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Nordstrom Rack

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Reviews Clothing & Fashion, Department Store Nordstrom Rack

50 customer reviews of

NO Customer Service... DO NOT ORDER ONLINE!
As of today, I ordered items TEN days ago and despite my order saying "Ships in 2-4 days" my order still sits and hasn't been shipped yet. I contacted customer service twice, and Nordstrom Rack said they're having "issues" in their warehouse with no apparent solution. I simply have gotten a "sorry" and they have no idea when the items will be shipped.

I just contacted them to request to cancel my order (since it will no longer be here in time for my event), and they said "their system doesn't allow for that." So, I'll be charged for an order, and then will have to take the time to find a Nordstrom Rack store and return it there to get my money back.

The icing on the cake? I got such terrible customer service from the "Chat Now" experience (that's a lie, it should be "Chat in 30 minutes"), that I decided to email their customer service email they have advertised on their website. THAT email actually doesn't work, and anytime you try to send emails to that, you get an "undeliverable" notice.

Whoever is in charge of their customer service needs some serious guidance. No idea when whatever they are "working through" will end, so it's best to stay away from online ordering.

Poor customer service and shipping takes forever
I ordered sneakers, paid $8 in shipping and 10 days later Nordstrom Rack still didn't arrive. The tracking online showed they were at a facility about 45 minutes from my home. I called, customer service had me on hold for a long time. After 20 minutes of waiting I found out they were "lost" and it would take another 8 business days to investigate the situation and track them. I asked to cancel my order. The rep said only a supervisor could do that. I had to call back to speak to a supervisor because I could no longer sit and waste time on the phone and they refunded my money. However, they were unwilling to send out another pair of sneakers using expedited shipping (at their cost) to accommodate me so I could get them as soon as possible. They also were not willing to do anything for me because I was inconvenienced. I told them I would not shop there again and they acted like they could care less. I have seen other reviewers on this site say the same thing. Clearly Nordstrom Rack doesn't need our business or our money. I am not sure this company will survive given that Amazon and other stores out there can provide free shipping and quick delivery.

If you don't care when you get your order, enjoy the "service"
**This review is about, not the actual retail stores.**
The fact that Nordstrom lends their name to this "business" is so deceptive, it should be fraud. You'll receive better treatment at WalMart or KMart... seriously.
I placed an order on 11/21, spending more than I intended to get "free" shipping. When I got a notice on 11/25 that it had been shipped, cool. Our office was closed on the 26th (weekend), tracking showed that, then Nordstrom Rack redelivered Monday, the 28th. And tracking shows "delivered" for that date. So I checked around the office and it's nowhere to be found. So I start a chat, give them not only the order number but also the tracking link. She's gone a bit and asks for more time. I say sure, take all the time you need. Finally she comes back with "So, because the order was marked as delivered on the 28th, our policy is to give them until December 8th to see if the package will show up at your home. The reason for this is because we want to give enough time to deliver the package to you. If on the 8th you have not received the order. You can contact us again."
What? I say that's unacceptable, they have to know where the package is, and ask for a supervisor. I'm simultaneously starting to type feedback on their delivery process via the tracking website, which they sought.
She responds that I have to call them to talk to a supervisor, and I don't respond right away, and in less than two minutes -- literally -- she sends, "Hello customer? Are you here with me? If not, I will be forced to disconnect this chat."
So basically if you're willing to put up horrible service, rude people, and with potentially not seeing your order for more than two weeks, order away. Otherwise, avoid this like the life-sucking plague that it is.
Google " bad service" and you'll see how awful it is. Used things being sent as new, similar delivery nightmares, awful chat and customer service... why do this to yourself?

Horrible Customer Service, misleading communication & Inconsistent.
Ordered high heel boots and perfume on December 16th as a Christmas present and was told Nordstrom Rack could not guarantee the items would arrive before Christmas but it's a good chance they could arrive before Christmas.

