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Reviews Jobs, Recruiting Indeed

50 customer reviews of

Doesn't get any worse than this. Stay away!
I posted a job role on this website and that the info I posted was the same from another job site that had no issue with the post, but not long after maybe an hour or so, I get an email from the site saying my account was disabled and that I will not be allowed to post anymore! This is just got to be one of the worse job posting sites I ever have seen advertised on google!

This was the info on my job ad

Here at the animal welfare sanctuary, we are looking for a person or member who would be willing to take part in been a trustee of our animal charity.

What will you be doing?
About the charity: animal welfare sanctuary is to provide help and support for people who want to start an animal charity but to also enforce the law against animal cruelty. We are also a social charity that means we use social media to get the word out about the work we are doing when supporting our loving animals. Should you have anything you wish to ask regarding us please feel free to contact us.

Job role: Trustee

Job type: Handling the charity accounts and returns

Paid or free: This job is none paid because we work together to help support the animals in need.

What skills do you need: With it be money related, we ask that you have 3 years experience in handling money and doing returns for the taxman.

Can you work from home: yes,

Who to ask for when doing a meeting: Please ask for Mr Nathan Smiddy

What are we looking for?
We are looking for volunteers with professional experience in the following:

Money handling
What difference will you make?
The impact it will have is that your helping keeping our charity money management safe and in order.
What's in it for the volunteer?
When you join us you will be allowed to do the following:

Social media management
Face to face meetings on skype, Whatsapp or Facebook
Your very own welcome package from the CEO and founder of the charity
Trips out to the animal charity and zoos and much more!

That's all I had posted and not long after, Indeed disabled my account! Just lucky I did not give my credit card info to this scam company!

The tables have turned on bad bosses
These employer review sites are a great idea. Obviously, the managers bad-mouthing them don't agree, since it hinders their ability to get off on harassing and abusing their workers. Indeed feel any worker who refuses to be a doormat is a disgruntled worker. Foxnews even put out an article trying to get candidates to not use these sites to weed out bad employers, which shows they fear it will threaten the ability of management to lure in new victims to be abused. If such a pro-management network so strongly opposes it, then it must be good for workers.
Modern corporate mangers have become sadistic bullies who get a perverse pleasure out of harassing and threatening innocent working people who are struggling to make a living and support their families. They abuse ‘performance reviews' as an excuse to harass, bad-mouth and even slander their people. After the employee leaves, they use the ‘reference' system to continue harassing and slandering their ex-employees.
Management whines that employer review sites turn the tables and give innocent workers a chance to weed out bad and abusive employers. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
Companies say only disgruntled employees complain when their boss abuses them. Get used to it, employer review sites are here to stay. A good employer treats its people right with fairness and honesty so they don't become disgruntled. Complaints from disgruntled employees show that the employer is at fault, not the employees. If you don't want workers calling you a bad boss, then don't be a bad boss.
The only problem with indeed is that you have to hunt some to get to the employer review. Ideally, the average rating of the employer would show up at the top of the page showing the job offer. It's not that hard to find the review, but it still could be easier. Some people using the site might not even realize that a rating of the employer is even available on indeed.

Customer Service Saved My Life
Originally, I left a 1 star review about my disdain for this service due to the fact my account was disabled and there seemed to be no reprieve after endless appeals.

After leaving my review, an account representative was able to kindly activate my account with no problem! I'm very appreciative for this, as I was half way through a report for the Better Business Bureau. They've turned things around for me, and I'm looking forward to finding promising workers on indeed.

My overall review?
Their Automatic Bot Customer Service: 0/5
Human Customer Service: 5/5
New Hire Candidate Quality: 4/5
Ease Of Use (Of The Platform): 5/5
Ease Of Account Setup: 3/5

To Use Or Not To Use?
DEFINITELY use the service! If you're able to get through the initial review process then this is an excellent service with all the tools you need to hire great people stress-free! Looking through applicants is a breeze, and the app makes hiring candidates so convenient, you'll wonder why you weren't using Indeed YEARS ago!

If you're NOT able to get through the review process, then the entire ordeal will give you a mind-bending headache and leave you with an eternal resentment towards Indeed. Possibly enough for you to go out on a limb and warn every good business you know to "Stay Away" if Indeed know what's good for them.

My final advice?
If you run into serious issues with indeed, try to reach a human on indeed's customer service. If that doesn't work, tell your legitimate story in a review and hope a human CSR comes to your rescue- like they did with me!

Review team is completely arbitrary, incomprehensible, and frustrating. Ruins the entire experience.
To be clear, my issue isn't with customer service. I don't want them get in trouble as Indeed were just relaying the completely ridiculous rulings of your incompetent review team who apparently never have to explain their decisions to anyone and can arbitrarily deny and pass accounts at a whim.

It's amazing because for the two days it worked I loved your site. It was clear, concise, simple, and I was able to review many qualified candidates. I was even considering sponsoring my ads so I could get more exposure.

How you can take a superb interface like that and absolutely demolish it with an arbitrary, incomprehensible, frustrating, and insulting review process is beyond me. Usually customer service is the one thing tech companies get right because it's beyond easy.

To be clear, I run a start up marketing firm. I am a registered business. I have a registered domain. I have real clients with real work that needs doing. I have real money that I am going to use to pay real workers to finish that work. I called indeed customer service seven times throughout 5 days.

