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50 customer reviews of

Need to be able to rate below zero stars!
I will stop ordering from companies who use this delivery service. I placed an order from Old Navy. LaserShip split the order in two with one being sent via LaserShip and one another carrier. The LaserShip package was shipped first, but just earlier on the same day, May 27. I had my other package on 5/30. There was never any tracking info on the LaserShip package. I finally called Old Navy on 6/8, and was informed that they see that it was supposed to be delivered 6/7 and hopefully I will get it that day (6/8). Nothing. Fast forward to 6/10, and tracking info finally shows up online stating that the package was delivered 6/1 (no, I did not drop the zero off of 10 there--it was June FIRST) at 8:52pm. Well, seeing as we have surveillence cameras all around the house, I know for a fact that this is FALSE. Even without cameras, the tracking info cannot be correct, as it is NOT POSSIBLE to load it on a truck at 8:50pm, have it out for delivery at 8:51pm, and delivered at 8:52pm. Anyone who knows the rural areas of this state, along with the horrific commute times knows that that isn't even possible in a jet traveling at warp speed. June 11--still no package. This company is nothing but LIES AND STEALING. I just don't get why big names like Zara, Walmary, and Old Navy continue to use them, as they are obviously bleeding money having to reimburse customers solely due to the incompetence of LaserShip.

LaserShip is by far the worst place to have your packages shipped through. When ordering from a retailer that uses them, I suggest upgrading from standard shipping to avoid shipping through LaserShip. My package was sent to their facility on 04/05/21. It was out for delivery but somehow ended up back at their facility, why? I had been in communication with someone at the office located at 8475 Western Way #160, Jacksonville, FL 32256. She continued to give me the run-around about my package. My tracking # states that my package is at their facility. However, no one can locate my package. I finally had enough and asked to speak to a manager. Of course, he was not available, so I was transferred to a voicemail. I did leave a message and have yet to receive a callback. I called back today, 4/12//21, and spoke with another female. She was confused as well about where my package was. A guy came on the line that said he was the manager and proceeded to talk over me as I was trying to get answers, then yelled. "your package will be reported lost, call the seller for a refund or a replacement," then hung up! Really?!?! Are you serious!?! I am very disgusted that any retailer would do business with this company. I need answers as to what happened to my package! The "manager" advised me to call the retailer and ask for a refund or have them reship it. How unfair is that to me as the customer and the retailer? Are the employees walking away with packages and advising customers to reach out to the company for a replacement or refund? Either way, this is sad! This company should be held accountable for all of these "misplaced" packages. I do not see this company being around very long.

Garbage Company Called Lasership!
Lasership is a nightmare, the worst company I have ever encountered in my life! Im curious to know why any place would choose this horrible place for delivering their packages. Lasership has the most uneducated bunch of delivery workers who cannot read to save their lives These workers have delivered my packages to an address which is on the other side of town which Is unbelievable. Their workers seem as if LaserShip are allergic to doorbells, which they refuse to use but instead just toss packages across the hallway floor expecting customers to stumble across them Lasership, please get it together! Most of these companies which we customers order from do not always give refunds & we can't afford to lose money. Lasership needs to better train their workers and stop being inconsiderate when it comes to customer satisfaction. I have made so many complaints over the past few years to Lasership about this issue to no avail. I will be reaching out to the companies I know who use Lasership to make complaint about them as well. Lasership gets 0 stars from me! This company is way too incompetent to be in the business of handling customer packages, point blank period! I'm so frustrated, sick & tired of this issue constantly with receiving messages of my packages being delivered to me, but being delivered elsewhereEnough Said!

If only I could give zero stars
I love in a large apartment complex. Every building has about 8 apartments. Entry to the buildings is locked. To gain access to the apartments you have to have a key to the building or you must buzz the apartment you are visiting or delivering to. Delivery drivers have the option of obtaining keys from the management office, which is open 7 days a week. We also have a locker system that carriers can put packages in. There are numerous options. Despite this array of options, the drivers for Laser Ship think it is appropriate to leave packages outside of the buildings by the main door. In other words, an insecure area. I have had a few packages stolen.
However, this last incident involves them delivering to, judging by the picture, a house. The notes say it was left at the "front door". I live in an apartment, I don't have a front door. The picture looks like the package was left on a porch. Again, I am an apartment dweller, I do not have a porch.
I have complained to this business through their "customer service" number and by calling one of the local terminals. For this case I have called and emailed. Nothing has been resolved.
1 star is generous. Avoid retailers that use them. Ulta and Chewy use them in the Indianapolis area.
The first photo is what the driver took when LaserShip delivered the package. The second is one of the buildings in my complex so all can see how the delivery picture cannot match my location.

