50 customer reviews of instacart.com
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Based on 50 reviews from Instacart customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Instacart delivers groceries from local stores in two hours. Choose from stores like Whole Foods Market, Target, Costco and Petco. Try us today for free.
Address: 50 Beale Street, 94107
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Instacart is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.
Secondly, most of the time, when I did order things, the person getting the items would get it wrong AND/OR be too lazy to get the entire order and mark things as "not available". The person gathering the items would deliberately reduce or refuse to gather the amount requested. I get it, 10lbs or more of chicken or beef is a lot to carry around but c'mon, do your job. And while there are no repercussions for the person getting the items since they get to hide behind a cell phone screen, there are people out there who possibly can't go out and get their groceries. Maybe they don't have a car or disabled, or something else, but at least make SOME effort.
Thirdly, the tipping system is pretty bad. Maybe the person getting the items would make more of an effort if they knew that the TIPS that Instacart allows at the end of your order, was actually going to them and not the driver. Then maybe this review would be different. But why would I tip the driver for delivery of only half or a quarter of my items that they didn't even get? Not to mention, the driver ISNT even the same person gathering the items. Now maybe if the person getting the items was ALSO the person delivering the items, then I get the "delivery" tipping service but why tip someone who isn't even doing anything and just being a chauffeur? That's like me doing DoorDash, having the restaurant bring ME the items that are needed to be delivered and then I go to the customer's house with said delivery and the customer tips me. That makes absolutely 0 sense and yet that's the system that Instacart has got going on. The person prepping the food or order should get the tips.
Don't get me wrong, there are some good, hard-working people who work for instacart. I'd say 20% of my orders overall did a little above-average job when gathering my orders. They would call and double-check before they finalized the order. And to those hard-working people, I can only hope that you find a better paying job that will use those skills better because 80% of the people I placed orders with were just terrible. It boggles my mind to think that 80% of people just do not care and don't really do their job. You know, the job that they are getting paid to do already, which from my understanding is pretty good money already for this low-level experience job.
When I got home I checked my credit card statement and no credit... hm? I go on my instacart app and find they gave me the money credited to my Instacart account! Not to my credit card! I told Kevin I would never use their company again so why would he put it as a credit to my account with them? I wanted the money back on my credit card! How shady! So I sent an email to their customer service because it was late at night. I got a response stating the credits go to my instacart account. I wrote back stating that was incorrect. No response... I reply again... no response. So now I have to call... explain everything that happened to representative. Get transferred to a specialist. Explain everything that happened again. More wasted time. This specialist said she was going to issue me the $35 credit to my cart but she needed to confirm something first and put me on hold. Now after 40 minutes on the phone I get disconnected. DISCONNECTED! I have to start all over again! I call back, this new guy I am speaking with says the $35 is an appeasement for my next order. I tell him I am not ordering again after all this! He tells me sorry. Like that's it, im on hold waiting for ANOTHER supervisor right now. This is the most ridiculous company I have ever ordered from! Ordering groceries should not be this difficult! Their customer service is a disgrace and their business practices are laughable. Some of the things I was told was ridiculous. Being credited $5 for missing diapers so I can buy some in the park is ridiculous... because diapers cost way more than $5 in the parks! I will never use this company again and would warn others not to either. I've been fighting with them for a week now, still haven't gotten my refund and plan to dispute my credit card charges if this does not get resolved. Please people do not use this company! Save yourself the time and stress and frustration and money and go with someone else for your grocery needs!
I received an email that the 14 day trial was coming to an end. I liked what seemed like an honorable out which endears me to a business that Instacart are on the up and up about something that doesn't really profit them. Creates trust straight off. I already liked this company despite only placing one order.
I was routed to the website from the email in order to cancel the membership. (you can still use the service, you just have to pay for deliver if you cancel the membership) After a great deal of parusing, I could not locate where to cancel. There was a contact link, but no listing of emal address so the email would go directly to company but likely not give you a paper trail as it was an internal email. After drafting the email, it wouldn't not send. So I ended up calling to cancel. At this time I realize I am 2 days past the 14 days, but I see on the website that you can cancel at any time and receive a prorated refund, that's fine. I speak with a rep who advises me that since it hasn't been charged she can just cancel it and no prorated charges. I liked the service (albeit felt guilty that the person who just shopped for me looked exhausted and I asked if she was ok, she replied just tired as she had already worked a 12 hour shift as a nurse, while I was home sick and the deliver was really appreciated, I double tipped, not relevent, but not sure I can in good conscious, not just do my own grocery shopping)
I insisted that the rep send me an email confirming our conversation and subsequent cancelation of my membership. If you have had a gym membership, or back in the day cd membership that was impossible to cancel, you understand my request for confirmation email.
However, today I see that the charge did indeed go through. It was a debit card so the charge came directly out of my on hand funds. While this won't interupt any other payments for me, another time when the kids were little that would not be the case. I am writing this review to warn others who might be in this position, especially people who would benefit from this service, such as single moms home with sick littles but need groceries but also on a tight budget and an unexpected $150 would upend her budget for a week.
When I called today to get the funds refunded they were trite with me, indicated that the email advising me that the funds would not be charged was irrelevent. Continued to insult me like my frustration with this bs business practice isn't annoying. I will never use this company again on prinicple of poor business practices becasue if this is how they treat me now( and I can still order and just pay for deliver, but I won't be using this company for it) I don't trust them to be honorable in any future dealings, including how they treat their employees.
