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Look Fantastic

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Reviews Beauty, Skin Care Look Fantastic

50 customer reviews of

Terrible, would never order from them again.
Wish I'd read the reviews on here before ordering but unfortunately I saw there overall score was very good on Trust Pilot and didn't read any actual reviews. Look Fantastic took more money than I authorised payment for (isn't this fraud?) They then called me a liar and denied this happened, until I produced a screen shot of the transaction at which point they changed their story and still tried to deny responsibility. I finally got them to refund the difference only to find when my order arrived that the free gift worth £22 which had enticed me to buy from them wasn't in the package. Cue more emails back and forth in which they again completely failed to provide any customer service and called me a liar again. Each time you reply to an email you get a response from a different person and each person tries to fob you off with various reasons in which you the paying customer have no right to what you were promised. An absolute con to get people to buy and they obviously have no concern about repeat business from the way they treat customers. After having such a bad experience I went back to Trust Pilot to try to see why they have such a high score. It's because any negative reviews are removed at their request, there are numerous low scores annotated that they have been removed at the request of LookFantastic. It's disgraceful that Trust Pilot allow this, I for one would have avoided them like the plague had the negative reviews been properly counted into their overall score. Easy to get high scores when you only allow good feedback!

Absolutely useless company. On two consecutive orders this company has allowed me to purchase items that were out of stock (it did NOT state that these products were out of stock at the time of purchasing) only after I'd placed the order and paid did I get separate dispatch dates for these items. Now firstly this is fraud, you're advertising products that you do not have in stock. Secondly had you have marked the products as such I would have purchased them elsewhere that could get them to me for when I needed them. Thirdly, the company dispatched both orders separately meaning the items arrived at different times due to "stock issues" again do not advertise a product as being in stock and ready for dispatch if that is in fact a complete and utter lie. I voiced all my grievances to an advisor named Belinda who took it upon herself to call me a liar and state it was my fault for purchasing out of stock items (I have screenshots of the conversation) however a brief look on the Look Fantastic website you will see it is PHYSICALLY NOT POSSIBLE to add out of stock items to your basket (again I have proof of this as I screen recorded me attempting to do so). I am still awaiting items from an order placed on the 1st of May. The second order which I placed has arrived today and has three items missing, one of which is "out of stock" but Look Fantastic obviously couldn't be arsed to advertise as such on their website, again causing me to spend money with them when I could have spent it with a company that actually has the product.

No one has given me a response in regards to the disgusting way their staff speak to their customers whatsoever, I've had to place a formal complaint with Trading Standards due to their inability to take responsibility for their actions, rude staff and fraudulent advertising. I will NEVER shop here again I cannot stress how ridiculous this entire ordeal has been, I will stick to Cult Beauty and SkinCity in the future their customer advisors are actually helpful and do not speak to you like you're a sack of crap.

I am over £100 pounds of of pocket because of this idiotic company yet they seem to think £25 compensation is a reasonable amount. I have had to further my complaint with Trading Standards as I will never get anywhere with their advisors.

"I do not care" customer service
Order from (UAE) never made it directly to me, despite clearly stating my delivery address. Since a few weeks ago the order is held at a pickup point - without any information in regards to where to collect the delivery. Picking up is not a problem for me though. Not mentioning the fact it took almost 3 weeks to arrive to the country. Have not heard about deliveries from US to UAE in 5 working days max?

Absolutely terrible customer service:

"I can see from the tracking information that your order has arrived at a pick up point.
We would encourage you to collect your parcel from the pick up point."

I could see this on the website tracking info, thank you for the obvious answer!
Why the order was sent not to my address as initially suggested and was left at a pickup point?

When followed up with the request: to give me at least an explanation or a pick up point location:
2) Why the customer service representative replies with basically a "we don't give a... answer:

"I am very sorry but due to the way this order was sent we are unable to get exact details we would encourage you to get in touch with your local courier provider and seek advice from them"
Ticket closed. Everyone is "happy"

Do I have to call YOUR shipping company, despite you promised me to deliver the product to my doorstep?

Do not order from them.

