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Reviews Shopping, Daily Deals Groupon

51 customer reviews of

Fake Authorization Code -- Fraudulent Charge
Searched for discount for Sam's membership. Groupon offered one for $20.00. When the verification did not show up in my email, I contacted Groupon and Groupon said they couldn't provide a refund -- all within 20 minutes. To me, this is a fraudulent charge for a FAKE authorization code. Purchase from Groupon, take your risk. And by the way, there was no fine print.

Discrimination by Groupon!
To Whom it may concern,
Early last week I was contacted by a Groupon representative regarding starting a Groupon campaign for my Massage Therapy business located in Mystic, CT.
She had contacted me every day, sometimes every couple of hours in order to secure me as a "merchant" and to "sign" an agreement with Groupon.
I explained to her that my experience has been that Groupon is for those Massage Therapists that are desperate for work, or are fresh out of school, newly licensed that are desperately trying to build a clientele.
I know this because I have seen on Groupon's website the Therapists in my area that are offering Groupon "deals" and I know most of these people personally and their situation.
I told her that Groupon would not be beneficial to my business, or any established, experienced Massage Therapist. I would simply be losing more money than I would make by using the Groupon service, but she persisted.
Therefore, after much back and forth with your representative I decided to submit and agreed to give Groupon a try "very short term", as I told her, to see how it goes.
The only reason I am able to do this is because of the situation I am in. I am already successful with an established clientele and I am not financially struggling (like most MT's), and I have little to NO overhead due to the location of my business, which is the center of this issue.
After I had officially signed the Groupon contract your representative asked me the location of my business. She told me that the address she had and stated "it looks like a residential area".
I replied that my office is the complete bottom level of my house. It has its own separate parking lot, and its own separate entrance. Clients never see where I live.
In fact, a client would need to drive another 1/10 mile up the hill just to see my personal parking area, and the front door to where I live.
The inside of my business consists of a waiting room, two Therapy rooms, a bathroom and my office/library.
This all has been inspected and approved as a business by the Town of Stonington (Mystic), CT., and is on record as such.
Your rep then stated that this IS in compliance with Groupon's policy, as long as there is a separate entrance to my business, as I confirmed there is.
She said she would continue to process my Groupon ad and prepare it to "go live" on my call and she would get back to me soon.
I didn't hear from her for two days and then she finally wrote and told me that I couldn't offer a Groupon on your site because my business was located inside my home, which was contrary to what she had already confirmed was accepted before.
She concluded that this was due to "an isolated incident" that Groupon had in the past. This angered me and insulted me, and my entire profession.
As a business man, an "isolated" incident DOESN'T warrant a modification in a business's policy (Groupon's) and to take it out on an ENTIRE Profession (Massage Therapy).
This is like saying: there was an incident with a black man that was a Groupon merchant, so you can't offer any more black people as merchants.
There is NO difference between this and refusing to run MY Groupon ad because of what someone else did. That is stereotyping.
This situation is prejudice and discriminatory by blocking an entire profession for the action of one or even a few, just because I chose the better and more prosperous business direction of having an "in home" office, instead of spending unnecessary money, by renting or leasing.
This has shown me (and others) just how ignorant of a business Groupon really is and how immature their decision makers are.
In this day and age of discrimination and stereotyping, perhaps this behavior by Groupon needs to be reported to the proper authorities, or sent to the media outlets so the public is aware of this.
What is the difference between where my office is at now (as explained above) and a commercial property, except spending unnecessary amounts of money and having a large overhead? Unfortunately, you will NOT have a satisfactory answer for this question, which will only enforce my feelings about Groupon.
Matter of fact, if you were to do your research you will find that MOST Massage Therapists that have had their License suspended or revoked due to misconduct happens in the "commercial" office and NOT at a residential office.
While I understand Groupon's concern, "incidents" can happen ANYWHERE! Groupon can happen at a "commercial" office just as easily, and more likely than a residential office. If you fact check this, you will learn that I am correct.
Where a Professional Office is located should NOT determine the eligibility to become a Groupon Merchant.
My business is Registered and a Legal business in the Town of Stonington, CT (look it up at the Town Clerks office).
I pay taxes for this business, however, less taxes than I would with a commercial property, which is a great benefit. I am in this profession to make money, not spend and lose money, which is why I chose this office of my choice.
I have several State Licenses, many National Certifications and am FULLY Insured.
In my office I sell retail items and receive many referrals from other healthcare Professionals, such as Chiropractors, Orthopedists, Neurologists and a Professional Baseball Team that I work with.
I have regular clients that come to this office on a daily basis and LOVE where it is located! I have not had a single complaint in over 15 years of service.
There are simple modifications that can be made by Groupon so that "incidents" don't happen, thus opening the merchant center to those like me, once again.
For example, your representative NEVER once asked me for my State issued License so that she could verify who I am, and if I am even Licensed in the Profession and service I will be offering. I found that VERY strange and neglectful.
This means I could have been anyone off the street and you were willing to make a Groupon ad for me and offer a service without verification?
If I had lied about my office location, which I am sure many do, and gave an address of some business complex, instead of being honest I would have a Groupon ad running today and I wouldn't be writing this letter.
Do you not think that neglecting to ask a Massage Therapist (or any Professional seeking to offer a Service on Groupon) for License verification is odd and unprofessional behavior? I think most would agree with me.
You should ALWAYS ask for a Professional License and verify it with the issuing State. This is VERY easy to do on any States automated system right on the web and it only takes a minute.
On that SAME verification system it will usually even tell you if that person has ever had disciplinary action against them, any official complaints or ever had their license suspended or revoked for ANY reason. You should also always require proof of liability insurance too.
You should also always require the Therapists' License number on their Groupon ad, so that the customer can check this person out for themselves before purchasing the Groupon, and then if there is an issue afterwards, the consumer can personally contact the Therapists' governing body to file an official complaint.
If you want to go even further, you could require references, personal and/or professional before you post their Groupon live.
All of the above are already required by reputable sites such as Thumbtack, Yelp and many others.
There are SO many ways to overcome any fear of "incident" by Groupon and therefore ALLOW good, reputable businesses like mine to post Services on Groupon too. I should NOT be punished for this.
Otherwise, like I said, this is prejudice and discriminatory.
If the above suggestions were mandated by Groupon, then there wouldn't be ANY reason why ANYONE holding a State License shouldn't be accepted by Groupon as a merchant, regardless of where there office is located. This is all common sense.
If any incident occurs thereafter, then the Therapist should be reported to their governing body (Licensing State) by both Groupon and the Customer and be reported to their local authorities, depending on the severity of the incident. I assure you, they will have much more to lose than Groupon.
I have been doing this for a long time (over 15 years). I know what I am talking about. I know how to run a good, successful business.
Perhaps Groupon should heed my advice, suggestions and my experience, and change their discriminatory and ignorant policies towards massage therapist as they are right now, and welcome someone like me to be a merchant! I could only make Groupon better and earn you more revenue as a company.
I am also a Groupon stockholder and VERY disappointed in what I have invested in right now.
I ask that they remedy this issue promptly.
If I am ignored, this same letter will be sent to many media outlets and several others in the population that have a large internet presence, just like I have done here.
Thank you

