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50 customer reviews of

Say no to the forced mask nonsense.
I used to love shopping there several times a week, but not anymore.
Menards do not have the legal right to force healthy people to wear certain articles clothing or fake' non N95 or higher rated and properly fitted medical apparatus' that don't actually do anything for moral feel goods.

They are a home building supply store chain, not a medical center and have no right to demand people, they have no medical authority over, to do anything above and beyond standard civil decency laws (No, Shirt, No shoes, No service) laws.

I am 100% for people with legitimate personal health concerns wearing whatever personal protection they wish to wear at their digressions, but NOBODY has the right to force me or anyone else to do anything on their behalf.

Anyway, It seems their competition is happy to take my and everyone else money on their behalf since their parking lots are now full and its now menards that's at 1/3 - 12/2 normal traffic levels!

Crappy Customer Service
I was at the Menards on 2015 Walmart Dr, Warren OH 44483. I was met with a rude customer service representative Bethany an older woman with blond highlights. I came in about a return or exchange on behalf of a stake light I had purchased from them but lost the box and receipt for it. She said she couldn't find the SKU and implied I did not purchase from there and that I was mistaken. I went to where I had bought the light from in the light area and found where it was sold, the SKU and sale price. She was too lazy to do her job and she just wanted me gone and out of the store so she wouldn't deal with me. When I went back to the customer service desk with the SKU information she came up to me and said "There is nothing I can do for you." When I told her I found the SKU she said "Well you're going to have to wait for me then". She was very rude and unprofessional, I ended up doing the return with a very nice girl named Emily with natural red hair. I spoke the the manager of this Menards and she said she will do more training. But I am appalled at how this woman treated me as if I was stupid and a nuisance. I would like for her to be fired because if that's how she is going to treat me that is how she treats other guests and if that's the case she should not be in customer service. I will continue to complain until she is fired.

I am writing this review about an employee named Maurice that works in the floor and carpet department. I went to meards in dolton on Thursday to purchase some some flooring and some other things for my bedroom. I had needed some help so ask asked an associate for some help she told me that it wasn't her department but should would get us some help and boi did she get us the best employee that works there! An associate named Maurice came to help us. Maurice was so pleasant to work with and his knowledge about the products that we were inquiring about he knew all about them, Maurice was very patient and his customer service was off the chain. Maurice was very attentive to our needs he even made suggestions about different products that we could try. Maurice said that he had been working for menards about a year and a half and his knowledge about the products and his customer service skills were off the chain. Maurice is definitely an asset to Menards and he should be recognized for his great customer service! I've been to menards on several occasions and have never recieved the exceptional service like I recieved from him! Maurice definitely needs to be a manager and he should be given a raise! I don't believe No one can top the service he gave that day. Kudos Maurice I hope you get a chance to see this review and because of you I will shop menards! Thank you! Nice meeting you.

Very Dishonest
Menards treated me very dishonestly in both word and deed. Menards overcharged me for my countertop.

They refused to give me my $265 rebate and basically ignored my inquiries with unresponsive answers. And they owe me for the Small Claims Court filing. Filing a action in the SMALL CLAIMS COURT did get their attention. They offered me $260 before the court even heard the case.

I accepted the partial payment. Next, they tried to get me to sign a nondisclosure statement making sure no one would hear how the SMALL CLAIMS COURT got their attention. I refused that so I could pass this information on. (It is Case No.
2018 CVI 012896 in the Franklin County (Ohio) Municipal Court).

