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50 customer reviews of

Lies, deception and delays
It all started very well and I want to point out that Victor, my agent at MDG was great. I felt that he was trying his best but his hands were tied by the company he works for. Company which has no clue how to treat a customers.
I first applied and Victor got in touch with me, I was approved for a little under then the maximum and I was happy with that. I gave him the list of items I wanted as well as ALL the info he requested including bank info to do an IBV...
Then it became deceptive. I was then told about a deposit equivalent to the first payment. Obviously mentionned late in the process sdo that I'd tell myself... Oh well, made it this far...
I went along but thought it was odd. I was told to leave the money in my account in few days payment will pass and then we ship your order. At some point around then, I wass asked to provide a copy of my bank transactions for the past month...? had just done an IBV but I had to spend more gas and time to go to the bank, wait in line, get the prints to send you. When the deposit passed in my account they said to tell them to the penny... exactly the amount that was withdrawn to confirm it was clear. The decimals were randomly selected and my confirming of it meant the payment passed. Then I was told oh no sir we have to wait and actually have the money in our account, to be sure and that can be few more days. It was pushing it to the next week. We are about 1.5 to 2 weeks in the process advertized as quick and easy.
So I loose my patience a little and asked why he needed to wait if as they had asked I provided the right amount withdrawn...
Guess what, I swear, no joke I had to go to the bank to print my bank transactions again or wait 3 more business days over the week end.
By this time WE HAVE SIGNED A CONTRACT. It had been long and I wantef to get it done and shipped before the week end so I went to the bank and got the print they asked. It showeed exactly what they wanted to see. Not the fact that their money weas paid, they found a reason to get more money from me. That morning I had a check bounce, I forgot about a payment, I was distracted. This is where the lies come in. Im told, not by Victor, that they had final verifications after recieving the money and that they decided I had to add another 160$ in the deposit or they dont send my stuff. Funny, it seems to me that I couldve waited patiently for payment to clear completely and they wouldve shipped. At this point im almost certain this is a fraud and I got robbed.
We make a deal
We sign a contract
Then you say send more or get nothing
I said of $#*! it and pay me back.
We then made an arrangement where I got only a third of what I wanted, still had to pay more deposit and wait...
All this time, those lies, for one tablet and 2 hard drives.
I deeply regret dealing with them. It seems good at first then gets worse and worse.
Photo where I wrote 1 if the confirmtion they sent after taking my money and changing their mind. The other one showswhat I actually recieved which is about 2000$ less in material then I was cleared for


Mixed feelings, But do read the whole description
So I guess first of all it took about 3-4 weeks to get this process done a lot of waiting a lot of back and forth. Second I wanted my payments to come out of a certain account which the first one did but then I got a phone call that said the account that took the money out of wasn't and approved account so I said ok well then why'd you take the money out of it then and I went around and around with the guy on the phone and he couldn't give me a reason why I could use this certain account and finally after about 20 minutes on the phone it clicked in my head and I said to the guy is it because I don't have a direct deposit going into this account and he finally confirmed that it was and I was like why didn't you just say so. Not sure if there was some fine print somewhere I didn't see but in any case It was a bit frustrating but with that beginning said if your credit isn't so good and you need something these people come through and have very good products and nice package deals unfortunately for those of us with not so good credit we are at the mercy of high interest rates but if it weren't for companies like this that take a chance on people like us we'd have a hard time to build up our credit so for that I thank y'all

Extremely Unsatisfied
So I have ordered a laptop as well as the 55" Samsung curved 4k smart tv. I had to go through too many steps just to qualify for the financing, to top that off I was told by one rep that my interest rate was 2.1% per month... WRONG! It is actually almost 5.5% per month. Any ways that was just the start. It's been a constant fight with reps to figure out my very simple 3 pc order. I have received my laptop and xbox one. My tv had arrived early to my surprise. However sent me the wrong tv. Upon calling them, I ended up talking to a lady who spoke very poor English and obviously didn't understand it either. The tv I had been shipped was a considerable downgrade from my purchase order, and upon trying to explain to this lady that I did not want this old tv; she offered me a measly 100 off my order... I paid $80 just to rent a vehicle to pick the dawn thing up...