The first person told me that I needed to provide proof that my business is registered. I said fine, then the next day I sent it over. Then a different person tells me that I need to resend it because it's too big, so I do. She says its fine, that everything should go through smoothly now. Shen then asks me a series of questions about my business, what I'm looking for, and what type of background checks I would potentially be performing. I answer every question, and she is content. I wait another day, I try to call this lady back but I'm told shes busy.

Then i get an email saying that my account has been rejected again. Why? Because the business registration, the thing the government looks at to confirm if a business exists, is not good enough. The person who told me all I needed was a business registration either lied, or was incompetent.

So I explain that as a start up, working as a sole proprietor from home, I have no utility bills in the name of my business. The very nature of small scale marketing consultation and development is remote. You don't need an office to design copy and signage.

The person says they understand, they agree with me, but the review team has decided that I am not a real business even though i provided a business registration, which they have not asserted is false.

So, I ask to speak to a manager. I get directed to * after an even longer wait. I explain everything in depth to *. I explain what my business is, I explain that I'm willing to provide a drivers licence, and a social security number on top of my business registration to prove my identity. * agrees with me that this is ridiculous, and says he will fight for me by going directly to the review team and having them look at my account for what must be the fourth time.

I wait an hour, and call back. The review team has rejected me again. Why? Because my start up business is not three months old.

So lets get this straight. First guy shuts down my account after I post my ad, never telling me why until I call. I call, the guys says I need a business registration. I provide the business registration. I am rejected. I call back a day later and am told that I need a utility bill. I explain that I am working from home. I am asked a set of questions. I answer those questions. I am told it will be reviewed again. I wait. I am rejected again. I call back and speak to the manager. I am told that I need a utility bill, a website, a business address, and need to wait three months and I still might not be approved by your moronic review process.

Heres my question. Why not tell me all these useless, incoherent, arbitrary, made up requirements before I posted my job and I wasted a week fighting with you guys?

You couldn't I'm guessing because I don't think you follow a set of rules, I think you make it up as you go along, and someone decided that they didn't want to approve my account for whatever reason, and thats that.

I don't even know if I'd bother applying again in three months because nobody knows if your review team will be in a good mood that day or not.

You led me on for a week. I did everything you asked, I called back numerous times, I was patient, I was understanding. And this is what I get.

Indeed is a great job board. Probably the best. But you have by far the worst review team I have ever experienced in any field.

Dishonest, incompetent, and above all a massive waste of my time and resources. I would never recommend indeed to any small business owner or start up as you seem to be hostile to them on a bureaucratic level.

Heres a tip, you're a massive company. Streamline your process so that you have a clear set of guidelines for each and every job poster, not just buried in a massive legal disclaimer, and have your review team follow that rulebook without making decisions just because they feel like it.

Have the job poster know the requirements, have the review team check those requirements and approve or reject an account based on those clearly stated requirements. Simple.

I'd expect this from a third rate site, not the largest Job Board in the world.

Well thats it. I need to somehow make up for a weeks work of recruiting that I wasted hanging on to you people. I guess I should have known that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

*Personal information redacted by admin

After receiving not a single reply to our email below...
After receiving not a single reply to our email below after two weeks (d. D. march 7,2014):

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Yesterday our foundation (Stichting NuRecht - posted 10 vacant jobs on your website in the Netherlands ( Hence we normally get a lot of reactions I checked the advertisement today. But when I wanted to sing in I received a message that our account was ‘out of order'.

I contacted your organization by e-mail and also by phone *******500) about this issue. The first employee who answered my call told me that the system of Indeed probably recognized this as some kind of ‘spam', once I placed the jobs in several cities on the website. - The NuRecht Foundation is a national ‘Law Shop' that is working only online and therefore is searching for new employees throughout the whole Netherlands and not only in a single city. But there is no option to place these jobs on your website for the whole Netherlands, so I placed it referring to the biggest cities -

The employee ensured me that he would contact the (Privacy) Office in the United States to inform them that these jobs are really vacant, and he promised that probably later today or latest on Monday we could use the account again to post these jobs also again.

Some 15 minutes later someone else called me from indeed from the number +353(1)2543385 with a rather strange story: Even though his colleague had ensured us that our account would be soon functional again, this caller told me exactly the opposite! Once the jobs that we posted were concerning voluntary work, he told me that our account would stay ‘frozen'.

Surprised as I was by this sudden change - considering especially what the first representative of Indeed had ensured me (I had also informed him that this was about voluntary work) - I asked this second caller for the reason of this sudden antithesis. He answered me that the Indeed Company normally allows employers to post volunteering jobs, bus only if Indeed are made by organizations like (his example!) the World Wide Fund for Nature. I asked him why, once our foundation is quite comparable to the WWF, and he answered: "That's because it's a big company".

Surprised for the second time by his answer I explained him that our foundation is a foundation that is providing free legal advise, that the Dutch Tax Administration (Belastingdienst) has ranked us as a ‘public welfare institution' (algemeen nut beogende instelling - you can verify this at:, that our foundation doesn't pursue profit-making and therefore should be deemed to constitute as a non-profit organization, that - if he would like to verify this - I was willing to send him all the legal documents to prove this (resolution of the Dutch Tax Administration, our statutes and our legal policy etc.) and that our foundation - considering al these facts - can't be treated different than a similar (but bigger) organization as the WWF. He answered: "OK, it is not necessary to send me these documents, but you can try it again in a couple of months. Then we will reconsider this matter and then we will judge your case again."