THIEVES at Laser$#*! - Should Be Closed Down for Good BONUS-Used My Hair Dye!
When did Walmart start using these thieves?

My package had NO tracking all day. At 8PM suddenly there's a tracking #, never heard of these scammers before. At that time, said "Delivered".

LaserShip just stole my not-worth-any-money to anyone else Walmart order, yet marked it DELIVERED at 1PM. I was working in my front yard at 1PM. There was no delivery person.

See Sephora reviews, so the delivery driver thieves know there's something valuable in the box. There have been reports of not just missing expensive makeup, but of the products being tried out, used, put back in the box! Disgusting.

This so-called "company" shouldn't be in business. They've been stealing from customers for the last decade. This company is LYING THIEVES who you can't be bothered to pay decent wages or benefits, so they 1099 them. This sham should be shut down for good.
Start charging the 1099 workers the value of every missing delivery. I bet that they will all be delivered properly then.

UPDATE: Very next order from Walmart, it was listed as FedEx, but for some reason these idiots get the last part of delivery.

My large box had been opened and re-taped, there were a few boxes from Walmart, but this one had different tape on it. This was unbelievable.

~Splat 30 No Bleach Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Midnight Ruby Red - the box was open, the tip of the dye had been snipped off with scissors, and about 20% of the product was gone, all over the inside of the box!

~L'Oreal Paris Feria V48 Intense Medium Violet Application Permanent Haircolour - top of box, where there is a plastic seal, had been peeled back. All of the contents, which is 5 items, had been pulled out and shoved back into the box, so now they barely fit, they were upside down.

So someone from this co. Not only TRIED out one hair dye, they opened the other box to see if they might want to try that one too, but it was a mixture that had to be made, too much trouble, and re-closed it back into the box. Outrageous!

I, too, let Walmart know to not use this co. I also contacted FedEx as to why their final leg hand-off involves actually opening my box, pulling items out, using them, re-taping the box.

You'll never see your package
Oh boy, what an adventure this has been! I placed an order through Under Armour
On March 3. It made it to Charlotte, NC on March 6, and has been there ever since. If you reach out to LaserShip customer service, first they're going to tell you LaserShip can't find your tracking number, or you have the wrong one. No, y'all are just terrible. I gave up on ever receiving the original order. I reached out to Under Armour and they said they would ship a replacement order. Great! Yeah, that one has also been sitting in Charlotte, 5 hours away from me. I reached out to LS customer service once again. First she couldn't find my tracking number, but then found the info once I gave my last name and zip code. Ok, we're making progress! She says it'll be delivered in 1-2 days. Sweet! Victory! NOPE! 5 minutes later I received an email from LaserShip basically saying, sorry, your address is outside of our service area and we're sending the package back to the seller. Ok, now what? I reached back out to customer service and she said," I'm sorry, we don't ship to your zip code. You should reach out to them and arrange reshipment." I laughed! Y'all "lost" my first package, and now you're telling me you can't deliver the second, and I should have them reship!? If they use you I won't get it! Thankfully Under Armour
Is going to issue a refund, but I'll honestly be surprised if they even get the package back.

A lesson learned with Lasership
I purchased an item from Walmart online and was glad to know that the item I purchased was qualified to be free of charge delivery... plus my item was coming the very next day... but the downside to it was... that if you purchase an item online there's no way or how you will know who is your courier in charge to deliver your item. (So that part was a nerve wrecking for me because I prefer always USPS). When I found out about this company Lasership... I was confused and follow my item through the Walmart tracking service. I was hoping that in between their stops it would be transferred probably to another courier most preferably USPS? But no... LaserShip were the one in charge straight on. I continued to follow the tracker (which really is only a pink bar filling until it reaches its end) when finally I saw that it was reaching near to the end I simply turned away my eyes off my phone for just a few and saw that my item was delivered. I was paranoid! I right away said WHAT? But to WHO? I kept refreshing the tracker (but through walmart app) and it only said delivered. I called lasership customer service and I was there on hold for too long no one was attending. So I emailed them and got no answer. I was left puzzled without knowing about whatever happened with my item and to who it was left with? I tried again using the tracker but I copied and paste it directly to lasership website tracker bar (not from walmart app)and it was more detailed with who it was left with. Which came to my relief because it was left at a corner store near me. I recommend when tracking your item don't track it through the online store you've purchased track it through the courier website that's delivering your item. At least this method worked for me since within it I was able to see further details about where my item was delivered to.

