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Mr. Cooper

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Reviews Finance, Mortgages Mr. Cooper

50 customer reviews of

Bad financial advice and horrible Customer Service
Company engage in deceptive/ dishonest loan practices causing me financial harm. Mr. Cooper issued written guarantees they didn't honor and offered bad advi Over the span of 2 months I worked with Derek Clark in the Coppell Texas office. During this time Mr. Clark and his manager gave me bad financial advice that cause my FHA refi to collapse. He told me to withhold them make payments to get a loan that he finally was unable to offer. He and others in his office issued several written loan disclosures and was dishonest about there content or meaning. Derek often failed to contact me at agreed times his management would never call me back and even other in his office made comments about the dishonesty shown. Instead of being honest when I had the money to close Derik provided bad advice and asked me to spend my closing amount with a promise to lower closing cost that actually increases after I spent the money. I was issued several loan agreements which the company failed to honor. His supervisor Candi Tran ignored several complaints during the process. I complained more then once only to be lied to again. This company has caused me financial harm and undue stress because of the continued dishonesty during the process of a loan that was sabotaged buy Dereks incompetence as a supposedly licensed professional and the lack of supervision on the part of Candi Tran.

You'd be better off getting a mortgage from anyone else
Our mortgage got sold to Mr. Cooper, formerly Nationstar. We immediately had issues when we had never had issues, ever, with any other mortgage company. Mr. Cooper robocalled my husband incessantly at work saying our payment was overdue, when we had not even gotten any payment information from them. This happened for about two weeks, even AFTER we made our first payment. Their message when you call is very hostile: We are a debt collector blah blah blah, anything you say on this call will be used against you (paraphrasing here). We decided to pull money from retirement savings and just pay it off to eliminate ever having to deal with them again. The information on their official form for wiring the final payment was wrong. They have not logged in our final payment, which we had to send by registered mail. This place is a disaster. You'd be better off with any other lender. Why did they change their name? To make it more "friendly". Perhaps if they treated their customers with respect, they would not have had to change their name.

They are the worst!
Mr. Cooper told me I qualified for a Refinance. Had me do all the things, paperwork. Had me talking to one guy, named Avery. We had it all figured out. Going to out my credit card debt in there and just have one payment. I had one credot csrd with nothing on it. He told me i "had" to do an appraisal for paperwork and it was $500 but no biggie cause I was approved and we would pay it off with my loan and i would get at least $2,000 cash back for the vacation I was about to go on with my son. So I took days off work to get appraisal done and paper wkrk6 together. Maxed out my open card and the $#*!s checked my credit 3 times, dropping my score almost 60 points between maxing the open credit card and chexking my score. Then all of a sudden I was speaking to another guy who I wasnt even told I would be talking to. Then we went back and forth for a couple weeks then nothing!?!? I called, emailed. Nothing! Then I got on my mr cooper app and there was a denial letter on there? Wtf! Now my escrow was messed up too and they want to raise my payments by $150 some dollars! I am refi with abother company right now! Thank god! Hoping someone goes after these $#*!s!

Lying, Cheating, Misleading, Untruthful, Bull $#it Artists who lead you on and then Drop you...
I had been receiving come-on's from Mr. Cooper for months regarding refinance rates, and although Mr. Cooper held my mortgage, I had a real problem reaching them. Until one day I called the complaint line, and the woman connected me to a mortage profesional- Shawn Kent, from Irving Texas. Who promised me a quick turnaround and no issues and a savings of over $250/ mo on my investment property... Bull$#it!
After 2 months and countless emails and information scanned or requested from my accountant and sent to them and everything satisfied and my continually asking if there was anything else that they might need so I could send it to them promptly and satisfy the request... they call me on the phone and tell me just 2 days before the rate-lock expires, they cannot provide the loan because they cannot verify my foreign debts.
I have no foreign debts! If I had foreign debts, I would have revealed them in my numerous tax documents and income statements and investment income and tax returns.
These people are SCUM of the earth, and have no scruples, and will do anything to fleece you of your money and not help you despite saying they are "Here for you, willing to provide you with everything you need for your home finance",
Do NOT Believe anything anyone at MR Cooper says, Especially Shawn -Lying through his teeth -- Kent,
There is nothing Mr Cooper can do that another mortgage company cannot do better.
If you have the choice, DO NOT do business with these scoundrels, they will lie, cheat, and steal, your money and laugh all the way to the bank.

