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50 customer reviews of

Absolutely disgusting
This experience was the saddest. Ive gone through heartbreak, depression and anxiety, but whoevers name stars with M and ID goes along the numbers of 100 36 something 874, June 18th around 1:30 PM is the problem with the universe. Thats how you know how the call is going to go-- by how fast and inaudible the person says their name and ID. are terrible at their job if you have to ask for it again.

When we ask questions for guidance, someone has to go out of their way to find an answer. At this point, if I hear "I dont know" I would be so embarrassed. I also work at a contact center. I know how it goes. I know customers are tough. But there is this thing called a work/life balance. If the IRS is not providing that mentality with their workers, then why are we trusting them with this inevitable process? People who help people do not work here. People who have hearts do not work here. People who have the time and patience, do not work here. I am so embarrassed I share the world with these individuals. Finally get someone after 10 min, he doesnt know the answer to my simple questions and transfers me--, the next just hangs up on me. Absolutely repulsive and just-- so discouraging. WOW IRS, WOW. I truly shouldnt expect this. I should not feel this way by the IRS. We are just trying to live just like you. WOW.

NOT ONLY THAT. Im really glad you guys know your language, but most do not. I work at a FI I dont go yelling out the abbreviations of the systems we use to explain to members what I did to better their day. Who are you people? Where are you people? What do you do all day?!

IRS are nothing but jokes and scammers.
If I could give a negative star I would don't deserve and stars at all- they don't mind taking your money, but when it comes to them giving you your money It's where the problem lies. The government acts like it's broke but yet they collect tax from the workers constantly. I have not been sent my 2nd stimulus check and I have 3 kids to raise behind on bills. Where is the help here and needless to say I have not received my income tax from 2019. I'm about overly dissatisfied with the system- The Government is not for the people anymore- was it ever? I hate the system! They have got to do better by the citizen's

Government Customer Service is Awful
I waited on hold for 36 minutes to have the hold music stop and ... disconnected. I found the local office's number for assistance, and their message states only provide assistance by appointment and we must look up the services they provide before calling. My need is very simple and can be dealt with quickly - and over the phone only (let's get with the times website). Now I need to call again and hope to not be disconnected again. Customer service in the private sector is the opposite of that in the public sector. Amazon should be their target, but they're at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from one another with regards to customer service and efficiency..

Stimulus check what else
How dare you hold up money for Social Security and disabled people. One more lame-ass excuse after another... I got my first two stimulus payments 6 days after the president's signature. Now it's going on 3 weeks... blaming it on Social Security what BS. Im literally dying here... just had a heart valve installed desperately need this money to stop eviction... now that you have had the updated files since Thursday from Social Security... depoit the damn money... nothing but incompetent and excuses... its just not fair and it's not right... HELP... and to add insult to injury all IRS phone lines say it's too busy call back later and hang up on you. And the so called get my payment tool Is just a travesty... doesn't work and it's never worked... and you people know it...

It`s so sad that we all need to interact with the IRS. Their website is terrible, information there is old and not accurate. Also, it is impossible to talk to someone over there over the phone. I have been waiting for a refund for more than a year now, and I just cant contact them. And now want me to file my 2020 taxes? Like really? I dont understand why I pay taxes to the gov. When they cant even talk to me. I understand the pandemic etc, but come on, more than a year? Really? For this big and rich country, the US, these things should be fast and transparent.

The IRS is the most heartless company to audit someone before Christmas. Hard working people are struggling to pay their bills, most didn't get back any refund because of the tax changes and the IRS went back into poor people IRS taxes file to find things to audit before Christmas. I had to cancel my vacation after working hard for a year because the IRS audit me and I have to pay before Christmas. The people that work there, I hope one day, they'll get audited during the holidays and how it feels. They're cold!