Surprised for the third time I asked him why this could only be done ‘after a couple of months' and why not exactly at this moment; the moment that we need new employees? He told me: "Yah, we can't do that now. If you ask us in a couple of months we can have a look at it again." I asked again: "Why?" His answer: "We normally just only prefer companies like the WWF to post jobs (similar to what you want to post) on our website. You can try it again in a couple of months, but, yah, I think in fact that also would not help you anyhow, once we simply don't like these kind of jobs and organizations. So you can try again in a couple of months, but I think you will probably face the same problems then."

Excuse me?!? I think I consider this to be one of the most ridiculous answers I ever got, since I can't remember receiving anything like this before. And especially form a big organization like Indeed I would have expected a different and more reasonable answer, not speaking of the fact that this employee seemed to be somewhat ‘agitated', that he showed to be unable to make a consistent reasoning in his arguments and that his way of explaining seemed to imply that he was more stressing out than willing to be helpful to his customer (our foundation in this case). And after all: 15 minutes earlier we were promised to have our account functional latest on Monday again!

I had a look at the general legal conditions that are used by Indeed. Of course I can see that your company reserves a certain ‘freedom of judgment' whether to show advertisements from third parties or not. And of course I also had a look at these terms before I placed the advertisements. But - also again - I can't find any condition concerning voluntary work. As far as I can see there is no article providing Indeed to only allow bigger non-profit organizations like the WWF to post jobs on her website. That - of course - isn't strange, hence it would imply that your company would like to influence the effect of certain non-profit organizations, by opposing other but similar organizations that seem to be ‘less appreciated' by Indeed.

Naturally I understand that your company doesn't pursue to intervene in these kinds of matters, once this most likely (in legal terms) would have to be considered as ‘discriminating' according to the Dutch and European Law. Therefore I assume this was a more ‘unfortunate' representation of your company and that you are willing to be more than helpful to solve this unfortunate matter.

What I think I can ask you fairly is at least to explain to me why I got these contrasting answers by employees of your organization, especially after the promise that our account would be functional latest on Monday again. And, if a may speak freely, a small apology would be on its place. But mainly we would like to use our account again, once we need new volunteers at this moment, and not after ‘several months'.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Decided to stop posting...
1st review back in 2015: A positive one, 4 stars: Title of Review: "common job good result": I just posted a office clerk job. Good number of people applies. This is very different result from the instructor job that I have posted. I guess it is probably the fact that office clerk job does not much requirement. The job said "you must be detailed oriented", but no where in the resume or coverletter even mention anything being detailed oriented. One can never stop people sending our resume when Indeed do not meet requirement. It is not the site's fault, it is the candidate's.

I would like to see a site which offers "checkable" filter fields, ie. Say employer has 5 "checked - MUST" fields as the MUST criteria. If the candidates did not check these fields, they will not be able to submit a resume thru the Just a suggestion to or any other employment sites.
Ever since then, the customer service was very responsive. They even called my office directly to provide help.

Therefore, I continued.
Last experience has been nothing but extremely bad.

Back in Sept, I posted office clerical job. I got overwhelming number of applicants. Well, good sign, right? I then filtered out to 7 of them. My assistant called each one of them and set up an interview, 6 of them never showed up, no phone call back either. When we emailed them, almost all said they got an offer "right before" the interview. The same answer! What's the chance of this!? Throughout my over 30 years of working in industries, I have NEVER had such experience. 1 or 2, maybe. 5 of these had the same answer!

When I posted response to the customer support, the customer service again called my office directly to offer some somewhere like $200 sponsorship to job posting.

Uhmm... I am not sure if I want to do this. Now, 1st of all, I cannot "definitively" blame on the Indeed, as I did not go into investigating it. I guess I could have checked whether the phone number is a google generated number to start out. I don't have time to do this. Because of that, I'll drop the # of stars to 3 instead of 1.
My suggestion to the, if it is truly an honest entity, it should add in ethical/professional clauses to the job seekers to minimize this from happening. Until then, I am not posting another job at Also, I think this site would work only if you are paid sponsors.

Terrible company with very bad business practices
Beware - if you don't sponsor your job listing Indeed will suspend your account and will not give you a reason why!

I'm the CES and the founder of a tech startup that develops apps for local communities. After 2 years of product development, we launched our apps on the App Store and Google Play, and started hiring sales reps and brand ambassadors.
We posted a free ad for a sales position on indeed to test the quality of the candidates. After a few hours, I received an email that our account has been suspended. The only information provided were links to the Terms of Use and Job Posting guidelines. We carefully went through both documents multiple times and were not able to see a single violation.

Indeed provides an option to appeal the suspension decision, which we did. We provided information about the company, website URL, phone number and additional information about the job. The next day we received the following email:

Your account was reviewed and unfortunately, the decision has been made that your advertisements cannot be shown on Indeed. Your account currently is not accruing costs, and this is a final decision. No further action is required on your part. No additional details regarding this decision will be provided.