Kinda like 2020... I don't recommend
I do online shopping now more than ever due to the pandemic and sometimes online has better sales.
Old Navy I placed an order with my package showed it had arrived about 7 days early but in the description box said " unable to process house due to no house." okay I called old navy LaserShip re shipped well again they couldn't find my house. Old Navy needed to refund me my money due to such errors. Now I ordered from VS a $501 order and guess what. It was delivered but not to me or anywhere near me! I checked my cameras after I got the email saying it had been delivered well of course nobody was at my house. They delivered the package 10 minutes from me because I called and of course they couldn't get in touch with the driver to pick the package up. Instead I got to fill out a report and someone would call me very soon. I waited over 2.5 hours and re called guess what? You guessed it the women I spoke to on the phone never submitted my complaint form to be investigated. I called VS and apprised the associate of the situation and she told me due to the nature of the issue I had to wait to file a claim because the product was such a high value. This was on Friday 11-6-2020 we are now at 11-11-2020 and STILL NO CALLBACKS. I told Vs and Old Navy until they confirm my packages will not be delivered by this company I will not be ordering any merchandise. The company is a huge joke and don't have any respect for customers.

Worst and most dishonest delivery service in the US
As a small business we have hundreds of packages arrive monthly. Rarely do we have to deal with damages and missing packages through professional delivery services such as UPS, FedEx and DHL. But then there's LaserShip. Same day, 2 different packages from the same vendor on two different accounts showed as delivered. Within 5 minutes of the vendor notifying us via text and email we looked for the packages. Nowhere to be found! Checked our cameras and no one arrived when LaserShip said they were delivered. Our facility has 6 exterior cameras with facial recognition and license plate capture capabilities. Not only did LaserShip not deliver the packages a LaserShip vehicle never entered the street we're on the entire week! Immediately called their customer service who are the absolute worst and they said they would have to send to the 'warehouse' to investigate. Within 48 hrs I received 2 separate messages (1 per order) that the investigation was complete and the package was found to be delivered. No picture/video proof, no signature proof, NOTHING! I called again and asked for another investigation and this time I asked for a time stamped GPS locator of the package delivery and they flat out refused to provide anything. 48 hrs later we received messages that "the package was found to be delivered and you should contact your seller for further information". REALLY?! So now you lied about delivering the package AND your now making it the seller/vendors responsibility to refund us for the items?! That is criminal. After our 3rd attempt to have the delivery investigated with the same result we have contacted our local sheriff, reported a theft and opened a criminal investigation against LaserShip. I have also contacted the BBB, which I learned thousands before me have done the same thing regarding LaserShip, to report them as fraudulent. If you can avoid having LaserShip as your delivery service do yourself a favor and avoid them at all costs!

The first and only time I have ever had to use Lasership, my package was
"lost" in transit. What a coincidence that my order through Walmart
Included 4 items, two of which were shipped by FedEx and I had no issue
With those. Within the same order, the other two items were shipped by
Lasership and LaserShip were "lost". I called lasership and spoke with
Lagreta, she informed me they never received the package from Walmart,
Only received the shipping label. I called Walmart to see what happened
And Michelle put me on hold and called lasership. Michelle from Walmart
Told me that lasership told her they did in fact have the package and
They just hadn't updated their system yet. So I called lasership back
And spoke with Lagreta yet again and was told they had no record of this
Phone call from Walmart. (recordings should prove otherwise who is
Telling the truth after I file a claim/suit). All in all, lasership was
To quick and eager to make Walmart replace my order as "lost in transit"
Which pushed back my delivery date. Reviews online show that I am
Hardly the first person to experience this issue and I wonder how they
Are still in business. Seems like the packages are being "stolen" rather
Than "lost" in my honest opinion. Too much of a coincidence that it
Seems to be an ongoing issue with multiple customers and as I said, my
Other packages within the same order were just fine and had no issues
Being sent through FedEx.

