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50 customer reviews of

Packaging screams CHEAP
So, as a single dad I signed my 14 year old daughter up for Ipsy, BirchBox and Sephora. As a brander and marketer I tend to critique a little harder so please take this review for what it is worth.

First, I do not like the Ipsy approach to Ïf you can get a membership you are elite. This is a horrible marketing strategy when the competition (BirchBox and Sephora) allow you in directly. It screams that we are too busy and can only handle so many. That would be fine... EXCEPT... if she share with her Facebook friends she can get in faster, Let me understand this... If I promote your brand for FREE you'll cut me some slack and advance me, yet I still may or may not get in. This leaves me questioning if Ipsy really wants teen daughters (mine) business over the long haul or not. This approach may work on teen girls, but I am insulted because it says promote use free and we'll put you on our consideration list.

Now to be fair the products are not bad, but the arrival packaging of a bubble wrap envelope compared to a box from Sephora Play or BirchBox is drastically different in nature. If you don't know the difference you'd be fine, but if you compare you'd say it scream we are too cheap to give you the quality package our competitors give you. Again, not bad, just brand perception (something I deal with every day in my business).

I cancelled and I wanted my daughter to make a monthly subscription decision, that I'd pay for, and without my persuasion or personal business thoughts. At the end of the day she chose Sephora based upon product sizes, quality, packaging and the fact of local Sephora stores.

We hope our review is helpful. On a personal not, I would love to see Ipsy grow and become a better brand and even fire their current marketing team and get a new strategy so that ipsy build life long loyal customers. The business model needs tons of work. Don't believe me? Compare the $$$$ numbers of all three companies and see who is doing it right.

First glam bag, not all that thrilled.
Today I received my first ever glam bag. I was so excited to open it. I will admit I was instantly disappointed to see that my glam bag was blue denim with an orange zipper. It's not what I had expected since valentine's day is in February and I thought ipsy would have designed the bag idea around that. Then I look at my goodies... eyeliner, that's pretty decent. A blush brush, ok not horrible. Face highlighter, meh I probably won't use that much. Bronzer, that's pretty cool, I'll definitely use that. And 2 soo AE facial masks. Why 2 facial masks? I mean I'm all for facials and good skin but it just seems like they ran out of ideas and thought, just throw 2 masks in. I'm going to have to look over what I checked off because I'm pretty sure I didn't check off skin care to come in my bag as I have my own stuff I use that works with my skin care needs. I really hope March's glam bag is better. Possibly ipsy can work with marketing to have their glam bags around certain holidays, seasons etc... maybe a few times a year make one up? For instance, May could be "flower power" glam bag? October could be "autumn harvest". Just a few of my ideas to make the glam bags more appealing to the customers. Looking forward to my next bag.

Not what you may think, but still not bad.
I first joined Ipsy maybe around 2014 and I wasn't aware that there was a waitlist. If ipsy don't have any spots open, you'll be waitlisted. However I always found this really strange because there have been opportunities since then to "skip the line" and just sign up. A few months ago a friend of mine tried to sign up and was waitlisted and I signed up in December for January 2018's bag and while she is still on the waitlist, I've been sent a confirmation that I'll be getting a glam bag this month.

In my opinion, these bags don't really seem to customized. I don't have a problem with that since I have a sister and some friends I can pass on whatever I'm not into, onto. If you're looking for them to send you just skincare, just neutral colors, or just a very specific thing, then this may not be for you.

In my experience, cancelling has been easy to do. You just go online and contact the Ipsy Care team.

They do have points you can redeem for things but those points expire after a certain amount of time. They also host giveaways that you can ente just be sure to check the page often so you know when they're posted because they tend to end pretty quickly after about a week.

To sum it all up, you may be contacting the Ipsy Care team quite a bit but they'll always try to make you happy. It feels like the bags are actually just random. I think I would only recommend this to people who want to explore beauty products and are on a bit of a budget. A great alternative to this would be the Play! By Sephora box which is priced the same as this.

