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50 customer reviews of

CONTACT YOUR CREDIT COMPANY IF YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN VICTIMIZED, THIS COMPANY NEEDS TO BE BANNED AS FRAUDULENT. I ordered a pair of shoes from JustFab, totalling $27.90 because the "first purchase is 50% off". I paid it got the shoes, a month later, a saw the charge $39.95, almost double the price of my purchase on my credit bill statement. I called the company to dispute this charge, and JustFab seemed nonchalant and refused to give me a refund or allow me to talk to a manager or any contact person for their head office. They told me the charge was for a MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP FEE--one that IS NOT listed on their website at all, I checked carefully under terms and conditions, and privacy policy--NO WHERE does it claim to charge monthly fees.

The sales person said that when you make your first purchase, you're AUTOMATICALLY signed up for this--now they cannot refund it, but you're free to select another pair of shoes equal to the amount of this "monthly fee". In other words, "we have taken your credit card information, and we are forcing you to purchase our product against your will. We have signed you up automatically for a membership that you were not aware of and the charges of which is NOT stated at all on our website, nor upon your first purchase--but will eventually show up on your bill which we will NOT refund." The sales representative avoided my questions and comments by saying "the reception isn't too good, you're breaking up" and simply ignored me half the time.

I called Visa credit card company after this, and they checked the website confirming the same thing I found, Moreover, the section which allows you to email a complaint DOES NOT WORK if you choose "refunds and returns" as a topic, but all other topics work. Visa told me to cancel my card, wait for a new one, and for me to try getting a refund again with an added threat: that if they refuse to refund this charge, Visa will label this company as fraudulent and no purchase can be made again under Visa for this company. I did as Visa advised, and calling back a second time, received the same recitation--there was not even an ounce of surprise in their tone, they're INTENTIONALLY forcing people to "buy" another pair against your will. Then I told them, "that's fine if you don't want to deal with me, Visa will will label your company as fraudulent and then you won't ever need to give anyone a refund because no one will be able to make any purchase." The response changed to: "It is our policy not to refund, but I will make this one time exception for you". So in 1-2 days I will receive an email confirming a refund, and 3-4 I should be getting my credit back. Visa has asked me to forward them the confirmation email to compile a fraudulent file, and when they amass enough complaints, this company will be listed under FRAUD. Visa also cautioned me that they may not give me the refund, but only pretend they will be, and to make sure I check with Visa in 5 days, after which Visa will credit it back to me and add a ban report regarding JustFab. Friends, shopaholics, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING HERE, and if this happened to you already REPORT IT TO YOUR CREDIT COMPANY OR OTHER VICTIMS WILL BE SCAMMED, but please check your billing statements that this company isn't doing the same to you! NOTE: anyone rating this company 5 stars is PROBABLY FROM JUSTFAB. If you don't want to experience this nightmare, WARN YOUR FRIENDS.

They really aren't that bad
Yes the fine print is really fine. Yes you may sign up for a membership you don't want for shoes that are made cheaper than you normally like to wear. Yes you may have to communicate with someone outside of the country if you are not satisfied. Yes-yes-yes to all of the components that make up the world of online shopping. However, to say that this company is nothing but a scam to get your money is inaccurate. I mean first of all what company doesn't ultimately want your money? But besides that point the information is there if you care to read it. It specifically tells you what you're about to do--but if you are anything like me, you don't care--you are only SHOES--in mind and body--whatever it takes. Then later on, upon a casual reference to your CC statement (because you don't really care if you die in debt)--you see that you have been triple charged for shoes you really didn't even like that much--and when you call to inquire, it is explained that you signed up for a membership that deducts $40 from your account every month unless you skip it. Then--you go to the website--because surely you (being the pillar of wisdom you are) could not have missed such an important message about the future of your financial health--and you dig and dig for a potential error that could cost JustFab thousands--NO--MILLIONS of dollars in false advertising payouts--but alas, you discover it's actually all there in the fine print right in front of you--which you failed to notice the first time. Then--you call them back--and meekly request to cancel (after you've used all of the credits you've accrued over the past few months of course) and JustFab try to talk you out of it... and they're pretty cute about it--but you know what you need to do so you do it. BUT then--your final order doesn't arrive as it should--it was "sent back" for some reason. You panic--you realize that the customer service rep on the phone was right--you SHOULD have waited to cancel, in case issues arise with your final order. You've read all of the negative reviews about JustFab online--you just know getting your money back won't be an easy task. You feel dumb--and pretty apathetic at this point. So when you receive a feedback survey, you decide to call attention to the fact that you didn't receive your order--thinking of course--that it would just fall on deaf ears and you'd never see that that $120 again. But then--you get an email from a customer service rep--letting you know they received your feedback, and asking if you'd like a refund or a reship--and the clouds part. There's someone listening! What a great feeling. What a great thing to know that you're not all alone in online shopping space stomping your cheaply made shoe and hating yourself for being a dummy. And you tell them you want a refund--and they say "Ok--we issued a refund" and the relief washes over you and all is right in the world again.
I see the negative reviews about this site and I can't relate. Honestly. It's so much worse in some cases. This company really seems to have their stuff together. I may rejoin eventually!

I signed up for just fab to get the deal
I signed up for just fab to get the deal
Or whatever didn't know it was gunna be a monthly charge.

Order shoes named BRETT
Okay good
So then on my email that JustFab had send I read it completely
And it doesn't just say 39.95... It says 39.95 PER MONTH

I'm like what the heck?
So I call them that same day after I signed up probably like
2 hours after.
So I said hi there I ordered a pair of shoes so it asked me to sign up
And now I did and I see there is monthly charges

She said oh yeah you get charged 39.95 per month
But don't worry there's no obligation you just press skip the month

I immediately panicked and I said oh that wasn't really what I was meaning to
Sign up for. I must have miss understood

I said so I think
I need to cancel
Order and membership then
And I can resign up later when I get my credit card straightened out

( I just made that excuse)

She said oh you mean you want to cancel membership
I said yes
She said well let me see hold on and I said okay she said
Okay problem solved your member ship is cancelled mam
So I said okay and what about my order...
She said that automatically cancelled as well
I said okay yeah this just isn't for me right at the moment
But I said I will sign up later again when I'm on the right position
Because I like your shoes

She said okay thank you mam

But I had a feeling., it was sketchy

So then I'm like I gotta watch my credit card like a hawk

So I call back like 2 days later
To ask that my order was cancelled because I said
They weren't even the right size anyway also
Cause I said I'm
Buying them for my sister

( that was just another excuse)
This time
It was a guy
He said yes mam your order and membership was cancelled

Now I was like okay thank you

I kept logging into my justfab account to see that the order that said
Pending... Would say cancelled... Kept checking back every few hours and nope still pending