I have been buying from Lookfantastic…

I have been buying from Lookfantastic for some time now, and more than once I noticed that something was not right with some of the products received (as the previous reviewer also mentioned). More than once, I received quite pricey creams that looked battered and I was convinced were samples. I know this for certain as I have worked in the beauty industry for many years and I know what samples look like. I left comments and reviews on the products on the page itself, warning people about this. At another instance, I had to send a product back, as Look Fantastic had sent me the wrong shade (foundation), and they absolutely refused to send me a refund. Over a month past, I had to start a case with PayPal to resolve the case.
The last drop was my very latest order from them a few days ago. I ordered a hair serum, together with other products, which arrived fully damaged. No packaging, no seal with its pump broken. There was literally no pump tube inside the bottle. The product is basically unusable as its quite hard and won't even pour out. It needs a pump! So, I took pictures of this, and contacted their customer service, asking them to either replace the faulty item or refund me, and here is were their demeaning behaviour began. Firstly, I do not think that they have an actual customer care team, because no self-respecting business would handle their customers in this manner.
The first reply to my email was a brush-off apology, offering me 10% refund! I couldn't believe my eyes. I paid full price for a new product they failed to send me, and now instead of rectifying their mess, they are being disrespectful. I sent another message, already agitated, asking them to please honour their customers and make-up for the mistake they have made. To this, I get another email that looks EXACTLY like the first one, word-to-word, this time they are offering a 15% refund! I felt like I was at a cheap, side alley market with a thief seller that's shamelessly looking for ways to exploit the customers. How revolting. They never solved anything for me, and I'm sure I'm not the first and the last customer they did this to.
I will never again order from them, and strongly advise anyone who respects their hard-earned money and mental health to stay away from this page. Instead, support the smaller businesses, which are not as huge and actually run a respectful business, respecting their customers and operate with integrity.

Worst costumer service ever!
Bought a product which doesn't match their online description, asked for a refund but Look Fantastic plain refused. Despite the fact according to the law they should take back my purchase, with what's called the cooling off period: In consumer rights legislation and practice, a cooling-off period is a period of time following a purchase when the purchaser may choose to cancel a purchase, and return goods which have been supplied, for any reason, and obtain a full refund.

I have also asked them several times for them to delete my account with them because I won't ever order from or any other company by the They responded me that they have removed me from their email newsletter. Seriously I have done that myself. They think it's a joke or are laughing at me.

I wrote a review about how the product didn't match the description as they have given but they will never post my review because its a negative review, they moderate all reviews and only post the positives ones. You can see this with all their products that have reviews, there are only positive reviews, very misleading and deceiving company!

Disgusting money grabbing company, I would never recommend to buy from this company!

Illegal trading; charge you, send you the wrong thing, advise you inc but don't send what you order.
The letter i sent to the Manufacturers of the goods that i ordered with whom i have no issue but thought it pertinent to warn them of who Look Fantastic are dealing with.

I did an online search to find my favourite De Stress Muscle Oil on special offer at Look Fantastic and decided to order 4 Bottles and a number of other products spending £231.00!

After about 10 days, I received the first part of my order which was everything except the De Stress Muscle Oils, but I also received 2 x Miniature 3 ml Sample Boxes of about 10 Oils. I telephoned the company to enquire as to why my order was missing the 4 x Muscle Oils and was talked through their online tracker which showed my online order as 4 bottles still to follow. At that time I enquired as to what the miniature oils were and was told they were free gifts and thus started using 1 pack straight away and sent the other to Greece for my cousin.

Trusting that my oils were to follow I waited another two weeks (as it states on the website to wait after dispatch) In the meantime I received another two miniature bottles and at this point assumed they were two further free gifts to go with my outstanding order of 4 Muscle Oils. I wrapped them up and gave them away for Christmas gifts also! Still having not received my oils and them now showing as completed I phoned and spoke to Customer Services to be told he would investigate it.

During that conversation with him I noticed that the wording on the product description says it is miniature and I pointed out to him that this could be the problem? At this point I hadnt made the connection with the free gift until I received the letter a couple of days later but equally he didnt say "hang on the miniatures youve received we may want them back or they may not be free gifts" but in either case it was already too late.