I was not surprised to find such a low score for this business when I came here to place my report. A word to new businesses, an error is a golden opportunity to show off for customers. You don't have to tolerate bullying but you better not bully your clients. There are too many choices and people that understand that at the end of the day people will do business with companies, espeically ones of this nature, where they feel like their business and concerns are valued, even if that is just expressing an understanding for whatever the error is.
Today the delivery man came, he was very nice and insisted on doing on the lifting himself, I appreciated that. Unlike Amazon fresh, they put everything into the plastic bags that look like they have been recycled, so my bread and particularly my sub sandwiches looked like they had rolled under a few heavy items before coming to me. Of course, since they don't use ice, the cold things were sweating... God I love Amazon Fresh and their square bags with dry ice... ah well, I did love that I got my daughters kern nectar, my fresh cut bakery bread... which Amazon doesn't have and my daughters publix french toast sticks plus alot of things only publix has. Now, some folks ask how they do this... how do they do it so cheap... well, here is my theory: I notice that many items appear to be things that would have been taken off the shelf for little problems: dented cans, overly large fruit that doesn't fit in bins, baked bread loaves that are too large for their bags or sliced too thin... they take stuff that publix would not ask regular price for and then they tack on anywhere from 45 cents to 1.00 on each item. So a shop that I would have paid 199 dollars for if I had gotten dressed, used my gas and taken my poor bad leg around every isle of publix; I paid 287 dollars for. So, when instacart cries that they don't have enough money to pay their poor drivers, so they want me to give them 10 percent, I still say... no, pay them like Amazon Fresh does. I am happy to give a bit of a tip; but really.
Okay, so here is the other bit of information: if you take advantage of several stores offered by instacart at one time, you still pay a fee for each store; so I decided that I will try whole foods another time and do a whole delivery.
All in all, I have decided that I still like this service, they are improving; but I still prefer Amazon Fresh with their pristine, fresh products, and perfectly turned out grocery bags.
I almost forgot that about 6 weeks ago I was going to try to order some things from vons.com. Eight years ago I did some online food shopping with vons.com. On several occasions but nothing more since then. At the time it had nothing to do with instacart. Vons made the deliveries. However, since then instacart have somehow linked themselves to my vons.com account. My account details have almost all changed since then, but I have been unable to change them myself. Either the change I made wouldn't stay changed and reverted back or there was no way for me to even attempt to change it. I was confused by instacart being involved and their involvement has resulted in my not being able to change my account information with vons.com. The only people I could contact turned out to be instacart, who told me they didn't have it under the information I gave them and asked if I had a different name or email or whatever it was at the time, I forget now, and when I told them no, I never heard back from them. If the only way I can get delivery from vons any more is by instacart, I won't be doing it anyway, but I don't like the way I can't even have any access to my own account any more, and that my account is stuck in some sort of limbo where I couldn't order anything if I wanted to because of the details being wrong.
I don't like the way these companies with personal shoppers have taken over and most of the ones I have had have been mediocre to bad. Now you're dependent on some stranger you don't know doing your shopping, and in my personal experience not at all like they were doing their own, not having good judgement or common sense or following instructions, and also dependent on what happened to be in stock by the time they finally got there to do the actual shopping. I never knew what I was going to get and in what condition with the other companies I have tried and instacart is apparently no different.
The mark-ups on items, missing items, unauthorized substitutions.
Not worth the missing items and produce, and perhaps you DO get the requested produce, yet it is far from a quality choice, coupled with head aches of complaining again and again only to get a small credit just to keep you on the hook for another hit-or-miss attempt at what at first sounds like a great idea, just so poorly performed on all ends of the spectrum.
Human resources and a better vetting/interviewing/accountability structure needs to improve substantially if this type of service expects to be what it claims to be.
Today. 2 separate store orders.
Wegman's order goes nearly flawlessly (shocking) Got everything as ordered and delivered timely despite delivery being 2 houses down for a minute, no sweat the gps corrected.
Aldi's. Where to begin? Despite making replacements for everything on the list so 30 items, all available according to the app, with 30 substitution items - also available says the app.
Either we got a rogue shopper or the app went haywire as items were being recklessly added, substituted or downright incorrect. Contact was attempted yet not responded to, before anything had any semblance of sanity there was a notification of the shopper checking out. Great, so I suppose we needed a chat in person to see what the issue was.
Unfortunately, by the time of being notified of the shoppers arrival, I reached the door to see the aldi's order at my feet and the vehicle with a beep of the horn already pulling away.
2 -5 lb bags of apples? Nope, 2 apples.
2 -5 lb bags baker potatoes? Nope, 2 potatoes.
2 head of Cabbage? Nah, here's two heads of iceberg lettuce. Same thing, who cares?
No pretzels. Yet we get charged for them, I suppose shoppers get a little craving being around so much free food all the time it never hurts to indulge, since we customers can only complain and get a refund credit to our next order and never an actual refund for what we order including a refund for the monthly subscription... keeping us on the hook to have another similar episode the next time around, perpetually never getting the order just right/shopper "forgetting" an item purchased/etc.