Has potential; needs improvement with customer service and product availability
I signed up for ipsy in April. Immediately was taken off the wait list and received an email saying I would receive my April glam bag soon. May has come around, I still haven't received the glam bag I was charged for in April, nor have I received any sort of tracking information. I emailed the company back and forth asking where my April glam bag was and I just received what seemed as an automated response of "we're sorry you're having issues, you will receive your tracking information soon." I email the company again telling them I changed my address (I waited until the end of April to do so, for May) and inquired about my April glam bag, and why I was charged if nothing was received. I made them aware of the upcoming move, and told them I changed my address at the end of April as to receive my May glam bag without issues. My email was very clear and concise, and ipsy interpreted it as "we don't reimburse for address changes, but we know stuff happens so we can make an exception." Keep in mind I said nothing about not receiving my April glam bag BECAUSE of the address change, I just hadn't received t at all. I looked back at my email as to give them the benefit of the doubt that possibly there was chance for misinterpretation... I just don't understand the incompetence. With that being said, I don't have much faith in a company who conducts all their business through email. I went ahead and cancelled my subscription as not to deal with any future hassle. Sure, they have potential and I'm sure there are many success stories - but in my opinion it's quite unprofessional to get back to someone two-three (at times it was four days!) about a product you're paying for and not receiving.

No Attention to Beauty Preferences
I love the idea of Ipsy because I tend to be a bit conservative when it comes to trying new make-up brands and I wanted to explore some new products without committing to the full size products. Ipsy claims that ipsy care about the personalization of your product but this claim is completely fabricated. I always update my preferences and I even help the preferences by choosing some of the products available in their next bag (I will point out that it is not guaranteed that these products will make it into my bag). This clearly has had no influence on the random group of products they threw together for me. The contents of my April bag are as follows: A contour brush (listed as "rarely" in my preferences), A green eyeshadow (listed as "rarely" in my preferences and the color is also listed as "rarely"), a lip product by a company I specifically did not list in my preferences, and two products that were listed as "sometimes." I will also point out that I have plenty of products listed as "sometimes" or "often" on 15/18 of the listed make-up products. This is not the first time that I've had this issue but it will surely be the last. I love the concept of ipsy but I cannot recommend them as they clearly do not take your preferences into consideration.

What They Don't Tell You...
First, don't believe the hype about their beauty profile or glam bag customization. It just doesn't work that way. My family at one point had three separate ipsy subscriptions and to date not one has in any way consistently reflected the questions answered on the beauty profile. I expressed interest in a decent range of products, but specifically excluded a few things (eyeliner, for instance... or foundation, because I have a hard-to-match complexion) and yet it's guaranteed in every single bag at least 3 (usually 4) out of 5 items will be something I specifically excluded. I almost NEVER receive items I checked, even when I write to customer support to request them. I also consistently requested only neutral colors for the items I actually checked, yet my color preferences are NEVER - and I mean NEVER - honored. EVER. In the past few months I've received bright red or orange lipsticks, rainbow colored eyeliners, ridiculously brightly colored shimmery eyeshadows... and all this when I've practically begged over and over in my reviews for them to send only neutral colors. It isn't as if I didn't check enough under the profile to give them a choice of other items to send. Ipsy don't pay the slightest attention to that profile or to reviews. What's the point in having the quiz if you're not going to honor it, ipsy? It's a waste of your customers' time and money, and a waste for the brands you're promoting, too, if you're consistently wasting marketing opportunities by sending samples to people who simply aren't interested.

I would also like to mention that there are websites out there that appear to have some sort of agreement with ipsy not to publish a lot of negative reviews and to skew any reviews that appear on the site positively. There is one site in particular - a very popular site dedicated to subscription box reviews and spoilers - that has time and time again either deleted comments I've written or failed to post them. If you write a favorable review it will be immediately published, but if it contains certain negative words or phrases, no matter how innocuous, it will be flagged for review, and half the time will never post in the comments section. Ipsy is the only company I've experienced this with on any review site.

