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Reviews Jobs, Resume Jobscan

50 customer reviews of

This put my resume on the top of the pile
The tool is easy to use - paste your resume on one side and the job description your applying to on the other and the tool highlights areas you can improve your chances of getting that call from the potential employees. It looks at length of resume, key words, title, experience, and tells you where to shore up your resume.

GREAT tool. If you're looking for a job you need this.

Jobscan helped me get better results in my job search
Over the course of a 4-5 month period, I submitted well over 100 applications and was averaging about 15% response rate, which was depressing and moral-sapping. I found out about applicant tracking systems and how Jobscan screen for matching keywords from the job description in my resume. No wonder my results were poor, I was not doing any customization at all. I invested in Jobscan and the application helped me customize my resumes and emphasize certain content and de-emphasize other content. I believe this helped me get noticed, land interviews and ultimately get multiple job offers. This is a tool that is reasonably priced and is a wise investment for job seekers in today's intense job market. I would definitely recommend it.

Improve your odds.
I did not keep detailed records of the ratio of interviews to applications, but I am certain that using Jobscan increased the number of interviews that I got. It does not matter that I do not have a specific number because I cannot know which jobs I would have already gotten interviews for without Jobscan. Using the Jobscan approach pushed me to build a custom resume to submit to most of the jobs I applied to. I think the quality over quantity approach to job searching is superior in general. The job that I ended up accepting was with a smaller company that was receiving resume submissions through indeed or zip recruiter, and Jobscan were reviewing the resumes manually, so keyword optimization probably isn't what got me to the top of the stack. Regardless, I will sign up for Jobscan again without hesitation next time I am looking for a job. Not using Jobscan puts you at a disadvantage. Some people mention the cost... my opinion is that the cost is almost nothing when compared to being unemployed or unhappy in a job. When the amount of time that job searching consumes is considered, you want to be using tools to maximize your effectiveness.

Over all a very good experience, but there are workflow...
Over all a very good experience, but there are workflow tweaks that would be 'a better way'
1) being able to link to job posting from the start of the interaction.
2) having a 'base line' resume available
3) being able to search within the resume that you're power editing so as to enable quicker change/revert
4) spell check in the powered mode. (i just figured out I applied to 4 jobs with a misspelling in the first 4 words of the resume)
I'm happy to contribute more ideas, but how about you hire me?

This is a secret weapon!
I was tipped off to this service by a career coach and it made a huge impact on the way I was approaching my application process. I was able to spend time tailoring my resume/cover letter to better match the job description and the scan feature made it a breeze. Definitely opt for the 3 month subscription with the unlimited scans. I probably scanned/updated my resume a hundred times with different tweaks and was able to land a role before I had to pay anything. ;) It's such a valuable service- honestly.

Great resume aid
I used Jobscan constantly to customize my resume for each position I applied to. It was very helpful to see which keywords stood out in the job description. I was then able to tailor my resume in such a way that, while remaining truthful, my past experience included the relevant keywords. It is a great tool to help de-mystify the applicant tracking systems and get the resume past them to a live person.

It works!
I was looking for my first position as a software developer and was having a really hard time getting any sort of initial callbacks or interviews. I found through Reddit and gave it a shot. My success rate for getting an initial interview tripled! In one month I had three interviews, and finally got an offer! Jobscan helped get me through the initial interview process. I can't recommend it enough!

Used for 3 applications, was interviewed for 2 of them, hired at 1! IT WORKS
The title says it all. After many months of job searching and not hearing back from anyone, I learned about Jobscan. I put my resume in, thinking it was a pretty strong resume, just to see a 28% match to the job description. I went to work re-tooling my resume for jobs, taking a quality over quantity approach. It worked! I used Jobscan to apply to 3 jobs. I heard back from two of them, and one of those hired me! Given the fact that, before that, I was using the same resume to apply to hundreds of jobs and not hearing back? That's a great result. I definitely took a second to swallow the cost of the application, but given that I am getting a pretty serious raise with the new job - It's worth it!

Helped me figure out how to navigate ATS's
I used Jobscan Pro throughout my job search to compare the job description to my resume. I really liked that there were in-depth tips based on what kind of ATS some jobs use to parse keywords and save time (always put in the website's link so Jobscan can check!). Now obviously you have to still put in the work and make your resume readable for the real humans who may be looking for them, but this is a wonderful aid! Starting my new job in a week.

