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Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America

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Reviews Real Estate, Real Estate Other Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America

50 customer reviews of

Terrible program (from my experience)
When first contacting this organization I thought things would be great. I met with my counselor and within 1 week all of the required documents had been uploaded. A few days later the counselor began asking questions about information that had already been submitted so I had to resubmit some of the items. This went on for about a month. Then for my 2nd counseling session the counselor had some technical issues and said that she would have to reschedule, but never did. When the time came for my counselor to submit all of my documents to underwriting 3 months had passed, only for underwriting to respond requesting documentation that was irrelevant. Things like, "Have him write a letter to explain why his driver's license address is different from his physical address." My former home address was on my license and this information had already been uploaded. There were about 6 more request that the underwriter requested similar to this. I explained to the counselor that the info was already in the system and it did not make sense to have to write all of these letters of explanation. After stating my opinion about the request, I never heard from my counselor again. I don't plan to renew my NACA membership, and I feel that this was a waist of time.

NACA - Neighborhood Assistance Corp of America- Home ownership program
I am currently in the home search /recertify status of my journey with Naca... I'm excited about becoming a homeowner. My counselor (Jennifer M.) was amazing I had a very smooth certification process. I have referred several people to signup for the program.

I started with Naca in October 2020 - certification is good for 6months after that you will need to recertify; basically you will review with counselor your financials (employment /income/address) history to see if you still meet qualifications to participate.
Naca is a homeowner ship (owner occupancy)/no investor/ Non 1st time buyer program that assist members in becoming homeowners; with a focus on community involvement. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America provide financial counseling to get you ready to purchase If you need it. They offer No closing cost; No down payment; No points or fees; below market fixed rates on 30/15 year loans. Interest rate buy down; with no perfect credit score required. Your purchase power is based on your income / (DTI) debt to income ratio.

Pack your patience!
My family used this program to refinance their home and convinced me to use them for my mortgage as a first time homebuyer (back in 2017). I attended the seminar and instantly became excited. HOWEVER, I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was to buy a house (mentally or financially). So in 2018 I dropped out. Late 2019 I called the DC office and scheduled an appointment with the mindset come hell or high waters I would see this through. I listened to my counselor, placed myself on a budget, saved money, continued to pay my bills, refused to open up or use credit cards etc. This program literally turned me from having a mindset of spend, spend, spend to save, save, save. I didn't realize how much I have grown and lessons learned until I thought back over the years how I was truly living paycheck to paycheck and now I'm realizing I have money to pay all my bills have a LITTLE allowance but still have a hell of a savings. Yes, the goal is to become a homeowner, but for me I had to learn how to save first. I had to learn to pack my patience and stay focused on my goal. If it wasn't for my counselors, I wouldn't be in the position today to buy my first home with confidence. The market currently is frustrating, but I truly can't thank this program enough.

Bad customer services
In Feb 2020 I have meet my case worker for Naca to go over all my documentation a plans to become a first time home owner. After the meeting she set up a phone meeting for us on April 15th 2020, it was scheduled with Dana Brook I did get a phone text reminder but she never called me. Couple day after April 15th I called member services to send an email to her regarding I have not heard anything from her about our meeting that was missed. After, I still have not received any respond I sent her an email myself and I have not received any responds still. Couple days ago in May I received texts that I had appointment set up for May 15th 2020 that I have not agreed on so I canceled it. Couple days after that I received another text that I have a meeting on May 13th that I have not agreed on so I canceled that one as well. Today May 11th at 11:23 I called to the office and someone picked and stated the person that I been working with back in Feb is no longer with the company. I only meet her once back in Feb a have not heard from her since. I am very upset a confused that no one has contacted me since Feb or took someone since 3 months later to tell me my case worker is no longer working for the company. I payed money to be in your program not to be sitting around, my lease is up in June now i have to rent again until someone can talk to me again and have to go through the whole process again to bring update information. I have sent a complaint for the customer service of naca, someone called me from a Chicago phone number stated Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America read my email. She stated the Minnesota office had folded and now I would have to work with someone that works out of Chicago office and I live in Minnesota. There was no notice that the office was folded and there was no email or call that I was no longer had a person to help me with becoming a first time home owner. I am very very upset with the lack of commutation your team has done with me, because I feel this might be a scam an whoever got my person information an took off with it. I need someone to call me to explain what has happen or I will be going to corporate.

