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50 customer reviews of

No customer service, No help, all Scam's
I want to rate them a 0. This is a scam company some jerks created an overnight company make a tone of promise that know won't keep. They bidding low on the contract for unemployment knowing they didn't have the support for the volume of people. They took the money and now scrambling to find help. They have an article reading to try back in 2 weeks, when there is not alot of people, news flash there will always be a lot of people considering they have 18 states contracts for unemployment. In two weeks I will be starving and unable to try again! After research the company this is standard practice to drag people out for months. I know this company and all the top executives are going to BURN in the afterlife for all the grief and suffering they have caused the American people. Absolutely no customer service for people on unemployment. I've sent over 4 emails in two weeks. The only response I've received is "we've received your help ticket and will contact you". They won't and the plan is to kick off as many people off of unemployment because they want help.

Worst experience ever... UPDATE APRIL 16TH... 7PM.
I was FINALLY approved at 7pm 13 hours later. Yes, I sat at my desk for almost 14 hours.

A few tips:

Calm down. No lie, I threw my phone against the wall today breaking it after the first video call and agent hung up on me. I did not have camera permissions on via Google. The $#*! could hear me but not see me. It only took me 20 seconds or less to fix the camera issue but by then, he hung up. Hence the broken cell phone

1. Have your camera ready!
2. Refresh your page, it will give you real time as far as waiting. Today my second time... no wait, THIRD time trying the wait was stated as 5 hours... after refreshing a few times the wait time changed to 2.5 hours and pretty soon, I was only waiting about 45 minutes until the screen read 1 minute. The video verification took all of 4 or 5 mins.
3. Make sure your computer, laptop, tablet accepts cookies.
4. I found emailing them (really the only way to reach them) to be useless but eventually Jakob the agent told me I closed the browser and I did not realize to leave it open and wait for an additional step. Go figure.
5. Try early in the morning or like some have said at 3am. I could not get past 1am because I like sleeping but for you night owls, go for it.
6. I may be approved on this side but because I was denied unemployment due to a ridiculous error, I lost my bid last week for unemployment and had to appeal. That was on Tuesday. I now have to wait to call unemployment on Monday and see if we can proceed without going through the appeal process seeing as how my ID has been verified. And of course its Friday today so I have no choice but to wait. I will have been going at this for 5 weeks next weekend. WHAT IN DEEP HELL?



I lost my bid fo receive unemployment in MA over a small error THAT NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT until about 3 damn weeks later. Because of their ridiculous and inept services, I had to appeal the decision from the department of unemployment.


I sent 4 emails asking for help and a solution and I JUST recieved one about a week ago. NOW I have bèen online sitting here like a moron for DAYS AND HOURS waiting for a video call confirmation.

This morning I was up at 530am. I went to shower and within those 6 minutes I missed my my video call. ARE YOU FUC#$NG KIDDING ME?! NOW im back in line with a 5 hour wait, I had an appt this afternoon that I am going to have to cancel. Because I can just sit around all day waiting for a $#*!ty company to do their job.

THIS IS MY RENT, MY BILLS MY HEALTH WE ARE DEALING WITH HERE. I have filed a consumer complaint with the Attorney General of MA, Maura Healey. is the WORST COMPANY I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH IN MY LIFE.

Samsung Teamed Up With - TERRIBLE IDEA
I was attempting to make a purchase for the new Galaxy S21 Ultra phone from Samsung website so I could get my government employee discount and a discount for my Galaxy S8. Samsung has teamed up with to verify government employees by using their government email address where send a confirmation link. I created a account using the same email address as my Samsung account, received the link and confirmed. So when I go back to Samsung site to check out, it lead me back to I attempt to log in but it said email or Password incorrect. I know it wasn't because I used the same Password I used for other generic sites. OK so maybe I did forget the password, I clicked on "Forgot Password" and it says the email address could not be found. Get this how is that when they sent a account created confirmation to the same email address. I chatted with a rep on Samsung site for almost an hour trying to figure it out. Finally I told him Good-night I've decided to buy an iPhone instead, trying to deal with literally gave me a migraine headache, I not kidding. Samsung S21 Ultra and the migraine headache I endured was not worth the price of the phone. gets your information then pretend you doesn't exist. For Samsung to team up with was a terrible ideal because they lost a customer to Apple.