-This is barely the beginning of winter and were looking forward to how helpful something like this could be, my wife and I really feel for the elderly and folks who really need this service and see the horror stories on this site and can only wonder if this service will ever improve if even any steps are being taken to try - it really seems like a great idea but just an enormous mess and whomever is handling this is showing lack of empathy and effort. Hope with each and every complaint that a message will become clear and we pray it will be for the better and improvements come swiftly or a better service will surface elsewhere.
Regards A&K
Different pricing from online pick up and the delivery price example 1. OCEAN SPRAY
Diet Cran-Lemonade Cocktail 1.89 L $2.97ea$0.16/ 100mL instacart price Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry & Lemonade Cocktail
1890 ml Current price:$4.05 $0.21 per 100ml = difference of >1.08
Example 2. LYSOL Laundry Additive2.70 L $13.98ea $0.52/ 100mL
Instacart price Lysol Crisp Linen Laundry Sanitizer
2700 ml Current price:$15.35 $0.57 per 100ml =differance of >1.37
Don't use Instacart - https://www.bbb.org/greater-san-francisco/business-reviews/food-delivery/instaca...⇄ There are 178 negative reviews. And that is just one site best to check online and do some research as many stores now offer free delivery and no mark ups as well there are many options for seniors with no fees whatever.
I 100 PERCENT retract my amazing review of insta cart delivery!
We placed our second order Wednesday and then we later placed $44 in add ons to that order, no issue.
We had our groceries delivered today no problem! 30 min later another delivery driver dropped off our original order without the "adds ons." I told him we already received our order. He told me to just keep them and figure it out.
So I looked on our credit card transactions and we were charged for both orders when we only placed the order once. AND then there was a random $160 charge on there for nothing!
I called price chopper Instacart told me they had nothing to do with it that we had to contact Insta Cart.
I called them and was on hold for 3 HOURS and 18 min! I finally got to talk to someone and he basically told me after arguing with him that I placed the order twice (which I didn't obviously) he told me there was 1 min between the orders. Obviously, I didn't have time to go back and reorder everything and send it again in 1 min, and I don't need double milk, bananas, cheese etc... he put me on hold came back to tell me he couldn't refund it, and asked if I received the groceries? I said yes, but I don't want them! I'll gladly return them!
I informed him I'm not paying $110 for a double order I didn't order, that's not my fault, and a glitch on your end!
He put me on hold again, because he said "this is a difference of opinion, and he didn't know what to do" then 15 min later on hold I was hung up on and then sent a text from a number I am unable to respond to that says "we have given you a refund as a one time courtesy. It will be credited to your account within 3-5 days." didn't tell me what was being refunded! Was it the $110 double charge, was it the $160 random charge! He could of easily came back on the line and told me that, but no he was tired of dealing with me! And he hung up!
So I get on the website to send an email about how unacceptable this was and when you go to "report a problem" it takes you back to the top of the page same with the email link. So I've ended up finding an email and emailing them!
So use them at your own risk! Our first order was great, but this is becoming a headache and I'd rather of risked getting the corona virus and going to the store then having to deal with this $270 issue! I've wasted over 4 hours on the phone today dealing with this and it still isn't resolved!
- She lets me know that- allegedly- the brand of K-cups I had ordered were out of stock. She suggests substituting a 16 oz CAN of Folgers ground coffee. Since I do not own a coffee pot- and since I had ordered K-Cups- I selected "NO" and suggested an alternate brand of K-cups. She ignored this, and when she arrived at my home, I received the can of Folger's coffee.
- Next, my Shopper informed me that my local Smith's does not carry Boar's Head products in their deli. I found this odd, since I shop there weekly, and Instacart always have Boar's Head. Additionally, when I place orders at Smiths using ClickList, I am also able to receive Boar's Head products. In any case, I told her it was fine to substitute any of brand of deli lunch meat. So, she did. However, she did not register the substitution on my order- So I still paid for Boar's Head prices (top of the line, $12.99 per pound) for each one pound of turkey and one pound of Muenster cheese, but I received a lower grade brand. While likely a mistake, this is unacceptable, fraudulent, and basically ripping me off.
- Next, my Shopper informed me that she simply could not fulfill my order of pepperoni. She didn't offer a substitute brand or product, she just told me she could not get it at all. Again, mind blowing.
- Finally, she shows up at my house late. I don't mean to personally attack her, but when we saw her and interacted with her, it was clear why she could not find anything in the store and was generally having much difficulty. She was frail, confused, she randomly asked me if I was having a party?-- My husband flatly later told me " I'm pretty sure she was on meth".
- This was a $200 order. I felt like received horrific customer service, and there was nothing I could do. To be honest, your app does NOT make it easy to file complaints. Eventually, I was able to submit a problem with my order-- but the mobile app only let me submit one problem, and I ended up receiving a $5 credit for the can of coffee I received, which is useless to me. It doesn't make up for the fact that because of the terrible service I received, I do not have useable coffee in my house right now. It doesn't make up for the fact that I paid $25 for a pound of high quality lunch meat and a pound of high quality cheese, but received a lower grade product. It does not make up for the fact that the Shopper just decided she could not fulfill my full order. The Shopper you hired and trusted to do this work did a terrible job, and I received terrible service. We are your ideal customer- dual income, too busy to shop, would be shopping with you weekly. But not anymore, and I will be sharing my experience online via Yelp, BBB, as well as with the ABQ Journal, NM Business Weekly, and certainly all of my family and friends. Fix this. Call me.
