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Reviews Reference, Question And Answer JustAnswer

51 customer reviews of

5 Stars... with a qualification
I have used just answer several times. JustAnswer provided very good legal advice from qualified experts regarding landlord tenant disputes, filing dates, and small claims actions for Pima County, Arizona. The expert researched specifically Pima County, since different rules and procedures apply at different Counties throughout the country. The qualification comment is that I had received an "educated guess" person (not from an attorney) on the need to file certified mail return receipt verse US mail.
So make sure you are always dealing with a qualified expert. Not someone who is NOT qualified and will ONLY give you a "educational guess". Just Answer homepage indicates they do background checks on their experts, so make sure you get a qualified individual by asking up front their background and certification, license, degrees, training, etc. etc. Etc.
BUT... overall my experience has been very good when it came to excellent answers, qualified people, promptness in reply, and also immediate customer service and membership response if there were any problems. For that reason the 5 stars review... Combination of qualified experts, accurate responses, fast timely responses, excellent customer service with any problems and excellent membership support.

Pay to talk
While you promote your service by saying talk to professionals one might assume exactly that. You will be speaking with a professional. While that may be true the cost to actually use that option to speak with a professional is quite high so I believe in most cases people reject that option and simply text back and forth until their problems are resolved. Where it might take several texting sessions to solve an issue, speaking with a professional is way more efficient. The professional may take a minute or two to ask specific questions to narrow down the problem and then offer solutions. Problems would be solved faster as verbal communication is always way more effective than trying to come up with the proper words to effectively describe the problem at hand. Maybe you could offer 5 free phone contacts along with unlimited text comments per month for your current monthly fee. I think the professionals would be able to solve problems faster thus giving them the chance to answer more questions resulting in additional income. However, I am very pleased with Just Answer even though I only use the texting option. The professionals have always come through for me giving me the opportunity to accept jobs I might otherwise turn down.

Gave me instructions and peace of mind my dog wasn't going to die
Grayson, a silky terrier, as terriers are wont to do, stalked and killed a lubber grasshopper outside. For those of you who don't know, a lubber is this HUGE grasshopper that's about 4" long, and with its legs out, stretches about 6". (Google it) JustAnswer can't fly, they walk, slowly. He ate it. And about an hour later started to throw up violently, every 2-3 minutes. After give my dog water to keep him hydrated, he continued to throw up and moan. We kenneled him. Kept watching him and he wasn't getting better, in fact, he was throwing up more violently and moaning more. A 24 hour vet is 35 miles away. An email to this site, with symptoms, gave me a choice of chat, reply by email, or a phone call. I opted for phone call because of the symptoms. The vet on call was great and took his time. We went through what I had on hand I had some anti-nausea people med on hand and he calculated what my dog's dosage should be. I ground the pill w a spoon while on speakerphone, put the dosage on my fingertip and rubbed it on the roof on his mouth, since it's absorbed under the tongue for people. The vomiting slowed, then ceased. The vet then gave me instructions for what to look for during the night, what to do, and then gave me instructions for the next day for what to fix and how much and when. I work at home so i didn't have to leave him. He's quiet, drinking water and I'm following directions.

The lubbers are toxic and noxious don't let your dog eat one, is the takeaway.

Money very well spent, a great caring vet who stayed on the phone with me for nearly a half hour, and if the situation had warranted or things got worse would have sent me to the 24 hour vet in a heartbeat and said so.

Thank you so much today is the day after and while he's not hungry yet, I think he's going to be OK. Thank you again!

Scam and Inflexible customer service
So far the worst experience I have ever had with a company. I have never posted a bad review in my life. But JustAnswer is that one scamming company that's taken me there. I'm completely disgusted with this company and would advise anyone who reads this to not use.
I had paid $5 to have one question answered, this was an offer on their website. I got answer from a professional and was billed $5 immediately, as expected. A whole month later, I see new charge on my account, JustAnswer took $46 out of my account without notifications! I immediately called as I was horrified. I was told that this was a membership fee that was coming with the $5 question I had asked a month prior. What?!? At no point they clearly stated I would also be enrolling in such scam. They're offering you the opportunity to pay for a one time question at $5 but on top of that you're paying a secret membership? It makes no sense! Anyone with a brain would then pay for the membership alone and ask as many questions as they'd like. I spent 20 minutes over the phone with the supervisor who was very determined to hold on my $46 as if her life depended on it. They made me want to vomit. They stole my money and never sent me a heads up either.
Gross company, do not recommend. You will be met with nasty surprises like this one.