Now a couple days later I get an email saying my shoes were shipped
Call back a couple days later
Speak to someone else ( can't remember)

They said oh yes you made an order of Brett shoes
And they have been shipped

I was furious
I said oh well I just called like 48 hours ago and the person said they were cancelled

And I said let me speak to your manager
They put the manager on
She actually sounds somewhat normal

She said well they have been shipped unfortunately
And you may return them
But your membership has been cancelled and I said okay well I Midas well just keep them and I said I can give them to my sister I guess since there not my size and they've already been shipped.
( even though I did like the shoeS, and they were my size)

So I got the tracking #
And tracked them to my house
They arrive okay in time
And they were the right shoes (Brett) and they
We're the right size and the right color
And they were brand new... Seem pretty good and nice

At least I'm proud of the shoe!
That's the first good thing so far
So I'm not as worries about it being a scam cause at
Least the shoe made me happy

But I didn't want the next month shoes
So I immediately pressed skip the month

Then so i call back a while later
And say hi just calling to say I received my shoes and
I'm just wondering about my membership and how this works
If its cancelled or not
I preteneded i received my shoes and that i loved them
And so now i ask if i want to order another pair with my membership
Next month... how does this work?
Cause im playing stupid to see if they know for sure or not if my membership
Is cancelled or not...
They said yes. Oh but it looks like your member ship has been cancelled
And if you want to order another pair of shoes you need to call us back to re subscribe
So I said yes okay I plan on doing that in a couple months
Okay then. Thank you

So now I just tested them
And they knew that my membership has been cancelled

And right now it's the 31 of aug and my account says skipped
Still from
Last month so
And tomorrow is the 1ST so tomorrow is when it resets

So I'm gunna log in tomorrow morning when it resets
And see what it says

Assuming it will say here's your September botique

And now I'm in limbo if right now I want to skip the month
Or if I want to buy another pair of shoes so

Oh also when I talked to someone there
One of the times i called she promised she would skip the next
3 months for me
So I can decide to buy shoes
So that means the next time I can buy shoes would be

So I will also see if that's true

So there's a few possibilities

I'm assuming my membership didn't end up being cancelled
But I dunno yet
That's possibility 1 that its cancelled

Posibility 2 is that tomorrow the account renews
For sept and they say pick ur shoes by the 5
So then I will just buy new shoes I guess again

Or possibility 3 is that the first 3 months did automatically end up being
Skipped and it will say ur sept botique has been skipped
Like they said they did...

Then I better not be charged

Also I haven't figured out yet that when I skip if I still
Get charged with the credit anyway
Or if I skip the month then it's like zero charges till next month

Because if I skip this month again

Then I still get 39.95 banked into my account

Then I Midas well have bought shoes anyway
So I'll just use the credit and then that's when I will
Realize that obviously it's not possible to even cancel this

Urgg... I'm in limbo

I have never done online subscription before.

I told my husband finuslly
He said why are you worried about it
Just let then charge us and order a pair of shoes each month

Okay but that's not the point...

Like I hate auto charges
I can't even stand the fact of being tied into something

But the bright side is

It's a 39.95 pair if shoes per month

Not a 39.95 magazine subscription or something

So if anyone has a similar problem
Speak it to help others

Besides I guess another bright side is
I don't mind receiving a new pair of shoes each month

That's 12 pairs a year
That's a lot lol
But it's also almost 500$ too

But 500$ for 12 pairs of shoes or boots
Is better then 150$-200$ for a pair of one boots at the store

I don't mind getting 12 pairs of shoes per year I guess

I just don't want any hidden charges and I want to be able to
Skip when I want to

And also be able to use my credit which I haven't got to that
Point yet

But since I'm home this month and got a little $$ I might just order another pair by the

So I'm on the edge about this website

But I don't like being trapped

And I didn't like the way the reacted on the phone to
Dealing with these problems
As I said I called many times

I was so mad I even called a couples times per day
At one time
Just to bug them to keep them to understand that I needed it to be cancelled so

We will soon see what arrisses out of this

I cannot keep stressing about this anyway

Please share your stories to help others.

Just don't do it
First of all. Everyone complaining that JustFab don't tell you that you automatically signed up to have your account charged 39.95 a month once you make a purchase unless you "skip" the month and that its called the vip membership... I'm sorry but you clearly didn't look around or read much. It says it multiple times across their website and on your way to check out. It's not a scam just read before you proceed. I don't want to defend them to much because what I went through I don't think was so much legal on their part.

Four years ago I made a purchase and was full aware of the whole VIP membership. It just so happens the same month I made my purchase my bank card expired. When I realized I forgot to skip the next month and saw there was no charge from them I remembered my card expired and they couldn't charge it because it was expired. I thought that's fine I probably shouldn't spend the money anyway.

Fast forward to two months ago... My account went into the red. (We are on a tight budget and our money is very well planned out) I didn't know why. When I looked I saw a charge from them. I went to their site and looked at my account and they still had my EXPIRED card on file. I looked at my "credits" and I had one. I called them right away and told them I wanted a refund because that charge was not authorized by any means and it simply shouldn't have happened. She told me I needed to skip the month and I explained it shouldn't have charged because that card is expired. I got the "one time refund" (as she put it) and it was fine. I tried to ale my card info out but it will NOT let you without putting a new card in to replace the info. So I left it be.

Today I realized it was a new month and something told me to look to see if they charged me again. And they did! I called them immediately again and told them I wanted my money back and my VIP membership cancelled. She told me I had to skip the month if I didn't want to be charged. I told her I don't care if I didn't skip the month, it's not even legal to be charging that card because it's expired. She told me it would be refunded and my account would be canceled. After reading many comments about not getting the refund I will be watching. I have gotten the emails that confirm the refund and the cancellation.

I had never made a purchase after my first because the shoe looked different from the pic. Instead of a clearly white stripe from the toe to the heel (which the picture showed) my shoes have a silver stripe. I didn't complain because I thought the silver looked better anyway. After wearing them ONE time I had to walk across pebbles and the pebbles actually put HOLES in the soles of the shoe. And many pebbles got stuck in the shoe. The quality just seemed really crappy. I was disappointed with that.