A Complete Scam.
EDD hired a company that cannot & will not "verify" you. use fraud as an excuse to cut everyone off. insists on a laundry list of items.
Back and front of your drivers license which should be plenty. But wait! They insist on you enabling your permissions to allow remote access to your camera so they can take selfie's of you.
You cannot expect everyone to have fancy ohones. Many do not. I do not. I have a flip phgone which does not work for this process.
Even IF you got through the selfie portion, you must then wait for a company "referee" to have a video conference with you.
No, no and more of no. If you look online and do your homework, you will see that people will fine a wait time of several hours just sitting there. When/if you have to refresh the page, you booted off and have to start all over again.
I will be suing the EDD and ID/me for granting benefits, then cutting them off do to this insane third party company that manages to verify the rare, occasional person.
I am not joining the CIA.
I am trying to get Covid benefits to pay my GD rent.

I'd give them NEGATIVE 100 stars if I could! I did EVERYTHING required & it kept saying they couldn't verify my identity - without indicating what specifically was causing a problem - maybe my photos of my documents weren't clear enough or there was a problem with my name or whatever else - but THERE WAS NO WAY TO KNOW! I'M NOT A PSYCHIC! So I waited hours for a referee only for the site to tell me they couldn't verify me & to follow their instructions - WHICH I ALREADY DID! Are there actual "referees" to speak with? So I sent them a very detailed message explaining what had happened & they replied with the same b. S. about reading & following their instructions - which I already did! DUH! I'm getting NOWHERE with these clowns, I haven't received any UIB money since late Dec., & my 30 days to verify my identity are almost up. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! Judging by all these reviews, there's probably many thousands of people in the same boat - AND WE'RE ALL SINKING! IS A VERY SICK JOKE!

Garbage. Unemployment delay tactic run by morons.
Went to login to my FL unemployment to track a recent unrequested payment and found the Connect page gone and this new Republican Gov. Death Santis stonewall blocking any and all access.
It starts out easy enough: upload pic of your driver's license.
But of course that was never going to be it. There will ALWAYS be a problem with whatever you upload (contrast, file size, random excuses). The main thing want to do is stonewall you and keep you from making any progress.
After all of your uploads fail for one reason or another, they'll set a time for a video verification and then when that's supposed to happen, they'll find ANOTHER problem with your uploads and then say, We'll email you when we've had time to review your uploads more carefully.
You can see everything clearly--down to the individual bar codes.
So then you're done.
And the FL unemployment system is done with you.
Just go away and maybe they'll email you... whenever.
And if they do email you and you actually get a video chat, you better have ALL your uploaded docs with you physically in hand whenever and wherever you are so you can AGAIN present the docs over the video chat even though they already have them and can see your face on at least 3 docs AND see your face on the video chat.
It's like a bunch of moronic first graders decided to run a scam ID theft company. And they got IRS and state contracts thru their corrupt Republican political puppets like Ron DeathSantis.
The only thing worse than this is that DeathSantis passed the largest tax hike on Floridians ever with the online purchases tax. This is meant to replenish the unemployment system without asking DeathSantis's business donors to pay their fair share.

Worst Customer Service
Like most people's stories on the Better Business Bureau's website (where have an F rating) I'm trying to "verify my identity". I was referred to through the Arizona Dept of Economic Security (unemployment office) after being laid off due to COVID. If I wasn't referred by a State agency I would be convinced that this is a scam, but I'm trusting the state.
After submitting my driver's license and phone number I was told they could not verify me. There was no indication as to what to do next. There is no phone number. So I emailed them. They didn't respond. I emailed them again and I got a one-line response saying that someone will contact you soon. This repeated for five weeks (not exaggerating). When I finally heard back from someone I was told to upload that there's a video verification option if my phone number is not accepted. They ignored the part where I sent them a screenshot showing this not to be the case.

