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50 customer reviews of

Any site that claims to be a news organization--rather...
Any site that claims to be a news organization--rather than a "news" organization--should probably avoid presenting skewed and meaningless anti-President Obama polls and also sidestep palling around with Fox News for news facts. Does Newsmax provide Fox News with faux news or is it the other way around? It gets so difficult to understand who's who in the world right wing media barons and their silly "news" outlets. It's another feel good site for far right Republicans and Testicular-Bag (sorry, T-Bag) Party members. Personally, goose-stepping to the tune of GW Bush and Cheney destroying this nation and lying treasonously about why we needed to kill Iraqis continues to be unattractive to me to this day, but perhaps you will find something to enjoy at Newsmax. Each to his/her own...

Their polls are a mess, and if you sign up for their...
Their polls are a mess, and if you sign up for their newsletter you'll get five links in one email and then get 10+ emails that day that have nothing to do with news. But, now let's talk about the site. The site is better then their email newsletter and polls, but not much. NewsMax flop like the wind political wise. One day they may be supporting the Tea Party and then the next they are supporting RINO's. Also, their articles are generally not very informative. I was going to give this site about 2 stars out of 5, but I saw it getting 1 star on average, and so I'll raise my star level to help it get where it belongs (which is 2 out of 5).

Liberals are idiots
Yes Newsmax is mostly fake news. But CNN, MSNBC, all late night talk shows, anything Hollywood related is more biased and deceptive than newsmax. You hateful violent liberals can't give Trump credit for cleaning up obama's failed foreign policies, such as turning Libya into a terrorist headquarters, starting a civil was in Syria that cost millions of live and immigrations crisis, allowing N. Korea to become a nuclear missle armed country, allowing the flood of heroin into USA from Mexico. Not to mention obozo never once, not even once had one year of over 3% growth. Face it,,, Pay attention Liberals,, FACE IT, you may not like Trumps tweets,, but he is doing a fantastic job. Facts dont lie, Syria has not used chemical weapons on its people since Trump bombed them, obama didnt have the guts to back up his word. And just look at you home values, your stock, 401k, new job creation, unemployment. All a result of Trump removing obozos job killing regulations. Face it,, just say Thank You.

It's an eye opener and very entertaining.
This channel is Free and I would hate them to be canceled. This channel is the exact opposite of fox. NewsMax are too far right. I truly wish they were in the middle. Truth be said... Trump did some Great things! Trump is not a politician. Plain an simple... One man cannot change all politics in 4 years. And there are good people on both sides as long as they are not trying to break things and kill people. Please stop acting like Trump is Jesus Christ... He really is not, just in case you don't know.

Spell much?
I hardly care, frankly, what the opinions and biases of this news network are. I think the most important thing to note is that NewsMax do not have professional copy editing. It seems that very frequently there are misspellings. Here are a few examples:
"Franklyn D Roosevelt" and "Lillian Gesh" and "Warm Flourless Chocolate Tort". It's hard enough to believe that they are not concerned with spelling the names of two American icons correctly, but to confuse a law relating to damages awarded for a wrongful act and the name of a dessert is pretty embarrassing.

Talking about fake news!
This site is nothing but garbage, period. The ratings NewsMax give Trump are not the reflection of the American people. Trump is the worst president in history by a large margin. The economy is on cruise control and Trump has nothing to do with it. Only hard core right wing nuts support him. I am a conservative but I did not vote for him. Trump is for Trump period. He does not care about Americans or their problems. He just pocketed millions of dollars with the passage of the so-called tax reform bill.

Bias! Liars! Don't like someone that calls reports and news fake! When Ai hear this! I believe it'ss
Always remember smoke screens are a real instigated to make u your believe something about someone or something else! When really it lies right where it's being told! Otherwise why say anything if u have nothing to hide! When someone says believe me after everything NewsMax say! That's a major cue! That u should not believe them! Again if your telling the truth why would u have insure that u r! These are very strong points to know! They sure help me in knowing how to read people!

Definitely Needs Some Tweaking
Howie Carr, Joe Pags are fun to listen to. My problem lately has been with Newsmax Now. If you're going to get the views from the left, could you pick more people who have a mind? Robin Biro and Alan Dershowitz are really the only level-headed ones of the bunch. The rest rant about things that aren't relevant to the topic being discussed. NewsMax talk over everyone in a uncontrolled frenzy of false accusations. I can get that on CNN or MSNBC. Time to clean some house Newsmax.