In other words: our decision is final and we will not tell you why.

After spending days sending emails and contact messages, all of which were ignored, we created a new account and posted a different free job for a brand ambassador. The job listing described the company, its products, job requirements, salary etc. Unsurprisingly, the account got blocked again. Once again, we submitted an appeal and got the same response: our decision is final and we will not tell you why.

The only reason that comes to mind is that we didn't sponsor the listing. There is absolutely no violation of any term or guideline in the jobs we posted.

I plan to file a complaint to the BBB for falsely advertising that employers can post for free, and I encourage other employers to do the same! Let's stop indeed from using fraudulent bad business practices to attract paying advertisers!

What a waste of time! Stay away!

UPDATE: indeed responded to my review saying "No additional details regarding this decision will be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."


I own a company. That company owns several brands, including a new brand that we are developing during the pandemic that is exclusively for an online video game. We have had a team working on the game for many months and posted on indeed to hire another short term developer for the next few months to help take us through to launch.

The hiring campaign proceeded normally for about a week. As we were in the middle of scheduling and conducting interviews our account was abruptly and silently suspended, claiming that indeed could not verify that we were a legitimate company. All communication with our candidates was abruptly severed, including with those who were in the interview scheduling phase. We received not a word, not an email, not a hint of an inquiry from indeed before this drastic and outrageous action was unilaterally taken.
This outrageous action has harmed my company by delaying our hiring process, damaging our relationship with potential staff and making us look unprofessional to potential employees.

The "appeal" process consisted of an unnamed, anonymous employee treating us like criminals and making totally unjustified and outrageous demands to access confidential business records or documents as "proof" that we are a real company.

When I provided not one but three active websites for a variety of the businesses owned by my company their "client success team" simply rejected the appeal and punted me off to some other bull$#*! department.
The level of customer service I have received as an employer is astoundingly bad. If Indeed had legitimate concerns about verification of company identity they could have addressed those concerns at the start, before the hiring process had already been underway for a week and entered the interview stage. More importantly, any reasonable or legitimate question about account identity could have been easily resolved by simply sending an email request. Instead they abruptly severed a process without discussion or consultation, then began making outrageous demands for access to confidential documents.
The bottom line is that indeed is a company with utterly horrible customer service towards their clients, the employers.

My strong recommendation to other employers is: GO ELSEWHERE.


Here is my very short experience with

I created an account for my boss so we could search for resumes and after sending one email I was advised that my account was suspended and I could no longer send emails.

I contacted Indeed and received this response:

"Thank you for contacting Indeed.

In order to protect our job seeker's information we have a system in place where you must contact the job seeker through your Indeed account first of all, when Indeed reply to your message any contact information they have included on their Indeed account will then become available to you.

So if they have included their phone number it will be available to you at this stage.

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us."

If you're following along you'll note that this response has absolutely nothing to do with our problem. When I replied to that email trying to clarify I received this:

"Thank you for taking the time to go through our appeal process.

We have reviewed your account but are unable to lift the suspension. You are not able to contact job seekers through Indeed.

Suspension of your ability to contact job seekers has no effect on your ability to post or sponsor jobs on Indeed.

Further appeals or related communications for this suspension will not be considered or responded to.

Thank you,

Indeed Compliance"

I'm not exactly sure what the "appeal process" consisted of as I received one email that had nothing to do with my problem and when I tried to clarify I was banned. I don't even know what the basis of our suspension was and according to the email, I cannot even ask because they won't respond.

This is the WORST example of customer service I think I have ever encountered and wanted to make absolutely clear you knew how dissatisfied I was with this experience.

PLEASE READ: Account Disabled with NO Explanation...
I placed a review here (like many others) and (like ALL others) it took doing so, to get Indeed to take action and actually respond. Unfortunately, unlike ALL others, Indeed is still is denying my ability to post basic simple job ads on their site. I have been in this industry for more than 20 years; I was a 7th Grade English Teacher, a High School Baseball Coach, and taught night school at a Medical Training College in Baton Rouge (I ONLY mention those things so that anyone reading this doesn't assume that maybe I'm some idiot, who doesn't know how to post a job ad). I own a very successful Communications Company and have used Indeed for years to hire for all positions (Sales, Mgmt, Clerical, Technical, etc). I have never had a problem before now. I asked about that, and was told that my "account" had never been reviewed before. That's interesting. B/c I post the SAME "ads" every time. In fact, all I do is "reopen" the ads that I closed at the end of the previous recruitng-effort. So--evidently--it's not the ads; it's my account. So, what could that mean? Well... I can't say for SURE, b/c after repeated requests for Indeed to PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE ADS OR ACCOUNT SO I CAN FIX IT... nope... nothing (no answer). Indeed WILL NOT answer the question. They simply keep saying, "We cannot give the reasons for every account that we disable." Really? Ok, well, I guess that could be true except this is the FIFTH email you've sat down to write me, about this same issue. So although you may not "have time" to give the reason why you BAN a company from using your site, you sure are taking the time to TYPE THE WORDS "We cannot give the reasons for every account that we..."... I didn't even finish that sentence; you know why? B/c just the first half of that sentence took as long as it would take to LIST THE REASON(S) WHY you are disabling my account. Therefore, since I know (and every intelligent person reading this knows) that it is ludicrous for Indeed to REFUSE to tell me WHY they are disabling my account, AND since it's obviously not the ads that are the problem (why would an ad for an Office Worker be "controversial?" And since I was told that it was the review of my "account" that caused the flag... what is unique about MY account?). Is it that I am a company that installs Alarm Systems and Satellite TV and sells internet for AT&T? Nah... that's ridiculous. So what could it be?