Eventually, I realized that if you try to submit your documents a second time and it doesn't work, THEN and only then does the video option appear. I've now been on hold for a "referee" for seven hours. I would never voluntarily do business with this company and can't believe that the state can't find another company to verify identities given how bad the reviews are. Still not sure if/when I'll ever get my unemployment benefits.

'Rest Assured'... but I'm far from assured!
My EDD came to an end so I needed to renew my account, but to do so I had to go through to verify who I am. During the process of identifying myself with online by uploading all the information and copies of documents requested rejected my application. So I started the process of reaching out to their support desk to resolve any issue.

That 'Support' desk interaction started 3 weeks ago and all I've had from them during that time is 3 emails (auto generated I would guess) telling me to 'rest assured' that they are dealing with the issue.

I've Googled a number for the Support Desk to try and speak to someone, but all you get is a recorded message saying to email them... which I'm having no joy with.

What they don't grasp is that without confirming who I am I can not apply for further income support which is my only form of income right now during what is a very difficult job search. So I'm at the point of not knowing which bill to not pay so I can buy food.

This is totally unacceptable. I don't know where to turn next.

"Operations Center Analysts" that love playing games
I was checking my information through the website and had to login with my credentials through and everything went smoothly after having them scan my face via webcam and answering personal information. Soon after that, my account gets suspended and I try to get assistance through their customer support. Turns out my old phone number on file that I previously changed is still being used an option for verifying my identity for some reason. Some stranger is literally answering security requests for me lol. And the funny thing is, it's the only option. I don't commit old numbers that I only used for a short period of time to memory after I acquire a new number, but it seems some jerk analyst that I was speaking to via email likes playing games to extent that no matter how many times I mention that I don't know my old phone number he still thinks he is going to get an answer eventually by asking me repeatedly. How the hell is the government affiliated with such a dumb company? H&R block has a feature where it asks questions about where I previously lived or what car make and model I have. Yet, this useless company only resorts to old numbers for verification.

HORRIBLE Government Partner
Understanding that in 2020 and early 2021, unemployment percentages were extremely high due to the worldwide pandemic and many individuals were attempting to collect unemployment. However, in 2022 the unemployment rate is one of the lowest in history. But is still having unbelievable wait time in order to have a persons ID verified.

Fits, their on-line ID verification platform does not work. Second, once you finally are able to upload your identification document, it takes an EXTREMELY long period of time for a video representative to respond. Not only does it take an enormous amount of time (Over 3 hours), the estimated time clock continually adjusts it timer upwards. I believe and trust our Governor Ron DeSantos in the State of Florida is one of the BEST governors in the nation, BUT Mr. Governor, you choice in picking verification is horrible. I've read and viewed all of the internet comments and complaints, however the delay's are still occurring. Florida must opt to pick another partner for this process. is not able to fullfill the needs of our state. This has been a VERY poor choice in VAR's for the State of Florida!

Nightmare of EDD verification continues
ID me claims to be available 24/7 for verification but every time I have tried them the wait is over five hours. I waited three hours and then the message repopulated saying the wait was again over five hours (!). If I cannot verify my identity, I (along with 1.4 million other people in California) will lose my unemployment benefits. Heads should roll in Sacramento. Because EDD left the system wide open for fraud from organized crime and Nigerian and Russian scammers, legitimate CA residents who are unemployed because of COVID are losing their homes (and their minds). All EDD had to do was eliminate the easy to defraud Bank of America EDD card and deposit unemployment checks directly into recipients' bank accounts. You have to go in person and show ID to open a bank account. This simple act would have eliminated 80 percent of the fraud or more. Because of their own mistakes, we CA taxpayers will be footing the bill for between 5 and 8 billion dollars, and those of us who are unemployed can't pay our rent or mortgage. With their customary incompetance, froze virtually everyone's unemployment and force us to verify our identities through a private ID system that is unavailable.