I wish there was a zero because really the company...
I wish there was a zero because really the company does not even deserve a one! First things first I had no clue that JustFab would take 39.95 fee every month unless you get online and skip a month until I went to work and was telling a colleague about the site and how wonderful I THOUGHT They were, she then informed me about her terrible experience and how they charge you ever month! So I called up to customer service there at jusfab about canceling my account and the rep was very prosistant about keeping my VIP membership gave me 2,000 points to my account and a 20% discount on my next purchase, and also informed me how to skip the month before the 5th day of the month to stop any charges from coming out of the bank account on file. So for the next few months I skipped the months, then come February, 2015 I forgot to skip the month, so I tryed to call customer service to cancel my account because I never really found anything that caught my eye after the first purchase and I just really wasn't interested in buying anything else from the site... so I'm calling customer service and stay on hold for 3 HOURS & 23 minutes not talking to a customer service rep once! I kept my phone on speaker through cooking dinner, eating dinner, doing homework with my child, and then putting my kids in the baths and ready for bed until I finally gave up! And keep in mind I called around 5pm eastern time and this company claims to be 24/7 call anytime! I couldn't believe it. Tonight 2/14/15 I call the company at 11:45pm eastern time and I get a rep in less them 10 minutes? So I tell her I would like my money back in my bank and to cancel my account and the JusFab rep try's to inform me that only VIP members could have there money credited back to there account and that's when I blew up I said lady as of right now I am a VIP member am I not? And she replies yes ma'am you are! And I say so credit the damn money back into my bank and cancel my account! And she tryes again to tell me she could not then I asked to speak to a supervisor, so she places me on hold for about 30 seconds and comes back on the line to say her manager was busy and could not take my phone call but he gave her then thumbs up to credit my money back into my bank and cancel my account and in less then another 2minutes she has it canceled and a cancelation confirmation code and is off the line. And over roll rating of the worst head ache I've gotten from any company in my life they are a joke and a rip off! And I wouldn't recommend someone I didn't like to there company!

I would rather pay full price at a store
Previously, I described JustFab as cheap material but fashionable shoes, but sometimes the sizing can be off. I purchased two new pairs of boots (the same ones just different colors because I felt JustFab were too cute to pass up). Anyway, I spent about $50 for two pairs, and the standard shipping. They came fast and they lived up to make expectations on how they would look. I got loads of compliments and a bunch of questions asking where I got them. However, It has been a few months since then and I haven't worn the other pair yet but with the current pair I wear, I have experienced issues. The bottom of the shoe is ripping (like my previous review stated) but also the cushion on the inside of the shoe went away quite quickly, leaving little to no support at all. I have had that (the lack of cushions) happen to some other boots in the past, not just from JustFab so it could be a common thing that happens regarding boots like these. $50 for two pairs of boots is an outstanding price to me, but not if the shoe won't last more than a few months. I have owned boots that have last me years before any real problems so to only have them for a few months is upsetting.

I think if the price is right and you don't care that they won't last then I say absolutely go for it. However, if you want good quality (not saying ALL of their shoes are bad, their sandals have lasted for me) I would say you are better off going to an actual store when you can try on, feel them, and see the material, feel the inserts, etc.


****I have decided to give this company another shot as it has been a few years since I have used them - I ordered two pairs of boots that are super cute! I ordered them yesterday and they already shipped this morning :) I will re-write my review once I have had the chance to wear them around a little bit****

I don't hate this company, I think they have a good concept, but I just wish it was better.

First impressions - excited, couldn't be more thrilled with how inexpensive everything was, who doesn't want shoes delivered directly to their door? I mean right?

However, you need to make sure that you read, read, read their fine print. You will be charged after the 5th day of each month IF you do not log in and "skip this month". I never had an issue with this, as I did read the fine print and always skipped the month.

When I first signed up it was mid-fall so I order three pairs of boots. When they arrived they were wrapped well and super cute and I couldn't have been more pleased! The best part yet, they ALL fit!.

However, 2 months into wearing them, they fell apart :( I am talking, holes on the sides, the bottom was ripping off, and towards the front of the shoe was split on the bottom. I was very unhappy, especially since I didn't get much wear out of them. This happened to two of the three pairs that I purchased. The third pair is still sitting in my closet, never worn, and I ordered them almost two years ago.

Another problem I encountered with is that you can NOT cancel your membership online, you can only do it on the phone. For me it was excruciating. I say this because, not only was I on hold for a long time but when I finally got to speak to a representative they kept trying to talk me into keeping your membership until I finally had enough and yelled that I was canceling because their products suck. I do not like being hostile, but I also don't like being pressured. After that, the representative quickly canceled my membership and wished me a great day.

I opted to not give a one star because shipping was fast and easy. The product did arrive and I did get to wear them for at least two months.

I also gave them a second chance in the spring/fall and purchased some cute sandals. I have not worn them a whole lot but so far they have survived an entire year, but one sandal was a tad too big.

Doesn't get any worse than this. Stay away!
This is a scam, do NOT give them your credit card information! I feel SO BAD that I even gave them my email to start out with. JustFab will likely sell it on the dark web to other scammers and I expect to get harassed by them now. I might change my email. I signed up and was about to order the cutest shoes they have on the site (which were still slightly ugly as Hell) but was tipped off by the fact that you sign up for a membership and get charged monthly and the fact that you can only cancel over the phone. I thought to myself this could be a bad situation if they're hard to reach. A reputable company would provide as many options for reaching out to them as possible and quick responses because they have nothing to hide. These scammers don't even have an email. Luckily I realized something was fishy before purchasing. I'm so grateful for these reviews and this website. They stopped me before I gave them my credit card information. I'm sure JustFab employees make new profiles on this site everyday and write their lies of stunning reviews, because I don't believe happy customers of their site can exist after all the horror story reviews I've read. I've been listening to a podcast called "The Perfect Scam" that shares awareness about scammers today and this JustFab website deserves it's own episode on that show being exposed for the scam they are.

This experience has taught me not to trust youtube ads anymore. They must just let anyone who pays them money to advertise whatever they want. Even if it's hurting people, greedy people!

Something my mom always taught me was that if something seems too good to be true question it, because it likely is. Thank goodness for the internet where people can warn and be warned, this is a great website for doing that. There are horrible people in this world and they clearly run this fake "company" I'm so grateful that they had hideous ugly products that look majorly cheap even in the pictures or I might have fallen for their trap. Nothings worse than lying to people, stealing from them, giving false hope, scamming them and to boot they have terrible taste in clothing haha it's all VERY ugly! I might even write a letter to youtube in utter disgust that they would advertise this to me on there. They've lost my trust for supporting these thieves.

Worst Clothes and Shoes I Have Ever Brought
***If you are disappointment with JustFab, but can't cancel your account because you still have credits left and don't know where to spend, plz read through this post! I'm finally done with this horrible site and feeling so relived.***

Yeah, I felt so shame on myself for buying from this site and constantly forgot to click "skip this month" button, resulting a $40 charge on my credit card each month. Because of my existing "credits", I didn't cancel my membership until today and had to spend lots of time finding patchy ones (which are relatively nice looking but still made in extremely horrible quality) among all those $#*!ty things. All my friends are barely able to walk in those shoes. No one can't tell that those clothes are jerry-built with inferior fabrics, and JustFab all ruin after one or two laundry. Most accessories are born to look cheap. Every product from this site all has a strong chemical odor that you may never have encountered in your entire online-shopping life, even not in your chemistry class. Not to mention the delivery that always takes forever.