Groupon messes up again. No customer service!
So my Groupon account was hacked. I found out because of a Visa charge. After an investigation we found out that it was Groupon's services that was hacked. I want the only one!

A support team member called me and credited my visa card for the amount of the fraudulent charge. Groupon also gave me $60 for my inconvenience.

Well the inconvenience hasnt stopped. I decided that I would purchase a hair bonnet dryer using part of the money deposited by Groupon. I received an acknowledgement e-mail saying the bonnet would be delivered to the fraudulent address. I immediately sent an email back to Groupon advising them. Groupon sent me an email back saying that once the order was submitted there is nothing they can do. The next day I called Groupons support and again they repeated there was nothing they could do. I asked to speak with a manager It took 10 minutes of arguing before they would pass me to a manager. Once they did, I had to argue again before she would credit my account.
Once I saw the credit in my account I went and ordered the same product. I made sure to change the shipping address to my own. I submitted the order. A few minutes later I got a confirmation email saying the item would be delivered to the fraudulent address. I went back into my account and saw that my address was clearly marked as the shipping address. So I ordered the item again. Again my shipping address was displayed as the address to receive the package and again the confirmation address came back as the fraudulent one. I tried ordering another product and when I received the confirmation it was my address so I ordered the bonnet again and again the confirmation was the fraudulent address.
There is clearly something wrong with Groupons system.

I called Groupon and sent them an email saying that there is something still wrong with their system. The breach has not been corrected and the information for the fraudulent person is still attached to my account. I also let them know I am owed for 3 bonnets that have been shipped to the wrong address. I have done my due diligence and told Groupon immediately. I sent them emails, I told them I have screen captures showing the address was correct when the order went through. I still have not heard back from them.

Please be careful when dealing with Groupon. Your account information is not safe! There system has been breached and Groupon is dragging their feet and not correcting any issue. They have done nothing but give me more aggravation and grief. The customer service is terrible. They dont care about their customers or it seems correcting their system. Do you really want to do business with a company that doesn't correct breaches in their system or help those that have been affected by their lack in attentiveness and care for their clients.

PS now they sent me 2 bonnets and want me to pay for the shipping back of one of the bonnets... Seriously!

First, I ordered approx $109 worth of product on Dec 3rd. Groupon claims that the package was processed and delivered from Illinois to Indianapolis on Dec 5th. That would mean that the package was processed and delivered in 2 days. I know that Groupon did not deliver the item in 2 days as it was not processed as 2 day delivery mail service. Second, when I attempted to advise Groupon that the package was not delivered, I noticed they do not provide a telephone number to contact Groupon and they do not have any clear way on their website to inform Groupon that the package did not arrive or that the package is lost. One would think that on the listing of orders made, one choice for the consumer should be to report a lost or not received item. They have what they call a chat line, which is extremely hard to locate. However, the "chat" is not a live chat, but instead it is an email message that the consumer sends to Groupon. Groupon did not call me back for any clarity or discussion. Instead, Groupon wrote me an email indicating that my package was on the way (which was false) and that I could check the tracking to see an update. The tracking still showed the package as delivered, which demonstrates that the customer service rep did not even read my inquiry. The response was useless and did not at all address my problem that the package was not received and that the timing of the package being allegedly delivered in two days was suspect. Groupon gave no indication that it contacted UPS to question the two day alleged delivery or the whereabouts of the package. The refund of Groupon credit should have been a refund to my credit card. When I made a follow up call, I was advised that the Groupon credit was my only choice for refund. I was highly disappointed and quickly made a purchase that I did not intent to make, merely to get the value of my money back. This company has not satisfied me and needs to fix its customer service practices with easy to find tabs to report a loss package and telephone and/or actual live chat for communications for customers service, accurate update and investigations with the mail carrier, and credit card refunds.

Massage Therapist taken for a ride!
While most of these reviews are from the consumer's point of view, here is one from a business point of view! I am a Registered Massage Therapist. I have been doing Deep Tissue work for over 7 1/2 years. I just branched out on my own, and opened my own office, and a friend convinced me to give Groupon a try, as a way to get that first group of clients.