Customer Service Extremely Poor
As if we aren't under enough stress with Covid-19, I have to deal with an extremely rude customer service lady today: The lady's name started with a "B" and she had bleached blond hair; although when I complained to an assistant manager and he asked me to describe her and the color of her hair, I told him "Red. All I saw was red!" Red, because I was incensed at her behavior and the fact she lied to me 3 times in my face! I came all the way from the West Side of Cincinnati to go to the Menard's in Evendale. Not having checked their website, I get there to find out Menards only were letting in 16 yo and above. Fortunately, both girls I had with me recently turned 16 (my granddaughter and her friend). As I get upstairs to shop for the items I was looking for the girls, looking 2 isles over from me, got approached by "B," the bleach blond. She asked to see their driver's license. They told her they didn't have one. She follows them over to where I was and said they needed to leave the store because they said they weren't 16 (the girls got to me before her and had already told me she had asked for a driver's license). I told her that was NOT what the girls said, and that she only asked if they had a driver's license, which they responded "no" to, and that was all she asked and that was all they answered "no" to. She said, "No, they told me they weren't 16." I said, "NO, they did not! You asked if they had a driver's license and they said they did not." This went on for about 10 minutes, when she told me they needed to leave the store because they couldn't produce a license, and she was just trying to keep them safe. As I told her, we all were wearing a mask and had on gloves, so I thought it was obvious I was trying to keep them safer than she was. As if this entire pandemic is not stressful enough, now we have a store who won't let you in with 16 year olds, because they don't have a driver's license! I asked the Assistant Manger (who I went to complain to about his rude employer), "How many 16 year olds have a license? #1, my insurance rate would skyrocket once I allow my granddaughter (who I raise) to get her license, whether she drives or not, because insurance companies charge you based on the fact that, if your kid gets their license, they are going to most likely be driving. #2, I told him, I, personally, wouldn't let my 16 year old get a license, because I don't think most are responsible enough to drive at that age (just my personal opinion). So, as I told him, based on that most 16 year olds will not be able to enter your store, because a majority of 16 year olds don't have their license yet. The stress level is high enough without now not being able to take your child to the store with you. One of the reasons we went there, was so she could shop for a new ceiling light for her room. But, it is also totally unacceptable to have to argue with an employee about whether you want to believe the kids I have with me were 16 or not, based on the fact they don't have a driver's license? And you want to outright lie to me multiple times, telling me that the girls told here they weren't 16, when what was simply ansered "no" to, was the question you asked about whether they had a license. THAT was your question! So, even when life goes back to normal, the likelihood of shopping at Menard's will be quite low, as I think there will be other stores who can offer the same product, without dealing with poor and very rude customer service.

Only because I can't give zero stars
Only because I can't give 0 stars.
Wonderful website.
Ordering was easy.
Delivery 2 weeks late.
40% of the product (lumber) delivered was destroyed/unusable.
Had to send email (only way to communicate with company) informing them within 3 days. Acknowledgement of receipt of email by company (automatic response). 3 weeks later no further response. No way to contact them. Repeat emailed complaint got immediate electronic acknowledgement with complaint reference number.
Project had to be scraped because of delay in shipment and destroyed product.
No way to reach the company.
Took the full price money. Sent the product late and destroyed. No recourse since you can't contact them.
ZERO STARS. Stay away!

Lima Ohio store impresses
On August 9th, we had the need to purchase treated lumber for a deck we were trying to finish. We live near and usually visit the Fort Wayne stores, so we have ample things to compare to. A phone call started the visit, when my husband called the Lima, Ohio store to see if Menards even had what we needed, because we could not source locally. The gentlemen on the phone was more than helpful in going thru our list to confirm that they did have what we needed. We then decided to take the 1 1/2 hour drive to purchase the wood. Upon arrival, we were totally blown away. The store was spotless, carts were neatly lined up, appeared to be very clean and did not stick together when pulling out one, floors were clean and shiny, product on the shelves were neatly organized and labeled. We asked an employee for directions to the contractors desk and she was more than happy to stop working and tell us. At the contractors desk, we were yet greeted by another gentlemen who was more than helpful in filling our order. One of the boards that we needed were sold in the length of time that we had driven there, which did not surprise us, but he went through and looked to see they had the same board only 4 foot longer and could we use that. Since the price was minimal and the boards were in such demand, we took the longer ones. We both used the restrooms, which of course were very clean. The girl in the guard shack going to the yard was extremely helpful and very friendly. Once inside the yard, we proceeded to the building where some of the lumber was at. My husband started to load the wood on our list. A young gentlemen finished helping an older gentlemen to load his trailer and bounced over to help my husband. He was very charismatic (I do not use that lightly). Jumped in and helped pull the wood from the upper deck that was needed. Carried on a very educated conversation and made sure every board was straight and not a ton of knots. Part of the order was outside. He directed by husband where to go and told him he would be right there. He was, before by husband even got out of the truck. He started to help pull the flat deck boards and then noticed the approaching storm and asked my husband how many 4 X 6 boards he needed. He went down a good 500' pulled the other lumber and him and another young boy carried them back to our truck. Finished up pulling the deck boards, all of which were very straight and of really good quality. All the while, my husband said he felt very safe from the Covid virus. I seldom ever leave reviews on a store, mainly because of employees. On leaving the yard, both my husband and myself commented on how nice it was to shop in a place like this and how friendly and helpful everyone was. As we came around the corner of the building to leave, all of the lift trucks were parked in tight, to fit under the roof of the lumber and to keep them out of the impending weather. We both work for the company that services the trucks and commented that this is probably why we don't get lame calls from here. This store in Lima, Ohio has it together. Thumbs up, best place we have shopped by far in quite some time. Their employees seem to have that much needed caring attitude, which is hard to find now days. We would certainly make that drive again if needed.