It is a crock of sh**, and it stinketh
I have read the reviews on this site and agree. This is a problem plagued company. Please see my review on the Mr. Cooper site (unless Mr. Cooper refuse to publish it because it is unfavorable.) My experience with them is in the past, but it seems impossible to get an escrow balance back to me. I fear they have deep internal problems. When you call them on the phone, they pass you around, but no one seems to be able to make a decision. I believe they are in the business of supporting themselves on the interest they make on all the escrow deposits. I have been waiting about 2 years and 4 months trying to get a $600 refund of escrow owing me after the loan closed. They were unwilling to allow this credit to be applied at closing, which would have been the best thing to do. I may get my money by Christmas. I have a brother who is a lawyer. I may ask them to sue since he will do it without charge, if it does not come soon. I hope their staff reads reviews on this site. What a bunch of crooks and incompetents. I am sure there are good honest people there, but I smell rotten at the top.

Don't do business with these people
Do Not Do Business with These People

I lost my job in May due to Covid restrictions. The company will not be reopening. Back in early October 2020, I decided to pay off my house. I had received a severance pay from my company and I wanted to pay off the house so I didn't have to worry about getting a job during covid. I contacted Mr. Cooper/Nationstar Mortgage (MCNM) to get a payoff figure. I knew it was in the area of $7000. I told them that when my payment was due on November 1st, just take whatever was owed out of my account to pay off the mortgage. I had automatic payments. MCNM refused to do that. Mr. Cooper HAD to send me a payoff quote and charge me $20 for it. Included with this payoff quote was directions on who to send the money to either via Cashier's check or wire transfer. I wanted to use a wire transfer so it would be quicker and safer (so I thought) than putting a check in the mail. I went to my bank on Oct. 13 and had a wire transfer sent with the payoff amount. I kept watching on line for the pay off to show up. It never did. On Oct. 26th, I started making calls to MCNM to find out what happened. I have made calls at least twice a week every week since then and they cannot find my money. They then took November's payment from my account even though the house was paid off in October. MCNM had me send the payment to Wells Fargo in care of MCNM. I have called Wells Fargo every week since October 26th also. They will not give me any information since I don't have an account with them, but I keep calling. I notified MCNM that they would have to work with Wells Fargo to locate my money. I have talked with at least a dozen customer service people at MCNM and get different answers from each of them (Problem will be cleared up within 48 hours, send proof of payment, contact Wells Fargo yourself, what account did you put it in, etc.) Now they want December's house payment or they are charging me a late fee and probably put it on my credit report. They have my money from October. I even filed a report with the Better Business Bureau and MCNM has done nothing. My bank is getting a lawyer involved to try to help. I contacted a lawyer and they want $1500 up front and 25% of what they get me. I don't know what else to do.

Avoid this loan company at all cost!
We were transferred to them from our previous lender. It was extremely painful experience to pay off our loan. After wiring them the money, Mr. Cooper did not accept it till the quote expired. They did not bother to let us know the status of the pay-off either. We had to find out on our own that they received the money but never accepted it (for no reason). Their research department was involved but didn't follow up. They did not help us with any findings. We had to go through the pay-off process again and lost several hundred dollars because of their irresponsibility.

We finally paid off our loan in May. Since we overpaid, Mr. Cooper was supposed to refund us the overpayment. They never did. We had to call them in July to find out why they were not refunding the money. They said they sent out a check in May but the check was not cashed. So they had to resend the check. We were wondering what they would do if we hadn't called about it. Keeping my money for good?

Anyway, we waited a couple of more weeks. Still no refund. We called again. They said they never resent the check and they would do right away. We waited another week and this time, they said the first check was actually cashed already, by me. We asked them to send us the image of the cashed check and the date it was cashed and the account number it went into. They said they could send us none of that. It was our job to find out where the money went. They also said if we still want the money, we needed to email their research department ourselves and figured out how to get the money.

Up till today, months after my payoff, I still don't have my overpayment refunded. And during this whole process, they never reached out to me although they owe me money. They did nothing to help out the customer except keeping customer's money to themselves.

If you need reference, the last rep we talked to was Amber, work ID 6530670.