This was my first time dealing with Groupon. Their reporting system is confusing, the rep who set me up, initially, was pushy, and she actually set me up as if I was a mult-person spa or clinic, when I told her several times that I was an individual! That means that my monthly limits of how many Groupon vouchers would be sold was at least 4 times too high! I also didn't understand that it would be repeating every month!

I ended up pausing it several times, in an attempt to try and control the number of Groupon clients who were clogging up my schedule. I was encouraged to keep turning it back on - and I felt I had no choice, as my schedule was clogged with Groupons, which meant that there was no room available for full-paying clients, and I had to pay my rent! I repeatedly asked for my monthly limits to be cut back, and asked for help with dealing with the issue. My rep pretended to be helpful, but didn't actually do much of anything, and when I told him that I would soon be forced to either break my contract or loose my place of business, he threatened legal action. (This was after admitting that I was set up incorrectly by Groupon!)

Now, I am still trying to sort things out, however, I am most likely going to be forced to behave like one of the businesses receiving complaints. I will do my best to accommodate as many clients as I can, and be as fair as I can, but something will have to give!

So, too long, didn't read: Groupon sets up it's businesses to fail: Groupon just want to sell as many vouchers as they can, overwhelming the business until they are on the verge of collapsing, then send the legal watchdogs after the business owners! Oh, and there's no guarantee that they will refund the clients, either! It's a win-win-win - for THEM!

Groupon or LivingSocial - All the Same Stay Away
Groupon owns LivingSocial, so be wary of either one. I've used both for years and until recently did not have a problem. In June, I bought a LivingSocial deal for a full interior/exterior car detailing. Since I wasn't ready to have my car done just yet, I waited until sometime in July to call the vendor. Keep in mind his business is on average a 40-minute drive away from my home, and I work full-time. When I finally called to schedule an appointment for a Saturday, I was informed that Groupon aren't open on weekends and they close at 4:00 Monday through Friday. In addition, as the owner was talking to me he discovered that my car had never been detailed, and he informed me that he would have to charge me more than what I paid on the Voucher. He compared it to the first time you have someone else clean your home - it takes a lot longer and costs you a lot more. I told him I'd think about it. I called back a couple of weeks later and told him it wasn't going to work out. I would not be able to make that drive on a weekday with rush hour traffic and I wasn't willing to pay more than I already had. He assured me that all I needed to do was call LivingSocial and tell them he had agreed to a refund and they would honor that. He said, "They are very good about that." Nope, nope, and nope. When I spoke to Esperanza in their customer service, she told me flat out, no refunds for any reason after 3 days. So, I am out $178, the merchant gets nothing, and LivingSocial gets to keep $178 for services nobody provided. Since late-September I've had my LegalShield attorney write two letters to the company on my behalf, and both have been completely ignored - not even the courtesy of a reply. If you are not 100 percent sure you will use the service or product offered, do not purchase any vouchers from either Groupon or LivingSocial. In fact, for a service of any type, call the vendor and make sure it will work for you before purchasing. They may honor whatever deal you're seeing without the hassle of the middle company.

Company from hell, Holiday to no where
We booked this holiday through groupon, as a tour package called 777. Actual COST $777 each X3
We live in Sydney, but booked Melbourne to China, even though we'd have to pay for domestic flights too, as Sydney was sold out, but we thought it'd be worth it as the deal was so cheap. We contacted SNA many times to find out the actual day the flight leaves, always Groupon said, we're not Sure probably 7th or 8th November.
Finally we get confirmation after months of calling, that the flight is on the 8th Nov, and flights always leave in the afternoon around 4 to 5 pm so you'd be safe to get there about 12-1pm
Many times we asked SNA to send confirmation of tickets to both adults emails we originally gave, as the phone with one of the email addresses is shattered, and we're locked out of the email, as we don't have email password nor original phone number, they continuously ignored our request to do so.
After they confirmed the flights for 8th Nov in July /Aug, we booked flights melbourne, for the 7th. And hotel. Two months after they confirmed the flights for 8th Nov, a women from SNA, called me in Sept, and said, "sorry, your travel dates have been changed for the 7th of November, i started bawling my eyes out, crying "but you told us that it's definitely the 8th of Nov, and we've already booked domestic flights to melbourne for the 7th, and hotel. Eventually she got back and said, 'yes it's ok your flights are now confirmed for the 8th again" I asked, where is the tickets, I've given you the correct email address 6 times, still we received nothing
That's when I really started to panic and called groupon, in October, telling them of the situation, how I feel they can't be trusted, changing dates and ignoring both our request for plane tickets ect to be sent to correct email. Groupon didn't care less, stating the vouchers had been redeemed in August already by merchant, no refund allowed
This is where it gets really ugly...
The morning of the 8th Nov, I called SNA from the melbourne Hotel, panicking, pleading, "where's our tickets, we've still not received them, he said" your flights have just left, 9am" I cried we were told the flight leaves around 4-5pm!"
He said," your tickets were sent to you via email, in October. I started bawling," nooo you didn't send them, I don't have them, you've made a mistake, and the flights we were told always leave in the afternoon, around 4-5 pm latest"
He asked, who told you this, I told him his name, and stated 'he even said he confirmed with a supervisor "he argued," no he didn't. A woman then took my call and told us to go straight to the airport and explain what happened to the airline, China Southern Airlines. When we got to the airline, we were told by the manager of China Southern, "we can't help you, its our policy, no show no go, we can't arrange another flight, even if there are vacant seats because, its against our policy, call the travel agency. By now we are all bawling our eyes out, trying to explain what SNA had done, but this Chinese man was so cold he didn't CARE, continuing to tell us, "I can't help!". The agency called back, he, the supervisor said, you're just trying to blame someone, the tickets were sent your email address in October... "I had a nervous breakdown,, then and there, and kept repeating, but you didn't send them to the correct email address if you even sent them at all" he then hung up.
My young son was on the floor bawling his eyes out. A help desk referred us to a team of 2 who worked for airport, who help people in crises, to negotiate on their behalf with airlines... But they said China Southern are worst to deal with, ruthless, and have left the office. They then organised for jetstar to change our return flight to Sydney ASAP.
Next flight avail was following day, 12.30 pm. We slept at airport overnight, 30 hours waiting to get home, from a trip to no where, all of us devastated. Total cost lost, $6000+. Visas, passports, hotel, domestic flights, taxis to and from airports, and over 2300 lost through groupon, I can't believe I trusted them after already one bad experience with a merchants false advertisement in groupon, which they refused to remove from their site even after I show them evidence of this illegal advertisement.
Don't trust them, groupon, nor the merchant SNA... when groupon were notified, they asked for details of Events, total expenses lost, dockets ect, to be sent via email to groupon customer support, but before I had the chance to send anything they sent an email saying, not our responsibility, take it up with merchant your tickets were already redeemed in August this year.
When I asked groupon, "why didn't you wait for details of events like you asked?", they sent practically the same previous email. When I then threatened to go to media or lawyer, they replied,
"go to third party, we'll tell them the same thing"
We've all been so depressed for three weeks now, as we saved for this trip for years and lost it all, we feel totally scammed by groupon for ruining what was meant to be, the holiday of a life time for my small family.