I then received the attached email asking for the size of the bottles received. I called again and told another colleague the size was 3ml as I was unable to speak with Thomas as he was on another call. I trusted that Thomas was looking into this and only yesterday 13th December did I think to chase up whats happening as they hadnt even had the courtesy to inform me of their decision. My phone call led me to be told that unless I returned the miniatures they would not forward the products that I had ordered, paid for but not received. I informed them that I couldnt return the free gifts as I had already been using one box since id now been waiting over 4 weeks for my oils and the other boxes have been wrapped and given as Christmas presents that would be extremely embarrassing for me to now ask for back. I was informed that unless I returned the miniature bottles they would not be sending the oils that I had ordered and paid for. This decision was subsequently reiterated by the Manager, a Nicky Porter who claimed that she was the overall Manager. I informed her that I would not let this rest but she just reiterated her decision.

I am extremely upset about this and unless I am mistaken believe that this is actually illegal as they have not fulfilled their contract with me for which I have paid for and I will be contacting Trading Standards to confirm my rights on this and will be in contact with my credit card provider to see how I can redeem my money. In addition I shall be actively seeking out any website where I can leave a review to warn people not to deal with this company. Believe me, if I could give the miniatures back irrespective of their obvious belief that I am liar, I would. I suggested that the Manager listen to the recording of that first conversation where I was told that they must be a free gift to be told that conveniently they dont record all conversations despite the warning when you ring. I find this company to be extremely unprofessional and especially with how they have dealt with my problem and felt it only fair to inform you of my experience as they are representing your company by selling your products.

I would very much appreciate being informed of your findings with your intended investigation into this and I strongly feel that you may need to reconsider your business dealings with a company who can treat their customers in such a way. I am confident that you would not have treated me in such a manor. Incidentally, I have found two review websites you may find interesting to hear I dont seem to be alone in not being happy with their service the trustpilot review has gone down a point since last night!

Ill keep you informed of my progress!

Ps. I agree they don't deserve any stars!

Terrible checkout and customer service - ended up having to pay double
I've had an absolutely terrible experience with this company, and am now out of pocket because of their incompetent systems and terrible customer service.

Issue 1
I used them initially because of the discount Look Fantastic offered for Elle subscribers. The blurb given for this to be applied was that it would be applied at checkout, with no link for any terms of the offer. I went ahead and paid thinking it would be applied, but got charged the full amount. I queried this with their customer service team, who said that the brand I had purchased was actually one of the excluded ones - a fact only noted on a difficult to find page that they linked me to (I couldn't find it via search on the site, and it isn't directly linked to from the Elle site or in their literature on the site, which I'm pretty sure is a legal requirement). Had I known this and been adequately informed, I would have shopped elsewhere.

Issue 2
Their checkout system is buggy - I opted to pay with PayPal but then decided to use debit card as the former incurred a charge. I paid using debit card, but was charged 60p anyway. When I contacted customer services, they acknowledged this was a bug which occurred when you selected to pay via PayPal but then chose another option. They couldn't refund me there and then, I had to call up.

Issue 3
Probably out of confusion of how the checkout process actually worked, I paid for my goods and accidentally left a previous address as the Delivery Address - one I had no access to and knew it would almost certainly get stolen. I IMMEDIATELY put in a request to have it cancelled. I got an email a few hours later saying the request had failed, and it got sent out anyway.

Issue 3
I called customer services and explained the issue and they said they would put a request in to Hermes to recall the parcel and I would be refunded. Phew, I thought.
Then I got an email to say that my parcel had been successfully delivered.

Issue 4
Fuming about having been mislead that everything would be OK, I called their customer services again, and explained the situation. I was put through to their customer services relations team, and was told that as I had clearly tried numerous times to cancel the order, as a gesture of good will they would either give me a refund or send out a replacement to another address. I gave them my new address, and waited. Nothing came.

Issue 5
Called their customer services team again and explained, and apparently there was no record of the call made that said I would be sent out a replacement, and it wasn't their policy to send out a product to an alternative address. Either they're lying that there's no record of the call so they don't have to pay out, or they have crap systems.

Issue 6
They repeatedly stated that neither they or Hermes were liable for anything, and that I would have to take it up with the police about my parcel being stolen. More complete avoidance of any responsibility and me having to bend over backwards to resolve the situation. Regardless of what would happen if the police got involved, I wouldn't get my money back. Not only am I down on the value of the original order, but I've bought it elsewhere so have ended up paying double.

