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Reviews Finance, Debit Card NetSpend

50 customer reviews of

Everything they do is sneaky and dishonest
I've been a netspend customer for several years, and more than once NetSpend canceled my card for no reason that they could provide evidence for, and they locked me out of my account saying that there was suspicious activity, without giving me any details. They wanted copies of my passport, my social security card and other sensitive information with my mailing address on it. I was always polite and patient with them, even though I knew that they were just reading from a script. Finally, they closed my account with over $1000 in it and I cannot get a straight answer about how to get my money back. Needless to say, despite the fact that they have been sued again and again, and despite the fact that they are being investigated by the FTC, they continue with sneaky tricks and woefully bad customer service. If you need a mobile banking or online banking service, please don't use Netspend.

Customer service is not priority
I had a horrible experience trying to get a hold off my card. I was cold transfered more than 7 times. Each transfer was back to the previous department I had spoken with. I asked multiple times to speak with a supervisor because nothing was getting accomplished, I was denied and told my problem did not warrant speaking with a manager. I then asked to file a formal complaint, and that too was decline. I myself work in a call center and it is frowned upon to cold transfer, especially if customer requests a warm transfer. I have been using netspend since 2017 and I have never had to contact customer service. Now that I see how the customer service is, it worrisome if I problem in the future how it would be handled. This call should have taken 10min tops. I had to deal with being transferred for over 45 min. I am extremely disappointed with how this was handled.

This place is a joke
I'm currently on hold with NetSpend this is my seventh time calling I've been on hold for 1:20. The last six times that I called NetSpend told me they are sending my refund of $50. To get to their customer service representative I have to use a different card than the one I am trying to get refunded for because my social security number and the specific card number keeps me in a loop of the main menu, or it has me enter it and nothing but silence follows.
So since I am just listening to my own music and still on hold I figured google review. This card was purchased by someone who didn't know netspend is a joke. I was asked to set it up for them not knowing netspend has a problem from another account I don't know about. My husband also bought one of these card and the same thing happened they say they need more information and you can't use the card until you get the hold of them. EVERYTIME THEY SAID THEY WHERE SENDING THE $50. I got my husband money back at the same time I originally called about this. They said they were sending one came but still waiting on the 50. I dont know what to do. Class action lawsuit? What's really crazy is $8.95 buy The Card. Also on 895 maintenance fee. When I had one of these cards I didn't even use the thing that's why I don't understand how I can have bad debt with them. Unless the 895 maintenance fee for a card I never even used and the same with the two cards on talking about we're never used. People have lives they should pay me for my time being on hold. I am at an hour and 49 minutes so far. And they said we're going to get you to the supervisor that I asked for and then this will happen nothing but silence. They should refund the $8.95 for the card on top of the $50 I say zero Stars but it made me put one

This company thrives on fees due to their own errors.
Charged me $5 to add a $200 check to my account. I then went to a restaurant, (with $200 in my account) and my card was declined. Tried twice to use the ATM to pay my bill and was declined. Hmm... what to do? I was out of town, no cash, card declined, ATM declined but owe for food I had already eaten. Luckily my waitress was kind enough to pay out of her own pocket, embarrassing.
So let's see, I paid $5 to load a check, $3 for two ATM transactions and can't use MY money.
I then check my balance which was not only empty, but in the negative. Laughable right?
Sent an email to the check loading company that Netspend uses and also an email to Netspend. Inconveniently, I'll have to wait 48 hours for them to reply, but miraculously I get an email stating my check couldn't be loaded. (After NetSpend charged me $5 to load it and it said check was accepted)
Still waiting for a reply from Netspend and can only imagine what nonsense they'll have to tell me.
It's obvious how they make their profit.
I'll give them a chance to make it right and earn their trust, but don't see that happening. And then I'll be on my way to cancel card and find a legitimate company.
I'll also add that this is just a fraction of my disappointment with Netspend, but have wasted enough of my time.

Been with them for years!
I see a lot of bad reviews, but honestly, I had one issue with them and NetSpend corrected it immediately and I was able to talk to a supervisor. I was upset at the time, but hey, problem solved. Also I have used this card for years. Seriously. So either you're using it wrong or the place where you are buying it is not familiar with what to do. I've often had to school some cashiers on how the card works. Some times it hard to understand some Netspend agents, but it still works out. So kudos to NetSpend. And it not just a card for the irresponsible people, it's allows you have another option when it comes to banking in general. The traditional banks are going away. Their cards also offer a savings account making interest and its very good for business purposes. Goodness they are giving you a bank account with a full routing number. If you ARE down on your luck and the typical banks won't give you the time of day, NetSpend is giving you an instant checking and saving account where you can deposit your paycheck. All you have to do is put $20 bucks on the card. Heck you can even scan your physical paycheck to the checking account from a mobile phone. Think about it. I'm not mad, NetSpend. With all these bad reviews, maybe re-think the marketing plan:) I like it though. Thumbs up from me!

