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Gundry MD

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50 customer reviews of

Life seemed bleak
I started taking Bio Complete 3 about a year ago, I have been taking probiotics for years, but after researching this product, the 3 in 1 in one capsule was attractive, as was the fact it delivers a stronger dose, and was more cost effective than what I was taking when I bought in bulk. I struggle with hypothyroid and hypertension. My tummy troubles were quite severe when I first started, and I have found that it has helped tremendously, I have had the Leaky Gut syndrome for years, suffered with severe candida, which I have cured by cutting sugar and white flour. I was so impressed with this product, I have put my hubby on it. I am hoping over time it will (with diet) repair my fatty liver, and my symptoms will gradually disappear. Still have mild inflammation if I eat wrong, but, the bloating, gas, and loose bowels are much better over all. My Hubby has been struggling with hypoglycemia, which is also a result of a fatty liver, also early stages of Diabetes, so we are working on cutting carbs and lectins, and eating quality proteins and fats, more exercise, and weight loss, trying to keep him off of insulin. I totally enjoy the Gundry direct approach and the informative honest videos. All the things we take for granted in our youth sure change as we get older, so grateful with technology, and companies like yours, that we are able to take control of our health and well being. Thank you for all your research and understanding!

Bio complete 3 really works
I suffer with IBS. I get terrible heartburn and reflux especially at night if I eat too heavy or eat a food that doesn't agree with me. I have been taking Bio Complete 3, for 6 weeks now. I noticed the difference after the first week. I was able to go off my Heart burn medication, which I was taking twice a day every day. I NO longer get reflux when I lay down At night after eating a heavy meal, even if it's Foods such as garlic which usually repeats on me, in the whole form, is 95% better. Lastly, I used to get bad stomach aches after eating, when I started taking Bio Complete Three, the stomach aches virtually disappeared. I only gave it 4 stars because in the beginning I was going to the bathroom much easier and more frequently. However, after the first month that seemed to level off back to my normal habits, and I am back to feeling bloated and constipated again.
Overall I do love Bio Complete 3. It has made me feel overall so much better. I would definitely try it if you are struggling with stomach issues like I was.

Getting Results
For the most part, I don't take or try supplements, especially on the internet. That said, my interest was piqued by one of Dr Gundry's postings on the internet. I liked what I was reading and how Dr Gundry goes into detail about his background, his purpose, his research and his products.
Not only was I enjoying the read, but I was identifying with the health issues that were being addressed and and how BIO COMPLETE 3 is formulated to treat the causes.
After reading so many rave reviews, I knew I had to give it a shot after living with chronic issues and using meds that were not effective.
I can honestly say that I am seeing great results like others. I am thrilled!
In addition to the supplements, Dr Gundry writes the best articles about everything healthy.
Bottom line is I highly reccomend Dr Gundry!

You saved my life!
I started experiencing acid reflux and indigestion that was new to me, i never had any issues with this, and it was horrible, I could not sleep except for sitting up in a recliner chair or propped up on 5 pillows. I did not want to go to the doctor and take their medications that would just put a bandaid on my problem, and the side affects of taking them were not worth it to me, so I began to do my own research. I changed my diet that helped to a small degree, but then saw Dr. Gundry's ad on a site that I felt was Truthful and I clicked on Dr. Gundry's ad and he explained His Bio Complete 3 and how it helps with issues of the gut, and with indigestion and acid reflux and regularity and bloating. So I ordered 3 bottles, it seemed expensive but I felt if it worked it was worth it and there was a 100% money back guarantee. Well i took my pills and within a few hours i could tell Gundry MD were working, I am so thankful for Dr. Gundry because he is giving us (the people) HOPE & HEALING with natural and healthy products to bring healing to our bodies. If you have never experienced Acid reflux or indigestion you may not think much about this product, but those who do suffer from this, please give it a try! I have not even been taking it a month yet and i can sleep laying down without the recliner or 5 pillows! THANK YOU DR. GUNDRY, please please please promise me you will never run out of this product! Oh and not only is my acid reflux and indigestion gone, I have regular bowel movements, bloating is gone and feel like i did when i was much younger. I am just so THANKFUL for you and what you are offering us. YOU ARE A TRUE GOD SEND!. THANK YOU!