From loyal customer to will never use again.
I cannot believe that such poor customer service exists in this day and age. I can't believe Groupon are still a functioning business.

I personally have spent a lot of money on and through Groupon to eat locally, get products, and literally go abroad with them. I have been a loyal customer to them for many, many years and have spent thousands of dollars. I will NEVER use Groupon again.

I recently purchased a Groupon for 2 nights at a hotel that quotes $45/night. I chose two nights and was charged $97.00 + even though as I was booking my nights it quoted me $48 plus change a night. I thought it was a little low after the "fees" they rack up but being a loyal customer I had faith in them.

When we arrived to the hotel we were told their nightly rates were $80.00 a night by Chris. Then we were told we had the room for only one night. When we went back to the confirmation that originally said $48/night it was replaced by one night only for $97.00 plus change. We paid more than the hotel was charging through a "discount coupon service".

When we confronted the hotel and Groupon we were told there was nothing they could do because it was what it was. We asked them why we should use their service and they had no reason to. We smelled fraudulent behavior.

After all the workers played "hot potato" with the phone and we talked to 3+ people, the "manager" that we talked to, Amanda # 913 645, told us there was nothing they could do for us, we clearly just didn't understand.

This is not the first time there was a glitch in the system. I signed up for a service that was $100+ and when I went to book an appointment, the service said they hadn't signed up for/nor been on Groupon. She was sweet enough to accept that technology has glitches and she would respect some of the Groupon, however, the Coast River Inn at Seaside, OR didn't have any empathy.

Will never be giving my business to Coast River Inn nor Groupon again. Which is a true loss as I was a loyal customer that would take multiple trips a year through Groupon and Coast River Inn at Seaside.

Extremely dissatisfied with a service I thought I could trust.

I placed an order for a groupon 6 days ago. I applied a discount at checkout which took the savings off but when I submitted my order I was charged in the full amount. I emailed customer service immediately afterwards. The next morning I received a reply asking me for the exact discount code and to forward the email that offered it to me. Okay done. Never heard a reply. The next day I tried the online chat system. The representative said the discount code was expired. I explained that it was by that point but not when I entered it. He ignored my case. I reiterated the total I was under the impression that i would be paying again and again. I asked to speak to a supervisor. He kept me on a lengthy hold and then said he would give me the discount in groupon bucks. That was not acceptable to me. I again requested to speak to a supervisor. He ignored by request and proceeded to tell me that groupon does not process refunds. I told him I knew that was false information. Again, I requested to speak to a supervisor. He ignored and explained the non refund policy he claimed that groupon has. I again demanded I speak to a supervisor ASAP and to stop ignoring my request. He then said he would have a supervisor contact me within 48 hours. Seriously?!

After the chat ended I decided to call in. I was on hold for about 20 mins listening to their recorded explanation of refund processing time. You mean the refunds your representative claims you don't offer? That's funny. Finally got another rep on the phone that could not help me because my ticket was in escalations from my chat. She said I would be contacted in 24 hours. Still nothing.

I emailed and explained my frustrations with this pathetic excuse of what Groupon call themselves customer service. I received an email back a few hours later saying I would get an email back after a supervisor reviews my ticket. What is going on? Can no one provide any help or resolution around here?

Again. Groupon you are pathetic. You owe me $$. Quit with the games and do something about it. Your customer service reps are terrible. Your supervisor is non existent or somehow even more terrible than your reps. I've never been more disgusted with a business. I am absolutely 100% done with this despicable company. You guys are absolute thieves.

Customer Service Is the Worst I have Encountered.
Groupon states all over its website that the value that you pay for one of their deals (and I'm very aware that "value paid" is not the same as the "promotional value") NEVER EXPIRES. When I contact the business owner, she will only honor half the value paid. I reach out to Groupon to resolve this issue. Groupon say they will contact the business owner and get back to me within 72 hours. I've had major issues with Groupon's customer service before (I tried contacting them about one simple issue, and EACH TIME THEY RESPOND, IT'S A DIFFERENT CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE WHO HAS NO IDEA OR RECORD OF WHAT IS GOING ON so the issue never gets resolved. They just take you through an endless loop of one outsourced rep after another. When it does get "resolved," it's usually through Groupon credit. Everyone knows American Apparel went out of business - still no refund issued for their Groupon, only credit. What am I supposed to do with credit for a company who I never want to use again?)