Far from a positive experience with appliance problem
I did ask a specific model-specific question about a refrigerator, but "experts" should either be able to provide guidance or just admit JustAnswer don't know. Neither of those happened.
The initial answer didn't happen until I called to ask when I would get an answer. The initial didn't say more than could be found from youtube.
After I provided additional information on diagnostic work I had already done to isolate the area where the problem, but the next expert response was to point out that I hadn't tried things the expert suggested - despite already stated were NOT the problem, and further that I hadn't really described the problem.
Things went downhill from there where the expert essentially argued that my refrigerator did not have components that I already described multiple times were in fact there. This was after I gave the out to give up if the answer wasn't known.
Finally, the expert conceded and opened the question to another expert, but this was near the end of the 7-day trial, which at this point would not be continued.
I did get a "good faith" response from customer service apologizing and stating a 2nd expert would review. After some time, there was a response which I didn't know about (no emails like as previously) until it was "closed". The second expert started at the beginning with a generic comment and asking me what I had tried so far. I guess didn't think that as a second opinion that it might be useful to read the first round.
General comment, communicating online or by phone seemed to be a choice. I elected online thinking it would allow the expert to "follow" and digest the provided technical details. In the midst of online communication, there was an option to switch to a phone conversion, but for an additional $24. The $5 trial was a waste, $24 would certainly have been a bigger waste when I had to hang up on the expert in frustration after being told when was in front of my face in the refrigerator wasn't there.

Peace of mind worth the cost
I've had a membership to Justanswer for a little while, i originally tried the site out when i was working on my car and i couldn't find the answer to what i was looking for online elsewhere or in the Haynes manual i was going off of. The help i got from the mechanic was simple, straightforward, fast, and completely resolved the issue i was having.

I decided to opt into the membership because i was doing a bunch of small projects on the car and the mechanic i was talking to gave me step by step breakdowns with just the right mix of technical data and plain language.

I hadn't used the membership for a few months and then this past weekend, i used the mobile application to post a question about the ice maker in my fridge. I got a response literally 5 minutes later, with a couple of suggestions from an appliance technician and a video on how to do what i needed to do. The best thing about it is the issue was solved and now my wife thinks I'm a genius:)

The application makes this service insanely easy to use, you pay a small monthly fee, download the app, and then anytime you need it you have access to a whole set of professionals in whatever field you're looking for. Legal question? There's a lawyer for you. Working on the car and stuck? Take a picture of the issue, add it to the question, BAM! A mechanic who has seen this issue comes back with the solution. It's like having an insurance policy in your pocket, no more searching all over the internet and wondering if you've found the right info, no pain in the butt of making an appointment and taking time off work and driving across town. You just punch everything in, go about your business and BING! You get a notification when someone responds.

I attended a 3 day workshop Realty School out of Utah. The information given was fabulous and very informational. But what went wrong was JustAnswer charged me $5,297 to us their network that was not user friendly to a cell phone or a G-6 sprint phone that I had to retrieve property information from in the field and the network program was flawed to the information I needed to retrieved on a windows 10 computer. When I ask my mentor about the cell phone problem he told me the phone is not compatible to the software and when I purchase my PC the glitches of navigating network still gave me a problem. I felt the school scammed me for the price I paid for Property Farm Network access. The credit card was purchased from a number out of the school book. So I wrote Just AsK paid a small fee to get started with my case and sent a letter to my Dispute Team at the bank. I wrote the bank what my Consumer Protection Lawyer said a breached contract because the contract was signed one date no money was put down and the purchased date was different were I cancelled within 3 business days because the product was flawed to performance paid. Now I have to wait and see if charges will be removed from credit card or they will be contacted by my Consumer Protection Lawyer. Just Ask or you will never know your rights. Della Perkins