Why can i not get a cancellation confirmation by completing this form here OR by way of the phone call with customer service. I was told that she turned off the renewal and it would reset after I refreshed the app BUT after I requested some written (email) confirmation of the cancellation she had supposedly resolved, I was placed on hold (for the second time in this particular call) and the rep stated they could not provide me with an email to confirm. I asked what happens if the full annual charge is deducted from my account when I wake up tomorrow because this is day 6 of 7 day trial- and then there is no record to verify that I made beyond the standard effort to abide and cancel per the terms of services for trial period wihin in time frame. She politely suggested that "all calls are recorded" as an acceptable assurance. As if trusting a company to willingly allocate time and resources to digging up a recording in the case that I am billed and have no evidence of cancellation thus no viable proof should I need to dispute the charge with bank later, it speaks volumes that after (assuming reason for hold) speaking with supervisior the company refused to send an email note or form to confirm the phone (and app failure) confirmation. Yes, I was polite to the rep because it's not her fault the product has intended? Or unintended programming issues. Or her fault that the supervisor won't provide evidence assuring cancelation. Or that apparently shes unable to or has been instructed not to turn off membership from her access to my account. Unbelievable.
Bottom line, who does business like this and expects to retain any portion of grocery delivery market for very long when you have competitors like Shipt and Amazon, amongst others, who provide app's that don't perform like a first run beta test AND provide better pricing AND very responsive customer service.
Good luck Instacart investors and employee's - it's hard to imagine it thriving a year from now or even surviving.
First of all, during my approximately 8 experiences with them, the made mistakes or improper/unacceptable substitutions every single time. On paper, the company has numerous ways to prevent this from happening, but in my experience, Instacart didn't work. Theoretically, you can text directly with your shopper, request a phone call prior to checkout, have the option to approve or deny substitutions and even add items to the list in real time while the person is shopping. In reality, I would get a message from my shopper indicating that he or she had begun shopping. I'd get a message or two saying they had made a substitution and then finally each time they would finalize the order and checkout before I could I could approve or deny the change. I'm talking about a window of less than a minute to respond before they would close the order. The substitutions were sometimes OK but several times were not acceptable for various reasons. Also, several times the shopper simply got the wrong item. For example, I requested sage and seltzer water but got rosemary and tonic water, respectively. Frequently, I would select a specific item on the website/app but then the shopper would indicate the item was out of stock and another similar item would be substituted. Most recently, the shopper said fresh brocolli was out of stock. Really? Wegmans had zero brocolli? Hard to believe. But they did send me a 3lb bag or prepared brocolli crowns for double the price. Acceptable? Sort of.
Two out of the 8 deliveries were late. You can specify a 1 hour window between 9am-9pm. But on trip #1, my initial order, they were 15min late. No big deal. On order #7 they were 1.5 HOURS late. You read that correctly. I specified the 9-10am delivery window and the food came at 1130am. I could wait any longer at home so I left at 1115am and texted the driver to leave the bags by my side door, which she did neatly.
Customer service phone calls were both pleasant and frustrating. The reps were very polite and apologized profusely but had no real way to solve the problem. They would say, "Oh, that's not right, you should be able to have the shopper call you before she checks out" or "you should be able to communicate with your shopper in real time" etc. But unfortunately, the problems persisted. When items were missed or improperly substituted, they would apologize but would not deliver the proper item to me to solve the problem. Instead, each time I complained, they would offer me $5 off my next order plus they would refund the cost of the erroneous item(s). While that's reasonable, if any of those items were critical items, I'd have to then go to the store myself to get a single item. Clearly, this defeats the purpose of paying for a grocery delivery service. I found myself tensing up every time they were shopping, wondering what was going to be missed or wrong on this order. That's not helpful for me based on why I was using InstaCart.
Finally, there's the cost of the program. You can choose $12 a month for an annual plan or $15 on a month to month. I did the latter and I'm glad I did. (You can also do no plan and just pay a one time fee for a single delivery anytime you want). With both plans, you get "unlimited" deliveries during that time. HOWEVER, when I examined the bill, I noticed that InstaCart was not costing me only $15 a month. There were other charges PER ORDER such as $3.50 driver tip, $3.50 service charge (theoretically for software support costs), and a general markup on the cost of every item. Assuming I placed one order a week, I'd be spending over $10 per order more than if I went to the store myself. This adds up to over $40 a month IN ADDITION to the $15 a month I'm paying for the "service plan". So $55+ a month extra for unreliable service and possibly missed items?
I'm sorry InstaCart, that won't work for me.
I really wanted to LOVE InstaCart. I've been waiting for years for the home grocery delivery to come to my area, Buffalo, BY. I also believe that this has the potential to be the wave of the future. But not today. Not in Buffalo.
I think that one simple change would make it all better for me: if InstaCart would deliver missed items to my door with the next driver going to my area. I'm reasonable. Mistakes happen. But right now, the customer is the one on the hook when mistakes are made. And that isn't right. InstaCart should fix their own training and problem solving internally. And when they make mistakes (which was constantly) they should have fixed the problem by delivering the grocery item to my house, thereby completing the order for which I paid them.
If you are considering InstaCart, I recommend trying either the monthly plan for one month and see how it works for you in your area OR consider using the single use order option for special situations like when you're sick or traveling or arriving home late on a Sunday and need food for the week, etc.
Good luck and happy shopping! Please consider sharing this review with your friends and families so others can learn about my experience. Maybe I can save others some trouble.
