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My Homework Done

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Reviews Education, Tutor My Homework Done

50 customer reviews of

Thank you for your dedication to work.
In today's world, you hardly get value for money, and here I got a team of writers, academicians who helped me in every possible way during my college years. My entire project work was explained by them to me, and My Homework Done helped me study in the best possible way. The articles which they wrote for me provided me with pepper insight into the subjects and it made it easier to study them. They even provided me with presentations to help for my class and this further improved my knowledge on the subject. The precision that they have about the subject is impeccable.

Spend time on things you like
I'm a passionate gamer and I like video games more than anything else. My grandma bought me Red Dead Redemption 2 for my birthday so you could imagine how happy I was. But then I remembered that I had to do a long and boring essay on Civil War and instead of playing I could have spent hours on writing it. A better idea came to my mind - use These guys helped me out a lot and instead of wasting time on boring stuff I got to explore the state of New Hannover, which is awesome. 5 stars, no less.

They know chemistry better than me
I really hate chemistry. I study it only because it is required by my course, otherwise I would have run away as far as I could. Our teacher gave us homework to write a lab report on Hydrogen emission and I had no idea how to do it. I ordered a paper from this guys and got it on time but I needed an explanation, so I got in touch with the writer who did my lab report and he explained everything to me step by step via messages section on their website. I think it's pretty cool so I'll recommend them to anyone struggling with chemistry.

Great Helpers
I never thought I would hire a writing company to do my homework, but this happened after I found a job a couple of months ago. Well, I was quite suspicious about such companies (and still I am, actually) but at that point, I had no choice, the deadline was looming. A friend of mine advised me to check this website, and so I did. The things I liked were: quick response of customer support team, the quality of the work done. As for the price, I didn't check other services, and it was the one and only time I hired such a company, so I cannot comment on that. There's one thing I didn't like much is the time of delivery (my deadline was at 23:59, the paper was delivered to me at 23:40, so I had little time to check it).
For that assignment, I got A-, which was more than enough for me, so I would recommend it to anyone who needs homework help.

A case study to analyze the budget of the medical center
There was a task to write a case study to analyze the present budget and the projected budget of the medical center I work at. On top of that I needed to hold some conference meetings for which I needed to prepare well because the future of our medical center was at stake. Now I am greatly relieved to say that everything went well and I got a pay rise. I am glad that I could count on you and you did not let me down. The study provided an in-depth analysis of the data I sent in the files and included the ways for the projected development next year.

They do assignments in nursing
I'm a nurse and I want to get a promotion, so my clinical supervisor told me that I had to advance my degree. Frankly, I don't have a lot of time to study, but I really want to develop my career. I started an advanced training course but I'm only reading my class materials. When it comes to home assignments, I know everything from my practical experience, so I don't need to actually write this bunch of papers. Instead, I submit these assignments on this site and get everything done in a couple of days. I save my time, not having to write the stuff I already know, and I can learn new things from practice. Double profit!

Specific topic
I had to write an essay on a really specific topic that involved psychogeography and the way DC comics use it to sharpen their point. I could do it myself but had no time because I was too absorbed in my other project. Decided to order it from this service and was not expecting much from it because, hey, the topic WAS weird, and I needed someone who would know the universe well enough to provide good examples and analyze them from the perspective of psychogeography. The deadline was tight, but the writer did a miracle for me and completed all the four pages right on time. So yeah, Im a believer now, thank you for so many positive emotions.

Chats and Messages
I hate talking to people, and it's great that I can use only chats/messages to communicate with the staff. I think that the people from the support team are good professionals. They're polite and always try to help. I had some writers who weren't so nice to me, but their papers weren't bad. I would say this site is 7/10. It could be better if writers were as polite as the guys from customer support. But the quality is not bad at all, so there's nothing much to complain about. I'd rather have good papers from unfriendly writers than terrible stuff from people who talk like they're from Downton Abbey

Law application writing
My law application had to convey my thoughts, research, and individuality. I tried my level best to construct the application but something seemed to be amiss. I heard about their writing services from a friend and thought to give it a try. I sent my draft to them and explained everything properly. I was amazed when My Homework Done sent me my first draft. They had understood everything really well and I don't think anybody could have done it better. I got into the college and I am now recommending them ever since to everybody who wants to write an application.

Long exam
Well... I am not a cheater but sometimes I just don't have time to do all that stuff because there is so much. When our professor told us that we would have to write a mid-term exam I realised that I would definitely need help. It was a sociology exam and it contained like 20 questions that had to be covered in detail. I submitted all the questions and documents and materials that we studied during the course and writer examined them to provide answers to these questions. I didn't expect a lot, I just needed maybe a B or even a C paper, but I got an A-! Woah! My final grade improved that's just awesome thank you

I got a job thanks to them
As a student who just graduated from college I decided that it was high time to look for a real job. However, I was never good at writing resumes and CVs so I thought it would be better if I used professional help. I asked the support team if the experts who worked in this company could help me with writing a good resume so that I could be hired for a well paid position. My Homework Done told me it was absolutely no problem. Eventually I got a really professional-looking resume that was absolutely polished. No wonder my employees were impressed and offered me a great position

Super customer support service. Great paper.
What do U know about being desperate? When U realize U have like 3 days until the end of semester & nothing is yet done, all U can think is to quit the course. My fellas on the team told me about this site thay saved their grades many times. It was awesome! Thanks! I passed the course and kept my football scholarship. Never thought smth like this can help me. My coach caught me on phone witht he customer support lady. I was idiot enough to talk through a speakerphone, started shaking, and she managed to turn talk so he thought I was on phone with some shop assistant ordering products. Lady, u saved my a$$.