The item I ordered took an age to arrive and when it...
The item I ordered took an age to arrive and when it finally did it was the wrong item - similar to what I ordered but not the same. You can't reply to any emails Look Fantastic send you as they all have "do not reply" at the top so you have to log into your account and open a new issue. I did this and was advised to return the item by click & collect and the replacement would be sent. I did this straight away but it took over a week for them to get back to me to advise my replacement had been sent.

When I got the replacement it was the exact same incorrect item as they had originally sent me! I had to open another issue on line, contact them, and return the item. I advised that this time I wanted a refund. I waited for a reply - nothing so I contacted them again and again and again until finally someone got back to me advising that my item had not been received. I tracked it online through click & collect and they had received it 5 days previously. I emailed yet again to complain but no-one got back to me so I had to phone them up. Miraculously my item has suddenly been found at their depot and they advised I'd be refunded.

Appalling service, would never use again, especially when there are so many better similar websites out there offering a much better service.

Cancel part of your order then charge and send you the cancelled items
I seldom write reviews but I've had it with LF's customer service. I've been shopping on their site for more than 10 years now but never had to deal with their customer service until recently. Having read all the comments (mostly 1 star and that's because 0 stars was not an option) here and having received useless messages from Laura, Scarlett, Gayle, Emily et al, I knew my battle was lost. I'd have better chances of getting my money back by raising a dispute with the bank and/or filing a complaint with the Consumer Council.

I bought dental whitening strips in December 2020 but didn't receive them for months. I followed up in February 2021 and was told that the dental strips were out of stock, a refund would be issued to my credit card. So I thought - fine, I'll just buy something similar elsewhere, and I did. Little did I know, that was the beginning of my LF nightmare.

I got a notification from my bank on 15 March 2021, saying I had been charged ~£60 for the dental strips that were cancelled. I followed up with LF right away before items were dispatched, asking them to cancel it. But NO, NO CAN DO because it has been passed to their dispatch team. Look Fantastic forcibly dispatched the items that they singlehandedly cancelled and charged me for them without my permission. When I asked for a refund, they insisted that I would have to send the items which I did not ask for back - the postage of which I will have to bear myself, of course. I tried to explain the situation to them, but have only received either standard messages or responses from someone who has clearly not read the previous communications.

I just read the latest message from Gayle moments ago and have decided to stop wasting my time with these people. I filed a dispute with the bank yesterday and hope to get my money back somehow. I am now exploring my statutory rights. Good luck to everyone else fighting the LF fight!

I used to like it and placed a couple of orders for the price and speed. I guess will never know how terrible their customer service until I have the problem. Because you will never get advice or solution from them. My recent order never arrived. So I got in touch with them, after 21 days waiting, the only things I got so far were apologies and a commitment to start the investigation. But, never an update for the investigation or advice for next step. Then, I flied a compliant, and that when I was more shocked with their attitude. First of all, the so calle"executive" didn't seem want to listen and understand what happened with me. He could not wait to shut me up with, again just a "sorry, I don't know,... I have no idea..." if you fill out a form, we will process your refund within 24 hours. And then I filled the form, you know what happened next, another message said, you didn't fill in all the items you haven't received so we can't process... (oh! What I filled was I didn't receive the order, I thought that supposed to mean, I didn't get anything in the order!) I just sent out the form again with all items descripted in details... Let's see what will happen next... I agree with someone's comment, Look Fantastic are trying to use the delaying tactics to make it difficult for you to give up.

I will never ever recommend it to any one...

You won't get diddly squat from this trash
I ordered one solitary hair shine - scent spray and was informed it was dispatched on 16 December from the UK destined to home in the USA. Mind you, that I ordered this from the lookfantastic US site.

It should've only taken a few days to get to the United States. It's been sitting in a Royal Mail international depot in Langley HWDC end it hasn't been moved to international shipment, so it could arrive to me in a timely basis.

I contacted the trash company with trash customer service only to be told that Look Fantastic would contact the courier and get back to me. They never Sent me any updates or offered any other solutions. I e-mailed the garbage Royal Mail, myself, at this particularly trashy office, and nobody has responded to my inquiry although I was promised a response within four days and it's beyond that unfulfilled promise.