Not even a last resort
This is the wort company ive ever dealt with in my life. If you have other options, use them. I applied for a home equity loan and waited 3 and a half months and still not finished with no end in sight. My loan processor was rude, childish, problematic, unprofessional, and insulting. She waited a month for job verification, which shouldnt take more than 24 hours, 72 hours at the most, she never notified me. I waited weeks for responses from emails and voicemails and when she finally did contact me it was about something else, she never once answered any of my questions not 1 of them, ever. She made me supply the same documents to her twice, she didnt know the basics of my loan and situation, i mean the very basics. I tried to call her manager to complain about her, i called 10 times over a 3 week period and left a voicemail every time and never once did her manager acknowledge me or return my call. So i called her supervisor several times, never once did she return my call. Avoid mr cooper at all cost. Every day was hell trying to deal with them.

Scum Bags!
This company deployed their IT to hack and monitor my home computer and cell phone after I recorded one of their agents and 'team manager' being rude and abusive and making threats. Apparently, Mr. Cooper sent packets to my devices for me to download so that they can use them to gain access to my devices in their effort to retrieve or destroy evidence. This discovery was made this past week after an extensive investigation by cyber security experts and law enforcement. This is going to be big news after the investigation is competed. How low can they go? I wonder how many others they have treated this way?

I was only trying to refinance my property after they bought it from another bank some eight years ago. They were apparently not too happy about that even though I have excellent payment record and excellent credit report. Please stay away from this company. They don't wish anyone any good. It is all about the profit margin for them at the expense of homeowners who are dully paying their mortgage and are looking to lower their interest rate.

They Have My Money
Mr. Cooper is even worse than Chase bank and that is stating a lot. I made a large payment to my principle balance with all the supporting documentation and Mr. Cooper cashed the check, but did not apply it to my loan. They are keeping my money and stated they sent it out on 5/21/2020. I received a check number and a tracking number but the tracking number states that it was never requested to be picked up. So it is sitting with someone. So why they have the funds, and are collecting interest on my funds and also making me pay interest on the money I have already received from them. They have done nothing. I don't know what else to do but get a lawyer as not a single person in escalations has a clue what they are doing. The customer service reps understand, but there is nothing they can do. I need management to get involved but nobody wants to own it. I want my money applied to my loan that now is more than I own on my property. They are cheating the system! I have spoken to employees every day for 2 weeks now and nothing. Never bank with this bank they are the worst!

They don't deserve a rating they should be closed down
This company after a year and a half had not got me starting paperwork ALL OVER AGAIN What is their problem here are Mr. Cooper just trying to foreclose on peoples houses On purpose? My mother passed away a year and a half ago the mortgage was serviced by Seterus then got sold right as my mother passed away. I've been trying to get the mortgage put into my name since then. Mail Emailed faxed paperwork over and over called Fanny Mae And explained to them the run around I was getting only to be told there's nothing THEY can do. Lawyers don't want to even be bothered with Mr Cooper because they are so bad. I'm at my breaking point we need to start a class action lawsuit against this company. How many people are having the EXACT SAME PROBLEM? Are they just trying to steal my house off what?
My email is ******* if anyone can help please let me know your experiences. I'm calling my lawyer again Monday to try and see what can be done. She's already sent them a letter a month and a half ago. PLEASE let me know any info is appreciated.

Notice of Cancellation on Liability Insurance
My mortgage was purchased by these clowns a year ago... having them as my lender was no my choice.

My Liability insurance was due 1/20/20. When I received a Notice of Cancellation on my policy the end of January (around the 29th) I called them to ask why. Mr. Cooper said they were not sure as they sent the payment 1/23/20 (even though it was due 1/20/20).

I followed up with my insurance agency and they said not to worry that we had until the end of February before the policy was cancelled and she was sure it would be sorted out by then. In the meantime, my son was diagnosed with cancer, so I didn't follow up for a week or so.

My Insurance Agent said she would stay on top of it and let me know when it was paid. A week later (2/10 ish?), Safeco (insurance co) said they still couldn't locate the payment because it had been sent in with hundreds of other people's premiums in one check and it had to be broken out before they could post it. My agent said she would follow up for me due to my circumstances as the primary caregiver for my son.