It is a crapshoot when you order using Instacart. In my experience, I estimate that one out of every 12-14 shoppers are enthusiastic and professional. The rest are rude, difficult, argumentative and have horrible attitudes from the get-go. Instacart are unprofessional, ghost you on text messages when you ask questions, substitute your preferred items even though you have checked the "no substitutions" box, make excuses for not getting items you order even though the items are available in the store, (I call to check), and more than once I have had shoppers walk away in the middle of the order, angering the store staff when carts of groceries have been abandoned in the store. As one of the good shoppers told me, "Some shoppers just quit on you."
When you call Instacart to complain or to try to seek a solution, the people are usually nice, although I have gotten some rude ones. However, they have absolutely no authority to do anything.
I used them to deliver groceries from my local Kroger. There are two Krogers in my area. One is old, small and often out of products, and the other is new, huge and rarely out of inventory. They are right down the street from each other, no more than a couple of miles. I think they ultimately intend on closing the small, old one, which is why they built a new one almost within walking distance.
In this situation, Instacart defaults on sending their shoppers to the old Kroger even though my profile specifically gives the address of the new Kroger and indicates it is my preferred home store. The Instacart people claim that no one in their company can change where the Instacart app sends the shoppers, because "the system" determines the store. Ask almost any question and you will be told about this all-knowing, all-powerful, autonomous "system" that makes all the decisions and cannot be changed or challenged.
Trying to explain to them that "the system" can do only what a human tells it to do, and that there are people within their company who have the authority to change "the system," is an exercise in futility. They respond as if I am speaking in a language from another planet. And speaking of language, the people with whom you communicate when you call Instacart speak English as a second (or third?) language, so there is always difficulty communicating. I'm not casting aspersions on people who speak English as a second language, only pointing out that communicating is difficult.
What is most frustrating, however, are the shoppers. Rude and unprofessional, they clearly do not approach being an Instacart shopper as a legitimate job. They think nothing of leaving your groceries in the cart and walking off the job. When I have talked to Kroger's staff about the Instacart nightmare, they have expressed their own troubles with the company.
Delivering groceries is a good idea, but Instacart is a bad, bad company. It probably is a process that looks good on paper, but the execution is a nightmare. Success depends on hiring good, responsible people as shoppers as opposed to hiring only people with a pulse, and giving your front-line Instacart customer service representatives at least some authority to effect change.
My advice - don't walk, RUN, from this company. Wait until another company comes in to compete and does it properly. Some young, healthy, aggressive entrepreneur should build a good company to challenge this very bad one.
I will never have my groceries delivered by Instacart ever again. I know they deliver in my area for Kroger and Publix, but I want nothing to do with this company.
There's ALOT more I could say about other ways this company is absolutely rotten to its workers (who most of them really want to do a good job for the customer) as well as how bad they are to the customers... but those are the main points that people should know about... I should also point out that many problems involving the timing/late orders and many other problems etc. are typically not the drivers or shoppers fault, (sometimes it is) but in most cases it's due to penny pinching and corner cutting and an utter indifference to your needs by the management, who will often assign drivers multiple orders at one time that are going to all corners of the city. All in order to avoid paying the driver a 5 dollar long distance gas bonus. Which they have to pay the driver for if a single order is more than 15 miles away from the store. However, if they lump three four or even five orders into one delivery run, then they don't have to pay the long distance bonus. They frequently use that loop hole to weasel out of having to pay the 5 dollars to the driver, And in the process, making it nearly impossible to deliver the order on time.
I go downstairs and the gate was propped open, people were moving, and didn't see anyone in my small half circle driveway entrance/exit in front of my complex. I text and emailed, "The gate has been open since 8:30pm, my delivery was so delayed it was around 10:15pm. I asked the guys moving how long Instacart had the gate open. Your driver's Was at the wrong property." Next I get an email my order was cancelled! That was our thanksgiving groceries. I sent 8 emails to customer service with Instacart to bring my order. You put a pending charge of $169.07 on my credit card that wouldn't drop off for 7-10 days. I called the bank, cc company, you, Instacart starting at 4am day before thanksgiving. I only had available $30 left of credit to buy thanksgiving on my card since $169.07 had been deducted for my delivery the night before. A Kroger supervisor, heartless, said the best he would do is give me a $50 credit.
I was furious for so much deception. The only way I could use the $50 was to get delivery! Forcing me to use you and Kroger again when you already had my $169.07. I didn't see the credit of $50 on my account so I called Kroger and was told to type in "I have a $50 credit" on a product instructions for substitutions. I couldn't spend over $30 because I had to put my cc down again and your rep said you wouldn't make any charges. After checkout the $50 would be applied. This is what happen. You took the amount of groceries from my cc leaving me with no money to buy thanksgiving and to top it off, you had the audacity to charge me a delivery fee plus driver tip. Subtracted from that "$50 credit". You didn't give me $50. It worked out to be around $35. Once again you also put a pending charge on my cc leaving $3 available credit. You stole my family's thanksgiving.
I'm sending this to you on thanksgiving since the only thing I had ingredients to make was a cake and bread in our bread machine. I hope you enjoyed your thanksgiving knowing you stole my family's thanksgiving. We're new to Dallas so we don't have anyone to even help us out. I will be posting this on every social network, Kroger's and Instacart website reviews, App Store, and sending this scam to channel 4.5 and 8. It is so hard on me when I have 3 sons home from college and can't give them thanksgiving. I feel so stressed out, anxiety, depressed, like a horrible single parent. This is because, even though both companies knew my money had been blocked for pending, we had no groceries, and we would not have any food for thanksgiving, YOU DID NOTHING! You should feel embarrassed and ashamed of kicking me to the street.