Answers that didn't work, "membership" I never asked for
Problems with the airbag wiring system on my Tacoma led me to a technician through this site. The man kept telling me to get a computer code off the truck's system myself by interconnecting two ports with a short wire, when it was showing no fault codes when checked by an actual mechanic with a tool for that job. I was after info regarding the wiring ground location. At any rate, I finally gave up without an answer. Since the card I used to buy what I thought was a one-time trial was subsequently parked in favor of another one, I missed the recurring billing JustAnswer hit me with for five months! Checking their website to see if I could find the part about how I'd signed up for a membership revealed no clear connection. A call to the service number on the billing statement netted me immediate cancellation of the unused service and a refund of one of the five $30 payments they'd hit me for before I noticed. They no doubt know that I never used their service after the initial contact, because of course they pay the experts I would have contacted while "looking for answers". I'd put them in the category of borderline scammers for that reason, and for the murkiness of their "membership" hook. I did visit the FTC's website to lodge my complaint regarding their practice, and would advise anyone with a similar experience to do the same. There are plenty of operators online working this same "membership" scheme to net "money for nothing", and if enough people complain, the government will do what the government does, and they'll be regulated into providing actual service for their billing.

Good idea, Great experts, Shady business
Where do I start?

Hmm... On a positive note: I had a good experience and got good advice from who seems like a reputable expert.

But... everything about how this site conducts its business is shady and short-sighted. I probably won't come back; no repeat business from this diligent consumer!

Here are just a few issues:

Shadiest first - the site gave my expert a 5-star rating, told me that I HAD GIVEN A 5 STAR RATING, and gave no way to change or adjust the rating. No wonder the experts all have 5-stars across the board!

Before engaging the service you can view some sort of profile info about a completely random selection of "experts" but there appears to be no way to see info about the "expert" that is helping you.

They're constantly trying to prod and even TRICK you into signing up for a monthly service when all you want is a single answer.

JustAnswer charge you instantly for any and everything, offering a 30-day refund if you fight it.

I feel like they should wait until you have at least gotten a response before charging since they took the $5 "deposit" for the "appointment". Why ask for a deposit and then immediately charge the remainder? Answer: the deposit is just a fake thing to trick you into thinking there will be a delay before the charge.

Scammers extraordinaire
Avoid at all costs. These people are super shady.

I needed help with a legal question. JustAnswer said - get an answer for just five dollars! So I paid. Then, as soon as you get the answer, they go - SURPRISE! - you were just charged another $31 on top of that, for a total of $36. Ok, whatever, I'll swallow the bait & switch because I need the answer. All the while, they're trying to upsell you - pay this much, pay that much, and I said no to everything. I just wanted my answer.

A week later, I have an additional, unauthorized charge in my account for $46! I contact their customer service via chat and they claim I signed up for a "membership". Not true. I ask for a refund, saying I never authorized this, was not notified in any way, and declined all their extra upsell offers. The person tells me only their supervisor can give me a refund and they are not available. So I try again and pose as a new customer trying to buy something - surprise, the supervisor is available!

I get constant resistance about the refund. "But you signed up for our membership sir!". I say, no I didn't give me a refund. "But life is full of questions, sir!". Give me a refund. "But our service bla bla". Give me a refund. On and on. They eventually offer me a 30% discount if I stay. Give me a refund. And on and on, making it really hard for me to rectify things.

Don't give these people your card. I'm on the lookout now for any future charges they may try to sneak through.

It's a crapshoot
8/25/21 * update* I just cancelled my membership. JustAnswer are not equipped to deal with all the customer service issues that are occurring. Half the problems you can resolve by yourself if you're just given the access online. This just isn't a good time to be using the service. Even though the people are skilled that provide you help, the customer service is just beyond terrible.