Shipping Problem, HORRIBLE USELESS Customer Service who REALLY Don't Care.
I just subscribed to Ipsy Glam Bag Plus in June 2019. I got my first month with no issues. This is my second month and my bag has been sitting in some town in my state since 7/11/19 (I'm writing the review on 7/19/19). I emailed Customer Service, the person copied/pasted an email written by somebody else with that person's name, saying to wait until 7/22 to contact them. I'm not optimistic about this whole situation. Also concerned about whether my add-ons are going to be included and whether the products will still be usable given that ipsy are probably sitting in limbo in some over-heated warehouse somewhere that's probably over 100 degrees. I subscribe to 7 different subscription services and have NEVER experience this type of shipping issues. They also advertised a free HUDA Palette which they never sent. As much as I think their products are a great deal and better than Boxycharm, it's useless if I won't ever see my box. I think people should be more aware of Ipsy's shipping problems and that when you subscribe with them, you are gambling with whether you'll actually get your bag. I never thought this would be an issue with my account because I live in a major metropolitan area and it's already a problem in month 2. Also read comments from a lot of user Ipsy subscribers about how difficult it is to cancel and to stop the charges from happening. This subscription service has given me more headache than I could've possibly imagined. Hope I won't have to get my credit card company involved.

Try New Things
I been with ipsy since ipsy started as I have been a Michelle Phan fan for years now. Ipsy is meant to try new things and many of those items may be out of your preferences or comfort zone. The point is to try new products that you may not have used before but actually may come to like. That is the feeling I always got from her videos as well when I started watching them didn't even used to wear makeup and now I am facinated with the art. I also like the fact that at a budget they try as a company to place all different types of items not just makeup. Honestly it's a mix with the glam bags some months you'll get high end products others you may get drug store brands however that's been her style all along she caters to the makeup users that are at a budget as well as those who can splurge. Honestly I enjoy the contrast and many times I'm happy to see that I don't have to shell out 30 bucks for an eyeshadow color that I really like and if I have to buy it again, which I never do because these items are usually full size, that it can cost under 10 dollars. Thank you and in Michelle Phans words good luck!

Fraudulent company
Somehow my account was reactivated to a glam bag plus. I did not authorize a charge or activate my old account. In fact, my old address was still on because I had canceled it a long time ago. I updated the shipping on my account to my current address in Plainfield, but being that I was mysteriously charged and my account was reactivated, I want to at least know that I'll be getting the product I was charged for and that it will not go to an old address for someone else to receive. Can someone verify that I'll at least be getting the glam bag in Plainfield and explain how I was charged since I did not do this?
Their response...
Thanks for getting back to me, Karen! I'm so sorry to hear that this has caused you trouble, but I'm here to help!

Right now we're only set up for email and social media support because we think that we're able to offer our best customer care experience that way. We're committed to responding to ipsters within 24 hours. Thanks for your understanding!

It looks like there was a glitch in our system. I'd be happy to make a one-time exception to our usual policy and offer you a full refund for this month. Enjoy your last Glam Bag on us, no return required. You should see the funds back in your account within 5-7 business days.

We always bill the card on file at the beginning of the month, and are happy to honor cancellations processed prior to the 1st. While we're unable to refund any overdraft fees.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. You're welcome to rejoin us any time if you change your mind!

I let it go. Now in September...
Me to them
Now the app is saying I won't even receive a box this month. So, what did your company charge me for? Last month you all restarted my account and charged my card without my authorization. That was fraud. Now I was charged again on the second of September and it should have gone through on the first to begin with. But yet the app says I will not be receiving a box. So, what was I charged for? This is ridiculous. This is why I had canceled my account to begin with. It seems to me IPSY has unfortunately become a very shady business. I want to speak to someone in charge to correct this before my AG takes action. They're sure I'm not the only one this has happened to. And, points certainly don't come remotely close to fixing this issue.

Two times they've stolen from me. That's close to 60.00$ Their offer to me to fix it was 600 points added to my account. That's the equivalent to about 3-10$ which could only be used if I kept my account and only on their overstock.

