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Reviews Society, Seniors, Home Care LinCare

51 customer reviews of

Something is seriously wrong with Lincare
My experience with Lincare has been HORRIBLE.
My first visit with Lincare in July 2017 LinCare tried to pass off a CPAP different then the sleep therapist at Mayo order. I stated that I would want the ResMed ordered.

My second visit with Lincare in Show Low Az started with waiting over 1 and 1/2 hours. The patient before me was receiving their CPAP. I was sitting next to their room, with the door open. This is Patient Privacy? Then a salesman walked in and went in their room interrupting the session. I finally had to tell Lincare staff that I would rebook for after experiencing the above, During this session several other people came in an was upset that their appointment was running way late.

The third session I attended and spent about 20 minutes. However, Lincare could not let me have the machine due to their computer down because of paper work. I was told to come back that afternoon. I returned but the paper work was still not finished.

The fourth session, days later in August, I was able to pick up the machine.

Three months later I order some nose pillows replacement from Florida. However, Florida told me that Show Low had not processed the paper work. I was connected to Show Low and told that they submitted the paper work and the problem was billing.

Finally, in December 2017, I called Lincare in Florida and received the same information in the preceding paragraph.

I called Corporate and complained. Corporate was going to check into the problem and get back with me. It is now three days later and I have not heard a thing.

I told my therapist about the HORRIBLE treatment from Lincare and would recommend them, Mayo Clinic, not to send any patients there for a CPAP.

Unable to give a zero star rating. That is what LinCare deserve. I have worked with 3 other health medical supply companies and have never been so disrespected, lied to and had to deal with such incompetence on both the local ( Syracuse, NY) and national levels. They lied to me, sent incorrect supplies, did not return phone calls. They initially told me that the supplies I needed could not be given to me unless I returned my CPAP machine to the issuing supplier which I did and then got the machine from them. They said that you can't have the machine from one supplier and get regular supplies from some other supplier. This was an outright lie which I have proven wrong. I have gone elsewhere for my supplies while they maintained billing of Medicare for the machine. The very first time I needed new supplies they did not forewarn me but told me when I called to arrange for them that they would not supply the mask because Medicare does not reimburse them enough for it. Lincare was the company that was contracted to provide this particular mask and I could not get it elsewhere at that time so I had to order it directly from the company and pay out of pocket. Medicare should also be aware that they do not comply with Medicare protocol of questions when supplies are requested. They just send them, even though they more frequently were the incorrect ones! This company was the absolute worst to deal with. I would go without rather than ever deal with them again! If I were looking for a company I would appreciate and would give grave consideration to such a review as this one.

Healthcare specialist
You will be on call weekends and evenings without compensatory pay. Travel can be up to 2000 miles a month at only. 31 cents a mile in which the standard mileage reimbursement is .58 cents a mile. A very small stipend is given which does not cover the depreciation or maintenance on your vehicle. LinCare will not cover your insurance deductible for any accidents and you are tracked by app GPS thru your company tablet and phone. It most likely will not be revealed to you that the majority of patients reside over 60 miles away. You will have limited training and compromise your Nurse/RT license with the many complex cases they will send you to at all hours because of late discharges. Many patients also have behavioral/mental issues. They will tell you there is a commission for pt/inr set- ups which you happen to only receive after the patient tests 4 times, there are limited patient commissions. Most of your time will be spent on care checks to SELL SELL SELL ventilators in which you will never receive a dime of commission. Another portion of time will be spent doing telemarketing calls asking patients why they haven't renewed they nebulizer medication $. Also, you will be told there are "center bonuses" which are very nominal. Matching 401k is only paid after a year of service, yearly increases are nominal. Other benefits are mediocre at best. You will work like a dog for this company but they never have your back and do not value good, honest employees. such a shame for a national company to screw hard working clinicians/nurses. Stay far away.

Horrible company
I worked for Lincare for several months. I am an experienced Administrative professional. I was hired on at 11.75hr and was told that was the most LinCare paid their employees. A 19yr old with nothing but fast food experience was hired making 12.00 hr. In addition, I was forced to train that employee and others who made more money than me. There is no training. I worked 7 days a week to try to catch up the patient orders. There were patients without limbs waiting on their orders for years (literally). They won territories that they don't have the man power to provide service for. Some of the employees would throw the dme orders away because, they didn't want to do the work; offices would call all the time looking for orders; especially, McAllen Tx and San Antonio. It is very ghetto-employees, including the Mgr. Jennifer Cleveland, come to work in sweats, house shoes and clothes like they don't care about their appearance. The entire company is ran by a bunch of air head women who have the company almost in bankruptcy. The turn over is so bad that they will hire, church members, family, friends-a referral for anyone that can pass a drug test. Jennifer, the Mgr, hires all of her previous co-workers, friends at 12.00hr, when there are employees that have worked there for years and, can not make that much. *********BEWARE******** I wouldn't take this job unless I was desperate...