COVID 19 Stress and stress from an outdated IRS federal government agency that should be defunded!
First off can we please defund the IRS. During COVID 19 while so many IRS Federal Government workers get to sit on their lazy assess at home and work, we see that can't even do their jobs there. Most are on little zoom meetings or outside mowing their yards while people like me who need answers as to why I now need to provide a 6 digit number to file my taxes but never needed an IP PIN before nor have I ever been contacted of anything fraudulent happening to my account until this year. I wonder how many IRS workers go through this? You cannot get anyone on the phone cause they are all at home playing with their children outside while I spent 6 hours today trying to figure out what I need to do in a state that isn't supported for getting an IP PIN so here I sit with this error on my taxes and no way to fix it! I wonder if it's because of the election, or COVID 19, or just government workers spoiled by the system that they can't simply do their jobs! I'm going with the later. Shut the whole damn government down and start over. Fire everyone at the IRS and hire people who give a damn about their job not just their 6 digit paychecks.

It's funny we're expected to pay our taxes on time but when we file our taxes and take our money out of our paychecks we have to wait for them to send our money that we worked for while they sit on their butts it must be nice to make money off the blood sweat and tears of the people in this country there should be a demand that they should be open 24/7 until the people's hard-working money is returned to them.It's been about a month or more since we did our taxes and still haven't gotten a returns.

Well folks, when the news media hears about the UNAUTHORIZED...
Well folks, when the news media hears about the UNAUTHORIZED Inadvertent Disclosure of Taxpayer Information that has been going on since Oct 2006, yep 2006 via the IVES (Income Verification Express System) of not hundreds, not thousands, but MILLIONS of taxpayer information disclosed to the WRONG UNAUTHORIZED party, then you know what is going to hit the fan.

ANYONE, can become an IVES participant through the IRS AND get taxpayer information on anyone want. There IS NO verification process to become an IVES user and I KNOW that ALL the IVES users are scared to death about this becoming pubic.

Because, if it ever hits the news, the mortgage industry and credit agencies will be brought to a SCREECHING halt.

Freedom of Speach! It is our ONLY hope in this screwed up county.

Dad's get stuck and can't live again!
Dad's get there 1200 taken and the mom gets thousands of dollars and the dad can't work and you take the only money to live! This is wrong! I pay ever month and I still get my cash taken? This is messed up! Everyone should get the money to live. Not just mom's that are with someone else and get 1200 from me the other dad's and that's crazy one person gets 5-10 grand and the dad gets jail and can't live. Can us as father's get some help!? I can't even afford my rent and will be on the street!? This is a mad injustice!

Could they be any more stupid?
So, I've been checking for 2 months now and where's my refund IRS website. Still processing. But the website says if you filed electronically with a direct deposit account, and you haven't received your refund after 21 days, then please contact us. But here's part of the irony:

When you go on their website to contact them by email, say do not include any personal identifying information on their form. So how the hell are they going to look into the status of my refund if they don't know who the... I am? Furthermore, although Google claims the IRS has a secure contact form, a thorough and very lengthy search of the website does not show where this secure form is located. If, indeed, this secure form does exist, the IRS has done everything it can to hide it from the public. Lazy b@$+@/)$.

So, one might think, just give him a call, right? But check this out: when you call they're toll free 1040 IRS number, a recording says that due to high call volume, they are no longer accepting phone calls at this time. Really? If you're not accepting phone calls, then how the h@// do you have high call volume? Does anyone else here see the stupidity of this illogical claim?

So if you have a question about your 2020 tax refund that was electronically submitted and included a direct deposit account number, they say to contact them if you've not received your refund after 21 days. Yet when you tried to contact them through phone or email, you are not able to.

I'm pretty certain that from the top down, IRS job applicants are administered an IQ test. If they score too high, then their applications are rejected.

And no, I know what the naysayers and IRS-loving advocates are going to say: but you are wrong, wrong, wrong. No, there were no errors made on my electronic tax return. No, I did not make any mistakes regarding the stimulus relief dollars when filing my tax return. And no, they are not on reduced staffing due to covid-19. If you ever called the IRS before, you would have learned that these people do not work in a large call center; they work from home. So the excuse that employee levels have been reduced due to covid-19 are lies.

