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KEL Attorneys

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10 customer reviews of

Lawyer ASAP are crooks
As as lawyer ASAP gets your money you'll never hear from them again! KEL Attorneys lie to you telling you they can take your case, once you pay you never hear from them again


The worst experience of my life I rate them -10
I went online to see who to go to for bankruptcy. KEL Attorneys were the first to pop up so I called and set up an appointment. Me the girl who told me the cost. I paid in payments so within 4 months I was ready to fill out my papers and file. Well that's when they stopped calling. Once they had their payments I wasn't important. Finally a girl called and said we'll need 6 months of bank statement. 6 months of paystubs. No problem. After she received everything she said I would be getting a packet in the mail and once that is filled out send it back and they can file. Now we are into it about 7 months. This is when the headaches started. I sent it in and she said within 30 days I will be getting a phone call for a meeting with a paralegal. 3 days went by 60 days went by and I called and called and called and called They would pick up or the secretary told me they weren't in or to go on line. I figured they know what the are doing. Then on day I got a call from Ashley Huddleston, evil woman, and told me I needed to resend everything I had already sent in. At this point it over a year. I said I wanted my money back that this was unexceptable. She said I take that as you don't not want represented any further and the money is unrefundable. So I decided to wait it out. I got all the papers again, by her deadline. Then again no phone call. I waited for 3 more months and kept sending in my pay stub and bank statements. I called and nothing happened. Finally in January of this year Ricardo Martinez called to set up a meeting. We went over everything and then he calls and says I need to send everything in again. The worst part of it is in the meantime I had talked to a small time attorney and he told me once I pay $1500 he will fill out my paper work and file the same week. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHOP AROUND. LOOL FOR REVIEWS LIKE THIS ON ANY ONE YOU USE. I finally am done with the bankruptcy case but from July 2015 to June 2017. That's not right. It's been so long a have a great credit score again lol. JUST BEWARE. THEY ARE HORRIBL TO DEAL WITH

These people should not be allowed to call them selves"attornies". KEL Attorneys take your money and do absolutely NOTHING. I never should have lost my home. I paid cash for my home. $425,000.00. I ended up loosing it on a very small loan. Before they were hired i was already scheduled for a modification loan. They told me to tell them to cancel it and they would take care of it. I begged them for a year to reschedule it. They never did. Ii finally got a paper for a modification loan scheduled 3 weeks after my house was already auctioned off. KEL are nothing but thieves and liars. I begged to talk to an attorney. I finally got a call 2 weeks later by a man "Chris Abrams" who introduced himself as my attorney whom gave me a lot of advice which ended up being the wrong advice. I later found out this person was only a para legal once again. Not an attorney. Please if you are considering kel, DON'T! Do some research 1st. I ended up loosing my home and almost everything i owned. I had no where to go and ended up on the street with 5 chiuhahas. I never thought I would LOOSE my home because I should not have.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do some research into a better more helping company. I wish i had done this. KEL LAWYERS are the most rude and unhelpful, people to deal with. No the lawyer that i had to represent me in my case has been bared from practicing law for the next 90 days and per letter revived form Florida Supreme Court, that my case is now being handle by another lawyer that i have never meet are dealt with. Customer service is not a strong point of this firm or backyard company. Paralegals ore rude, When you visit the office, the staff at the customer service area are more in-tuned on there cell phones that helping customers. Phone calls and emails are never returned in a timely matter, and when you do keep ringing in to speak to you lawyer, you are told by the paralegal that you call to much and you have been blocked form calling and he will return your call when his ready. We are the one paying the money,

Search other firms first
A few years back I called KEL for information about foreclosure, soon after a paralegal returned call and stated I needed to retain them immediately, although, I had not been served with papers yet and wouldn't for another nine months, however, KEL Attorneys convinced me to pay the year retainer. Found out later from another attorney that I didn't need to retain an attorney until I was actually served and the paralegal should not have called me back and pressure me to retain them. They knew this and just wanted to get the fee. When I did get served, I couldn't speak to an attorney unless I made an appointment, which was up to two weeks away. I hired another attorney and he did the work for less than $500.00 and took care of everything. Although they are no longer KEL, beware.

It's been a year this CROOKS LAWYERS got my paperwork for a divorce. KEL Attorneys charged me $2,000.00 and since 09/16/15, I haven't recieved a call. I have called and left messages, no respond. THEY HAVE ASSIGNED MY CASE 6 TIMES TO DIFFERENT LAWYERS THAT ARE NO LONGER THERE. The letters I have recieved is to advised me the change of lawyers. No explanation as in why. These people should get license revoked and made them payed what they owed to honest people.

Customer Focused
When you are going through a difficult time and bankruptcy is the option you chose, you want to make sure you have a law firm who will provide you the answers and results you are looking for. KEL is the answer. We reached out to them for the free consulation and received a step by step explanation on our options, and how the process would work. The bonus was their support team and how KEL Attorneys responded to our questions over the past 5 yrs as we went through the process. Kristi Mountz was our contact person and was spectacular no matter how dumb our questions were or how much we vented when things weren't making sense. I would highly recommend KEL if you are struggling and need an option to provide you peace of mind with your decision. Thank you KEL for your professionalism and support.

Steven - St. Augustine FL

Very Professional
Thank you so much to Matt Englett at LA LAWYER ASAPfor your professionalism and getting my papers file for my BK... I was impressed with the office staff and their professionalism. Thanks again.

I have an active complaint with the Florida Bar
KEL Attorneys took my money and gave me nothing in return.
I paid them $3,300, I called them hundreds of times, with no return phone call ever. The only time I was contacted was to ask me for more money.
I was there for a loan modification.

1)So they grab the money.
2) they avoid phone calls
3) they try to force you pay more for "temporary credit repair" I paid $453 in that area with their in house company credit services.
4) they try to force you into bankruptcy a lot more money. I came there for a loan modification not for bankruptcy if I had wanted bankruptcy I would've hired a bankruptcy attorney maybe even them for bankruptcy. But you see they said that they can get my loan modified without having to have a bankruptcy until they decided they wanted more money.
5) they do nothing for a while in my case then they tried to get me to sell my home through one of their realtors. My wife is a real tour if I wanted to sell the home I would've used my wife and we would've sold the home.
6)then when they are done holding you upside down shaking you for all the money in your pockets, they drop you.

They take your money then try to get more, if you don't give them more they just drop you cold.
They have been publicly repremaded by a judge, that is bad. I wished someone's would have wares me, sad thing is 2 atturney l's have screwed me simalar results and money paid. Do not let ME law help Themselves to your money.
If you need help I hope you get it, be careful.

I was going through a divorce and needed to file bankruptcy, at least that's what the attorney said would be a good move for me. So after $1700 and no contact with anyone from the "firm" I missed the due date for the information to be submitted. So frustrating because I would email and call but it took a month for any response. KEL Attorneys sure want to find our if a creditor is calling - they send you emails biweekly for that, but if you need questions answered this WILL NOT HAPPEN. Now I'm waiting on a $600 refund that I was told I would get in July! So not only do they take advantage of the situation you are in mentally, they make sure you're worse off than when you started!

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KEL Attorneys Rating

Based on 10 reviews from KEL Attorneys customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Address: 150 North Orange Avenue Suite 100, 32801


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