Best available, but little competition
While making edits to your resume in Jobscan it will let you copy lines from a Word document and paste into the Jobscan revision, but know that the website reformats the lines you insert and it is a pain to get the format in Jobscan back into the same format as your uploaded resume. It's easier to type in whole line changes than it is to paste from a document from your computer. Jobscan also changes your font when you make edits. If your original uploaded document is in New Times Roman, jobscan will change your edits to another font which you will have to manually correct. Also Jobscan do not have a support phone number. Real time support is not an option.

Totally helpful
Jobscan was incredibly useful in helping me apply for a new job. I am relocating to a new city and applied for 3 jobs in the area. I used Jobscan for 2 of the job applications and got interviews and job offers for both! The only job I did not get an offer from was the one I did not use Jobscan with (because I didn't know about it at the time). My husband told me about the site after he took a mandatory course on finding civilian jobs after getting out of the ARMY. I also appreciated emails that gave tips for building your resume. Will definitely use this again in the future!

Not that helpful
I haven't experienced an uptick in employer responses since I've used the software.

You could try it for free to get a feel for what it takes to improve your job match percentage. All you're doing is inserting the key words into your resume from the job listing, over and over, ad nauseam (if the job description has SaaS referenced 4 times, so must your resume!)

I'd bet a large sum most of the 5 star reviews here are employees of Jobscan. A mediocre product at best...

Legal Recovery Executive (Litigation Section)Chailease...
Legal Recovery Executive (Litigation Section)
Chailease Berjaya Credit Sdn Bhd
MYR 3,500 - MYR 4,500
Posted on 11-Jun-21

Legal Recovery Executive (Litigation Section)
Chailease Berjaya Credit Sdn Bhd

Job Highlights
Attractive Salary Package
Annual Bonus
Benefit (e.g. Clinical, group insurance etc)
Job Description
Job Descriptions:
• Initiate, monitor and/or follow up on litigation proceedings.
• Filing and retention of legal documents.
• Liaise with external lawyers and other relevant authorities on legal and corporate matters.
• Undertake research and prepare legal opinions for the company on matters arising and affecting the company from time to time.
• To provide legal advices and support in legal, operational, contractual, litigations for business operations of the company.
• Reviewing all legal documentation drafted by external party to ensure best interest of the company is protected.
• To work closely with various departments within the Company to ensure compliance with all relevant regulatory matters.
• Candidate must possess minimum qualification of Bachelor Degree in Laws (LLB)
• Relevant working experience in corporate/banking legal matters will be an added advantage
• Pro-active, enthusiastic and self-driven with high level of integrity
• Good organizational skills, highly motivated and result orientated
• Proficiency in English and Bahasa Malaysia
• Preferably Executive specialized in Law/ Legal Services or equivalent.

The Key to Getting a Resume Noticed
A friend shared Jobscan with me a few months ago as I started searching for my next career. I had sent out a couple of resumes to companies with no response. At the time, I wasn't familiar with the ATS system. Once I signed up for JobScan, I ran my resume with a job that I had applied for previously and found the my resume was really lacking! I used PowerEdits and suggestions to rework the resume and resent it to a company that I really had interest in! Almost immediately, I got a positive response and landed an interview! In fact, by using JobScan along with LinkedIn (where I had improved my profile using another JobScan feature!) I have had 3 job offers in the past two months! Amazing! I highly recommend this tool for anyone in the job market!

View your resume with clarity
This is an outstanding service, well worth the cost for unlimited premium scans. The results helped me gain unbiased insight into my resume and reveal the skills and strengths that haven't been adequately revealed to get a strong position match. Your first scan will explain volumes about why you haven't gotten responses in the past. Fast track your next job search. After making the recommended updates from JobScan I had 5 interviews and 2 offers in 48 hours.