I'd rate lower if I could - One star is way to much
Absolutely awful. Place an order on line since it isn't in my local store. Received confirmation of order. Funds come out of my account before the item is even shipped. Not really a big deal but when the item doesn't arrive by the time stated then it becomes a big deal. It was to be in on Feb. 4th. It did not arrive and I received no information. I contacted Menards and Menards stated I needed to speak to a trucking company that hauls the item... Are you people crazy. I should not have to do your job for you... but I did. I contacted that trucking company who informed me that the item has not shipped. Ok so where's my item? Well now you have to contact Menards to find out where it is. So I call them. They have no answers but will get back to me. I email... oh do I email... lol and I received a reply. It is running late and will arrive on the 6th. Ok. Not so bad. Well until it didn't arrive. So I contacted Menards. And found that my item still had not shipped and was now delayed for 3 weeks but will arrive the following month. Ok. I'm trying my best to be patient. So the 3 weeks go by... well it seems as though my item still has not shipped. It will be 3 additional weeks. I was just notified yesterday that it is now ready for pickup. Any bets on if it will be in one piece. Will Never... NEVER purchase from them again. Simply awful!

Mask Discrimination
I went in to Menards today for only the second time and was told that today was the last day that I could come in wearing a bandanna for a mask, "for the safety of our employees." He then said, after today, I have to buy a mask if I came with a bandanna to come in. That sounds like discrimination if you ask me. People make homemade masks and can wear them with no more safety for the employees than me wearing a bandanna mask. Menards then require you to purchase a mask from them to come inside. Pay the troll his dues. The least Mendards could do is offer free masks if they think the mask you came in with isn't working just as good, without any medical evidence their masks are protecting their employees any better. I'm not going back to Menards and would hope others follow my lead.

Order pick up during essential shopping
Menards enforce the mask BS but didn't follow the essential shopping only guidelines when they were in place and their parking lots were packed. Not sure when remodeling became essential to survive. I ordered a bunch of building materials before this started and it came in after the essential shopping only went into effect so I didn't pick it up because of that and the sent me a letter saying I need to pick it up in 7 days or it would be sent back and there would be extra charges to reorder it. They basically said I would be charged extra if I didn't put my family at risk by not following the stay at home orders. On top of that a 1/3 of my order was the wrong color so I'll probably have to pay a restocking fee to reorder it when the face mask requirements are lifted.

Jennifer Mueller
September 16,2020 Menards in Fridley Minnesota harassed me all the way through the store. I had my son with me and we both had masks but I had to take mine down for a minute or two to get my breath and there were no customers or employees around me when I decided to do it. One of the female employees walked past the aisle and see me without my mask up and demanded I put it up. I told her I would put the mask up and I intended to after I caught my breath. Like I said I was the only one with my kid in the aisle. She took like five steps and then backtrack right back to me demanding the second time and believe me both times were completely unprofessional literally yelling. The way she talk to me pissed me off so I asked her what the heck she was going to do about it. She called management and as I abandon cart and start walking for the front door I had at least five employees coming from different directions right for me. Seriously felt like I was being attacked by demons because that's how Menards acted. I explain to the manager that I had troubles breathing in the mask and decided to pull it down for a few seconds to catch my breath but he did not care. I explained the mask is not a law but he told me his store can make up their own rules. I told him that was fine and that I will never spend another dime in his store. They shamed me in front of everyone in that store harassing me all the way to the front door and I was in the back of the store in the beginning.
I am an HVAC in the company I work for I spend a lot of money at Menards and will no longer do that. I live right next-door and I do a lot of on home repairs but will never spend any more money there and I have spent a butt load of money in that store in the 10 years I've lived here.
This should be a massive lawsuit for harassing customers and shaming them over a mask that doesn't even work and it's proven.