Poor customer service
My ResMed Aircurve 10 ASV CPAP machine has stopped working
Properly and needs repaired. I have had difficulty
Obtaining the correct information and facts to pursue repairs or replacement. This issue seems to be overly complicated and any
Mistakes could be costly. There is a
Great deal of disparity of information provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield and Lincare
Creating a gap of unknowns. I am extremely
Disappointed with the accuracy and clarity of information from customer service
Provided by Lincare of Fort Wayne.


Actual delivery date not clear and Lincare
Unable to provide actual date Original purchase was from Home Health Depot
(recently purchased by Lincare) and no records seem to be available. BCBS said Lincare should provide this

Replacement date provided by Lincare is in conflict
With BCBS this places me a risk for total costs of a new unit with out
Insurance coverage. Lincare stated the unit
Could be replaced based on the last invoice date of 12-31-15 (somehow this date
Showed up after five days of questions) this is in direct conflict of the
Benefits information provided by BCBS Benefits Representative requires five
Years + rental period (23 months) to qualify the concern here is if I take
Delivery I could then be obligated for the entire costs of a new unit.
Potentially >$5,000.00. This is misrepresentation of facts. Lincare did provide a reference number
I9400002 from "Dave" at Anthem BCCS, The benefit representative had not record
Or could relate that number to any reference files?.

Lincare demands a doctor's visit and prescription
For a replacement unit, including repairs.
BCBS does not require the additional services for a repair/replacement
Unit these costs are excessive and would be my burden.

With a five-year replacement cycle there is no effort
To assist with replacement or repair if the unit fails after the two your
Warranty prior to the five-year cycle unit through Lincare. This is a gap in the system yes repairs can
Be deducted from yearly deductible unfortunately
I have a $6,000 deductible plan.

The more one digs into the requirements of
Insurance and the service provider and analysis of the total cost and
Complexity of the problem the more important it is to have accurate and clear
Information. Overall customer service experience
Has been very poor, request for information not accurate, request for call back
When transferred to a different department not completed. There does not seem to be a trusted level of
Expertise at the office. I finally requested
To speak with a manager for clarification of information from BCBS and Lincare on
Two different days finally on the second day Ebony returned the call she was
Less than empathetic or helpful and once she did return my call her attitude was
Less than professional- "this is what you get take it or leave it attitude". My request was simply to relay and clarify information
From BCBS to ensure I could make a decision with the correct data. This mis-information and her attitude only generates
Excess frustration for an expensive and complicated problem.

My original goal was to gather all of the required
Information to make a value-based decision to repair or replace my CPAP within
The limitations of BCBS insurance I'm not sure yet today that I have accurate
Information and which direction to pursue. I do know that working with the FW
Lincar office has been exhausting and frustrating. I have less than a good impression of Lincare
And will be looking for another provider.

I do not have the records of when the first CPAP was
Delivered, either four or five years
Ago. It has been replaced once during
The warranty period for a similar problem on about 6-16. The original company I was directed to in
Network directed to for purchase of my CPAP (? Home Health Depot?) was purchased
By Lincare three years ago. I'm told
The CPAP has a five-year durable equipment replacement cycle. I asked Lincare
For the delivery date to see if I needed to pursue a new unit or a replacement
And if LinCare would provide the shipped date - well they do not have or will not
Access those records. So I asked Lincare about
Possible repair (approximately 6 weeks and $700 to $880 or more for a
Repair) plus the cost of a rental unit.
If I were to purchase a new unit and only if I was eligible (>
5yrs) Also I would be required to get a
New sleep study and doctors' orders for a repair / replacement.

I have called the Fort Wayne IN Lincare office for the five
Past days in a row to find a solution without getting the information needed.
For each of the first three days I was told someone would call me back - that
Never happened no one called me back. On
The forth day again I talked with a
Customer Service Specialist and a CPAP counselor and still left with questions
So I asked for a manager to call me back - that did not happen until I called
Back again. I then spoke with a manger
Named Ebony, she was not very helpful or understanding. When I share my
Discussion with the BCBS benefits rep she became indignant and proceeded to
Tell what she would do. I would say she was rude and she proceeded to tell me
How it was going to be. I explained
Again that I was requesting that she follow up with BCBS in reference to the
Questions and information noted below.

I did call BCBS, my insurance company, the benefits group
Can only look back 3 years for history and if a claim was filed the too soon I
Would be ineligible and would be charged the full amount. I was also told by my
Insurance benefits that Lincare should provide the following:

1. Ship date of original equipment

2. That durable equipment was to last for the period
Required - in this case 5 years- or should be repaired or replaced by the
Provider (Lincare) for the original cycle.

3. That there is no insurance requirement that a sleep study
Or new doctor's orders are required to repair or replace the unit.

Yesterday my Mom informed me that the cushion/mouthpiece on her CPAP had a breach in it. The equipment wasn't getting a satisfactory seal and functioning properly. After inquiring around we were told to try Lincare.