When I finally came up for air, the middle of February, my agent said that Safeco still had not received the payment, so she spoke to a Mr. Cooper rep on 2/19/20 who assured her that a replacement payment had been sent. She assured me not to worry because Safeco had extended the due date to 2/30/20 giving time to get this sorted out.

I logged in to my Mr. Cooper account (2/29 ish) to see if the insurance payment had been made and to see if they had paid my first property tax installment on time, which they had. HOWEVER, I noticed that they had debited my escrow account for TWO PAYMENTS TO MY LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY and it was now showing a negative balance! Are you kidding me?

I called requesting that the money be put back into my escrow account immediately as they do a "review" in March and will raise my payment if the escrow account has a shortfall. I also requested that the escrow account be closed, as I could obviously do a better job at making the payments on time than they can. The agent, Anna, said to follow up in 10 days to see if the $ was returned to my account and that she had requested the Escrow account be closed and forwarded to me which won't happen until 4/1/20. I set a reminder to follow up on 3/10/20.

I received a text from my agent 3/9/20 stating that a SECOND notice of cancellation had gone out because Safeco never received the 2/19/20 payment. When my insurance agent followed up that morning, the payment wasn't actually mailed until 2/27/20, but even 12 days later, it still had not been received by my insurance company.

I called to talk to a supervisor. After they verified that I do indeed make my payment around the 14th of each month, ON TIME, and "Had I set up my payment for this month yet?" which I had, and "Would I like paperless billing?", which I do not, they patched me through to a supervisor (Keairoh). I explained the situation and requested my payment to be overnight-ed to my insurance co. She had me wait while she got Safeco on the line. Safeco insurance co doesn't have an "overnight" address, so that request is denied. After explaining how furious I was at this payment being late and my being double charged in my escrow account, I asked Keairoh (Mr. Cooper rep) to personally follow up on Friday, March 13,2020 to make sure this payment was posted and to put the money BACK INTO MY ESCROW ACCOUNT and forward it to me. She said she would, but I highly doubt this will happen.

This business is a JOKE. I cannot help but think they are on the brink of bankruptcy that they have to hold onto your money and jerk the insurance companies around like this. Apparently they know how to pay my taxes, why is this so difficult.

If your mortgage is sold to Mr. Cooper, like mine was... REFINANCE AS SOON AS YOU CAN WITH A REPUTABLE LENDER. This is a complete joke and I do not need to babysit my lender when I am trying to care for my son. Have some human decency Mr. Cooper. All I am asking is that you DO YOUR JOB!

I wish I have seen all these reviews before :(( (((((
Ones i m reading the reviews iI see wee all are going trough same issues
Exactly same words i was naming them

Good luck refinancing
I was very pleased with this company in the begining using there app, until i got a call about refinancing. The guy told me it would cost me 5k for the refi. Next thing you know, tom sheridan sends me a closing document which i signed a lock in agremnent might i add. Sends me the closing disclosure and its about 8-9k more than what i was thinking and gave me a run around and something about escrow why it was so much more. And i asked why my escrow was going to be financed in the loan made no sense to me. So he starts sending me other loan options on a 15 year and a 20 year which i never asked for. So i ended up wanting to go back to the original proposal come to findout rates have went up by this point. Now its crickets, Mr. Cooper wont get back to me or follow thru with the refi now the rates are higher, which i locked in at a lower rate. I even emailed his supervisor and called his supervisor twice and his name is randy tabor. Neither one of them have gotten back to me. Currently going thru someone else to refinance my loan, and going to be done with these people. Very unprofessional and it seems like its hoax. Seems like a bunch of people running around an office throwinf out numbers then when itndoesnt benefit them, they back out and ignore. Thats exactly whats hapoening in my case. The other people ive dealt with were very professional eslecially mario boone. Hes the original guy that got my attention. Tom sheridan says hes no longer is with the company. I can only imagine what happened there.

Shady business
My loan was sold to Mr cooper. Initially I didnt mind. 2 months into having them I am told my escrow is in the negative by $3,000. This is very odd to me considering I've paid the same amount and last year I got an overpayment check of $2000. My last company said I was not in the negative at all. I'm still trying to research and figure out how this can be. My payment went up by $250. This is only our 2nd year in our home!
Then last month I noticed that on THEIR website there is a feature where you can pay a partial payment. I planned to pay half and in 2 weeks pay the other half. I still would have been 2 weeks early from when it was due. So I submitted the payment. Instead of paying half my payment it went to principle only payment. I am furious about this because on their website there is a spot where you can do principle only. That is not what I used. I clicked the spot that said "partial payment" the remainder of your payment will still be due before the due date"
I emailed them and Mr. Cooper just kept telling me they didnt care and then would close out the email. They are the worst. I'm trying to figure out how I can get my mortgage sold to someone else. I am over this.