***And don't respond here with your "We're so sorry about your experience, we have sent you a private message." Respond where people can see your response!


Good luck to anyone reading this (either job-seeker or Employer). I hope you find success.

I started looking into the Indeed scam today after reviewing my account and the amount of clicks versus applications. Indeed charged me $ 43 dollars for 4 days after i specifically requested the maximum of $ 5 dollars per day. I just received my business health care license about a month ago and are fairly new so being on a strict budget is essential at this point. Initially it took them a while to approve my business to advertise so i paid for two weeks and received about 25 resumes. Its safe to say half of the applicant din't even bother to call back, while the other 30 % were no call no show to the interview and about 20% actually showed up and out of 20% it safe to say maybe 2 i have considered hiring. I have suspended my post effective today and will not use this site any longer.

Another thing very questionable is the whole pay per click deal.
How are we suppose to monitor the clicks?
Are these Clicks actually real?
We should be provided with the name of the person viewing/ clicking the job posting.
Employers should be charged only per amount of the applicants submitting their resumes and not per click, because we have no way of knowing who is reviewing the job posting, leaving us at the mercy of Indeed to report basically whatever they feel like in terms of click and having to pay whatever they say, even though we agreed to have a certain amount of money set per day and even so they still allow the charges to continue to pile up to $8 or $9 per day without my approval.

After i complained about this, the rep told me not to worry about it at the end of my term it will all amount to an average of $ 5 per day and instructed me to monitor the account daily to ensure I am being charged that amount. Unfortunately with my schedule I am not able to keep tabs on Indeed daily to ensure the accuracy of our agreement. The whole thing just doesn't seem right.

The first time i submitted my job posting with Indeed it cost me about $ 25 dollars give it or take and i received 24 resumes, and 4 days ago i posted again except for this time i only received 1 resume and it cost me twice the amount. Not to mention after i posted for the second time i had to wait again for several days because my account was under review and was asked to call from my business number and send a copy of the bill to verify the business is legitimate. Are you kidding me? What was the point of sending the copy of my license, just to send the utility bill to verify my business? Complete waist of my time! So, Its safe to say i will not be using their services any more and I will certainly share my story with my professional network to ensure my colleagues are aware of my experience with

Thank you

I was confused and frustrated and disappointed... But they fixed it.
I started using Indeed and at first I was frustrated that despite spending many hundreds of dollars, I was not receiving the qualified candidates I was looking for. I was about to give up on them when I discovered the Resume Search feature. This feature is PERFECT! I need to access a specific type of job candidate. So instead of wasting time and money with unqualified folks, I was able to target and pay for only the people I wanted to contact in the first place! My level of excitement was through the roof and I was finally getting qualified people to speak with.

Then one day the Resume Alerts stopped coming... Hmm I wonder what it could be? I logged in to find out that my ability to search resumes was suspended. "Huh. That's odd, I wonder what happened?" I wondered. Then the most frustrating thing that has ever happened to me in business occurred. I felt like I was in Nazi Germany and the SS were surveilling me. Indeed said they would not reinstate my ability to use the search feature and what is more? They WOULD NOT TELL ME WHY! If I knew what I did wrong I would FIX IT AND KEEP PAYING YOU! None of my communications appeared to be out of order. I was ONLY contacting those whom fit my search criteria, I made very clear ours is a commission only position. It was a mystery why I was suspended and is going to stay a mystery because they WILL NOT tell me what was the problem.

After airing this grievance here on Site Jabber and Indeed representative contacted me and said that they would review the suspension and to my delight they lifted it. However, I am under scrutiny and if they ever suspend it again there will be no consideration. So I am elated to be able to use and pay for a service that has proven to be very effective and I thank them for that. However, it seems unreasonable to me that any business would prevent customers from learning what they did that caused a suspension so that they could correct the problem and continue to pay for services. C'mon Indeed! You can do better, there must be a reasonable way to effect compliance while maintaining a high standard of quality. Could an account rep review postings prior to allowing them on the site?

Please consider a policy upgrade.:)

I still like Indeed and think this service is beautiful!

My company usually use different site for job posting...
My company usually use different site for job posting but then I came across an advertisement by Indeed saying Indeed offer $50 credit if I create an account. I didn't get good results from other site so I try it out. But then I got so busy that I never looked any resumes came through indeed. I wanted to delete the job but it wasn't easy to find and I didn't want to spent time and also it showed I had balance left so didn't do anything until two months later. Now I see a charge on the company's credit card statement. I inquired about it and they said that the credit expires 30 days after the job posting. Somehow I missed it. However, this information was available only that instance and never appeared again. The customer service agent agreed that that's only time I would see.
I also asked about the balance and apparently the balance represent the charge balance not the credit balance. It didn't make whole lot of sense to me because the charge column was zero. They explained to me that it's previous month charges.