My Opinion!
When I received an email regarding this product and the values of this product, of course I was skeptical. I needed something to build up my depleted immune system. Being a three time cancer survivor and currently undergoing immunotherapy treatment, I really needed a product that l could use and trust. I heard about Dr. Gundry and I knew he wouldn't put anything out that would be minimally effective. When my order arrived I was thinking will this really work? Will the taste be pleasant or rancid. The following morning I made my first "shake," WOW! This folks, is the real deal! The taste is "off the hook." After two week of use I can tell you I have experienced increased energy. My overall health is better than I expected. IN MY OPINION, there is no product on the market that can measure up to this one! My first thought was the price, then I thought, can you really put a price tag on your health and well-being? No you can't. I rarely and I mean rarely leave a review about anything. This product deserves a positive 5 star reviews. Dr, Gundry even offers a 90 day guarantee, it doesn't get any better than that. Will I continue to use this product? Is a pigs hind quarter pork? To the Dr. Gundry team thank you for providing quality products.

Haven't felt this great in a long time!
Wow! I am sooooooo happy with the results I've been getting from Bio Complete 3 that I just placed another order to stock up as I cannot live without this product. I have been battling ill effects of Acid Reflux and heart burn for years and nothing really helped. Since taking Bio Complete 3, the occurrences of these issues have been greatly reduced. My stomach has never felt this calm and my bloating improved so much! The improvements in my digestion was quite apparent after just 2 weeks of taking this product. I love that these are natural, high quality ingredients products as I am all about natural healing.
Also, my stomach use to hurt every single time I ate something that did not agree. This happened quite frequently plus I never was able to pin point what it was I ate; after all, I have been on what I thought was a healthy diet of grains, oats and seeds and peanut butter on whole grain bread all my life! Until I learned now that these high lectin foods are the culprits causing all my issues.
I am forever grateful to you, Dr. Gundry... for my less bloated waistline, comfortable and smooth digestion and reduced cravings for sweets and other junk food. I had gestational diabetes so have always been so concerned about my harsh carb cravings. I couldn't believe that there is a product out there that can work so effectively to crush my desire for sweets. I actually turned down dessert now, not because I shouldn't have it but more because I didn't feel like having it. Never thought I could ever willingly turn down dessert and not be missing it. I still enjoy a bite or small pieces of something every now and then but no longer is dessert a must to complete every meal. This product is amazing in curing so many ailments I have been suffering from. It is still too soon to tell for me but I'm looking forward to seeing improvements on my skin as well.
I just received the shipment of your books "The Plant Paradox" and " The Plant Paradox Family Cookbook" and I'm so excited to learn more. I should also mentioned that these supplements have also been effective in helping my 18 year old daughter who is battling bouts of dairy intolerance or lactose intolerances Although she hasn't been properly diagnosed, she has recently been taking Lactaid for stomach pains and diarrhea caused by dairy consumption. Bio Complete 3 was more effective that the Lactaid pills for her.
Thanks again for developing such wonderfully effective products. You are a life changer and I have recommended your books and products to so many family and friends with similar issues.
You have a customer for life!

New Hold on Life, AGAIN
Plant Paradox changed my husband and my life years ago. Over the years we have drifted away and become heavier and more unhealthy. Convinced that weight loss was key, we decided to go KETO. Lots of meat. After recently watching Longevity Paradox and reading your emails, we are convinced Plant Paradox is what we need to be doing, this time eliminating meat at least one meal a day. We are completely satisfied with the delicious chocolate shake for lunch. More husband is very active so he continues to have sourdough bread. I am trying intermittent fasting, both of us with a KETO twist (minus all the bacon and processed meats). We are very excited about incorporating the shake to replace our life long engrained "meat and potatoes" every meal. We think this is a sustainable lifestyle for us that will get us back to good, or at least better, health. Thank you.

Best Investment for my Health
I have been taking Bio Complete 3 for about 3 months. Prior to taking this special formula, I was plagued by problems with my gut. I have had bouts of what have been diagnosed as diverticulosis so I started to take probiotics. The other probiotics did not seem to make much difference. Soon after starting Bio Complete 3 I felt so much better. Not only was I armed with a great formula but Dr. Gundry has provide the information that has allowed me to make an informed decision on what foods will help me feel the best. I now understand how some foods cause an adverse affect on my gut health. Not that I totally avoid these food but I have learned to limit them. This knowledge coupled with taking Bio Complete 3 have made such a difference in my bowel health and my over all well being.
With taking Biocomplete 3, I do find I have more energy. I have also found that the aches in my joints are not as severe and some are gone all together. As with some people juggling a busy life, I do not always remember to take as directed. Ooops. I can definitely tell when I do not take Biocomplete 3 for a bit. So the process continues to take the steps to be consistent to achieve better health.