So I ask what will happen if no one contacts me (response: I contact them); but how will they know what's going on? AND THIS IS THE RESPONSE THAT REALLY ANNOYED ME: "But let me ask, why didn't you used this way back 7years ago?" I respond "Why do you even need to ask this question... Groupon states everywhere on their website that the value paid never expires. I'm not saying this. Groupon is... So the answer to your question shouldn't even matter." In turn, they respond with "Is there anything else I can assist you today?" and instead of waiting for an answer, THEY END THE CHAT.

I asked for a record of the chat. They assured me that they'd give me a record. Of course they didn't, so I had to take screenshots of our entire online conversation. CUSTOMER SERVICE IS APPALLING. Despicable company with unethical practices.

What a horrible experience I will never ever recommend Groupon to anyone to deal with
What a horrible experience I will never ever recommend Groupon to anyone to deal with
As a business owner, I was helping a lady who was renting a room in my salon & spa as a self-employed esthetician. I was the person who signed the agreements with Groupon for this lady (her name is Kim), when Kim showed unprofessional behavior in my business such as using cheap products on clients, no job-quality, disrespecting her clients appointments, not following the safety standards & regulations, trying to drag my clients to her home and many more reasons, and after 5 warnings I fired her out of my business. I contacted the account's manager Abby at Groupon to remove my business address as she is STILL using my business address which causes my many problems with clients coming and calling my business; but the account manager Abby was delaying removing my address from the live deals until she gets Kim a special approval for in-home services as Groupon's policy doesn't allow Kim to launch any deal to be served at her home. I called groupon trying to get hold of Abby's manager to help me out in this, I've spoken with 2 guys and after Groupon talked with Abby about my call; the last guy told me "you have to talk to Abby and if she decided to give you her manager's contact info that would be up to her!"
I've been receiving too many complains about Kim as she is refusing to honor the vouchers were purchased by those clients; which is causing my business a bad reputation! Abby doesn't care, nor Kim does. I'm going to file a lawsuit against Groupon for using my company's address without my permission; and for not responding to my request to stop the deals as I'm the agreement signer.

Sells expiring supplments
MARIE TORRES: Issue: Groupon Goods Return Policy
Order#: *******303
Deal concerned: gg-cm-professional-strength-hair-supplement-for-women
Line Item UUID: aa2282f6-6586-11ea-a8cd*******807da
Country Code: US
Hi I need this to be escalated to a manager due to the customer service representative not complying. Yesterday, 18March2020, I received two bottles of this Bosley product and both have a manufacturing date of July 2018 (see attached photos). According to good manufacturing practices in the US, supplements of this kind lose potency after 2 years which means the expiry is in in July 2020. There are 60 capsules in each bottle with the instructions to take 1 per day. This means if I started taking 1 per day yesterday, then I will be taking the pills from the 2nd bottle well into July 2020.

Today I was told by customer service representative named Naledi M. That she will not send me a replacement bottle due to the group on policy of no refunds for this type of product. I read the policy and it also states that if the product is defective, then it can be returned or replaced. I consider this to be defective because you can't sell a drug product that is going to be utilized (taken orally) if it is going to be expired during usage. The first bottle will just make it by the expiry date if taken as directed starting yesterday but the 2nd bottle will not.

This does not look good for you company do please let me know when you can send me a replacement for one bottle. Thanks

Dalia M: Hi MARIE, thank you for contacting Groupon Customer Support.
MARIE TORRES: i sent a photo already through email
MARIE TORRES: i need this ecalated to management
MARIE TORRES: this is a safety issue
MARIE TORRES: the vendor also needs to stop sending this lot
Dalia M: let me transfer your chat to a supervisor
Dalia M: stay in the chat please
Dalia M: Thanks for contacting Groupon. Have a great day!
Nomfundo M: I'm going to do everything I can to help address your issue as soon as possible.
Nomfundo M: I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the negative experience that you had with our customer service agent.
MARIE TORRES: I am concerned as the 2nd bottle will be expiring during usage and that is not GMP
MARIE TORRES: this lot should not b sold at this time
MARIE TORRES: i sent photos through email
Nomfundo M: We won't be able to accept a return or exchange in this case.
Nomfundo M: Books, beauty products (excluding electronics), undergarments, perishable items, any items marked "final sale," and items that have been worn are nonrefundable and may not be returned.
MARIE TORRES: that is the robotic response i expected
MARIE TORRES: you just lost a customer

Stay away from Groupon and Viator, Inc.
I used Groupon for the shuttle once before and saved $19. Let's do that again. Here's a Groupon for $45. Yes, I'll even save a few more $. I received my voucher via email. Went to the shuttle web site. None of my codes worked for a reservation.? I need to check with Groupon. Good luck with that. Their web site is an endless loop of Customer Support page >>> FAQ >>> Pg B >>> Pg C >>> Customer Support. No phone numbers, no email. SAYS Groupon prefer Live Chat. Okay, where's the #%&*#@ link? Incredibly frustrating and infuriating. I finally had to create a Facebook account in order to reach them. They said to just print out the voucher and show up for your shuttle. Like I'm going to trust what *you* guys say. I just spoke with the shuttle service. Yes, I have a reservation for the 26th. Relieved and somewhat surprised. What about the 24th when I come back? Nothing. Dopey dopey me. Since the shuttle charges $36 one way, and last time I paid $49 for round trip, surely $45 is round trip. Plus, the web form asked for when I am returning. Apparently not. I just paid $9 more than if I had called the shuttle service directly. The shuttle reservations person explained that I hadn't ordered through Groupon, I had gone through someone that advertises on the Groupon site. WHAT?!?! From the url, I'm assuming it was Viator, Inc. I just made my return shuttle reservation myself.
So stay away from Groupon. I will never ever use them again. And if you see "Viator" on a web site or in the url, close that page immediately. They're crooks.
In the interest of honesty, I have to admit that I missed a support email address on the voucher. My fault. But shouldn't I be able to find contact info ON THEIR WEB SITE?