Perfect infographic
My professor of sociology required us to create an info graphic about the dangers of using amphetamine by athletes. Even though I know this topic perfectly I was really struggling with using all these programs to create a very good looking infographic that would involve all images and stuff so I thought why wouldn't I get some professional help and delegate this work to the writers from this company. My Homework Done created a perfect infographic and my professor told me that it was really well structured and visually balanced. So. What more can I ask for?

Nice presentation
Once I did sa very long paper on politics in Europe and then our prof told us that we would have to do a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation about our projects. Gosh I was so exhausted at that moment so I thought that I would never spend like several days on doing that presentation. I just submitted my paper here and told the expert that he would need to use the information from it to write a presentation. Only 8 hours later I received it. The presentation even included images and nice transitions. It looked very professional, thanks!.

World-class work!
You cannot compromise on the quality of the assignments as ultimately its education, it is what enlights the future. The work received from them is phenomenal and world-class. After receiving the assignments I have been more than happy with the amount spent as it has completely given the best results. The money was not too much, it was not at all heavy on my pocket but in fact, I feel My Homework Done should charge more for the quality of work they share. Would recommend this to every individual out there as it not only saves time but also gives the best of results.

They can expand on your notes
When I had to write a very long paper on my moral and ethical philosophy I realized that I just wouldn't make it without some help. Of course I am oriented at morality and ethics but I just do not have time to write 8 pages about it so I thought that nobody would die if I use some professional help. I wrote maybe 200 or 300 words explaining my moral philosophy in a very brief form and asked writer to expand on my ideas. Only one day later I received a perfect and beautifully written paper that included all my ideas. Writer even enhanced them so the entire composition was very polished. I thought that it was a great option for students who just did not have enough time to type all of these endless pages on their computers. My professor told me that it was one of the best papers he ever read. Wow, I didn't expect to receive that compliment is a legit service
I have a bad experience with writing services before and was afraid of bad quality and pricing. When I found this service, I tried to read everything about it. Reviews looked cool, so I tried to call salesman. It was almost a police questioning! I asked about everything and made a decision to make the order. Thanks God, is a legit service. Employees are polite and professional, I was satisfied with a service and quality of writing. Payment seems to be safe and secure? At least My Homework Done received at and I paid the exact amount I was told. Overall quality of homework was good. One of task needed a small revision, which was done in six hours after asking about it. I'm satisfied.

Suprisingly it was perfect
Actually I used this service only once when I accidentally spilled a glass of water on my laptop and it died. I pay a lot of attention to my studies so I have straight A's, so I was pretty worried whether the paper would be as good as my regular academic work. I explained in the order description that I need an outstanding work that would keep up with my grades, and everything turned out so good! My writer used a very rich vocabulary and advanced grammar, the transitions and the logical coherence of the text were also perfect! I think the writer did a great job, even better than I usually write. My prof put me an A+ :)

Improved my writing
I always loved writing and was proud of my writing skills, but then I got into college, and now I struggle a lot. The writing standards for college students are very different, and I no longer get the best grades in my class. I tried going to our writing center but My Homework Done could not do much. I was desperate and decided to ask someone for help with my assignments. Asked a writer to edit my essay and explain what is wrong with it. Thanks to their advice, my writing has improved dramatically, and I feel good about myself again.

No more choice between grades and health
Whenever I sat down to do some college work I just couldn't get myself together. And it wasn't simply procrastination I just felt apathy that I couldn't explain and nothing worked to motivate me. I went to the therapist and there it was – depression. While I was handling it, I my therapist advised me to get back to my studies gradually so as not to get buried in the state of apathy even further. But with the deadlines approaching I was torn between my health and grades. But then my bf told me about this website and how it helped him out whenever he couldn't get to his studies and I decided to use it without hesitation and this was one of the best decisions in my life. Now I don't have to feel regret about losing grades or losing health.

No regrets upon working with you!
Recently I had an assignment on Political studies that I completely forgot about and when I remembered about it I knew that I couldn't spare the time to complete it. I also didn't want to miss the deadline because passing the essay one day after the deadline would automatically take 10% off the grade. I utilized this service previously to help with my University studies and was very pleased with the outcome. So I placed a new order for the essay here. And you didn't let me down this time too. The instructions were meticulously followed, the topic was well-developed and well-researched. Not once did I regret about working with you!

