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My Essay Geeks

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Reviews Education, Essay Writing My Essay Geeks

50 customer reviews of

Amazing video and documentary comparison
My ten page essay involved watching the becoming America documentary and reading the book, then comparing the two experiences paying special attention to chapter four to check whether or not the video helps one retain the information My Essay Geeks have read from the book. I'm going through the paper at the moment and I can tell that the writer was so keen while doing his work. He has quoted specific pages and chapters to elaborate on different points, and from the comparison throughout the text, it's evident that he watched the movie as well. The flow of ideas is just incredible. I love it. The presentation is amazing. Thank you myessaygeeks I can't wait to place my next order.

Scaffolding Math Instruction Lesson Plan
I'm an education major, I've been using MyEssayGeeks for quite some time now and this is my first time ever to review their services. I asked them to make me a K-1 Scaffoling Math Instruction Lesson plan earlier this week and My Essay Geeks did such an impressive job. The aim of that plan was to show how learning was supposed to be assessed before, during and after instruction so the writer had to come up with formative and summative assessments keeping in mind the different kinds of learners, their weaknesses, and strengths. I love that every important detail that we were expected to include was sufficiently covered. The template used for the lesson plan was perfect too. You guys did a brilliant job. Thank you!

I was very surprised to learn that not all online writers are native English speakers. It's very important for me to use writers whose first language is English and that's what I love about myessaygeeks. When I first started using them, I had to enquire about where the writers I was going to use were based and insisted that i wanted them to be American. My Essay Geeks assured me that they'll make sure of this and kept their promise. The writers I've used here have excellent command of the language, they understand the rules and have excellent writing experience. I believe that it's mostly because they've gone through the same education system as myself. They're Brilliant

They are Cooperative and Efficient
I had 3 timed assignments I needed assistance with earlier today, each had 8 written questions and six multiple choice questions. There was only 1 hour and 10 mins to complete each task and I found a writer at myessaygeeks who was ready to work on them. I requested them to prioritize the written questions first so that I could go through the answers as My Essay Geeks did the rest and they agreed to do so. The entire process ran smoothly and they delivered the complete paper on time. The writer used a neuropsychology perspective while answering the questions as we had agreed and went through all the reading material I had sent them before commencing the work. They are quite efficient.

Great first experience
I woke up early today, planned out all my assignments, updated my journal, did yoga, meditated, ate breakfast, then took a fat nap. I woke up a couple of hours later, puzzled that I had slept for so long and stressed out because I had not accomplished anything. I decided to try online essay writing services to get the work done, and since I've never used any writing company before, I consulted with a couple of friends and most of them recommended myessaygeeks. I sent them just one task after discussing it with the site representative, it was a three pager and My Essay Geeks delivered it within four hours. I've gone through it twice and I can't find a single mistake. It's exactly what I wanted but some how just better. Now I'm in the process of sending them the other four assignments.

Start of something new
I've been looking for great public relations writers for the longest time and I've reached out to so many writing companies before but I just couldn't find a company that's fit for the job. I came across myessaygeeks on linked in and everything about them is just so different. Right from how kind and understanding the customer service at myessaygeeks is, to how well their writers understand and write all my assignments and research papers for me. My Essay Geeks are also very affordable and my papers are delivered right on time. I feel like this is the start of something new and I'm glad that my search for good essay writers is over. Thank you so much myessaygeeks let's do this!

PowerPoint Presentation
I have a personal writer here who handles all my orders. He's awesome and very gifted. For this assignment, he was supposed to look for a current ethical issue and analyze it from Mill's Utilitarianism perspective, then make a 12 slides PowerPoint presentation with speaker's notes and he did not disappoint. The design and content are brilliant and the notes are nicely detailed, so i don't have to do further research to understand the concepts. They've done a couple more presentations for me before and they've delivered high quality work on every occasion. I've recommended them to many people for similar services too and My Essay Geeks were all impressed. They are the best and most affordable when it comes to ppt presentations. They're a Great team!