With that, we drove to the location, formerly a bowling alley, on Copeland Avenue. Upon entering, the clerk was on the phone, so while Mom got seated I used the bathroom. Finishing in the lavatory I noticed an opening labeled "exit" that led to what appeared to be another section of the store. Where employees at desks much like the woman on the phone were sitting. I told Mom, "I'm going to see if anyone over here can help."

Apparently this was a breach in protocol, as the woman at the desk abruptly shot up her hand. When the clerk's fist reached its zenith, she literally snapped her fingers (I kid you not,) looked back at me and said, "Oh no you come back over here and sit down," pointing at a chair with her rigid outstretched index finger. "I'll be with you when I'm done on the phone," then growled something about patient confidentiality records in that section of the store. Ok this outburst, while way overly mellow dramatic, seemed understandable. That said, I didn't comprehend why there wouldn't be a door or at least a sign stating, "do not not walk past this point." Furthermore why was it labeled "exit?"

None the less, I appologized and sat in my assigned seat location, not wanting to cause a scene, knowing that Mom needed her replacement parts for her CPAP machine.

Hanging up the receiver, the receptionist asked my Mom, "Now," *sigh... long pause*, "what can I do for you?"

Mom, being seventy two years old, suffering from hyper tension, and a lack of sleep slowly got up, walked to the desk and began telling the representative the issue at hand. In mid sentence the lady barked out, "Name?"

Mom told her.


Mom told her.

"Well I don't have you in the system. Do you have an appointment?"

Again Mom tried to patiently explain after just being abruptly interupted, that she'd moved into the area in April, that it has taken eight months for her to get into the sleep center, but that she had an appointment this upcoming Friday. Mom simply just needed to purchase a replacement cushion.

"Oh well I can't just give you a replacement cushion."

Of course we understood this blatant reality and didn't expect anyone to give us anything. "I'll need a prescription from your Doctor in order to file this with Medicare." Again more boilerplate language that everyone understood. Yet, Mom offered the number of her previous supplier for the prescription. At which time the receptionist claimed she couldn't call this number due to the fact that someone on the other end could forge fraudulent CPAP prescriptions. Yeah, like that's a major threat to the healthcare system!

At that point I said, "She (Mom) has an appointment on Friday. We want to pay cash for a new cushion."

Mom is beyond frustrated now, worried, and almost at the point of tears.

"Well in that case you'll have to go back home get the CPAP machine. It must be thoroughly inspected and checked for calibration in order to make sure it is in proper working order. Besides I don't have an available opening until Wednesday." I found that odd, as we were the only two people in the building that were not employed by Lincare, and only Mom required help. Really booked up until Wednesday, I thought.

Side note here, my Mom NEEDS her CPAP machine. I can noticeably tell the difference in her behavior when the aperatus is not functioning correctly. Mom's cushion (mouthpiece) had developed a tear, Mom knew exactly what she needed in order to get through till her appointment with Gunderson this upcoming Friday. This item is not a convenience in her life that she can go without for days. People with sleep apnea can and will die without treatment, it's just that simple.

Anyway, at this point sensing my Mom's fear and frustration, and that this "customer service representative" was getting some twisted sense of satisfaction from her growing discomfort; I placed my hand on my Mother's shoulder and said, "Come on Mom let's go, this isn't that big of a deal there's someplace else in town where we can find your cushion."

The clerk, seeing that her game was up then started in on another litany of rules regulations, and state laws when I calmly looked her in the eyes and said, "thank you this conversation is over." Mom so flustered at this point had left her cane and purse by the chair, I walked back over and retrieved her belongings.

Out in the car, Mom was a basket case. Worried about not being able to sleep, Medicare bottlenecks, and that she couldn't go days without her CPAP. It's difficult seeing a loved one go through this kind of unnecessary stress for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

"Mom just take a deep breath. That lady was simply trying to jerk your chain. We'll figure this out, Lincare isn't the only show in town."

Well you know what? Low and behold, I was right. Gotta love the information age as we soon discovered another local retailer who in fact sells and distributes CPAP supplies. Oh my gosh, what a night and day difference, the representative there assured us that yes we'd have to pay for the mouthpiece out of pocket (a mere thirty dollars) but instructed us as to how we could have it reimbursed through Medicare in the future. With that, we were in and out of the facility within 15 minutes of arrival.

I'm not one of those people who rates others online, and the only reason I gave one star to Lincare is because there is no little poop simple I could click for total failure. Yes after sleeping on yesterday's episode, and wondering what other senior citizens might have to endure with the front door Nazi at Lincare on Copeland Avenue, I really felt the need to take a couple of hours to compose my takeaway on yesterday's social transaction. For if I were the business owner this is not the face that I would want to be greeting customers and potential clients.

I'd like to offer eight pointers. Let's call them basic social norms used or not used throughout society at large that may be of future benefit to your business model.

1.) Post any areas with signs and or doors where customers are forbidden entrance not with an exit symbol.