Groupon issuers wrong tickets and denied to correct tickets
Groupon Customer Service

To be clear, I have addressed a clear issue, yet no attempt for correction has been made.
I have attached my emailed receipt from Groupon. It details my agreed purchase for 3 tickets at $43 for Sec G, J as offered. I paid the exact total for 3 tickets ($129) in Sec G, J. I then received voucher tickets in 'my groupon' for Sec V (this section was never an option at time of purchase). My tickets, receipt, and order details all state our clear payment agreement. I made no mistake. The tickets are non-refundable and for this reason I booked a non-refundable hotel reservation adjacent to the venue for my children's attendance ($363). The tickets I received from Groupon Live were not the tickets Advertised, nor were Groupon the tickets I selected or purchased. The clear mistake is on Groupon's failure to provide tickets in the section purchased. Groupon acknowledged and apologized for their failure, yet no correction has been made. Raul S assured me that tickets still remain in Sec G, J on 5/16/18. In speaking with Oscar today (5/17/18). I was still assured that tickets remain in Sec G, J. The opportunity for Groupon to correct this clearly disclosed issue remains available now and has been for the past three days I've communicated the matter.

I have gone through hours of customer service calls and emails in the past three days, yet received no resolve. I have clearly addressed the failure to Groupon customer service every day for the past three days. I have provided all evidence of my purchase. Lastly, I have extended patience to provide Groupon the time to address the issue and appropriately resolve/provide the tickets I purchased. This is my final attempt to highlight the issue and provide Groupon the opportunity to do what is right/correct and fulfill our agreed transaction based on your advertisement. I hope that Groupon corrects the matter without the need for litigious resolution for their mistake. I currently ask to be solely made whole for the 3 tickets in Sec G, J or comparable (as agreed in my purchase agreement at the time of our transaction). If I am forced to escalate this matter to litigation, I will be forced to include compensation for the additional factors encountered based on Groupon's mistake and failure to provide our purchase agreement of 3 tickets in Sec G, J. These additional compensations will be hotel, hours lost, and frustration and disappointment for myself and little ones, etc. Please advise me of your decision to appropriately resolve this matter. I hope Groupon's admitted mistake may be amenably resolved expeditiously.

Best Regard,

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Looking for an unbeatable deal on massage therapy and thought I found it on Groupon. I mistakenly believed BodyWork Boutique had a location very near my home yet I couldn't verify this until I purchased the $49 Groupon (sneaky, sneaky) and upon doing so, of course discovered I had to make a 40 mile round trip drive to the OTHER location. 40 miles? For a MASSAGE? Not this girl, not when there are therapists galore within a 5 mile radius of my home. Naturally after wasting too much time figuring all this out, Groupon was already in possession of my $49 and was in no hurry to give me a refund. Groupon gaily informed me I have a $49 Groupon Bucks credit to use for another fabulous Groupon deal but this isn't what I wanted. I wanted the $49 credited back to my credit card and made my desire quite clear only no one seemed to be listening. Like I was speaking Greek when I asked for my money back. Having no other choice but to pick up the phone and call them-- e-mails were getting me nowhere-- I had to Google Groupon's customer service phone number as it is impossible to find it on their website. Of course they were closed but did manage to have a live chat with one of their reps. She also was delighted to inform me I had $49 in Groupon Bucks to put toward another amazing Groupon deal. I was beginning to feel I was in the internet Twilight Zone and told her-- AGAIN, IN PLAIN ENGLISH--that I didn't WANT Groupon Bucks, that I'd never use Groupon again! She finally seemed to comprehend and told me in 3-10 business days I'd have a refund to my credit card. This statement always baffles me-- how they get my money in less than 10 minutes but how it takes up to 10 BUSINESS DAYS to get my money back! Very unpleasant, disappointing first experience with this sneaky site, will never use it again and I advise others to beware, beware, beware.

Groupon closed our accounts and took gift card balance and all
I was always a fan of Groupon for over 5 years because its deals are quite interesting and I was wondering why many people complained about it until problems started to happen to me last year. It is a tricky bait. My $55.50 Groupon Bucks and an $50 unused Restaurant Voucher were gone. Three Groupon supervisors I spoke to on the phone agreed that I should be refunded properly should the company decides to deactivate my accounts without informing me. However, upon their escalations to the tech team per their promises, the same response emails I received were the same, short and no explanation of the missing Bucks: "Upon reviewing your account, we encountered a violation of our Terms of Service and closed the account. This decision cannot be appealed."

Here is a sample scenario: if you have more than 1 account (to understand this, if you had 1 in the past several years and another one now, OR you have only 1 and your wife has 1, these are considered "more than 1 account"), Groupon will someday (soon or later, until it happens to you) close all your accounts and therefore all of your Groupon Bucks (which is Groupon Giftcard that you purchased from your pocket, so it is your money) plus any unused Groupon Vouchers will be gone. It means the company will take all of your money without informing you until you discover it by yourself. Search google for it and you will know. I came to realize that the company does not seem to keep customers' last Groupon Bucks balance when Groupon deactivate consumers' accounts and therefore the only way to say is to forget the topic of the missing Groupon Bucks and instead only say there is a violation.