End result that was I didn't accept the tv and didn't sign for it, told them to send it back. That was on Friday. I was told by her that a manager would be contacting me by end of day Monday... It is now Tuesday 9:15pm my time in Alberta... still no phone call.
As you can assume I am at my wits end with this company and unless they get there sh*t together I might possibly ship everything back to them and get my refund. I definitely have not had a good experience with MDG...





MDG review by ZNsolo101
So far the service has been great and I have not run into many issues but here are a few I did run into I recived damaged good returning it was impossible the monitor 27" was just bleeding color at the edges and even with extended warranty this made no difference on the cost to replace the monitor had to buy one local myself as shipping cost the same price as a new one was a better choice for me to just get one local everything els was ok I bought the "MDG Apton R7 2700 Desktop" this computer cost $800 more then its worth and comes with a 5 year old video card the rx 560 4g and no bloatware fresh install of windows 10 for the $1800 spent on this $1000 computer to get it to my door to have to upgrade the video card my first month just to play aaa titles with my brand new computer and i well have a review up on youtube sometime this week going over in detail inside and out of this perches should you use this option how despite are you to get a pc this was the only option i had at the time and with out options like this i would still not have a computer so the pros and cons of MDG are just as are pros and cons more $ less quality and mid ranged service and being over charged but $1000 pc for $1800 and a monthly affordable option. And after using this option i would strongly suggest you to build your own that $800 worth of mistakes you can make and still save more messing up a bunch then you well save hassle with mdg


Extremely poor service, verification is a joke
What I lesson I learned. MDG is a mess. Last week I saw an advertisement for a laptop. Seeing how I could use a new one, I decided to take a look. I found a bundle I liked and decided to purchase it. I was given a credit limit and placed my order. I am a well respected Director of an internationally known academy, I judge world renowned competitions and am constantly in the news for the philanthropic work we do. I make a decent salary and I figured, this would be an easy process. I was immediately informed that I had to wait until Monday morning to speak to my "Customer Agent" who was handling my case. I spoke to her on Monday morning, informed her that due to my workload it was imperative that act in a reasonable timely manner and not go back and forth with needless requests for additional information. I was asked to enter my bank account information, that was immediately verified, I was asked to verify my employment which was immediately verified, I was asked then to verify how many times a month I get paid by sending in my last two months statements (showing I made over 10K in 6 weeks). I've spent two days appeasing individuals who say they are trying to verify information that could be done in less than 30 minutes. This company obviously does not have the manpower, knowledge or customer service experience needed to run an online service. This is a poorly run company whos actions and attitude serve as notice that they may not be fiscally stable. It is a shame, in theory it would be a good practice, however, in actually, its a disaster where every employee is pointing the fingers at everyone else but themselves.


Last time
This was the third computer I have purchased from MDG over the past 20 years, and it will definitely be the last. After my purchase was approved, documents were signed and approved, had already taken a payment out of my account, then the 20 questions started, including phoning my employer twice! Unacceptable. I had to speak with their shipping agent (cant remember exact title) twice. First time I called back, they did the 20 questions thing, and was told my computer will be shipped out the following Wednesday by UPS and should expect it on Thursday or Friday as a signature was required. Made arrangements for someone to sign for computer. On the Monday, I get a phone call yet again, asking me the exact same questions, them phoning my employer yet again.(makes me look stupid to my employer - left wondering what is going on) and was told it would take week to 10 days to complete the order. I repeatedly told this second person I had already gone through this information, already jumped through their hopes, and told her if it wasn't here within 5 business days, I would be seeking legal remedies as they would be in breach of contract as they had already accepted payment, already accepted documents, already told me a date of delivery and now were changing everything. Again, unacceptable. I did finally get my computer 3 business days later, and the 'complimentary free camera' came a day after that. This experience has definitely left me bitter and upset, and no matter how I tried to explain things, the person in shipping/customer service. Whatever... didn't want to listen to a single word I said. It wasn't until I threatened legal action that all of a sudden I had my computer in 3 days. Great way to treat returning customers. Again, I will not buy another from MDG, its back to Dell again. PS> I buy 1-2 laptops a year for myself and my employees, so definitely their loss!


