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Reviews Education, Self Help I-Ready

50 customer reviews of

I-Ready is a "learning" app and it is overall exhausting. I've been doing it since kinder garden and from the minute I've been on it, I have hated it. It's a complete waste of time and it'll do nothing but make you frustrated and everybody in my math class can agree. The diagnostic takes forever and you don't even feel proud when you're done. I understand that it alerts teachers with students score and how they're doing, but it doesn't move you up or down a level whether it's hard or not. It really just tests what you know and it doesn't do anything helpful with learning. Teachers, PLEASE do not use this app. Your students will thank you.

Iready is horrible! I am in 4th grade now and forced to do 100 minutes a week! Iready is just ugly characters teaching me things I already know and the worst part is that you have to wait all the way through the lessons, you cant skip through the lessons! Also, about those coins, THOSE COINS ARE ALMOST USELESS! You get 20 coins IF you "Pass" a lesson BUT IT IS MORE THAN TWICE AS MUCH TO PLAY ONE GAME ONE TIME! This does not make sense! One hour of lessons equal two games?! I want Iready to be banned from schools. Terrible waste of time!

A middle schooler's view of I-Ready
I have to do I-Ready. Every. Single. Thursday. It takes time out of my actual good classes. That's not how it should work. But that's not I-Ready's fault, it's my district's fault

I don't like I-Ready because of the lessons. If I was given the option to skip the unnecessary cutscenes to make a little "story," I'd do so gladly.

And if you're going to even think about having cutscenes. Get a good animator. Get better at the lip-sync and voice acting. It looks/sounds displeasing...

And the explanations. Oh my Lord. I know how to do the problem, you don't gotta explain how I did it.
One word: tedious.

Atrociously Created!
The title evidently tells it all: I-Ready was atrociously created. I used to go to an elementary school and a middle school in the Bonsall Unified School District. (I recently transferred to a different middle school) Anyways, the school district was strongly contingent on education coming from I-Ready. This contingence led to the reduction of exuberance towards education through its platitudinous repetitions of already-intuitive information and its ambiguous explanations on an unknown topic. For example, when I was in 4th grade, I was performing at a 5th grade level in mathematics. Apparently, I was struggling with the lesson related to the powers of 10, due to its lack of strategic organization. Also, I usually had to figure out what the unknown concepts were meant to represent. I remember writing a letter to my district's superintendent that was meant to convince him to reduce the utilization of I-Ready in 6th grade. (In retrospect, I should've done it earlier)

This program is one of the worst torture methods you can ever use on students. I am even thinking why I-Ready made this app. The animated characters are boring and the lessons tell us things we know. In quizzes, iReady just marks them wrong and doesn't tell us anything. I get good grades in this year of 6th grade. When my teachers introduced this reading program, I did badly getting 83 or 90. My grades got low just because I did badly at this program. This program is ruining my life and I hope that it is banned, so I don't have to face it in 7th grade. I just hate it so much. Now, I always think that LA is boring and my participation grades got low. Congrats on the Very rotten job iReady. I gave it two stars because it could be a torture method for bullies that cyberbully you. Just give them this lesson and they will go crazy.

Frick this
I am a 4th grade student forced to do this tedious, boring, uningaging thing that teaches us NOTHING. I am in an advanced algebra group of five people, and it is giving me FRACTION questions. Plus, it is not accurate and at this point, I feel like the teacher is TRYING to use the WORST REVIEWED, MOST TERRIBLE program. The only time when the teacher makes it harder is when the website TELLS HER TOO! What kind of sh*t is this? It only places you in lessons by how well your CLASSMATES did. Not you. It also has a very sh*tty pass rate and it makes you restart the lesson when you get less than 75% right. This app makes you waste 40 f*cking minutes of your week of lessons that are too easy for you. I-ready, GO TO F*CKING H*LL. Thanks for reading.

Terrible app many flaws.
I am in 6th grade I have been doing I ready for a while. I have noticed many flaws starting with lessons. The instructions some lessons give are not clear at all and can cause people to mess up or get the question wrong. My classmates also agree that I ready is not a very good learning program. Next, I ready usually has a lesson with 2 parts. Say you get every question right on the first part but only get half the questions right on the next part of the lesson well it makes you start the whole lesson all over if you do that. I ready will make you redo the questions you got right. This can be very irritating because some lessons can take about an hour. Overall this isn't a very good learning program and there are better ones out there.