I have two issues:
1. The credit expiration date should be showing under account info/billing info.
This information directly affects how they are calculating the fees and therefore this information should be shown. It's like a voucher without an expiration date or credit card bill without due date.

2. Their website should be more user friendly. The billing summary page should be explained better. If they are going to show total charges from previous billing cycle in the current billing page, they should show previous transactions OR title it better. Instead of just "balance" it should be "charge (fee) balance from last month." Also, it would be nice if there is a way to enter job posting end date. I understand that they charge per click and not by period of time it was advertised, but it's still the useful tool.

My understanding is that Indeed wants more customers and they are giving out $50 credit as an incentive to potential clients. I suspect most of customers who use free $50 credit are new users. The website is confusing and the terms and conditions on $50 credit weren't very expressive. I asked them to refund the charges and they refused. I believe that my request is very reasonable. I obviously did not understand how Indeed works and Indeed does work differently than other sites. There was no way that I would come up with questions such as when does credit expire or what balance mean unless I used Indeed before. It dose make whole lot of sense to me that they offer free credit to attract new customers but then they have awful customer service policy that keeps new customers away. They have absolute no refund policy regardless of the reasons and cases. SUCKS!
I wrote the following letter to Indeed in hopes to get my issue with their posting bogus jobs just to get your data -- aka PHISHING. If you'll notice Indeed is on every site that writes something negative and provide a bogus response like Indeed do on this site. Indeed is trying to erase anything negative about the company, but yet when you ask for them to erase or give you back your personal data like your resume, they won't comply with the public's request. See my legitimate complaint below.

"I am writing to you to formerly request that you please destroy all of my contact information as well as my resume. The reasons are outlined as follows:

I applied for a position via I had a bad gut feeling about submitting via due o the problems with so multiple data breaches at so many major companies. After thinking about putting my resume out on, I became even more concerned. After I applied for the position, I went directly to the company site to ensure that the position I applied for via Indeed was an actual position on their site. Well, it was NOT posted on their site. I proceeded to call the company and confirmed the position did not exist. Once again, the position does NOT exist! It is my opinion that Indeed is just data baiting by fraudulently posting a non-existing job! It is my opinion that your actions are equivalent to and Internet crime by fraudulantly baiting and or phishing the public.

My second issue is Indeeds complete lack of customer service. You treat the public like we are stupid by not allowing a job seeker to speak to anyone at the number (*******361) listed on your site. If you are a legitimate company with nothing to hide, why cant the public call and speak to a representative, your legal department, your compliance department, your IT security department? This is s a legitimate question. I want you to know that that public is not stupid and you will loose customers.

I contacted Indeed via telephone number (*******361 and@ *******300). Unfortunately if you are a job seeker, you are instructed to leave a message, which is NEVER answered. I wanted to talked to a live person, so just by chance I pressed 2 to see if I could reach a real person and I did. You see we are not stupid. I informed the person who answered that I felt that my data was highjacked by by posting a fake job. I told the rep that I wanted to talk to either the Legal Department or someone in their IT Security, because I want my data back! I was totally baited! The rep stated that I could not talk to anyone, but I could write to their Legal Department. I asked for a name and was informed that this is information she does not have and obviously refused to divulge. I also asked to talk to their head of IT Security, she did not have that either. That is such complete bologna. I told her that I understood that she is instructed not to give that information, but my point once again. If you are a legitimate company, this should not be a secret. I informed her that I wanted there to be a record of my complaint and if she could provide me a tracking number of some sort. No was the response once again. Really!

I called the next day again to ensure that the information that I was given by the Indeed rep. Was correct. I asked for the names of the legal department, IT Security as well as for a name and number of the compliance department. I was told that he did not have that information and could not give out that information and do not have a compliance department. Really!

I was given the following address to send a complaint.

Indeed Inc
Attn: Legal Dept.
6433 Champion Grandview Way
Building one
Austin, TX 78750

I did tell the rep that I wanted for him to send a copy of my complaint to someone and he was very, very hesitant and said that once I ask for legal he could not do anything. Give me a break.

In addition, I want you to ensure me that you are not selling my data to other companies or your subsidiaries. I WANT MY DATA BACK ---I WANT YOU TO COMPLETELY DELETE MY DATA. SCRUB IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM.

I am also formerly requesting that you please respond to my request.

Really really bad experience with this site as an employer
We are not new to Indeed. Last year we managed to find one employee via Indeed. This year we need to find receptionists again. We more or less using the same ads as last year. We had quite a few applicants and started to narrow down the candidates and interviewing candidates. Then all of a sudden my account was disabled. I wrote to them and got this rather generic reply:

Your account has been disabled because its relationship with your company could not be verified. For the security of our employers and job seekers, Indeed must verify accounts and jobs.
To verify your account, we would like for you to provide documentation relating to your company. Please provide us with a scan or image of one of the following items:
Electricity or Phone Bill with your business's name and address
ABN Registration Document
ASIC Business Registration

If Indeed are so serious about proving the relationship or the ownership of the company, why don't then do that when the account was first being set up? Why all of a sudden just disabled the account of a perfectly legitimate company?

Through the help of my accountant I have given them 7 official document plus more to prove all the above. Still they would not care! They then said in a very generic way: It appears that your request may require specialised attention and our Client Success team can better assist you. Please view our Help Centre for further assistance with this issue.