Seems to work, but website seems predatory
I started off very unhappy... the website basically forced/tricked me into making a purchase I didnt want. The return required I wait until it arrived and send it back, with cost to me. Gundry MD said they could not provide a shipping label for the return, but when my spouse said they would be involving our attorney, suddenly they said I could just keep the product and they would provide the refund--how can they afford to just give me $180 worth of product but couldn't send me a shipping label for $15? It made me feel like they will take advantage of people who aren't willing to spend the time to call and ask for what's right. I still feel wrong having a product I didn't purchase, its still in its packaging because I wasn't trying to get something free, I just didnt want what I hadn't ordered.

That said, I was skeptical about the product, BioComplete3, but so far its helped my stomach a lot. I've only had one bout of upset stomach that lasted about 4 days, but otherwise, I've felt better taking it.

Bio Complete 3
I just want to thank you for this husband is actually the one I bought it for after his doctor suggested trying it. My husband has suffered for several years with horrible stomach pain and nothing his other doctor prescribed helped much. He has had to take lots of antibiotics for Lyme's Disase for over 30 years. I ordered your product and the results are amazing! He finally has relief from his stomach problems. He has more energy and just can tell he feels better just by looking at him. He also takes the total restore as well. I just saw it when ordering the Bio Complete 3 and thought it couldn't hurt. I am so excited to try it for myself as well but our financial situation doesn't allow that right now. If and when we get the next stimulus check we will be ordering more. Thank you so very much for helping my husband feel better. I was so worried about him and didn't know what else to try.

When you won't settle for less -
My wife and have been working to 'correct' or 'right-size' our diets for a couple years now. We started with the Diet Revolution by Dr. Gundry, a must read! We'd tried many different name brand plant based protein powders to mix in with veggie and fruit based smoothies which seemed OK at the time. Then, we decided to try Dr. Gundry's ProPlant Complete, the chocolate version (my favorite), because the ingredients list is far superior to most of the main stream name brand types. To our delight, for the first time, we actually FELT our Dr. G mid-morning smoothies! Wow what a difference in energy and alertness. We use coconut water, a healthy handful of spinach or kale, some additional fresh fruit like mango or banana and then a large chunk of ginger and of course the serving of ProPlant Complete. We each have one at least three to four times a week if not more. Not crediting ProPlant completely because I've taken other steps and Gundry products to get healthier but I for one shed 20 lbs in the last year and my total cholesterol is now in check down from over 250! My wife was ecstatic when Dr. G released the vanilla version because that's her favorite. Once you've had ProPlant Complete it's very hard to go back to lesser quality products. We're spoiled now. Highly recommended if you're looking for a nutritional snack or even meal replacement. Now we're just patiently waiting on a promo email from Dr. G's team so we can pop in and get three or six more tubs! Thanks Dr. G for sharing your experience, skill and research with us through these wonderful products. My body thanks you too! William & BreAnn B. From Texas

It Has Changed My Health
I am using Bio Complete 3. Previously I had been using a product from another company with only 2 a prebiotic and a probiotic. This other product worked well for me as far as it went. But I still needed some additional assistance in by bowel track and my intestines.
Bio Complete 3 is a better product because it goes a step further, by having a third ingredient, called postbiotic.
Three (3) pre, pro and postbiotic have help me far better than I had hoped for. I have tried several other products and other companies. This product is so good for me that I committed to using products from Dr. Gundry and I will replace my other products for ones from his company.

My bowels were not functioning correctly. Gundry MD were hard, small and irregular. I have also had problems with acid reflex and digesting food ( my food was coming out the other end without being digested. All of these symptoms have been correct with this product BIO COMPLETE 3. Ii has brought me such relief that I will take it for the rest of my life. What a product.

