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50 customer reviews of

Illegally deleted my photos
Have has instagram for ages then one day went into my account to find all my photos and followers those i am following all deleted! I managed to reupload some of them but over 100 are missing. Have emailed them but Instagram refuse to help or restore my photos. All I get are useless emails. They totally refuse to help. I am furious and am going to take legal action against them. Everyone out there be warned. Over 600 people have contacted me with the same problem. Vile useless site with no customer service just rude ignorant staff.

Fake account
Someone created an account using my e-mail address. Supposedly the account has been deleted and yet when I try to create a new account through facebook it tells me the e-mail address already has an account. When I try to create an account directly through instagram it says, "something went wrong". Right now I just want to make sure my e-mail address is fully released from the fake account so I can create an account to confirm it is released and then delete that account and never have anything to do with Instagram again.

This is why facebook should never be left in charge of stuff
Facebook have already bitten off more than Instagram can chew in 5 years, and they are lining up more food.

When you start using it... you'll realise there is a LOT Instagram doesn't do. A. Lot.

Instagram has just started letting users record more than 60 second videos. I don't like this - 60 second limit meant the content was carefully thought about. Longer videos just mean... pressing record... and... filming something.

But instagram was never for your benefit. At least not since facebook acquired it.

Re Shadowban/shadowcensor comments - Internet tip, on any websites (facebook, reddit, twitter, comments sections of news articles, posted content), always check your content is publically visible when you log out of the account that made it).

No reply to emails? Not fully working? It's all 'The internet of things'...

Many bugs, absent staff.
I try to contact the Instagram staff often with the issues I find. DMs with images will double post constantly, both from sender and receiver, not an internet connection issue.

Notifications are flooded when a single user goes through your account, so it'll spam you and you'll lose *******@mention conversations you're having. Sometimes, there's an update that will group different users who like a recent post, but for some reason, it will disappear and you'll be spammed by Like notifications again.

There's several other issues here and there, but those are the bigger ones.

The feedback feature seems like it puts your comment right into a digital shredder. You never hear back from anyone.

Customer Support doesn't care!
Very poor customer service! Years ago Instagram use to be very prompt in answering and didn't have copy/paste automated responses. I can't even get an account removed that is not only infringing on my copyrighted work but also pretending to be me & copy/pasting my work. It's been over a week and Instagram has done nothing but sent me back automated responses.

I've sent in reports under copyright infringement & impostor. NOTHING has been done. Their report function is a joke now, they don't care at all about their users. You can't even contact them to talk to an actual person. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they don't even read any of the reports sent to them.

Don't pay for their advertising service!
If you own a business and are thinking of paying for Facebook or Instagram advertising, save your money.
I've been advertising with them for over a year. I've spent hundreds of dollars on advertising with them.
1) Paying for advertising doesn't bring people to your storefront.
2) Trying to resolve issues with them is impossible.

I've been trying to get an issue resolved for several months. Instagram don't respond to help requests.
The number of followers you have directly effects the outcome of your advertising as friends of your followers are targeted in your advertising.
I get dozens of new followers each week yet my numbers stay the same.
I harassed Instagram through their bug reporting system a few weeks ago. They didn't respond to me but my number of followers finally increased by 5 followers. Then it stopped again. Now my reports won't go through. I just get an error message.
I bet they'll get a hold of me when they can't collect what I owe for advertising. It's not free! I pay for services for my business. I can't wait for the class action lawsuit. I'm opting out and suing!

Instagram is a scam!
Worst social media app ever! Ever since Facebook acquired Instagram it's just an ad based media that will never be social again. Just scamming people their money!

If you have a business and think of using Instagram, DON'T!

You get 100 likes for the ad and no likes for the posts you don't promote. I was hopeful, tried posting more ads, being consistent and got a social media manager to help my business but it all failed.

Your wasting your time plus money and will never get post reach from the followers you get after the ad.

Worst site! Worst Customer Service! Stay Away!
I official boycott Instagram! Instagram deactivated my small account for no reason and won't assist me with getting it back. They want proof that I am the owner. I sent them my picture with a number and emailed with the email address that belongs to the account, but they won't help me. They expect me to provide Local business license (issued by your city, county, state, etc.), Tax filing, Certificate of Formation, or Articles of Incorporation, to verify my identity. I am not a business and I won't provide them with such sensitive information. They have the worst customer service, including ignoring my emails when I first started. This is the first website that I am blocking and I hope they go out of business. You lose Instagram! I have moved on to something better and I do not recommend this site to anyone!