Document, Email, Support problems
If you need a supervisor/fail with the verification process, Contact your local unemployment agency and GET permission to make a NEW email for your claim and make a new account that will link the 2. Close the old account for (unless you are using Textme or another calling APP to verify number) Linking the 2 accounts and retry the process in 24/hrs. The best platform to start the process on IS your computer using Microsoft Edge (loads faster & responds better) make sure you have a webcam as well. I had to do this I failed and failed. Waited 9 days (mainly because I have limited resources). This should help you move through it and get it done and get to the video call process (if your 2 Primary Documents couldn't be verified or whatever document combo you did & need to do a video call) wait times can be long Microsoft Edge updates automatically unlike Firefox and Chrome that needs to be refreshed & eats up Ram & tends to freeze up. I messaged and messaged support, Its a waste of time. Their contact number is *******363 Ext 8. This is also a waste of time. MAKE SURE YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE IS AWARE OF YOUR REPEATED FAILED ATTEMPTS & ASK TO CREATE A NEW EMAIL. Dont hide anything from them, keep them posted.
Make sure ALL your information matches on your documents and on your profile. ( the issue I had was a Zip-Code error, I could not verify the zip on my profile because it was wrong due to a Auto-Fill error & it didn't match the information i was providing( if i did it could be considered Fraud & a loss of benefits) I finally got a email with a link for a video call and it only took 3 minutes to complete. Hope this Helps you get the benefits you are entitled to. REMEMBER GET PERMISSION 1st

This is actually scary
I have been receiving unemployment as my job as a school bus driver has been shut down since April 2020. After the extensions have run their course I had to open a new claim. All this has come to a stop because of You cannot file online without verifying with this company even though I have been receiving benefits for the past eight months. What a nightmare! Their system cannot read the photos or verify my phone number that Ive had for ten years. I waited three hours for the trusted referee only to get a message that my documents are being verified and then "boom." "Please resubmit another photo of your passport using link provided." I did it in under 20 seconds only to get a new wait time of over five hours. I tried to start over only to get rejected and "AGAIN" had to wait for a "Trusted Referee" with a wait time of 4hrs and 58mins. This wait time never cycled under four hours for the next three hours. I cannot get my benefits (like many of you) until verifies my identity. This is criminal and actually scary.

Crappy wait times, run arounds
The service first wouldn't accept my documents and I spent weeks just trying to enter my information. I am a child of divorce so having a middle name and two last names made it difficult just to get everything settled. This part took WEEKS.
The service does not run for 24-7, you can tell because kick you off at midnight and the times never change. They don't answer calls, it's a huge run around asking for document after document just so you can get unemployment. Some of us have duties to our families since we can't contribute financially to our households so this is tolling and difficult. I have been waiting for 25+ hour. I waited through the night and currently am dealing with a screaming baby just to get one appointment. They keep rejecting my documents. I am me, not some stupid person in Russia "steal American unemployment." Stop using unreasonable services to prevent people down on their luck from getting money that doesn't even cover rent! Imagine if i had to sit in a public library to do this. The time for being on the computer would run out and I would never be able to be assisted! This is such a classist thing to do!

This company is terrible
Contacted and DWD over 50 times times since January 31,2021 without significant response or assistance.

Now I've emailed Commissioner Payne.

Verified by twice and have the emails to prove it….

But still no actions, or solutions, just words...

On February 4,2021 during a call to DWD I was told it would take "a couple of days" for the "system to update" (my id).

Since then I have been "verified" by twice (as in two times) and received congratulatory emails which were faxed to DWD.