Horrible! No Due Diligence Or Fraud Protection!
Netspend had Synina Rodriguez and Oscar Sotuyo who were Customer Experience Analysts. I provided them with documentation showing I was incarcerated, not in possession of the card and there was a restraining/ no contact order in effect with the ex girlfriend who used the card. We are not married, no joint bank accounts, she is not an authorized user on the account, and our relationship was ended the day I was arrested and the restraining/ no contact/ order of protection was put into effect and any previously rites, authorities, or agreements became null in void. As also stated in the police report. All privledges were revoked upon arrest and dissolution of the relationship. How can this not be automatic grounds for reimbursement. Also how could no fraud warnings or procedures be in place when multiple high value atm withdrawals are done in one day?! How can NetSpend have a woman call, have recordings of her voice! And allow her to order a new card to a different address then on file and send it?! This is ludicrous! And no provisional credit during the investigation? I'm a senior. Please help!

Absolutely avoid
Absolutely avoid. I saw this card in a store and I liked the idea of how a convenient debit card. When I read the fine lines, I noticed there are high fees for lots of common actions, and the account is very inconvenient, it takes time to move money, and it's not compatible with google pay and other more convenient forms of payment.

So I researched for better options online and found Chime. So I went ahead and closed my NetSpend account. I was due a $50 refund for my initial deposit. NetSpend sent me a check in the mail that took very long to arrive and discounted $6 for "delivery". The check says explicitly "not eligible for mobile deposit", making it extremely inconvenient.

And when I noticed, it also expired and now they just won't give me any of the $50 they owe me.

Overall, I wish stores like Walmart and CVS wouldn't offer them so visibly, knowing now just how bad of a deal they are.

Nothing but a headache do not get this card
In a nutshell, filing a complaint is useless because NetSpend are constantly helping businesses rip people off for millions. But their trick is they will lull you in with a false sense of security by actually getting your money back on a couple transactions and then rob you on a few after that. I would not file a complaint unless I knew 100% that I am entitled to MY money back. Why would I file a complaint for money that was not mine? How is the business entitled to take money that is not theirs, it's call thievery. You have to give a good or service in exchange otherwise you are literally stealing people's money.It's been especially bad during the covid.Do not get this card it's been nothing but a huge headache. Acting fake helpful after the fact is just disrespectful, classless and crass.

I reached a customer service Star
I reached a customer service Star - it happens!
I can be quite vocal when it comes to complaining about something I don't like, it's easy. However, when I receive great service I like to celebrate it as well.
The call I had was a "once in a lifetime" type of call. It was like speaking with an old time friend who related to me well and was able to take care of my needs as a netspend customer as well. Now I think it will be impossible for me to think of netspend without a smile on my face.
My customer service agent was kind, supportive and incredibly helpful.

Even though I had many other things to do, I just wouldn't be able to sleep without writing a review just like I told him I would.
Netspend makes me happy by paying me ahead of time. I have my money and can take care of what I need to while my co-workers are still waiting for their checks.
Also if I am in a tight spot their $10 cushion has covered me. No cost for it at all. I can go over and then it's taken back when I get my next deposit. You won't know how cool that is until you have to use it. I am so used to it that when I have $500 in my account, in my head I say I have $510--LOL! Sweet!

I won't get paid for this and I don't work for them. I am simply keeping my world.
I told my rep that I would post at least 5 reviews because I was just that "happy".
Magic doesn't happen with every person we come into contact with but sometimes it does and it's best to rave about it. If I was angry I'd probably write 10 reviews so really I am just balancing things out in the universe. I am sending out some good and it feels good. I hope everyone gets to speak with a good rep.

Tip: Sometimes when you see someone isn't going to help you/isn't nice, just end the call and call back for that perfect one. I have done that with every customer service line in the world. Also, I work in customer service and I always try to be that "person" that you are happy you reached. I will speak to you kindly and smile even if I am sad or ticked off:-) as I do everything I can to help you because I love being treated well too! Cheerio!

Terrible customer service
I bought 2 cards as Christmas gifts and tried to activate for a senior citizen relative. Unfortunately, I waited too long and was told the cards had expired. I have now spent 2 hours on 2 sessions with their customer service trying to either reactivate the cards or get a refund. Each time their service person had to "escalate" the call to get approval to assist me. The 1st time, after 30 minutes of discussion, I was put on hold for 20 minutes and then my call was dropped. The latest service person, Anton, requested all my relatives info including her social security number so that NetSpend could issue the card. I gave him the info, even though I will be recharging the balance. After an hour or so, I was put on hold and left for 30 minutes which is when I hung up.