Pain is a part of life. Suffering is optional
I had lost 80 pounds and a recurring lower back infection set me back a couple years. I have lost 35 pounds of the 80 I put back on battling the infection. I was stuck at 215 pounds. I found Dr Gundry online and watched a couple of his videos and bought in after a couple more hours of research. I have invested $1500 in 6 months of supplements and 3 of his books. I honestly feel so good in my first weeks and I know I will invest $1500 over the next couple of years. I estimate 6 months at $1450 is $240 per month and thereafter it will be maintenance at my comfortable 190 pounds. Long term life improvements following millions whom are growing in numbers daily seeking the same things. Not just good health and better health but excellent health. I recommend anyone who realizes that diet and digestion are the keys to a treasure chest of knowledge join happily. The rewards of higher medical technology applied is where are class 1 civilization exists and utilizing our knowledge we will graduate to a class 2 civilization.

What Bio Complete 3 has done for me and my Husband.
Please don't Doubt your "gut " feeling about Bio Complete 3. It is nothing short of a miracle for the great work it has done for my Husband's stomach. He was having stomach pains for three months prior to taking bio 3 complete. I asked him to try the Bio Complete just t to see if it would help. After the first day of using bio complete the pain was gone. It was like a miracle and he hasn't had stomach issues sense. My experience with Bio Complete was even greater than his. For the past 10 years I have been suffering with constipation due to pain medication. My doctor had me on a Prescription for constipation. It has worked somewhat for me but not as good as I would have like. Unfortunately the cost of my Prescription has increased for me by $100 a month, which I could no longer afford. Then came the blessing in disguise. Dr Gundry "Bio Complete 3." I said let me try it. I mean "why not "what do I have to loose it's still cheaper than my prescription. I tried it. It was everything and Then some! I could go to the bathroom again. I felt great! " It worked!" Even better than my prescription did. I recommend buying Bio complete for anyone who's having stomach or constipation issues, you won't regret it. Thank you Dr. Gundry for a great product. From DeAndra in Upstate New York.

Good, but will get better
Re: BioComplete 3
I feel I have noticed a good, positive difference after using BioComplete regularly for about a month. During this time I've also "started" to adjust my diet to be on line with the Plant Paradox... mostly paying attention to what I stop eating! I have noticed the benefits of BioComplete 3 more so when I'm eating better, and how quickly I can get back on track after indulging (think traditional Thanksgiving dinner AND desserts!). To my great surprise, I returned from a week long trip over Thanksgiving holiday where I thought for sure I had gained several pounds and literally thought my scale was not working correctly. After checking my weight 3 times, and even moving the scale to be sure it was level, I actually haff lost a few pounds!

Originally, I was skeptical about the claims of increased energy, but I am pleased to say I was wrong... more energy and alertness, and less issues with afternoon drowsiness and brain fog.

I am looking forward to even better results as I adjust my diet!

Thank you,
John F

Proplant Shake Vanilla
Love what this shake does for me every morning! This is the first thing I put in my body everyday(after a full glass of water). So glad Gundry MD came out with vanilla. I am usually not hungry when I wake up and tended to skip breakfast which would make me starving by lunch and then I'd grab whatever I could.
The shake is easy to do, great flavor (it took me a few days to get used to it, now my tastebuds delight in it), and feels good. I am more alert, feel energized, and feel that I have done a good thing for my body.
Here's what I do: 1 scoop of powder + 1 scoop of Vital Reds + Almond/Coconute Milk+ a little H20+ a few ice cubes + organic avocado to add creaminess and good fats + any combo of (when I have it) organic spinach, carrots, ginger = yummy, filling, good for me and my gut buddies food!
The only bummer, and it is what it is, that if I don't drink it all right away, it gets really thick and undrinkable---easily remedied by adding some more water and stirring it up!