-100 stars Menards lies about having REAL customer service
Had to give one star to leave this review I give -100 stars. I was in the store Saturday and saw sign that as of today no returns. I said to the service desk person..."I have returns I will be sure to get them here tomorrow." I showed up 5 minutes before opening Sunday and found Menards were closed for Easter. Service desk could have told me this. Went in today and manager Derek in Batavia IL said no He would not take return... as if an hour made a difference. I asked for a number to speak to someone in corporate... he gave me an automated contact. I insisted he give me a number to a person... he refused. I cussed out of frustration at this lack of service..."there has to be a@&$)&@$ person I can speak to about this. He said I should leave and I did. Looked up corporate... got a person... who after I asked to speak to a person connected me to the same automated line. Menards has NO service to give you immediate attention when it is needed. This is complete and unacceptable disregard to customers. They lie about having REAL customer service.

Placed an order gave them the shipping address and a different address for billing and Menards sent the order to the billing address. The shipment was 8 big boxes that were supposed to go to our company and went to the house and they put the boxes in front of the garage and now the lady of the house can not get in or out of her garage. Now our guys have to go to the house which is in a different town and get them in more than one trip. This is ridiculous! I emailed them immediately when I saw they were shipping them to the billing address and didn't here back. On the 4th email they finally responded and said there was nothing they could do about it. The shipping charge was $109 dollars and gave us a processing charge and now we have to pick them up and bring them to where we need them. I will never order from them again

Wake up!
The state of WI is open and while menards is open Menards still require people to wear masks. The rule is IF you can't social distance by 6' THEN wear a mask. The statewide numbers of covid are reducing. The fact that it doesn't spread on material things is proven. The fact is that people who test positive but are Asymptomatic, don't spread the disease. It is also understood that it is generally weakening in its effects on people, as viruses do. So wake up Menards! I see your rating is very low and I know you're not improving it with your panicked response to this. I haven't and won't shop there til you stop this hysteria, although I'm starting to like Lowe's more and more.

Home Depot or Menards?
When you deal with a Rat you can expect to be treated like one.
Home Depot all the way.
If you want to be humiliated go to Menards.
Menards hunt you down like a dog if you're not wearing a mask.
Home Depot is the better America
If you want better deals go to Home Depot.
I just bought a couple hundred worth of tools and saved myself a hundred bucks in the process.
Menards customer service is trash you might as well Gamble.
Everytime I look at Home Depot my friends say Home Depot all the way.
Menards don't understand what customer service is.
Friends of mine walked out and never walked in again I'm going to do the same.

Not to mention Menards tried to rip people off by jacking the price up on sanitizer just a little while ago.
I don't like a Rat. When you deal with a Rat you can expect to be treated like one.

I go into Menards to help my parents load some drywall. I don't wear a mask like normal no one does in my small town. The store is in Effingham, Il. The employees are not even wearing the mask properly. As in on the neck or barley covering mouth and definitely not covering their nose. So we get our drywall and go to check out. The guy was super nice cracking jokes until a lady came up and asked if I had a mask. I said no then she said something and I asked her what? I couldn't hear her due to her mask. I then said no thank you cause by now I still had no clue what she said the second time. She threw a big fit turned back to the other 2 girls, one behind the counter by the exit doors. Demands the cashier not to proceed to check us out cause I'm not wearing a mask. Menards hold my parents stuff hostage. I said I'm not even buying anything and I'm not with them. (I'm in my own car) and I just came in to help load, so why would you hold their stuff hostage if you have a problem with me not wearing a mask. Like why wait until someone is checking out to even bother them? So I have to leave in order for my parents to get their items. There logic isn't there cause you let kids not wear masks who can get "Covid" and have your employees not wear them properly. You lost me and my family as a customer now for those 3 girls who wanted to be snobby about it instead of nicely asking me to leave. Guess Menards likes the Nazi police, that's exactly how those girls I'm sure who are "supervisors" acted.