Slug delivery service
This "delivery" service must be run by slugs. I ordered something from Staples July 1, which was supposed to be delivered by LaserShip on July 2. Every night there would be an entry on the tracking that read, "unable to complete by 5PM" or something similar. This continued until July 12. On July 12 at 12:28 PM, the tracking indicated that it was loaded on a delivery vehicle, and was out for delivery. (The local LaserShip office is in another community that is like 45 minutes away from where I live).

The tracking then stated that my package was delivered 2 minutes after it had been put on the delivery vehicle (so it said it was delivered at 12:30 PM). This would be impossible timing, as you can't get from that community to my house in 2 minutes.

I looked for the package, and did not find one. I checked all around my house, and nothing.

I had a conversation with my friend who is the secretary at the church I attend (which is also in the same community where I live, but is 15-20 minutes away from my house), and she had ordered a printer from Staples, and was having the same delay in shipping that I had (tracking saying could not be completed by 5PM for days). She emailed me on July 12 to ask if I had received my package from Staples because she also received a notice that her package had been delivered at 12:30 PM, and she could not find the package at the church.

Obviously the tracking information is not accurate. It is literally impossible to go from the LaserShip center to my community in 2 minutes, and equally impossible to be delivering at my house and at the church in the Same minute. The driver was not honest marking both packages as being delivered when it is clear that this individual (or slug) made zero effort to actually deliver it to either location. I think the driver just did not want to drive to my community, so just marked the packages as delivered.

I contacted Staples, and LaserShip will be sending a replacement package to me. It's starting out the same way as the other one…. Seeing the not completed by 5PM messages. The church secretary has been in contact with Staples twice now. They have tried sending two replacements. The first one they lost. The second one was the one that was "delivered," but wasn't. The third one is supposed to come tomorrow. How can any delivery service be this incompetent, and yet remain in business?

Staples and all other companies really need to stop using LaserShip, which is a very poor excuse for a delivery service.

Update: After I posted my review here, the replacement package magically arrived at my door. The updated tracking on the Staples website shows a believable time period between being out for delivery and being delivered. It seems a person must complain on a website in order to get a package delivered with them

The fact that they delivered the replacement package doesn't erase the fact that they are still a horrible shipping company, that they lied about delivering the original package, and that they lied about delivering the package to the church that the secretary ordered. The package to the church still hasn't arrived.

Second Update: I am in the office for the secretary today, and LaserShip delivered two printers this afternoon. After entering the tracking #'s into the website, it looks like the first one is the original order that was shipped out on July 2. The second one is the replacement package (the 2nd one Staples sent), and was sent out the 9th. I suppose a third one will arrive tomorrow.

At least these finally arrived. When the secretary gets back in tomorrow, she will have to figure out how to return one (or two if the third one comes).

Since I am not home right now, I don't know if my original package I had ordered arrived at my house.

But anyway, it is still slimey that they lied about delivering it before, but at least they delivered. I will change rating to 3 to reflect delivery made for the church, and replacement delivery made successfully for me.

LaserShip? More like LoserShip
Tracking information had the package loaded onto the truck on 12/6/19 at 6:44pm in Mogadore Ohio and "attempted delivery, unable to leave package" at 6:45pm. It is interesting that it only took them 1 minute to get from their facility to my house, which is a 40 minute drive away. (We were home and have a security camera which shows no activity at that time.) Then on Monday 12/9, it had it arriving back at Mogadore.
Obviously, erroneous tracking information. Submitted 2 electronic inquiries online and no response. Attempted to use their chat feature which responded with "sorry, I can't understand you." Apparently it doesn't understand English. Called directly and waited on hold for 35 minutes to speak to someone. He was very nice and called the Mogadore facility directly to find out what was happening because as he put it "the scans are all over the place." I have been assured that it is being delivered today and that I will receive a call when it is on it's way. We shall see.
Prior to this, I called the vendor of the product I purchased to see if LaserShip had more information than me. They did not and when I described my frustration with Lasership, she said they had been having many issues with them. I mentioned that if they continue to use Lasership, I will think twice before ordering from them in the future.
UPDATE: After a few more days of no packages and no help, I was able to get the contact number for my local facility. I asked if I could pick up my packages and they agreed. I was able to retrieve my packages, although it seems a shame that I paid to have them delivered and they were unable to do it. At least this is an option if you can't wait any longer and live close enough.