2.) If a customer sees other employees who aren't busy in the forbidden zone and unintentionally walks into that DMZ, kindly say "Sir customers aren't allowed back there. I'm sorry we should have locked doors and posted signs due to the fact that customers confidential medical records are kept in that restricted area. If you'll kindly sit down I'll be with you momentarily."

3.) The snapping of fingers and forcefully pointing for fellow human beings to sit in chairs like dog's is unnecessary. Customers are not animals, LinCare can be spoken to calmly without malice. Just because you love a mellow dramatic soap opera doesn't mean that everyone else does as well.

4.) Instead of saying, "Now what can I do for you." It might be advantageous to realize that your wages are being payed by the customers financial transactions. Once you come to this basic realization you will begin to conclude that in fact, it is actually them doing for you, paying your wages for a service you are supposed to provide.

So, another approach might go as follows, *smile* "Hi how are you today? How may I help you? Or maybe even, "Hello, sorry to have had you waiting. How can I be of service?"

5.) Do not intentionally pick on and fluster a compromised old woman in front of her son. It takes a special kind of sadistic to belittle a parent in front of their Son or Daughter, or vice versa. Super NOT cool and weird.

6.) Scheduling. Ok so it's the middle of the afternoon, there is one customer in the building, and employees outnumber customers 3 to 1. Try to figure out how in the world you can possibly fit one old woman with a health issue in immediately. Telling her you don't have an available appointment until Wednesday is simply an insult to her intelligence, and a lack of ingenuity on your part.

7.) Now this kinda dove tails off of 6, but actually try and help the customer. The whole scale of economy under the ideals of free market capitalism depends on the customer spending money within the confines of your employers facility. If the purchase is made with ease and comfort, believe it or not, but there may even be a repeat chance at other future business transactions.

8.) Finally, maybe think about a refresher course on Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. It's a great read on how to be a nice human. Or consider a change of occupation, perhaps becoming a bouncer at a biker bar run by the Hell's Angel or a corrections officer at the intake department of the local state run prison system could lead to an advancement within your career.

In closing Mom or I will never go back to Lincare again, quoting Mom, "In my lifetime I think she was one of the most abrasive and rude customer service individuals that I have EVER run across." We will spread the message loud and clear as to how we were treated at this establishment.

BEWARE! DO NOT Deal With This Company! LinCare Are Morons! I Don't Usually Waste My Time With NEGATIVE Posts, But This Company Needs To Be Taught A Lesson, And Next Step Is To Place A Call And Email MEDICARE About Their Practices. So In Short, This Is What They Do. They Bring You A CPAP Machine And Its A Nice One ( Thank You) But When It Comes To The Mask And It's Not Comfortable And Preventing You From Using The Machine They Offer To Send You (THEY DO NOT HAVE A TECH COME OUT LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO) They Will Send You Another Mask THE CHEAPEST! LOW QUALITY! ONE ON THE MARKET. If You Are UNSATISFIED With That One { BECAUSE THE SEAL IS SO THIN AND CHEAPLY MADE} They Tell You You Have To BUY ONE FROM THEM. So Of Course If Your DISABLED On A FIXED INCOME A $ 130.00 OUT OF POCKET Purchase Of A Mask Is IMPOSSIBLE. So Instead Of Possibly Taking A Little Loss To Keep Their Customers Satisfied They Act Like Morons On The Phone Saying The Same Thing OVER And OVER And Don't Let You Get A Word In. So Now They Want The Machine Back Ha Ha Ha NEWS ALERT YOUR NOT GETTING IT BACK! Come To My House And TRY TO TAKE IT! NO REPLACEMENT Mask So I Can't Use The Machine Then NO MACHINE. So As Soon As I Save Enough Money To Buy A Mask That Works For Me And I Figure Out How To Disable The Wireless Feature So They Can't Shut It Off. IT's NOW MINE!

Oh Just In Case Sleep Circle / Lincare Is Reading This My Name Is FRANK You Figure Out The Rest.


Oh And This Gets Posted On EVERY SITE I Can Possibly Find On The Internet To Let People Who May Be Considering To Use Your Services To Think OTHERWISE.

I See You Don't Know ANYTHING about CUSTOMER SERVICE But You Will Learn Soon Or You Won't Be Around Too Long.

I thought customer service should be important!
I have not read any other reviews, but I promised myself I would write one about Lincare, Delray Beach, Fl. My nightmare started when I had to turn in my CPAP because my insurance changed and I needed a new supplier.The medicare supplied Resmed CPAP comes in a male and female version. The reason for that, told to me by Resmed, is that the breathing settings for both male and female differ. This supplier does not provide the female version and actually argued with me about getting me the correct one. LinCare did agree to get the right one. I had to persue them after a 1 week wait to find out if they received it. They hadn't opened their latest shipment and upon looking found out they had mine. I went there to facilitate getting it quickly, as I now had been without it for a week. When I asked about the needed mask the CPAP manager in the office said she had not ordered a mask. It was not in her notes! I reminded her of our lengthy conversation and that she thought she knew which mask I required. When she showed me masks, none were the right one. She said maybe you should go home and find out which mask it is. Of course that didn't seem equitable to me. You need a mask to use the machine.The manager came in, at this point I was frustrated, they were frustrated with me and he suggested I might be happier finding a different vendor. He was right. To have to deal with them for the next many years would not have made me happy. I felt they failed me on all fronts of doing their job and being professional. These are national companies and the individual stores may differ, so I am only rating this particular one for this particuar product. My advice is to give yourself plenty of time and go elsewhere.