I'm Trusting the Process
Over a period of time, I've been working with NACA, and each time I've met with my counselor(s) I've gained traction. Make no mistake, it is a process, but it's well worth the process. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America give you an action plan that you're required to follow in order to make sure that you have all your ducks in a row before purchasing your home. I have an amazing counselor who explains what I need which is helpful because I don't feel left out of the loop of my own process. I'm almost rounding the process and heading to the finish line, and I will say that I've learned so much during this process. I'd recommend anyone trust their process and have patience. If you're interested in homeownership, I'd suggest NACA because they definitely prepare you as a home buyer I feel like they set you up to avoid failure. I'm hoping to be complete within the next month or so and will follow up upon completion.~Gordon

NACA – Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America - First Review
NACA – Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America

On 12. 2. 2021 my husband and I had our first counseling with Ms. Acosta. As expected, the session was lengthy but very rewarding. Ms. Acosta was professional, knowledgeable and very personable. All of our questions were fully addressed and our expectations were set accordingly. I have no doubt that NACA will help me to help myself, in becoming a home owner in the very near future. The amount of documentation required is nothing, given that our expectation is to have a lender ultimately extend us the opportunity to purchase a home. My advice to others is to be diligent, patient and prayerful. I look forward to our next session in late January 2022. Thank you. Silvia T. (GA)

Seeing the light after 9 months
I started my NACA journey in October 2020. I missed my first counseling session after receiving a text stating that some one would call in the next 60 min. I waited all day and was number 860 in line. No one called, and the office was closed when I called them. I realized hours later that the information was emailed when I was to join the call. The next appointment was scheduled 3 months later. I had a question for the counselor, so I called a week before the appointment. It went to the voice mail of someone who was not my counselor. The voice mail was full. I emailed her and the email was returned. I called NACA headquarters and left 2 messages before someone in escalations called me back, 2 days before my scheduled session The lady was apologetic and professional. She informed me that my assigned counselor was no longer with the company. The metropolitan area where I live had no appointments until 2022. She found a counselor for me in a different city. His name is Dwayne Jordan and he was awesome! I have another appointment with him on July 9th. I hope and pray to Yah that My husband and I can get through this process and find a home before our lease is up in September. I feel that what NACA is doing is great, Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America just need more help. I encourage anyone who has mortgage background, IT, administrative etc. to volunteer or apply for a paid position so that they can really do the job of helping people to purchase a home.

I am so optimistic
I actually started the process of becoming a homeowner years ago through NACA, but working and going to school to be a teacher and then starting out my career while being a single mom my direction quickly changed. I have had a lot of life experiences in the last couple years with family and my health (breast cancer) and bankruptcy that have seem to be road blocks to becoming a homeowner. Owning a home to me is one of the most important life experiences for me; right now I can see it in my future. There was a point when I had given up on this; I have always rented and felt like I was always on the verge of moving out because renting just does not fill the need of "for ever home". I remember having a repeated dream as a child of walking and not being able to find my house and I can still feel in my heart the fear I felt before I would wake up. There is nothing like the comfort of family and a home; I know what it is like to be homeless and not knowing how long you would be at that current place you are resting your head; so I recognize that fear is real. I have recently been working with Melinda and she has answered my questions and this is new for me so I have had plenty of questions; knowing that I can have this comfort to have those questions answered and knowing I have the resources from NACA to reach the goal of homeownership is such a blessing I can't truly express.

I heard about NACA last year in November of 2020, through a friend who went through the process maybe 5 years ago. She informed me that she had no down payment, no closing costs and no Fees. I told her yeah right that has to be a scam. She said no that's how I brought my house with NACA's assistance. I must admit I was skeptical. So I went on the website and read everything at least twice. I still thought it was unbelievable. So, I began to ask my friend more questions about NACA and she said you would love the program because you like volunteering and helping people. So, after we spoke a couple of more times about NACA, I decided to take the homebuyers workshop in 2021. After the workshop I got my NACA I.D. number and started uploading documents to my web file towards my journey of being a homeowner. I must say I was excited, nervous, and a little scared all at the same time. Because as I am going through the process with NACA, I'm excited to see my dream of becoming a homeowner is starting to turn into reality. I'm nervous because I don't know what to expect throughout this journey and a little scared because I might be making the wrong decision in buying a house. I decided I will make the best of it and see this journey to the end. Hey DEE is ready in Far Rockaway... Wish me luck.

Update Review: they require a positive review at first meeting
NACA requires you to write a review on your very first meeting with them but this is my review after the months long experience with them. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America are an absolute waste of time, with the exception of the realtor that I worked with. He was the only true professional that I worked with. I dealt with the Raleigh NC office and even the director of that office ignored emails and messages. My "counselor" had a "you need me " chip on her shoulder and ignored me more than she spoke to me. The realtor and I were getting mixed messages. My file was not up to date. I sat twiddling my thumbs not knowing what to do because nothing was in my file as far as action plan "to do" list. The underwriter actually called me while smacking on food or gum while actually on a second phone and was speaking on speakerphone! Told the other person she was on the phone with a client but continued to talk to me. She was totally distracted and I had to point out 2-3 things that she was overlooking because she was so distracted and smacking on whatever was in her mouth. Wanted questions answered on multiple occasions but it took the realtor asking my "counselor" for me to actually make contact with her and by that time my file was locked because it was time to pay dues again. I told them I had been communicating and waiting on answers long before dues were to be paid and now you tell me that you can't open my file! I refused to pay, though dues are inexpensive, for another year of unanswered questions, unprofessionalism, and being strung along. What they offer is great but who and what they have offering it and the type of business they do makes it not worth it. Mr Jay, my realtor, was Awesome, professional, communicative and the best part about this program.