I've been offered no resolution on this, no help, and not even the decency of sympathy for my situation. Look fantastic further informed me that it would take up to 30 days to get this resolved that is not stipulated anywhere on the website when I ordered anything.

My estimated arrival date was between the 18th and 24th and it should've gotten here by then or at least moved within the system. It's still sitting in that crappy and disgusting distribution center in England. This is the most trashiest company I've ever encountered. It's poor customer service, belligerent jerks for sales reps, And there's absolutely no respect for the hard-earned money that I used to purchase their items.

They have not only taken my money and refused to refund it to me based on the lost item, they have also taken my trust in their company away. It's a good thing I paid with PayPal because they will investigate it based on the information I forwarded and will certainly get my money returned. Of course this trashy, garbage, despotic, and reprehensible company said that once I contacted PayPal they couldn't help me any further, Although there is a facility on PayPal for the customer and the company to resolve the issue, not that they were helping me in anyway, even through PayPal or on my phone call to them, anyway!

I would not recommend them because if you have a problem with them, expect a big fight to claw your money back. Expect no proper customer service, expect to be Looked at his trash, and expect a fight.If you manage to get your parcels on time, good for you and you were among the lucky ones And I don't want to hear how could anybody have anything negative to say, when I have the damn proof that these people suck.

Don't buy a damned thing from them. Just don'.
* This company replies to this to pretend they're helpful yet they have a been helpful to me in over a week. They already told me that they can't help me once I filed my claim with PayPal which is some thiNo I explained here. Look fantastic can respond to it by addressing the claim and refunding my money

The two items that l have received have issue.
1)Olaplex -without stating the expiry date.
2)Bioffect serum ( with expiry date 21 Sept) l have to finish up within 2months for $200 plus of item. Look Fantastic stated in their policy that we can return it within 14days. I paid under PayPal, but Look fantastic refused to respond when l raise a dispute there. I managed to get into the chat with this customer service, Ciaca on the 15/7/21, l was told to snap shot images of evidences relating my purchase, after she verified with me of my personal information relating to my purchase. She assured me that there will be someone responding to me in my email, once l submitted my evidences. But, it did not happen the way she had described to me. I went to the message again on the next day 16/7/21, and Jordan was in that chat line with me, he told me my home address did not match. He reminded me of the very first encounter with the previous customer service from Look Fantastic before Ciaca, it was on different day. Well, l finally realised that they were all liers. I will not waste my time interacting with them. They are there to cheat, this kind of Company cannot go far. This kind of Company can only cheat once. I should have come to this feedback page before placing my order. I doubt they will do a refund if l were to send back to the Company, why must l waste the shipping fees? They deserve zero star from me, but l am requested to rate it. They far from this Company, and don't let them scam u.

Terrible customer care
Terrible customer care
Terrible customer care! Beware!
I always buy stuff on this website, I like the products and the prices. Shame their customer care is so bad. Look Fantastic are very quick to respond to your complaints and very apologetic, but it stops there. Completely lack of skills and interest in finding a solution to any problem you might have with your order.
I placed an order like a month ago, I've never received it because it got probably lost somewhere, and I'm still waiting for a refund. They say they can't give me a refund till they start an investigation to see what happened with the order. Unbelievable! They have enough proof I never received it, as it says very clear on the tracking details that it has never been delivered to me. Actually, last thing on tracking details says it has been sent back to retailer (lookfantastic). But they tell me they don't have it! It's obvious they don't have any intantion whatsoever in giving me my money back. So all I can do it's to stop buying from them and write this review so people know what to expect if they have a problem with their orders. Opt for other websites much more serious than this one if you don't want to loose your money, and your time and energy dealing with their customer care!

Didn't honour voucher code - false advertising
I ordered over £100 worth of goods with a voucher code for 15% plus a free gift. The free gift never arrived and when I queried it I was told that some of the order didn't qualify for the gift. Had I known the exclusions I would not have purchased the items from LookFantastic because I could have got them cheaper elsewhere. There were no exclusions stated on the advertisement for the code and no link to point me to anything like that.