Give them a minus zero
I am so sorry my husband ended up with Mr. Cooper without any say in the matter. We were contacted by our real-estate agent about refinancing our home since the rates were incredible low. We discussed it and decided to follow through. Within a matter of days after completion and being contacted buy our new mortgage company, Mr. Cooper turned around and sold our mortgage to another company by the name of Mr. Cooper. I immediately had a terrible feeling about this company because I had never heard of them. With such a stupid name how can one take them seriously and being from a state that has a history of repulsive human rights issue I knew it was a matter of time they'd show their true colors. And they did not disappoint. They were late paying our home insurance premium. Then all of a sudden our mortgage payment went up without notice. Now our payment are even higher than before we refinanced to lower our payments. What an absolute scam and predatory lending maneuver. I tried signing into my account on line and its now telling me that my user name and password is wrong. I had no problems before and now all of a sudden I can't log into my account. Yep. Shady.

Mr. Cooper Mortgage Company- Manipulators and Liars
What a surprise! A failed (mortgage) company (with horrible ratings) changes its name, in this case from Nationstar to Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper were lying cheats before and now they continue these practices. I am fortunate enough to be able to make my monthly payments and I also try to pay down the principal. However, every time I make extra payments toward principal, Mr. Cooper insists on misapplying the funds. This has happened each month for the last 6 months or so. Rats like this in the mortgage business that exist only to suck money out of consumers and that use illegal methods to do so need to be sanctioned and eliminated. Nationstar changed its name, but $$h! Tt can change its name, too, but it doesn't eliminate the stench. Most employees (of Mr. Cooper) that I talk to (I have to talk with them because Mr. Cooper continually misappropriates my payments) are reasonable and pleasant. It's sad that they have to defend such a corrupt parent corporation. Finally, they seem to be a secondary mortgage company (they buy up what you sign at the beginning). A solution is that mortgagors should have the option to preclude lying and manipulating companies such as Mr. Cooper from ever buying their loans. As a mortgagor, one should be able to block a servicer like that.

Heartless company with no common sense
Mr. Cooper call themselves Mr. Cooper to make it sound more personal, like a human. However, they are no different than any other big corporation heartless and paralyzed by common sense decision making. I had a recent new loan with Mr. Cooper. Like the other five mortgages I had at the time, I tried to put Mr. Cooper on auto pay with my bank. Something happened and the auto pay didn't take. When I received the first contact from Mr. Cooper, I was 36 days late. I paid immediately, but not before my credit was dinged with a 30 day late. I sent the explanation to Mr. Cooper with proof of my five other auto pay mortgages and proof that I had $32,000 in my account at the time this payment was due. It was clearly a mistake and caused the only negative remark on my otherwise impeccable credit. I have made 599 timely mortgage payments over the last 30 years without ever being late. Mr. Cooper denied my request and insisted on keeping the negative reporting. Unfortunately for me, I was in the process of purchasing my home and will now be paying over $100 more a month for the next 30 years due to a higher rate ($36,000). Thanks Mr. Cooper! You should change your name to a more appropriate name like Mr. Corporate Greed Machine.

Our experience started back January of 2019. Mr. Cooper received our loan after investors traded sometime during 2018. I received a letter in the mail in January of 2019 stating my home owner's insurance had been cancelled as of December 28th of 2018 due to no payment. All of that is supposed to be handled through escrow. Through communication issues between Mr. Cooper and our insurance provider, we went without insurance for over a year without our knowledge.

Fast forward to January of 2020, I receive a letter stating my Home owner's insurance had been cancelled again. I called Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Cooper got on the phone with my insurance provider. The insurance company, because they had not gotten paid for the 2019 insurance, agreed to back date the policy, but there had to be payment sent for the 2019 and the 2020 premiums.