Amazing Life Changing Results
I'm one of those people that gains weight in the winter and loses it before the summer-sometimes. I went for my yearly checkup and my family physician told me to shed 10 pounds because I was diabetic and had high cholesterol. I hate going to the gym and running/fast walking has started to hurt my right knee. Feeling anxious, that night I started browsing the web looking for diets and/or weight loss suggestions. I came across I started reading his articles about how he changed his life and loss of weight through learning about gut health. Once I read about the foods to stay away from, foods that are hard to digest, and the foods that I should be eating. I decided to change my lifestyle instead of dieting. I look at food differently now. I have changed how I eat- portion control, what I eat- leafy greens and leaner meats, and when I eat- no late night eating. I count calories, I use portion bowls, portion containers, and my rule of thumb is if it can't fit in the bowl I'm not suppose to have it. Learning about what I put in my gut really matters. I started my journey in September of 2020 purchasing (4) bottles of Bio Complete 3 and I lost 35 pounds. In November when I had my blood work rechecked I reversed my diabetes and I no longer have high cholesterol! In January I purchased (3) more bottles of Bio Complete 3 because my new goal for myself is to lose 20 more pounds. It's been amazing to see the pounds fall off and I don't have to go to the gym. Don't get me wrong I'm still active. I exercise by doing yoga in the mornings before work and I walk 3 to 4 times a week. My journey has just begun! Thank you Steven Gundry MD.

A second plea for assistance
Dr. Gundry, Your products are truly working for me! I first began with FungusClear. And I am seeing really fast and noticeable results in the decrease in the amount of fungal growth under all 10 of my toe nails. I then began using Bio Complete and Total Restore to continue the support of my gut health. I am seeing great results in my general health! I have noticed the following health effects in the short time I have taken your products: I sleep very soundly and feel rested when I wake up. I have lost that craving for junk food (cookies were my weakness). I feel as though my apatite has decreased making it easier to follow portion control. As a result I am losing a few pounds. In this pandemic, I also feel as thought the improvements in my gut health have come along just as we all needed to assure the best overall immunity that our bodies can muster. I think your products are truly working and I want to continue to take them. I have one issue that I need assistance with. I ordered a 6 bottle order of Total Restore about 4 weeks ago. It has not arrived. I am now almost out of any Total Restore. I note that the charge for the 6 bottles was debited from my account, but I've not gotten the product. Please, please investigate. If I can't order and receive my …. Then my work to date to use your products to achieve better health can not be sustained. Thank you in advance for checking into this problem.

ProPlant Vanilla Shakes - Very Tasty, Filling, Keeps You Going Till Your Next Meal without Hunger
This is the best product that I ever tried that really fulfills the promise made. Whenever I want a nutritious, satisfying drink, I reach for this ProPlant Vanilla Shake made in my own blender till it foams. I like to substitute this drink for a complete meal either in the morning or at supper time. It really satisfies that hunger pang and stays with you until the next normal meal without leaving you hungry. Most of all, it is so gentle on my stomach that I never am bothered with upset stomach, acid reflux or constipation after I drink this shake. I always look forward to a peaceful, restful sleep when I take this at supper and wish I could do it every day, but my family still wants me to take them out to eat at our favorite drive-thru restaurant about 3 times a week. I usually pay the price for that with acid problems and fight it for half the night before I can finally get some sleep int he wee hours of the morning. This ProPlant drink is the best substitute for a regular meal and it even tastes great, as well.

Best researched and proven prebiotics, probiotics, probiotics and other life changing nutrients.
Steven Gundry, MD has proven to be a most top notched heart specialist and research scientist to help people in dealing with their many health issues. He and his team of highly trained scientists have come up with formulas, which have been the outcome of his initiatives to travel around the world obtaining natural, the very best ingredients, with an outcome that will amaze you. I have researched Dr. Gundry fully and listened to his lecture without any distraction. I had been taking supplements for years without seeing hardly any results. After my research, I decided to take 2 of his products and I am so grateful. He delivered on his promise. His Bio Complex 3 and Lectin Shield attack what Gundry MD call the "Leaky Gut Syndrome". They include pre, pro and post biotic properties that will change your life. These 2 products have changed me incredibly and I have only been on them a little less than 2 weeks. My best advice to all is to do your research and see for yourself. You will not be disappointed!

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Based on 50 reviews from Gundry MD customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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Description: Dr. Steven Gundry founded Gundry MD with one mission: To dramatically improve human health, happiness, and longevity through his unique vision of diet and nutrition. The Gundry MD philosophy is a radical departure from the traditional dietary “wisdom” which has failed so many Americans over the past few decades. It’s based on the belief that true health only happens when you’re living in a state of cooperation with the trillions of tiny microbes that live everywhere in, on, and around your body. To restore your body to optimum health and wellness, you need to be sure you’re taking care of your “good” bacteria. Every product from Gundry MD is designed with this purpose in mind.

Address: 9465 Wilshire Boulevard, 90212


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