Refuse to deliver if no signature during COVID-19 Pandemic in Delray Beach, FL
My husband and I have been locked in for 4 weeks under doctor's orders due to the COVID-19. My husband is 74 years old and has COPD, asthma, emphysema, sleep apnea, congestive heart failure, lung cancer survivor, diabetes and on oxygen 24/7. My husband told the driver I would not open the door to sign and leave the tanks outside the door due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic so I could wipe them down before I brought them into our home, and the response was "no signature, no delivery". He also told my husband he would "pass it through the door for me to sign". Did he really think that made a difference? So we had no delivery of oxygen tanks or cannulas. When talking with the Manager of Lincare in Delray Beach, FL, I was lectured on "not needing portables if we were on lockdown", "your husband has a concentrator, so he doesn't need portables", and he agreed "no signature, no delivery" and "you don't trust my men to be clean?". When I got a little upset with the lecture commentary, I was told "I don't want to speak with you any more, you're out of control and I want to speak with the patient". At that time I said "obviously this is going no where" and I hung up. I called their Customer Care Advocate who referred me back to the same disregarding person. Lincare's Customer Care Advocate is not adequately trained in dealing with customer issues. Interesting, my car wouldn't start and the customer care representative refused to get in my car to attempt starting it, observed social distancing, wore gloves, mask, and stated LinCare had a "no sign" policy in place due to the virus.
Should our power go out, the oxygen concentrator works on electricity. So much for your healthcare Lincare, by putting your signing policy in front of a patient's life. My husband has used Lincare for 15 years.

Awful, awful, awful! Stay away!
If I could give zero stars, I would. My grandmother utilized their oxygen supplies for less than 24 hours before being admitted to hospice. We immediately notified Lincare that we no longer needed their supplies, as hospice would provide all oxygen needs. Upon her passing 2 days later, we again notified them, and again requested that LinCare pick up their equipment. We are now 5 days after her passing and they still have not picked it up. But what's worse is that they continue calling us about the oxygen, apparently having made NO notation on the account that the patient, my grandmother, has passed away. So, my poor mom has had to tell them almost daily that her mom has passed. Wow. Talk about insult
To injury. You would think that someone over there could make a simple notation that the patient is no longer with us so as to maintain some semblance of decency and/and sympathy. Now they call again today, and we explain again today that she is gone. But now they want to let us know that we will be billed for a full month of service, when in fact we utilized their service for less than 24 hours. We have had their equipment at our home for less than a week, pleading with them to come pick it up for the last 6 days, so we don't have to keep seeing it as a constant reminder of her passing. This business is so poorly run. The customer service is non-existent and bordering on harassment riddled with stupidity and insensitivity. Please, if you have ANY choice other than this one, choose someone else for your oxygen needs.

Office is a joke, extremely rude and disrespectful
LinCare were 3hrs late dropping off a hospital bed. Then when it was time to have it picked up I had to schedule the pickup 3 days out, they wouldn't even give me a time. They said we'll be there between 8-5pm, I said that's worse then the cable company! So I had to rearrange my entire day, reschedule doctor's appointment and my daughter's physical and occupational therapy. Then they call the day of and say sorry the driver took the wrong van we're not coming. I said that is unacceptable so she said fine it'll be sometime after 5pm, I said ok, didn't have much choice. About 10-15min later am extremely rude lady called. She kept interrupting me after I told her it has to be picked up today because rearranged my entire schedule to accommodate their ridiculous pickup times, not to mention any longer and I'd be charged another month and the day they wanted to come was the day all the appointments got moved to. I told them no it has to be today and she said tough. I immediately got on the phone with corporate who was disgusted by the times or lack there of that I was given but also the rude disrespectful representative that I had the pleasure to speak with. She immediately contacted them and assured me they would be here and if they didn't to call them back Monday. She said it will be after 5pm. It's now 6:30, spoke with the after hours people and they have no clue when he'll be here. This is ridiculous! I will never go through them again and I'm telling EVERYONE about my experience. They are rude and obviously don't know how to manage a business. Time to replace everyone at this location! I have never had such rude service and a complete lack of respect for people then I have with this company. Do not do business with them take your money elsewhere. There's a reason why they are rated so low! I would give them 0 stars if I was able, 1 is to generous.