I want my money released immediately, something to make up for my family not having thanksgiving except for a cake and loaf of bread, and some type of reprimand to every heartless, horrible customer service employee, like Mary, that I pleaded plus begged to help me, the day before thanksgiving, to just bring me my groceries. I hope my testimony goes viral on the web and others will share it with all their threads. It is so unbelievably I can't believe this happen. How does your company pay your bills? What type of consumers use your service? I posted this on FB and a lot of the comments even added your a horrible company to be employee. You treat your drivers that do the shopping like bottom drawer individuals. What's ironic is it actually you that is bottom drawer.
I'm on a fixed income with 3 sons in college, which still did not help escalate this to any authority to solve this problem. I expect a reply that will rectify all the wrong you did to me for thanksgiving.
You should be put out of business. Here's a problem solver a child could get right: why didn't you go get my groceries, since you still had $169.07 pending for you to use, and bring them to me? I don't believe you even had a person shopping for me the night before. Knowing your customer service is the worst, you had already admitted you were running hours behind, I don't believe you even attempted my delivery. The whole "you shopping" was made up. It sure was not because a gate was closed, or your driver didn't have a GPS. Another possibility, having gotten so many comments on Facebook, your driver could have just quit their job to burn you since you treat them so bad. You are such a "wrong", "worse", "joke" of a company the possibility's are endless of who despises and has a payback towards you. I wonder how many of your bills are in the third and last notice status to keep your lights on. Regardless there's something not right because no one can succeed treating other people like what you did to my family, and me, on thanksgiving.
May you file for bankruptcy!
My shopper, who did the best job that she could, was new. She told me that she had not even done five deliveries for the site so far. That being the case, she probably did not know that she should not have given me the store receipt. Also, when I placed the order, it was not clear whether I could leave a tip for the driver or not. I had to pay out of pocket for the tip, and I paid the driver 25 percent. She appeared to be in poor health, and I tried to do what was right. What she paid was $33 dollars less than what I was ultimately charged by Instacart. I did not realize this until I reviewed my bank statement and saw a HUGE discrepancy.
I called their customer service and to their credit, at least it is someone either stateside or a remarkable ability not to show their accent. The representative said that he would review my order, and he quoted the price that was charged to me. I told him that I had the receipt from the store and that there was a $33 dollar difference. The representative then told me that while it was "confusing", there are markups from what the store charges when you shop in person than when you order online. That do I realize, but I want to share the following with you:
SOME OF THE ITEMS ARE MARKED UP MORE THAN 100 PERCENT. I was "charged" 4.99 for a 1.99 item in the store. I was charged 6.79 for a 2.49 item in the store. Some were less, like 1.99 for a 1.49 item. And I paid $11.99 for a $6.49 item. But anything more than 50 percent is completely unacceptable.
When the representative went over my bill, he explained some more "charges" and explained that they put in a de facto 5 percent tip on the order. That was never explained. So, between the de facto tip and the tip I gave out of pocket, my driver got 30 percent of the bill, which is still quite high. Again, the representative tried to say it was "confusing", but I told him that it is quite clear--they are running a ripoff.
THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT BETWEEN DELIVERY CHARGES, TIPS, AND MARKUPS, I PAID MORE THAN 100 PERCENT OF THE COST OF THE ORDER IN THE STORE. That is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. I realize that this, and any business, is there to make a profit. But consumers having to pay 100 percent more of the cost of their actual bill is not only ridiculous, I can't imagine this as being an ethical business practice. My money is valuable as is anyone else's is. We are driving their business. They need US to stay in business, not the other way around.
I told the representative that I would not be shopping with them again. He admitted that there was a discrepancy but would not even make an offer to refund half of it. That was my bottom line. The minute I called in, he was very defensive. I not only got a raw deal, I got even worse customer service. Unfortunately, it does not look like I am alone in my experience with the company. If they want to survive as a valid business, they are going to have to do something to turn around their lousy practices, and quickly. I will NEVER use this "service" again. I will use a service that benefits me, not one that will completely steal money from consumers.
I recently purchased two one pound containers of crab meat from Wegman's using Instacart. I was heading out on a week long vacation and didn't have time to do the shopping, so I was glad to have a service like Instacart to help me out. I was heading to a very rural area without cell service and wifi, and my parents had asked me if I'd bring some crab meat since they can't get it where they live.
After arriving, I unpacked the crab meat from the cooler and noticed that the expiration date on the bottom was APRIL 2019, and it was already late October of 2019, so the meat was SIX MONTHS EXPIRED! Each tub, at Instacart prices was $30, so we're talking $60 worth of expired crab meat. Clearly, the Instacart shopper didn't check the date, and by the time I did, I was 500 miles from home with no way to remedy the situation.
Upon returning home 9 days later, I went to the store to make a return. I was told that since it was Instacart, I'd have to contact them and do the return through them. I immediately contacted Instacart and explained the situation. THEY REFUSED TO REFUND THE COST OF THE EXPIRED PRODUCT BECAUSE, "IT HAD BEEN MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS SINCE IT WAS PURCHASED."