The IRS should be called the SIRS: Service of the Internal Revenue Service. Because this government agency is about as useless and redundant as a sore on a hemroid.

I called talked to someone phone hung up and now I CANT call back NEED TO FIX THIS $#*! ITS A WHOLE PANDEMIC GOING ON AND THEY CANT ANWSER THEY PHONE. AFTER A CERTAIN EVERDAY AROUND 7 I call this one time I actually got to talk to someone then I had to find my information soon as I got it the phone dropped no call back or nothing. They need a better order of doing things and stop acting like people begging when it's our money like how many days do I have to wake up and try again tomorrow about just seeing why my information is saying incorrect when I try to check my refund it's ridiculous

I can't get an answer from the IRS website or any phone numbers.
I have gone to every area of the IRS website for help in obtaining my tax refund, which I mailed on March 25. The "Check my refund status" on the site tells me that cannot provide any information about my refund. I have tried to call NUMEROUS phone numbers but cannot get away from automated systems and talk to a living person. I am extremely frustrated! If I file my taxes late and owe the IRS money, I get penalized for being late. It should work the same way for taxpayers that are owed money from the IRS.

Tax Refund
If you ever manage to get through to a live representative on the phone, you'll more than likely have waited an hour just for them to not take a look at your refund status and tell you it takes 3 weeks to process. Their website is issuing no updates and the mobile app is no better. I guess we all just have to blindly wait for our refunds with no idea on when to expect them. I've attached a step by step on talking to a live representative for the rest of you who may want to try. My advice is not to waste your time until it's been 3 weeks since your return has been accepted.

I don't know were the irs gets off or who do they think they are
I have been trying to get information about the stimulus payment and you can not real a live person by phone i'd just to say this very inconsiderate and very unprofessional of them and the website is not working right first i got payment status not available now it say's we are unable to provide you with status of your payment or perform the action requested because the tax information you entered does not match our records or have already accessed the system maxiumum number of times per day come on irs step it up we need live phone assistance this is very poor class less and extremely unprofessional of you guys i know you can do better

IRS Not really good, they hate deal with Tax payers, very rude Agents.
I called today to found out about a mailed payment, called first time waited for 2 hours, hanged up call, call again another hour waiting nobody answer, finally about 15 mnts for their closing time someone, answer, oh boy, this person was very mean with me, I just want to know if my payment got there since I mailed 10 days ago, and the due day is Feb 20, oh she started talking down on me, if I ask a question she practically tell me that I am not allowed to ask, nothing, until she ask me. President Trump, we need to get rid off IRS and just tax everything for whatever we buy and done with this nonsense department, everybody in there looks like hate their job, Hey they forget who is paying their salary, oh, we the Tax Payers, I believe.

Still Waiting!
I have been waiting over an hour and a half(no lie) for someone to pick up the phone. Really? I have to call because I cannot log in online. It wont take my password and when you ask to reset, dont send you a link.
Maddening! I tried several days to reset and they just dont send the link. And they have my email and i checked spam. If they want their money that bad they should at least allow you to pay it! Or thats right if Im delayed for whatever reason they can add on penalties and interest. What a racket

Don't Even Bother
I called about my Stimulus check tonight, I talked to one man for an hour. He told me that he could not hear me on my phone. My phone is fine. It is new, and I have no problems with any other businesses. He said, 'Do you have me on speaker phone". Haha. I did not. So then he connects me to the IRS, I wait for 2 hours for her to say I cannot hear you, 'You must have me on speaker phone'. I said I Have been waiting for 3 hours to talk to someone. She said I cannot hear you, and you will have to call back. Rude customer service, and don't waste your time with them. I think need more educated individuals working for the IRS in customer service. Just my feeling. What a farce. Customer service for what. To hang up on people.