Given all unbearable facts mentioned above, this site is extremely over-priced. I suspect that all positive comments under every product are either faked or paid. Trust me, you can always spend your $39.95 at an affordable fast-fashion brand and get three 10x well-made and good-looking pieces on sale. I'm super busy recently, otherwise I would definitely ask my friends in law to sue JustFab for false advertising.

Okay, so how should we spend our left credits to minimize the harm on our mental health? I recommend to buy things that you may only wear for photo shooting during vacation, so you would care less about its quality. I brought some pieces for beach time, among which a huge hat and a pair of slippers are relatively acceptable. At that point, I really just have no choice but to overpay "JustBad", spend all my credits at once, and cancel my account right after receiving my package (yes, cancel it asap before you forget again).

Hope that everyone would never have such a horrible online shopping experience again. Thanks for reading my first post provoked by anger. It's now time to calm down and finish my final papers due in 12 hrs.

How I got ALL of my money back from JustFab
How I got ALL of my money back from JustFab
I was in the same situation, but successfully managed to get back the full amount of £420. I did this by sending 3 emails. I sent one to Paypal telling them that I did not consent to these fraudulent transactions, and two to Justfab. Please find the emails I sent below and feel free to use them as templates. This company is devious and what JustFab are doing to 1000's of people is outrageous.
Hi Paypal
I purchased some shoes from the above trader (JustFab) last 21 July 2013. I checked my online banking account today and noticed that JustFab have been taking £35 per month out of my account since then (total £420).
I have spoken to JustFab and they are insisting that I am a member of a "VIP" Club which costs £35 per month to be a member of. I dispute their claim, I never agreed to be a member of their VIP Club. I spoke to ** first, then a lady called "**" whose email address is ** and asked them why I have never received any confirmation informing me that I am a member of a scheme, either through email or post. ** said that they didn't have my correct email address but on checking my emails I found that they do have my correct email address and have been sending me regular offers and junkmail since 9/12/2013 but no mention of me being part of a scheme against my will, or giving me the opportunity to opt out. ** also lied about the amount of money they had taken from my account, she said it was only £385 not £420. She also apologised and said they would refund me £210 but that I would have to accept the rest of the money they had stolen from me in the form of shoes or clothing! The facts are, that I did not agree to these transactions, there was no credit agreement signed or in place, no confirmation that they were going to take the money. No cooling off period. No goods received for the money they have taken. The fact that they have offered to pay half of the money back and the other half in goods is an admission of guilt and I think this company is dishonest and devious. I have spoken to my bank and they have launched an investigation. I have also reported this matter to the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and Trading Standards. I am also considering reporting this issue to the Police and the FSA. Please refund this money ASAP and seriously consider any dealings you may have with this company in the future.
Kind regards

Hi "**"
As requested please find below the unique Paypal numbers for each of the12 unauthorised transactions.
And to confirm the conversation we had today - I purchased some shoes from your company last 21 July 2013. I checked my online banking account today and noticed that JustFab have been taking £35 per month out of my account since then (total £420).
I spoke to you today and you insist that I am a member of a "VIP" Club which costs £35 per month to be a member of. I dispute your claim, I never agreed to be a member of your VIP Club. I spoke to ** first, then you "**" (email address ** and asked why I have never received any confirmation informing me that I am a member of a scheme, either through email or post. You said that JustFab didn't have my correct email address but on checking my emails I found that you do indeed have my correct email address, and have been sending me regular offers and junk mail since 9/12/2013 (I have received 8 junk mails from you since the 11/07!). But no mention of me being part of a scheme against my will, or giving me the opportunity to opt out. You also misinformed me about the amount of money you had taken from my account, you said it was only £385 not £420 (as you can see from the below references you have stolen 12 payments from my account including this month on July 7th). You said that your company would refund me £210 but that I would have to accept the rest of the money you had stolen from me in the form of shoes or clothing.
These are the facts,
1. I did not agree to become a member of your "club", or for this money to be taken, and no written confirmation was sent or received (contrary to FSA rules and regulations)
2. There was no credit agreement signed or in place (contrary to FSA rules and regulations).
3. No written confirmation that JustFab were going to take any payments (contrary to FSA rules and regulations).
4. No cooling off period (contrary to FSA rules and regulations)
5. No goods or services were received for the money you have taken.
6. The fact that you have offered to pay half of the money back, and the other half in goods, is an admission of guilt and I think your company is dishonest and devious.

I have spoken to my bank and Paypal, and both have launched an investigation. I have also reported this matter to the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and Trading Standards. I am also considering reporting this issue to the Police and the FSA. Please refund all of this money ASAP so I do not need to escalate this matter any further (I will not hesitate to take you to the Small Claims Court and publicise this matter in national/local press, and social media like Facebook and Twitter)

August 13/2013 4UV86017
September 6/2013 332PX888501U
October 9/*******87515327
November 7/2013 56X426852230
December 9/2013 9PA150411
January 8/2014 697FL299161E
February 6/2014 3YF6896045L
March 11/*******600234
April 7/2014 895X9850210F
May 8/2014 66TF819104X
June 10/2014 1GR0463143
July 7/*******305346... ‡ TOTAL £420.00
Please respond to this email within 7 days.

Kind regards

Hi **
Thank you for your reply.

Your whole business model is centred around this underhand and devious sales tactic. If you are indeed striving to be as transparent as possible why is there no mention of this scam on your Home page? It is only mentioned on one page of the checkout procedure, and by this point the shopper has no intention of entering into any kind of long term relationship with you, so they are not interested in reading your extensive list of T&Cs, they just want to pay for their purchase and get on with their lives. But you at JustFab know this, which is why you are turning over so much money. You boast of 1000's of members, but how many of these people know they are members! There are literally 1000's of people on the internet all complaining about your deceptive procedures, and whole forums dedicated to people complaining about JustFab.
So please stop pretending that this situation is born from my inability to grasp your honest and transparent business model, we both know that JustFab is masquerading as another online shoe and clothing retailer, but is really a shoe of the month scheme operating in a devious way to trap people into a long term financial commitment they know nothing about.
I don't think anyone who looks for your website types into google "justfab shoe of the month scheme"!
Any long term financial commitment needs to be covered in the UK by the Consumer Credit Act, you have not adhered to this legislation. I notice that in Germany where consumer protection is more stringent, that your website is indeed honest and transparent, but you probably don't make as much profit over there as a result.
My advice to you is to completely rethink your business ethics and sales strategy. Stop tricking people out of their hard earned cash and start being honest with your customers. If you do this, you will spend less time dealing with angry people asking for refunds and more time taking orders, and repeat orders.