I STRONGLY advise against working with NetSpend

Incentive to sign up waist of time
My friend suggested i sign up for the NetSpend card using his link we would each receive $20 bonus. Ok why not. NetSpend encourage direct deposit, I have no need for that service. The minimum deposit I needed to qualify ing for the bonus was $40. I had a check from a client for $70 I waited the 10 days for the check to clear which I thought was a bit much and two days after that we would each receive the $20 bonus. It's been six days. I've emailed them three times no response I attempted to call last night but after 22 minutes on hold when the girl finally got to me she kept going hello hello hello and then as if to ignore me she switched me back to the automated system and then I got disconnected. Really? I don't need this card. This car does nothing to enrich my life it doesn't offer anything that any other card can't give you especially when they promise you something and they don't deliver. I was only doing a friend a favor. Because he really could use that extra $20. What a waste of time and energy.

It's alright for an online bank, but it has major flaws
Netspend has some positive features, NetSpend do have overdraft protection for anyone who has direct deposit and their online banking website is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. However, you do have to pay a monthly fee for the overdraft protection feature and to prevent from being charged a fee for every transaction made. My biggest gripe with Netspend is the inconsistency in when your direct deposit appears in your account. At first, the pay I receive from my employer would appear on Wednesdays every two weeks. However, it appears after a while, direct deposit transactions from the same employer were showing up later and later. My last payday, for example, I got paid Thursday morning around 5 am. This week is another payday for me, and I have yet to see my paycheck appear in my account, which has caused significant inconvenience for me. With that said, I'm going to switch to another online bank.

File complaint at ftc
On 5/7/21 our card was fine pm 5/10/21when 350.00 was put in account closed it! Also by Monday 5/17 3300 yall are saying 10 business days to even mail a check. That is unacceptable and ridiculous this is people's lives who need their money way before no 10 buisness days and you mail it! I was told would be called by back office and them send me the cash to store. No call no reply to emails since Monday 4 buisness days now! We are a working family with 5 kids and need access to money and your company thinks it can just block people from their money it is illegal and that's why your company was sued in 2018 for the exact same things I guess paying 3 mill to the ftc for customers did not hurt crooks like you! Anyone done this way I suggest file complaint with the ftc now! I have and the tx state attorney general anyone I can I'm going to all local news tomorrow too!

They stole my money
I've had a Netspend account for a few years. I have 40% of my pay deposited into that account and the other 60% deposited into my credit union account which I've only had for 1 year. 11/29/2018 I received my payroll deposit around 10:40pm. The next day I placed an order on EBay around 11:20 and went to log into the Netspend app using my finger print and this was the first time it asked me to actually type in my password. Didn't think anything of it since sometimes things like this happens with apps. The problem was it was not accepting my password. So I clicked the forgot password button to have a temp password emailed to my yahoo account. Did not receive the email so I tried it again and nothing happened. Called Netspend to let them know and NetSpend asked to verify my email address. Once I done that, the rep told me that they had a hotmail email addyon file for me. I knew this was not right because I've never used hotmail and Netspend has always sent correspondences to my yahoo address. So the rep updated my account back to my yahoo email so he can send a temp password so I can reset mine and log in. It wasn't until I logged in that I realized $540 plus and additional $18 transfer fee was charged for Western Union. I immediately went off and filed a dispute. I also contact Western Union fraud dept and filed a dispute with them as well. Long story short, they said I have to wait until 12/14 to see if I qualify for a temp credit back to my account. Today is Monday 12/3 and western union says the person that received the money was a lady named Michelle Dodson from Kansas City Missouri. Mind you, I live in Virginia and so does all my family and I have never sent money through Western Union ever in my life. After reading some of these comments and finding out there was a class action lawsuit against Netspend, I'm convinced this is an inside job. I will have an update for you on 12/14 to see if I get my money back. And I am also filing a police report

NetSpend will hold your money hostage and charge you a dollar for everything on top of other fees. Their customer service is what I imagine a room full of bafoons looks like and they all sound like they have marbles in their mouth. Being direct with them will get you placed on hold for an hour and the call will suddenly drop. They are predatory, leeching of of people who don't have normal bank accounts. Their total fee for a withdrawal is $3.50 on top of whatever the ATM fee is and you can NOT withdraw more than $325 at a time. That's more than 1% in fees per withdrawal. I can not understand how a business model like NetSpend/Metabank is allowed to exist. I will never give them another dollar.

I imagine in about another year or so, we will be seeing commercials on TV saying

"... Did you or a loved one open a NetSpend/Meta Bank account between 2018 and 2022? If so, you may be entitled to great compensation..."

Don't do it. Regular banks are safe. Netspend is a trap.