I just spent an hour and 4 minutes on hold, which I understand due to the stimulus going out right now. The second he got on the phone, he read out from his little notes the statement about his employee number, no name, and sounded like a robot. I realized he was a real person and I started talking about what my problem/question was because I read multiple articles about what to do and I followed them. I waited 3 weeks for them to send the stimulus to the wrong/closed bank account. The Get My Payment Portal sent my direct deposit to my old bank account on the 17th... I waited, then the other day (28th) updated the Get My Payment for my account, which I assumed they'd be sending my check in the mail which is what they claimed. However, it stated that my stimulus was being directly deposited AGAIN to the WRONG account (that they already got rejected from) on the 31st! So I'm wondering why I'm not getting a check in the mail like they said they would if my bank rejected the check and was closed. Not to mention, on the second stimulus it went to that same, wrong bank account, but Turbo Tax updated my information so within 2 weeks of them going out, I got mine in my account through direct deposit. They sent me an email saying that they're going to use the SAME information as the portal when everyone updated them so we wouldn't have to worry about them sending it to the wrong bank account AGAIN. Well, they lied, because it already got sent direct deposit to the wrong, closed bank account on the 17th. Then instead of sending a check in the mail LIKE THEY SAID, they're going to deriect deposit AGAIN to that same one that rejected it already? So I asked the guy on the phone what's going on... I didn't even get to finish my sentence and he could care less about what I was saying. I started saying how it got sent to the wrong bank account and then he CUT ME OFF and went off about how I have to wait and get it in the mail and would probably be months and if I didn't get it during this year, I can claim it in my tax return NEXT YEAR! I thought we were supposed to get this to help pay for the mortgage, bills, etc... which I am behind on ALL and was counting on this help! I then went on to say... YES, my QUESTION IS... it already got rejected and INSTEAD of it coming in the mail like you just said it would do, it's saying it's going to try to direct deposit to the wrong account AGAIN... So why he said, oh yeah, I don't know, "they'll probably try it a couple more times"... UHH WHAT? You didn't say that would happen when you just CUT ME OFF and said they'd mail me a check?! So he said if you don't get it by this year, you'll have to claim it on your next year's tax return. Then before I could answer, he says "if there's nothing else, have a good evening" and HUNG UP! He didn't even give me a chance to say anything further. THIS IS YOUR JOB to answer phone calls for people with questions. If you're not happy with your job then DON'T WORK IN CUSTOMER SERVICE! Unbelievable, this is the WORST phone call I've had with a business. He didn't listen to my problem at all or answer any questions. He just repeated a couple of lines on a piece of paper and cut me off a couple of times. I guess their answer to ALL stimulus questions is, "Wait until next year before wondering where it went, and you CAN'T rely on Get My Payment, because it's doesn't show actual updates and won't tell you when you're getting your payment because it lies." So even though I was supposed to get my payment on the 17th or March, I guess I'm not allowed to wonder why it's still messing up and where my money is that's supposed to help me NOW during my financial struggles, not next year after I've been kicked out of my place, phones shut off, etc. Sorry for the long review, I really cannot believe that just happened and someone actually did that to a customer! If I could put their customer service to NEGATIVE stars, I would! HORRIBLE!

Worst service ever during the time we need them the most...
You would think your government would make sure your ok in such a pandemic were in now. I get it there busy, but just hired a bunch of ppl just to give you the run around as they been doing. I been filed my taxes since February but still have yet to receive my taxes and my stimulus check and each time I try to call it's either I get transferred and it's silent the whole time even when I say hello no one answer and then after 30 min of being on the phone in silence for 20 min they hang up. When you get transferred if you call the stimulus impact line they're of no help and they transfer you to dale as hear and once again no one answers but the call disconnected. Come on America you wanna be great again but u can't even do this right smh this is America for you, if you not in government you gonna just get the run around bout your own $#*! makes no sense.

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Based on 50 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: The Internal Revenue Service is the nation's tax collection agency and administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress.

Address: 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20224


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