You are already warned!

Let me start this review off by saying 1. This is my first time using groupon and my last! And 2. I work for a hotel so I know how Groupon correspond with third party bookings and such.
To begin with, I booked my room for The Liki Tiki Resort for my birthday trip in June. I go to this resort twice every year and of course all ways try to find the cheapest way to book the rooms. My friend recommend Groupon after I recommended the resort to her for her birthday trip, so I decided to check groupon out, the price was way better than the other site I had checked out. The even offered free cancellation up until four days before my check in date, without any extra fee. All of this was just amazing, so I spoke to my mom and we agreed to go ahead a book the hotel room before it sold out, with it did. While making the reservation I was using my mothers card and her name and all that Jazz, since I am only turning 20 and the card is under her name. Remind you, I am a front desk agent so I know in almost all case in order for a guest to check in the card has to be under their name. So, I book the room with no issues using my mothers name, received the confirmation, and thought I was all set. Now a couple of weeks later I go and check out my reservation on groupon to make sure everything was how it should be. I sign in and proceed to my reservation and low and behold my reservation was now under my name and not my mothers. Immediately after seeing this I searched for a way to change the name on my own, once I figured out I couldn't do that I had to find a way to get in contact with groupon since they don't have a phone number (MAJOR RED FLAG). So I go through their online live chat to speak to an agent, I explain to them my situation and he informs me that he cannot change the name on the reservation I would have to go directly to the Resort WHICH IS A LIE! When booking a reservation with a third party they are the only ones who are authorized to change your booking not the hotel. So I decided to humor him and contact the resort, he gave me the reservations department and I asked him is he sure about the hotel making the changes and not them. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and called in to the reservation department, as I expected they could not change that name on the reservation which I already had known. But not only did the representative told me that she cannot change the name but also I will not be able to check in due to my age, even if she is there with me and she cannot check in because it is under my name. So now i am more than a little upset because not only is a mistake on their side messing up my vacation I am possibly not going to be able to get a refund if I do decide to cancel because I cannot check in. So I contact groupon a second time explaining everything from the name change to the agent that flat out lied, and then requested to speak to a supervisor like the lady from the resort recommend I do. The agent agreed that she will transfer me but instead she ended the chat now I'm frustrated. Not only am I getting the run around but I still have not had anyone resolved my issue. So for the third time, I reach out to Groupon and tell them everything and again request for a supervisor, the agent told me to wait while he transferred my to the supervisor. So I am waiting for about 20 minutes for this supervisor when the agent tells me that there is a delay in the service and the supervisor will just give me an email to try and resolve the issue. I told this is fine as long as the name is changed on my reservation, I get no response for another 20 minutes and I keep checking back to see if I did or not. Finally a little later on I see he has transferred me to a supervisor and the supervisor ended the chat due to no reply, mind you I'm still under the impression I am receiving an email instead of a live chat. Finally fed up and frustrated I contact Groupon for a FOURTH TIME explain everything again FOR A FOURTH TIME and request a supervisor yet again for the THIRD TIME! The agent agrees to transfer me to a supervisor yet again, then he has the nerve to tell me " Unfortunately we do not have an option to transfer the chat to a Supervisor." When mind you I have been transferred to a supervisor before actually twice because once before they transferred me to the wrong department supervisor, BUT A SUPERVISOR NONETHELESS! So the agent and I go back and forth for a while about how I "Cannot be transferred". When all I want is a simple name change, it would literally take them about three minutes to change the name but yet they are giving me the run around, at this point I am 4 hours in trying to get groupon to DO THEIR JOB! Finally the agent says that they will contact their outbound department to call to the resort to change the name on the reservation. Something that could of been done in 5 minutes, but took them 4 hours to do this. I have yet to see a change in my reservation and no one has contacted me.

Too Big and Too Disorganized to Care
Have been with Groupon for years and have used the same credit card (Amex) for years. Placed an order for 4 items one night (on/about 9/28/2016).

SEVEN DAYS (7) LATER (10/5/2016), I receive an email saying there was a problem processing the Order No. Xxxx. (I now realize I never received a confirmation of the order because I didn't have an order number before.) WHY DID IT TAKE 7 DAYS TO NOTIFY ME OF A PROBLEM WITH THE ORDER?

The email said Groupon had a problem with the credit card and to please check card on file and update if necessary. Using their link, I did just that. I saw there was no misinformation or error in the credit card info. Also, my Groupon account shows no record of this order even though Groupon assigned it an Order #.

Nothing. No OK or confirmation of receipt.

I reentered the card information. Nothing happens for a couple of days. So I emailed an inquiry through their Contact link. In fact I send several emails. No response until days later when I get a series of canned responses which have nothing to do with my problem.

I finally call and get through to an offshore "customer service rep". I explain I checked my credit card account and there is nothing wrong on my end.

By now, almost 2 weeks after I placed the order, one of the items is no longer available.

To make a long story short: I end up having to repeat the story of my order problem to 4 different people, including a "supervisor" who did not call me back in the time frame promised and was about as helpful as a plate of cold noodles. So I lose out on the item my husband really wanted and they can't even acknowledge that maybe there is a problem at Groupon's end.

I am now so frustrated and angry at the waste of time with this series of useless "service reps" I cancelled my Groupon account entirely.

Groupon USED to offer good value for some well-chosen products/services and dining at local restaurants.