When I explained this to the customer 'support' (for want of a much worse word), I received absolutely nothing back! I emailed the feedback team, I sent another support ticket online, I tweeted and sent Facebook messages. The latter has only just responded... over 3 months after purchase! Nobody is taking any responsibility for the false advertising, nor do Look Fantastic seem open to upholding their offer. ASA have been informed. This isn't the first time this has happened either, a family member had the same problem last year and was met with a brick wall.

I also notice that LookFantastic attempt to remove or block every bad review of their services & fail to respond to a lot of customers who have problems or take responsibility for their actions. Be warned, you probably won't see a fair report on a lot of review sites.

Appalling customer service staffed by morons
This company sent me empty product boxes. After numerous contacts via their website & emails (including 1 where Look Fantastic told me to send an email to an incorrect email address) over 4 weeks without any resolution I finally rang them (paid for international call from Australia to UK) & spoke to a young female. I was kept waiting whilst she "checked it out" and only after I stated that I would report them to online fraud authorities, was finally told that yes they had received my email with the completed "non delivery disclaimer form". I had advised them many times that I wanted the missing items resent but she still asked me if I wanted a refund or the goods in question. I asked for the items to be sent express post but was told "we don't do that". No apology for their colossal mistake. The items were finally received almost 6 weeks after my initial complaint. Included in the package was a discount voucher for fresh fruit & vegetables which would have been great if I LIVED IN THE UK! These people are idiots, their customer service is a joke and they need a massive kick in the backside. Suffice to say I will NEVER buy anything from them again.


I Live in Dubai and ordered a product from LookFantastic and asked them to deliver to my Hotel. Look Fantastic said I should receive it in a week. I kept waiting for a month, then once I followed up, they informed me that they do not guarantee the delivery to a Hotel since anyone can take the product therefore I will not get it. Complete non-sense! So I asked her a multiple of questions which I never had answers to of course since they are so professional.

If you do not guarantee the delivery to a Hotel, why didn't you ask me to change the address before? Shouldn't the delivery guy call me before to make sure I'm at the Hotel? I assume you asked for my mobile number for a reason no? In case he went to the Hotel and I wasn't there, shouldn't he give it to the reception? I've been in the Hotel for 5 months now and the staff knows me so they would have informed me in case they received anything. Could you please inform me to whom did your delivery guy give the product to? When and at what time did the guy make the delivery?

A list of logical unanswered questions where the support always had the same answer: We do not guarantee Hotel deliveries! The product cost me AED80 (~$20) so it's not a big amount. But it's not about the price, it's about the waste of time, the poor and ridiculous support they have and the way they deliver the products! Wouldn't recommend it at all...

Scammed, had to ask pay-pal to help, damaged products and unsustainable company.
I had a horrible experience with lookfantastic.
Look Fantastic tried to delete my review:)
Short takeaways before I go into the story:
-don't order valuable items
-order with pay-pal, so they can provide you with the service lookfantastic should be providing you with
-don't count on their costumer service
-extremely unsustainable shipping
-if you can, order from a different site
-most product are overpriced and available for cheaper elsewhere.

My experience:
I ordered a nuface tool, which cost about 200 EUR, and received a damaged device that appeared to be used.

The device looked like it was dropped, as the bottom two parts weren't connected well and there were scratches all over the product.
The power-plug also appeared to be taken out of the plastic.

Shocked, I messaged their costumer service.
They didn't show much empathy or weren't really apologetic. They told me I could send the product back and would receive a refund, once the product made it to their warehouse, not great, but fair enough.

So the next day I took the time to return the damaged device.

A week passes, no word from them, I look at the tracked return, and it had already made it's way to the warehouse the day after I shipped it.

I asked them, and they said they were looking into it.
They continuously asked me for my address which ok. You need it for privacy reasons, but also continuously asked me for my proof of shipping with tracking number, which to me, shows they were not looking into it at all as they should then have these on file.
I chased and chased for about two weeks, and it was getting no where, they kept on saying they were looking into it but constantly needed the same info and failed to give me any updates.

After week 3 of chasing, double messaging and receiving vague answers, I decided to go to pay-pal, I had a solid case, proof of them approving the return, proof that the product was in their warehouse, and proof of them failing to give me any valid information.

It took a month, as lookfantastic failed to reply, and I finally got my money back from pay-pal.