Long process, but prevailed in the end.
The initial process was gruesome. I had to jump through a million hoops, send in a million different things. Communication was horrible, processing took days on end, even after the verification was successful, I had to send in more stuff, then I had to wait 5 days for payment to clear and have my stuff sent out. It took 2 weeks just to get all of this done. But in the end, I have my order and everything is smoother out. But what a horrid process. It was tiresome and brutal. That's my honest review. Anyone just trying MDG, try to have patience. Because it's not a 1-2 day process. You're account manager will never get back to you, and if do, more things are needed. I even used to option to speed things along by sending in my banking statement and showing the payment came out to speed up things by a few days, but it didn't change anything. They waited till after the long weekend to process it instead. Brutal. No work ethic. I thought it was going to be fun and get a cool product... but I got a cool product with a lot of hassle. I could have saved the money in two weeks to buy what I got, but I thought I'd use them because they seemed cool and I could build my credit. But all in all, I got my stuff, so I guess it's all good

This company is a joke. I saw this website and decided to look in to it further because of the products and prices. Dont be fooled! I saw an 82in TV and started the process which was the worst time consuming process I have ever had to deal with. The customer agent Sergio was very incompetent I had to send in my information like 5 times. To make a long story short. I finally finished all the paperwork and had verified my information all done right ready for my TV to be shipped. WRONG I get a call from Sergio, oh I have some bad news TV is no longer available would you like to get a 75 instead OH MAN was I pissed after weeks of doing what I needed to do on my part tell me this. If I wanted a 75 in TV I would of ordered it. With all the back and forth issues I had to go through is was not a pleasant experience. This company should of held up their end of this contract and delivered what I ordered not try to push something else on me. Sergio says sorry not getting any other 82in TV's any time soon! I asked to speak to the supervisor of course all 4 of them were out that didn't surprize me. Sergio didnt even have the names of them and he asked me why do I want that information. I was wondering if there are even any supervisors in this company because every time I would call even the main number I would get the same person that was Sergio he was no help at all! This company shows one thing then says after all verification are done oh do want this instead! NOT ACCEPTABLE! BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY DONT DO BUSIINESS WITH THEM UNLESS YOU ENJOY THE CHAOS. If I could I would give them a ZERO rating! If it is to good to be true! Dont be fooled it is! I give them and F rating for customer service and following through on their part to correct any wrong they have done and finding what I ordered which should have been put aside knowing I was purchasing this TV. Funny BBB only has two complaints on MDG that again is probably a lie especially with all the bad reviews I have read. Which I guess I should have read before even starting to become a customer!

One pissed off lady here!


Well, I wish I got in-depth with the reviews before going to bed with these guys cause all I have is regrets for even getting myself involved with this company that will scam the heck outta you, blindsided.
So I was getting concerned about my balance being so much besides me religiously paying 49.65 biweekly. Well to be precise my initial cost was $2109. 04 on 09/07/2019. People, it's 01/05/2021 why is my balance $1127. 80 you wonder? Well I got really curious too because my efforts of trying to get them to send me a statement with all my payment was impossible well until yesterday when I decided to make it my life goal to let everybody out there know to STAY TF AWAY FROM THESE SCAMMERS.
I got my statements, finally & the hidden charges almost made me barf. Like wouldn't you think that if you're stipulated to pay a certain amount that was agreed between y'all that it would be inclusive of everything like every other normal company then you're mistaken, every week I have an extra $19-28 in interest charges oh oh, and as if that's not enough you're paying $8.95 biweekly for ‘CLUB SUBSCRIPTION' that nobody thought of mentioning.
Well, I made my bed. Signed a contract with these daylight scammers & like I said I'm making it my goal to reach out to hopefully lots of people out there to avoid this company. Go to that mainstream company because at the LEAST they're somewhat noble & upfront with such important detail. If you're looking for a sign on whether or not to buy stuff from MDG, look no farther - this is it. Don't give these scammers anymore business. Thanks.


I would stay away from this company
I have previous orders im just finishing to pay. However I ordered 2 tablets that I really didnt want but was pressured by sales person to go with them, within 24hrs I cancelled my order and wanted a different item i actually thought about before going ahead this is where the company got real fishy. Because I cancelled order Im no longer eligible to order anything else. Funny thing same lady who approved cancellation and said there would be no problem only problem is she hung up on me while doing this and then she also is one who has flagged my account saying theres fraudulent activity on my account(denying it was her-michelle i believe). That i have to reevaluated before reorder and was denied, flagged, credit limit removed and unable to purchase anything. Ive made and continue to make ontime payments with no funny business on my side. Honestly this might not even make all that much sense but I could go on and on as was a complete nightmare and run around and waste of my time on many occasions and just gave up and am finishing up on the payments. Ive spent countless hours on phone in circles. This is just a little piece of issues with this company. Because offer you the loan, its up to them if you get accepted or approved. Wat they say. Prob is cancel one within reasonable time and will be your worst nightmare if you ever want more items you are out of luck. Also dont get on any supervisors bad side also as i believe this maybe real problem.