The Dangers of a Single Story
My personal writer is super gifted. I discovered him at myessaygeeks mid last year and I've been using him ever since. The number of As he's given me so far are so many, I've lost count. On Friday, we were asked in class to watch Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's The danger of a single story TED talk, reflect on our own personal experiences, and the new knowledge that we have learned in the module, then use our own words to explain what we felt are the dangers of a single story. My writer outdid himself on this one, he always delivers great work but this one was so so good. I'm so impressed, they're truly the best essay writers i know, and i'm proud to be associated with them

Disproportianality in the child welfare system
There is over-representation of children of color in the child welfare system. Therefore, my professor asked us to write a 10 page essay on the reason for this dis-proportionality and what should be done to aid the entire child welfare process. Having a specific writer at myessaygeeks, I placed my order and requested Helen to assign the paper to him. She did so, and the writer prepared a very good paper. What stands out for me the most is the description of strategies that can assist child welfare administrators, program managers and policy makers to address the issue at hand. It's obvious that it took a lot of research and keenness to write this paper. I appreciate the effort, authenticity and the timely delivery depicted by my writer. Thank you myessaygeeks

Very Reliable
I wanted them to write an 8 page essay describing some of the ways in which the American culture minimizes the legacy and impact of 250 years of chattel slavery, and reinforces the impression that it all happened in the ancient past. I requested the writer to specifically focus on how today's schools, media, and popular culture tell a truer story about slavery and its effects on people alive today. This paper required a lot of research to complete and I'm glad that My Essay Geeks gave it to an efficient and committed writer who could handle handle the reading that was required before embarking on the essay. It has been perfectly written and it's everything I expected. Thank you guys.

Public Education and Disease Prevention Essay
Today I scored another A in an essay myEssayGeeks did for me about Disease Prevention and Mass Education. I've come such a long way since I started working with them. I am a med student and I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder three years ago. Trying so hard to do well academically caused me to disconnect with the world around me. That disconnection, coupled with sleep deprivation and the constant pressure to be perfect resulted in me having some really unsafe thoughts. The fact that I kept scoring bottom 40% in most tests worsened the situation. Despite attending regular therapy sessions, I couldn't shake the thought that I needed extra help to get by. It turns out that a reliable essay writing team was that extra help I needed. I discovered MyEssayGeeks through a friend three years ago and after signing up with them, I've never looked back. My Essay Geeks elevated my academic performance to a whole other level and they haven't stopped. I'm almost done with the course now and my GPA is as strong as can be. Sorry for the lengthy comment but this A is just another reminder that this website saved my life. I'm so grateful.

Perfect international relations writers
It's one thing finding the perfect essay writing company and another finding competent writers who deliver perfect papers without much supervision. Myessaygeeks has been doing an excellent job on my international relations papers and I love todays paper on the American and Russian conflict. The writer explains the role that the two super powers have in ensuring that there is peace in the US and what My Essay Geeks ought to do to discourage the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons around the globe. He has also described global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, governing the Arctic, and dealing with the COVID-19 describing ways in which Russia and America should tackle this crisis.

Contemporary Theories
Online essay writing services were such a great invention. I'm a full time student, I work part time, my grades are awesome and I find my school workload so manageable, thanks to this lovely website. It's been a wonderful 3 years since I started using them and they've really helped me improve academically. Today, I needed an exploratory essay discussing how contemporary theories allows us to reflect on various crises. I asked myessaygeeks to explore one of those theories using Cormac McCarthy's The Road to tease out the implications and possibilities of the chosen theory and My Essay Geeks delivered a great essay. I'm their biggest fan, and I'm glad I got a chance to review them. They're a Perfect team!

Great Creative Writers
My professor asked us in class to assume that it was December 20, and we had just finished the final exams. In two days, we were to go home for winter break and a friend sends a text asking us to join her in serving a holiday supper on December 23 at a food pantry just a few miles from campus. Honoring that request means not being able to get home until two days later and missing a big high school "reunion" party set for the night of the twenty-third. We were expected to write a 3 page essay explaining what our course of action would be and why. I asked myessaygeeks to write an essay responding to this scenario and My Essay Geeks did an amazing job. The answer the writer gave was rather unusual, but it's thought provoking and it's been perfectly explained. I absolutely love it.

