrate on making your customer happy and if your site reflects that, you will be OK.
Good luck on your new site, and Kick some ass out there".

This is why you can't trust doctors' reviews on Google
I wish I could give Google '0' star!

If you search online (Bing, DuckDuckGo, google, etc.) for "Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists" or "podiatrists in Seattle," "" (Photo 2) will likely come up on top of the search. Click on it opens an ad for "Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists" with a Google review thumbnail (Photo 1) on the lower left, currently showing a rating of 4.9/5.0,131 reviews as of 09/05/2021, and another one for request appoint on the lower right.

Problem is, most of those 5-star reviews are fake!

In June 2014, I went to Dr. Brandon Nelson at Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialist for a small bump that was caused by rubbing with a stiff shoe. Dr. Nelson misdiagnosed it as bunion, did a bunion surgery that was not even required, and botched it. The surgery left my left leg permanently impaired.

I went to Dr. Brandon Nelson because of his glowing reviews on Google, Yelp, and other social media platforms. After the botched surgery, I realized most of those reviews were fake. Dr. Nelson had negative reviews on Yelp, but were moved to 'not recommended category,' which I didn't even see at that time. Had I seen those negative reviews or realized that so many of his 5-star reviews were fake, I would not have gone to him, and I would still have a normal healthy left foot today. I feel I was duped into using this doctor.

After the botched surgery, I posted a one-star review for Dr. Nelson on Google in Nov. 2017 and updated it in Jan. 2020 after a trip to another country in September 2019 for medical treatments. A couple of weeks later, Google removed both my original and update reviews (Photos 3 &4). However, Google kept Dr. Nelson's fake 5-star reviews up.

Google 'Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists' or follow the link below and click on the earlier reviewers' names with more than one reviews to see their other reviews. Most of them also reviewed one or more of the following businesses: Seattle Mobile Detailing, Prime Mobile Detailing, Mold Removal Today, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Social Cow Marketing, First Response Restoration, Subway, etc. Coincidence? I don't think so. They are fake reviews. This doctor had this flaw fixed on his recent reviews. However, most of his recent reviews are still fake reviews. />
Google knew most of Dr. Nelson's reviews were fake, and Google chose to profits from his fake reviews. Google is unethical!

Google, state regulators, colleagues and staff of Dr. Nelson, and people who posted the fake reviews for a few dollars all failed their social responsibilities. They are all at the same level, and they don't care!

In addition to fake reviews posted by others, Dr. Brandon Nelson posted two fake 5-star reviews for himself on Yelp, which were later removed by Yelp after I flagged them. />
You can view some of Dr. Nelson's fake reviews I caught at They are just a small fraction of Dr. Nelson's fake reviews you see on Google and other review platforms.

Because of my experience with a botched foot surgery, I started paying attention to online doctor reviews. Over the years, I have deduced some key points to check on doctor reviews to determine if they are fake or not, with great accuracy. You can view them at />
Don't fall for fake doctor reviews. Your family members and trusted friends are the best source for recommendations for competent doctors/surgeons. In absence of their recommendations, the next best source for recommendation is probably your primary care doctor. And, always get a second opinion when deciding a surgery.


For all of you who unthinkingly use Google to get all your information, have you ever thought are a private company with private interests and despite all their rhetoric there are some things they want you to see, and others they don't?

Imagine if ONE COMPANY owned every single library, book shop and newsagent - choosing which titles to put at the front, and which ones to hide away. This is Google. And its power is scary. Having a monopoly over access to information has been sought by maniacal dictators for decades. Google have achieved that. They have even become a regular component of the vocabulary. Want to find something out? Just 'google' it!

And why do you think you're hearing about no investigations into them? When was the last time you heard something questionable - like the millions they avoid in paying tax? Or findings in courts about manipulating search results?

Nah, of course you haven't - or don't care. Just keep on typing in queries into their search engine, because they own YOU.

Unbelievable! Can I yell "SCAM" ALERT to any and all. I misplaced my purse for a couple of days and I had not been out of my house so I checked my debit card balance to make sure no one had violated my account.

Hello - 2 charges on my debit card and 1 charge on my credit card. Needless to say I called and cancelled my bank account immediately.

I would have never caught the one on my credit card if I had not caught the two on my debit card.

Okay now I start a little investigation of my own. I call their customer service number. I explained the charges. She could not even verify my phone number so I was not going to give her anything but my name. I firmly asked to speak to the billing department. She told me she could get them on the line with us. I said no, I wand to speak with the billing department and I wanted a valid phone number for them.

She told me she could not do the. I asked her where she was located... Her answer was the Philippians.

I have my credit card on the line as I proceed through the steps until I reach $$$$ has been charged to your account.

I continue to the next step: Click here to activate your account! I never clicked the account activation...

Buyer Beware Stay away from Safecart if possible and especially be very careful Spyhunter!

Information store in the world
Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and
Sergey Brin while were Ph. D. students at
Stanford University in California. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares and control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a California privately held company on September 4,1998 in California. Google was then reincorporated in Delaware on October 22,2002. [8] An initial public offering (IPO) took place on August 19,2004, and Google moved to its headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex. In August 2015, Google announced plans to reorganize its various interests as a conglomerate called
Alphabet Inc. Google is Alphabet's leading subsidiary and will continue to be the umbrella company for Alphabet's Internet interests.
Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google, replacing Larry Page who became the CEO of Alphabet.
The company's rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond Google's core search engine (Google Search). It offers services designed for work and productivity (Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides), email ( Gmail / Inbox), scheduling and time management ( Google Calendar), cloud storage ( Google Drive), instant messaging and video chat ( Google Allo, Duo, Hangouts), language translation ( Google Translate), mapping and navigation ( Google Maps, Waze, Google Earth,
Street View), video sharing (YouTube), note-taking (Google Keep), and photo organizing and editing (Google Photos). The company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system, the Google Chrome web browser, and Chrome OS, a lightweight operating system based on the Chrome browser. Google has moved increasingly into hardware; from 2010 to 2015, it partnered with major electronics manufacturers in the production of its Nexus devices, and it released multiple hardware products in October 2016, including the Google Pixel smartphone, Google Home smart speaker, Google Wifi mesh wireless router, and Google Daydream virtual reality headset. Google has also experimented with becoming an Internet carrier (Google Fibe

This has to be the BEST Customer Service I've ever received!
Through an error on "my" part, I ordered the wrong size "special production" t-shirts as a surprise for my husband & brother-in-law who are both Iron Workers. When the shirts arrived and my husband tried his on it was too snug to work in which meant the other 2 shirts were the wrong size as well. I reached out to Teespring's "Customer Experience Team" admitting the error was on my end but asking if there was any way possible to get the correct sizes. "Lilibeth" replied within 12 hours and explained those particular shirts were a "special edition / special run" shirt and the run had been met and completed already. HOWEVER, she went on to explain that "as a one time customer ourtesy my order would be reprinted and sent to me at no additional cost." As if that wasn't enough, she explained I would not need to return the special order shirts I had already received and suggested I donate them... which I have every intention of doing. Talk about above and beyond Customer Service. I plan to share the site with other Iron Workers looking for quality designs and shirts. Thank you so much Lilibeth & Teespring!

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Based on 51 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.


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