Lincare almost killed me.
I have been trying to get a portable oxygen machine from Lincare for months and have been told it was 'in the approval process.' I rented a portable machine to fly from California to Florida for a once in a lifetime family reunion. The machine was old and broken down and did not work. Instead of the promised 8 hours of oxygen, I got under two. I was trapped at 3000 feet with no oxygen. I couldn't let the flight crew know, because I was scared LinCare would land and strand me in a hospital and charge me a fortune. When we landed I paid someone to get me to the rental car. I plugged the unit into the cigarette lighter. I sat in the garage an hour before I could drive. I missed the reunion because I didn't have enough oxygen. There were people there that I haven't seen since I was 2 years old, and will never see again. Lincare refused to get me another machine for the flight home, even though I told them that I might die. I was in bad shape. A wheel feel off at the airport. I had to carry the machine in my lap in a wheelchair, and it was so heavy that the wheelchair tipped and I fell out. There were times on the way home that I was unconscious. It took a long time for my fellow passenger to rouse me when we landed. Talking to my doctor, and ti Imogen, who manufactures the machines, I found out that Medicare will pay for either a stationary or portable, but not both. Lincare had not been 'in the approval process'. They had done nothing. When I asked the manager about a portable unit, she actually asked me "If you didn't like the last machine, why do you want another?" She implied there was nothing wrong with the machine, I had just arbitrarily decided not to like it, Researching, I found out that I could make payments and bought a portable. The machine was here in less than 24 hours. If Lincare would have told me this was an option I would have jumped on it. I was desperate. They flat out didn't care. I have yet to receive an apology, or refund. The new machine weighs 4.8 pounds and has 9 hours worth of oxygen in the batteries. Anyone feel like joining me in a class action suit? *******

Lincare Hates You
Lincare only wants your money. LinCare hate the fact that they need to provide goods and service to get that money.

Try ordering CPAP supplies from there. Here's what a bad experience it was:
Lincare supposedly faxed authorization request to my health insurance in January. My health insurance company says they never received. Called Lincare again in February. Spoke with Maureen, Heather, and manager Tina Murphy. Spoke with Maureeen in the past. No help. Double checked with my health insurance company which said it did not receive Lincares supposedly faxed authorization request. Maureen said she would fax the authorization to my health insurance provider again. Later on, Maureen said my prescription was not in their system.

In March, Lincare forwards the now completed authorization request to their David. He's not in and never returns phone calls. Then spoke with Shelby. Had to call their warehouse for some reason. Found out that Lincare was still setting up my account (since January). David finally gets back to me and requests that I send in my CPAP machines memory card to prove that Im using it.

Finally received a CPAP mask (with a cheap, unknown brand that I did not request) in late March. I must have wasted more than 4 or 5 hours to get it. Should have just paid out of pocket myself considering the unknown brand and pathetic customer service.

Tried to get a resupply after half a year. Instead of being in their system, I need to repeat the whole procedure noted above again with the same ineffective people, Maureen, David, and Tina. Sick of them, I switched CPAP supply providers and will NEVER go back to Lincare.

Lincare Has No Compeition as Single Provider for Medicare
This is the company that has the ONLY contact with Medicare. LinCare have no competition and no accountability. They over charge, send the wrong medicine and add services for those on Medicare knowing there is no choice and their patients are too elderly and sick to do anything about it. They are impossible to fight. If you do not pay them for their fraudulent charges, you get NOTHING through Medicare.

Lincare sent a $153 antibiotic dose to my mother that was incorrect and it cannot be returned or used by my mother. It was Lincare's fault, yet they are demanding payment for the incorrect medication before sending her any more treatments.

In addition, Lincare charges $20 per day "perdiem" ($600 per month) for the pharmacy to mix the dosages she needs everyday. Medicare says they will not pay for the $20 per diem because she is not in the hospital. When she was in the hospital the "per diem" was paid for by Medicare for the same exact medicine.

My mother will now have to go back to the hospital because she is not getting the correct medicine and now her infection is out of control. In addition, she can no longer afford the $20 per day "per diem" being charged by Lincare that Medicare will not cover when she takes the same exact medicine at home.

Instead of Medicare paying $600 per day for my mothers dosage to be delivered at home, the taxpayer will now pick up the Medicare tab for her to be hospitalized for months until her infection is resolved. If Lincare had sent the correct medication to my mother and Medicare covered the $20 per diem daily charge for the medicine, she would have her infection under control and could save the system thousands of dollars by staying out of the hospital.

The American taxpayers dollars are not being spent in a logical or efficient manner. People are not recieving the correct treatment to keep the out of the hospital either. This is what happens when the government is in charge of healthcare. Lincare is the kind of fraud, waste and abuse that needs to be eliminated to stop wasting taxpayers money.

For those advocating for single payer healthcare, look no further than Lincare to what you can expect with no choice and zero accountability.


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Today marks the very first time in my life (I am 70) that a customer service rep told me to F*** off.

After waiting over 3 weeks to find out if I could order CPAP supplies, and calling 3 times, I mentioned to this female rep (name I believe started with M) that I was amazed that Lincare was still in business, due to the fact that LinCare never follow up on calls. Immediately her tone and manner turned hostile and distant and she said "I am transferring you to my supervisor. After maybe 5 minutes on hold she came back and said the supervisor was not available and would call.