You have a 50% chance of getting a good lawyer who will be able to answer your questions accurately and the same chance of getting a counselor who doesn't cut and paste the same answer they give everybody. There are truly compassionate mental health care providers on this site. Just as there are very knowledgeable lawyers. If you find a good counselor or a lawyer only speak to them. You do that by putting their name at the top of the question. For example "for Jane Doe only." Their customer service has some really bad glitches. They outsource and are working from home so the connection is bad. Not all the customer care representative understand your concerns and the language barrier may be at fault. I am staying subscribed to the site because I am getting the assistance I need. Sometimes it takes three tries, but in the end, I am satisfied.

Seems like a bunch of people miss the boat cause they...
Seems like a bunch of people miss the boat cause JustAnswer either don't read the info or just panic when things don't go their own way. I never had a problem and got plenty of very good answers. The bad or not so good answers that I knew were a bunch of bull I got my money back, no problem, just call them and talk to a live person. Don't keep sending worthless emails to a robot.

For Pay-Per-Question Customers, if you do not provide a star rating of 3,4 or 5, and are not satisfied with your experience on JustAnswer for any reason, then as your sole remedy and within thirty (30) days of when you paid to ask your question on JustAnswer, you may request a refund by calling Customer Service (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) at *******220. Please check your My Questions page before requesting a refund to make sure you have viewed the most up-to-date responses to your question. If you have provided a star rating of 3,4 or 5 or more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since your payment, you will not be entitled to a refund.

For Subscription Customers, you may cancel your subscription at any time and request a refund of that period's fee minus any monies already paid to Professionals by contacting Customer Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at *******220.

To cancel a subscription, you may contact Customer Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at *******220, or log into your JustAnswer account

Excellent 'follow through' of problem.
I was recently returning from interstate after a holiday in my Motorhome to Cairns, and after many, many days of travelling in extreme heat, my fridge started to do strange things (lights flashing continually and not saying cold) and as it was over the weekend and no large town nearby, I resorted to the Dometic site on the Internet for a solution.
It was late at night when I made the first approach, and after several 'conversations with a 'robot' who got it all wrong, I was informed I would be 'put through' to a technician. Nothing was forthcoming by midnight, so I went to bed. Next morning, without checking my emails I headed straight home, and due to a Computer Internet 'glitch', it was several days before I could check my emails.
Randall had responded several times with advice and suggestions, but by the time I received the information the problem had resolved itself, and the fridge appeared to be working OK.
I responded to Randall's emails, and thanked him for his attention to my problem, and he responded that should I have further trouble, to contact the Answer site and it would be dealt with under this initial charge.
I also appreciated his friendly remark in the final email, that gave the whole issue a personal touch. Thankyou Randall for great service, Molly

Help when it is needed.
I am retired and living on a fixed income needless to say, I am frugal with my dollars. In the past year, my wife and I both lost our parents. The transfer of estate and dealings with siblings was something I never had to think about. All of a sudden, it was all I have bee thinking about, including many sleepless nights. My wife has one sister, an accountant, who was integral in the transition of their parent's estate and investment stocks. On the other hand, my two brothers and I had equal 1/3 shares of the estate, and did not see eye to eye on the division, use, and sharing of rental properties of the estate left to us. To make things more complicated, my older brother's son, who is a lawyer, decided to squat and live in the main property, which was the most valuable property of the estate. After 18 months of negotiating, we retained legal help, and started ironing out the differences and came to agreements. This only came about because of the advise from lawyers at Our family is back on speaking terms, and even planning vacations together. We are functioning once again and I owe it all to the highly skilled professional advise from JustAnswer quickly answered questions and saved us a lot of time and trouble with extremely timely responses. Thanks again folks at for all that you do.
Steve Ruffino
South Boston, Va.

Doctor Calmed My Fears in Wee Hours
When you awake at 12:15 a.m. with a hard-hitting pain in your chest, you wonder whether the problem is digestive or cardiac. You are pretty sure it's a digestion issue, but what if...?

When you are still awake at 3 a.m. wondering, but cannot leave home because your spouse, who is on Hospice, is soundly sleeping in the next room and you are his caregiver this shift, you want answers and relief!