Best writing services for students!
Their services have genuinely helped me get through the enormous college work. If you want to score well academically and save some time for extra studies, I recommend you to avail of their services. Their team makes all the efforts to make your stories and presentations look good. If you want to submit any type of assignment work My Homework Done are ready to help you. The first revision is free and thus you also get a glimpse of their work. Whatever subject you are pursuing they have special writers for each field. They provide the best writing services for students!

Try them if you don't have time
Keep in mind, I never trusted writing assistance companies. And the thought of paying someone for work I'm supposed looked a bit sketchy to me. But when my football practice started I could barely find the time to do my homework, so I decided to give these guys a go. I can't say it was all perfect (it was great, yes but I think I could have done it better if I had the time) but it was done well, something I wasn't afraid to show to my professor. That's why I give these guys 5 stars and recommend you to use them if you can't find time to do your homework.

My son is so happy!
Last week my son had this assignment to write a summary review of the book and answer some questions about the book. But the book was more than 200 pages long! As a full time working mother with part time job as a social activist there was no way I could help him out. Luckily, my niece who is majoring in two Colleges told my about you. And we got the essay done in just a few days! It was also the first time my son got an A in his class. You should have seen the proud look in his eyes! Thank you so much for your help!

No mor reflections
I really hate it when I'm asked to write personal reflections or narratives. I just can't understand how people manage to do this, it's so boring. I heard some girls talking about this website in the bathroom and decided to give it a go to see if I can outsource my most hated assignments. The first paper I bought from here was a class discussion about ethics, and the quality was ok. Most importantly, the writer followed my instructions, and that was enough to get a good grade. I have been buying papers from this service for couple of months and never been disappointed. I'm glad that I don't have to write things I dislike anymore. No more reflections, ha ha

HElp for nurses
It is my Christian duty as a nurse to take care about the patients and provide all assistance I can to the staff and commnity. With all my shifts (and sometimes My Homework Done are double shifts) I don't have enough time for making all that homework I get in my college. I have some tricky tasks that need careful attention but they do not concern nursing in any way. And that is when you guys step in. I have a vast background of using different writing services. Still, this one is one of the most satisfactory I had in my experience.

Opinion on asylum case for a paralegal
I am a paralegal working at the law firm in Texas. An immigrant seeking asylum in the US has contacted our firm for representation. Because one of the associate attorneys, knows that I am taking an immigration course at National Paralegal College, she asked me to review the written declaration and write her an opinion letter (for review by an attorney before it is finalized, of course) stating whether the client's asylum application will likely be granted based on what I have learned in my class about the requirements for a grant of asylum in order to further present the contents of the letter to the partners to see if this case is worth taking. The client's petition will most likely be granted by the US immigration authorities since it meets the required criteria. However, I had to prepare some other papers for my boss so I asked your service to write an opinion on the asylum case. The paper I got complied with all the instructions and included the necessary information and it convinced the partners to take the case. Thank you for your diligent work!

They can help with something others can't
When I was choosing a writing service, I made up some sort of a test for them. I didn't want to give my hard-earned money to some unknown company I couldn't trust, so I ordered an essay about Tekashi69 (there's not that much info about that guy), so the writing company had to use creativity and skill to write something interesting. Only the writer from was capable of delivering something that was not copy\pasted from the internet and the essay had some really interesting facts. I would recommend this company to everyone who is looking for high-quality homework assistance.

History project
Hey, dudes! I've landed on this service like months ago. I just came here looking for help with my ducking assignments on history course. Ever tried to do all that Reneisance nonsense by yourself? Nah? I thought so. I was horrified with those family trees, same names to like five men of same family, same generation, without titles and stuff. The biggest issue, like horror of my life, were those 2 papers on Katrine Medici. It was like a huge project on her biography, but not a regular one, like wiki article. It was a social bio, and my writer had to be on top of that task really quick because I had only like a week notice for 20 pages coming in. I dunno how that writer did it, but, man, it's a miracle. At least, I think it is, and the paper isn't graded yet. Everything looks good to me: moderate prices, as I've been to places with a larger price tag, and I know what to compare it with; fair quality; delivery of papers even in the extreme conditions. Oh, yeah, one more thing to mention. Man, I'm bad with names, but that customer support managers of yours are totally brilliant. My Homework Done give a word of advice; they do everything to please and satsfy you; I absolutely loved it.

Helps with procrastination
I have serious issues with procrastination and concentration, which turns any attempts to study into a nightmare. Sometimes I can spend an entire day trying to make myself do at least something. This sucks so much you can't imagine. I hate myself for being such a lazy ass weirdo. Everything's gotten so much easier when I discovered you, you'e support is priceless. Knowing that I can go to o=you an dask for help makes me feel better and in a strange wayhelps me to focus on my work. Youre great, keep doing what you do!

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My Homework Done Rating

Based on 50 reviews from My Homework Done customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: We are the best homework writing service and we can do your homework for you. Any class: Math, Biology, Physics, Programming and Chemistry. Assignments made easy with our expert writing help. All our papers are plagiarism free, 100% original and written by qualified experts.


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