She offered me an 800 number, which I already had, completely ignoring the fact that I told her earlier that the 800# told me I had a "frozen account" due to "lack of use of the machine" - not correct. I told her that she ought to devote more time to helping customers and not be so fragile that she could not handle an irate customer and pass those critical calls off to her supervisor. Conversation went down hill from there, I got a bit nasty, and she told me to F*** off. Nice mouth on a girl who can't listen to a legitimate complaint about service without running to the boss to handle it.

I wonder had I not been a senior citizen if she would have been more respectful and concerned about my problem getting supplies.

It amazes me that the labor pool in this area is so small that people are put into customer service jobs that, in my personal opinion, they have neither the ability or the emotional temperament to do properly.
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You may have options other than Lincare for respiratory DME
If you're on Medicare, call the number on your card, press 0 for a live person, ask for the DME (durable medical equipment) claims office, and tell them you have been getting dismal or no service from Lincare and you absolutely must find an alternative supplier. I reached an extremely helpful woman who first gave me the name of other potential suppliers for my zip code, saying that I should call and ask if LinCare were still competitive bidders for respiratory DME. Several were suppliers I had used in the past but knew were now longer considered "competitive bidders." Unbidden, the Medicare woman then called around herself and found me a new supplier.
I live in a major metropolitan area. Perhaps in some parts of the country Lincare is the only supplier Medicare (or your insurance company) has accepted as a competitive bidder to supply DME service. If so, complain LOUDLY! To your insurer.
The very helpful Medicare woman said that according to regulations since she had found me an alternative source she could not take a complaint about Lincare. She suggested I ask through "My Medicare" upper right chat button about how to file a complaint (and hopefully protect future patients).
Unless patients tell their insurers just how bad Lincare is, Lincare will continue to win competitive bids because they don't do anything, but presumably are at least modestly compensated anyway. Just for taking an occasional phone call and blowing it off.
My local Lincare office did not take calls for months. These calls sometimes were answered by an office in upstate New York, where occasionally someone would admit they received but then lost my papers. A real frustration that has gone on for more than eight months. And I my only issue is needing a new mask. I feel for people, like a former companion dying of lung cancer, who have serious respiratory DME medical needs.

Poorest service EVER!
I called for a liquid oxygen refill on a Wednesday of last week. Driver called Thursday to state he would be at my house between 3-5pm. No courtesy call and driver was a no show. Friday a.m. i called to find out what happened. A different employee called late in the day to explain that the liquid O2 is not available for another two weeks? Wth, why didn't the driver tell me that in the first place?

Following week, i called for two large portable oxygen tanks plus oxygen tubing to hold me until I can have the liquid O2 delivered in a week or whenever LinCare get around to it. I spoke with an office girl, she stated that the driver would call me in the morning to let me know what time he would be coming today. No call, and another no show. I called at 3 pm at the Lincare branch in my area, receptionist couldn't get a hold of the driver and told me she was going to call back. She failed to do so. I called the answering service at 4:30pm and she took all my info and stated she would try to contact someone in the office at 5pm to have them contact me ~ AGAIN, NO COURTESY CALL!

The service with Lincare is atrocious but i do use liquid O2 for my respiratory disease needs and it's the only company that provides that service. It's important that i am on the liquid O2 as my body does not do well on an oxygen concentrator (plugs into wall and oxygen is only 89.9% pure. Liquid O2 is 99.9% pure. My body knows the difference!)

J. R. used to be my driver about five years ago and he always came, always called, and if not, gave a courtesy call. He got fired unfortunately. All the drivers since then are inefficient and do not give courtesy calls, scheduled appointment calls, nor tell us what to expect and when. They complain endlessly about the company, especially Oscar complains about the van not being adequate to carry the equipment. I do agree about that, why doesn't Lincare buy a commercial van that is able to carry the weight of the equipment? They surely can afford it... Getting back to Oscar/the driver for liquid O2, some of us are very sickly, weak, and depressed about our illnesses already we really don't need to listen to an a disgruntled employee complaining about his job. For myself, i have six major respiratory diseases plus a deadly bacteria that has Colonized my lungs. Each one of the diseases are progressive in nature. I count my lucky stars that I am alive and still able to move around a little bit.

All I'm asking is for consistent, proficient service and an upbeat driver. My insurance company pays Lincare in a timely manner but yet the sickly customers are getting jacked around EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Which is super frustrating and annoying.

I have canceled many of my plans to be home when a Lincare delivery is due and then i get repeat no-shows, no courtesy calls, or am given mis-information (lead to believe one thing and that is simply not true.)