I agreed to pay out of pocket for the 2019, and the other could come out of escrow. Mr. Cooper said that escrow could pay the whole thing, and we could deposit the other payment directly into the escrow account. They said there would not be any issues with doing that. They sent $3k+ to my insurance provider, and we deposited the 2020 amount, which was higher than what we actually agreed to. For some reason, even the escalation specialists could not figure it out, Mr. Cooper sent another $1,800+ payment to our insurance provider. Oh, and they sent the $3k+ payment to the wrong address. We had gotten another letter from the insurance provider saying the insurance policy was being cancelled due to lack of payment.

Right after sending these payments, they ran an escrow analysis. Of course, the analysis shows we are overdrawn in our escrow account. Next house note was increased $400. I called Mr. Cooper, and they said to deposit the extra payment that was sent to my insurance company back into escrow, which we did. This is the second time we have deposited money back into escrow.

They were supposed to get that back in, run another escrow analysis, and reduce our house payment back to what it was supposed to be.

I found a new quote for my home owner's insurance company, and the amount was supposed to be rolled over. Mr. Cooper has basically overpaid since the new policy is cheaper. Mr. Cooper sent yet another payment to my insurance company in the amount of around $1,400. I caught this early enough to get Mr. Cooper to stop payment, but they say it takes several days for that to occur.

Now they say it is too late to correct this, and we are stuck paying the $400+ increase on our house note because of multiple administrative errors on Mr. Cooper's part. Their mistake, but we have to face the financial fallout from their mistake.

I was told by one of the employees that we had two options.
1) Pay the higher house note for now, and they will work on correcting this later.
2) Don't pay the house note this month, and my credit score will be impacted.

By the way, we had held off making the payment to begin with because they told us to. They were working on getting the errors corrected, but before they could correct the first errors, they made more which made the problem even worse.

Do not do business with Mr. Cooper.
Avoid this company if at all possible.
Very incompetent.

BEWARE!-DO NOT TRUST Mr. Cooper formerly known as "Nationstar"!
PHH sold my mortgage to Nationstar, who changed their name to Mr. Cooper in an attempt to escape all of the BAD REVIEWS/RATINGS/LAWSUITS Mr. Cooper were getting hit with.

They called/mailed me DAILY to try to get me to refinance with them, but I DID NOT want to lose the equity in my home

They have been systematically raising my payments higher and higher on a yearly basis, (ALWAYS claiming that my escrow is too low when they do their so-called "analysis"). I believe this was done to FORCE ME to REFINANCE! I finally decided to give them a chance, and CAL BRASHIER began a IRRRL that he swore up and down would lower my rate, NOT touch my equity, oh, and I COULD HOLD OFF ON MAKING MY MORTGAGE PAYMENT FOR THE MONTH,... he LIED.

I got a follow-up call from JODIE BRAYARDO who said that the equity would be applied/or sent to me in a check, and YES, I STILL NEEDED TO MAKE MY PAYMENT? NONE of it was what I wanted to hear, so I said "No THANK YOU", but by this time my payment was considered "Late", and, guess what?-THEY HIT ME WITH A LATE FEE AND THREATENED TO REPORT ME TO THE CREDIT BUREAU! Wtf?

AFTER I scheduled my payment (that their system would NOT ALLOW ME TO MODIFY) I called Customer Service SEVERAL x's to TRY TO get this all straightened out only to be given the run around. I emailed them, also. I have copies of EVERYTHING!

I am a retired disabled Veteran living on a set income. Mr. Cooper is colluding with the County Tax/Homeowners Insurance people to DRAIN MY SAVINGS and they are trying to FORCE ME OUT OF MY HOME!




I received a letter from VA (dated 4 February 2020) stating that MR. COOPER/AKA NATIONSTAR had REPORTED ME FOR NONPAYMENT!

I screenshot my Payments, emailed them to the VA Representative, and they confirmed the payments were, indeed, current.

Guess what?

I received a letter from MR. COOPER AKA NATIONSTAR dated 11 February 2020 admitting that they "INADVERTENTLY REPORTED ME TO THE VA!?


Can someone recommend a good CLASS ACTION ATTORNEY?! I will get this party started!

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Mr. Cooper Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Mr. Cooper customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Whether you are considering buying your first home or ready to refinance your 12th, Mr. Cooper is here to guide you through the process. Let's get you home.

Address: 8950 Cypress Waters Boulevard, 75019


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