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50 customer reviews of

Great service, great memories!
As we were in the process of relocating, I found several old VHS tapes that I knew I would never view again if I didn't get them converted to another format. I ordered iMemories after searching the internet and doing some research. The box/shipping info came quickly. Once all gathered, I sent them in to be processed. It was quick and as soon as a digital memory was ready, I was able to watch on my phone (I downloaded the free app). What great memories! My originals were quickly returned to me after iMemories were all processed. I'm now in the creative stage where I decided who to make a DVD for as a Christmas present. Great service!

My Dad was the one at family gatherings with his home movie camera (Super 8) and would make everyone say something into the microphone. Everybody hated it. This was back in the late 70s early 80s. Years passed and so did my Dad. My mom went into assisted living and we were cleaning out the house and found these old films. I boxed them up and said I was going to get them restored. Almost went with another company a few times, but decided on iMemories and I'm so glad I did. I've been able to share links with my cousins via text and iMemories can watch the videos on their phone! They all went nuts and gave a big shout out to my Dad for taking them because they are now priceless!
I also had DVDs made for everyone. IMemories compiled all the tapes into one DVD, so the cost was nominal. Plus iMemories took pictures from the movies and used them on the cover of the DVD and the DVD itself. If you've been planning to get your old treasures restored, don't wait another minute... call iMemories!

Family pictures saved
I have enjoyed being able to view my pictures and learning how to save them for future enjoyment. My experience with your customer service people was very enjoyable.
Every time I called each of them was pleasant and very helpful, iMemories took time and always made me feel that they wanted to be sure I was happy with the service ad I understood. Always ended with call anytime that is what they are there for. Thank you and I plan to send more.
Each time I have the opportunity to tell people about you I do. Today I told my Doctor about how happy I was and she wants her Mother to do it I told her many times to be sure and use Imemories and she went andf wrote it down. Again thank you for a pleasant journey through a rough Covid year.

Heartsick and disappointed
I checked each item I sent them and majority were clear and had good sound. Majority on IMemories are blurred to different degrees, some had stripes (horizontal or veritical) on some tapes that were not there before, a group of videos were now in black and white, sound quality is poor & it sounds as if the sound of the machine iMemories ran through them was picked up so the original sound is more background. Most cannot be used as planned for a memorial for my husband and celebration with family. After spending hundreds of dollars, I am heartsick and disappointed in the product. I wish I had never sent them anything.

Was such an easy process and with all the videos my family has to convert we will be using the service many times over! Some of our videos were getting old & now i know iMemories are safe and we will be able to keep forever. My Mom filmed everything when we were kids and we did funny skits and commercials on film too, long before Instagram and tiktok so being able to view these videos, some we haven't seen in 25-35 years has been beautiful especially seeing and hearing our Dad, and Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents who we have lost but their memories never die. It's been a blessing to have this service

I am very happy, relieved, and excited! Thank you!
I am beyond pleased with the results. This started off as a project that my dad and I were doing. IMemories took the stress off of us by converting all the videos and 8mms we had. In the midst of all of the converting, my father passed away unexpectedly. Receiving the finished digital conversions has mattered more than ever now because I have access to all these in the palm of my hand. And through these I get to see my dad as I want to remember him and all our wonderful memories come to life. Plus it was simple, priced right, convenient, and I'm able to share these with others. And I'm so glad my dad and I started this together and I was able to finish it. I definitely would recommend iMemories to everyone. IMemories did a great job and kept me up to date on their process, every step of the way. Thank you, iMemories!

A very good bet
I have used Imemories twice and have been very satisfied both times. IMemories took a hodge-podge of video snipets and mashed them together in a very useable way. I was able
To take what they produced and place some very old memories onto my computer in easy to access files that make these memories available to me on a moments notice. The
First time I used Imemories I had them make DVDs which they did in a high quality manner. I have since discovered that it is simple to burn my own DVDs from the cloud at
A great savings in cost. I am not at all tech savy but found the site very easy to work from. I have now caught up with my old media so will not have much more use for such
Conversions but I do want to say thanks to Imemories for their fine work.