So, it didn't matter that their shopper delivered expired product to me. It didn't matter that the product was SIX MONTHS past its expiration date. It didn't matter that I was unable to attend to the matter while I was away. It didn't matter that I was a loyal customer that got grocery deliveries every week. It didn't matter that my elderly parents could have gotten seriously ill from the expired product their shopper delivered. NONE OF THAT MATTERED AT ALL.
So beware. If you need a grocery delivery service, then honestly, I'd look at a different source. Instacart is not worth the risk if they are unwilling to consider legitimate customer complaints.
I just moved into a gated complex. Oh my God thee people can't even find the Office where the keypad is for getting in. Last night (11.11.2020) the woman Olga calls me from her car to ask where my apartment is. She didn't even bother to try to find the Office. I told her to stay where she was and I would find her. NO! She starts driving around the complex. It took me 15 minutes of walking from one end of my complex to the other plus being on the phone with a Instacart Rep who is trying to convey instructions from me to Olga. She's tells him she's in a corner. Well the building has 4 corners.
The woman who went to WalMart for me Vivianna, is so worried about her tip rather than doing a good job, she substituted food without changing it on the order so I didn't know she did that. I now have cat food that my cats won't eat and I have to throw it out. I asked for a 6oz can of tuna, well I paid for a 6oz can of tuna and got a 3oz. And when she leaves she throws in the comment "God Bless" yeah well screw me!
Then there was the lady who went to Sprouts. Not only did I get my order (not to my specifications) I got someone else's order. I got a 3lb bag of frozen kale & berries, 2 1lb bags of frozen blueberries, 2 cans of pumpkin and 10 peanut power bars. I threw it all out. She at least found the Office but calls me and asks how to get in. Again instructions are very, very clear on what to do.
To say something nice about Instacart. EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE I GET SOMEONE WITH A BRAIN.
Thank you for reaching out to Instacart Community Support. I do apologize for the inconvenience that this matter has caused you.
After reviewing your order we're showing that it was completed over a week ago. We are unable to make changes to payments for orders one week after they have been charged.
For future orders, you can rate your order after it has been delivered directly from your account. When you rate your order, you will be prompted to provide feedback on any issues you had with your items or on your entire order. To rate your order from your account go to Your Orders and click View Order Detail.
Thank you for being the best part of our community! If you feel that the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction or if there's anything else that we can help you with, please feel free to let us know by hitting reply to this email and we will be more than glad to assist you further. To know more about our services and policies, please visit our Customer Help Center.
Ezekiel C.
Instacart Community Support"
Even the worst stores give 2-4 weeks return policy, but considering this and high markup of the items, which we calculated at about 40% above Costco in store prices, plus the $5.99 "delivery fee" and $8 "service fee" and separate "gratuity", this Instacart is the worst business operation we have dealt with.
We hope all others will understand there are no returns on defective items with Instacart. The picture of one of the avocados was after 11 days after delivery, and will not ripen normal.
On the initial day of delivery, we failed to receive some ordered items, and instead of refunding us the same day we complained about missing items, Instacart insisted we only be given a future credit. We had to make an additional request with supporting emphasize why we want a refund to our original CC payment and not a future "Instacart credit".
Stay away from Instacart, unless you like being ripped off, mistreated, cheated, and wasting more time writing online reviews than it takes to buy from somewhere else or drive to the store yourself.
Instacart founder is Apoorva Mehta. Below is a copy and paste of a few of his Instacart indictments in only the last 2 years, which is all being bankrolled by too many "too big to fail" financial bail out firms to count.
In March 2017, Instacart agreed to pay a $4.6 million class action settlement stemming from the misclassification of its shopper employees as independent contractors. The suit alleged 18 violations, including improper tip pooling and failure to reimburse workers for business expenses.[27]
Instacart has also faced intense criticism from its workers and tech media for removing the option of its customers to tip their shopper in November 2016. Backlash against the policy forced the company to reinstate the tipping option only weeks later.[28]
In November 2017, a large number of Instacart workers participated in a strike against the company, alleging wages as low as $1 an hour. Instacart claimed that the strike had no impact on its operations.[29]
In February 2018, Instacart mistakenly withheld tips given from it's customers to shoppers, and blamed a "bug." Customers who also waived the service fee were often still charged.[30]
In April 2018, Instacart instituted a controversial non-waiveable 5% service fee on all orders.[31]
(1) Items are consistently overpriced
For some reason, you can expect to pay 15% to 30% more than in-store prices for each item -- and that's before all the little fees come into play; an order that would cost $100 in store will probably cost closer to $160 when it is charged to your account
(2) Online inventory is almost always inaccurate
Even before the pandemic, it has been rare to actually get the items you pick out online; many items Instacart says are available will actually be out of stock, meaning your order will come back emptier than you planned, and many items Instacart say are out of stock will actually be plenty in store (meaning you could have gotten more of what you needed); I understand this has to do with the store's reporting, too, but given the computer age we live in, the number of discrepancies is absurd
(3) Poor ethics around how they treat workers
Everything I have heard and researched about their policies towards workers is concerning to me; it seems like they are doing the least possible to make sure workers are compensated properly, consistently, and safe - definitely look in the ethics of their business and make sure to tip your shopper adequately, if you do place an order!