I have tried for 3 weeks everyday to get my card activated it's an All Access and I have called customer service so many times that I'm mad as hell and get nowhere. NetSpend keep telling me that the last 4 numbers on my card and the 3 security numbers don't match up they told me that they would close the account and send me a check for the full $40.00 that was on it and I haven't received one yet. But I did get a text message from them this morning saying that I have $30.00 on there now. I guess I'm just going to have to report to the BBB cause they are not trying help me at all to get my card activated, or give my money back. Everytime I have called customer service they tell me to log into my account and go to manage account then go to card's and do this do that and when I do it tells me something went wrong or the card numbers I mentioned earlier don't match up. Call customer service then they want me to use the automated system to finish. IT NEVER WORKS! IM SICK OF THIS I JUST WANT MY DAMN MONEY ITS ALL I HAVE AND I NEED IT!

Took my money
I bought a netspend card at Dollar General i put 20 dollars on it i got home and called to activate my card only to be told NetSpend need my personal info that was a red flag but i went along with it after i sent them all my documents i was told to send in a proof of address that everything worked out for personal reasons i didnt want to show the full bill so i showed the name and address on it and the top of the bill to show where the bill was coming from that way they wouldnt see what the bill was for i got an email saying that it was received and tried to use the card but it declined i just got off the phone with netspend and they said i had to show the full bill and i dont no why theu would want to see my hospital bill so im pretty sure im going to sue them for fraud because not only did they take my money and not let me use my card now they have most of my personal info and i feel legal action must be took this is ridiculous do not get with them netspend steals from you

First of all I got this as a gift card, had no idea how to use it AND to my knowledge gift cards don't usually expire. This one had an expiration date of 2019 so I thought I had plenty of time. Since NetSpend have to send you a permenert card, I never got mines, after countless times of Calling customer service. Long story short, not even a year passed and I called to ask AGAIN for a new card and she told me that my account balance was only $16, when the original gift was $100! I was in ABSOULTE shock. She then proceeded to tell me that they had a maintenance fee to keep the card active and it brought the card down to such a low balance. WHAT A RIP OFF! I am so disappointed that I was never informed of this fee and I will never be using their services and don't recommend anyone does either.

I've been robbed
Netspend is A COMPLETE SCAM! I purchased a card and deposited my money over a year ago, and have not yet been able to activate my card or access my money. NetSpend put a hold on my card and referred me to the fraud department, and every attempt to appease the overseas idiots has been unsuccessful. They don't want to talk to you, or even listen to you, and definitely don't want to work with you to resolve any issues. Netspend has effectively STOLEN MY MONEY, and I don't know if I'll ever get my $500 back. The security protocols seem to be intended to prevent people from using the card, undoubtedly so they can steal all your money in "fees" over time. They are basically crooks and thieves engaged in racketeering, and my only hope is some eager attorney sees the potential opportunity of initiating a class action lawsuit against this criminal enterprise. It may be the only way I ever see a dime of the hard earned cash I turned over to these bloodsuckers. STAY AWAY from netspend!

$10 million to people who could not access money!
I purchased a $100 card plus fees at Walmart for my daughter to take to collage. I chose it because it was reloadable and I could send her money as needed. The card does not work. After 7 months the still claim my account needs further identification, for a prepaid card! That I cant get a refund on! I'm retired. I know $100 is not a lot of money to most but for me on Social Security its a tremendous amount. I recently discovered that The Federal Trade Commission is mailing more than 430,000 checks totaling more than $10 million to people who could not access money deposited to their NetSpend reloadable prepaid debit cards. NetSpend are thieves. Plain and simple. DO NOT BUY Every time I call I get a out of the country person who seems to not understand the problem!

Check fields!

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NetSpend Rating

Based on 50 reviews from NetSpend customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: NetSpend is a leading provider of reloadable prepaid cards and related financial services in the United States. We serve the estimated 68 million underbanked consumers who do not have a traditional bank account or who rely on alternative financial services. Our mission is to provide products and services that empower consumers with the convenience, security and freedom to be self-banked.

Since 1999, our products have helped more than 10 million consumers to make purchases, pay bills and manage their money without the need for a checking account or credit history.

Through our nationwide network of more than 70,000 distribution locations and 130,000 reload points, consumers can buy and reload NetSpend Prepaid Cards at neighborhood retailers, check cashers, convenience stores, grocers, pharmacies, insurance providers and tax preparers nationwide. In addition, our direct distribution channel reaches consumers beyond our store-based distributors. NetSpend is also a leading provider of corporate payroll card solutions that help employers offer all employees a direct deposit option and eliminate expenses associated with paper checks for employees and employers alike

Address: 701 Brazos Street, 78701


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NetSpend is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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