Your good friend is a Nurse Practitioner, but she's already overworked and under-rested with a full week of long hours ahead of her and it's just Monday.

You google Web M. D. to read about your symptoms and then you realize that for a small amount of money, you can text and "talk" to a medical doctor. Pull out the credit card and call the doctor. A short time later you are describing symptoms, answering questions and getting usable advice that immediately addresses the problem and puts your mind at ease. As an added bonus, the texting doctor asks if you have any concerns at all and assures you this is nothing serious!

Then, you turn over and sleep soundly. No calling your doctor-on-call, no seeking out substitute caregivers, no bothering your friends and family, no waking your loved one with EMS professionals in the house.

Mission accomplished quickly, effectively and privately without having to bother others! We've got this and I am grateful!

Wow I don't understand all these horrible reviews? Ive...
Wow I don't understand all these horrible reviews? Ive had s everal experiences on that site, always with cat vets, and have always been extremely satisfied (though some vets are better than others, I chose mine carefully beforehand based on previous answers to other posters and avoid anyone who gave "generic" type answers or simply sent links to informational websites). I took a subscription for 2 months and there was absolutely no problem when I contacted customer service to cancel.As a matter of fact I had several contacts with their customer service reps via email(because my husband and I had both signed on to ask the same question so ended up with 2 accts and 2 subscriptions... Customer service fixed it all immediately and we were not double charged. I have always found them helpful and pleasant? I really don't understand all these negative reviews and problems people have had, i guess JustAnswer were just unlucky or maybe other services are not as good as the VET question section? I have kept in contact with two of the expert vets and still ask them for help for "off hour "problems or while waiting to get to see my vet.My own family vet has always confirmed the treatment options suggested by the just answer vets so to me that gives them a certain credibility.

Terrible, rude customer service offers a service that sounds really good: connecting people with an expert to answer their questions in one handy site. When I was trying to discover the worth of some items from my aunt's estate, I decided to ask a question. The professional who helped me with my auction questions was somewhat helpful. No real details or guidance beyond what I had not found elsewhere, but maybe that was the nature of the questions I asked.

The problems for me started because I signed up for an introductory month with a plan of cancelling. Life then exploded around us. As most other people, I was dealing with the fallout of COVID and lots of family concerns. I forgot to cancel the first month and for several more months forgot to cancel. I never again used the service and spent about $50 a month on it. This past week I suddenly noticed the charge on my credit card. I then realized I had paid $150 for something I never used.

I contacted to ask for a refund, explaining the situation and that I was having financial hardship. The first response I received from them was hundreds of words of virtually nothing. JustAnswer did not address my question and instead gave me details about the billing. The second email, after I responded and restated my question, was long, rude, and condescending. They lectured me about reading carefully and said, "We wish we could offer a refund but it is clear in the information that we don't do that." It left me with the sense that this happens often and that their business plan includes taking advantage of people who forget to cancel.

I know that I should have canceled and that is my fault., however, could have handled the situation with some level of respectfulness and kindness. They could have said, "We are really sorry about all that you have been going through. We can't offer a refund because doing so is against our policies, but we will look at our billing and see if there are additional ways we can reach out to customers in the future if they are paying for the services they are not using." On the other hand, since I cost them nothing, they could have simply issued a full or partial refund. It would have been the really decent thing to do and it would have encouraged me to do business with them in the future. As it stands now, I will strongly recommend against using their services to anyone who will listen.

Join / Registration Site Information is misleading
I was routed to the JustAnswer site when I was asking a question on a antique I had. The site displayed a $1.00 fee to join. The site also indicated that JustAnswer had a $60 monthly membership fee. I erroneously made the assumption that I had to pay the $1 only to join and would then be given the opportunity to subscribe. WRONG! I was immediately charged the $1 fee to join and the first month membership fee of $60. The have a trial period in their menu option but apparently you still have to pay the $60. I canceled my membership immediately and completed their contact form requesting a refund. I received an email saying my membership was canceled but could ask questions for 30 days. I sent another email indicating what happened and requested a refund. Unfortunately that was NOT going to happen. I saw different comments when researching that they offer a 7 day trial but apparently they do not or, if they do you still get stuck with at least one month payment. I know what the site reflects and it is my error but I think their joining / registration is very misleading. Users should be given the opportunity to select a membership AFTER they join. Do not join on this site unless you fully intend to pay a $60 fee membership fee every month.