The first verification was simply document submissions, the second and most recent was thru a "live referee" facetime and document submissions. For this one I had to use my wife's cell phone (937) area code because I am unable to take pictures or "facetime" with my personal phone *******566

Following the directions of the "live referee", after completing my second verification on February 28,2021, I "revoked" the existing permission for DWD to have access to my account, logged out, then went back in thru my DWD uplink account to the button to give DWD permission to access my info…but for some reason, the system didn't work.

Recently your telling me to watch a youtube video that I've already watched to set up an account that'd been set up for months...

The problem isn't that I don't know how to log in to The problem is that you folks or has an issue and no one is taking the time to resolve it...

If you'll notice on that video, the "comments" are turned off... I'm sure that's because thousands of people are having the same problem I'm having...

Will someone please take a moment and call me so I can prove one again my identity and put this issue to rest...

On March, 9,2021, several weeks after I first reported the problem I received an email from claiming had "released an update to fix the problem" I'd been encountering….(I thought the problem was identity verification, not a software issue).

If I hear from DWD you say it's their system, if I hear from, they blame your system...

On March 2,2021, at DWD's request I "faxed" nine (9) pages of identifying documents including drivers license, VA card, both emails from claiming I was now "verified.

I was told it would take 24 to 72 hrs to complete that review process.

DWD received those documents over 13 days ago.

Now has my permission for DWD to access my info and DWD has accessed my info, but I still show "Identity verification "as the reason for non-payment of any benefits on my PUA claim.

On a side note, DWD was authorized and reviewed the information in my profile on March 4,2021 and accessed all my information.

Now, when I log into my uplink account (twice a day), I scroll down to the green button, and after completing the log in procedure, it simply returns me to my uplink page...

When I then a request for them ( to "look into it"... I hear nothing back for weeks.

I am using the same email, phone number, and direct deposit bank that I originally signed up with on the PUA program. I'm also going thru the verification process each time I sign in to DWD which then sends a text code to my phone, so I'm not sure why any of this became an issue in the first place.….

Some of you claim to be "forwarding my information on to the right department" and still nothing is resolved...

I'm not sure what else to do.

How long does it take to "investigate or adjudicate" a situation like this…. What is there to investigate or adjudicate since the holdup is listed as "Identity Verification"…. I have verified myself repeatedly...
No one from your office has made any attempt to contact me except for short emails responding to me saying, "it takes time".

I've haven't filed for unemployment in decades, and the computer systems are confusing to me, continuing to file vouchers seems pointless when nothing is being paid.

Worst company ever
This company has been sending me scripted emails since the month of April. This company is supposed to verify you for unemployment which is a government agency, but finds ways not to verify you. I have uploaded the proper documents that were asked and still no help. The wait time is 5 hours and give you a video to watch knowing that you would never get through to anyone. This company is a scam and a fraud and should not be used for the purposes of a government agency. They go so far is lying and tell you you can leave your browser up and when you click back in you'll be back in the slot that you left off. When you go back to that slots the time has increased back up to 4 hours and 58 minutes. I have even email the owner of this company with no response but I will get a scripted email 2 weeks later telling me a member of their support team is going to contact me at the earliest convenience. I'm just thinking now it's the way for the government agency not to do their job and to put it off on this company. Known it's a li e and Ms Lee their customers on a witch Hunt. caused my PUA claim to be denied! A conspiracy with Massachusetts?
I got a tax return from both state and federal didn't seem to have a problem with verifying my ID. Massachusetts after 24 weeks of putting my claim on hold because they could not verify my ID told me then to go to ID. Me to verify my ID after going back and forth with customer service for two weeks at id me because no matter what I did their service would not work all I could do was open an account and that was it nothing would process, nothing worked, links did not work, links looped back around, couldn't upload anything, couldn't do anything a total absolute horrible web page was not optimized for phone use on Android in the case of my phones the only answer they could give me was to go to a library and use the public computer which seems kind of strange for a secure place like ID me to tell you to go to a public access computer to enter in all your personal private information and on a system that was failing to work for me as it was not too much confidence that they have anything secure or care about the security of the data or documents they get from people to verify their ID. I messed around for week when I get the message from mass pua that they denied my claim because I could not varify my ID with
The website looks like some high school kid designed it and set up THEIR OWN security from being hacked, what are doing with my personal information!. If they cant even process 3 of my legae ID documents in the last 3 days i have been waiting, how will they stop foreign hackers from stealing our personal information and ruining our credit etc etc?. I have threatened them 3 times with a lawsuit! They tell me to take 2 copies front and back of my SS and them tell me i submitted my SS twice! I had to find another document to satisfy this NAZI website. The website is very vague on how their system works, what operating system and what camera video program (skype?) do they use to INTERVIEW you! You have to hold up your ID to these NAZI freaks in the video NAZI interview and prove to THEM what THEY WANT (which we know nothing about because you will never be able to speak to anybody they will not let you contact them other that a bot customer service tell you what is going on.). I see a huge class action lawsuit from U.S. citizens against these idiots BUT they are silly amateur website that is in way over their heads and dont have any money, EDD will have to pay up!