So I tried hard to get in touch with the whatever Client Success team. Went round and round to no avail. Called their number but no one ever picked up the phone. Live chat? Where is the link for live chat?

Such a pathetic service.

Get absolutely no support at all from this website and wasted so much of our time and resources for nothing.

Reply to Indeed reply dated 6/15/20
" This is typically done when not enough information is provided when an Indeed account is set up "
There is NO extra information requested when we sign up. We had provided you everything you had asked for during sign up.

"We do see an appeal was submitted but the documentation was not provided. "
We had provided everything in great details and at our expense (our accountant's services is not free). We received a reply from you guys within a couple of hours or less. Every time whoever person that replied just disregard all the documents submitted.

You know if you want any extra information or proof of whatever, you could have just request that. We would be more than happy to provide you promptly. Instead, you guys just frozen the account of a legitimate business with zero warning. It is very much a shoot first and ask question later mentality.

Savage waste of time for very many job applicants
Over the past decade, I've tried on and off to find work via You can read reviews about the job application process from many other applicants on Indeed's own review pages. Very many of us have the same experience. You find jobs you're qualified for. Whether you're the first person applying or the last, whether you apply early Monday morning, on the weekend, late at night--no matter what you do, you don't hear back from anyone.

Unless it's a minimum wage dangerous position no one else will take. The only two job apps I've heard back from in the past YEAR during the pandemic are from residential care facilities. I have a master's and a doctorate (not boasting--multiple degrees are now VERY common among online job applicants since so many of us followed the advice to become "more educated"...) in health sciences, but apparently the only thing I'm qualified to do is be a nurse's aide or young child behavioral aide trainee. Each position was both in a state with frighteningly quickly spreading COVID-19 cases AND at facilities where so many employees had recently become sick that the facilities were DESPERATE for workers. Still, Indeed both offered near minimum-wages for dangerous work that involved double-duty (caring for children AND elders at a company-related nursing home--not advertised in the job ad!). And still, the interviewers for both positions were denigrating and condescending--as if throwing the applicant the possibility of a life-threatening job were sign of the employer's beneficence.

I follow the online job gurus' advice to research companies, craft a "pain letter" cover letter, tailor my resume to the keywords in the job ad... Nothing.

Then, I started limiting my search for jobs requiring "no experience" or for companies explicitly stating "Urgently Hiring!" Or companies that INVITE applications from "career changers" or "retirees" (to avoid the ubiquitous specter of age discrimination). Still NOTHING.

Recently, I completed an application in which I had to count the words in each paragraph, change each paragraph's font AND color, all while answering very specific questions in a specific order. I thought it was a test to see who would actually follow the instructions. I felt like a performing circus animal. It was humiliating--but I did it and triple-checked that I'd followed the instructions. I never heard back from the company. And, of course, nothing from time-wasting

Indeed acts like so many other portals in the internet age: they wash their hands of any responsibility for what happens to the people using their services, instead currying the favor of the people PAYING (supposedly) to use employers.

Research the history of the US Labor Movement. You'll see that many employers/corporations will do anything, no matter how unethical, to make money. Many don't care about the human beings they use for labor--and even hold those applying to be laborers in special contempt. Maybe this is common human nature--the way those who are safe and have survival resources treat those who aren't and don't. But Indeed's complicity is unforgivable.

The US government and international watch dogs all report that an unprecedented number of people have slipped into joblessness and poverty due to the pandemic--all while the wealth of many corporations and the super-wealthy has exploded. And how has Indeed responded to these extraordinary circumstances? By continuing to do what countess throngs of frustrated, dehumanized job applicants have been complaining about for decades now--making it easier than ever for uncaring employers to savagely waste job applicants' time by forcing us to jump through demeaning hoops because we're desperate for work. All the while, the same jobs get reposted a few weeks later despite never extending the simple courtesy of letting applicants know that we weren't selected or WHY we weren't selected so we could understand how to improve our odds in the future.

Yes, Indeed is a statistical scam at least--and quite possibly something far more malevolent than that.

Employer account disabled, no reason given, no refund
Like many others here Indeed disabled my employer account with no reason given. I'm a small online business looking to hire a VA. I've hired many from the Philippines through before. No problem. Ran my ad on Indeed for about a week before Indeed shut it down with no reason given.

There is an appeals process but they rejected that too. No reason. No refund.

I'm at a loss as to why they disabled my account. How can you ban someone from your service with no reason given and give no refund? This shouldn't be legal. Worst system I've encountered in a long, long time.

EDIT: If you needed more proof to never use Indeed, just check out the helpful response from Indeed "Support" below.

"Indeed may reject or remove any Job Ad and disable any Employer's account FOR ANY AND NO REASON WITHOUT NOTICE".

No reason, no refund, can't access your job candidates any more for which you've already paid for.
They go on:

"we cannot give every reason why a job or a company may be removed"

So someone is doing a manual review process which takes time, but they don't have the time to give a few words on why the account is disabled? Leaving your customers clueless with what could be wrong? I read your Job Posting Guidelines and I still have no clue what was wrong.

Look at all the people on here who have no idea why their account got disabled. And that's only the ones who post about it.