So my car dies and i order a jumpstarter from walmart on August 24th. I track the package on walmarts site that says its due to arrive sunday August 26,2018. Im like awesome... I thought only Amazon delivered on... so im excited to get my car on the road, good stuff! Sunday comes and nothing, so im thinking eh theyll deliver Monday. I check the site and apparently the marked my package as "exception" and that it wont be delivered until the next business day... well Tuesday comes and nothing, wednesday nothing, thursday comes and i contact the company who doesnt reply to my correspondence... the next day LaserShip mark it as delivered. NEVER DELIVERED THE PACKAGE MIND YOU... they mark it as loaded on vehicle, out for delivery and delivered in the course of 3 minutes. If that doesnt scream fraudlent I really dont know what does. So Walmarts reps tell me i'll receive my refund in about 5 days... meanwhile my car is still parked outside dead. So while i run the risk of having my car towed i got screwed over by both companies. AVOID LASERSHIP AT ALL COST THEY ARE GARBAGE! BELOW YOU WILL FIND MY TRACKING INFO:

3:00 PM
Left At: Front Door
2:59 PM
2:58 PM
11:00 AM
7:22 AM
10:20 PM
11:12 AM

Reported to BBB
I am so unsatisfied with the service from this company I ordered a package from Carters and it was supposed to came on May 1st I get a text email stating that my package was delivered I immediately went to the front door and did not see any package I went to the back door to see what maybe LaserShip left it on the back door still no package I was wearing my video from my ring camera and did not see no one in front of my house or on my porch my neighbor was outside and said no one pulled up in front of the house I contacted the customer service and the corporate office they were not helpful at all I spoke to a very rude representative by the name of girl chords are back then he put his so-called general manager on the phone whose name was Bruce and he was unhelpful as well Bruce told me that the driver that had my package what's under investigation for stealing and he had an anonymous driver following behind the driver to confirm if the driver was feeling and unfortunately one of my packages was one of the ones that were stolen and basically Bruce told me I was out of luck and I need to contact Carter's once I contact the Carter's back several other items that I ordered was out of stock so that inconvenience me all the way around I did report them to the Better Business Bureau and I contact the Carter I did ask them not to ship my items to LaserShip again they said they stop using LaserShip due to this nature and other similar cases after reading some of the other reviews I guess this independent contractor company is all about stealing I hope no one ever have to go through them I hope their business crumbles down to the ground... Theives. And not to mention out of the at least 10 different agents that I talk to you on the phone only ONE was helpful they kept hanging up on me they're working from home so I guess that they don't feel that the calls is being monitored and recorded it really don't even matter at this point like I said I reported them and I hope the Better Business Bureau can get back out there to the world to not use their favorite

The worst carrier service ever!
I ordered from Fashionnova, and this time I'm having an issue with this sorry carrier. I never heard of this company. I called and asked why it says "exception" on my tracking the representative informed me the driver could not find my address. I informed the representative I live near the entry of the subdivision on the FIRST and FRONT street. I informed the representative the driver could not find my house because there was NEVER a delivery attempt made. I can see every vehicle that comes into the subdivision. I know for a fact there was no attempt because I was home all day. He informed me to wait 48 hours so LaserShip could find my address. I even told him what vehicles are parked in my driveway. I'm not sure why they needed 48 hours to find my address when they can put it in a GPS. By providing information on both vehicles parked in my driveway that's so hard to find I thought it would help their incompetent driver. I am still waiting on my package after 48 hours! Thank goodness it is not any medical equipment that I'm in dire need of. I say this because I'm a travel nurse practitioner, so I tend to order certain supplies online for my patients/clients. As I was writing, the package was supposed to be delivered on Oct 15, but somehow the driver could not find my address. It's impossible to miss my house. All the other carriers has NEVER had issues finding my house. I look this morning and now my package is supposed to be delivered Oct 20th. It's currently Oct 18th 9:01 a.m. and the information says it's in the city where I reside supposedly it is scanned on the truck at 11:29 a.m. then back at the distribution center at 11:59 a.m. (I will add a photos). The tracking information is a LIE. The logistics first of all doesn't make sense it goes to TN, VA, NJ then back to TN the state where I reside. The company has liars and thieves working for them. I honestly think they are stealing customers packages! I do not work hard for other people to steal my things using my hard earned money! It appears this company has a reputation of being crooks. The company's repetition of poor service has become their reputation! This company does not even deserve a star that's how horrible the service is. Steer far away if you see this carrier! My daughter will probably not receive her shoes. They will probably put "delivered" like they have done with other customers. This really infuriates me! Fashionnova has lost a customer due to them using this unreliable and dishonest company.