What Has Happened to Ipsy?
Update: I found an email ******* address and got an automatic reply that they'll get back to me in 24 hours. I hope this email address works, if it does I'll give another update. I've been a loyal Ipsy Glam Bag customer for years and have loved most of their products. However, I recently realized that I have a whole box full of Ipsy stuff I haven't used yet, so I cancelled my subscription. After a couple of months, I decided to reactivate my account and I cannot sign up for the $12 Glam Bag anymore. Their options are the new Glam Bag Plus for $25/month and another one that's even more expensive. I (stupidly) signed up for the Glam Bag Plus, which I really didn't want, thinking that would open the way for me to switch back to the Glam Bag. Nope. Didn't happen. I'm now stuck in the Glam Bag Plus membership and there is NO WAY to opt out or cancel your membership. The have FAQs and you can supposedly email Ipsy but there's no email address that's valid and the phone number I found online for them is out of service *******526). I have no possible way to cancel or even suspend my account, and there's no way to contact a customer service representative. I don't want the upcoming Glam Bag Plus but it looks like I'm not going to have a choice. At this point I don't want Ipsy at all! WTF happened to them?

They don't care about your beauty preferences.
Hi, I'm here today to give a review for Ipsy, a company I once highly recommended but has now severely let me, as well as many of my friends, down.
I have subscribed to this company for about 8 months now and it has had its ups and downs. On the pro side, I do like the opportunity to try new products, but on the con side, I find that I often don't get products that are a good match for me.
For those that are unfamiliar with Ipsy, as part of thier business model, this company "matches" you with 5 beauty items per month that ipsy think you will like. They gather this information from a profile you help build by answering questions filling out "beauty preferences" on an account on thier site. Basically, if you would like to receive a certain type of item (mascara, lip stick, leave-in conditioner, etc.) you tick a box. If you do not want to receive a certain type of item, you don't tick the box for that item. You also tick boxes for certain colour schemes you might like as well. Anyhow, from an assortment of items, based on your selection you receive items that should be a match. Now, the problem with this is that this company is very misleading. They lead you to believe that if you don't want an item, you won't get it, and this is not the case. As someone who has worked in customer service for a long time in the past, I know it is important to listen to the customer. If someone says they do not want something, then you do not sell it to them, that is honestly the easiest part. It really helps narrow thins down if you already know what someone doesn't want. You don't give them those things, you focus on what they do want. Over the last couple of months especially, I have noticed that I have received things that I had down as things I didn't want. I noticed my friends saying for some time that this is something that's been happening to them too. I thought that this was happening in error, but after sending an email about it I was informed by an Ipsy customer service agent that you may still receive items even if your beauty profile does not have that item selected. How is this "matching" someone with items they will enjoy? If I have a ton of make up brushes and dont need anymore, and I put that I don't want make up brushes, how is a make up brush a good match for me? (I have it set that I don't want make-up brushes" and I have received them twice now).
Also, this may seem of much lesser importance, but this company also says they will base your matches off of reviews. I leave reviews for each product each month and I have stated 3 times now that though I love liquid liner, I don't like eye pencils and can't use them. They haven't listened once to this. In fact, just last month they sent me an eye pencil, I reviewed to say I don't like eye pencils, and this month they sent me another eye pencil! They typically have about 20 to 30 item choices they could send out per month, and they sent me another eye pencil! Even if I liked eye pencils, sending 2 almost identical eye pencils in a row is not something I, or most people would like.
Also not as importantly, but as part of the accumulation of my bitter feelings, I finally was set to get a lip gloss in a shade that I thought I would like (I have received quite a few lip colours and they are either really pale or really dark, I keep reviewing to say that I would love a dusty pink or every day red) but as it turns out, instead of sending me the colour they said they were sending me, I received a hot pink which is something most people would never use. Very disappointing when I was looking forward to the nice colour I was supposed to get. This may seem picky, but after 8 months of receiving bags, and having my beauty settings set very specifically, and with reviewing every item, it is pretty easy to become frustrated when it appears that no one is bothering to look at my preferences. And now I've been told via email that even if you don't want something you could get it anyhow? That's just poor customer service. If this were for free samples, this would be fine, but I am paying for these items, also, what is the sense of having a beauty preferences profile if no one is going to look at it?
In my email I requested a simple solution for now. Since I don't like eye pencils and have said this many times and just received 2
In a row, I asked if they could switch the eye pencil for this month with a liquid eye liner. The bags have not gone out yet and there's is a liquid eye liner as one of the choices for this month. This would be a simple fix for a frustrated customer who is considering cancelling, but I was told no. You might think "well, maybe there is 2 sides of the story" well, I suppose there is, but if you asked someone 3 times not to send you something and they kept on doing it, I really think you would feel the same. You would probably also want a solution to the problem, and you would probably also think a simple switch would be an easy fix and would at least show you as the customer that the company was listening and trying to help.
Also, as a warning, a friend of mine who I referred to Ipsy, was just telling me that she decided to take the option to "hold" her subscription. She didn't realize the hold was only for one month (must be in the fine print) until she was recently billed. She went to check on which items she would be receiving and discovered that they were all mostly things that she had set on her preferences that she didn't want, so she didn't even have the consolation that she was getting things she wanted or needed. So please be careful with "holding" your subscription, it is only for a month. She told me she would be cancelling now after the experience. As for myself, I saved up enough points over many months to redeem a free item through thier points program, and after I receive it I will be cancelling as well. I feel bad now for referring my friend. Overall, if you expect this to be a company that will listen to your concerns or take your profile into consideration for matches then you might be sorely mistaken.