Excellent quality
The reproductions of many old photos was excellent, and the price was the best I found anywhere. I did get concerned when there was no communication - I would recommend the following:
Let the customer know when you receive their photos and some sort of idea of how long the process will take - pad this generously or ask if the customer wants to know when the process for their items has begun.
Let the customer know when the return shipment of their items has happened, and a tracking number, so iMemories can look for their items.
People are entrusting you with their treasures - better communication will build trust!

My Heart is Bursting
We were pretty good about making videos when our children were little, but never had a way to watch the videos we made (except on the camcorder). As our family grew and smartphones made it easier to capture memories - we stopped using the camcorder.
Our brother introduced us to iMemories. We sent about 35 small cassettes in to be converted... and a few VHS tapes.
WHAT A TREAT to now be able to watch these priceless videos! My heart is BURSTING with happiness to see my little family! There are videos we didn't even remember making. It has been such a blessing!
(Now I need to figure out how to add videos from my smart phone!)
Thank you for this WONDERFUL service!

Do it!
I am very pleased with the whole service from the receipt of the shipping box, to the point of getting them all back safely once completed. I saw videos for the first time of my dad before he became handicapped (at the young age of 37!) I was only 1.5 years old and had never seen / remembered this side of him and his personality. It was priceless. It brought tears to my mom's eyes (who was VERY skeptical) of me doing this. The service is priceless. If you can only afford to do 1-2 at a time, do them! It is worth it. I will be coming back for more. The my kids and nephews and nieces never met their grandfather. It was emotional for me to be able to share these.

Smooth experience
The process worked very smoothly for me. A friendly telephone support answered all my questions. One bit of information she gave me was the most helpful. You can order the original photos in separate albums. Just place them in separate bags in the order wanted and label them. She also clarified that for videos that you request a blank check, you're only charged $. 99 if blank, but it will be converted if it contains data for the regular fee.
My only confusion was during the download after completion. It turns out to be easy, you just have to wait for the email that says the download is ready (some took quite a bit of time), then follow the link to the download.

Invaluable Time Saving Service
I had 40 old Hi 8 tapes of my kids growing up and family gatherings. I could never find the time to convert the tapes to a digital format even though I have the equipment to do so. My daughter suggested that we transfer the tapes as a birthday gift. We decided to use iMemories because iMemories were less expensive than the competition. They did exactly what they said they would do. They sent us a box with return postage and we sent off our cherished memories. Within a few weeks, they started posting our tapes in digital format for downloading. The process was straight forward and the files were easy to download. I now have my 30 year old tapes in a format that are not going to deteriorate over time. I can now share copies of them with all of my kids. Within a few weeks after receiving my files, they returned the original tapes in good shape. Highly recommended.

I didn't understand "free shipping," & then a fee popped...
I didn't understand "free shipping," & then a fee popped up for shipping box. I also need to know if discount for many, many things to copy: I have microcassettes; VHS tapes; those tiny camcorder tapes; cassette tapes w/voicemails of deceased; undeveloped Kodak film from '70s; loose photo negatives & photo slides. Ur ad doesn't comment on these things, as far as bulk discounts. Im on Soc. Sec., & $16 PER TAPE is unaffordable for most on a basic income. I might be smarter to purchase my own machines, which I've actually looked into (nothing personal). I hope my feedback will be useful in some way. Myra

My fiancé passed away 4 months ago and I remember he had previously recorded mini dvds, about 15 years ago. So I did some research and found this website I was a little nervous mailing my only memories of hearing his handsome voice. However, overall it was a great investment because I was able to have access to view all the wonderful memories on any electronic devices such as; TV, tablets, phone and computer any time of the day. I was very pleased with their service, once done iMemories mailed my precious memories back in the same condition I had them. The only thing I wasn't happy with if you want to convert into a dvd it's a shipping charge per dvd.