"Incompetent" is an adequate way to describe everyone there
Our mortgage counselor was rude to us from the first second. Fine, I can get over it. But the misinformation during every step of the process is beyond frustrating. He has absolutely no idea how to answer any question we've had along the way. The amount we were approved for prior to anything being submitted to the underwriter was twice our actual approval amount. Along the way his rudeness permeated every single interaction with me or my husband. Despite all of this I submitted every single document requested within minutes to hours after the request. I'd go so far as to say that I did this on my own. Our "counselor" was nothing more than a gatherer if documents to give to an underwriter. I paid fee after fee. I was told that I'd have "no closing costs" but "cash at closing" was estimated to be $6k then $5k then $4k but $3k should be enough... I'm not exaggerating. Then I asked for an approximate figure and was told "It'll be lower than what we discussed." So, will it be lower than $6k? $5k? I have no idea. I just keep hoping every day that we'll (1) actually get a closing date and (2) have the funds we need. It's a mystery at this point. This man is beyond useless at his job. Do not go through * at NACA. In fact, if you have ANY option besides NACA, go with that.

*Personal information redacted by admin

NACA Great homebuyer program
First off let me say I love this program. I started off going through other lenders trying to purchase a house and it was so many fees and other things holding me back especially not having the right credit score. So I was told about the NACA program and did my research. I heard nothing but good this about them help people become first time homeowners and helping lots of people save their houses as well. It helped hundreds of thousands of families find affordable homes with no down payment, closing costs, credit score hurdles, or mortgage insurance. However, you must meet specific program requirements. Everyone can be qualified if you do whatever it is that Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America need you to do to get qualified. I started my workshop in February 2021. I'm just waiting to be resubmitted because I was missing something's when I first was submitted but if you do your part and upload everything in a timely manner then it wouldn't take you long as others. So hopefully once I have my next appointment next week I'll get submitted and next hopefully I will have my house by February. Their counselors are amazing and help you along the way especially LaTisha Geters. She is amazing and get the job done. I really recommend this program to everyone.

An absolute waste of time
If you have low standards of professionalism and absolutely nothing but time and you are not looking to move anytime soon, stick around. If you expect white-glove treatment or a stellar customer experience then you may want to look elsewhere. I have not talked to a single person yet that has made me feel confident that we will be able to buy a home soon. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America do not call back, answer emails, get to appointments, or scheduled events on time. They even sent me another member's personal information when sending me documents! Today we started at 9 AM, following our place in the queue for our Achieve the Dream event, literally checking the website every 10-20 minutes to check our spot in line, only to finally get an email at 7:54 saying to join the web meeting. Then it should come as no surprise that when we joined the meeting, you guessed it - NO ONE WAS THERE! We had to wait a month and a half for this appointment. I suggest going elsewhere.

My journey with NACA.
As I begin my journey with NACA, I was introduced to NACA by a friend. I was given a counselor that took me through the steps of the program. I will say, she was very helpful and patient with me. What I loved most was hearing affordable homes. NACA helped you to have a home that you are comfortable with your mortgage payments. The outstanding thing about the program is there's no down payment and no closing cost. Being with NACA for an X amount of years, have taught me patient and money management. It has also taught me how to stay positive and to understand its worth the wait. Its good to meet people that have gotten their dream home NACA, although I have yet to reach that goal, but the journey has been a great experience.

NACA home buying process review
I was first recommended to do NACA by a friend of mine who began the program but ended up going a more traditional route for a home loan. The first step is the homebuyers workshop which my husband and I attended in September 2020. The next steps is to meet with a mortgage counselor and that appointment was set for December. In between September and December Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America recommend that you upload all your documentation such as your paystub‘s and information on all the debts that you have. They also recommend that you begin saving for the mortgage necessary fees which include inspection and things like that. They state that there are no closing costs but there are other fees that are going to be due when buying the home. They are also no down payment needed which is a plus. The best thing about the program is that they take the IBR plan for a student loan which student loans can hinder a lot of people from being eligible for a home loan, but in this program it does not. The only issue I have is that it seems that they are understaffed and the staff that they do have are overworked and probably underpaid and so my husband and I have found that it's difficult to get questions answered in a timely manner. We have a joke that using a NACA loan is like being at the aid office to get food stamps. The people want to help which is why they have the job but they have so many cases and get overworked and under paid that often times they don't want to take the extra step that's necessary to help those who really need help. I am lucky enough though, that I was able to find a Facebook group where there are very good employees who although they are overworked still want to help people become home owners. So as of right now my husband and I are still not home eligible yet but hopefully when we have our meeting again in July we can get a prequalification letter and began the home search. So far through it all NACA is worth the trouble and the time even with some disappointing factors of the process.