Hacked! Since FB acquired Instagram it's been infested with Russian bots and trolls. My account was hacked months ago by a bk ru email (Russian domain) and even though I followed all the instructions sent to my secure email, the issue has never been resolved. These hackers have had my private info and pictures for months and Instagram does not care! All you have to do is a quick google search and you'll find many people have been experiencing this issue recently with Instagram. BEWARE!

A total useless web site
Instagram maybe one of the so-called most popular social media platforms in the world, but it is not what it cracked up to be. If you are an upcoming talented person who wants to showcase your work, Instagram would disappoint you with its Facebook algorithm system. Like Facebook, Instagram would censor true independent voices as well. Like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, Instagram is also very toxic. Just like its predecessors, everything on Instagram is all about winning the popularity contest to see who get the most likes and followers. It is so childish. I can go and on. Social media platforms, like Instagram, can also lead some people into depression.

Instagram Hinders Small Businesses
I am a small business and attempted to gain users at which I was initially doing at a pretty good rate on my own. All of a sudden I start receiving these messages that Instagram want to limit how often I do certain things such as remove those I follow that aren't interested in following my business or gaining additional followers. They thought I gained too many too fast and accused me of using another service to gain those followers. This is totally WRONG. I do everything on my own and am just trying to get a good start. I went into the help page function and watched their video which promoted Instagram's ability to connect businesses. What a joke! They hinder businesses and prevent me from gaining followers for my business. I won't last much longer using this tool - it is truly annoying. Every day, they allow me approx 10 - 50 new followers and they constantly prevent me from deleting more than a few that choose not to follow my business. I have a small business where I create and sell art and in turn, take the proceeds to donate to animal rescues. My business is on etsy.

Mariana Olguin on steals social security number
Mariana Olguin dob 2/8/81 in Mexico lives in Dallas Texas area. She is known by many for her manipulation of men and her violent nature. She is every dude's worst nightmare. She starts off good and normal. Then she cozies up to your family and friends and starts asking you for money. She starts leaving items at your house, calling constantly, and pressing for marriage. Basically Mariana goes bat$#*! crazy. She throws things across the room when she doesn't get her way. She invited herself on one of my business trips, and threw a coffee maker and it hit me in the head, all because I wouldn't have doggy style sex with her at 2am on a work night. But then my friends call me up and ask why I'm being so mean to Mariana. Here she had turned several good friends against me due to her lies. You won't believe it until it happens to you. And it will. Came across text messages on her phone saying how she basically wants a sugar daddy and mentioned various people I could introduce her to in the Dallas social scene to advance her social status. Mariana crosses everyone eventually. Anyone who is around her can see how she always has drama with other females and can't keep friends very long. Two of her former friends called me and apologized for what Instagram did to me that Mariana put them up to. Her social security number is stolen one as confirmed by police but they can't deport her solely on that. These are the facts folks. Deal with Aida Mariana Olguin Zetina at your own risk.

Silenced for telling the Truth
This app has tried to repeatedly silence my views whenever I speak up against isreals blatant terrorism in the gaza strip and Palestine. I take it that the American conglomerate corporations are politically biased are in favour of a government that takes billions in military aid and hands it to self aware states such as isreal in occupied Palestine for them to test and try these weapons on innocent civilians and then to tell the arms dealers of the world look at the videos of how these bombs missiles and artillery work.

I find this a application packed with:
Every second post is a nude person
Advertisements for credit cards, payday loans, high risk car loan lenders - EVERY SHARK KNOWN IN THAT MARKET

I reported 4 pictures:
1 Mexican nude: my report acknowledged, guy was disciplined for 30 days with limited access and photo deleted.
2 Black nude: my report acknowledged, guy was disciplined for 30 days with limited access and photo deleted.
3 Asian nude: my report acknowledged, guy was disciplined for 30 days with limited access and photo deleted.
4 White nude: my report IGNORED and guy just posted a new batch of nude.
Bias app packed with racist moderators and hypocritical fine print on values and decency.