ID.ME is a colossal mess
I went to verify for IRS access with ID.ME even though I already had an IRS account. I presented my DL which is really hard to read for all the new security features added at TSA insistence. The system scanned it but the address was completely hosed. Street # wrong, City wrong, no State and ZIP wrong. I tried to correct the errors but the system would not allow me to do that. After going through several hours of uploading documents and photos I finally gave up and set a help request. Once I got a response to that request I was given a link to a live video chat where I could present my documents to a real person, not some lame piece of software. My initial try said there was an estimated 59 minute wait so I was given the option to try another time and I took it. The next day I again accessed the site and the wait was estimated at 15 minutes but I actually got on in less than 5 minutes. A very nice young lady asked me some questions, asked to see my documents, took a picture and I was done. The whole process was less than 5 minutes after I had spent about 3 hrs of frustration and despair. My hourly rate is $125 so I want to bill ID.ME and/or the IRS for my lost time messing with this colossal mess of an app.

Don't bother
** if you happen to see these reviews before actually using, please: don't do it. It's not worth the time, effort, and putting very personal info at risk. **

As far as i'm aware you're not going to get a real person on the line. I know a lot of people are coming to through unemployment assistance organizations right now and i can tell you you're not going to get help from anyone at
If your unemployment assistance agency has the option to file a new claim through phone, you might as well just keep repeatedly calling that agency's number until you're actually able to get someone on the line. I understand how painful this process is, it took me over a month to get to this point.
Looking at's official twitter, it looks like they'll give you a response if you reply to and/or DM them. I can't say this is any form of a support line however, and i don't know what results people get afterwards. I'm just stating what i'm seeing here

My personal experience with is the same as everyone else here. ask for personal information for verification, i hand it over, and they somehow have problems verifying it and ask you to wait to speak to a live agent. I thought the verification issues was just me doing something wrong or maybe i just had to try again, but it tells me each time to speak to a real agent. I have also waited hours to days, and no one has come to help.

Honestly i feel really embarrassed for trusting so blindly, just because it's approved and used by the EDD here. They take very personal information, and then can't verify you... and then what? Do they just keep it? I'd really like to know what they do with these photos and information, because i regret ever using it. If there's a way to opt out and delete your account with, please let me know.

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Based on 50 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: simplifies how individuals prove and share their identity online. The secure digital identity network has 80+ million users with over 145,000 new people joining daily, as well as partnerships with 30 states, 10 federal agencies, and over 500 name brand retailers.

The company provides identity proofing, authentication and group affiliation verification for organizations across sectors. The company's technology meets the federal standards for consumer authentication and is approved as a NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 / AAL2 conformant credential service provider by the Kantara Initiative.'s Identity Gateway also has a Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Moderate Authority to Operate (ATO). is the only provider with video chat and is committed to "No Identity Left Behind" to enable all people to have a secure digital identity.

Address: 8281 Greensboro Drive, 22102


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