Why wait to cancel just do it!
Let me start with I never confirmed my first subscription. I opened a new window and started reading the reviews. I decided it wasn't for me and closed the window before completing so j thought. Anyhow I later received an email saying it should arrive soon. I thought what the hell got excited and waited for it to arrive. I gave up on it and forgot by the time it finally did. Which was the 27th. What a wait and for what eyeliner that disappeared right after applying it I think right into my eyeball. Although I must say it wasn't black all over my face. Oil I was excited about even though it says to try for thirty days to see the difference. The bottle was tiny might last four if I stretch especially means u can try on hair dry skin and wrinkles. Not sure where to start. I don't have my bag beside me as I write this review so I couldn't tell you what the other items were which is to show how impressed I am about them. As for canceling I hope I did right everybody needs to keep their profile open after canceling. Which it says. It will say active status. Open separate email go to site ipsy s email says open confirm and than pull up you profile again on ipsy refresh and it should say status not active. That is when you know you did it right. I will be putting a stop to all charges hereafter. I canceled last night. 12-28-16 now if I am billed I than know what these others are saying is true. If not ipsy should probably go back through the steps carefully.

Do your homework, ipsy is worth it.
I have faithfully received my ipsy bag since 2014. It took me a while to realize how to utilize the account to make the selections more to products i would like. Ipsy is not a scam and does not just send cheap products. If you receive products you have never heard of that is because there are millions of different companies making products and some may be new, that does not make them bad. If you take time to do your monthly review of ipsy items then your bag will become more and more personalized. If you change your preferences under your account so often you can change up what you receive and if you pick only a few stores from which you normally buy cosmetics that to can limit the types of products you received. The people giving ipsy bad reviews need to realize what you are getting for 10 bucks has included shipping, let alone some of the makeup brushes you can receive are way more than 10 dollars in a beauty store. You just have to do your homework an shape Your profile to fit what you want. I change my preference every few months and it works great, the items i occasionally get that i may not need i donate or use to make gifts.

This is not a personalized bag, as they described
I order my first bag this month, and Im extremely annoyed about the outcome. Before I received my bag, I took the time and marked the products that I like and the products I dont like. Before my bag arrived I received a notification from the Ipsy app with the products I was going to received. I was supposed to get a sample of urban decay eyeliner, a blush, eyeshadow, and a makeup forever foundation sample. I clearly marked that I didnt want eyeliners especially black, ipsy didnt bother to take this into consideration and sent one anyways. The eyeshadow was ok but it was Dollar store quality from a brand I never heard of in my life. The foundation sample I was supposed to received was missing, but what pissed me off the most was the blush I received. I clearly marked that I dont like pink blush, and of course I received a pink blush. The quality of this blush pushed of the edge, it was chalky and it looked horrible on, it did not blend at all. This blush looked like fake makeup you give to little kids to play with. I immediately cancel my subscription after this and started to look elsewhere. At the end of the day I pay $10 for a hideous makeup bag and little bags of powder cleanser. Ipsy is not worth it. Save you money and go elsewhere or just go to sephora and ask for samples. This subscription is overpriced and its disrespectful that they will send items that you told them you didnt want.