Vintage SHERWOOD S-7100A AM/FM Receiver not powering up

I acquired a vintage Sherwood S-7100A AM/FM Receiver at an estate auction. When I tried to turn it on, nothing happened. I replaced the fuse, but still no power. I then started searching the internet for help and found a JustAnswer posting with the same problem. I realized the steps to fix it were beyond my ability, so I paid $5 for 7 days of help. My expert was Louie, and he had the patience of a saint! He was asking very basic questions that I could not answer. So, I chose to use their option to hire an expert ($26) so he could work with me directly and diagnose the problem for me. JustAnswer connected us on the phone and we went to work. He wanted to know if I had a multi-meter, which I did, but did not know how to use. He walked me step-by-step in getting the meter set up. First tested the power at the power cord prongs. The readings were too low, or not giving a steady reading. Then tested the power at the "SWITCHED 100 W" plug. He suggested I clean the power cord prongs which stabilized the readings. With that done, all the readings were then within norms. Plugged it into the power strip, but still did not work. (red face) - oops - no speakers attached and the speaker selector was set to OFF. Once speakers were attached and the speaker selector set to "A" there was music!

Much To My Surprise...
I was skeptical going in. I had serious doubts that for $15 I would actually get a complete and comprehensive answer to my question. I figured at best I'd get an answer that gave me a general idea of whether or not my opinion about my situation was basically right or
Basically wrong but if I really needed an answer I could be completely certain about that I would probably have to bite the bullet and go find a real live attorney that would actually spend time with me to give me clarification on aspects of their original answer that I might not have completely understood.

I couldn't have been more wrong.
The attorney who responded to my question could not have been kinder, more patient, more thorough, or better educated.
Because I'm not an attorney there were things about her original answer that I still wasn't clear about. At the risk of her thinking I must be a complete moron I wrote back and nervously waited for the response where I would be made to feel like an idiot who was wasting her valuable
Time and what world did I live in that I figured for $15 I was entitled to "clarification" of an answer that would only be confusing to an idiot.

Wrong again.
She responded with a detailed, comprehensive clarification of what I was unclear about, complete with a step by step scenario of how my situation would unfold given the legally correct answer.

I asked if she could explain a couple minor things about her scenario which she did without hesitation. When we were done not only was I completely satisfied, I actually felt educated about my situation.

This was arguably the best $15 I've ever spent.

I highly recommend that others take advantage of this awesome site.

I used the site also
I used the site also. The advice was okay. I am in UK
However I too (allegedly) signed up for a subscription even though I remember specifically ticking the box that said I didn't want one. It seems that the site defaults to a subscription and many users don't check their statements, particularly PayPal ones to see what has gone out. It took ages to get the money back.
In all honesty, as JustAnswer are offering unlimited questions for a monthly fee and the expert allegedly gets paid for answering those, it must be relying on slippage, people who ask one question and unwittingly sign up for a subscription otherwise the business would be running at a massive loss instead turning over millions of dollars.
I have looked all over the Internet for advice and the only other site here in the UK is this one which only gives you legal advice. To be honest, I asked a couple of questions in the advice was spot-on. On one of the questions they had no suitable expert and they emailed me and refunded me without me even asking.
Both sites offer 100% satisfaction guarantee but the only one that delivers is Expert Answers.
I fail to see how Just Answer can give 100% satisfaction if they don't give refunds, when asked, four weeks!
In my opinion, Expert Answers is light years ahead.

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Based on 51 reviews from JustAnswer customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: JustAnswer is the largest website where people get answers from Doctors, Lawyers, Mechanics or one of thousands of other Experts one-on-one. Since JustAnswer's inception, millions of people from more than 145 countries have received fast and affordable answers in more than 100 categories.


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