Good job!
I was leery about sending 8mm movies because iMemories were my only copies. I have a projector, but the age of the film (over 40-50 yrs) had dried a little and become brittle and it wouldn't feed. It started eating it up! So I figured I would take a chance and see if imemories could get it to work, after all it was no good to me at this point. Surprisingly enough they could! I thought it was expensive considering I sent them 23 films, but they got them all to work. I made dvds from them. A customer service rep called me, I was surprised, and asked if I needed any help with the order, considering I ordered 28 dvds which wasn't right. Thank goodness she explained it to me otherwise I would have had 28 dvds of the entire bunch of movies I sent, all out of order, all run together. Glad she called! Thank you! Everything after that went exceptionally well, and they sent all my movies back to me perfectly safe via FedEx. I am very satisfied! I sent them an additional 14 movies in 8mm to process. Again, I thought it was a bit pricey but I also had a lot to process.

My files were transferred to a digital format that I was able to use to access them on my computer. Excellent! Exactly what I wanted. However, iMemories failed to include the first 2 minutes of one of my tapes and had already shipped them back to me (which they did within 2 days although their contact said they would retain them for 2 weeks in case this ever occurred). They did offer to pay for return shipping so they could remedy that, but it's too much of a hassle for a mere 2 minutes of video. I suggest they review the tapes more closely to ensure they have gotten the full file. Older video tapes require physical rewinding unlike digital files.

Love iMemories
I sent request for a kit. The kit came in a timely manner. It included a box, plastic bags for films, and mailing label. I had a very large order and iMemories kept in touch through texts, of the progress. I am a current customer so was please they added the films to my current account. It was so simple. They notified me when the films were ready to view. My films were returned in a timely manner and I was given a tracking number to stay advised. I love being able to put all my videos on line so I can share with my kids. They can then decide which ones they want to keep and download to there electronic device etc. This has truly put my mind at ease wondering how to leave these memories to my kids. I will be sending another large order in a few days. Thank you iMemories.

So far I am pleased with the turn out of all my home videos. It did take a long time to get the digital files, but everything seems to be in good condition and the quality is better then I expected for tapes that are over 25 years old. I am struggling with what to do with the digital cloud version and downloading onto my computer so I can burn my own DVD's. Its very time consuming so I would advise to have the company do it for you. I was trying to save money but its a big job, and each tape takes hours to upload onto my lap top then burn to a DVD for storage. I had an issue with the downlaod at one point and called for help. The customer service was very good!

Family Legacy
One of the best gifts I have ever received from my parents were home movies dating back to 1950. I loved that I could watch myself and my siblings grow up on film. I wanted to provide the same gift to my children so I had all those movies plus my own movies from their youth digitized by iMemories. I now have an everlasting legacy for my children and hopefully iMemories will continue that tradition for generations to come. Thank you to iMemories for the quality work in digitizing my very old and fragile movies that were recorded on every imaginable format. I am extremely happy to know that our family memories have been preserved. I highly recommended iMemories to all who are considering doing the same.

Perfect timing
I got the courage to try this service I was so so scared to send my tapes but nothing happened and myself and my kids now ages 16 and 13 are just so filled with light watching this simpler time
Before covid before this my daughters junior year of high school where every day she is so anxious that every move will make or break her future — she gets to see herself learn to crawl and walk and talk and leave cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. My 13 year old son is equally impressed to see how he was climbing stairs like a rockstar at 18 months taking them standing one at a time switching legs going down facing front not on his belly— nope just like an adult.
IMemories found part of themselves they never knew and I'm so grateful for this gift during a time when no one is promised tomorrow it's important to be able to cherish our yesterday's while we can. Rachel Yee

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iMemories Rating

Based on 50 reviews from iMemories customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: iMemories is a cloud-based storage and streaming service that puts a lifetime of memories at your fingertips. From older analog home movies and slides to modern digital videos and photos, you family̢? S entire collection of personal videos and photos i...

Address: 9160 E. Del Camino Drive, Ste. B1, 85258


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