(4) Shady charging/fee practices
Whenever you place an order, Instacart adds some amount (usually between $10 to $40, in my experience) as a buffer in case any item pricing changes - totally reasonable. However, it is not always clear how much will get charged to your account and - more importantly - they will place a hold on your money even if an order wasn't actually placed.
Just last week, I tried to place an order (around $120 in item costs) and had a $175 charge appear on my bank statement though *no order was actually placed*; I didn't receive any items and there was no record that I had been charged, except through my bank. Fortunately, I had enough to cover the charge, but I can imagine many situations where this would cause an overdraft. It took 6 days for this amount to be refunded to my account.
(5) Customer service is terrible, basically nonexistent
Every time I have tried to contact customer service (except last week), I have just given up instead, because it is such a frustrating process. While the rest of their website is gorgeous and well put together, the customer service parts seem like they were built in the early 90s - completely laughable.
The easiest way to get in touch seems to be through the barely functional chat box, though it still took me close to 2 hours last week to get an answer about why my account had been charged without an order. The first time I got connected to an agent on the chat, they took so long between responses that the chat timed out and I had to restart the process. I would never have imagined it would take 2 hours to have someone tell me 'Yeah, we don't know if there is an order or when the charge will be removed - probably around a week'. It's like their system is built to be frustrating, to keep people from reaching out or asking questions.
In general, it just seems like Instacart does not care about us as customers or as workers/shoppers - they only care about getting your coins and once they have them, everything else is up in the air. Avoid this service unless you don't care how, when, or *if* you get the groceries you paid for.
I tried Instacart today for first time, for grocery deliveries from each of two supermarkets, and it was TERRIBLE!
I live in a rural area, on a winding country road in a forested valley/canyon and both drivers got HOPELESSLY LOST (and one order was late), because the Instacart smartphone navigation system was totally incorrect regarding where it showed the location of my house. I wasted one hour standing in the cold outside, flagging drivers, and also guiding them by phone when Instacart called to beg for help.
Instacart, please give your drivers nav systems that are accurate. My experience today with both of your drivers was a nightmare! You wasted an hour of my time.
There are also flaws with the catalog pages of products offered by supermarkets on the Instacart website, as most listings for grocery and produce items bear no photo at all, or worse, bear only a stock photo from a stock photo house, and the product descriptions (i. E., for cat litter, for fresh tomatoes, for organic fresh tomatoes( are terribly cryptic, sparse and lacking.
Worse, the ordering catalog pages also offer no feedback as to whether the product is in stock or out of stock. In my case, for my grocery orders from two supermarkets, it turned out that 40% of the items that I ordered were out of stock, and for one item, a box of high-end organic dark chocolate bars, the supermarket staff advised the shopper/driver that the product had been discontinued 18 months ago, a fact which the manufacturer of the product later confirmed to me! REALLY? Instacart, you really cannot do better than that?
Instacart also offered me free delivery on my first order as a first-time customer, and then after I placed the order, they went ahead and charged me $11 for delivery anyway; no free delivery! Amazing arrogance!
Instacart also needs to start employing, as drivers, only professional drivers who have been trained as professional drivers. Both of my delivery drivers today were totally inept and inexperienced urban/city young women who had no training in how to find addresses outside of cities, nor in how to figure out when your nav system is giving you totally incorrect information, and to realize that it might be time to trust the directions given by the customer, and to also read street addresses on the house that they are driving past.
One of my two drivers today was so badly misled by her Instacart-supplied nav system that she passed my house by 1.4 miles, and turned down an incredibly tiny, narrow and bumpy country dirt road, in an area here in the Appalachian mountains that is heavily infested with rattlesnakes and Eastern black bears, as well as home to hostile rednecks and moonshiners whose first reaction is to kill outsiders who wander down their dirt roads. She coulda gotten herself killed, all thanks to her Instacart nav system!
The sole positive thing about my experience today with Instacart was that both shoppers/drivers exercised great care and common sense in carrying out their supermarket shopping duties. But neither was a professionally-trained driver, and they allowed their nav systems, and ineptitude, to get them totally lost!
"sarah crawford
Fri 2021-05-07 9:28 PM
The shopper takes photos of all the items so why on earth do I need to do anything more to receive a refund? You can clearly see what was purchased and what was ordered. I have gone back and forth with Instacart over and over, and I am sincerely upset. It is not about the money - it is about the ownership of making errors and righting them. I also have a saved voicemail from you people telling me Instacart will NOT replace items unless I authorize them to do so! What is it that Instacart does not get? Either refund the replaced items or I am done. My time is worth a lot more than what this has cost me. To be perfectly honest...
This is not personal. I understand you are just trying to do your job but something is wrong with your training. It is not your fault but rather that of Instacart's management. No customer should ever have to go back and forth a dozen times in order to get something righted when you have chat logs and pics already as well as the detailed order list and the items shipped. Please forward this to management. I am done. You can refund me or I can just walk away and use other services.
From: Instacart Support <*******@instacart.com>
Sent: May 8,2021 8:31 AM
To: Sarah Crawford
Subject: [Instacart Care] Re: A Message from Instacart
Groceries delivered in as little as 1 hour
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for following up with us regarding this matter.
For future issues reported please ensure a photo is sent along with the report as we'll need for our records. At this time since no photo can be provided, we'll be unable to process the requested resolution.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Instacart Care
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[PMOPX5-E9VD]t stores and Uber offer... It matters not to me."