So very happy to have found a decent news station! What a change from main media. Love it!
So very happy to have found a decent news station! What a change from main media. Love it! NewsMax deliver news as truthfully as possible which is very difficult to find in today's world... I see a review saying this was designed to make Trump look good! Wow... I got tired of hearing the main media news stations trying to make 'a president of our country' look bad, that I find this very refreshing.The other stauins were turning my stomach and I had been a dem! Most stations deliver trash and lies. This is refreshing. I say try it... You will like it if you seek truth.

Why I changed to my newsmax
There are three different reasons why I switch from Fox news. Number one I cannot understand why NewsMax have JuanWilliams on. The man will back any liberal cause or opinion to the point of sounding ridiculous and stupid! Second, when they hired Donna Brazille I was stunned. Why is it that Fox news thinks they have to have all these liberal hosts on when all the other stations would never think of having a conservative on their staff. So therefore I don't think I have any channel that I can listen to and that's when I turned to newsmax. Third, when Neil cavuto jumped all over Trump because Trump was promoting using hydrochloriquinas something we should try to combat clothing with since at the time we had nothing else. Cavuto just laid into him and called him extremely irresponsible and blah blah blah. It got so I couldn't watch cavuto without wanting to throw up! I have told everyone I know about newsmax and a lot of people have switched over and I think newsmax for their unbiased reporting and hope to God that they never turned into Fox Junior.If they ever did that I would be looking for another news source once again. All the hosts on newsmax are really good and very professional and you guys have done a good job building up your company to such a high level

I saw a poll about the ACA (Affordable Care Act) and...
I saw a poll about the ACA (Affordable Care Act) and decided to take it. It turned out to be a Newsmax poll.

The questions were biased and misleading. It was very obvious how you were supposed to answer them. I won't vote for anyone who does smear tactics, so I didn't answer the way NewsMax wanted me to.

I was told there would be a verification email sent that I needed to use in order to make my vote count. There has never been a verification email sent.

However, I received 7 emails the next day, all trying to sell me something and get my credit card number. Since I cannot trust them to send me a verification email, count my vote or have actual facts in their poll questions, why would I trust them with my credit card number? Run screaming in the other direction at a high rate of speed.

Finally an HONEST News channel
These reporters risk their careers to give honest and actual news. This channel is so refreshing from all those other networks on regular television I just wish it was available to more viewers who are not able to pay for cable. People want to know real honest news, not fake or false news. I am so disappointed that reporters are so corrupt and take sides. Reporters are supposed to give "HONEST NEWS" so that the people can make their decisions accordingly Reporters are not supposed to take peoples rights to FAIR new. So thank you so much to NEWSMAX for your HONEST and FAIR news. There is still hope out there for the USA.

I changed over to Newsmax and OAN from FOX for News and commentary. I find Newsmax and OAN to be straight forward in their reporting on both national and international news. I especially enjoy Greg Kelly, he tells it like it is, no sugar coating and does not try to be politically correct. I enjoy his interviews with people and his analysis of daily events. Having worked in the white house in a previous life he can give a great perspective on what really happens and what is a fabrication by the main stream media. Thanks to Newsmax and OAN for some credible reporting, really appreciate the information provided in the various shows.
Juneau, Alaska