Now Groupon is no more than a "middle man" marketer/sales for sometimes shoddy, goods and services. They're just order takers. They refer you back to the vendor/merchant. Groupon has become too big, too disorganized and too far flung to do, or care to do, anything to help customers when there is a problem. Heck, they can't even admit when the problem is with them.

If I could rate below 0 I would
I've had so many issues with Groupon that I'm just done with them. First time I used it back in 2011 I made an order which was never sent to me. But thankfully did get a refund. Another time I ordered a deal for non laser lipo, but every time I tried to call the merchant, Groupon never had any appointments available. It took a lot of complaining to even get my 100$ refund! So another time I ordered a Groupon for hair extensions and when I called the business they said it was false advertisement. I stopped using Groupon for local businesses after that because it just never worked out for me. Then up until recently I made some orders for Christmas altogether. I ordered Matte lipgloss and waited two weeks and got nothing- not even a tracking... when I contacted them regarding this they said it was a dead tracking and would issue me a refund... ok? So with that I also ordered vr glasses for my brother and naked 3 urban decay eye shadow and a bracelet for my sister in law. I never got the bracelet in my mailbox sent by usps even when it said delivered, they told me they could not issue a refund because of the first incident where they refunded me the first time, but screw that I instantly spoke with the manager and got my refund because I told them I would not stop contacting them until I get my refund! Then my brother tells me the virtual reality glasses was crap. Misspelled words on the box and no detailed instructions on how to even use it! Then the "naked" eye shadow was also fake! Confirmed by a makeuo artist in Macy's that I asked! Groupon is full of businesses that are scam artist and Groupon doesn't give two sh! Ts about anything. I'm done with Groupon and they can kiss my a$&. They have false advertisement and should be shut down for good! Nothing but a bunch of crooks!

Well what can I say about Groupon, I am speechless... this rarely happens but I actually am struggling to find the right words about this company, how it continues to exist I will never know. I never thought it was possible for a company to stoop so low, Groupon really couldn't care less. Please, for what it's worth, if you are reading this, avoid Groupon at all costs if you want to avoid pulling your hair out! I had the 2 worst hotel experiences of my life through Groupon before I found out about the scam that they are carrying out. Groupon doesn't actually offer good deals in reality, they hike prices up and discount them, making you pay full price. And if you do get anything a small amount below what you get anywhere else, it's because the product or experience is rubbish, not working anywhere else and wanted by no one else so they reduce it a little for you. Why pay for 150 pounds for stress and rubbish when you could pay an extra 30 and have an experience 100 times better! Groupon ruined 2 of my short breaks away before I knew about them so I vowed to never use them again. My partner bought a couple of products which were rubbish and ended up going in the bin after a few days when she didn't listen to me and if you look for any heavily discounted Groupon product anywhere else online, it's the same price or cheaper elsewhere! So, why am I writing this review if I vowed to never use them? Unfortunately a family friend bought me an experience as a birthday present. It was too late to refund by the time it got to me and I should have just binned it right then. Better to throw away the money spent on the voucher than go through the hassle of using it and cause even more of a headache. But I tried it (for the last time) and the voucher that I printed had the wrong address on it. I called Groupon beforehand to check if I have to book and they said "do what it says on the voucher" which literally says "Read through terms (which has useless information that does not help me) and show up and enjoy". No detailed address, no contact number, nothing else. I called and they repeated several times that everything I need to know is on the voucher. So I drive for an hour to the address they provided which is the incorrect one, couldn't find it and by the time I spent half an hour looking around, the place was likely to be closed. Now I had a look online and there are several different addresses for the place and different opening and closing times. Looks like Groupon are a bunch of cowboys who have clowns as partner to provide their useless products and services. Groupon is a disgrace and the sooner people stop using it to make it go out of business, the better!

Don't use groupon for any vacations or getaways
Do not use Groupon for any getaways or vacations. Groupon are very horrible customer service. They are not about pleasing their customers for returning business they are only out to make their money, which is why they do not supply any customer service number whatsoever. Their chat line is a facade, it's been a month and they refuse to help me and took $189 from out of my account and I receive no service. DO NOT USE THEM. I am a business owner myself and you do not treat your customers this way for amazing ratings and satisfied customers. On my way leaving Bahamas, I booked 2 nights in Miami through groupon. 5-10 mins after I booked, front desk at my stay notified me the ferry was cancelled to leave Bahamas that afternoon. I immediately called hotel, they said they hadn't received any reservations from group yet and for me to contact Groupon. So ofcourse they have no no#, and you have to go through hoops to find the chat. So I message them, gave them no# to where I was staying and name of place to verify. All I asked them was to take off that night as it was not still needed but I still needed the next night. Because where I was staying in Bahamas was also making everyone that was now stuck on island pay another night there too. So to make a long story short. Not only did they ignore my request, they took my money, and when I got to Miami the next day, they never sent my reservation either. So I was out of $189 AND had to spend more money to book at a hotel because they didn't have my room reserved, but yet took my money. I've been a Groupon customer for years, and always told people to use them, never ever ever again. Not when you steal my money and cause me so much unnecessary stress. Do not use them for any vacations if anything may arise they do not care, and just keep your money.

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Groupon Rating

Based on 51 reviews from Groupon customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Groupon is the largest "daily deal" site, selling vouchers for discounted local experiences and services such as restaurants and spas, as well as travel packages, shopping, and a number of other items. Vouchers are purchased upfront and typically must be redeemed by a certain date, after which time Groupons expire. To businesses Groupon markets itself as a way to drive new customers. Groupon is a public company (NASDAQ: GRPN) and is based in Chicago, IL.

Address: 600 W. Chicago Ave Suite 400, 60654


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