They fixed My Personal Statement
I wrote my personal statement but when my professor read it, he wasn't very happy with the work. The truth is I'd done my very best writing it and when he sent me a list of corrections to make on the document, I didn't know where to start. Thankfully, I've heard a lot about myessaygeeks from friends, and since I needed help with the personal statement, I reached out to them. The ordering process was pretty easy, and when I discussed my task with the site representative, she seemed very knowledgeable about what should be done and even suggested further changes that she thought would perfect it. I processed the payment and waited for them to finish it. My Essay Geeks fixed everything within the allocated time and sent me the paper a few hours ago. It is really good, they changed almost everything, it feels like I'm reading an entirely different paper. Thank you guys!

Thanks for the amazing essay
Nothing feels better than working with an intelligent writer who understands your course better than you do. My law essay was based on the termination of a contract between a client and a contractor who had agreed to build a wall around his home to prevent waves from reaching the client's house during the hurricane season. However, the client became impatient and decided to terminate the contract and hire another company to do the job without informing the first contractor. My writer's task was to give his take on this incidence and explain whether or not this is legally acceptable. He's done a great job explaining that the previous contractors should have been given more time or even a notice. He's based his argument on the constitution and all the references that I sent as part of the requirements for the paper. The paper is amazing. Thank you so much.

My assignment involved answering sixteen questions that were based on analyzing the relationship between organisation strategy and project management maturity. I expected the writer to read my class text book, go through certain videos and 10 articles
links in order for him to gather information on the contribution of project management to a sustainable competitive advantage, and the arrangements that are put in place to develop project management skills, tools and techniques within organisations and their effect. I've just received the paper and I can't help re reading it. All the sources have been used as instructed, the content reads so well and it is 100% original. Your writing services are great. Thank you myessaygeeks

Resume Update
I had not updated my resume for over ten years and I paid myessaygeeks to get it fixed on Friday. I chose them because I've heard so many good things about them from colleagues and after going through the work My Essay Geeks sent me today, I understand why they're so popular. Before placing the order I sent them two documents with my personal info, which the writer could use to build the resume and discussed my experiences with the site representative. They started working on it only when they were certain that I had mentioned everything I needed and they kept consulting me about areas where they needed clarification throughout the process. The end product is amazing, great resume writers are hard to come by, I'm very impressed by their thoroughness.

Anthony McCall's Solid Light Works Exhibition
I needed someone to write a short review of the Anthony McCall's Solid Light Works Exhibition displayed by Pioneer Works, and a friend recommended myessaygeeks. The writer was supposed to use first person and base the content on personal observation but I made it clear that I wanted well developed realistic ideas and opinions, not an unfiltered diary-like account of irrelevant details. My Essay Geeks sent the work earlier today, I've gone through it, and I'm happy that the writer focused on what's important for potential visitors to the exhibition and kept the writing streamlined on this. It's my first time here and you guys made a great first impression. I'll be back soon

Worth a review
MEG 4/4/2021
I have never written a review before but the essay writing services at myessaygeeks got me thinking that I should appreciate the good job that My Essay Geeks do. It's been two years now and music school has never been more exciting. All my assignments are done by myessaygeeks and my GPA keeps improving as the days go by. They involve me in the writing process by sending constant updates. My writer is a trained musician and there are times when he adds extra information based on his understanding of the topic at hand. I love the fact that myessaygeeks writers love their job, so they will always go the extra mile just to deliver the perfect paper. This is a brilliant team that is fully focused on the client's satisfaction. Keep up guys.

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Based on 50 reviews from My Essay Geeks customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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Description: Best Online Essay Writing Services
Best Homework Services

Address: 1565 North University Avenue, 84602


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