Don't Do It
I signed up 1/1/2019 and $10 was taken from my account. I checked my app every day excited to see what would be in my bag, but nothing changed and it kept telling me to check back 1/2/2019. Fast forward to today, 1/8/2019, and it's now saying that I will not receive a January bag because either my payment could not be processed, my account is on pause, I'm on an every-other-month plan or I signed up after bags were assembled. I checked my account and it is not on pause and it was, in fact, a monthly subscription. I checked my bank account and the $10 was taken. According to FAQ's glam bags are made in the middle of the month, so I didn't miss the bag assembly date. It's still unknown to me why I'm not receiving the bag I paid for. I've emailed Ipsy regarding this (their only form of communication, btw), but based on other people's experiences on here I'm not sure when or if I will be hearing back. I originally emailed intending to get my bag, now I'm contacting them intending on getting a refund for the $10 ipsy took without providing their services. It just sucks because I've been wanting to sign up for some kind of make up box for years, and finally this year, after rarely treating myself to stuff like this, I decided to take the plunge on ipsy and they screwed me over the very first month. I certainly will not recommend this service to any of my friends and am extremely disappointed that this is my first and only experience with a subscription box. Needless to say, I won't be making this mistake again.

Great experience so far-customers need to chill-ipsy should work on correcting mistakes
My husband got me an ipsy subscription for christmas and so far I have received 2 ipsy bags. Both times it was exciting to look forward to receiving a mystery bag and enjoyed opening and seeing what was chosen for me. I will say that I am pretty low maintenance when it comes to makeup but over the past years use increasingly more products and try to work on skincare. So it's great when I get exposed to different products that are used in the market whether ipsy are drug store quality or more high end. I also like that I don't have a million products to choose from and worry that i'm spending $50 on a big tube of foundation that I won't end up liking.

I think ipsy is best catered towards women who are experimenting with makeup and/or would like to gain more knowledge on what products are out there. It seems that many of the people who are not satisfied with what is in their bag are very clear on what they want so maybe it's time they move on and find services that will better meet their needs. Reviews are important but it's not good when you give bad reviews without acknowledging what kind of service the company promises. I was drawn to this company because of my lack of experience in using makeup. It's a shame if ipsy advertises to the more experienced user but cannot deliver, but at any rate for 10$ a month, it is a fantastic deal.

Then there are reviews of poor quality customer service, slow responses, and mistakes when it comes to punctual package arrivals. Although I have not experienced any of these problems, if these reviews are accurate it seems that ipsy may be expanding faster than they are able to handle. It may be a good idea for them to take a step back and really be sure about what services they are saying they can provide and focus their resources on providing the best service to their current customers and less on advertising that seems to be hurting their brand than helping it.

Ipsy, is it glam, or a scam?
I think Ipsy is a great monthly makeup and beauty bag. Ipsy sends you a bag every month filled with new makeup and beauty samples. The purpose of Ipsy is to try out new makeup every month to discover a different product that you might like. You get a cute bag with 5 different makeup items for just $10 a month. Considering how expensive makeup can be that is a very good and affordable price. If you are someone that loves makeup and enjoys trying out different makeup Ipsy is the perfect fit.

Ipsy contains 5 different types and brands of makeup in every bag each month. The brands that ipsy put in are like the samples that you could find at sephora. The samples are usually about 1/3rd of the size of the actual bottle or packaging. Every time I have received my Ipsy or as they like to call it Glam Bag I have always received very nice brands, with good quality. Ipsy is a great way for you to discover new products that you love and that work well for you. Also to make sure they know your skin tone and what brands you enjoy, there is a survey when you first subscribe, about what makeup you would like best to make sure you get products that will most likely work for you. There are other monthly makeup bags like Ipsy, but I would personally recommend Ipsy over the rest to anyone.