This sucks i would give it a 0 star rating if i could the i ready question gave me a wrong awnser!
When i was doing home work on i ready i first have to go through all the video tutorials which take so much time! Then when I was doing it i gave it the right number but it said I was wrong! Even my friends said this! Also to get I ready math and reading it is 12 bucks! PER STUDENT! A school has over a thousand students so you would be wasting soooo much money! And if you don't want to listen to me listen to any body else on this sight: review credibility LOW. And all the 5 star rating are from i ready and are FAKE! I hope that you don't make the right choice not to get this app.
~very mad student of ps. 32

Waste of Time, almost like my teacher.
I know I've only been doing the diagnostic two times, but now I need to do both, because I "rushed" through it. Honestly, I looked up why IReady is so trash, and the company made their own review saying that it "encourages" "creativity", and it is "FUN". I didn't rush, but it made me do the diagnostic AGAIN. My teacher says we need to do this every Monday and Thursday, in class AND FOR HOMEWORK. This website is dumb and stupid and dumb and idiotic and it shouldn't exist. It gives me anxiety attacks, and I get so paranoid. I hate my life because of this and I'm sad that I need to wait for 3 months so this can End. I HATE THIS SO MUCH WUHCYYGGHDKFUNKUFXKFJDKDFBVKJHFSVKNFSKVJN!

This website is my #1 most hated website EVER. I can't even explain how much I hate it Worse than Pearson Realize. If you fail the lesson, you have to redo the WHOLE ENTIRE THING. If a lesson takes 30 minutes and you fail, have fun spending 1 hour on a crap poorly animated lesson you don't care about. You're lucky to spend only 15 minutes per lesson.

And there are no such things as Checkpoints either. If you fail on certain lessons, you have to go through the very annoying process of listening to the characters from the beginning that you already know the information from. There is no skip button to go to the quiz, you're just forced to listen to them talk about some nonsense.

I-ready, more like I die
Im in 8th grade but it gives me 7th grade work. Sure, ixl does give you very little (albeit confusing) explanation for getting it wrong, but I-ready gives u NO explanation, however the catch is, u are still explained the answer when u get it RIGHT, at least ixl doesn't give an explanation for getting it right. Thank god there is no high school i-ready to my knowledge, but k-8 people have to suffer through this hell. Also, the diagnostic is expected to have 50% correct and 50% incorrect. That is fine. However, on the lessons, the pass rate is 70 PERCENT! Since when do you fail by getting 66%? That's a passing grade, but i-Ready says, "haha lol, time to do this lesson again even though you got 65%", making people want to die. I'd rather be arrested as an innocent person then do this. If ur a parent, plz save ur kid from this. If ur kid's school does i-Ready, take them out of the school and home school them. If ur a teacher and have to do i-Ready, risk getting fired and ask the school to stop requiring i-Ready. I-Ready owes me 1,000,000,000,000 braincells. Instead of requiring it, how about make i-Ready optional. No wonder so many school aged kids have depression. It is really dehumanizing,
I can't wait for june, when I wil be free from this spawn from hell.
When i have kids and my kid would commit suicide, i would sue iready.
The people who like iready were probably held at gunpoint and the hitman said "LIKE IREADY NOW"
This wasn't meant to offend anyone, but this was meant to expose the prison known as iready.
- infinity stars

An absolute dumpster fire
As a 5th grade student who is forced to go on this program for 40 minutes a week, I have a lot to say. First of all, even when you pass them, Iready keeps giving you the same lessons over and over and over again, and it drives a lot of people to insanity, second of all, it is VERY cringe, third of all, it doesnt teach anyone anything! Infact, almost everyone in my class is still doing the plory and yoop lessons! Im a straight A student, so I have a higher expectation for grades, so its hard to tell if 5th graders are really that stupid or if Iready is just trash, but its never taught me anything, so thats enough proof for me, lets all work together to get this piece of $#*! off of the internet and banned from schools for good!