I receive an e-mail the next day on Thursday December 17th stating that the boots have shipped. To ensure quick delivery my order had been divided into 2 shipments due to the perfume not being ready. I thought great I probably will receive the boots before Christmas.

On Monday December 21st I receive an e-mail stating my perfume had shipped and I thought I probably wouldn't receive the perfume before Christmas but it was fine.

On Wednesday December 23rd I receive an e-mail stating your package will arrive tomorrow. I'm thinking perfect the boots. I check the tracking number and find out its the perfume. I look up the tracking number for the boots and no information. I call the shipping company and they tell me that they have never received the package.

I call Nordstroms on December 24th and they tell me sometimes it can take up to 8 business days for an item to leave the warehouse. This is ridiculous!

NEVER AGAIN! This is terrible customer service, misleading communication & inconsistent shipping. I was told on December 17th that my boots had shipped only to find out 7 days later my item is still in the warehouse waiting to ship. While my perfume shipped 4 day later, shipped the same day as e-mailed and arrived 3 days later.

Customer Service light years behind Amazon! Take your business to online merchants who respect their customers and value them.

11/10/2016 UPDATE (30 days since my order) - I called customer care today trying to get yet another update the remaining items I ordered. This time I got a wonderful rep who of course couldn't help me figure out why my order hasn't shipped yet (no shock) but said will check and call me back in a couple of days. I told her I think the company is going out of business, may file for bankruptcy or something serious is going on and she AGREED WITH ME AND SAID SHE WAS WORRIED TOO! SO I REITERATE DO NOT ORDER ONLINE - GO IN THE STORE IF YOU WANT TO SHOP THERE


I ordered items from NR every few months and have never had any shipping issues until a week ago. Same issue everyone else lists in recent complaints. I got a canned answer that they are upgrading their shipping warehouse to improve the customer experience but then I demanded they tell me what the REAL delay is. They said three days ago the delay would be an extra 1-2 days. Still no update. I ordered on 10/13 but still no update. I don't need my items right away so I'm ok right now but I wouldn't advise ordering anything right now if you need it.

Do better at sucking less
This is literally the worst place to shop if you have good taste. I wish writing a ZERO star review was possible. All of you that wrote five star reviews do not know the company in and out like I did. Nordstrom Rack are fake to you and don't genuinely care about the customers. The workers there will lie to your face just to make you happy and make you believe it is a good place by giving you anything and everything you want, all you have to do is complain and the world is yours--->ZERO ETHICS. ALL they care about is credit card sales and push it on the workers and push it on the customers. Plus more than half of the merchandise is RETURNS and definitely last seasons $#*! which no one wants to tell you but its true. You will find by shopping here that a lot of the clothes are damaged, that is because most of the clothes are from returns that get carelessly put out for others to buy. Where's your reasoning skills Nordstrom rack? Where is your judgment? Plus as you can tell by shopping here this store obviously has a crazy return rate. Its because the products are CHEAP and the materials are not good quality. People wonder why the clothes don't "fit" them well and they end up returning everything. First hand experience. They also don't take care of the workers there, we are instructed to behave as slaves to the customers.

Let me preface this by saying I have made many, many orders on NordstromRack, ALL of which are over $100 so that I qualify for free shipping. I have had all positive experiences until NOW. I am so dissatisfied. I've made three orders in the past 1.5 months. The first one shipped in a timely manner, but said "delivered", and never came to my door. I opened an investigation after three business days (which was the period Nordstrom Rack advised me to wait). The package showed up the next day, mysteriously. I was only moderately annoyed at that point. However, I made two orders about two weeks ago that have YET to ship! Not to mention they are going to take another week to receive. All customer service representatives can tell me is that it "should" ship out by early next week. That will be almost three weeks before shipping. It's my understanding that they had a delay in trying to streamline the shipping process for the holidays. Instead, they are losing valuable customers! I am grossly disappointed. Until they get this fixed, I would NOT PLACE ANY ORDERS WITH THEM! You would think they would come out of pocket to expedite the shipping process for customers who have been waiting.