Yes I can confirm that I have settled a chargeback from Paypal for all credits dating from 13th August 2013 up until 7th July 2014.
Total chargebacks 12@£35
Total £420

I hope this helps. My bank were also in the process of getting my money back but Paypal did it on the day I contacted them! So do not put up with this company's awful and dishonest antics, they are scum.
**[personal info redacted by admin]

Completely Dissatisfied Customer Experience with Representatives
I wouldn't call this place a total scam because I did get the first couple of products I bought within the time frame that I was looking to spend here, JustFab do look exactly as they did online, and the quality of the product seems fine so far... but just make sure to cancel with your actual financial institution and don't trust them to do it for you unless you'd like a surprise withdrawal that month or the following month.
I clicked to cancel the auto-monthly payment for VIP membership on 10/1/16, yet I was still charged for the credit to my account on 10/5/16. After this sort of experience, I went ahead and called to cancel the membership as I obviously couldn't trust the site to do it for me. First, the chat representative would not listen to my concern and instead tried to inform me that I could skip the monthly credit each month before the 5th. When I tried to explain that that's what I'd already done on the 1st, the agent condescendingly stated, "Well that's not what we see here since you're contacting us today after your payment went through." So I immediately ended the chat and picked up the phone to call to cancel. I reached a woman named Cynthia who didn't sound too enthused about her job and asked that my membership be canceled as I wasn't ready for the payment to go through in Oct since I'd originally clicked to cancel for that month. She stated that the VIP membership was canceled successfully and that I would not be charged again. Now we're at 11/7/16 and I see a payment was just authorized for JustFab once again! I didn't think I'd have to bother going to the site to cancel this month since I'd received an email stating IT WAS CANCELED...
I tried calling again just a moment ago and reached a rep named Christina. I'd again asked for the membership to be canceled as I was definitely not expecting the payment this month and explained that I'd already been through this before. She supposedly completed my request and asked if I needed anything further, to which I requested her stay on the line until I received the email notification of the cancellation... an easy enough request... BUT SHE HUNG UP. I too work at a support company where "calls are monitored," but we actually have service request numbers that we provide our customers for when a customer hangs up or the call drops... that way we can reach out to the customer again, or they can pick up where they left off if they decide to end the call.
I seriously doubt the calls here are monitored/recorded since they request no such information as your name or phone number. I still have not received any email indicating the membership was canceled and just finished contacting my financial institution to request a chargeback for the disputed transaction. I should be getting my money back in the next 72 hours at least... but what HORRIBLE customer service.

They stole hundreds of $ from me- after I had been a loyal customer for years!
I signed up for JF years ago when JustFab started.
I loved the business model- monthly enrollment, ability to skip, items tailored to me, etc.

I have pretty much always been happy, if not impressed, with the quality of the items.

I always had a positive experience with customer service reps-- even though I found it a bit outdated that I had to call for certain things, and hold times can sometimes be cumbersome.

Over the years I have had a few returns for refund or credit and those went smoothly...

Until recently.

Just before my summer vacation I made two big purchases with JF within days of each other which totals over $1,000.00.
I felt comfortable offering this amount of business, because I felt they had demonstrated good business practices over all the years that I had loyally shopped them.

When I received my items, I was unhappy with over half of the purchases:

Some of the items came in the wrong size or color (which has happened before, bit they always apologized and fixed the issue)

Some of the items looked or felt cheap (there is always that risk when buying online, but again, they had always offered a refund or exchange in a situation like this)

Some of the items didn't fit my body the way I would like ( understandable - not everything a woman tries on is going to feel flattering... But, I had never had a problem returning anything for this reason before).

So, I contacted them right away to get the refund and exchange process started.
Briefly, here are the issues that I have experienced since:

They told me I am only able to return six items per month- regardless of how many items I have purchased.
When I pointed out that none of the first e print anywhere states this, I was passed a for weeks to different reps, still not getting an answer.

Next they tell me that I can return as many items as I want- but ONLY three at a time.
I told them this was unacceptable because the policy does not state that, and I don't have time to be sorting and packaging, printing labels, a d shipping boxes for weeks on end--- and so I asked for a supervisor -- Again.

They tell me - AGAIN- that a supervisor will call me within 48 hours.
A week and a half goes by with no call.

I call again- keep in mind that at this point my hold time averages about an hour per each call.
I get the manager on the phone, explain everything - they apologize a d tell me that I can go ahead and send in all the items I want to return at the same time. And they pass me back to a service Rep to send me the two order RMAs.

Now the Rep tells me to go over each item for return so she can put it on the RMA.
About five items in and she stops me, saying she cannot make an RMA with more than 7 items.

So, we set up the RMA for the smaller order out of the two- she tells me to call back after she speaks to management about how to handle the rest.

The return they processed was received, and they issued a refund. But when I check my account- they only gave me HALF of the amount owed.
After many many calls, and weeks longer- they finally completed the refund, reimbursing my money.

In the mean time- weeks of back and forth phone calls we're taking place regarding the other, larger order.
They eventually sent me an RMA with only a couple items listed, but tell me to send everything - no matter how many items, back under this RMA. They say that the warehouse will sort it and let them know how many items to refund.

So, I send the returns back, and a couple weeks go by with no refund to my account.

More calls and back and forth - each time I call they say that "oh sorry- our mistake, this should have been refunded because we got your items weeks ago. Ill refund it now, please give up to a week to see it in your account".

The problem is- that each time they say that-- the refund never comes!
In addition, they aren't even giving me credit for all of the items! Since they refused to generate an RMA which detailed each item specifically - I have no way to prove what all I sent back, except for my records, so basically my word against theirs.

The BIGGEST issue is that even though they are screwing me on a handful of items- they still haven't refunded the amount which we agree they owe!

This has been months of back and forth and 1-2 hour conversation and hold times, promises that I will get a call back but it never happens, promises that I will have a refund in a week and yet it never comes!

I am completely disgusting with the fact that they have STOLEN all this money.
Its ridiculous.

I could have done a charge back long ago- but I wanted to keep my JF service- even after all this. I had faith that they would fix it and we could continue to do business together.

At this point, they have so burned the relationship that not only will I NEVER order from them again, but I will never WEAR any of the products I have purchased over the years. I refuse to be a billboard for a company who operates as a shady thief!

JustFab, I am canceling my fabletics, just Fab for kids, and my regular account.
Enjoy those few hundred dollars you got from me- because you will NEVER see another dime of my money.