The downsides of Ipsy are that sometimes the bags come late, mine comes late often and my friends that are subscribed often get late ones as well. Also it takes a few months to get your first one after you sign up because there is a waiting list. However, I have received Ipsy for about a year now, and the bag has only come late about 3 or 4 times, and was late by about a week or two. The biggest downside about Ipsy is that there has been many problems with cancelling. Many complain that they have poor customer service, and people are usually unable to cancel or continue to get billed after they have cancelled. If you would like to get Ipsy for just a short amount of time I would look into something else because you may have troubles cancelling. Many people have said Ipsy is just a big scam, if you dont like the idea of getting a bunch of samples then I would recommend you look into something else.

You get what you PAY for people!
Ipsy is definitely not my favorite subscription service by far--the samples are not the greatest and I do sometimes get things I really do not like. The problem with the majority of the reviews on here is that most of these people are expecting to be getting full-size products and that ipsy will all be everything they could have ever dream of! GET REAL! You are paying $10.00 a month. TEN DOLLARS A MONTH! A full-size version of ONE of the things you get each month is worth AT LEAST $20.00. The whole point of subscribing to these companies is to be able to try makeup products BEFORE you pay full price for it! You wouldn't want to spend $50 on a mascara only to find you don't like the brush or the way it sits on your lashes--that is a serious waste of money. So paying $10 a month to try before you buy will help you avoid wasting HUNDREDS of dollars a year! You not liking some of the things in your bags is not a failure on Ipsy's part, that is a success! If you want full-size luxury products, you are going to have to fork out a lot more than $10/month. It is really sad that so many of you ladies just do not understand this.

What a headache!
I do like the the little samples! Mostly the eyeshadow! The liquid eyeliner isn't so good. It would give me maybe 10 uses. The highlighter doesn't really pop. But, every month I was getting the same type of make up even when I changed my acct preference. So I wanted to cancel. I couldn't find the cancellation option. So I went with the skip a month. I got one month skipped. For some reason my account was changed back to monthly and I was up-charged. After that I went to find contact info. I wanted to speak to a representative. That's not a option! Why? At this point I'm irritated! I can't cancel and I can't speak to anyone. And to contact it's all social media pages. Call me old fashion but I want to speak to someone. Not hit up their social media page. Anyways, point is I felt trapped in my subscription. It's not easy to cancel. I loved this company and spread love on my social media pages the first few months subscribing. But I tried asking for different types of make ups and that was ignored so I'm sorry but you lost me as buyer. Please help me cancel being I still can't find it. Thanks.

Run from this-don't get "boxed" in by subscribing!
I sooo wish I had done more research and found this site!
I was sick and had time on my hands and my credit card number memorized. So what's a girl to do? Shop!
I found a list of beauty boxes on Flipboard and decided to give it a whirl.
I ordered ipsy and Birchbox. Birchbox sent me a box asap-and I loved it for $10. With ipsy, I got an email telling me I'm on a "waiting list". Seriously?! Why do you offer your product and then say you don't have it!
I got an email that my second Birchbox was on its way and that's when I decided enough. I went to my account-as prescribed by them if you want to cancel and I couldn't get it done! It would take a book to explain all that went wrong and I could not get it cancelled. So, I contacted ipsy "no customer service"-a complete run around. After sending an email asking them to unsubscribe me-I get an email back saying it might be days. And on and on.
I finally got in touch with American Express and found that ipsy had put the $110 charge through so I not only disputed the charge-I paid $9 to a third party company to get it cancelled. I could have waited for Amex to do it and I'm so fed up I wanted it over NOW! It is finally cancelled.
Lesson learned-reasearch!

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Based on 50 reviews from ipsy customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: ipsy co-founder Michelle Phan has captivated countless viewers around the world through her beauty video tutorials on YouTube. She envisioned a vibrant community where women could be inspired to express their unique beauty, and ipsy is that community!

“ipsy” comes from the Latin word ipse, meaning “sense of self.” By celebrating beauty of all forms in the world, ipsy provides a platform for anyone to express both their inner and outer radiance. With videos from ipsy's well-loved YouTube stylists, including co-founder Michelle Phan, as well as from a devoted and engaged user community, ipsy is changing the way women learn about and experience beauty looks.

When you become a member, you can learn new beauty tricks, participate along with your favorite ipsy stylists in monthly looks, and connect with other ipsters who inspire you.

Address: 201 Baldwin Ave Floor 2, 94401


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ipsy is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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