Helped me land a dream role!
I am almost certain that Jobscan's resume / cover letter matching feature helped me bypass the unfair and byzantine applicant tracking system to help me land an absolute dream role. I had no direct connection to the company I applied for, barely even second degree connections on LinkedIn, but was able to make it to the top of the pile where my resume was able to shine. I quickly got a call back from the recruiter and after a few interviews had an offer. My recruiter confirmed that my resume made it through the system and was read be her. I'm now a few weeks in and love it. This was even a more challenging position than my previous role!

Before using Jobscan I'd throw my resume around to various job boards and postings on company websites and never hear anything back, despite being almost exactly qualified or even slightly overqualified for some roles. Jobscan is able to help you match word for word what these automated tracking systems are looking for. Trivial differences like "cross-functional" instead of "crossfunctional" or "cross functional" can mean the difference between being seen or being thrown out. Jobscan removes that guess work. Anyone seriously looking for a job should sign up for this platform and put every single resume and cover letter through here before applying. The return on investment is unlike anything else!

Repeated Poor Results Intended To Get You To Buy Service
I've used their free scans to try to improve my resume and can never get it above 76%.

When I analyzed the results, I saw the issues:

1) Their word search does not recognize derivatives (if the firm is looking for "Troubleshoot" and you put "Troubleshooting" it will just ignore it.

2) Job Scan extracts the words from the job description. The description typically uses verbs (candidate must troubleshoot). However, resumes are typically written in adjectives (troubleshooter or troubleshooting). Thus, this compounds the problem with Job Scan not recognizing word derivatives.

3) Job Scan also throws the word "skills" in with many attributes (Management Skills, Organization Skills, Time Management Skills). Thus, when resumes typically just list Management, Organization, Time Management under the common heading of skills, Job Scan will NOT recognize it (unless it has the word skills after each). Such word combinations were NOT in the job description, so this cannot be blamed on extraction.

I listed the name of the major Fortune 20 company that this job was with and was told that Job Scan did not know what ATS that Jobscan were using. I can't believe that the ATS of a Fortune 20 company would be as poor as the one that Job Scan uses (noted above).

To me it is more likely that they want to use their own ATS that seems to be intended to give you low scores in order to bait you into paying for their premium services.

Great Customer Service and Resume Review Services
I used Jobscan at the advice of my career coach at the University of California San Diego Extension and found the services to be very helpful. I received a job offer and didn't need the service anymore. I forgot that I had a subscription until Jobscan emailed me about the bill. I emailed them right away that I would like to cancel my subscription and the support team immediately came back and said they would refund me for the next billing cycle. Good on Jobscan!

A sophisticated tool requiring patience
I used Jobscan for about 8 months to help in my job search. While it is expensive, it was easily the most useful tool I found. After mastering it, I saw a jump in my response rate from submissions from nearly zero to almost 50%.

I develop and produce kids' digital and physical products, an unusual and highly competitive industry. There are few jobs posted, especially at my seniority level, and I'd been looking for a new position for nearly two years, applying at startups and major companies, and was willing to move nearly anywhere in the world for the right position.

Jobscan is not an easy tool to master. On the surface it seems like it's pushing optimization of keywords. While of course that is part of their system, the algorithms really are rewarding a sophisticated mix of what keywords you use, where, and in what context. It isn't enough to just repeat keywords over and over the way some reviewers have suggested; you have to work towards having the position descriptions on your resume align with the job posting in terms of hierarchy and frequency.

I've recommended to a number of colleagues and friends, and while I ultimately got a job within my network, I believe the interviews I got with major companies in my industry, after months of my submissions going into a black hole, were the result of matching my skillset to the language Jobscan were using in their job postings.

The best!
Jobscan helped me immensely. I applied to over 250 jobs over about 2 years and got only one job interview and no offer. I started using Jobscan, applied to only 12 jobs in 3 months and received 5 interviews and landed an awesome job. I cannot thank them enough, this software is incredible and worth every penny. I wish I would have found it sooner and I will definitely use it again in the future if I'm job hunting again. 10/10 recommend.

Poor customer communication and service
I purchased job scan quarterly plan and it was automatically cancelled due to payment issues. Even though my credit card was not expired or any issues with it.