You are a garbage company with criminal practices - you could have continued to make money from me as a patron - but instead you acted criminally and robbed me instead.

I will tell every woman I know about you unethical behavior.

Bad Buisness
So last night i decided i needed a head start on my boots/shoes for the fall. Was on facebook and seen justfab pop up. Went through the entire process, ordered 6 pairs of shoes, signed up to be a member and paid for my order. My order total last night was $124.00 because i became a member (fully aware of the monthly charge to be a member), however this morning my bank was charges $347.00 (the non-member cost). I woke up this morning with an email stating i cancelled my membership. Confused... i called justfab and was informed that because i put a different shipping address (my work) then my billing address (my home) my account was under "suspicious review" because the addresses did match! WHAT?!? I did not want 6 pairs of shoes sitting on my un-covered porch all day, so that's why i shipped them to my work to avoid this. The first person i talked to couldn't give me more details as to why i was under a review or answer any questions, and the manager he sent me to just kept saying... "well have an answer in 24-48 hours"... an answer to what? Is it not common for people to ship to a different address when JustFab work all day and don't want packages sitting on their porch? Either way... why not call me to discuss why the addresses were different and let me explain, instead of cancelling my membership and charging me full price for the shoes, and on top of it... i have to see for myself something went wrong and call myself to find out why i was charged full price and the membership was cancelled. This is completely stupid for Justfab to do without notifying the person who agreed to their membership and placed a pretty big order. Neither the people i talked to were helpful or could answer any questions i had about what the issue was. Just kept saying "24-48 hours we will have an answer". You know what JUSTFAB... keep your membership and your shoes cause the way you do business is very shaddy and believe me... its common for people to ship to a different address then their billing address. Ill go but the 6 pairs of shoes somewhere else! Definitely don't recommend becoming a member or even purchasing shoes from here... pretty disappointed in the way my situation was handled and the "customer service" i received.

Blamed for their mistakes and paid for it with my time & money
Over the course of being a member, I have been to the post office many times to return items because their sizing is not consistent at all. I eventually cancelled my membership and was reeled back in with a tempting discount for a free pair of shoes.

After signing up again, I received my free pair of shoes, which didn't fit. I wasn't surprised. After finally receiving the new pair JustFab are very cheap and not worth the original price of $62.95.

I was told that I would also be receiving refunds for multiple orders, even a refund for one that was a store credit. This I was promised over the phone. The refund was never applied and when I called I was told that I would now not be receiving a refund and that I would have to use the store credit.

I complied and placed an order. Their website did not apply the store credit and charged me in full to my credit card, so I immediately called and spoke to an agent who VOCALLY CONFIRMED that he had just cancelled the order and placed a new one, charging my credit card again with the store credit applied. I never received a refund for my first order and when I called I was told that it is my responsibility to wait for the package to come in and to return it to receive a full refund.

I had been lied to twice now. Once when I was told I would be receiving a refund (I received a credit instead), and another when I was confirmed with that my order that I had just placed was cancelled.

I also asked for an email to write a formal complaint and was told to call the same number and speak to the same agents who would not help me. I had to search for this email myself (they never replied).

After using more of my time to ship the product back for my refund, I called to make sure and I was told that I would be receiving a partial refund because they don't pay for shipping or taxes. I was also told that I should have checked my email to confirm that my order was indeed cancelled, and that it's my fault for not checking myself. So apparently a vocal confirmation is not enough and agents can just lie whenever they feel the need to. Juan, who did not take my issue seriously at all continued to tell me that it was my fault and that I would not be receiving my refund. I paid for their mistakes with my hard earned money and my time. I am livid. The unprofessionalism is dumbfounding. Any other company would immediately apologize and give me my refund, but not here. They instead over-price their $#*!ty products and then make their customers pay for all of their mistakes.

I had been very patient and polite up until speaking with Juan, because he seemed to be speaking in a sarcastic tone. I have been lied to and promised things and have been forced to choose another product to use my store credit when I don't even want anything anymore because it is cheaply made and inconsistent with sizes, and then my money was taken from me and I had to pay for their mistakes.

They treat their customers absolutely awful and act like robots who cannot deal with another human being. I even heard the way Juan talk to his associates in the background of the phone and it wasn't pleasant.

Never going back and I truly hope this company comes to an end.

EDIT: Also beware of their bull$#*! that they try to pull on you. They tried to tell me once that they weren't able to send me a return label because I'm in Canada. When I called her out on her bull$#*! she was suddenly able to. They also told me that I can generate my own return label over the website; surprise surprise, you can't.

I wish I could give this company zero stars I've just been on hold on the phone to them for over an hour trying to cancel my account as I didn't realise that when I went through as a VIP member that JustFab charge you £35 to your account every month. They do not tell you this when you are signing up you only realise it when you look into your bank and see that they have taken your money and when you phone them they do everything in their power to make sure that you do not cancel your membership and you do not get a refund. I was told by my advisor the refunds weren't possible as it had already been converted into credit for my Account and when I asked multiple times for a refund I was refused and said that it was not possible. It was only when I asked to speak to someone higher and request a refund that I was told that a refund was possible. They will do everything they can to make sure you don't cancel your account and that you don't get a refund do not except this keep going until you get your refund. I could understand if the company had said during checkout as a VIP member that you would be charged £35 each month however when you check out to shop they do not tell you this they do not tell you that you'll be charged at £35 each month and don't tell you that you've signed up for this it's only when you find out a month later check your bank statements and realise £35 has gone missing that you have to look it up on their website and realise that you've been scammed.

Definitely do not purchase from here and if you do make sure that you check out as a guest and pay full price rather than the VIP membership price as this will stop you from getting this £35 charge to your card each month. I understand that on the phone these people are told to do whatever they can to keep you as a member and they are only doing their job however when I was refused a refund for times that was not just doing their job, that was unnecessary. I can see why people would automatically think that you can't get a refund please do not be swayed by this and asked to speak to someone higher than them to get a refund and then they will automatically give up and tell you that a refund is possible.

This website uses a membership system, and you have...
This website uses a membership system, and you have until the 5th of every month to skip making a purchase that month. If not your card will be charged $39.99 that you can use as store credit. While that was made very clear to me it's still shady. First of all if you're advertising shoes at the prices JustFab is, your target consumer is those of us that don't make a ton of money, and a $40 hit to the bank account can cause problems, financial uncomfort until that next paycheck. Furthermore JustFab doesn't mention anything about how you are required to sign up for this membership in order to purchase anything from them until you're already in the checkout screen. This required membership isn't mentioned anywhere on the home screen of their website or on any of their advertisements. This tells me JustFab know what their doing is shady, and forgetting to skip a month wouldn't be a financial obligation their target consumer would want to carry. Otherwise they would advertise their memberships and how great they are in addition to their product.