Stay AWAY!
I worked for Lincare for about half of a year. I can honestly say, I wish that I had read reviews on indeed and other sites before going to work there, I haven't ever witnessed such morally unethical and unprofessional business people as what I saw go on within that company. From the management being sexually unprofessional regarding comments and discussions about other employees, harassment, Medicare inducement for referrals by taking snacks and doing lunches and calling them "in services", speaking to employees and customers very rudely, twisting, turning, and creating fraudulent test results and records to benefit their referrals, convincing employees that LinCare need to use the the corporate credit card to pay for lunches but, then not reimbursing in a timely fashion and holding employees responsible for making large payoffs/payments on the credit cards. This company doesn't care about people including customers and employees, they're about money, I witnessed it first hand. I wouldn't ever recommend them to anyone especially my family or friends. There are so many other companies that are in the area that can take so much better care of you and your family while being ethical. This company has an "F" and isn't supported by the BBB for the reason of so many customer complaints and the company not responding to these and has horrible reviews online from employees. Do it for your family.

Called Lincare in Bend OR last November to order replacement supplies. LinCare confirmed they would mail them! In early December I went to the local office since I hadn't received the parts, the office manager told me that my account was cancelled since I didn't order parts on a regular basis.
I asked for a copy of my medical records and went to a different provider NORCO in town who ordered my supplies and delivered them the following week.
In January I received a package with supplies from Lincare (remember, THEY cancelled my account month's ago) I took the supplies back to the local Bend OR office and received a receipt for the return. I also called the main office and let them know that I didn't order any supplies, they had cancelled my account and that I took the box with supplies back to their local office.
In February I received a bill for the supplies I returned, I called the office to let them know I returned them and mailed them the return receipt. BTW, THE LINCARE BILL WAS TWICE as much than the Norco bill for the same supplies!

Substandard Care_Should not be advertising as a "care company"
I am very sick with a respiratory condition and so must use a CPAP. My doctor signed me up with LinCare to "provide my CPAP needs". I made an initial contact and spoke with Robyn. I asked what LinCare provide to infirm patients. She said what do you need? The things I needed, such as the expensive lip tape called "somnifix", the only tape that works, she said they don't provide. I said, then: "masks are expensive; do you provide them? That would be great assistance." She sent me to a website saying: we supply many of these; see which one you need then "call me back next week". I spent considerable time on the website (which has one of the worst selection of cpap masks I've seen (nothing approaching the selection of The CPAP Shop, or Sleep Direct). I finally found two masks that I thought could help me. I called Robyn back and gave her the precise names: "Hold on," she said, "I'll see if we can get those"... long wait; she returned: "Sorry, we don't provide those". I asked: what then do you carry? She said: travel to our store and see; "but"--she added like an 18th century nanny--"you can't try on any masks" (then proceeded to lecture me about how a dirty mask can't be reused); then she told me a flat-out-falsehood: "no cpap supply company let's customers try on masks and return them." (O really, Robyn? See The CPAP Shop.) I told her: I am sick from my respiratory condition and cannot travel to your shop. She said: "Well, I'll have to find out if we send out our respiratory therapists for mask trials." I got annoyed and said: "you advertise as CARING for patients; but till now you've done no such thin; you've just sent me off to do my own searching, after which you've told me you can't get what I searched for, then, when I asked for help because I'm sick, you said "sorry, I'm not sure we do that; tell me, Robyn, how DO you care for patients?" This hurt her feelings so she had her young manager, 'Patrick', call me back. An earnest fellow, with little knowledge of CPAP patients' care needs, 'Patrick' confirmed their incapacity to assist sick customers who can't travel to their store; and gave me another lecture about being nice. In the end, 'Patrick'--who knew what I needed, and knew that I was unable to travel. And provided ABSOLUTELY NO solutions--got frustrated WITH ME, and hung up on me. My recommendation is: if your doctor or anyone else recommends LinCare, ask at once for another care company.

Terrible company to deal with
Since Lincare bought out Homecare NE in December I have had tarrible customer service. The 1st problem was an order for supplies. The Customer Service was as rude as anyone I have ever dealt with. She told me that I wasn't using the product I was using because the computer said I had another type. Argued for 10 minutes. Second problem was with billing. I received a bill for the monthly fee for the CPAC unit. Which had been covered the prior 4 months 100%. LinCare told me that there had been a change with my insurance carrier. I hung up and called my Insurance who assured me there was no change and the unit was covered 100%. Each call to Lincare took close to and hour on hold. I called them back and was given the same info so I asked to speak with a Supervisor. I was told they were busy and would call ma back. I waited a week. I called a 3rd time, the service Rep "Dirrie" was wonderful, she took my number in case we got disconnected, which had happened on the prior call. She checked with Billing and told me it was all taken care of. This weekend I got a demand notice stating I was 60 days late in payment, the letter had a number to call which included an extension that didn't exist. This call didn't go well. They said that they were having a problem contacting the insurance company, the same one who had been dealing with Homecare with no problems. I'm glad I have the time to deal with this, 5 hours on the phone and I'm not convinced it is over.

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Based on 51 reviews from LinCare customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Lincare was founded on the belief that through patient education and clinical support, we can improve patient compliance with physicians'

Address: 33764


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