Stay Away
Tom Mara of LaserShip cultivates an innocent, good-guy, good Catholic persona. Hes as fraudulent as LaserShip come. He may not be the best at his sales position since he was recently changed out of his role, but hes tries to hone his skills at pretending that he is the guy that he portrays. Its as if he is playing a character in a play, with very thoughtful displays of his personality. He completely puts on the innocent or especially sweet act, which is easy to believe. He spends much time trying to convince you or others who he is trying to pursue or impress, that hes so virtuous -- you quickly see the cracks as they become apparent. You shouldn't take your first impression of him or any of them at face value. If you don't know a person well, they can mislead you into thinking they are innocent or sweet. The only real way to know a sociopath's true personality is by getting to know them well. But if you listen to your intuition, you may get the feeling that their persona is just too simple to be real. Non-sociopaths are genuine people and not a perfect picture of a simplified personality.

WARNING: PLEASE BEWARE OF Predatory, philandering, sick men there, including but not limited to, effeminate Tom Mara who feign victim when they're exposed, outed or confronted.

I would just like to warn anyone looking for a position with this Company. Most of the people there are unskilled labor just trying to make ends meet. It's very diverse, which is a good thing, but then you realize, people are stuck there, with little to no education. LaserShip counts on this ignorance or lack of the ability to see that anyone has the ability to go somewhere where they can prosper and thrive.

I would say this isn't a company for anyone with any integrity. It's especially not fit for females. Predators to the Nth degree. All in management, sales especially.

Remember Uber, in the news recently? You NOW have an idea of what LaserShip is like. A bunch of dim-witted, philandering, Neanderthals who haven't realized that growing up and not cheating on your wives is not that bad. Beware of all of them, who pretend that they're family men and the ones who, especially project that they're so virtuous -- that projection is the red flag. They really wear who they are on the sleeves, so just watch and listen, but only if you have to work there; otherwise please stay away.

Why is this shipping company still employed? SPOILER: Missing Package
I ordered 2 dresses off of Urban Outfitters and for some reason LaserShip didn't ship with Fedex who I've seen them use before. They decided to trust this dog$#*! company "LASERSHIP" whose tracking page was not accurate at all. I am always wary of checking where my packages are since the moment I'm provided a tracking number and their website was not giving me a delivery date. The past few days I've been checking in and I have seen no delivery yet. Low and Behold, Today i get two identical emails from Urban Outfitters claiming that my package has been delivered so I check the tracking site real quick and its confirms to me that it has been delivered finally. But Hold Up! I check and the date says its been delivered Two Whole Days Ago. Um so I'm confused like why didn't it appear delivered during that day that i checked the site and the day after when i refreshed the tracking site again. And why is Urban Outfitters notifying me Today that its been delivered and not the day of the delivery? This is so odd and to top it all off I received no contact at the time of delivery and they left it on the floor because i live in an apartment building anyone could have picked it up and taken it. WHY DONT THEY CALL OR KNOCK. My family would have opened the door so either the driver was too lazy to knock or call or they took off with my package and claimed it was delivered. Either way $#*! this company its TRASH and Urban Outfitters needs to stick with the more mainstream shipping services (ie; Fedex, UPS, USPS). Even Amazon calls now when they deliver! There is no excuse to leave a package on the floor of a big apartment building. Best believe I'm getting my money back and once again $#*! this company, "Lasership".