Job scan never sent email or any communication about failed payment to fix issue. Jobscan just simply killed the plan they offered as part of 50% off quarterly plan. I really feel cheated as first 4 month I did not use the service much but when I can to login to site I find that I am no more premium and customer care also simply did not help on the same they just said its my fault to not check emails. Where I did not found any email even in junk emails since my account was expired within 10 days and my junk email also don't delete before 30 days. I will not trust them again as they simply delete my premium without notifying me.

3 Stars at Best
I've only used the unpaid service but the system is so skewed to key words that your resume would hardly make sense. As an experiment, I copy and pasted a job description into a new resume almost word for word - I only scrubbed out the beginning of some sentences like "you should be able to." It scored an 85. That may be the problem of ATS vs. what Jobscan are doing here but it seems myopic in its system of how it reviews resumes. Also, it was removing points because of "non-standard size." I have a 8x11 with 1" margins. I think part of that is skewing scores to push you into purchasing the monthly subscription.

Amazing tool, highly recommend
I used Jobscan to refine my resume, my LinkedIn profile and my cover letter for each and every job application. The tool is excellent at pointing you to specific changes to make to tailor your application material to a given job description. With unlimited scans, this helped improve my odds against the myriad and different ATS screening software tools which different companies use.

A little bit bait and switch
A little bit bait and switch. Just went through the LinkedIn optimization option. Took several steps and took a bit of time to only be given advice on my headline and then have the rest of the information blurred out. Could have given me a little more than that to entice me to purchase. Also, when I clicked to upgrade, I was only presented with monthly options for linkedin optimization. Does that mean if I also wanted premium resume features that would require me to purchase an entirely separate subscription? This is unclear and thus discourages me from making a purchase.

Great tool to tailor your Resume
I have used Jobscan for preparing my CV for applications. The tool is very effective and, with just few little changes, it provides a massive change in the way my applications were perceived/retained by recruiters.
Also, it saved me a great amount of time when tailoring my CV for specific job ads. The scanner tells you which key words to focus on and help you going straight to the point.

I match a job, its what I do
I match a job, its what I do. The system says that I'm a 27% match. There were many words that it has taken out of context that I don't match, so I will agree that 27% of the words match, but this means nothing if I, a human, a human that does this work, match the job. If this is the way of the world and how people get jobs, then I'm done. I quit. I will sit here until I'm ready to die because no one tries anymore.

Great value with immediate feedback
The LinkedIn reviews are the best, very helpful and straight to the point. I love that it can compare how my profile aligns with the jobs I'm willing to apply for. It's 100x more informative than the similar feature that's available for Premium LinkedIn plans.

Jobscan's customer service is very committed to providing excellent customer satisfaction. Jobscan are very kind and supportive.

Lifechanging. Jobhunting will never be the same
What a brilliant piece of software! After countless rejections for jobs, I was told my CV was being filtered out by the ATS. I hired a professional CV writer and had no better success. Using Jobscan for just a week resulted in no instant rejections, and an interview. The interface is very intuitive so can be used easily by anyone. I have recommended this to friends, who have had similar success. Thank you to the Jobscan team.

While signing up for the one month trial, I was told...
While signing up for the one month trial, I was told a temporary hold would be placed on my card. Instead, I see as much as $89 has been charged to my credit card in one go. The amount seems exorbitant, and I wasn't prepared to shell out so much. A free trial is supposed to be a risk free trial of the product, but placing such a big hold seems to defeat the entire purpose of it.

Worth its $$$! Jobscan enabled me to take ownership and pride building my resume not someone else!
Though it took several months to land a job opportunity, Jobscan was instrumental in ensuring key information was in my resume and assisting from a mentor who provided human interaction and feedback to my resume. In addition, I liked the feature where Jobscan identified shortcomings and allowed me to update my resume simultaneously scanning the job description. This enabled me to input real-time modifications to the resume, providing a percentage of what is still needed to meet the recommended 80% ATS probability. Great product, and thank you!

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Jobscan Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Jobscan customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Applicant tracking systems may be all that is standing in the way between you and a job interview. To get past these pesky ATS, your resume needs relevant skills and keywords from each description. That's where Jobscan comes in.

Jobscan scores your resume against any job description and reveals the keywords you should include. It’s an essential free-to-try tool to increase your interview chances in today’s job market.

Visit us at or check out our blog for resources and guides at

Address: 4616 25th Ave. NE #388, 98105


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