Take this Indeed "Support" rep's suggestion - "If you have urgent hiring needs, we recommend utilizing other hiring services" - and use another service. These guys deserve to fail until they overhaul their systems and show some respect for their customer's time and money. is a scam, stay away
I received this email in my inbox (not my spam folder) from someone named Jason Whitman at employers-no *******

"Subject line: please review your Indeed account contact information.

Dear Client:
Our team is here to help you hire and we want to be able to reach you by phone when necessary. A recent ruling by the FCC requires us to re-verify your phone information and re-confirm your consent to be called if the number you previously provided is a cell phone number. We will not be able to reach you at that number until you complete the following steps:

Please log in to your employer account.
Review the contact information you previously provided.
Review the statement of consent and if youre okay with being contacted by Indeed at the phone number listed on your account, select Yes when prompted to do so.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
Jason WhitmanSVP of Client Services"

I have no idea who this is or why Indeed contacted me, so I can only assume it's Spam and should've shown up in the spam folder.

Clicked on the unsubscribe button. Opted out of the email. Also left a note in the notes field never to contact me again, and that if they did, Federal authorities will be contacted.

Also reported the email as spam through my provider.

I do not now, nor have I ever had, any account with Indeed. I have never contacted this organization and have no idea how they got my email address. This email from them is unsolicited and I regard it as a scam.

Employer account disabled for no reason & now can't access info I have already paid for
I would strongly advise against anybody relying on indeed for their hiring needs. Based on the reviews here it seems my experience is the same as many other employers who have had their accounts disabled with no explanation & no appeal.

We have used indeed as one of our advertising channels for a couple of years & we currently pay £600 per month to use their services. Despite using the account as we always have done, I received an email yesterday informing me that our account had been disabled with no explanation. On appealing the decision, Indeed wrote "We have reviewed your account and have found it to be suitable for Indeed" - yet it remained disabled. After following all of their instructions & attempting to communicate with their automated quality control team via email to no avail, I contacted my "Account Manager" who informed me that there were 2 adverts that had been mistakenly left open after the end date (by ONE DAY) & if I deleted those my account would be compliant & active within an hour. It was not active within an hour, so I tried to contact this Account Manager but received no response. I contacted their generic helpline & again was told that there was no issue with my account & it would be live within an hour. After another hour, it was still not live, so I contacted the helpline AGAIN where I was told that there was no problem & they didn't understand why it wasn't live. Shortly after that phone call, I received an automated email informing me that my account had been permanently disabled & that they would not provide any information on why. On speaking to my Account Manager she AGAIN told me that the only issue with my account was those 2 adverts that hadn't been closed on the right date & that there were no further issues, but she couldn't tell me why the account had been disabled.

It is absolutely ludicrous that our entire account would be disabled due to 2 adverts that hadn't been closed ONE DAY after the closing date, if that even is the reason & the fact that they refuse to provide any kind of feedback to customers is disgraceful. To make matters worse, we've had numerous applications for roles we had advertised prior to our account being disabled (at least 100) which we hadn't reviewed yet & now cannot access as our account has been permanently closed. These are applications that we have already paid hundreds of pounds to receive. Not to mention the affect it will have on our reputation as we're unable to respond to those applications & the candidates will think we've ignored them.

We use all of the major job sites (including reed, CV library, total jobs, jobsite etc) and have NEVER encountered anything like this. We often post identical adverts across all platforms & none of those other job sites have ever taken issue with anything we've posted. I understand that all job sites have rules but if Indeed's rules were reasonable/legitimate they wouldn't need to be so secretive about them.

Worst experience ever
So, like most people, Indeed has proven to be an absolute horrible, greedy company. I have used them for YEARS. I post for several jobs that include customer service reps, sales, call center reps, admins, and retail reps. We are a marketing company so are usually hiring consistently. I followed every single rule and guideline Indeed have. I make sure to be specific in all my postings and create new ads for each position we need filled. I had ONE ad be suspended and when I called in to inquire about it the rep on the phone treated me like I was the worst human ever and was doing all sorts of illegal work. He laughed under his breath as I told him about my company and I had a feeling this was going to conflict with my other ads. Sure enough, about a day later I get notified that my whole account has been suspended. Like most people, I called in to find out what happened and they gave me the run around and told me that they couldn't tell me why even though I told them that I read all their guidelines to make sure we weren't breaking any rules. They stated that they never reviewed my account before even though I have called about issues with ads before and had them reviewed with no problem.

Let's see here, why would they all of a sudden suspend my account? OH, I know! It's because for the last several years I have given them money and "sponsored" my ads. The last 6 months, business has been slow and we have had to cut down on expenses during the slow season. Is it a coincidence that once I STOPPED paying Indeed, they decided to "review" and disable my account? I'm not an idiot, I know when a company values dollars over its customers. My business is based off bringing in quality representatives and indeed has not only hurt my business, but mocked me along the way. Horrible company.

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Based on 50 reviews from Indeed customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: As the world's #1 job site, with over 180 million unique visitors every month from over 50 different countries, Indeed has become the catalyst for putting the world to work. Indeed is intensely passionate about delivering the right fit for every hire. Indeed helps companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offers the best opportunity for job seekers to get hired.

Address: 7501 N. Capital of Texas Hwy, 78731


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