I ordered 5 shirts online. Two weeks later my order still wasn't at my house. Wasn't allowing my order to be tracked. I got an email finally saying my shipment wasn't sent out and Nordstrom Rack aren't sure when it will be getting shipped. I called the 1-800 number. I waited 48 min. Finally hung up. Called back some time later waited another 27min finally got a person! She told me my order was not shipped out and she wasn't sure when it will be getting shipped. She offered me free shipping which she then noticed I already received. She then offered me free shipping off my next order well who needs free shipping off your next order when it only takes $50 to receive free shipping? So I said that is crazy I would like 25-30% off this order she said we do not offer any % off. I have never been more dissatisfied in a company ever. Nemius marcus has the BEST customer service ever. As does lord and Taylor. This would never have been an issue there. I truly will never ever shop with Nordstrom or Nordstrom rack ever again. I am a shopaholic I spend an excessive amount of money on clothing and they just lost my business and my family's.

Terrible, terrible service. Worst I've encountered.
I'm an extremely prolific online shopper. When I say Nordstrom Rack online is the worst shopping experience of all those I have had I mean it. The processing timeframe is a DISASTER. Literally takes a week and half to ship out two items. There is a huge variety and cute stuff but the website is so terrible, you may never even get your item. A rep today told me I could place an order but there was a "50 - 50 chance" it would oversell. Not good odds.

I ordered a formal gown on Black Friday 11/25. My order didn't ship until 12/5, then of course shipping took the week so I didn't receive it until 12/9. That's horrible in and of itself. I also made about 5-6 other orders on Black Friday- this was the last to ship, and the last to arrive.

But- the dress was lovely, just ran pretty large. So I decided to order a smaller size on 12/10. This one shipped a little quicker, by 12/16. Still not impressive, but understandable as Christmas nears. I received it on 12/22. Again, I ordered with a cheaper item to reach the free shipping threshold. Both items were in the box. The cheaper dress was a gift and was wrapped in plastic, in good shape. The formal gown was thrown on top of it, NOT WRAPPED IN ANY KIND OF PLASTIC or protected by a bag or even just tissue. Just... tossed into the box. OF course it has some spots on it. In visible locations, such as the shoulder straps/neckline.

So I chat in, wait in queue, then get immediately disconnected by the agent and thrown back into the queue. Next I talk to a rep who says I need to reorder a replacement, nothing can be done. Appalling. I call in, speak with a kind woman, who offers to send a replacement. However the item shows only one in stock, and it's on hold. She sends me a free return label and offers a 10% discount coupon (which I never got). Today, 12/23, I see my size in stock and can add to my cart. No longer on hold! I chat back in and speak with another idiot who swears nothing can be done. But oh, maybe he can send replacement but it will take 7-10 business days just to LOCATE the item in inventory and says it will be quicker just for me to order it. Also it might sell out while it is being located. Huh? I call in. I talk to another kind rep, but again am told can not send a replacement out at no charge while I return the dirty defective one. I can try to reorder myself, I am told, but there is a "50-50" chance it will sell out. I mean... why even have an inventory number then?

The whole thing is ridiculous. In all my years of ordering online - hundreds of orders- I've never received a dress, much less a lovely FORMAL GOWN thrown into a shipping box without any kind of plastic protecting it. What is the matter with this company? How low can Nordstrom Rack go? Meanwhile other companies I have worked with, will send out replacements at NO CHARGE if the item is defective. I'm an honest customer, I don't rip off companies or lie about condition- and I expect the company to do it's absolute best to send my item with care. I paid money for it, the least they could do is make sure it's protected so it doesn't get dirty or torn!

Moral of the story: never shopping here again.