The platform has problems.
Ever since Facebook bought Instagram, the platform went downhill despite of its so-called popularity. Instagram's Facebook's style algorithm does more harm than good to users with small accounts. It buries non-mainstream content while promoting mainstream content. It never gives upcoming talents and independent voices any chance which it makes some people feel annoyed. The algorithm keeps dictating what people can and cannot see which it is fascistic on the part of Instagram and other popular social media platforms. Instagram business practices are very low quality due to lack of good tech support, and its policies make no sense. Instagram does not innovate anything. Mark Zuckerberg and his crew just steal ideals from other apps. To add on to Instagram: Reels came from TikTok, Stories came from Snap Chat, IG Shop came from Amazon/Ebay, IGTV came from Youtube, IG Livestream came from whatever the app it came from. It makes Instagram very bloated app. Even Instagram embraces materialism, narcissism, and other things that gives such a negative vibe to any user. These giant tech billionaire don't care about their customer and improving their product. All Instagram care about is making profits and screwing over its users who are not famous and anything in that nature.

Instagram is definitely not for anyone.
Instagram is definitely not for anyone. If you are more picture-oriented type of social media person, than this is the right type of app for you. I particularly like it because of the filtered content pictures with captions and nothing more. By choosing which account you want to follow, many other suggestions appear, based on your taste of course. What I dont like are the ads, I constantly press Hide Content. I liked Instagram better when it was ads free. It has some bugs, of course, like any other app, like when it slows while you scroll. What I miss is the part when you can add and create your own location. Instagram used to have it, but removed it. The Stories they introduced while ago with all those stickers are funny and entertaining. Instagram is one of the most popular social media, and overall I like it. I post pictures whenever I like, collect likes or comments and that is enough for me. The filters might need an update and upgrade, because I find the Snapseed app far better than the Instagram filters. However, they can improve few things but I know that it will be done in the near future it is just the market competition they are having in mind and the right time. Instagram, you have my support but you need to improve the app.

Used to be a fun site
Instagram used to be a fun site. Originally it was a place to post your photos and like and comment on other people's photos. Every since facebook took over it's gone downhill. Facebook has no problem with having ads that are lies and ads from Russia because money talks but Instagram have implemented rules on IG which you can find nowhere yet you are expected to follow and if they decide you have broken one of these unwritten rules they block you without telling you what rule(s) you may have broken or how long you are blocked and they give no response to your emails. They are no longer a fun site and instead have become power hungry money hungry capitalists.

Instagram refuses to let me comment of anything abd my account is new.
I was able to leave one comment on some overly dressed up wepons that I felt were not sinsable in any way. My next comment was on a gold colt 1911 and Instagram denied when I said not on my paycheck by saying they ristrict certaint content to pretect the public. Sounds to me like they restrict any thing that doesn't promote there members. I read about how nazis woukd restricict any negative propaganda and even russia did so. Should i fear the instagram SS Our even there KGB. Maybe this is a little over done but not when I say thet instagram does not allow a simple freedom of speach. I'm just a man with an openion. Nothing desrespectful our minacing at all

Algorithm terrible for women.
On top of a terrible customer support base, where you can never get in touch with a human or get a response to anything that is actually typed out to them as a concern (several times I have tried to type out a concern and nobody ever got back to me, years later.).

The algorithm will just randomly kick women off, banning them for anything that is less than a t-shirt and shorts. Beware posting a bikini. Insta will think you're selling STD's if you do!
Nude artist, model, or photographer? Instagram algorithm will ban you with no warning, despite it being art. Instagram think everything that isn't rated E is the devil.
Why won't they just make accounts not 18 and up, unable to see those who verify 18 and up, and stop punishing their own users, who keep people online and viewing, for being themselves? Shadowban my ass. I honestly hate this whole app and site. I've lost 2 accounts now with several followers that I worked HARD for because of their algorithm thinking my nude photography is prostitution or something.
Get your $#*! together, Instagram!

Phone contacts linked to accounts they don't own
This glitch happens when an account with no name has under 100 followers. When someone views it, the account will appear to be owned by someone in their phone contacts, that doesn't actually own the account. This glitch is not big enough to stop you from downloading the app, but it does make it harder to identify who runs certain smaller insta accounts. Because of small glitches like this, I can't give the app a full five star rating. This glitch is rare, but I know several people who have experienced it.

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Instagram Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Instagram customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family.

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Instagram is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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