Great Opportunity and Awesome Counselor
I found out about this program through a coworker/friend. I had never heard of this program and I immediately thought this was too good to be true. It started out a bit slow at first, I'm assuming due to demand. It took about 4 months to get a workshop appointment to receive NACA ID. I unfortunately didn't immediately set up my first counseling appointment after receiving my ID so after waiting about 3 months to take the next step, I had to wait about 4-5 months before my first appointment with my counselor. But she was worth the wait. She is knowledgeable, very responsive and seems really vested in getting me qualified and in a home. If the rest of the process is this positive, I look forward to it!

Trusting The Process
I joined NACA in July 2021. My first Workshop was 7/30/21. My Intake session isn't until November (I know right?!). Actually, that is kind of quick considering I've heard members appointments are much further out. I do believe it depends on how you initially set up your appointment and location. Schedule online or via telephone (which I personally think gives you a sooner appt). Anyhow, in the uploading stage... which is a DOOZY. I mean, Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America want to know your monthly budget from current rent down to how much gum you purchase monthly lol. The only Review I have at this point is PATIENCE IS NEEDED. If you are in a rush to purchase this process probably isn't for you. Everyone's process is different and depending on your city, you might not have the best experience with Mortgage Counselors due to lack of staffing. Even in this stage of the process, for me... NACA is the best.

Terrible unprofessional NACA experiences
Experience with NACA is by far the worse. I was supposed to have a meeting today and my experience was terrible. The firs text me to expect a phone call within an hour. Off of a hunch i happened to check my email. The counselor sent me an email at 9:17am indicating that i should join the Go To meeting. The counselor specifically she will stay in the meeting till 9:20am. I joined at 9:21am she was already gone. The point is why no phone call like? Why send an email and only allow then to join within 3 minutes? I reach out to Live customer support to only be told i have to wait till 2022 to register again. I was honestly looking forward to NACA until this terrible unprofessional experience.

NACA is a scam - Stay away from it
NACA is a scam. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America do the following

1) NACA makes money out of poor and middle class people.

2) NACA thinks they are doing favor for you by doing your mortgage, but actually they are making money out of you to find the customers for the big banks. They do not respect you at all. They do not care about their customers/members and customer services.

3) NACA place A LIEN on your property without you know by getting your signature on the closing and make it legal!

4) NACA does not release the lien on your property to get a Line of credit, refinance, or selling your house easily. They have a very long process and usually do not approve it.

5) DO NOT use NACA real estates agents. They are not working for you to buy a house they work for NACA. Most of them are not competent.

6) DO NOT use NACA mortgage consultants. They are in-experience people compare to a normal mortgage broker and will waste your time and energy.

7) DO NOT use NACA HAND Department. That department is a messy office worst than other parts of NACA if you need to renovate or rehabilitate your house. They drag you and all the contractors you choose forever.

8) DO NOT use NACA contractors to touch your house. Most or all of them are in-competent.

9) DO NOT use NACA lawyer even it is free. They work for NACA NOT you. They do not care about giving you all the required and important information before signing all the papers.

10) DO NOT use NACA to buy your dream house. They are worse than applying for food stamp and medicate. They are going to waste your time, energy, and money.

Good Luck if you are using NACA!


Review about: Naca Loan.
Reason of review: Poor customer service.
Monetary Loss: $100000

Homebuying Process
I first started many years ago by attending a free homebuyers workshop. I had some life events prevent me from buying at that time, but I am ready now. I am working with a very kind and helpful counselor at NACA named Tonya. She is walking me step by step through the process. I had my intake meeting and was given good information regarding what it takes to qualify and was provided with a itemized task list to complete and keep up to date throughout the process. I had a fast turnaround time with Tonya and moved through the steps pretty quickly. I am ready to be submitted for qualification now and look forward to being a happy homeowner very soon! :) I HIGHLY recommend this program. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America mean every word they say. They will not let a person get themselves into a home that they cannot afford. This is 100% what NACA is against with other lenders. It may not be as quick of a program, but the time it takes is well worth it.

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Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: NACA's primary goal is to build strong, healthy neighborhoods in urban and rural areas nationwide through affordable homeownership.

Address: 225 Centre St, 02119


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