Greenville SC Nordstrom Rack - Harassment
I witnessed two employees verbally harass and bully a customer inside the Greenville Nordstrom Rack store. One girl was the younger girl "greeter" with the dark hair and blue apron and the other was a big lady who was apparently the "manager" wearing all black from head to toe. Nordstrom Rack were raising their voices so loudly that every customer in the store (including me) stopped and looked. Not only that, they were literally making such big hand gestures and flailing their arms around, that it looked like they were going to get physical with the customer! Not cool! I was shocked at how they were treating that person, who by the way, was not raising their voice at all. In fact, the manager and the other girl (greeter) were actually using their bodies as a barrier to bully this person out the door. I was appalled to say the least! I just left my stuff there and walked out. Will not do business or give my hard earned money to anyone who treats their customers that way. Sickening! Those people deserved to be fired for their unprofessional conduct.

I'm also aware that they're having their numerous Yelp Reviews removed from customers with similar experiences! Talk about censorship! People need to know how these big corporations are treating its customer base.

BEWARE of Nordstrom Rack online security and customer service
The first time I place an order with Nordstrom Rack, someone immediately breaks into my account and spends over $1,000. Their online security is obviously very poor. I order online from countless companies and never had this problem. The customer service has been above and beyond a nightmare on top of their poor online security. For the order I did actually place, I returned 8 items, and Nordstrom Rack only refunded me for 1 item. After more than 3 hours on the phone (mostly hold times waiting to be transferred to someone who cant help me and none of these people seem to be shocked by the horrible experiences Ive had and only experiences Ive had with them). Then a supervisor says they received 5 items back. (Yet, they only refunded me for 1) Later he says 7 items. Then he says he cant talk to me about my account because its closed due to the fraud. Three hours on the phone, not even close to being resolved, they still owe me money, and my account was compromised because of them. Ive been on a hold for another hour just waiting for a supervisors, supervisor. Reporting to BBB.

Do Not Shop Here
Don't bother shopping here I spoke with CS agents four times about not seeing movement on my package each and every time I was assured that the item has shipped and that it was moving and would be delivered to me by 11/8. This morning the tracking still shows as shipped I once again called between each and we should be that the item will be delivered by the end of the day the end of the day came and went and when I called again and looked at my order on my profile that item was returned and I was charged for the return label. Nordstrom rack will not try to make this huge inconvenience up to me a loyal customer since day one. Kristina the lead I spoke to would only offer expedited shipping and told me that if I was unhappy then Nordstrom, Nordstrom did not need my business. The Nordstrom name use to mean anything. Also Jess on there Twitter account said the same thing that Nordstrom and Nordstrom Rack did not need my business. This company had idiot employees that were seeing imaginary tracking information and due to their delay the item sold out and Nordstrom Rack could care less. Never ever will I do business with this company again and neither should you! You have been warned!

2nd consecutive order now that's been botched!
I wrote a review a couple weeks ago describing how my first online purchase with went foul (ReviewFeeder would only allow me to review this company once so my previous review has now been updated to this one but you can get the gist of the first review in this review also). After 3 weeks of trying, I finally resolved that issue. I was given account credits for the major inconvenience too. That brings me to this review:

I used the fore mentioned credits to purchase some shoes for myself and some shoes for my daughter's birthday that is coming up. uses multiple shipping companies for any given order. One of those companies is OnTrac. My new order was sent via OnTrac. For those unfamiliar with OnTrac, google OnTrac's reviews and see just how terrible and unreliable Nordstrom Rack are for yourself. I opted in for an email delivery notification. I received said notification on the guaranteed delivery date of my package. All seemed great. However, when I got home it was the wrong package. It was for a totally different person, with a totally different order, and a totally different address. My father took the wrong package to the correct address, being the kind man that he is. Here I am, 2nd order in a row going through the same motions that I was so relieved to be done with last week. This is a zero percent success rate and it is unacceptable. That said, if you are a person who expects to receive the correct items, at the correct times, you DO NOT want to buy anything from Chances are, you will be terribly disappointed like I am. You'll be spending hours of your free time trying to resolve an issue that should NEVER have happened in the first place. OnTrac is the WORST shipping/logistics company I have ever had the displeasure of using. Companies choose Ontrac because of the inexpensive shipping options they provide for companies like, knowing their reputation is bad and also knowing that it will come at the expense of their customers. What does that say about To me, it says that they would rather save a few dollars on shipping, than ensure you or me, their customers, which are the lifeblood of any successful company, have a decent and dependable online shopping experience. Keep this in mind when purchasing from I promise you this, if I can have two bad experiences, one right after the other, than so can you. If you don't mind receiving the wrong package, having to spend hours on end of your free time getting your refunds or finding your package, speaking with C. S. R.'s and Live Chat agents, by all means, you'll LOVE this place. For now, there is an investigation underway to find my package. I am told this should be resolved in 15 business days. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I returned a few items a month ago, using their return label and email of items returned. Nevermind that Nordstrom Rack charge $6 for that (and then companies are surprised why everyone move to buy at Amazon), but the worst is that I didn't get my refund.
I chatted with a rep after 2 weeks and was told they are working on it and that it should take a couple more days (after two weeks still working on it!). Lucky for me I am very organize and I write myself reminders on my calendar so I remembered ro check again and contacted again. They said they will refund in the next 2 days... I asked the rep "what if I didn't call?" then you would keep the money and not refund? (of course the rep didn't have an answer). Are they counting on people to forget? There was no email from them that the items were received, no communication after I sent back the items... only when I chatted again and told the rep (Nickaylor W) that I will dispute the charge he said refund in 2 days. I asked him to email me something that refund will take place in 2 days, but he just disconnected from the chat. I copied and saved the chat for my record.

3.5 stars, not the best
My experience with Nordstrom Rack wasn't the best or the worst.

One traumatic incident that I experienced with Nordstrom Rack was when Nordstrom Rack sent me a pair of shoes that was 2 sizes bigger than what I'd ordered. The shoes were $270 (which is a lot to me). I had to initiate the return and of course, according to their return policy, I had to pay the cost of the return postage ($5.95) even if I wasn't going to use their return method.

Following that, my order somehow disappeared off the grid and I panicked because it was nearing the end of the return window. Luckily, Nordstrom Rack worked with me and proceeded with the return even with the missing order. (The item eventually successfully arrived at the warehouse after almost a month.)

I personally found it unfair that I had to pay for the cost of the return shipping even though Nordstrom Rack made a mistake with my order. Furthermore, I live overseas and my return cost amounted to almost $30, which I had to bear.

Other than this incident, my experience with Nordstrom Rack was passable. I like the fast shipping even though they sometimes lie about their delivery time and pretend that your stuff has arrived when it in fact only arrives a few days later.

Items removed from cart constantly
I have wasted so much time on the Nordstrom Rack site. I take my time shopping for what I really want because I know that once I have ordered something and I change my mind, sending it back is a hassle and it takes forever to get the money back, Today I had three pairs of shoes in my cart. I was trying to decide if I needed all three pairs and also their free shipping starts after you spend $89.00. Back and forth checking sizes, materials, etc. so as not to make an error. Last year I purchased jackets that were a name brand. One was final sale and had some isuues but I wear it, and the other had defective stitches on the arm right where you could see an imperfect repair, too large (I went by their recommendation) but mostly really cheap looking. I was really surprised at how low quality the item was. I thought I was getting a bargain but not so much. I did not return it.

So, a pair of boots disappeared from my cart. I went back to put them into my cart because I really wanted them, and Nordstrom Rack were gone. No more!
This has happened many times before and I thought I would give them another chance. I don't want to shop hurriedly before someone grabs my stuff and buys it from under me. There are so many sites that have quality, and great prices, and sales. Goodbye Rack(et)!

Terrible Customer Service and Return Polciy!
While shopping, I noticed a $400.00 pair of Magnanni shoes priced down to $179.97. I was in need of a new pair of dress shoes so o figured that Nordstrom Rack were a steal!