7th grader POV.
Hello, 7th grader using I-ready, the diagnostics are really old, I have been doing both math and reading diagnostics for 5 years now, and I think the "helpful" video needs to be updated. Also, the lessons stress me out, it sometimes takes me 3 hours to complete one lesson, only to fail it, and spend another 1 hour rushing it through. And their characters do not look good at all, I-Ready need to actually make it look like a professional website, even though it is for kids, if I'm being honest, DREAMBOX is better than this, at least I can complete lessons in 1-2 minutes, even though I still don't learn anything, I like it better than I-ready math. The literal exact reason for me hating the characters is because of their voice, proportions, and design. Not a good website, don't need it for school at all, but if I don't do it I get a bad grade, so I am forced, and it is stupid, just like my principal.

I'm an English learner and doing i-ready this crap doesn't help my English, it's a complete waste of time.
The most outrageous thing is that whenever I do i-ready on Sunday and check it again on Monday, it shows up as if I did it on Monday. Every week, I need to spend a whole hour doing this damn crap. There was a math diagnosis, and there were several questions on the test that we had never learned. This resulted in a very poor diagnosis on that occasion. Every week I need to spend a full hour on this cumbersome piece of junk or I'll fail my grades. In fact I don't even want to give i-ready a star for this crap software!

Iready is terrible! :( :( :( (thats why I want to rate it 0 stars)
Iready is sooo bad! I'm in 4th grade and forced to do iready, so I have first hand expirince (and spelling errors too). 1. the animation on iready really sucks! Could'nt I-Ready have done a better job?! 2. I found out on google that iready is dehumanizing! Sometimes my mouth randomly starts gaping open! I could'nt belive it! 3. Every time the computer cart is brought into the classroom, my whole class groan's because that means we'll have to do iready! 4. When you finish a question, they repeat the whole thing over as if we don't under stand the problem, when we're the ones who solved the problem! Its normal when teachers do it but its a time waster when iready does it! Therefore I feel iready should be no more in public schools. (Directed twords PS. 10!)

Menace to society
I ready is probably the worst site in the world for learning. For us children, we have to watch a screen teach us math and reading, but the teachers get to grade papers and get ready for the next period. I ready is also one of the most boring websites on the web. Seriously, and to make matters worse, the characters are so cringey. If you're going to teach, teach. Don't distract us with these terribly written, boring, cringey, useless and annoying characters and storylines which don't make any sense at all. Seriously? Bake stars? You could not have came up with anything more cringe than this! I have not learned much from Iready besides "Suh-weet!" and "Look back into the text." The creators try to make the characters sound "cool" or "epic" but in the end, it's just sad and pathetic. Wish this app would shut down. It's torture and just like the brazen bull, the creators will get their's.

Crappy Website with Annoying Lessons.
I am a 7th grade student who's school enforces I-ready. Some lessons are easy and I finish them in around 5 minutes. But the other ones are TERRIBLE! I-Ready feature these crappy annoying terribly drawn characters who sound like they recorded their voice in a microwave. They are annoying and they drone on and on for 30 minutes straight! I like to do my I-Ready quick and just speed through it. I-Ready treats me like I'm in second grade. It talks for 10 minutes straight about what a "stanza" is. It acts like I am a toddler again. Schools still use this even after all these terrible reviews. Never use I-Ready.

Review from a teacher
A lot of the people reviewing here are students who hate everything school but I have it as a job I have found that I ready cost more than its value and it made one of my students have a mental breakdown and break a school laptop. I ready does not care for students as it baby's them. I have also found it talks to much with 25 minutes of dialogue on each lesson. Considering my students do 8 lessons a week it is a waste of time. I have found that khan Academy covers every subject and teaches kids and helps them.


I would rate it 0 if i was able to
I hate i ready so much I-Ready waste so much time teaching us nothing at all. The lessons consists of useless methods that never like to teach the original way of doing things. The teachers who like it like it because of the stupid power points that don't even teach so then they don't have to do their job. The stupid online lessons are so cringe and try to be relatable to the point where it's a waste of time that shouldn't be spent that way. The diagnostic by the way is so dumb, my current online 'learning path' isn't my level whatsoever.

My review for Iready
I am a student who has to do the diagnostic right now
1.The lessons are really repetitive
2. While doing the diagnostic if you realize you made a mistake you can't go back and fix it
3.It drags the fun out of learning and doing your work
4. Tho I found this unnecessary and annoying there are now learning games for math which was a new addition like a year or so ago but we are not allowed to do the learning games which are also to easy for even a fourth grader
5. I-ready sucks and is a giant wast of time

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Based on 50 reviews from I-Ready customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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