As far as their actual product goes, it wasn't anything spectacular, but it wasn't bad either. It definitely wasn't worth stressing over the month skipping though. I've read lots of horror stories where women have skipped but still been charged. I'm only 20 so having $40 unexpectedly pulled out is a big deal to me.

What really irritated me beyond belief though was that I had to call them to cancel my account. This company that bases everything else online is making me call them. Once I was finally able to get a sales rep on the phone intstead of saying "sure I'll cancel it..." They said "okay I'll change it to this account type..." Or offering me email reminders. I shouldn't be told you'll change it to something else when I want to cancel, I should be OFFERED something else. And I shouldn't have to listen to you tell me three different things you're going to change it to before you listen to me and just cancel my account. It's very basic customer service people. Still haven't received a confirmation email. I've read reports of cards still being charged after accounts were "canceled" and the money never being reimbursed.

All in all, with this company not telling you about the membership upfront, and making you go through so much to get rid of it, that tells me they know what they're doing is wrong, they don't care about their customer, they want us to mess up somewhere so they can make a quick $40. It's too bad. I'm sure a more customer friendly site that sold all of their shoes for $40, and didn't require a membership would make some crazy money.

JustFab JustSucks.

I am here to complain about the VIP membership that...
I am here to complain about the VIP membership that I have unfortunately signed up to. I signed up with the offer of the first purchase being half price, however I was not made aware at the time that money would be taken out of my account every month! Two pairs of shoes were purchased on different accounts as I thought £17.50 was a reasonable price for the quality of shoe I was receiving and would not have purchased it at full price.

I had no intention of shopping there again and after receiving email after email after email from your company I did not read through every single one. I therefore was not aware that £70 would be taken from my account and turned into store credit which is almost useless to me as I do not use the site bar the one time I purchased from you.

When calling your customer service number I found the staff to be harassing and unable to help me as JustFab were so busy reading their scripted lines that they did not listen to my problem at all. My first call with a man named Apple left me in the same position I was before I called. I asked him on multiple occasions to just cancel my account if he could not return my money so that nothing else would leave my account and each time he brushed me off telling me how I can purchase more online.

I understand the company's need to up-sell but on this supposed 'customer service' number surely their main aim should be helping the customer deal with their issue and not reading out a set text. I had to call three times before a lady named Andy finally listened to me and deleted my VIP membership although I had to be more firm with her than I usually like when I'm calling to ask someone for assistance, just to let her know that I did not want anymore information on how to purchase on your site!

I am very upset and unhappy with the both the customer service and the lack of information I was given when signing up for what I thought was a good deal. I have now lost £35 more than I would have if I had just paid retail price and ignored the offer. If there is some way to have my money refunded and store credit taken away I would greatly appreciate it as I feel tricked and conned.

This site is an absolute disgrace and the way it tricks people out of money is disgusting. They must have very little faith in their products if they need to con us all out of our money after our first purchase!

Complete incompetence and unprofessionalism at it's finest
I signed up for JustFab, a subscription membership program, back in November and ordered 4 pairs of boots. After waiting two weeks for the shipment, which was supposed to be delivered to my house, I got a phone call from the post office notifying me that JustFab had a package for me there, but that it didnt have a shipping label NOR it did have any postage on it. How did they have my phone number, you ask? Because the invoice was hanging out of the box! They asked me if I wanted to pay the postage of $14.30 or send the package back. Seeing as I had already waited for 2 weeks on the package, I opted to pay the postage (after JustFab had already promised free shipping) having good faith that they would reimburse me since the negligence was obviously on their part. I brought the package home to find the boots were too small. I called JustFab to get return instructions as well as see about a refund of the $14.30 postage I had to pay. They were happy to process my exchange, but refused to refund the $14.30 in postage. They stated that THEY didnt charge me any postage, therefore, it wasnt their responsibility to refund. After explaining to the supervisor that I was a first time customer and what poor business practice it would be for him to refuse to reimburse me for something I had to pay due to their negligence, he agreed that it would be best to refund the $14.30 in postage. I thanked him and received the credit about 48 hours later.
About two weeks after that phone call, I received the new shipment of boots I had exchanged. This package was delivered to my house as promised, but were also too small. When I looked to exchange them for the next larger size, that wasnt an option, so I processed a return label and sent them back. This was two weeks ago.
Fast forward to today. I called to find out why my refund had not been processed, as they advertise credit refunds 5-7 business days after they are notified that the package was on the way which was two weeks ago. The first gal I spoke with processed a credit of $45.60 precisely $14.30 LESS than what I paid for the package. When I asked her why, she told me it was because they had already processed a partial return. After quickly realizing that I wasnt going to be able to get anywhere with her, I asked to speak to her supervisor. He came on the line and tried to explain the same thing that a partial return had already been processed at no point did either of them question why a PARTIAL credit was given. I had not returned anything but a FULL shipment since day one. He offered me an in store credit. I explained to him that after all of the hassle I had to deal with with their company, I really wasnt interested in doing business with them any longer, so an in store credit wasnt going to do me any good. I also reminded him that I didnt use an in store credit to pay for the postage due to their negligence, but my hard earned CASH which was what I wanted refunded. He continued to tell me that he had no other option but to give me an in store credit. I asked to speak to his manager.
His manager, Loise, was next on the line and reiterated everything her associates had already told me. That she had no option to credit funds to me that werent charged to my account. She told me that I never should have accepted the package from the post office or paid the postage myself (which would have resulted in waiting another 4 WEEKS to get my package total of 6 WEEKS delivery time - which, mind you, didnt fit anyway) rather than to expect them to reimburse me for it.
So, in conclusion DO NOT shop with this company. I spent 35 minutes on the phone arguing with them today, 20 minutes arguing the first time I called and had to pay THEM $14.30 + a trip to the post office for NOTHING but a bad experience. I will never EVER endorse them again. To those of you that I have, I rescind my recommendation and advise you to give your money to a company that will honor their advertisements and hire personnel who know how to properly package a box and adhere a shipping label. Below are pictures of the box in the condition in which it was delivered.