Comical to watch, just as bad a MSM
Keep it up as it continues to divide this country to push aside the lame conservative, evangical capitalist's who know all too well how to work the govt for themselves. Our founding fathers are laughing that we are still living by their constitution and it's long overdue to be rewritten with how we have PROGRESSED as a nation. You do know the bible was translated and put into a book form a century later! And how many times has it been redone? You seriously believe a man lived inside a whale, Noah's Ark, Virgin Mary, Adam and Eve don't have umbilical cord, a fish fed everyone and the stories goes on. Why hasn't any of this ever happened again. Come on everything we are living is a lie and many need to be decolonized from so much brainwashing. Whyte supremacy and Christianity is why this world is so FU'ed. Do you know how many Republicans cheat the system and "we the people?" It's all about money and status in the US, period. The amount of energy put into this election along with money is comical. Your channel isn't any different than any other channel pushing your own agenda and propaganda. Each channel has their own agenda all for money and ratings. Your channel isn't any different, sorry not sorry. And please don't talk as if ALL LIVES MATTER as NewsMax truly don't the way you run your station. That and in itself is truly comical. The govt has always owned us with our own earned money, why not have it work for us for once. Or just do away with it and build something better for once. This pandemic has been such a beautiful blessing and I hope we have more, as we will, because history repeats itself til the lessons are learned. You praise 45 like he is a super human. Please, he is just as FU'ed as anyone else in government and who hide behind religion claiming to be so holy. There is no doubt there was election fraud and no doubt 45 told his supporters to vote in person! Biden said to vote in person or do mail in ballots. The suppression that comes from your party for people to vote is disgusting. I hope every registered voter gets mailed a ballot from now on so EVERYONE in this country can vote. Your Crystal Clear show is hilarious and how they point out how products in big box stores come from China! Where does maga merchandise come from? This country is going down fast and it's a very beautiful thing and time to rebuild it not on lies. I know doubt feel more than 74 million voted the other party to get this nut case out. Remember always keep your enemies closer... Something 45 failed to do. Loved the Red that voted Blue this election. He is an embarrassment to our country and your channel is just as bad as MSM. SCOTUS is the best!

Never have and never will watch newsmax
I watched newsmax for a few seconds one day after the election and it was my first and last to watch. Now fast forward to today for me to see an article that newsmax is still disputing the overwhelming voter fraud makes me sick. And to see the reporter cut off Mike Lindell after he was asked to answer a question is totally disrespectful and unprofessional. Shame on you and your establishment. It's OAN network for me and my family. I will never watch your American news station. Hopefully any reporters with integrity will bail ship on you and go to Fox or the OAN news stations. What a disgrace!

Newsmax! The greatest news source on the Planet.
I just recently discovered Newsmax & it is the greatest news source on the Planet. Fox was once great but now it is worse than CNN. CNN at least admits to being the far left liberal creatures NewsMax are but Fox pretends to be conservative. After Trump was so good to them they jumped ship when things got hot. Even Kilmeade joined the "Rats". If Chris Wallace, "Fatboy Stirwalt, Roly Poly Cavuto, Juan Williams & the rest of the rats show up at your door (Newsmax) looking for a job show them the door, THE BACK DOOR! I believe this will happen soon because as soon as the rats began spewing their hatred toward Trump they slipped from 1st place to 3rd place & I predict will go to the bottom. Very quickly.

Wow from all the comments sure looks like it's a scam...
Wow from all the comments sure looks like it's a scam sight! Well what do you expect from conservatives, NewsMax don't comprehend the meaning of the word honesty. They try to steal elections, what makes you think they wouldn't steal from their followers. The people who follow them are by their very nature the most impressionable among us. That's who the conservative party targets, those easily bought and sold. If their fear mongering messages were enough to get one to subscribe in any fashion, me thinks they deserve each other!
You can always spot a site owned by the conservative party; No comments allowed. Control freaks!

Supports Traditional American Values
Conservative Democrat here. Though a Republican site, it IS a conduit of conservative thought and supports traditional middle class values. The leftwing Progressives are not in the " Mainstream". NewsMax are in the minority. The Progressives live in the cities that fund them. But the call for JOBS is first & foremost. People excell when the system supports and gives the proper rewards to those who make things happen for the benefit of all. It's called Capitalism. No better system has been devised since the 17th century.

Conservative news chanel hopefully not going the way of fox
I found your station only a couple of months ago after fox started getting soft. Your station was/is a good source to get the conservative view and principles on news events, however lately you seem to be creeping toward having more liberals giving their left slant on the news. We could get that socialist preaching on 90% of the other media outlets. If i am to remain a loyal viewer i ask that you go back to 100% conservative and leave the left trash out. Thanks and trump 2020

I enjoy your channel, Except...,,,
I came over from Fox. I tune in to Newsmax for news I trust, Except when Mark Halperin comes on. Hearing him speak is like listening to chris wallace, I can't Tolerate wallace. I noticed halperin has appeared more and more lately, to my dismay. He is way to far left, maybe he should apply to NBC, oh he was fired from there. As soon as halperin shows his face I immediately turn to Real America's Voice, channel 219 on Dish, very reputable, honest, and steadfast programming.

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NewsMax Rating

Based on 50 reviews from NewsMax customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Find today's news headlines and the best in conservative commentary from Our stories cover a wide range of current events, including American news, global news, health reports, money news, science, technology & more.

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