No screens on my special order windows
Placed a special order for a large window with two openings took 8 weeks to get the window wich is understandable with Covid 19 but it showed up with no screens, had them installed with a promise from Menards Menards would get the screens for me 3 weeks later no screens and a total run around from Menards on what has happened to my screens for this window. At this point looks like I'm out of luck on this with no window screens ANY ONE doing a special order on windows check them for screens before you leave pick up they will not get your screens and change the story on what's going on every time you call to check on them Springfield Missouri East store shoppers beware of this!

False advertising, unethical business practices, misleading returns policy, poor customer service
I used to live near a Menards store and had purchased their Old Mill brand lined jeans and was very satisfied with them. I now live far from a store location but wanted additional pairs. So I looked online and found the same manufacturer and style number product advertised on Menards website. So I ordered 2 pair of the same style number and size. Upon receipt, there was no manufacturer name or product tag anywhwere on the jeans, also the signature "M" stitching on the back pockets was missing. Additionally, Menards were not even made from the same materials and did not fit the same either. One pair was over 3" to big while the other pair was about 2" too big. Upon reaching ut to the customer service department to arrange a return I was met with rude email responses and told that contrary to their posted returns policy I would be charged return/restocking fees. After going back and forth countless times with the customer service rep, and explaining how the product received was not as advertised, not made by the same mfg, not made from the same materials, and not the same fit or quality as those previously purchased from their store, or as advertised on their website... I was told that I recieved what I ordered, that it was a difference in manufacturing, and was no fault of theirs and I could either return them for a partial refund, or keep them.
This was like being told that the Pair of Nike shoes I ordered and received without the Nike name or Branded "Swoosh" on the product anywhwere was still a Nike product and was just a difference in mfg! Like receiving a pair of Levis or Wrangler jeans without the Levis/Wrangler tag or signature pocket stitching on them anywhere was still the same product... BOLOGNA!
They are selling cheap knock-offs advertised as name brand products at name brand prices!
When asked to be passed up to a member of management, the CS reps' email tone changed and was then appeared as helpful... WRONG! I was misleadingly being appeased until I shipped the return back... then was basically told "Too Bad"!
I was charged over $24 to receive a falsely advertised product and to return it because I couldn't even wear them, and they were not what I had satisfactorily purchased previously! Menards engages in unethical business practices and should be boycotted by all consumers so they receive their just deserves and go out of business!"

Absolutely terrible customer service
Absolutely terrible customer service! Purchased $2900. 00 order of siding material that website said was located 3.5 hours away. Since it was a discontinued item, I decided to rent the trailer and make the drive. Staying overnight in a hotel, to boot.

Get there and was told that even though the website showed Menards have the siding they do not and don't really count inventory. Store manager said he would not assist in getting material even though there was some available from distributor. Had to then go and get a refund from customer service taking more of my time.

Called corporate and they ONLY reply to concerns via email. I got a lovely email saying they were sending my concerns to the store. Never heard a word back from the store, go figure.
I have spent THOUSANDS at their stores and never had a great experience but this is crazy bad.
Never again, they have lost my business for life!

Updating Kitchen - The Good and the Bad
Bought my kitchen flooring and cabinets from Menard's. So busy it took a while to get to a designer but once we did the designer took time to show us selections and answer the many questions we had. Pricing was outstanding. Checkout for a first-timer takes some getting used to. Be certain to pick up your rebate slips before you leave the store.

Delivery fulfillment was not too good. The delivery team (outside contracting) was wonderful however, store gave us one date then changed to another. Then store cancelled the delivery due to weather and never told us. Following day Menards only delivered 1/3 of order and one cabinet was damaged. Day after, we thought we had it all but found out one cabinet was still missing. Delivered after the weekend. Had to cancel the installation for the scheduled weekend.

Overall, it was pretty good and the kitchen looks fantastic!

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Based on 50 reviews from Menards customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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