Horrible service, will never, ever. Order from them ever again, and tell anyone who wants to hear (I work part time as a makeup artist and in lots of skincare and makeup forums and groups) to stay away from their website. Or to hope your order goes well, because you can not count on their service if it doesn't.

In addition, they are extremely unsustainable, in an order made before this, one order wasn't in stock so they had to ship it afterwards, it was a tiny product that would've been able to fit in a small envelope, but instead they send me a huge box, with paper and plastic to fill the box up, seriously? Do better.

Worst experience
I live in southeast Asia, so most companies don't ship to my country. Then I found LookFantastic and Look Fantastic also have great deals and good prices. After reading many negative reviews about LookFantastic, I felt skeptical about the company. However, since I needed to buy some products so badly, I decided to place an order on the 30th of August 2019. After a few hours, I received an email about payment problem. I tried to resolve the problem many times. I have talked to their customer service for almost a week until they suggested to cancel the order. I didn't cancel it immediately. Then, they canceled some of my order, so I canceled the rest. They promised to send refund 3-5 working day. But it has been 10 days already, and I still haven't received my refund. As I discussing the issue with them two days ago, they told me they haven't taken the payment. How could they said they didn't take it while it's been deducted from my account since I placed the order. I've even sent information as they need such as a photo of my transaction as well as the transaction number, but the problem has not been solved. Is this company try to scam me? I'm so disappointed. Stay away if you don't want to have a problem like me.

Beware of promotions and poor customer service
I placed a high order value on the basis that I would get their promotion of 20% off and two free gifts (brush set and beauty bag). However only the discount was added and I never got the free gifts.

When I first emailed the company said I needed to add the gifts to the basket. However when I rang to challenge this Look Fantastic admitted they should have gone on automatically and they would have to investigate and it could take 48 hours.

The next day I decided to call again as I wasn't going to sit around waiting. They then kept putting me on hold whilst conferring with their manager and said those gifts had now sold out and they would offer me a £5 credit and nothing else they could do and he confirmed that wasn't even a good will gesture as they can't do that either. Obviously that didn't address the issue of receiving the free gifts which is what I hoped to get. I suggested could they offer an alternative gift. Not possible.

I requested to speak to the manager myself. It was a longwinded stressful and heated conversation with a very robotic, dismissive and poorly skilled manager that you have to pay for returns and you can't refuse delivery, how you need to check terms and conditions, how you need to make sure the gifts are showing in the basket before placing the order and every lame excuse possible. He just didn't get that it wasn't acceptable that I didn't get what I thought I should have got and if they had sold out, then you shouldn't be expected to read the entire t and c's to see that they do not have to fulfil the offer if they don't have stock. That wasn't even the issue in my case. For some unknown reason my gifts just didn't get added to the order or basket even though they should have. Even where they have *exclusions apply on their site there is no click through to what the exclusions are. Goodness knows.

He failed to understand and honour that I was disappointed, upset, inconvenienced and what could he do to ease that without banging on about what I needed to do and how they can't do anything or even to take on board my constructive feedback as a legitimate customer and experienced online shopper! Instead I got lecture after lecture about how the company operates. They don't give a monkeys about their customers.

So beware if there is ever anything amiss and you need to take it up with them.

Oh, and he said the negative reviews are submitted by their competitors. Umm, so what about my complaint? And how can they say for absolute certain that is true. "Yes we can and we do" was the arrogant, calculated response. I suppose that means all the positive reviews are submitted by themselves then?


Can't get my refund for a month now
I have paced and payed my order in November. One part of the order was cancelled by lookfantastic later due to supply shortage. Look Fantastic have promised to refund in 3-5 days, but I am waiting and asking for my money for about a month now. They now say that it was supposed to be a payment on despatch and I apparently am not getting my money back. So the conversation goes as follows: I say please refund what I have paid for sth that you have cancelled; they say it is payment on despatch, so you are not getting any. I feel not heard, not respected and have just unfortunately lost my temper and resolved to swearing in the chat (apologies). I would still like to receive a refund though.

This is the answer i keep on receiving
Unfortunately it appears that the order was cancelled due to the item being out of stock. Therefore as the order was never dispatched and so as suggested in our previous message no payment will have been taken as payment is received upon dispatch.


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Based on 50 reviews from Look Fantastic customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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