I make payments and have never been late
I had available credit to purchase other items
I ordered then cancelled tablets
Im now unable to order items or have an available credit limit
My account is flagged as fraudulent but you still take money out of my account via bank
In the end its there loss as I saved by not ordering other items from them or treating me with dignity respect to my, me, i, or creating long lasting relationships with your customers. Done


Not a good company
I applied for credit and was given credit to start with I was on unemployment with direct deposit and looked at my account and saw the deposit so I placed my order and set up for the first payment well that day comes and they take my down payment money then I see that my order has been placed on hold so I call and they said that they cant send my order as they noticed a drop in unemployment deposited into my account so I tell them that I am now back to work. So they ask if I can send them a copy of my pay stub on Friday I said ok why they said they have to have verification that I'm back to work so I asked once I do this then they will ship my order I said ok. So Friday comes and I sent them the pay stub and they said they have to send it to the verification team and they will call me as soon as they hear back. I called them back later and they said that I will hear back tomorrow. Saturday came and so I called and they said they haven't heard anything but they will send my request to the person in charge of my file. I call back on Monday and now they want a second pay stub well that's not what I was told on Friday they said I'm sorry but they wont approve my order till they see another pay stub which means another week and nothing to show for my down payment. As far as I'm concerned they cant be trusted stories always changing stories.


Major delays and run around
Asked online to choose my first payment date and I chose Monday since I did my order on the weekend. I provided all of the required information. I was not contacted on the Monday so I called and was told that my payment would not be processed until the following day. I was advised that I will be contacted Tuesday, no call from the office, so I called in and was advised that my payment has to clear before shipping will be provided (the funds already came out of my account). Wednesday I called back and was told payment still needs to be confirmed. Thursday called and confirmed that the payment was processed and was advised by a CSR that I will be contacted for shipping by the end of the day, no call to set up shipping. Called Friday and was advised the person handling my account was out of office and I will be contacted by the person covering by the end of the day... still no call. Finally when I was able to set up shipping it was then delayed to the following Monday. Over all I am happy with the products but the inconsistency of information being provided was a horrible experience. Order was placed on April 14th(Saturday) not delivered until April 30th (Monday) longer than the 7-10 days. Even if we count only business days

Repeat customer
Well i bought the PS4Pro Polk Sigma sound bar and the QLED Samsung TV. But before i say anything about products I want to give Nathan the thumbs up he went above and beyond to help me and make sure i was happy.
He was very professional but personable and just made things go smooth. So all for Nathan when u call he's great and i would recommend him for any promotion or position he was interested in.
Now as for products awesome! The TV took a little longer in shipping than i expected other than that shipping went smooth.
The TV has a picture that it is did sharp that is almost like your not watching TV everything looks different. But that's what you get with a QLED the best picture out there.
The sounds bar freakin awesome! It's like sitting in a theater. My only complaint with it is i wish it went a bit louder but is plenty loud enough great bass and you can adjust all that with the remote and great feature is the voice you can turn up the voice so it is clearer. For example i watch NASCAR and when the drivers talked on their radio i could never understand what were saying for most part maybe catch a word our two but now i can understand without a problem every single word.
The PS4Pro is crazy puts my ps3 to shame with the graphics. It's like the real world like Spider-Man you have never seen that game like this it will blow your mind. I bought a sniper game and I'm in ww1 in Italy and is amazing it's like you are there.
Other thing you know how most games have a video at beginning and thru the game as you play? Well you know when the video ends and your suppose to play right? Well not with this console both me and my kid say there waiting for something to happen and didn't realize we were suppose to take over. It's seamless the world's are amazing with the buildings cities and you can understand everything they say. Btw before i bought thru MDG as I'm a repeat customer but i checked inn several stores even Wal-Mart and MDG prices especially if your a member of their new club beat all the stores by several hundred or more dollars cheaper for the items i bought. So MDG isn't just for people with bad credit as i had 3 credit cards i could have used to but from stores but MDG had then beat hands down. Also isa great way to rebuild your credit using them.
Overall i highly recommend MDG for their products i am completely satisfied with my purchase and now i have one awesome entertainment system that is to of the line.
Try them you'll be very happy that you did! Thanks Nathan and thanks MDG and I'm due I'll be back to upgrade when the time comes

The merchandise was great however why the customer service has not returned my email regarding the issue below?