I purchased the shoes on 6/14/16 and I wore them for the first time on 6/19/16.

I realized today that the leather on toes of the shoes was absolutely shriveled off!

As anyone else would do, I returned to the store and attempted to return them.

The clerk immediately said "Nope, I can't take those back!" Without even looking at them thoroughly. She then continued to call me a liar and told me that she's "dealt with people like me before". What does that mean?

She took them to the manager and without the manager even coming out to confront me, the clerk returned saying "There's no tags, we can't return them, bye bye!"

I told her no one wears shoes with the tags on and showed her the glue from the tags is still there! She didn't bother to look and continued saying "I've seen this gimmick before, bye bye".

Me being a gentlemen, I told her I'd contact the store manager and left while her co-worker apologized to me for her incompetence.

After calling the store, the same manager declined to return the shoes! This is absurd!

I will no longer shop at the Nordstrom Rack in Troy, MI.

I bought several sweaters and returned some. The cost of 2 sweaters $80 was not refunded. Strangest thing - in my "orders" page these 2 sweaters did not even show, but in "return" page Nordstrom Rack were STILL available for return after the package was received. Another strange thing is that when the company sends you a refund confirmation email, it will only show 1 item returned. So it is up to you to call them to try to figure out how much they actually refunded - and argue to get the rest. This issue has been dragging on for months now. At this point it has been over 45 days and the items are not even showing in either page - returns nor orders. I finally realized that I am not getting my money back... unfortunately, and feel like there is nothing I can do about them keeping my money. I spent thousands of $$$$ with and will not be returning ever again. I will tell all my family and friends to stay away and shop somewhere else. I am sure I am not the only person this happened and just imagine how much money they kept and got their merchandise back to re-sell and complete the same SCAM.

What happened to the N we trusted
I have shopped at Nordstroms for 5 decades. This year the online experience has gone downhill and I hope it improves to compete in todays market. So many errors including notifying me of numerous items out of stock that I purchased, AFTER Nordstrom Rack should have arrived. I was attempting to Christmas shop and now have a number of cancelled items and at least one that hasnt been delivered, 10 days after the order date. Now leaving to visit relatives without many of the gifts we intended to leave there. If its not going to be shipped in a timely manner thats fine, just please dont say it is. If you dont value those shopping your online clearance section which I was, realize those same customers likely shop your stores as well. I tried the Lynnwood Rack this month and it was disappointing. Oh yes, I tried the clearance section again and at the end of the day after work. Employees seemed more interested in closing than helping. The clearance racks didnt used to be completely disheveled and disorganized. Im hoping it improves. The online tracking software needs to improve as well with the holiday season fast approaching. While many things have changed with the modern era, there are some things that shouldnt change, namely customer CARE.

Thieves. Will never order with them online agaIn.
Ordered a Robert Graham shirt online on a Saturday night. A few hours later, changed my mind and began trying to cancel the order. Emails, phone calls, etc. Was DENIED a cancellation due to a $#*!ty "2 hour policy". My order was not processed and no shipping label was created and the order had not been filled and/or shipped. I went back and forth with Saturday night and all day and night Sunday and into the morning on Monday. Regardless, Nordstrom Rack charged my card up front and refused to refund it. Got a message Monday that "good news!, my order had been shipped", but in reality when I checked the status, it simply said it was ready for UPS to pick up. So, still not fulfilled and shipped out, but still denied a cancellation and refund. Was told I had to wait until the item arrives and THEN if I was not satisfied, I could "return" it! Ridiculous. Already not satisfied and do not want the item, and now they are forcing me to wait 5 days to just go through the motions and headache of returning the item, which will then take another 10 days plus to be refunded finally. I will never order from them again!

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Nordstrom Rack Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Nordstrom Rack customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Where style meets savings. Shop online or in store for brands you love at up to 70% off. Return by mail or to Nordstrom Rack stores. Free shipping on all orders over $100.

Address: PO Box 21986, 98111-3986


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