Horrible, horrible! Driver stole my package!
Ulta, Bath and Body works, and Carters all switched to lasership, and LaserShip are the companies I order frequently. I have had nothing but issues with this company! The first time I noticed Ulta switched to Lasership was because I got my package delivered at 11pm by a car full of what looked like teenagers. I thought maybe it was delivered to a wrong address, and these people were dropping it off. But the timing of the tracking matched as it being from lasership. Last week I had a Bath & Body works package say it was attempted but could not be delivered to the location. I was home and there were no possible reason it couldn't be left at my house. Then it went to another state and I ended up getting a few days later. When I sent them a message about the issue(before it ended up showing up a few days later). I never got a response. Lastly, my Carters package said it was delivered yesterday at the exact time I was outside. No package was ever left. Although, 2 houses down I noticed a Lasership van was in the driveway. I didn't think anything of it, except that I thought to myself how much I dislike Lasership. Then, I got notification from Carters that my package was delivered... at that exact time I was outside and the van was a few houses down. I Called Lasership, waited on hold for 45 mins. The rep told me it was delivered to me and told me the description of the location it was left. Which didn't entirely match-said I had a black mat, which it isn't, but from a distance could look black. This leads me to believe the driver stole the package. He got a description on my house from a few houses down then marked it delivered! Had I not been outside while this all happened, I would have believed that it was stolen from someone driving by... which is what you would normally assume, not assume the driver stole it! I really hope this company goes under! I order online a lot and never had any issues like this from any other courier!

Complete Failure to Provide Service
A gift ordered from REI was scheduled to be delivered by LaserShip on Nov. 21. After receiving a series of notices stating it was on the vehicle for delivery, that delivery would possibly be delayed, that it was rescheduled for delivery the next day, that it would be delayed due to late linehaul, etc., and still not receiving the package on the rescheduled delivery date (Nov. 22), I contacted LaserShip customer service to advise the package was needed by Nov. 25. I received a computer-generated response, but nothing responsive to the actual issue. On Nov. 23 the status was updated to show the package had been delivered to my front door the previous morning at 8:38. However, I was at home all that morning sitting within sight of my front door, and there were no deliveries. I contacted customer service again and received another computer-generated response. In the meantime, I contacted REI and explained the situation. LaserShip said it was consistent with what they had experienced using LaserShip and sent a replacement out for me via a different company. Finally, I received a response from an actual person at LaserShip this morning (Nov. 27) apologizing for the experience and suggesting I contact the seller. There was no explanation for the complete lack of service they provided, but I will most definitely try to avoid companies using LaserShip in the future.

Lasership Attempted Delivery
I ordered some things from Amazon and was promised it would be delivered by Saturday, at 9pm. From 5-11pm, I was sitting in my living room. At 7pm, I told myself that I should check my phone to see if there were any delivery updates. That's when I saw that LaserShip "Attempted Delivery." It said that was at 6:30pm. I never heard anyone outside my house. I looked outside and there was nothing. I living in a detached house, where it's easy to walk into my porch. I don't have any dogs or anything that would prevent them from delivery. I then called them up. I then spoke to customer service. They put me on hold for 30 minutes. Then the dude had kids screaming in the background. He tried putting me on hold again but patched me into another call. Then he realized what he did and talked to me again. Said he would look into what happened and put me on hold again. Then I was hung up on. I then emailed their website and no one responded. Next day, I made a Tweet about their service. Lasership responded to me there and we got into private chat. They said they would find out what's going on. This is where they decided to retroactively update Amazon and their website to say that they delivered at 8pm, on Saturday, the day before. So now I'm livid. Now the person in chat says they'll look into it, it'll take 2 business days, and to contact my seller if it takes longer than that. This is where I went ahead and called Amazon, who took care of it for me. I hope to never deal with Lasership ever again. It's one thing to tell me there's a delay or it's lost, it's another thing to lie about what happened to my package. I don't like dishonesty. There have been prior times where they've marked my packages as Delivered, only to show up with my package 15 minutes later. You're supposed to scan it at my door.

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Based on 50 reviews from LaserShip customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: LaserShip? Is a last mile delivery specialist, reaching east coast markets from Miami to Maine! We accelerate delivery times, reduce shipping costs, increase flexibility to business conditions, and enhance customers? ۪ purchasing experience.

Address: 1912 Woodford Road, 22182


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