Your company charged me for scheduled delivery x 2 plus extra x 2 for scheduled delivery.

First I was contacted by UPS on the first part of my order and scheduled delivery for Saturday 10-2. I waited all day then out of the blue on a sunny day the driver decided he just wanted to go home and did not deliver my order, instead marked it as a weather issue. I contacted corporate after being very upset refunded your company both the regular shipping and scheduled shipping costs and confirmed there was no weather issue. I want some type of refund. They then made me leave work early on Monday.

Next shipment through CEVA they scheduled this for Friday. I had to take off all day, they said they would call 1 hour ahead and it would be also 10am 2pm. I called them at 1pm and they said they tried to call me however MDG gave them the wrong number for me even though I called them twice with my number days before it was supposed to be delivered. I wasted money and my work to have it rescheduled at 6:15pm when I had plans. I want at least the scheduled delivery fee refunded to me.

Deceptive financing practices
After filling out a little information and giving up my SSN approved me for $1900. I picked out a laptop, looked over the payment plan and the total cost of ownership and was fine with all the numbers. I went through the checkout process, agreed to all the disclosures and documents and then at the very end of the process I was told I had to make a larger downpayment than initially disclosed. I was ok with that as it wasn't very much higher, but hit the next roadblock when I was told that I could ONLY make this downpayment of $250ish dollars in 6 weekly payments, and only AFTER I made those 6 weekly payments would my item ship to me. I called their customer service line and requested to just pay the entire downpayment upfront to have the item ship immediately, to be honest what does it matter if they get the $250 over 6 weeks or up front. I was told that was not an option because they want to see proof consistent payment frequency. This might make sense if someone isn't willing to put their money up front like I was, but in this case it is just straight up deception, bordering on fraud. You can't disclose AFTER the fact that you are REFUSING to ship the product that I JUST SIGNED CONTRACTS FOR, until I make 6 weekly payments. The argument of making sure someone will be consistent with their weekly payments is garbage here, the risk to MDG was still the same whether I paid them the $250 over 6 weeks or right now, they were still risking $1700 when they shipped the product.

I would highly advise you avoid this company as this is one of the more deceptive business practices I've seen from finance companies. By the time you've made your 6 payments you are already several hundred into your payment plan and there is no guarantee they will ship your product or that your product will still be available. Never have I ever been told by ANY FINANCE COMPANY that they are REFUSING TO ACCEPT THE FULL DOWNPAYMENT UPFRONT! Thats just unheard of!


Never again.
I made payment after payment on my tv. I kept calling to see how far I was with payments. I even paid extra a fw times. I read terrible reviews about mor money being added to the bill. I call and find out $1500 would be added for interest after two years. I decide to put more money down and then something said ask how much I was putting towards interest. I had already paid over $600 on it and less than $300 was on the tv. $#*! them I canceled the payment an now can kiss my ass If they want another dime from me they better make a settlement offer and take my payments by mail. I am not answering emails or calls. I will not be buying a house so $#*! it. Never would I ever use them had I known. 4 people I know have the same issue. I am on ssi and feel good that I was a good customer with them. I could not stand by and give them $1500 just in interest no way.

Update as of Oct 2016 I stopped payment on my bank account. I contacted them and told them they won't get another dime from me unless they remove the interest. They were charging me way more than I could imagine. I now been reduced to no interest and I make smaller monthly payments. I am actually saving up to make a nice sized payment. My brother stopped payment and so did my sister. They are straight crooks and I will not ever do business with them again.