Never again
So I go to this site looking for boots for winter. JustFab won't let me look at anything without signing up VIP. Ok fine, whatever. I figure at the most it would cost $10 a month. So I order my pair of boots, and THEN it tells me that it's signed me up for a $40 a month recurring payment through my payment method after the fact. For a clothing store, they are a bunch of $#*!s. If you want to sell, you don't force anyone into anything. And the member services? What a joke. I'm STILL waiting to talk to someone and it's been 45 minutes and counting. I've stopped everything through paypal. Now I just want my account closed. But I expect my boots as according to paypal I already paid for them. You know why they don't have a review section on facebook? Because they know it would be filled with negative reviews. Then I get told over email that they have a vip skipping option that you have to use so you don't get charged. I have to remember to do it by the 6th each month or they will charge me for the vip. Skipping option, what a joke, I should not have to skip anything. I should not have been forced to be part of thevip thing in the first place. It should always be totally optional and you should have to enroll after the fact with ALL terms and conditions revealed BEFORE enrolling. That's how moral people do it. Because if I forget to skip, then you will charge me. That's called slime ball tactics. I'm still waiting to talk to one of your members in the chat and it's been 45 minutes and counting. Why do I have to wait on them to have my account cancelled and I can't just cancel my account myself like in every other legitimate online business in the world? Is it that they are hoping I'd give up so they can continue to charge me? Gee, I wonder. They've already been blocked through paypal and I will be keeping any of this correspondence including the chat (If I ever get through) so I have a record in case they decide to do anything stupid.

I am so angry they were trying to force me into something it isn't even funny. I couldn't cancel my account, and I couldn't cancel an order, I have to contact them and wait forever to get a response. The agent through email finally cancelled my account with them without me ever being able to speak to an agent through chat. Never ever again. I will go to REAL companies that aren't such slime balls like victorias secret and lane bryant. I will never ever use these guys again.

So I read the Terms and conditions thoroughly so I...
So I read the Terms and conditions thoroughly so I was completely familiar with how this works. SOOO you can be as "appalled" as you want but JustFab are still scammers. I knew that it is a reoccurring membership that charges you monthly whether or not you buy a shoe so I decided to cancel it immediately after my first purchase! I did this via the website which apparently is not the correct way to do but yet the have links to do so... Anyways I though I cancelled but I continued to receive emails and assumed my membership must not have been cancelled, so I went through the links they provided and tried to cancel again.

First off they charged my card a total of EIGHT (8) times YES 8 times but fortunately they corrected this by giving my 7 credits which still made me a bit worrisome that those charges even occurred.

I received my shoes which were these knee high boots and they were HIDEOUS! I mean my gosh I know I got a discount on the first purchase but these things were not even worth the mere $20 I paid for them! They looked cheap and I am sure I could have bought much better looking boots at Target. So I was glad I made the right choice is cancelling my membership... so I thought.

I received that classic email "Your new boutique is ready!" uh... no... what you talkin bout Willis? I went to bank account and saw that they charged me and was furious so I called immediately while the charge is pending (because push come to shove I was just going to have my bank cancel the transaction anyways).

So the operators are clearly trained to push you not to cancel your membership which is understandable, but their methods or ridiculous. They are extremely pushy, talk over you, try to manipulate the situation, change your membership status, give you additional credits and shoes and points, and all types of tricks and have you on the phone for 15 mins explaining new features and ways to shop when all you want to do is just cancel!

I explained to the rep that I hated the shoes I bought, don't like the shoes on the site, don't want to be a member PERIOD, this is not a site or a set up I am interested in. She could care less, and continued to try and sell me on how great JustFab is. I eventually had to cut off because she wouldn't stop talking and said" I don't care I really just want to cancel my account as I thought I did twice now and want a refund for this month" She explains that the only way to FORMALLY cancel is via phone so there was no way that I could have cancelled online which is crazy that they have links to do so and give you confirmations that you have. She tries and explains that they do NOT do refunds and I could not get my money back. I ask to speak with a manager and after 5 more minutes she angrily finally decides to give me a refund and I am now here writing this review to prevent anyone else from going through this experience.

SOOOOO Moral of the story is! Don't deal with them period! Don't think you are smarter than the system and will cancel in time because no matter what you do they will still continue to charge you. Horrible customer service, tacky shoes, terrible experience.

Horrible Liars Still Owe Me $1500
I ordered one pair of shoes back when JustFab were a newer company. I was still confused with the whole thing since sample sales sites were always popping up, and I honestly thought that JustFab was a similar concept. JustFab stated that if you sign up, you get exclusive discounts. It sounded just like Gilt, Hautelook, etc. I signed up and bought a pair of shoes. They stated that if I don't want to be charged for next months featured shoes, that I just had to go to the site and skip that month. I didn't totally understand but I knew I didn't want to be charged so I cancelled before the date I was supposed to cancel them by. Next month I was emailed saying that ths next featured shoes were ready. I thought that since I cancelled the month before that I shouldn't have had another email like this from them. I couldn't find anything except for the button to skip that month. I skipped it, but I also removed my credit card info, and I emailed them from the contact email on the website. In the email I put all of my general information so they would know who I am, and I sent an email stating that I no longer want to be a member. I didn't want to be charged for anything since I didn't buy anything besides my one pair of shoes, and to please do this right away. I also asked for a confirmation. Btw, I want to also note that at this time there was nothing that said I was entering in a trial period or that I had to cancel in 5 days. Anyway, I figured that the email would have done the job as would removing my credit card information since I never gave permission for anyone to save that. Removal should stop them from legally charging something that I already have stated I didn't want, right? Wrong. I eventually was charged for years to come and couldn't cancel the stupid subscription. I would be told that they had no record of me ever trying to cancel or contact them. Finally, they told me that I was supposed to call a certain number to cancel and that emails and calling them directly wasn't accepted as ways to cancel. I had a big fight with them and they told me that they could give me a gift card of the balance. Was that really supposed to sound like doing that was in some way a favor to me? No matter what I did or said they wouldn't give me any refund partial or otherwise. They even told me how I'm the one who made out by receiving my first pair of discounted shoes. Wow, really? $1500. 00 for a pair of "no name" shoes? Lucky me! To this day, I refuse to use that credit. I don't want cheap shoes for $1500. If I did I would have used all the credits a long time ago. I'm usually so careful. I've never been screwed over by a company. I can't believe how deceitful and greedy they are. Back when I bought these regrettable first pair of shoes from them, they were even more deceitful than they are now. Nothing was spelled out. They used a lot of phrases that made it seem like they were some type of sale site that you just had to fill out a quiz for and provide your email to in order to get special deals and a monthly email full of shoes reccomened just for you. I'm hoping one day something happens so that all who have been scammed get their money back.

Check fields!

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Based on 50 reviews from JustFab customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Millions of members worldwide are given the celebrity treatment every month as they receive a new and personalized selection of shoes, handbags, jewelry and apparel. Members have exclusive access to fashion tips and content, inspirational looks to shop complete outfits, and the team of JustFab fashion consultants for expert advice.

Address: Headquarters, 90245


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Is JustFab registered on BBB?

JustFab is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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