Bait and switch in the truest sense of the phrase
You get "approved" but once u decide to checkout the fun begins. Nothing asked for was unreasonable I guess, as long as you dont mind giving complete strangers your banking information but whatever. My wife works at the bank we use and our down payment was originally 32 dollars and change. After sending them our last two months statements it became 161 dollars down. U must be thinking we were overdrawn all the time or had very little income right? Wrong! Our account has never been in the negative for even one night in the seven years we banked there, and in those two months we had deposits totaling over 11000 dollars. I live in arkansas btw so cost of living is very cheap. Brand new 1600sq ft house with 2 car garage cost us 1000 a month. Explanation i was given was that our daily ending balances were low. DUH! My wife keeps everything in savings unless we need to pay something. And to also help prevent someone from getting several thousand through fraud and use having to wait days or weeks to get it back. Did they ask why the balances were low in their opinion? Nope they just multiplied the down payment by six and that was that. The reps were rude and acted as if I shouldve expected such a decision. Do yourself a favor and use Progressive leasing, the approval took less than 15 mins and I went right to my local best buy and purchased my products that day. Didnt even mention that shipping on an xbox one s, a switch lite, and a kitchen mixer was... wait for it 150 dollars and that was regular 7 to 10 day ground. These guys have no clue what criteria to consider whatsoever. Thanks for wasting my time today and i would love to compare bank statements with anyone of the rude ass people i dealt with. Stay away, better options and way less hassle

Not really sure yet...
I submitted my order on December 10th, took the downpayment on the 21st. I confirmed the amount withdrawn (as required) on the 22nd.

Recieved the phone call from the verification department to confirm my order December 26th. Was told I would have a tracking number December 28th which I have not recieved yet.

Not 100% sure if I would recommend as of yet because I still have no tracking number and they will have recieved 2 payments already by the time I receive the product, if and when I do. If I don't receive the tracking number by end of day today December 28th I'll probably just cancel and go buy the product myself.

If you have the cash to go buy something I would recommend doing that instead of using these guys. After all is said and done they are charging me 30% APR on my purchase with an almost 700 credit score. I honestly did not mind this because the payments were convenient and fit my budget, but after such a long annoying process was it worth it? No.

Will update based on my experience moving forward.

December 28th update. Wow is this ever annoying. I had to contact customer service for them to tell me my order wont ship until January 2nd because of the holidays. What total BS! They're located in Ontario and I just ordered 2 packages from there that have conveniently shipped, but they can't ship theirs?

Would NOT recommend as of right now. Tried contacting customer service to see if they could ship my item today, December 31st since it's not even a holiday and its business as usual. No response. It looks like they could care less about my business because if I ended up paying full price at Amazon I would not be treated like s**t... You want me to pay almost double for a product over time but you can't even help a guy get his product before school starts? Ugh...

Another damn update. Can't believe this company AGAIN. January 2nd I was told it would ship with a tracking number. Here we are and nothing from them. "Preparing to ship order" like f**k off already. Broken promises. Next payment comes out Friday and still no item. I'm beyond pissed off at this point. They won't return emails or phone calls and are completely ignoring me. Really glad this has 1,500 views about my experience because in the end this wasn't worth it. Such a shady company.

Great option for people looking to finance and on a budget
The process was straightforward for the most part. My only complaint was the length of time it took from the initial application to the actual approval, and later, receiving your order. In hindsight it was relatively reasonable, but I wish it was more streamlined.

As for the products (in my case, I was shopping for a work laptop and a basic PC for my mother), I got what I needed rather than what I wanted. I wish there were more options to choose from; the offerings were very limited, and no single product had all the specs I was looking for. If MDG just offered the latest products, had full lines of different makes and models, or have component upgrades available, I'm sure it would attract more customers.

I also found the website somewhat dated, and available product information is rather limited. I did a lot of research myself on the products I was considering prior to making my final decision.

I can't say anything about their extended warranties. I purchased them for the products I got, but until I actually use them (hopefully not at all), I have nothing to say.

Taking all of this into consideration, I am still very satisfied with the service and products I received. You're immediately given a credit amount once you complete the online application; you're able to speak directly with sales and financing representatives; minimum payments are small and easily manageable; and the payment plan is flexible and non-restrictive, meaning you can pay it off quicker and not accrue interest by increasing your regular payment amount or occasionally making lump sum payments, just like bank loans. And MDG does report to the credit bureaus so you can actually improve your credit rating!

So to sum it all up, I do plan to make more purchases through MDG, and I would recommend them to my family and friends and anyone on a budget and limited credit.

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Based on 50 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: MDG consumer financing programs are the best financing options for Laptops, Tablets, Desktop Computers, HDTVs, Electronics, Furniture, Mattresses, and Appliances in North America.


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